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GGHA: 20 YEARS. 2005-2025. Launch of the spheral thinking and perpetual peace era. Congratulatory Message



Launch of the spheral thinking and perpetual peace era

Congratulatory Message.

February 15, 2025


In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1102



Dear GGHA peacemakers, our friends!


           Today marks 20 years since the GGHA opening! It was born with the goal of creating perpetual peace from the Divine harmony of His eternal spheres, permeating the planet, society and man.

         This goal is expressed in the "GGHA Hymn", created at its dawn by our wonderful poet Nina Yudina:

The Global Harmony Association,

As a bee’s beehive that honey gathers,

Connects virtually all

People of the solar planet.

Harmony nectar is in everyone,

Who is o­nly born or has lived long,

And to understand to us is very important,

In harmony God created the World!

Etc.: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=436


         GGHA is happy to congratulate itself, all its more than 600 members from more than 50 countries and all peacemaking friends o­n the 20th anniversary of our glorious and unique International peace organization in our century history. Our unprecedented, common integrative contribution to the humanity perpetual peace culture (HPPC) is briefly presented o­n the banner above and o­n the cover of our 20 years crowning fruit - "Peace Science Primer" (PSP): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251.

         It marks a historical milestone of the humanity conscious turn from the era of violence and wars in disciplinary, confrontational thinking to the era of perpetual peace, provided by spheral, holistic and harmonious, "substantially new" according to Einstein, thinking. This turn is happening at the sunset of the West suicidal-genocidal nuclear civilization o­nly in 89 seconds away from its inevitable collapse, according to the conclusion of American nuclear scientists: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924.

         Many thanks to everyone for the PSP unanimous, unquestioning approval as our intellectual crown, in whose eternal diamonds the work of each of us for 20 intense years is compressed. Special thanks to Slavica Pejovic for her brilliant verse (Ibid.).

         A moment of memory and sorrow for our great veteran peacemakers, with whom we started the GGHA, but who have passed away, whose names are preserved o­n the website and in the Pantheon of GGHA peacemakers: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513.


GGHA veterans


         Exclusive gratitude, congratulations and best wishes for health and love to the GGHA living veterans:

Rudolf Siebert, professor of philosophy from the USA, anti-fascist, Wehrmacht soldier (1943-45), who became a peacemaker, created the American "House of Peace" in 1965, born in 1928: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51

Noam Chomsky, professor linguist from the USA, born in 1927: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=637

Mairead Corrigan, Nobel Peace Laureate: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Noor Larik, professor of statistics from Pakistan, born in 1943: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=722

Svetlana Vetrova, famous musician, who has been a part of the spheral Peace Science in Russia since 1977, from the student club "Demiurge": https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=21

Takis Ioannidis, famous historian from Greece: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138

Ashok Chakravarthy, world-famous poet from India: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286

And many, many others.


Gandhian Perpetual Peace Science of GGHA in its spheral thinking


         The traditional, disciplinary-fragmentary, and therefore confrontational thinking (CT), which arose about three thousand years ago, ensuring the humanity powerful sectoral progress has shown in the era of globalization a complete impotence to solve its holistic, planetary problems, which it creates as “side problems”, not being able to comprehend them, and even more so to solve them adequately and harmoniously. CT, providing sectoral progress and comfort in parts, creates disharmony and a threat of suicidal genocide of humanity in the West nuclear civilization, which it opened since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocide in August 1945. Trump understood the CT danger in the "Mutually Assured Destruction" of the West nuclear civilization 30 years ago in an interview with Playboy magazine. The "ancestral curse" of the CT impotence before the whole was noticed long ago, almost immediately after its birth and brilliantly expressed by the Indian parable of the blind men around the elephant, as in the picture.


         Today, in the "blind" CT there are about 75 thousand (!!) sectoral, torn blind disciplines, providing progressive comfort in details with their achievements, simultaneously creating planetary problems of ecology, global peace, social production, health, demography, education, etc., which it is not o­nly unable to solve, but also to adequately understand in the absence of holistic, spheral thinking and its language.

         But in it, over thousands of years, intuitive knowledge-insights of the whole and many partial, sectoral cognitive truths have been found and accumulated. The spheral thinking, realized in the GGHA in its core of spheral categories of the spheral language, defines itself as a separator, classifier and holistic integrator of PARTIAL TRUTHS of CT.

These two levels of scientific thinking are EQUALLY NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT for a holistic true knowledge of the entire planetary reality in the harmony of all its physical, organic and social SPHERES o­n Earth. This conclusion has been proven by us in 11 books and thousands of articles over 20 years, published o­n our website, the crystallization of which will be presented in our PSP o­n 50-60 pages in March of this year.

         The famous American philosopher Glenn Martin noted this GGHA Copernican discovery back in 2012 after the publication of our "The ABC of Harmony", as its coauthor. He wrote " The ABC of Harmony [its Peace Science, Spheronics is] Our New Planetary Paradigm. The fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness emerging from the most advanced thinking of the 20th century" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489).


Trump - Putin.

Geopolitical launch of the perpetual peace era


         The last century knew two great, historical truces for several decades: Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin in 1945 following the results of WWII, Kennedy and Khrushchev in October 1962 following the Cuban Missile Crisis, which prevented the "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) of the West nuclear civilization. Now the USA and Russia world leaders are preparing a new historical truce, the success of which is not to be doubted. Because both leaders are determined to firmly end the Ukrainian conflict and establish a "long-term, durable peace", which in Kant's classification is not peace, but o­nly a temporary truce, no matter how long it is, since the arms race remains in it as a preparation for a new war.

           However, given the clear understanding of the nuclear civilization MAD inevitability by both leaders, their commitment to the "Revolution of Common Sense" in o­ne form or another, Putin in the form of revolutionary multipolarity, and o­n the other, the perpetual peace science birth, the creation of its fundamental paradigmatic core deployed in our PSP, there is reason to believe that the "Ukrainian truce" will develop into the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine". (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219). It, in turn, will become an example for the "Perpetual Peace of Israel and Palestine" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1081) and further along the chain of all armed conflicts over the next decade. The movement towards Perpetual peace will be ensured by the fundamental institutions of his era, first of all by the "Departments of [Perpetual] peace" proclaimed in America by B. Rush 230 years ago. Also as well as by independent scientific "Academies of Perpetual Peace" similar to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, created by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 and providing China with world leadership for 40 years (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1193).

          Of course, this is o­nly a predictive hypothesis, which, however, is well substantiated by both reality and fundamental spheral science. The CT is powerless against such hypotheses, because it is simply impossible in it due to the lack of adequate and planetary spheral thinking and language. All such tectonic shifts of social reality, fundamental spheral science and world geopolitics create the prerequisites and tangible hopes for humanity's exit from the temporary era of wars and violence, ending in the West sad nuclear, suicidal-genocidal civilization into a permanent era, for the entire future, of Perpetual peace from the harmony of spheres and spherons.

         In this context, the GGHA significance of 20 years of scientific and peaceful creativity, which we can o­nly be proud of, becomes clear.

         Happy the GGHA 20th anniversary to all members and friends!

On your behalf, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President,

Dr Leo Semashko


Saint Petersburg,





Dear Leo and peacemakers,

         Twenty years life for our organization, with actions, books and projects for peace, harmony, anti-nuclear, justice, social progress, countries unarmed etc. Who may set any objection o­n all above?

         I would like to say a great THANKS to Leo, whose dreams were supported by all of us. We are human beings. We make mistakes. But we also can make great actions for humanity. History will judge all of us.

         GGHA proved o­nce more that if we work as a team for the global progress peace and harmony, we can make miracles. Human values and virtues are our assistance to take correct decisions. I thank all of you who stayed with us twenty years now.

         With respect and love to ALL

Panagiotis -Takis D. Ioannides

Co-founder, Vice president of GGHA




Дорогие друзья, миротворцы!

         Рада присоединиться к поздравлению с 20-й годовщиной ГГСГ. Особая благодарность основателю и продолжателю фундаментально инновационного миротворчества неутомимому и посвященного в него Льву Семашко.

         Благодаря его титаническому труду существует и продолжает работать такая организация как ГГСГ, продвигая неимоверно трудный, беспрецедентный замысел создать первую в мире науку вечного мира Канта, Ганди, Эйнштейна и других гениев.

Хочу выразить огромную благодарность всем за вашу поддержку, за ваше активное участие в борьбе за всё доброе и светлое, за жизнь в мире без войн и страданий.

        Уверена, что стойкая миротворческая позиция поможет нам сохранить мир, уберечь от ядерного уничтожения все человечество в новой эре сферного мышления и вечного мира, которую мы имеем смелость и "нахальство" открыть и продвигать против милитаристского течения.

С миром, любовью и благодарностью,

Вера Попович




Dear Leo and all peace friends

         Congratulations to you all -

Especially Leo and his family - o­n

GGHA-20 and launch of the science of

Perpetual Peace Era.


Mairead Corrigan Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate





Dear Leo:

         At the occasion of the GGHA 20 year’s anniversary, I would like to thank you for your great leadership toward perpetual peace, even beyond the particular peace in the Ukraine and in Gaza.

         I am very grateful for our first meeting in St. Petersburg, when our friendship and cooperation started in 2006. It was providential!

          I hope very much, that your trust and hope in the Putin - Trump geopolitical launch of the perpetual peace, guided by the GGHA, will be richly rewarded in the historical reality.

         Nowhere is the theodicy problem so hard to resolve and the establishment of peace so difficult as in the historical sphere.

I admire your hope and your trust, and I am grateful for them.

         I wish you much time for the further promotion of perpetual peace!

In Solidarity,

Your Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA,

Prof. Rudolf Siebert,




GGHA-20 and the “Perpetual Peace Primer


Dear Mairead, Rudolf, Takis and all GGHA friends,

         Thank you very much for your veteran, warm and inspiring congratulations o­n the anniversary of our GGHA, which are published o­n its page here (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251) and above.

         A scientific understanding of Kant's perpetual peace, which was impossible for more than two centuries after his death in disciplinary, fragmentary and confrontational thinking, became possible o­nly in the spheral thinking that developed in GGHA with your responsible and persistent participation as dedicated and devoted peacemakers.

         Perpetual peace, which can be achieved ONLY BY UNDERSTANDING, o­nLY BY "SUBSTANTIALLY NEW THINKING", as Einstein emphasized 75 years ago, begins with this thinking, which launches its era mentally, scientifically. This is what we have done together with you, together with more than 600 coauthors of its spheral science in the GGHA over 20 years of difficult searches. In the practice of geopolitics, perpetual peace begins with the awareness of its inaccessibility in traditional, disciplinary thinking, with the intuition of another, spheral thinking, psychologically expressed in the understanding of the need for a "Revolution of Common Sense". Today, it is publicly demonstrated by the leaders of the USA and Russia, albeit each in his own, specific way. But this is their common mental platform, ensuring a peaceful result/success of their summit, which encourages all peacemakers but shocks all militarists and hawks in their death agony.

         The USA and Russia leaders in 2025 have risen in their vision and thinking to the highest cognitive level, as close as possible to spheral, holistic and planetary thinking in the harmony of the humanity spheres and spherons. This level is incomparably higher than the level of the leaders of these countries in 1945 and 1962, who remained at the level of disciplinary, confrontational thinking that ensured only a temporary and fragile truce, far from perpetual peace, from its truly humane standard. These truces broke instantly in the Cold War and the new nuclear arms race. Although these truces were historically great in their own way, they were insufficient for perpetual peace, as proven by the time of 80 years of nuclear civilization.

         This inadequacy is being overcome by the current leaders, albeit not instantly, albeit in small steps, the main thing is in the o­nly true direction towards perpetual peace, and not towards a suicidal-genocidal nuclear end as under Biden and other “democratic militarists-hawks” since 1945, since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocide. Thank God! The vector has changed! Not towards death, but towards preserving life! The need to change it was already realized by JFK: “Humanity must end war before war ends humanity.” The current leaders of Russia and USA clearly realize it and implement this absolute truth of human survival, albeit for now o­nly in the intuitive launch of perpetual peace era.

         Its scientific, fundamental understanding was launched by the volunteer international GGHA during 20 years of its peacemaking with the contribution crumbs to it by each of its coauthors, the spheral integration of which created our great fruit of the "Perpetual Peace Science" in a substantially new, spheral thinking. o­nly in it, integrating in spheral harmony the confrontational details of disciplinary ("blind in integrity") thinking, is the existential perpetual peace of Kant launched and realized for humanity.

         We, the GGHA members, as coauthors of this transdisciplinary, planetary science, have something to congratulate each other o­n.

         o­n this inspiring, jubilee note, we conclude our celebration and return to our duty, to the completion of our crowning "Peace Science Primer" (PSP) in the final version after 7 previous versions of our different "Textbooks" over 20 years. We are engaged o­nly in it and nothing else until its publication at the March end. I have unsubscribed from all other sources.

         With peace and love,

Dr. Leo Semashko

Founder (2005) and GGHA Honorary President




Congratulations to our GGHA all dear peace advocates for excellent publication.

Dr. Noor Larik






Dear Leo and all:

         Sorry for this belated birthday greeting; I was away from Wi-Fi all day yesterday...


         Indeed, though maturing past adolescence, 20 is still a very young, in-development age. We wish all the best in continued growth and strength, as collectively and scientifically we work toward greater peace with justice for all.



Professor Matt Meyer


International Peace Research Association






Subject: A Surprise Gift for the 20th Anniversary –

The Gandhian Garden Concept becomes Global Reality

Dear Leo, Mairead, Rudolf, Takis, and all GGHA friends,

         Thank you very much for your inspiring words and the heartfelt reflection o­n GGHA’s 20th anniversary. Your message—celebrating two decades of dedicated peacemaking and the evolution of a transdisciplinary, spheral science that revives Kant’s vision of perpetual peace—truly moves and motivates me.

          In the spirit of renewal and our shared commitment to a peaceful future, I am delighted to present my surprise gift for this milestone: The Gandhian Garden Concept, which I have developed and initiated in Austria. Through our close collaboration with the Balkan Tribe and the profound insights of the Mycoverse Foundation, we have crafted a concept that lays a new democratic foundation for revitalizing villages and community life.

          Our approach melds the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi and Aristotle with the transformative power of the fungal kingdom. By creating autonomous “health gardens,” where edible and healing plants synergize with the regenerative force of fungal mycelium networks, we are establishing sustainable ecosystems—a living expression of what you define asspheral thinking.” These gardens stand for autonomy, ecological resilience, and the rebirth of a democratic, community-oriented way of life.

         I will share this integrated concept's message with the world in an upcoming Balkan podcast series. I am convinced that our collective journey—committed to science, culture, and peace—will significantly contribute to transforming our society.

I am deeply grateful for our many years of fruitful collaboration and look forward with great anticipation to the next steps we will take together.The Gandhian Talisman guides me in thinking about the weakest first, and whatever grows can o­nly grow from healthy soil within self-sufficient communities.

         I am currently unable to attend our excellent discussion, but I try to keep up with the reading so I can at least communicate at historical and strategic high points as our 20-yearsGandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) surely is.

         With warmest regards and in deep solidarity,

Dr. Lucas Pawlik,





Dear Lucas,

         A huge thank you for your brilliant, spheral project of a harmonious "Gandhian garden", which you have been talking about in GGHA for about 10 years, but o­nly now have you sent its brilliant concept. We congratulate you and are happy with your unique, spheral gift for the GGHA 20th jubilee, your unique congratulations for which are published o­n its page. You can't think of a better, practical gift!

         I was also happy to publish it o­n your personal page along with your 10 other contributions to the Gandhian spheral "Peace Science": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887. Of course, your project will be published in our “Peace Science Primer” (PSP) in the Appendices, along with other pioneering projects and spheral sprouts: my student club “Demiurge”, 1975-1980 (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305) and my political faction of “Spheral Democracy” in the first, democratic parliament of the St. Petersburg city, 1990-1993 (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305).

           Our work with PSP is immediately revived in an intensive manner after our two-week preparation-pause for the GGHA 20th anniversary but already at a higher cognitive level, enriched by its achievements, responses and gifts, including your brilliant ecosystem project.

With peace and love,


16-02- 25



Дорогие коллеги, дорогой Лев Михайлович!

         Поздравляю ВАС с такой серьезной датой - двадцать лет ГГСГ! Сколько пройдено по этой необходимой и трудной дороге разъяснения, осознания, аргументации, поиска путей решения любых человеческих конфликтов между народами! МИРА и ГАРМОНИИ всем землянам!

         Жизни Букварю Гармонии! Желаю доброго здоровья Льву Михайловичу, чьей жизненной энергией питается, горит огонек ГГСГ, без его каждодневного, кропотливого научного труда, все бы давно погасло.

         Надеюсь, что общими усилиями огонек разгорится в пламя, которое будет греть все будущие просветленные поколения людей!

         С глубоким уважением ко всем, кто не жалеет своих сил для МИРА и ГАРМОНИИ!

Светлана Ветрова,

Композитор и бард,





Dear Leo and all Peacemakers!

           Grand congratulations to you all, especially Leo and his supporting officials, o­n the esteemed 20th anniversary of GGHA.
I wish you all the best in GGHA`s endeavors.

Solidarity, thanks, and regards,

Bishnu Pathak






ГГСГ-20 и интеллектуальный «Царь Сферон»


Дорогой мой земляк и верный друг Лева!

         Сердечно поздравляю тебя с 20-летием со дня рождения уникального явления мировой общественно - политической жизни -Гандианского Глобального Союза Гармонии!

         Ты - выдающийся гражданин России, яркий по своим достоинствам человек общемировой высоконравственной культуры, породил ГГСГ, напитал его интеллектуальной и духовной Православной силой, энергией для движения в будущее, объединил вокруг себя интереснейших и талантливых соратников и продолжаешь с высоким авторитетом возглавлять это благороднейшеемиротворческое движение!

         Спасибо тебе огромное за твои усилия ради сохранения Жизни на Земле!

В День рождения ГГСГ шлю тебе, вышедшее из моего сердца поздравление:


...Чтоб умом понять планету,

Был у Рима Цицерон!..

У России с целью этой

Есть Семашко - Царь Сферон!..


Обнимаю, дружески,

Вячеслав Брагин, историк,



Дорогой друг Слава!

         Мы очень тронуты твоим исключительным поздравлением с нашим 20-летним юбилеем, которое мы были счастливы опубликовать на странице этого юбилея здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1102 и на твоей персональной странице сайта ГГСГ здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939.

         Ты – выдающийся Православный историк нашего времени, имеющий за плечами десятки трудов, посвященных гибели и возрождению Православных церквей в России, гениально уловил Православный духовный источник миротворчества ГГСГ, о котором так блестяще писали все великие русские мыслители-патриоты, особенно Федор Достоевский в речи, посвященной А.С. Пушкину: «Удел России – всемирное братское стремление примирить все народы в великой общей гармонии по Христову Евангельскому закону новым словомhttps://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=934.
         Новое слово всемирного братства творит ГГСГ 20 лет своей Гандианской «Наукой Вечного Мира», искореняющей конфронтацию, войну и обеспечивающей мир всем народам в великой, СФЕРНОЙ, константной гармонии по Христову Евангельскому закону жизни людей в любви. В нашем новом, научном слове на службе этого закона любви есть и твой значительный, Православный, истинно миротворческий вклад, за который мы очень благодарны тебе.

         Храни тебя Господь!

С миром и любовью,




Dear Leo and peacemakers,

         It a responsibility to share with you, GGHA MEMBERS for its 20th anniversary, that appeal to UNIVERSAL PEACE I’d written o­n 15th February for sharing with humanity.

         In French, translation in English by Gabrielle CIRCLE OF AMBASSADORS OF PEACE.


         The situation in my country leads to a civil war, a revolution like the horrible 1789 with terror.

Best regards

         Théa Marie Robert, FRANCE
















GGHA. Peace Science Primer (PSP)

Paragraph-1: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228

Paragraph-2: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236

Paragraph-3: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1241

Paragraph-4: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1242









Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Rudolf Siebert, Noam Chomsky,
Matt Meyer, Lukas Pawlik, Takis Ioannides, Svetlana Vetrova,
Vera Popovich,
Ivan Ivanov, Olga Kashina, Asha Mukherjee,
Chaitanya Dave, Bishnu Pathak




Perpetual Peace Knowledge Map (PPKM)



(By degree of immanent need/necessity in PPS to survive:

Russia, USA, Europe, China, India, etc.)

New York



To the Peoples Great Victory over genocidal European
Nazism 80th anniversary o­n

May 9, 2025

to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR
peoples, who sacrificed more than

27 million lives

to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the  
sake humanity's perpetual peace



On the Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) website:






Anniversary, February 15, 2025

More than 700 coauthors of which from more than 50 countries with
the participation of five Nobel Peace Laureates and the President of India
Abdul Kalam
during this time created the core of Planetary, Gandhian Perpetual
Peace Science
as the system-spheral, "substantially new manner of thinking ...
for the survival of humanity
" (A. Einstein) in global peace without wars.

The GGHA is the volunteer “Spherons Global Peace Academy” (SGPA).

GGHA is the civil, spheral in structure, International

"Department of Peace" from B. Rush for the people peace diplomacy.


Over 20 years (2005-2025), GGHA has published 11 books, more than 100 peace
projects and messages, more than 1,500 articles and opened more than 500 personal
pages of coauthors, which are available o­n its website:
https://peacefromharmony.org. During this time, its visitor statistics
recorded more than 21 million visits, from 2 to 14 thousand daily.




to the blessed memory of our great friend

Johan Galtung (1930-2024)

whose outstanding pioneering "peace research" since 1959
created fertile ground for the GGHA Perpetual Peace
, to which he was the coauthor since 2014
with significant contribution.



J. Galtung's pages o­n the GGHA website:




and others.



Our PPS Strategy is like Martin Luther King, Jr.
and John Kennedy:

"Shift the arms race into a peace race" in order "to put

an end to war before war puts an end humanity."

          To ensure the survival of humanity and stop the destruction of our world by violence, we must reject and eliminate militarism, racism, Zionism, Nazism, terrorism, genocide and war.

          We can o­nly do this with the Peace Science, which gives us a common, planetary vision and overcomes confrontation. With it, we find the most humane way of life for people, the spirit of love, truth and harmony in accordance with God in every human heart.

         In the end, we can say simply: our PS launches an innovative “peace race” with safe and peaceful AI. Similar technological peace race "puts an end to war before war puts an end to humanity." This is how we see the logical connection of our PS with the immortal peacemaking ideas of MLK and JFK.


Mairead Corrigan Maguire

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 1976,

Peace People” Community Cofounder

Northern Ireland


GGHA website:



Mairead’s website:




PSP cover.

Discussion and approval before February 8 inclusive


Dear coauthors,

In ten days, o­n February 15, we will celebrate the GGHA significant date – 20 years. We have many unique peacemaking achievements behind us, the main o­ne being the creation of the unprecedented “Gandhian Perpetual Peace Science” (GPPS) core, or the Peace Science (PS) for short. We are currently completing its Primer (PSP) of approximately 50 pages, which we plan to publish in March in different countries.

For the GGHA anniversary, we would like to present the PSP cover in two main versions: for the Russian and Western audiences. I have prepared the Russian version cover draft in two languages ​​for your discussion in three days, up to and including February 8.

We are well aware that in conditions of extreme confrontation, the PSP covers design cannot be identical. Therefore, in our discussion, we must determine, which details of the PSP Russian edition cover are unacceptable for the Western edition and what we can replace them with. What are your suggestions o­n this matter?

The editors-in-chief of its Western publication in America and Europe have agreed to this. They will modify the unacceptable Russian details with acceptable Western analogues. Our coauthors from other countries, from India, Nepal and others, could do the same if they agreed to edit and publish our PSP for their countries. There can be no single template here in the conditions of confrontation.

I also draw your attention to the PSP title. Who will suggest a better o­ne? Our main task as its publishers is to find our PSP adequate versions publication with the most exciting title.

Naturally, all the income from its publication remains at your complete disposal, but permission to publish it must be obtained from the GGHA leadership. Everything will depend o­n your initiative. Therefore, let us actively discuss this practical issue.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Дорогой Лева!

Восхищен твоими усилиям найти дорогу к миру и ко всеобщему спасению!


Вячеслав Брагин





Уважаемые миротворцы!

Самое главное, что нам сейчас надо, это терпение, понимание.

Самая главная задача-это жизнь в мире и гармонии.

Как изменится мир с приходом Д. Трампа покажет время.

Сейчас ещё очень рано судить о его делах.

Я очень хочу, чтобы наступил мир для всех!

Давайте нашими делами и мыслями приближать его наступление.

С уважением

Вера Попович





Respected Dr Leo,

It is highly appreciated this book will be very useful for public.


Dr Noor M Larik,






Dear Leo and all,

I'm pleased to report that Mairead and I have completed our short contribution, as suggested by Leo several days ago - at the beginning of this thread. Of course as always we welcome comments, and anyone can also write in the process that Leo outlined, for our harmonious internal dialogue.

Please feel free to publish our piece, which is attached.

With warm regards,






PSP Cover. Update


Dear coauthors,

Attached is a small update of the PSP cover, with corrections to grammar, text and inclusion of abbreviations as elements of the spheral thinking language that will be explained in paragraph-2. The meaning of the explanation is simple. Each way of thinking creates its own language over thousands of years. Spheral thinking, as an innovative o­ne, o­nly in which knowledge and understanding of the humanity perpetual peace is possible, does not yet have such a language, not counting several categories. Therefore, it is forced to use at its beginning abbreviations of the disciplinary language as tools of its categories. You may have noticed that such abbreviations have long been and often used in our works. There is nothing wrong with this, the disciplinary language has also long been using them for its own, fragmentary purposes.

The working version of the cover is published o­n the website here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251. It will be updated following your suggestions and comments again.

You could look at them to assess the general appearance of the PSP top cover and your recommendations. I will try to answer your requests, Matt and Lucas today or tomorrow.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Обложка понравилась в интересном и необычном, символичном синтезе великих мыслителей и политиков прошлого и настоящего.

Она подвигает к размышлению их связей и отношений. Она предполагает движение миротворчества вперёд, основанного на опыте миротворцев как в прошлом, так и ныне действующих, от которых зависят новые шаги мира во всем мире.

А Наука Мира и ее ИИ будут самым эффективными инструментами фундаментальных успехов этого движению вперёд, к вечному миру и процветанию всех народов.

С уважением,

Вера Попович





The updated cover, graphic and text, looks fine to me.

There is just o­ne area where an edit for grammar and clarify is needed. The section currently reads:

DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory of the over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives for itto eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of the humanity perpetual peace.

Several areas of the above outlined below, should be removed entirely and o­ne small addition should be made:

DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory of the over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives for it to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of the humanity and perpetual peace.

Thus, finally, a better reading in English would be:

DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of humanity and perpetual peace.

That's it! Good job,





DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of humanity and perpetual peace.


DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of humanity perpetual peace.

Версия: … for the humanity perpetual peace sake – допустима?

На русском, обновление мое итоговое:

ПОСВЯЩАЕТСЯ 80-й годовщине Великой Победы Народов над геноцидным Европейским нацизмом 9 мая 2025 г., решающий вклад в которую внесли народы СССР, пожертвовавшие более 27 миллионов жизней, чтобы искоренить нацизм и все войны ради вечного мира человечества.





Dear Matt,

Thank you so much for your brilliant editing, which is fully accepted and incorporated into the final text.

With peace and love,





Dear Brother Matt,

Again, many thanks for your brilliant editing. But this morning, with a fresh mind, there was o­ne small edit to the first passage. Its last few words were reworded as follows: '...for the humanity perpetual peace sake." It is bridging the gap between humanity and perpetual peace, which are inseparable. Do you agree with this edit and its grammar?

Attached is the final version with it and a few new terms, especially the important "Gandhian...Peace Science." Do you agree?

I am translating your and Mairead's wonderful article into Russian and will publish it o­n our website as our PSP appendix along with other articles devoted to geopolitics and Trump's "Revolution of common sense". I will try to publish it today and inform our network. The final citation creates many problems for my publication, but I will try to overcome it.

Thank you both very much for your valuable article. Maybe later, I will respond to it.

With peace and love,





Dearest Leo and Mairead,

Thanks for all this. I'll respond quickly as this next day ahead and weekend is pretty busy. Our Māori sisters and brothers in Aotearoa (New Zealand) are having some unexpected stresses, and of course there is all the madness in Gaza, Congo, elsewhere.

I accept the politics of what you write here, and understand the desire to keep "humanity" and "perpetual peace" inseparable. It was the part of my original edit that I was most hesitant about. So I'm fine with keeping it as you now have it unless...

Technically another way of keeping that phrase with a little more "correct" English language grammar might be to write "humanity's perpetual peace." This reads a little better in English, but i don't want us to be chained to that linguistic phrasing. Please feel free to use it if you like, or keep it as you now have it. I'm fine with it either way.

Love and peace,






Greetings from Nepal!

The book cover is impressive, giving readers a clear idea of what to expect inside. Here are a few of my observations o­n this cover. I hope the composition of the contribution falls within the content of our book.

Religion is given priority o­n the book cover, but does the book's content speak accordingly? If so, it would be better if Hinduism, which has the third largest population in the world, could also be included o­n the cover. In today's world, the influence of India-born or -based academicians (mostly Hindu) is increasing worldwide. Even in prestigious institutions like Harvard University and NASA, Indian scholars have a strong presence. Although they live in western countries, they often align more with Eastern philosophy, which finds its roots in the Vedas. Western scholars have also acknowledged the principles of peace, justice, rule of law, good governance, and politico-economy found in the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit texts. The Vedas are considered the most comprehensive and oldest works in the world, serving as a key identifier of ancient and eastern philosophy. You may find more information at https://www.amazon.com/Arts-Eastern-Philosophy-Bishnu-Pathak/dp/1312674946. This is the 141st international publication of the first coauthor.

Leo has put a lot of effort into the book, and I thank you very much for that! Other coauthors were named in the respective order based o­n their influential performances in western countries. Although working from Nepal, it would be beneficial to also consider the evaluation done by academia.edu about 3 years ago (please see attachment).

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours in peace,

Bishnu Pathak



Dear Bishnu,

Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion to include Hinduism o­n our PSP cover as the third largest world religion. I fully share your argument, but if you had sent the statistics of the number of religions with the source for comparison, this fact would have o­nly strengthened it.

As for priority, it is given in our PSP not to religion, but to science, as its name indicates. But religion is the most ancient and has been the most influential structural element of the Humanity Perpetual Peace Culture (HPPC) for many millennia. Now priority in HPPC is shifting to science, due to the inability of religions to find a single, unifying principle HPPC, and science, innovative spheral science, is able to find it and offer it to all peoples and all religions.

The religious ecumenism can win o­nly o­n the basis of spheral Peace Science (PS) and in no other way. o­n the other hand, without the unanimous support of all world religions believers, the PS will also not be recognized. Therefore, our PSP main idea, in this key spiritual respect, is to justify the necessary union/cooperation of science and religion within the HPPC framework. It is necessary for each of them in the name of the interests of both their own development and, most importantly, for the sake of ensuring the humanity spiritual-scientific unity, in order to establish a common, unified and harmonious in diversity culture of perpetual peace and to eradicate confrontation as the original generating cause of violence and wars. Do you agree with this?

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko,




Dear Mairead and Matt,

Thank you very much for your work and support.

Our cover needs to be supplemented with the key importance page of our strategic goal, which Mairead brilliantly formulated in simple language about two months ago. I have slightly edited it, by 5%, and am sending it to you for your final editing, so that I can send our final cover editing to the other co-authors this evening.

One attachment is the draft of Mairead's page for editing. The other attachment is 5 pages of the cover as a whole. Of course, at the publishing house it will be transformed by professional publishers. But more o­n that later. Now we need to complete our, the author's vision of the cover in whole. I am very much looking forward to your editing this evening. If necessary, we can always come back to it.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Dear o­nes, Mairead and Leo-

My final review suggests that it looks "all very good" to me...with o­nly three tiny ideas/ questions for you both: o­n the title page, shouldn't Mairead Corrigan (as it now reads) be corrected to either read Mairead Maguire or Mairead Corrigan Maguire? What is your preference, dear Sister?


On the dedication page (and forgive me please for continuing to harp o­n this tiny phrase) - Wouldn't "for the sake of humanity's perpetual peace" be an improvement over "for the humanity's perpetual peace sake" (as it now reads)? If no objections, I'd swith to - for the sake of Humanity's Perpetual Peace


On Mairead's page: we haven't been giving people's titles (Dr., Rev., Prof.) which i think is just fine (and which i prefer!). But I think for something more formal like these front pages, we should add "Jr." after Martin Luther King's name. Everyone knows who we're talking about, but i think it reads better as "Martin Luther King, Jr."

That's it! These are, to be sure, very small non-crucial points. I think it all looks quite good!!






Thank you very much! I fully agree with your changes, which will be included in the final edit along with adding Hinduism to the cover as suggested by Bishnu.

What does Mairead think about this?






Dear Leo:

There is no text separate from the Video, which I can send to you. The video contains my spontaneous answers to questions concerning Trump and the whole present authoritarian movement in America and Europe.

I agree with the PSP cover.

I reported to you already in a previous letter, that my assistant from Trinidad was able to open it. I hope you received the letter! Very important!

In Solidarity, your Rudi from the House of Mir



Dear Rudi,

I remember that the text of each video can be generated automatically o­n the YouTube previous versions. Ask Bird to make such a text and send it to me.

Thank you very much for approving the PSP cover, the final version of which I will send today or tomorrow with important additions from our coauthors.

I am glad that you have an assistant who helps you open my attachments. This is a very simple operation that he could teach you. Please, ask him about it. OK?

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Dear Matt and all,

Many thanks your excellent comments, which have been included fully in the attachment to our final PSP cover. But, by decision of the Russian coauthors, a change has been made to its title by including o­ne new term defining the fundamental, “substantial”, according to Einstein, innovation of our PSP. Now the following title is proposed:

Perpetual Peace Science PPS)

Spheral Holistic Thinking (SHT)

Spheral AI (SAI)

The first update restores Kant's concept of “Perpetual Peace”, which is central to our Peace Science (PS) and its Primer (PSP).

The second update emphasizes the fundamental advantage of spheral thinking over traditional, disciplinary and fragmented thinking, which is incomprehensible to an uninitiated person without this term. Therefore, it will serve his interests.

Similarly, the third update. Everyone knows and has heard about AI. But no o­ne knows the fundamental advantage of our PSP AI. The concept of "Spheral AI", i.e. the holistic AI for Perpetual Peace, indicates its advantage and we must emphasize it in order to continue practical work with it AFTER our PSP publication.

Of course, we understand that additional terms complicate the PSP title; this is its disadvantage. But, o­n the other hand, by making it heavier, they emphasize the key advantages and fundamental innovations of our PS and its PSP. What should we sacrifice and what should we prefer in this mental collision? We preferred the second to the first. Do you agree with this?

This is not an easy choice for us and for you, but let us be bold and courageous in promoting our fundamental, most attractive innovations for peace in all world.

I am pleased to invite to our narrow, most interested, thinking and responsible the PSP coauthors the famous philosopher from Austria Lukas Pawlik, who proposed a brilliant idea: to include in our PSP appendices a live dialogue, similar to the dialogues of Plato, o­n 4-6 pages. This dialogue will touch upon our main internal problems, except for the Trump’s problem, to whom another appendix of articles by Mairead and Matt about him (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1253) and my article with colleagues will be devoted, its final version will follow later.

Our dialogue for four, a tetradialogue will touch upon, the fundamental advantages and problems of our PSP: the West/NATO nuclear civilization, relationship between perpetual peace and truces in it, science and religion in it, West/NATO and Russia clash, the conflict between Palestine and Israel, culture of war and peace, spheral and disciplinary thinking, mentality crisis, ecological dilemma, etc. No o­ne except Lukas will embody our tetradialogue in a text o­n 3-6 pages in our PSP better. Do you agree to participate in it and send him your most characteristic articles so that he could take into account their key ideas to his dialogue text? Our tetradialogue would reveal to the reader the complex of contradictions and antinomies in which our PS and our PSP were born during 20 years. Allow us to be sincere, democratic and open in our contradictions and doubts.

I am very concerned about the silence of Mairead, who is obviously also immersed in her own, implicit contradictions regarding our PSP. It will ultimately be published in your countries in the version that the editor-in-chief decides to publish in them. Therefore, let us not be afraid of possible mistakes (all people make mistakes in something, we are no exception), but let us not kill our unique peacemaking discoveries and tools with our fears. The main thing is to work for world peace, to serve it, even if not with 100% truth today, which no o­ne knows, which will be revealed in 5-10-100 years. Do you agree with this?

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




PSP final cover

Dear coauthors,

After long discussions and approvals of numerous amendments to our PSP top cover in 5 pages in the attachment, we offer it to you for final approval by your YES or NO within o­ne day, February 11. After that, I must send it o­n February 12 for discussion and approval by the GGHA members and friends within two days, so that o­n February 15, the day of its 20th anniversary, it will be approved by them and ready for our PSP announcement to publishers.

Silence will be a sign of your consent. Its publication:


Along with this, I invite coauthors to send me two final documents by February 20, who wants to keep your name among the PSP coauthors:

1. Two pages of your personal article in the PSP appendix with your most significant peacemaking ideas and works, somehow or other connected with the Gandhian Peace Science. Since the PSP length is now planned at 50-60 pages no more, then the possibility of such author's publications in it opens up.

2. Personal biographical note up to 10 lines with your photo, which you wanted to present to the world. If you do not want this, you can limit yourself to o­nly a brief note.

Do not be confused by our long delays associated with Trump and the GGHA very laborious anniversary. We will make up for our delays after it.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




GGHA 20 years and its Peace Primer


Dear GGHA peacemakers and our friends,

         We, 14 "Peace Science Primer" (PSP) coauthors from 7 countries are happy to present for your discussion and approval with your YES or NO during two days, February 13 and 14, our attached PSP cover in 5-pages. It was unanimously supported by us and published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251, together all responses.

         It was prepared for the 20th anniversary of our GGHA international peacemaking organization, which we celebrate o­n February 15.

         Our peacemaking and scientific work over 20 years result is PSP. We have been trying for many years to implement the universal peace Primer difficult idea, which will put an end to the mental confrontation of fragmented common sense and will be available to all citizens, including world leaders. We have realized its priority, objective extreme necessity in 89 seconds from the suicidal "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) of the nuclear civilization, starting since its birth 80 years ago in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki 1945 genocide. o­nly the «Revolution of Common Sense» (RCS) can overcome the MAD inevitability in it, by changing its confrontational disciplinary nature to a common and unifying integration of spheral thinking, which has been smoldering for millennia in the humanity world culture.

         We embody it in our primer of "Perpetual Peace Science", the core of which we have formed in the GGHA over 20 years by hundreds of coauthors from more than 50 countries. o­nly now its scientific integration and spiritual crystallization have acquired for us tangible textual outlines in the PSP first four paragraphs, published in draft here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1098. We plan to complete and publish its other 10-12 paragraphs, with a total length of up to 50-60 pages, in March of this year in order to present it for discussion by all antagonists as a mental platform for their perpetual peace, ensuring the humanity survival in the face of the inevitable MAD.

         Its first swallow: “Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine” is presented by us here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 for the USA and Russia summit. This is the first swallow of the “Spheral Revolution of Common Sense”, the need for which is intuitively recognized by the America new leaders o­n the path of their numerous mistakes, both past and present. It also intuitively and palliatively is recognized in the UN multilateralism. These are the "birth pangs" of the modern fundamental cognitive revolution from the last two centuries, starting since Kant's idea of ​​"perpetual peace" in 1795. A holistic, world-historical map of the change in human thinking is presented in our model of their evolution:

         More details are in our PSP paragraph 2: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236

         Your YES or NO will mean support or denial of the "Perpetual Peace Science" as a "Spheral Revolution of Common Sense" o­n the threshold of the MAD inevitable nuclear suicide, to which, with traditional, disciplinary common sense, there are o­nly 89 seconds left, according to the conclusion of nuclear scientists: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924:

         They claim: "every second of delay in reversing course increases the probability of global disaster”, i.e. the MAD in nuclear suicide. This is the key reason for the Primer extreme need with its new, holistic thinking to replace the disciplinary, suicidal in a whole thinking of traditional common sense (TCS), which created the MAD, but is powerless to overcome its own suicide during 80 years.

         No matter how “crazy” this Primer idea for TCS is, it remains the o­nly reasonable alternative to its MAD, which has been absent in TCS during 80 years. This is a fact of history, no matter how sad it may be.

         With peace and love,

On behalf of the GGHA coauthors

Dr. Leo Semashko




         Дорогие мои друзья... Я полностью разделяю ориентацию на мир и согласие людей и в то же время... на спасение всех народов, любовь и сотрудничество всех народов мира. Мою решимость, чтобы миром правили любовь и мир, чтобы войны в мире прекратились как можно скорее, а война между Украиной и моей любимой Россией разрешилась мирным путем, я подтверждаю поэзией.

         Каждое мое слово - слово поэта — это слезы Бога и наши по каждому погибшему. Я выступаю за содержательный диалог между великими державами с достоинством российского народа. Я посылаю стихотворение твоей работе на горе,.. мои силы невелики, но слова любви ясны и сильны, матушка Россия, у которой душа широка как море...мы должны быть храбрым народом и защитником от зла, которое опустошает, и от войн, которые убивают людей.

Славица Пейович

Slavica Pejovic





Slavica Pejović


Vreme stiglo je zlo

Vidi se sve

I maske su skinute

Samo zatvorene tužne oč̣i

po obrazima suze.


Svodovi ledeni, vatra ne ẓ̌ari

Neupaljena luč̣ svetilo nije

Čuješ neutišanu grmljavinu

A groma nigde

Samo munjastreljavatrena

Jastrebovi semenje korova seju.


A o­na

Duša slovenskoj, topla

Široka kao nebo

Duboka kao more

Sa vetrom peva I gromi

Ljubavlju optočena a prokleta

za na vek s trnovim vencem

Na putu prave I istine Boga


Svoje, Majčica ne da

I život kadhoće da gasnu

I miru mir ne daju

Sebe o­na daruje

Prokletstvom joj datim


U veku sudjenom

Ljubav, istina

I o­nA



Evo prevoda pesme **"Duše tople i proklete slovenske"** autorke **Slavice Pejović** na ruski i engleski jezik:




### **Na engleskom:**

**Souls Warm and Cursed of the Slavs**

The time of evil has come

Everything is visible

And the masks are removed

Only closed, sorrowful eyes

Tears streaming down cheeks.


Frozen vaults, the fire does not burn

The unlit lamp is no light

You hear the unceasing thunder

But there is no thunder

Only lightning shoots fiery

Hawks sow the seeds of weeds.



The Slavic soul, warm

Wide as the sky

Deep as the sea

Sings with the wind and thunder

Bathed in love but cursed

Forever with a crown of thorns

On the path of truth and God's righteousness.


She does not give up her own, Mother

Even when life wants to fade

And peace is denied to the world

She gives herself

With the curse bestowed upon her.


In the destined age

Love, truth









My dear Slavica, congratulations. Great poem!!! Thank you for sending it to me.
A poetic word can be as deadly as a sword. I greet you very much.

Yours Tanja





Да. Обложку БНМ поддерживаю,

полностью согласна с предложенным вариантом.

Вера Попович




Dear Respected Members of the GGHA

         I am a member of the GGHA, and Hon. Pres. of the Earth-Loving Friendly Organization (ELFO). Recently we sent our 2nd PROPOSAL to the 4 VIPs concerning Russo-Ukrainian War.
(As for text see http://www.mopw.org/r.%20364-proposal%20n2-.250120.pdf

         o­ne of the important points is proposal of Permanent Neutralization of Ukraine. (http://www.mopw.org/gapnu%20240824.pdf

We will be very pleased if you can support us and join us. ELFO website is http://mopw.org.

Have a nice day,

Rikio Kaneko







Оноприенко Владимир Иванович






© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005