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Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen. Philosophical poetry of spirit, harmony and children
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen Bio I live in the copper rich southeastern mountains of Arizona, USA, at Northern America’s largest open-pit copper mine, where my husband works as a Hydraulic Specialist. We have two daughters being educated at the townsite’s schools. I enjoy gardening, reading, observation and creation of imagination. I have had several pieces of poetry published on web sites, I am featured at William DeVault’s City of Legends and am affiliated with IFLAC, www.iflac.com, Bilingual MCA, Bilingual MCA poets&writers for peace and BeWrite, www.bewrite.net. I also have a website at Authorsden, http://www.authorsden.com/erinemoen, which holds all of my poetry. Poets As Swords Come, my fine poets, follow me, the sea Is rough, its temper, mean. We must, we must Commit to be crux -- of our history, Authors of the freed! Come, come, shake off that dust!
Some fine-feathered poets rant their chagrin, Blame it on gods, bastard luck or on creeds; Comment!—Shout loud!—then, we’ll reel them all in, Recycle their skins, and flotsam debris.
Come, oh, come, my passionate fellows! We must, we must -- learn our lessons; we poets Can fight, we’ll fight like hell! Our words, the key, In stark silhouette. With words we’ll upset
The ignorance of hate -- it’s not too late! Become a sword; pirates deserve their fate.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 5/3/04--------------------------------- Bleeders and Levers I don’t understand how the mouths of Man Bestow and bestrew the pearls of our words In manners repressive. I understand The need to command, to become the herd
Leader, but… Bleeders and levers, anxious And fractious, cannot compare another’s Mind to their own. I don’t understand dross, And loss of delight in the words of brothers,
When another’s tongue, bedeviled and stung, Realizes, lashing with poison gases Of inner breath’s need to blurt, “I am smug.” I don’t understand Men with mouths that shout
About superior reasons of self. I don’t understand -- myself. I need help…
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 4/29/05---------------------------------------- Crow Nightmare Coming around the path, The large aviary cage loomed. As ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’ and “where is it?” rang out, She noticed the crow. In the Bald Eagle exhibit. Suddenly, the eagle launched itself. The crow fled. Straight towards the group. It slammed into the heavy wire, And, thrust its head through the mesh. Its sun-glossed eye Transfixed her with its desperation, Pierced her soul with its futility.
Our world Is a cage In a zoo.
She dreamed She was that crow Last night.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 3/20/04------------------------------------------- Speaking In Tongues Does Muhammad speak in tongues, Does Christendom become specious clarity of nothing?
Do genes protect one sex, do wardens scribe to hex atrocities unfounded?
Does Allah kiss off me, Will Jesus set me free in heavens said to come?
Don’t acts of kindness show what we all feel and know as reality’s advancement?
Can’t individuals reap the company they keep instead of mass intolerance?
Don’t gods bespeak themselves, setting up Man’s leveled shelves for replacement of true wisdom?
Does equality not give us all the right to live without fear of retribution?
Do you think that you can change? Do you know your mind can range without the tongues of gods?
Does the scent of freedom's spring just beyond your golden ring Sing -- stop, and listen to your soul.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 4/8/05-------------------------------------------------- UnFocus: Or, Christ In A Handbag! “Focus,” they say, “keep your eye on the prize, blinkered to what’s happening to the world outside.”
And, we do, tighten our screws of servility to lifelovehateselfrepel allelse, and, we heave tiredly, ‘why not?’ ‘It’s the tech age, life only gets better without the responsibility of making decisions'. Program me in. Yeah, program me into ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I am lust without sight, nothing but emotional mutations, incorporated into a frightful disharmony of devotions…’ So ends Humanity’s search for its core of being alive…
Until, a flare burns bright, psyched, a mind composes Time into Motion. Without the commotion and clutter of original soul-hard skin flawed by sins of ignorance, of innocence, and precious young growth, of formation.
But, Christ in a handbag! This is not working! Guilt and subjugation denigrate the Eve of Adam, the Light of Free Thinking, of feeling the rightness of harmony, of love and respect and appreciation. Where did that stuff go? You know? It's perverted. Why is peace so elusive, and War is so prevalent? Indoctrination? You think? Men, Man, Human, Woman, Humanity, so what? Big cosmic whoop...
On the scale of enormity of limitless space, consisting of utter emptiness of true measure, it becomes infinity. And, Time is its child, forever suckling at hollow apron strings of nebulae expanding beyond Time’s own time, creating folds and ripples and warps of colossal quantums, which, in their quirky love of chaos, extinguish all light, accidentally, and, repenting with mind because sight was blind, promise creation’s conception would combine opposites to ignite godhead’s ultimate precursor to cosmic weight, responsibility.
Because, we have to advance, past the debauchery of Olympic wiles, and trials of subcontent and subcontinental contraptions of illusional delusionment, have to evolve a spaciousgracious terminal world into a frankfulthankful genesis of worthwhile possibilities and hope.
Then, Freedom will reappear.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 4/11/05---------------------------------------------- Humanity Can’t Hear Humanity’s fears are my hot, salty tears, Emotions' arrears of long bitter years, Complying like sheep as we desperately weep, Emptying our minds to our more vicious kind.
Humanity’s peers are my salty, hot tears, Mistakes left behind continue to bind, Absolving with shrugs and false-hearted hugs, Forgetting our search for feelings of worth.
Humanity’s jeers are my hot, salty tears, Emotions compress, reality seems less, Attaining hell’s depths and heaven’s fake width, Delivering slain souls to a bottomless hole.
Humanity fears our salty, hot tears, Mirrors abhorred can’t show we once soared, Rejecting respect we compound our debt, Compilings disappear, for Humanity can’t hear.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 1/23/05------------------------------------------------------ Forgive Me… Forgive me, Creator, For I am sin. I can’t find my way out Of the hell my mind’s in. I understand With imperfect grace, Love rules all, That Love is Your Face.
Forgive me, my Painter, For I have sinned. I’ve changed the palette You colored me with, I understand, With imperfect grace, Hue guides all, That Hue is Your face.
Forgive me, my Mother, For all my sins. My growth was slowed By inner war’s din. I understand, With imperfect grace, Existence is in The Light of your Face.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 11/15/05------------------------------------------ Knock, Knock; You're Dead Knock a moth off a door, it falls, and hides in a precarious position in the bright deep night, because of your action. A foraging scorpion chances upon the mite, and eats it. Did you cause the death of the insect? Or were you a victim of the moth’s fate? Does the act stain your soul? Will you ever know?
Knock a child off a chair, he falls, and hides in a fetal position in the deep night bright, you’ve accomplished living murder. Ridiculed, muted, angry, conditions curry a serial killer. Did you cause the suffering of his victims? Or were you a destined provider of death? Does the thought torture your soul? Will you admit you know?
Knock a world out of square, it falls, and hides from its new position, in the night bright deep, intolerance massacres conscience. Obsessive hating contrives to consume morality. Did you cause the agony of millions? Or were you a doomed dupe of misfortune? Does the atrocity deaden your soul? Will you want to know?
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen© Copyright 9/11/03 -------------------------------------------------------- Where Art Thou? Oh, Father, where art thou? Your star seems dim since Man Has fallen from the womb of God, Who's fallen, from the grace of eternity.
Oh, Agony, shedding your tears Of arrears does not change fears…
Oh, Mother, where art thou? Your scars of saviourhood Have fallen on empty wombs of God, Have fallen, sterilized by eternity.
Oh, Misery, shedding your heart Can’t restart love that departs…
Oh, Brother, where art thou? Your acts of antipathy Have fallen and emptied the womb of God, Have fallen, and written eternity.
Oh, Torment, shedding your wails To derail others faith always fails…
Oh, Sister, where art thou? Your pacts with present needs Have fallen, empting wombs of God, Have fallen, and obliterated eternity.
Oh, Anguish, shedding sweet hope Cuts the rope of being able to cope…
Oh, Creator, where art thou? Your worth has been stained, Has fallen on the womb of Humanity, Who's fallen, out of heaven’s eternity.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 7/13/05---------------------------------------- Worded Man I don’t understand uncaring spleen, lowering heights, sheeted between the worlds of mind which worded Man, I think I see, with words we stood, picked up a pen, with answers sure, the words of mind which worlded man.
I must have missed how we began demeaning rights; self-blinding plan, the beasts of mind, which bested Man, I hate to think we thought we could pick up a club, so immature the bested mind beat down by beasts.
I hope to see awareness keen, furthering sights, helping to clean the width of time which widened Man, I think our hands, forgiving should pick up a life and help assure the widened mind stands width of time.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 12/17/03---------------------------------------------- As Everybody Dies I get so impatient When the world doesn’t go right, When responsibility isn’t taken For activities of spite,
When the world doesn’t go right, And life isn’t so bright. For activities of spite Murders souls’ height,
And life isn’t so bright. Human animals delight Murders souls’ height, Suppresses wills’ might.
Human animals delight Creates misery of lives, Suppresses wills’ might, And Mankind doesn’t thrive.
Creates misery of lives, Weeping fills the skies, And Mankind doesn’t thrive As everybody dies.
Weeping fills the skies, When responsibility isn’t taken As everybody dies… I get so impatient.
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 1/5/05--------------------------------------------- Shadowed by Feeling Shadows? Where are your feelings? Borrowed time breathes fast and bleeding, rescinding my mind; there is no healing…
Heavens? Where do you lead? Why can’t you heed me? Leave me earthbound, retreat from my mind, I think I’m blind…
Spirits? Where do you roam? Is there a home for blighted bones? Your whispers condone my loss of time, oh, sorrowed mind…
Havens? Where are your ceilings? Time harshly breathes, indifferently. Why can’t I see? Shadowed by feeling...
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen © Copyright 11/15/03 Dated 4/12/06 ----------------------------------------------------- Silence Free Dedicated to Dr. Leo Semashko and his International/MultilingualWebsite: A NEW CULTURE OF PEACEFROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN'S PRIORITY With respect, Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen Silence Free Silence bound in words of naught, feels of liesAnd twisted thoughts, worlds bound in silence wroughtTwist up thoughts; unheard words belieSize of hurt. Silence, wound in nothingness, fraught With echoes, circumvent herded-sight, endRepeat of silent sounds of failing! MakeA noise, circumspect, travel back to mendFurious deafened pretense. Silence fakes The womb of remaking, out of tune, withmutating words of ought… Round vowels,Freedom-given, hold the light, noun be driven,Speak the words, communicate avowal "Ofharmony"! Silence - flee! Bind not those Who compose peace – Humanity's repose!
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen© Copyright 3/4/06--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005