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Planet 3000: Mission, Content, History
2.MISSION Planet 3000 project, what is it? The mission of Planet 3000 project is to give birth to a new culture of united conscious humanity, able and willing to take responsibility for life and the planet thus creating a harmonious society of peace and happiness for all.To accomplish this aim, it is necessary to form a planetary community, able to act in unity in initiating a transition process to transform the vector of civilization’s development, from the trend of consuming nature to that of awakening every human being’s inner potential to create a new quality of life, from competition to cooperation, from conflicts to peace, from ignorance to conscious evolution. Tasks: ·Creating and putting into practice Education for World citizens, as a basic instrument to build the future;·Promoting new models of thinking, based on focusing our attention to our inner world so as to awaken unlimited potential and envision the unity of diversity;·Promoting and organizing new models of actions – annual events (expeditions, forums, congresses, festivals of social creativity,to help people unite in systematic and interrelated projects to transform our planet for future generations and create a new harmonious society of peace and happiness;·Creating a network of Life Long Schools wherein people of all ages and levels of society can learn to awaken their inner potential, and develop the ability to create peaceful relationshipsand take responsibility for life.·Forming multi-leveled regional teams, capable of creating and realizpng multi-leveled and multi-profiled projects aimed at spiritual, social and physical healing of people and society.·Creating a global network of informational, scientific, ethno, cultural and educational complexes as model communities of the future. Expected results: New individual and collective qualities of human beings and humanity 1. New qualities of human beings:§Growth of the adaptive abilities of every human being in relation to any environment of existence; §Awakening evolutionary memory;§Awakening of boundless potentials in everybody. 2. New quality of relations between people:§From the cult of struggle to a culture of peace, from the cult of competition and enmity to a culture of cooperation and diversity. §From the cult of judgment to a culture of acceptance §From the cult of the individual to a culture of collective interrelationships 3. New quality of relationships with nature: §Conscious recognition of the deep interrelations between nature and humanbeings.From ecology focused on protecting nature from the person, torealizing that human beings can be a source of harmony in nature – for minerals, plants, micro and macrocosm.§From the protection of nature to awakening deeper and deeper layers of nature and the universe within every human being. 3. Content “A human being is a never seen before source of love” Talgat Akbashev – Planet 3000 initiator “Like an architect who imagines the future house,ahuman being - Creator imagines the Future. He/she doesn’t waste precious time and energy to speak about problems.He/she creates the future at every moment of life:with the help of ideas, imagination, words and integrated actions” Nina Goncharova – Planet 3000 coordinator What is Planet 3000 project? Planet 3000 is creating a model of collective actions to awaken a human being’s purpose and create a culture of new harmonious civilization. Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What can we do together? All programs, projects and events of “Planet3000” are based on these questions. Children and grown ups create an atmosphere of harmony where there is no competition and in which they have opportunities to feel themselves as part of a whole, seeing each other as themselves, nature waiting for people’s love. In an atmosphere of mutual acceptance, they focus on creating a collective image of the future of our planet, develop projects reflecting their dreams and agree upon common actions, taking higher and higher levels of responsibility for life. What is the content of Planet 3000? - Turning the focus of attention away from the use of resources of nature towards research, activation and use of internal resources. This is the way to go from living for the sake of consuming to utilizing for the sake of life. - The universal development of a culture of feeling oneself, others and the world; a the result of it is a reverence and unity in diversity of life.- Developing effective social mechanisms to include anincreasing quantity of people occupied in the process of projecting and creating a future society.- Having an increasing number of people focused on developing a new system of education to create conditions for future generations to enter a new level of conscious evolution.- CHIDHOOD. MOTHERHOOD. SENIORSHIP. FAMILY. – These are life tasks we take care of. - Creating united informational spacesto spread CREATIVE information - new world outlook, inspiration and reflecting a new life being born. How does it happen? 1. Creating Education for world Citizens and an international team capable to develop, present and realize this model of new education. 2. Multi-leveled programs focused around the main conceptof Education for Life. Based on attention to our inner world, our abilities to create relationships with ourselves, with others, with the entire world, these programs will facilitate the growth of every individual, giving them the capacity toregain their own power of decision, createtheir own future and image of the planet, and awaken their sense of being responsible for their life, family, team, country, humanity and the planet. As aresult of this,new individual and collective qualities will appear, allowing to create a society of peace, consent, harmony, where people are healthy, happy, do what they like to do, and consciously take part in their personal evolution, that of humanity, the planet and the Universe. 3.Initiating a stream of coordinated and synchronized events and internet communication where children, youth and grown ups project their own future andrealize their dreams. All events are interrelated, integrated, enrich each other and create united living community where everybody expresses and improves his unity. All actions are based on collective creation of the image of the future and teams naturally appear according to the law of resonance. Participants create programs of coordinated actions because they want to meet again and continue to expand collective consciousness in a loving and easy way. 4. Creating a network of model communities as educational centers 5. Creating an inspiring New Culture as a living message of a New World being born here and now All events, projects, programs are permeated with key questions for everybody individually and collectively to answer: Who are we? Where are we from? Why are we here? Where are we going?What can we do together? 4. History of Planet 3000 project 10 year experiment of collective actions on the way to a new world It started with a simple and profound theory of the Pedagogy of Evolution of consciousness by Talgat Akbashev. Then there were three schools in Russia – Chelyabinsk (Urals), Novosibirsk (Siberia), Rostov-on-Don (south of Russia) to prepare teams able of taking responsibility for life, create and realize multi-leveled educational programs. Then annual events coordinated in time and space have been conducted to include as many people as possible in the process of creating a new world. Map of Planet 3000 coordinated actions for a new world(Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Byelorussia – 1993-2006)

Key meetings - Expeditions “Paths for the future”Annual events with right symbols as catalyzers of cooperationChildren and youth movement “Earth is the Planet for children”“Education for Life” schools for all ages and levels of societyLife long social education schools in territories A net of locations as model educational communitiesCreative arts and information for mutual enlightement Expeditions - “Paths for the future” - Key meetings- Arkaim - July 1996;
- Bayan – Aul - July 1996;
- Altai – August 1996;
- Himalayas - may 1997;
- Jerusalem – June 1997;
- Egypt – June 1997;
- Shumak - July 1997;
- Altai – August 1997;
- Ring of Baikal- 1998- 2001;
- Altai 3000 expedition – 2000 – 2006;
- Baikal 3000 expedition – 2001 – 2006;
Annual events as catalysts of cooperation and projects (1993-2006)•10conferences «Education for world citizens» (Moscow, Samara, Russia).•Mothers of Russia Forum (Moscow) •3 annual conferences «Society as an educational space» (Minsk, Byelorussia). •3 annual congress «Gen fond 3000» (Odessa, Ukraine )•2 annual conferences «Brest3000» (Brest, Byelorussia )•9 annual conferences «Pedagogic of XXI century» (Odessa, Ukraine)•8 annual conferences «Ecology. Education. Health» (Baikal region)•2 annual conferences «Small towns as eco locations for future» •(Revda town, the Urals, Russia)•5 annual conferences«Planet 3000: glance from Siberia» (Novosibirsk, Russia) Children and youth movement of life creativity (1994 – 2006) ·8 «Call of Baikal» forums on Baikal·10 «Urals - Planet for children»forums on Urals ·3 «Altai –planet of masters» forums on Altai·3 «We are children of Eurasia» forums on Bayan - Aul mountains ·5 «Vine of the Golden Age’s Family» forums at Black sea·5 «Family of the Future» forums at Black sea·9 «Earth – planet for children»forums at Siberia A stream of life long schools for all ages (1998- 2006) Hundreds of thousands of people took part in seminars and started acting too
•Seminars for parents•Seminars for children•Seminars for youth •Seminars for adults•Seminars for elderly peopleA stream of programs, realized by participants of seminars:•Education for World citizens •Family of Golden Age•Everybody is gifted •Society as an educational space •Conscious parents•Children are the planet's hope•Youth – wings for future•Womenand men – star way •Schools for wisdom ( elderly people)•Strategy of developing small towns •From a life of addictions to aware consciousness•Altai is a school of unity of cultures•Baikal is a school of planetary thinking and ecology of consciousness•A net of locations as model territories for future Urals, Baikal and Altai – there are teams &annual events – all is readyA stream of creative arts & creative information Planet 3000 magazine, articles, brochures in all territories spread creative information.Cultural programs and Planet 3000 presentations are conducted. Planet 3000 project was presented to the UN in 2002 and in 2005 Talgat Akbashev and Nina Goncharova presented the concept of Planet 3000 in London at “BeTheChange” international meeting. Our proposals were included into UN report - http://decade-culture-of-peace.org/
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005