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Durban 2006. Distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar to libraries, schools, universities, governments
To remain on a positive note, I announce you, that I will offer our Calendar for one new era to: Mr Azzedine GACI,President of the regional council of the Moslem worship, David GAMRASNI, director of CRIF the Rhone - the Alps (Jewish institution) Patrice MORLAT, representing Buddhism SGF in France; with Monsignor BARBARIN, primacy of the gaules, Archbishop of the catholic diocese of Lyon, also in Jean ETEVENAUX, President of the SELYRE (company) of the Lyons writers and rhonalpins. Cordially, Guy CREQUIEFrance,17/11/06 ------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo,
Sorry for not explaining the places where I have placed the book on Harmonious Era Calendar. I have handed over theBook in my name to the Vice-chancellor Calcutta University with a cover letter requesting him to help us to keep it on the open desk so that every body can go through it. The other copy you have handed over to me is given to the Secretary School Education West Bengal, with a request from your end to insert this to the school syllabus. I have handed over Subir`q book to our teachers to read it thoroughly and also requested a NGO to go through the website and to read the book It is an NGO offering value orientation course to the school children and also the college students. I made a request to send a message to our website about his opinion on the book. I have sent the website to all our relatives and requested them to go through the book. Thank You.
Maitreyee and Subir Bardhan Roy, India 13/10/06
------------------------------------------ Leo Semashko
Dear Calendar Co-authors! I with the wife returned from the World Sociological Congress in Durban (South Africa) at August 4, but only now have come in myself after daily flight, change of time and place. As a central aim of my trip were presentation and advancing of our Calendar let me briefly to inform results. On the Congress, which collected more than 3500 delegates from more than 100 countries, there were the four Calendar co-authors: Reimon Bachika (Japan), Bernard Scott (England), Maitreyee and Subir Roy (India), which I transferred the appropriate number of the books and which promised, in a measure of the own opportunities, to advance them. I asked them to transfer a copy of the book in libraries of their universities first of all. In Durban I have taken 50 copies of the book, 20 copies of CD-disks with our site, Calendar and letter to Putin, and also 300 Calendar leaflets. The book was presented on the sessions of four Research Committees: Sociology of the future (RC07), Sociocybernetics (RC51), Sociology of Childhood (RC53) and Sociology of Family (RC06), and also on session of Russian sociological association. on these sessions at the sum there were more than 150 Congress delegates. But the main place of presentation was my table with the books, disks and leaflets in a Congress foyer, to which its participants approached. I told them about our project, its dates, purposes and perspectives, about the International organizations, included in it: IFLAC, Esperanto Association, Love Foundation, Planet 3000, HumanDHS, Global Coalition for Peace, Promise to Children and others. In the result I gifted or sold (basically gifted) 42 books and 18 CD-disks, and also distributed all leaflets. Following advice of the wife, which actively helped me, I have gifted the books to the Universities teachers for their libraries with the appropriate inscription: "To the N University Library, to its students and teachers, the International gift of 27 co-authors from 12 countries to join to this great project of harmonious peace for children and future generations". As a result, the books with our Calendar were directed to 12 universities of 9 countries: England (Open University), Japan (Soka and Kyoto), India (Calcutta), SAR (Durban and Pretoria), Russia (Moscow and Groznyy in Chechnya), Australia (Sydney), Ghana, Malaysia, Iran (Mazandaran). Besides I gifted a copy of the book in the library of Durban city. Certainly, the book and disk was received, first of all, to the representatives of the African continent: SAR, Ghana, Cameron, Congo, Angola, Botswana and other countries, as a culture of this continent is not submitted in our Calendar until now, unfortunately. I gifted our book also to the past and new Presidents of the International Sociological Association: Alberto Martinelli (Italy), Piotr Sztompka (Poland) and Michel Wieviorka (France), which with interest have considered our project and promised to join it. So, in a result, about 500 Congress delegates were acquainted (IAE) with our Calendar. Many from them have expressed desire to join it, to translate it to other languages (Persian, Hindi etc.), to send the dates and statements in it, to place it on the site, to tell about it to the colleagues and students etc. In conditions of a strong information competition (on the Congress the hundreds various information materials were submitted) this result can recognize, I think, satisfactory. Besides with the books handed to libraries, thousand students and teachers will get acquainted in the long term. Our ideas and dates will be known for thousand people from all world. Our Calendar shows a synergetic effect: joining up of our dates considerably exceeds their sum. Each of the co-authors, speaking about the Calendar, strengthens the own date and on the contrary: speaking about the own date, advances the Calendar. Therefore I once again thank each co-author for his great contribution to the Harmonious Era Calendar for his support and advancing in a measure of yourself opportunities. Some conclusions. 1. I think the most effective way of advance and development of our Calendar is its transfer to the universities libraries and personal dialogue with the people, which can bring to it the own contribution: date, translation on other languages, new ideas, statement, publication on the site, its discussion with the students etc. 2. Other effective way of the Calendar development and advance is a search of the world famous spiritual leader for it. My old colleague, Professor Hiroko Nishimura from Soka University (Japan), which rector is the world famous Buddhistic leader Daisaku Ikeda, offered me to include him in the Calendar as curator (guardian) and main editor. I agreed with it and she kindly promised to be the intermediary between us. Professing harmony Buddhism is, if I am not mistaken, the sole world religion, not spotted by any wars and violence. Therefore, one of the most outstanding Buddhistic leaders would be, in my opinion, the most suitable spiritual and cultural leader (guardian and main editor) of the Harmony Calendar. 3. The third effective way of the Calendar development and advance is a competition of the international peace prizes, first of all the Nobel Peace Prizes. Anybody, with who I discussed this question, has not rejected a validity of this Calendar ambition but some have offered to wait a little with the Nobel Prize up to wider fame of the Calendar and to begin from competition of other international prizes. I shall be grateful to you for your response about the results of my trip and my conclusions. I should inform that in the weekend and up to the beginning September I shall be absent and I can answer your responses only in the beginning of September. Best harmony wishes for your and children, LeoDr Leo Semashko, initiator and manager of the project "Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL)"August 7, 2006.-----------------------------------------Martha Ross DeWitt DearLeo, Thank you for the draft letters (to Kofi Annan and religious leaders – L.S). I visited the Bahai Temple near Northwestern Universityin Illinois recently. It is the oldest Bahai Temple in existence,sincetheonein the Middle East was destroyed. It celebrates all religions,as you know. I would like to ask the administrators of the temple to displayone of the four copies of our book, if you approve. Many tourists visit thetemple due to its universal appeal, and go through its historic exhibits on thegroundlevel,before going up to the dome level to pray or to meditate. I saved some of their bulletins to send to you, including one in Russian, but have not yet do neso. I recall that you write about the Bahai religion in Tetrasociology, Response to Challenges,as an organized religion that is responsive to global issues.
Another religious group that migh tbe interested in putting this book on display is the Seventh Day Adventists, which has a world-wide ministry. Their central headquarters, in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a mecca for their youth ministers before they go overseas. Since the Calendar does not conflict with the teaching of any religious group, it has a natural appeal to those that emphasize an interest in children. What do you think? Does the Library of Congress have a copy? I thought about the Smithsonian, also,butwould either of these put a copy on display? Probably not. I write to politicians on rare occasions, and have two in mind, currently, one in each party,who can be counted on to respond favorably to children's issues. Is that enough reason to send them copies? Or should I continue to look for places that will agree to display the copies?
Two local school districts are interested in my teen study, and one called this week to begin the process of getting permission from principles, teachers,and parents to test the questionnaire, possibly as early as next month. It's also voluntary for the students. If classroom interviews get satisfactory results, I'll consider offers to translate the study for cross-cultural research on 'Some interactive determinants of early teen goal setting.'
You continue to amaze me, Leo, with your energy and optimism. Working full time as a receptionist is wearing on me, but it pays the rent. I hope NIH, the National Institutes of Health, decide to fund my research, soon, so I can stop "moonlighting" and quit my day job, but I have some vacation time to begin the interviews while waiting for funding. It's wee hours so I'll stop here. Lots of warm wishes coming your way.
Martha Martha Ross DeWittDr Sociology, USA30/08/06------------------Dear Martha and all, Iamvery grateful to you for your kind words and especially for your vigorous work into advance of our Calendar. I admire with your remarkable activity! I admire also with activity of: Renato,which informed "Isent one of them (Calendar book) to Mr. Prodi, the Italian Chief Minister, and another one to the Minister for Foreign Affairs "; Ada , which informed "Dear Leo, I sent the two copies of the book: 1. to the most popular newspaper in Israel, "Yediot Aharonot" - asking them to review it, 2. to the Minister of Education in Israel, Prof. Yuli Tamir"; Claude, which informs "My idea is to interest some people to publish the book and distribute it in my Province...Most importantly, I wish this book to be distributed to libraries and schools all around this province of 7 million people,"; Takis, which informs "If you send me more than one book, I shall deliver "in hand" to the prime Minister of Greece Mr Karamanlis, the President of the Socialist of Greece Mr Papandreou, also in hand and the President of the Greek Parliament. (Then this variant was replaced on the Athenian university Library – L.S.). I am also involved with organizations in Greece for children and important persons who work for the kids"; Hilarie,which informs"I am going to give it (book) to the university that will take me on to do my Phd"; Harold, which informed "I will endeavor to share these(Calendarbooks) as requested in the coming days to appropriate contacts and will also share the link on our site (http://www.thelovefoundation.com/products.htm )to yours as well for any inquiries and requests. It is an honor to participate with this harmonious calendar concept and I will continue to bring as much awareness to these collective and published efforts as time permits."; Evelin , which published the Calendar book leaflet on the site:http://www.humiliationstudies.org/news/archives/001283.html; Maria Christina, which informed: "Please Leo review this addition of your Calendar leaflet at my website IFLAC ARGENTINA http://www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com/ http://www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com/leo.html"; Kerry: "I will put a link to the bookon your site from your page on the Promise Club website"; Guy: “I would need 3 books….one for the press….other I will address to the French government.. The third, I will try to present at the time of the world congress of the poets for peace in Paris in September 2007”; etc. Many thanks for your wonderful peacemaking activity! only it can ensure the life, development and advance of our great project of harmonious peace culture for our children and future generations. Dear Martha,let now to answer on your questions. Certainly, I only shall be glad to distribution of our Calendar among the Bahai, Adventists and other peaceful religious groups. Therefore I would like your appropriate contacts with them, that these groups andt heir believers could support and join the Harmonious Era Calendar. I want to include Bahai and Adventists in the list of those religions, in which we shall address with the offer of support and join Calendar. I would like to receive from you or others our colleagues the message on their leaders, which I do not know unfortunately. Yes you could send a book copy in the Library of Congress with such Dedication, for example: " to the young political figures with the invitation to support and to join the great project of harmonious culture of peace" (or something similar) behind your signature as its co-author. (Everyone, as the co-author, has the right to write similar dedication). As the copies number at you is limited, you could send the book leaflet to those political figures, which you will count necessary, certainly, first of all to the one who lifts children's problems. What is it Smithsonian? Iam very glad to your teen study and I shall be happy to publish their results on our site. Best harmony wishes for your and children, with love to all, Leo31/08/06----------------------------
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005