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Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the World Documents of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the World Documents of the 20thand 21stCenturies Dear Website Readers! On this page (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=276), we wish to make a comparison of our Magna Carta of Harmony (2007) by 43 authors from 16 countries with the basic world documents of the 20thand 21stcenturies: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), The Human Manifesto (1972), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the Earth Charter (2000), The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (UNESCO, 2001), the World Resolutions about Sustainable Development (1992, 2002), and also documents on the equality of women, children’s rights to health and education, overcoming poverty, establishment of a culture of peace, creation of ministries of peace, partnerships among world religions, and so on. These are the greatest and most universally recognized documents of modernity, which define the highest values and strategic aspirations of humankind of last century. Research shows that these documents supplement each other and, thus, create a basis for uniting global movements in the fields of ecology and sustainable development, disarmament and peacemaking, human rights, and so on. However, as the resolutions of appropriate world organizations indicate, the achievements in accomplishment of these documents is very modest. For example, human and children rights and equality of women are provided only in a few of the world’s 200 countries. Likewise, poverty, armament and nature pollution continue to grow as a global avalanche in spite of numerous world documents calling to reduce or to stop the catastrophic growth of these extremes, pathologies and traumas of humankind. It is universally recognized that the similar world documents do not comprise the tools and ways to provide their constant execution and progress in the appropriate directions. These documents do not name the global social groups (classes, actors) and their global social energy for creating and healing, which is necessary to ensure overcoming the catastrophic tendencies of mankind. In contrast to these documents, the Magna Carta of Harmony is the scientifically proved attempt to define the necessary (natural) global creative actors, that is, the sphere classes of the population as well as their global creative energy of social harmony (harmonious energy) that are capable of overcoming humankind’s catastrophic tendencies. The Magna Carta of Harmony reveals the natural energy of social harmony, names its subjects (sphere classes), and demonstrates that the spheres of society and humanity are the single source of this energy. The Magna Carta of Harmony, by its nature, supplements the major world documents of the 20th and 21st centuries and creates a scientific and value foundation for combination and cooperation among the appropriate global movements. The world documents display a wide panorama of necessary global transformations in all spheres of humankind. Then, in addition and in order to enable those transformations, the Magna Carta of Harmony shows the social subjects (sphere classes) as well as the harmonious energy of the spheres that are necessary for humankind to realize and manifest harmony. The Magna Carta of Harmony creates the basis for mutual enrichment and association of the world documents into one united package. The Magna Carta of Harmony also describes the means to incorporate efforts of appropriate global movements and organizations in order to evolve life in the 21st century. We intend to publish these comparisons (up to 2 pages) between the Magna Carta of Harmony and other world documents on this page (more detailed comparisons will be published on separate page). We invite the authors and readers of our site, scientists and political figures of the world, and leaders of world religions, international movements and organizations to send similar comparisons, which will allow us to better understand each other and, therefore, to faster unite our efforts for the sake of our general purposes of peace, justice, women’s rights, children’s well-being and common good. Dr Leo SemashkoFounder and President, International Website “Peace from Harmony”Initiator,Magna Carta of HarmonyMay 3, 2007-------------------------------- The Earth Charter and the Magna Carta of Harmony:Comparison, Addition and Cooperation Proceeding from the above-stated principles of comparison of the world documents and recognizing a huge importance of the Earth Charter (2000) (www.earthcharter.org) I offer to unite the activists who work on behalf of the Earth Charter and the Magna Carta of Harmony. Let me specify two fundamental reasons for our unification and cooperation. 1. The Earth Charter proclaims NECESSITY “of the fundamental changes in our values, institutes, and ways of living,” and the Magna Carta of Harmony (2007) (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3) OFFERS CONCRETE, scientifically proved fundamental changes that humankind must make in society’s systems of values, institutions and lifestyles, based on the natural order and principles of SOCIAL HARMONY. 2. The Earth Charter as well as the Magna Carta of Harmony recognizes the essential importance of aspiring to harmonization that makes both documents one in spirit. The Earth Charter CALLS “to find ways to harmonize diversity with unity,” and the Magna Carta of Harmony OFFERS CONCRETE SCIENTIFIC ways to harmonize diversity with unity at all levels of human interaction, based on harmonization of spheres of society and humans. Therefore the Earth Charter and the Magna Carta of Harmony complement each other and can serve as the basis for association and cooperation among their activists. We invite the activists of the Earth Charter to cooperate for our combined and complementary purposes. Thank you. Dr Leo SemashkoInitiator,Magna Carta of HarmonyMay 3, 2007
Ammar Banni The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and Magna Carta of Harmony After a thorough analysis of the 54 articles which make the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989: http://www.unicef.org/crc/index_30160.html;http://www.ohchr.org/english/law/pdf/crc.pdf) and the Magna Carta of Harmony (2007:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3), I arrived at the following points:
1 - Each child has the right to live from his birth. 2 it is the right to a family and a name. 3 it is the right to the care-play-food-dresses. 4 it is the right to education/leisure. 5 it is the right of protection against any exploitation and discrimination. These rights are officially agreed by all the states signatory this Convention. I think that it is a great step carried out the UN to protect our children and the future generations. But, it is noted, that the children suffer still and that these articles are not applied. The children are still exploited in several fields and deprived of the rights that the UN Convention preserved. The Magna Carta of Harmony (Charter) by 43 authors of “Peace from harmony” was created to reinforce and consolidate this Convention from the institutional, legislative and humane point of view. It is a preventive procedure which sensitize in a more educational and methodical way of the parents and society so that they deal with the children and the adolescents, because it is very difficult to correct their education. Our Charter envisages for our children a harmonious future of peace, tolerance and freedom. They are our future generations. Our Charter is composed of two great parts: - Explanatory - Argumentative. It determines the responsibility and the mission of each one of us, in the education of our children. Our Charter requires a legislative establishment of the children’s priority in a society on the basis of acceptance of the Law: "Children’s Suffrages Executed by Parents". In Charter (38-39a paragraphs) is written: "A strategy of social harmonization" is based on "social recognition and legislative establishment of children’s priority…. This can only be ensured by Law: Children’s Suffrage Executed by Parents ". This right of children essentially supplements and strengthens the UN Convention, arms it a tool, which provides its fulfillment everywhere, where this Law will be accepted. Finally, the world changed 1989 to 2007 much; I think a more academic reflexion is essential for better protecting our future generations. Ammar Banni Professor of French language and Poet, Algeria : ammarbanni@yahoo. fr, http://peacefromhar mony.org/ ?cat=en_c&key=288 May 28, 2007 ------------------------------
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005