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Announcements: Peacemaking Conferences, Universities, Publications, Grants etc.
Announcements: Peacemaking Conferences, Universities, Publications, Grants etc
Rudolf J. Siebert Professor of Religion and Society IUC Course Director Director of the WMU Center for HumanisticFuture Studies andhis colleagues will conduct a course, entitled Future of Religion: Mutual Treatment of Believing and Non-BelievingCitizens, at the Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, from April 27, - May 2, 2009. Youare invited! If you would like to read the Callfor Papers, please follow this link:http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org/web_publications/Dubrovnik-31.pdf IUC - INTER-UNIVERSITY CENTRE DUBROVNIK Don Frana Bulića 4, HR 20000 DUBROVNIK, Croatia Tel. + 385 20 413 626 / 627, Fax + 385 20 413 628 E-mail: iuc@iuc.hr ------------------------------------------------------
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights and Disarmament Circulation Newsletter January-February 2009, Vol. 41, No. 1-2 IAEWP World-Wide News Bangladesh: Rev. Priti Sarman, Internnational Liaison, is Secretary-General of Bangladesh Buddhist Peace and Non-Violence Society. He brings people together periodically to meditate, pray and discuss various themes and avenues of peace. His e-mail: pritisaram@yahoo.com Canada: Mr. Fred Schubert, Advisory Board Member, is creating a strong spiritual movement throughout Canada on the assumption that true peace emanates from the heart of each individual. His e-mail: hismercy@rogers.com Croatia: Dr. Nenad Javornik, Secretary-General, is President of Croatian Red Cross. He has developed several humanitarian projects that alleviated the lives of many people. He also travels often to participate in peace projects. His e-mail: nenad.javornik@hck.hr France: Mr. Boudjemaa Zennouche, National Chancellor, makes periodical trips abroad to promote peace through music. He plays well string instruments and made several CDs of his performances. His e-mail: b_zennouch@yahoo.fr India: Dr. Surya Nath Prasad, Exec. Vice President, has published recently our annual issue of Peace Education Journal of which he is founder and editor. He has travels often to promote the IAEWP goals. His e-Mail: dr_suryanathprasad@yahoo.co.in Italy: His Holiness Lama Gangchen, Executive Board Member, travels constantly around the world to promote peace in human hearts that comes through our love and complete dedication toward others. His e-mail: lgwpf@lgpt.net Latvia: Dr. Tatjana Volkova, National Chancellor, is in charge of the Business School in Riga. She writes articles and travels periodically to give conferences related to business ethics and peace. Her e-mail: tatjana.volkova@ba.lv Liberia: Mr. Kollie King, Advisory Board Member, is working to help with the implementation of peace education studies and programs in schools around the nation. He is fully devoted to the cause of peace. His e-mail: kollieking@yahoo.com Malaysia: Dr. Steve Varatharajan, Advisory Board Member, has been instrumental in the successful organization of the recently held IAEWP World Peace Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His e-mail: steve_rajan@yahoo.com Morocco: Mr. Eldissari A.S.M. is the new National Chancellor of Morocco. He travelled extensively around the world and is now using his valuable contacts to expand IAEWP in many countries. His e-mail: montassiro@hotmail.com Philippines: Dr. Lily Rodrigo Canlas, International Liaison, is Principal of Jesu Mariae School in Manila where she directs peace educational studies and programs. She is very much dedicated to peace in all of her endeavors. Her e-mail: mgjms@vasia.com Poland: Dr. Dariusz Kwolek, National Chancellor, represents IAEWP at the United Nations in Vienna. He has been deeply involved in world peace through education and disarmament for several years. His e-mail: instytutmed@wp.pl Russia: Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder and President of Global Harmony Association, is IAEWP Advisory Board Chairman. He is planning to set up World Peace Academies in several countries as instruments for a genuine peace. His e-mail: leo4442006@yandex.ru South Korea: Mr. Min Byung Il, Advisory Board Member, has been instrumental in the final editing of Diplomacy Journal, viewed now as one of the best journals in the world. He has good contacts with the Arab world. His E-mail: mihnbi@yahoo.com Spain: Dr. Beatriz Estabanez, International Liaison, is involved with the Albert Schweitzer International University in Madrid. She participated in several peace conferences to promote peace work. Her e-mail: administration@albertsc.com Switzerland: Dr. Bert Wolfs, Executive Board Member, is Dean of the SBS Swiss Business School in Zurich, where students from around the world study and get their degrees in Business Administration. His e-mail: dean@sbs.edu Taiwan: Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Intern’l Liaison, is President of Tai Ji Men Academy and of Federation of World Peace and Love. He has many followers who perform peace exhibitions and entertainment in quite a few countries. His e-mail: info@fowpal.org U.S.A.: Mr. William Thompson, Director of Public Relations, has just updated our official IAEWP website: www.iaewp.org Computer work and design happen to be the areas of his specialty. His e-mail: thompson@iaewp.org Editor and Publisher: Dr. Charles Mercieca P.O. Box 3282, Mastin Lake Station Huntsville, Alabama 35810-0282, USA Ph: 256-534-5501 / Fax: 256-536-1018 E-Mail; mercieca@hiwaay.net Website: www.iaewp.org -------------------------------------------------------
Dear Friends and Colleagues; I am writing to inform you that the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE-Paris) is organizing a conference about: "Excellence in Education 2008: Future Minds and Creativity". This conference will take place in Paris on (July 2-4, 2008). I do hope you will join the conference. The website is available online now. You can get more information about the conference if you access the conference website: www.icieconference.net In addition, you could access our website: www.icieparis.net Finally, we do hope that you could forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues who might be interested in this field in general and this conference in particular. You can contact me any time. I will be more than happy if I could be of any help. With very best wishes and warm regards. Taisir Subhi Yamin Address: Heilmeyersteiege 93, D-89075, Ulm, Germany. Tel.: (+49) 172-929-7632 e-Mail: taisir@icieparis.net
Prof. Dr. Taisir Subhi-Yamin,(Fulbrighter, ECHA & WCGTC); Scientific Director, ICIE-Paris; The International Centre for Innovation in Education (icieparis.net); Heilmeyersteige 93; D-89075, Ulm; Germany. International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP). ---------------------------------------------------------- The 32nd International Course on the The Future of Religion: The Wholly Other, Liberation, and the Rescue of the Hopeless IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 28 – May 3, 2008 Appendix Professor Siebert and his colleagues will conduct a course, entitled Future of Religion: The Wholly Other, Liberation, Happiness and the Rescue of the Hopeless, at the Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, from April 28, - May 3, 2008. You are invited! If you would like to read the Call for Papers, please follow this link: http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org/web_publications/Dubrovnik-31.pdf IUC - INTER-UNIVERSITY CENTRE DUBROVNIKDon Frana Bulića 4, HR 20000 DUBROVNIK, CroatiaTel. + 385 20 413 626 / 627, Fax + 385 20 413 628E-mail: iuc@iuc.hrhttp: //rudolfjsiebert.org --------------------------------------------- From the Middle East to Asia Pacific: Arc of Conflict or Dialogue of Cultures and Religions? Seventh Annual Conference Globalization for the Common Good: An Interfaith Perspective 30 June – 4 July 2008 Trinity College, University of Melbourne Call for Papers This major international conference is co-sponsored by the Centre for Dialogue (La Trobe University; Melbourne, Australia), Trinity College (University of Melbourne), the Melbourne College of Divinity, and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Inter-Religious Dialogue (Australian Catholic University). It is the seventh annual conference in the series Globalization for the Common Good - An Interfaith Perspective founded by Dr Kamran Mofid. The Conference programme is designed to achieve three objectives: - To explore the far-reaching ramifications of conflict in the Middle East (broadly defined) for the religious, cultural and political landscape of the Asia-Pacific region; - To bring together in fruitful interaction the insights of several disciplinary traditions (in particular religious studies, cultural studies, international relations, history, sociology and law); - To illuminate and strengthen the connections between the Middle East and the geographic regions which constitute Asia Pacific, in particular West Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. Previous conferences have been held in Oxford (2002), St Petersburg (2003), Dubai (2004), Kericho, Kenya (2005), Honolulu (2006) and Istanbul (2007). For background information on the initiative and details of previous conferences visit: http://www.globalisationforthecommongood.info/ The Conference is jointly convened by Dr Kamran Mofid and Professor Joseph A. Camilleri (Director of the Centre for Dialogue and Professor of International Relations, La Trobe University). The official opening of the Conference will take place in the evening of Monday 20 June 2008. Further information: Dr Ruwan Palapathwala: Email: ruwanp@trinity.unimelb.edu.au. Proposals should be received by Monday 19 November 2007. Proposals should include: • Title of proposed paper; • A 250-word abstract, setting out relevance to one or other of the key themes outlined above; • Author’s name and institutional affiliation; • one paragraph bio-note of the author. All proposals will be assessed by an inter-disciplinary panel appointed by the joint conveners, and applicants will be informed of the Organising Committee’s decision by 21 January 2008. 14/09/07 ---------------------------------------------------------
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August 6 - 31, 2007--------------------------------------------- Global Campaign for Peace Education
Newsletter | Issue # 43 | May 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) e-newsletter provides a monthly bulletin of GCPE news, events, action alerts and reports of peace education activities and developments from around the world.Back issues of the newsletter are archived online at www.tc.edu/PeaceEd/newsletter . **Please add this email address to your "safe sender" list to assure it arrives safely in your inbox.
Dear Friends, It has been almost five months since the Peace Education Center volunteered to take on the duties of coordinating the Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE).In this brief period of time members of the GCPE community have shared with us many success stories.These stories often go untold or unnoticed - they are experiences that fall into the cracks of history.Reading these shared experiences I can't help imagining how significant these stories are to those that are doing the telling.There is some relative truth to the old proverb that actions speak louder than words - however actions are only brief flashes in a much richer history. As peace educators we can find hope in the realization that most decisions and actions (positive or negative) are arrived at via a learning process.Actions are learned and typically value informed behaviors gleaned through a blend of formal and non-formal learning experiences including schooling, the family, religious institutions, friendships, acquaintances, etc.These moments of learning should be considered as historically important as the actions they produce. Consider the moment when you first learned that peace education could make a difference.How did this change your outlook on the world?What new possibilities emerged in that moment?How has your life change because of it? Now take a moment to contemplate or observe the near opposite.How has violence (direct, physical, structural, cultural) become "normalized" and accepted as a response to conflict?How have/are violent actions and behaviors been learned?What forms of learning might perpetuate violent attitudes and behaviors? Learning is a remarkable and transformational process.In our present world violence is all too common.Our history of actions - fueled by our history of learning - tells this story well.As peace educators we have a great opportunity to help facilitate the learning of others so that they might write a new history.Facilitating learning in a way in which learning itself becomes historical is our responsibility.Transforming educational policies, practices and curriculum that perpetuate violent attitudes and actions is also part of our comprehensive and holistic task. The GCPE network exists to help facilitate the necessary learning between and among us that might make such transformations in learning and educational practice possible.As you read the articles and stories shared by other GCPE colleagues below try to imagine the significant learning that took place (and what that learning looked like) that made their actions possible.What might you learn from their experience? We hope that many of you will join us this August 8-10 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) with a special educational event taking place at the United Nations (see details below).This event, co-sponsored by the GCPE, will be a unique opportunity to learn with and from peace educators from around the world.We invite you to join us at this event to reflect upon the past 25 years of peace education and to envision the learning and actions that may guide us into the future. In peace,Tony Jenkins, Coordinator, GCPE(Co-Director, Peace Education Center; Global Coordinator, IIPE) CONTENTS: News & HighlightsPeace Education in the FieldAction AlertsEvents & ConferencesTraining & WorkshopsPublications & Research Jobs & InternshipsMay 16 2007====================================================
Fellowship funding
Fellowship Opportunities Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Stanford, CA, USA Applications: June 30, 2007The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) in Stanford, California, USA, invites applications for its 2008-09 residential fellowships.This sabbatical fellowship provides an opportunity for faculty to pursue priority research and expand their horizons while engaging in a diverse, interdisciplinary intellectual community. The Center considers applications from scholars in a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary areas in the social and behavioral sciences, and humanities.The Center offers a supportive, stimulating, and peaceful environment in which to work. A CASBS fellowship award is considered a career milestone for any scholar, and most recipients report that the year had a transformative effect on later work.The application form and guidelines are available at www.casbs.org or call +1-650-321-2052. =================================================== Сourse: Future of ReligionProfessor Rudolf Siebert from USA and his colleagues will conduct a course, entitled "Future of Religion: From the Jus Talionis to the Golden Rule," at the Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, on April 23-28, 2007.
You are invited! If you would like to read the 'Call for Papers,' please follow this link
IUC - INTER-UNIVERSITY CENTRE DUBROVNIK Don Frana Buli_a 4, HR 20000 DUBROVNIK, Croatia Tel. + 385 20 413 626 / 627, Fax + 385 20 413 628 E-mail: iuc@iuc.hr==================================================
New Journal for your publications! Dear Friend! Please consider our new Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies for your publications! Most appreciatingly and thankfully, Evelin------------------------------------Evelin G. Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (Dr. med.), Ph.D. (Dr. psychol.), Social Scientist------------------------------------Founding Manager of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS, http://www.humiliationstudies.org)- affiliated with the Columbia University Conflict Resolution Network, New York (egl2109@columbia.edu)- affiliated with the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology (see http://folk.uio.no/evelinl/)- Senior Lecturer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Department of Psychology (see http://psyweb.svt.ntnu.no/ansatte/)- affiliated with the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris- teaching, furthermore, in South East Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and other places globallyMarch 12, 2007====================================================== TRANSCEND Peace University – TPU on-Line
***The world’s first on-line university for peace and development studies***!!!!!Call for applications for the Spring 2007 semester!!!!!March 19th – June 19th 2007Deadline for Registration: March 10th, 2007 With faculty drawn from amongst the leading scholars and practitioners in their fields internationally, TPU is the world's first truly global, on-line Peace University designed forgovernment and NGO practitioners, policy makers and students at any level working in thefields of peace, conflict transformation, development post-war reconstruction, rehabilitationand reconciliation, and global issues. Since 1996, TRANSCEND has offered more than 800 on-site training programs for over12,000 participants around the world, using the TRANSCEND manual "Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means," published by the United Nations. Now, studyingtogether with professionals and practitioners from around the world is possible throughTRANSCEND Peace University’s on-line courses, offered in cooperation with many of theleading practitioners and scholars in the field. In the March 2007 Semester TPU will offer 16 courses in the area of peaceful conflicttransformation, gender, peacebuilding, nonviolence, peace and business, human rights,peace journalism and many others. You can find the complete list of courses by visiting:http://www.transcend.org/tpu 1. Peaceful Conflict Transformation: the TRANSCEND Method, CourseDirector: Joahn Galtung, Course Assistants:, Sara Horowitz, Akifumi Fujita2. Peacebuilding - Implementing Peace Processes in War Affected Societies, Course Director : Kai Frithjof Brand Jacobsen3. Transformarea pasnica a conflictelor: metoda TRANSCEND, Co-Directors: Sabin Muresan, Ina Curic4. Transformacion Pacifica de Conflictos, Course Directors:Gustavo de la Pena, Diana de la Rua5. Conflict Care & Reconciliation, Course Director: S.P. Udayakumar6. Dialogue, Negotiation and Mediation, Course Director: S.P.Udayakumar7. Democratization and Development, Course Director: Paul Scott8. Gender and Militarism, Course Director: Gal Harmat9. The Human Right to Food, Course Director: Prof. George Kent10. Mathematics and Peace, Course Director: Johan Galtung11. Peace Business, Course Director: Howard Richards12. Negocios Sustenables y Efectivos, Course Director: Sara Horowitz, Dr., Codirector:Jaime Suarez13. Peace, Gender and Violence, Course Director: Celia Cook-Huffman14. Peace Journalism, Course Directors: Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick15. Peace Zones, Course Director: Christophe Barbey16. Non-violent Political Institutions, Course Director: Christophe Barbey Cost per one Course: For OECD participants 300 Euros. For non OECD participants 150Euros. For a list of OECD member countries please visit http://www.oecd.org/countrieslist/ For more information or to apply, please contact the TRANSCEND Peace University GlobalCenter in Cluj, Romania:E-mail: tpu@transcend.orgTel +40-724-380511Fax +40-264-420298Web-site www.transcend.org/tpu
Natalia Shelaru, Administrative Director, TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU), Tel/Fax: +40 264420298, Tel: +40 729217096, E-m natalia.shelaru@transcend.org Web-site:www.transcend.org/tpu Mailing address: OP 1-CP 331Cluj-Napoca, 134 919, Romania *******
Ms. Cristina BarsonyAdministrative CoordinatorTRANSCEND PEACE UNIVERSITY (TPU) Global CenterOP1 CP331134 919 Cluj-NapocaRomaniaFax 40-264-420298Telephone 40-724-380551Mailing address: OP 1 - CP 331Cluj-Napoca, 134 919, Romania===================================================
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005