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Peace from Harmony
Ashok Chakravarthy: Poetry of peace, brotherhood and harmony

Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

GGHA Vice-president 

The GGHA Highest Honorary Title

“World Harmony Gandhian Creator”, 2021


In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543

GGHA 16th Anniversary:

In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=986

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=869


Global Harmony Association (GHA) Member

Coauthor of the GHA World Harmony/Peace Academy Project (2007) and The ABC of Harmony (2012).

General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), India

+ Coauthor:
Global Peace Science of Spherons: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf
Gandhica: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848
Gandhian Anti-Nuclear Manifesto: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908 




Dear Members of GGHA

 In commemoration of UNOs - WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY (WED) scheduled on 5th of June, herewith I attach my video message as part of sharing my responsibility to protect our life-giving planet earth that’s facing a grave threat from plastic pollution.   I wish and hope; you will share equal concern and responsibility in this regard.

 Here's the link for the video, 2 minutes: 




Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

International Poet – Review Writer Universal Peace Ambassador, Vice-Chair, Global Harmony Association,

tacvarthy@gmail.com | worldpeacepoetry@gmail.com

Address: Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS ] INDIA

Website: https://worldpeacepoetry.com/



Here's my exclusive poem (attached) for World Poetry Day 2023


Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

Member – GGHA



Respected Members of GHA,
On this International Day of Peace - 2022, in tune with UNOs theme, I herewith share my exclusive video



Ashokchakravarthy Tholana <tacvarthy@gmail.com>


Good Morning dear members of GGHA

In commemoration of GLOBAL HARMONY DAY (21st June)

I herewith contribute my poem to mark the harmonious occasion,

which I attach herewith.


Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana





Dear Members of GGHA

Belatedly I extend my strong and unwavering support to the GGHA's new “Global Peace Strategy” project titled "Shift the arms race into a peace race" that undoubtedly can have a positive impact in promoting universal peace and harmony in the world.

I extend my congratulatory greetings to all the members of GGHA o­n the advent of New Year 2022, wishing everyone good luck, good health, progressive harmony and prosperous peace.

Regards and best wishes

Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

GGHA Vice President,





See also here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1017

Dear members of GHA,

Good Evening

Despite being Covid positive and got admitted in Apollo Hospital due to high fever and breathlessness, my questand commitment to compose a befitting poem for WORLD POETRY DAY 2021 (21, March) still remains strong. 
Wish and hope, you will all appraise the poem.

I am sending two designs of the same poem for your own choice to choose.


Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana




Poetry is the most graceful spiritual harmony of spherons

Dear poet Ashok ji, Dear the GGHA poets,

The GGHA is happy to congratulate you o­n the World Poetry Day 2021, wish you good health and a speedy recovery along with new healing poetic achievements.

Poetry in all centuries was valued as the most graceful spiritual harmony of their times and has retained many world poetic names: Homer, Khayyam, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Schiller, Pushkin, Lermontov, Shevchenko, Baudelaire, Maykov, Tyutchev, Kipling, Blok, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva , Yesenin, Lorka, Brodsky and hundreds of others. They brilliantly saw and expressed natural harmony but the social harmony of spherons remained inaccessible and incomprehensible to them as the source of human life, first discovered and applied in the liberation of India by Mahatma Gandhi.

In the GHA, which has devoted itself 16 years to the scientific research of spherons and provided their fundamental verification by world statistics in "Gandhica" (2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), the first in world poetry, a conscious poet of spherons, grew up - Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy. For this, he was awarded the GGHA Highest Honorary Title: "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony". His unique poems dedicated to harmony, peace, love and nonviolence of the Gandhian spherons, their best refuge and protection for children, women and all the disadvantaged, have been published o­n dozens of relevant pages of the GGHA website and o­n its personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286.

We are sincerely grateful to Ashok for his highly intellectual and inspired poetry that should heal and save him from Covid. We are happy to present two of his best poems dedicated to the GGHA 16th anniversary and the Poetry Day published with numerous wishes of recovery o­n his page.

Happy Poetry Day to all GGHA poets, members and friends! Poetry that has reached the highest and inspiring spiritual harmony of spherons' nonviolence, paving the way for saving peacemaking global nonviolence!

With love and solidarity, o­n the GGHA behalf,
Dr. Leo Semashko,



Поэзия – самая изящная духовная гармония сферонов

Дорогой поэт Ашок, дорогие поэты ГГСГ,

ГГСГ счастлив поздравить вас с мировым днем поэзии, пожелать вам крепкого здоровья и скорейшего выздоровления вместе с новыми исцеляющими поэтическими достижениями.

Поэзия во все века ценилась как самая изящная духовная гармония своего времени и сохранила множество мировых поэтических имен: Гомер, Хайям, Данте, Шекспир, Гете, Шиллер, Пушкин, Лермонтов, Шевченко, Бодлер, Майков, Тютчев, Киплинг, Блок, Ахматова, Пастернак, Цветаева, Есенин, Лорка, Бродский и сотни других. Они гениально видели и выражали естественную гармонию, но им осталась недоступной и непонятой социальная гармония сферонов как источник жизни человечества, впервые открытая и примененная в освобождении Индии Махатмой Ганди.

В ГСГ, посвятившем себя 16 лет научному исследованию сферонов и обеспечившем их фундаментальную верификацию мировой статистикой в «Гандике» (2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), вырос первый в мировой поэзии, сознательный поэт сферонов – Др. Ашок Чакраварти. Он был удостоен за это Высшим Почетным Титулом ГГСГ: «Гандианский Творец Мировой Гармонии». Его уникальные поэмы, посвященные гармонии, миру, любви и ненасилию Гандианских сферонов, их лучшему прибежищу и защите для детей, женщин и всех обездоленных, опубликованы на десятках соответствующих страниц вебсайта ГГСГ и на его персональной странице: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286.

Мы искренне благодарны Ашоку за его высоко интеллектуальное и вдохновенное поэтическое творчество, которое должно вылечить и спасти его от Ковида. Мы счастливы представить две его лучшие поэмы, посвященные 16-й годовщине ГГСГ и Дню Поэзии, опубликованные с многочисленными пожеланиями выздоровления на его странице.

С Днем Поэзии всех поэтов, членов и друзей ГГСГ! Поэзии, достигшей высшей и вдохновляющей духовной гармонии ненасилия сферонов, прокладывающей путь спасительному миротворческому глобальному ненасилию!

С любовью и солидарностью, от имени ГГСГ,
Лев Семашко,




Only for you Dr. Leo

Good morning

Unfortunately, I am tested Covid positive. May not respond for 2 - 3 weeks Sir.

Treatment underway


Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana





+++It is better to know the truth and inform it than to be silent and hide it.


Dear Ashok ji,

I am very sorry for your Covid. But I am sure that your high poetic and Gandhian spirit will overcome this insidious disease and your treatment will be successful. We look forward to hearing from you in the next two weeks.

We are all together with you in the fight against adversity. Please, feel our support next to you. I hope that all of our friends - 28 persons o­n the GWE project - will support you with their encouraging responses to you in order to demonstrate their moral solidarity with you in the fight against the pandemic.

The ethic of solidarity, as Mahatma Gandhi wrote, is the most powerful tool against all misfortunes, including a pandemic.

Friendly, best wishes for a speedy recovery,


Dr. Leo Semashko




Dear Ashok

I join with dr Leo in wishing you a speedy recovery

Peace to you

Mairead Maguire




Dear Ashok, as you and I were honored with the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Gandhian Creator" at the same time, please feel assured that I am in a tandem with you when you fight with this terrible affliction. Courage to you!

Dr. Semashko was right in saying that "The ethic of solidarity, as Mahatma Gandhi wrote, is the most powerful tool against all misfortunes, including a pandemic."



W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич)

President, RAGA




Dear Poet Ashok ji,

This is so hard. We wish this wasn't happening to you.

We hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

In Peace and Solidarity,




Dear Ashokj

be strong to recover soon.

Takis D Ioannides



Dear Ashokji,

Let be cured soon! Vaccine is available. Stay safe. God bless you!


Pravat Kumar Dhal,



Good Evening

Thank you all so much from the core of my heart

for your inspirational words and blessed wishes.


Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana,





Ashokji Get well soon

Thank you.

Maitreyee Bardhan Roy




Dear Ashokji,

I am very touched and sad to know you are dealing with Covid 19 health problems. I will be praying for your health and soon recovery. My heart and best thoughts are with you. Always in friendship,Peace and Harmony...

and Solidarity,

Celia Altschuler

Puerto Rico




Dear friend Ashok ji

I am, as All your friends, very sorry for your covid.

I send to you energy, strengh and attention, thoughtsfor you could be or stay or elevate your body fighting against the virus to the Highest vibrations of healing.

Divine healing of the Universal presence into everything, everyone.

With light and compassion

Be strong ! Take Care of all your being

Spirit soul and heart and physical health

Counciousness of healing for crossing this difficultmoment and This sad period of our common history o­n the earth.

May you find the good way and solutions for recovering your wonderful health!


Thea Marie Robert

Your friend from France




Dear members of GHA

Good Evening

Despite being Covid positive and got admitted in Apollo Hospital due to high fever and breathlessness, my quest and commitment to compose a befitting poem

for WORLD POETRY DAY 2021 (21, March) still remains strong.

Wish and hope, you will all appraise the poem.

I am sending two designs of the same poem for your own choice to choose.


Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana










Dear Leo, GHA members and friends,

         Many congratulations and best wishes for all the unique projects,

initiatives and peacemaking achievements for its16 highly fruitful years of journey.

As a promoter of world peace and a member of GHA, I take the occasion

to contribute a poem ATTACHED to commemorate this delight-filled occasion.

          Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to o­ne and all,

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

International Poet – Review Writer Universal Peace Ambassador,

Vice-Chair, Global Harmony Association,

tacvarthy@gmail.com | worldpeacepoetry@gmail.com

Address: Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA

Website: https://worldpeacepoetry.com/




Dear Ashok,
 Happy Birthday to the GHA great poet of Global Peace from the Gandhian Spherons Harmony! He expressed it in his excellent  poetry that is reflected in the many GHA books over 15 years and in his many outstanding poems o­n his personal page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286.
 The GHA wishes you good health and many years of poetry for the sake of world peace from Gandhian harmony/nonviolence/love.
Friendly and loving,


HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Ashok, my friend.
In this opportunity I express my loving respect, appreciation,
and admiration for you and your work    You are a treasure to GHA and,
Ernesto Kahan,

Dear Ashok,
I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY with health love and spiritual creations!
Your brilliant soul adds real value to GHA and all other organizations!
With love and respect
Takis D Ioannides
Dear Ashok,
All my wishes of a happy birthday, this, in spite of the world situation marked by pandemia and terrorism!
That your voice and your writings continue to carry with conviction and talent your message universal for peace and the harmony.
Poet, writer and singer French

Dear Ashok,
Wish you a happy birthday.
Dr. Noor Muhammad Larik,

Salut à vous,
Dr Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana,
Tous mes meilleurs voeux de bonheur, d'une santé excellente, de concrétisation de vos projets les plus chers, d'une continuité dans votre engagement pour la paix du monde et de magnifiques poèmes à venir, à l'occasion de votre anniversaire !
Bien amicalement et respectueusement.
Martine GILHARD,
P.S. Mon salut à tous et mes meilleurs voeux de bonne santé! 


Good Afternoon

Muchas Gracias / Thank you all so much for the blessed wishes

which I treasure with utmost reverence.


Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana


Dear Ashok
A great and happy birthday!
Health and creativity, serenity and happiness inside the heart.
Peaceful thoughts
Thea Marie Robert from France

Happy Birthday dear friend of soul!


Susana Roberts,



From City of Brotherly Love,

Lana Yang 楊幗蘭




Happy BirthdayAshok.

María Cristina Azcona



Dear Ashokji,

Happy Birth Day!

Thanks and Regards




All my best wishes and a very happy happy birthday.

With love and peace.

Bella Ventura,




Dear Mr. Ashok,
We wish you a very happy birthday!
Do good, be happy and progress forever!
Best Regards,
Hasina Parvin and Anam Kumar
World Growth Forums
Nation Builders


Poems for the ICAN/GHA “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto”:




While love, harmony and peace purify our souls and mind

The unsafe nuclear weapons are contaminating our lands;

Is it not a malicious inhumanity and crime against humanity?

Is it not a global genocidal terror looming large with ferocity?

Unless we dispel the fears of hate, prejudice and hegemony

And, replace them with social, racial and ethnic harmony;

We can diffuse conflicts and create trust-worthy interactions

And open the doors for discussion, dialogue, and negotiation.

The instinct of egoistic dominance is sowing seeds of conflict

Mutual trust over the years is gradually becoming mistrust;

Deserting ideologies, why are nations vying for nuclear race?

In same spirit cannot they make the earth a harmonious place?



The concern of the apocalyptic nuclear weapons

Piled-up with a thirst for supremacy by nations;

Scare every human with inconceivable destruction

Holding hostage ‘the right to live’ of every person.

World security and peace is the peoples concern

Their strong quest is nuclear weapons prohibition;

Ignoring the concern of own people; some nations,

Holding captive entire humanity with such actions.

Right now encircled by volcanoes of nuclear environs

Earth being our common home, we cannot abandon;

How to create a positive environment of expectation,

Seriously should we act to avert our global extinction.

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana,



Hyderabad, Telangana State, INDIA



From the India PM


Good Evening

I feel delighted to let you know that I had today received acknowledgement

from the Prime Minister’s Office, New Delhi.

I attach the same herewith for your ready reference.


Poetically Yours,

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana,




GHA 15th Anniversary and World Poetry Day 2020

Dear GHA members, friends,

The GHA is happy to congratulate you o­n the Poetry Day with the brilliant Poem of our Indian poet, Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy "GANDHI POETRY BLOSSOM", which he also dedicated to the GHA 15th anniversary with its two peacemaking peaks: "Gandhica" and "Gandhicracy"!

We highly appreciate Ashok's unique poetic contribution to the Gandhian global peace through spherons, especially in these lines:

"Poetry sees the Gandhian peacemaking varnas

Even their blossom in the GHA great spherons

We were happy to publish this wonderful poem o­n four pages:





And in Russian:





It will be published also in the new book 2020, in the part: “Gandhicracy Poetics” as the first contribution to this new poetry of the 21st century. Perhaps it will be the beginning of the Gandhian poetic revolution in our century, proclaiming the Gandhian global peace with Gandhian democracy through Gandhian thinking by Gandhian spherons! This will be the greatest monument to the Mahatma Gandhi immortal and saving "Nonviolence Science", which will be realized in the 21st century, starting since the GHA.

Ashok is the first world poet after the great ancient Indian Rishis-sages who created the poetic Vedas more than three thousand years ago and praised the equality of Varnas (ancient spherons), which provided ancient India with peace and prosperity for a thousand years, began to anthem to the modern 21st century spherons. Following Mahatma Gandhi and through the GHA books, he saw in equal spherons the source of non-violence, peace and prosperity for all humanity in the new millennium.

Therefore we are happy to congratulate Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy, the great Indian poet, o­n this outstanding achievement and contribution to the humanistic poetry of the new century.

With love,
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA founder and honorary president,


Good Evening GHA Members,

I take the occasion to congratulate o­ne and all to mark the 15th Anniversary of the GHA, as also the commemoration of WORLD POETRY DAY 2020 (21st March).I thank o­ne and all o­n the new ventures of two peacemaking peaks, viz., Gandhica and Gandhicracy.

Once again wishing everyone the very best in ever-new endeavors of GHA to unfold a new chapter in the annals of Universal Peace.

Regards and best wishes,

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana






Dear Leo,

I am pleased to let you know that today evening I had explained and presented a copy of GANDHICA to HIS WORSHIPFUL MAYOR - HYDERABAD CITY, CAPITAL, TELANGANA STATE - INDIA - DR. BONTHU RAMMOHAN.

Please find attached TWO PHOTOGRAPHS relating to the presentation of GANDHICA BOOK.

Poetically Yours

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad,

Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA



Dear Ashokji,

          Many thanks for your excellent presentation of the GHA unique book “Gandhica” to the Hyderabad City/Capital Mayor of the Telangana (Telugu Land) State. Your two wonderful photographs of this important event were published o­n the Gandhica presentation page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=902. The GHA highly appreciates your courage, responsibility and resourcefulness in promoting Gandhica in India together with Dr Subhash Chandra, President of the GHA-India. Thanks a lot to both of you.

Question. Could your young and well-educated Mayor (Dr.) help you translate and publish Telugu Gandhica for your state's schools and universities? Could you talk with him about it. If you want, we could prepare a letter together in three for him. Is this possible for you?

Another question. Your bold and active presentations of this book, right down to the Queen of Britain, prompted my idea to gift this book to the political party of Gandhi - the Indian National Congress (INC), which he created and which helped him in the non-violent achievement of Indian independence in 1947. This party (now opposition) and its leader, Mr. Rahul Gandhi, have the right, more than anyone else in India, known and studied Gandhica, unique in its innovative disclosure of the societal depth and foundation of Gandhi’s non-violence that are still unknown to science and Gandhian researchers. Could you alone, either with Dr Subhash Chandra or with any responsible admirer of Gandhi, present this book to Mr. Rahul Gandhi or simply mail it to the INC headquarters? If you presented this book to the Queen of Britain, then why not send it to the leader of the Gandhian INC, which ensured the independence of India?
          Agree, this is a pertinent question to us, to the GHA, to the GHA-India, personally to you. What do you think about this and how do you answer it? Our Gandhian Enlightenment cannot ignore the political cradle of Gandhi. Do you agree with that?


Good Afternoon

I am pleased to let you know that I had presented our GANDHICA BOOK to Queen Elizabeth, UK, President & Prime Minister of India.

Prior to above, I had the opportunity to attend the 39th World Congress of Poets, held in Bhubaneswar, INDIA, which was attended by writers representing 82 nations.There, I presented the book and the attached photo comprise myself with Susana Roberts, Ernesto Kahan & Marie T Robert. This is for favor of information

Poetically Yours

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad,

Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA



We admire your rare courage and high responsibility to present our Gandhica to Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and to the President and PM of India! If such a bold and responsible member of the GHA were found in every country, then the presentation of our Gandhica would become truly global at the highest level!

We must enlighten our political leaders in those oppositional, repressed and weak ideas today, which in 5-10 years will become priority and wield the global public consciousness. Perhaps among the leaders there are far-sighted politicians who will understand that the sooner they begin to support the Gandhian ideas and Gandhica, the better everyone will be. I do not lose hope for the intelligence of some modern leaders, however rare it is among them.

I was happy to publish the royal response to Gandhica o­n its three pages:




Your other photos were published here earlier.
GHA highly appreciates your great contribution to the Gandhica presentation and expresses heartfelt gratitude to you.
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President,




(Brief view o­n Universal Book ‘Global Peace Science’ of GHA 2016)

By Ashok T Chakravarthy

Life o­n Earth is a confluence of multiculturalism; - closely knitted and attached with faiths of several religions and cultures. And, Global Peace Science (GPS) is o­ne such marvelous key that can unlock human conscience and minds not o­nly to prevent wars, terrorism but also resolve environmental crisis and economic instability. GPS definitely offers something unique to motivate and pave a way for transformation of human approach and shall be an eye-opener not o­nly for this, but also for the generations to come.It can silently shatter the self-destructive tendencies embedded in human minds and can fulfill the universal need to project and protect, to acquaint and inject prophesies of universal love and love towards every living being.

"Global Peace Science” is an epic-like subject which throws open permanent opportunities for the revival of peace, development of undeveloped-underdeveloped nations, educating children and youth to uphold social harmony and ultimately strives to create an environment viable for world peace, best suited for peaceful co-existence. If ‘tolerance’ is the key factor of the peace-coin, ‘trust’ is the absolute key for human relationship and it certainly is the other side of the same coin.To rid humanity from wars, terrorism and poverty, GPS is certainly a non-violent victory of peace over war during XXI century.It’s undoubtedly a world class text book to be prescribed for every school, every college and every university across the world.

The ever increasing concern and the scare of a possible world war are pushing the world towards distrust amongst humans as a whole. The way anarchy, hatred, genocide, conflicts and violent activities have been increasing day-by-day, it is but common for every living being to feel insecure even midst a militaristic society. A secured human life, freedom from destructive apprehensions and protection of universal human rights is the primary cause of concern imparted through Global Peace Science to explore the bitter truth of what the superior-complex nations vie for.

With such awe-inspiring and charioteer-like person Dr. Leo Semashko, President of GHA in association with like-minded and dedicated Members of the Association joined hands for creation of harmonious civilization based o­n Tetrasociology; can a second-thought ‘against peace’ intrude us?Therefrom emerged the confluence of 174 co-authors from 34 counties o­n the magnanimous and wondrous task of accomplishing the holy relic-like ‘Global Peace Science’ / ‘Peaceloveology, Peacescience’ to appease and soothe humankind. We have to tread this path and pave a way to others to tread this path laid with the delicate petals of global harmonic human civilization. With total faith and consciousness let this Great Good Gift of the century “Global Peace Science” enlightens every nation, every religion, every culture and every tradition to bring us together into o­ne global family.

Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy, D.Lit.,

International Poet – Review Writer,

Universal Peace Ambassador,

Vice-President, Global Harmony Association,

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39, Madhavnagar, Saidabad,

Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA





                                                                                                     Brief bio

Regarding myself, Aged 46, I am a Poet & Review Writer, hailing from Hyderabad City, India. Composing poetry for the past 25 years, I have composed nearly 1200 poems, several of which appeared in international Literary Journals, Anthologies, websites etc.I am conferred with Doctor of Literature by the World Academy of Arts & Culture, USA and I am also an Universal Peace Ambassador.I have 4 collections of poetry as of now and another 4spiritual/devotional books have been translated into English from my mother tongue TELUGU.

I am presently employed with a Government-partnered State Co-op Bank in Hyderabad City, India.

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, D.Litt

Poet & Review Writer

16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad


e-mail : tacvarthy@yahoo.com

Site : www.poetryofpeacewings.com (under construction)




Dear Ashok,

Many thanks for your excellent peace-harmony-Mothers poem, which was published o­n your personal page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286

I am happy congratulate all o­n behalf of the GHA with this great Peace-Harmony-Mothers Day. Mothers, women represent and embody Peace-Harmony-Life from nature via their natural deep intuition.

But superficial military men and their nations-states represent and embody for people and nature the war-disharmony-death, which can be overcome o­nly by global Spherons' Harmony in every nation-states through Global Peace Science. Could you write Poem about this philosophical matter of our days: "To be or not to be"?Thank you.
Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS,

Dear GHA Member-friends

I attach herewith some of the photos relating to my
interaction with School Children in TAIWAN during
November, 2015, where I imparted the necessity
for world peace.  I feel these photos will be useful
for GPS for children
May 20, 2016


Lopera’s and Chakravarthy’s Poems: How to make harmony of strong, able to put end to our slavery? "Glory Harmony! Learners you're coming for you!"

Dear Jose,

Thank you very much for your strong poem “HIGH FINANCE”, dedicated to the highest financiers as the triumph of disharmony in financial (=militaristic) slavery of our world.

I was happy to publish it o­n your personal page here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=442. (I invite the famous Russian poet Adolf Shvedchikov translate it into Russian).

My o­nly regret about it sad and hopeless end: the slaves of financiers praise them, not knowing the end! In the 21st century, we have scientific knowledge of social harmony in its ABC, which reveals to us the way out of our financial slavery in harmonious civilization through harmonious education and harmonious spheral classes. We are required o­nly an unprecedented effort in the development of this knowledge and its dissemination through the global harmonious education and enlightenment of all people with children, so they know their involvement in the global harmonious classes rather than a doomed involvement to slaves of financial barons. Then humanity can exclaim: “Glory Harmony, knowing you're coming for you! We are not ignorant slaves of financiers!”

GHA is going this path consciously 8 years and encourages everyone to follow him! I invite you and other poets of the GHA, write poems not o­nly about our slavery and financial dictatorship, and the power of harmony and triumph of the harmonious mind, illuminating a new world order of harmonious classes beyond dictators and oligarchs, Caesars and the accompanying them wars, violence, hunger and slavery. It will be a triumph of Harmony, to which global humanity will come in the 21st century! Please write about this dream that come true when we believe in it and when we talk about it and do not be silent.

I was happy also to publish another brilliant poem, another poet of the GHA, India, Tholana Chakravarthy dedicated to the Mother’s Day, "The Compassion Incarnate" o­n his personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286. Maternal compassion - this is o­ne of the most beautiful feeling and a natural source of harmony. But it is not enough and too powerless, as history shows, before financial slavery and any violence. This harmony source also find its power and strength in scientific knowledge of social harmony and its main actors - spheral classes of the population, which are presented in the GHA ABC of Harmony and that will be studied in detail in an upcoming case study GHA in the coming year. o­nly this knowledge can give mankind the full and true freedom from financial, militaristic and other slavery and to ensure social harmony as the highest embodiment of freedom and justice! It will be a true victory of humanity. It will be a victory over the total ignorance in harmony, generating fascism, war, financial slavery and other disharmony in the world. o­nly the knowledge of harmony will make this world a better place!


Glory Harmony! Studying you're coming for you! Ave, Harmonia, studendo te vade! (If I made a mistake in the Latin translation - correct me, please).

Best wishes o­n Victory Day as triumph of harmony over fascism! For it will follow triumph of a harmonious civilization as victory over the financial slavery, war and militarization!

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President

PS. Thanks to our poets Jose and Tholana, who inspired me to this message!




SPRING 2012 No44

The Indian Culture of harmony and its expression

in Poetry, Literature and Art of India

The long history and culture of India emerged from its unique geographical location and its ancient heritage dates way back 5000 years to the Indus Valley Civilization and considered most diverse nation in the world. The rare delights are found in the centuries-old temples, tombs and forts; in the exquisite crafts still made in the traditional way. Religion and ritual pervade almost every aspect of life in India. Four major world religions - Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism have originated o­n the Indian soil and they have greatly influenced not o­nly India but also South East Asia and other parts of the world too. Though each sect has its own rules, rituals and taboos, ordinary Indians largely follow a “live and let live” philosophy.It is this underlying spirit of tolerance that has enabled India to remain a unique tapestry of varied cultures and faiths. Acquiring Independence o­n 15 August 1947, India became a Republic o­n 26 January 1950.Despite some political upheavals, slowly and steadily India grew from strength to stability in all spheres of development to be presently reckoned as o­ne of the fastest progressing nations in the world.

The culture of India is a confluence of several religions, traditions, races, regions and castes which are harmoniously fastened with the world’s largest democratic nation.Indian culture is closely knitted with the melodious fabric of various cultures and traditions.The culture of India has its shades of influence by Persian, Arabic, Turkish and English cultures. A rare blend of architectural splendors, a recipe of distinctive multi-cultural entertainment and a hub of hi-tech amusement, India reflects a universal society.A living example to “unity in diversity”, every state of the Indian nation is governed o­n its own with its own language and customs to follow. The lively and lovely cosmopolitan culture is a feast to watch and as thought-provoking as it is explored.Possessing different customs, traditions and varied cultures, India is divided into twenty-eight States with six Union Territories (UTs) with New Delhi as its national capital. Indian democracy stands for universal o­neness and reflects the harmonious co-existence of different sections of people as a whole, irrespective of their caste, creed, race and religion.To mention a few of India’s great grand divine temples, Kedarnath, Kalkaji, Lotus Temple, Birlamandir, Meenakshi Temple, Badrinath, Pushkar, Tirumala Tirupati, Golden Temple, Kanyakumari, Dwarkadheesh, Konark Sun Temple, Dilwara Jain Temple, Kasi Viswanatha, Mathura, Kanchipuram, Shiridi, Kali Maata,Vaishnodevi, Rameswaram, Madurai, Chamundeswari, Mookambika, Guruvayur, Ananta Padmanabha Swamy, Sabarimala and the architectural splendors of the Vijayanagara empire and the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho, The Buddhist murals of Ajanta; the inlaid carvings of flowers and animals in Mughal and Rajput palaces; the breathtaking architecture of the Taj Mahal, India Gate, Jantar Mantar, Qutub Minar, Charminar, Fatehpur Sikri, Golkonda Fort etc., have a unique history and glory of their own among numerous other landmarks.The culture of peaceful co-existence reflects in the historic Indian democracy.Economic freedom, providing voting right to ordinary people gives its citizens a great sense of participation in building the nation.It’s a blend of exceptional culture where realities shower delights of simple living and high thinking.Modern India has been fuelled by its vibrant, secular democracy, the largest in the world and, in recent years, also by new economic opportunities.

Indian Literature ::

The roots of Indian literature in English have its origin at the end of the 18th century and they got firmly rooted by the beginning of the 19th century.Education and literary expression in English have been decisively established by a social reformist from the Bengal State in India, by Ram Mohan Roy (1774-1833).His relentless efforts for including India amongst the world nations yielded desired results and paved way for educating the Indian pupils through English medium. This pillar of foundation gave the much needed boost for mass communication amongst the people of various regions within the country as well as to the entire world enabling mutual exchange of high cultural values and heritage.

India’s languages are diverse with as many as 17 major regional languages and hundreds of dialects.The English language is among the lasting legacies of British rule in India. It is spoken by pan-Indian elite, widely used as a link language.During India’s freedom struggle, English language became a peaceful instrument in the hands of Mahatma Gandhiji, Father of the Nation, in revolting against the British Empire. Several political leaders throughout India, viz., Jawaharlal Nehru, Lala Lajpath Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, T. Prakasham, Kasturi Ranga Iyengar etc. emerged as literary legends.The most famous Indian literary figure was Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), a Bengali writer, whose book Gitanjali won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.

The other earliest examples of Indian literature written in English which have academic acceptance were that of the novel titled, Rajmohan's Wife, by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and the poems of young poetess Toru Dutt.However, Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) was a distinguished poetess of literary merit hailing from Andhra Pradesh State in India, whose romantically weaved poetry charmed readers not o­nly in India but across the European nations too. And Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950), poet philosopher and sage is no exception, whose epic, Savitri and Life Divine is an outstanding example of English literature.Gradually English became the authoritative legislative and judicial language, as well as the official language in India for all practical purposes. Indian Poetry has always been dazzling and still dazzles with ever-new glitters and ever-pleasing poetic expressions, viz.

Sarojini Naidu in her Poem


Lightly, O lightly, we bear her along,

She sways like a flower in the wind of our song;

She skims like a bird o­n the foam of a stream,

She floats like a laugh from the lips of a dream.

Gaily, O gaily we glide and we sing,

We bear her along like a pearl o­n a string.

Ravindranath Tagore in his poem


Where the mind is without fear the head is held high

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;

Where words come out from the depth of truth;

Toru Dutt in her Poem “SITA”

Gigantic flowers o­n creepers that embrace

Tall trees; there, in a quiet lucid lake

The white swans glide; there, ‘whirring from the brake,’

The peacock springs; there, herds of wild deer race;

There, patches gleam with yellow waving grain;

There, blue smoke from strange altars rises light.

There dwells in peace, the poet-anchorite.

Govind Krishna Chettur in his Poem “NOCTURNE”

Dear God, what beauteous paths are Thine!

Now, all our being made divine,

Resurgent flows back unto Thee

Borne o­n this flood of ecstasy,

Knowing in moments such as these

Fulfillment of our destinies.

A poet with a quest to promote UNIVERSAL PEACE, a couple of stanzas from the poetry volume, ‘SERENE THOUGHTS’ of Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D, Hyderabad [A.P] INDIA :

“We got moved by droughts and famines

Yes, got shocked by wars and destructions,

We stood mute by the deaths of starvation

Being humans, let’s sow seeds of concern.

A change in attitude is the need of the hour

O human! Time is ripe to amend our manner”.

“Human, O human……

Besieging the human instinct

With unceasing greed

Often you become blind

Whenever …..

You invade others’ weakness

You ignore others’ sufferings

You snatch others’ rights

You betray others’ faith….”




Dear Members of Peace from harmony group

On the eve of the International Day of Non-violence and in commemoration of the 138th birth anniversary of Sri Mahatma Gandhi, the Spirit of India – The Father of the Nation - I furnish hereunder a brief text o­n Mahatma Gandhi and a Peace poem o­n the occasion, as under :

Mahatma Gandhi, an exceptional personality, familiar for his association with non-violence, a person who emphasized the need for unit among different religions, languages and classes of society was an unchallenged torch-bearer of universal peace. He was like a cloud of bliss when the people were thirsting for a shower of peace and that lustrous line of light had pierced through the dark spell of racism, violence, hatred and dominance. Mohandas K. Gandhi, conceived an all-time new weapon called, “Satyagraha”, which literally means a “non-violent & non-cooperative movement”, through which he drew unparallel public support and worldwide attention and was evenly instrumental in igniting the non-violent and peaceful imagination of the general public. Refining the technique of “Satyagraha”, Gandhi trained and influenced his vast followers and thereby succeeded in laying a solid foundation to strengthen the moral character of the firm believers. Whether male or female, rich or poor, literates or illiterates, young or old, weak or strong; Gandhi’s philosophy drew mass universal attention.

Unlike other leaders, Gandhi did not believe in armed conflicts to drive away the anti-people rulers. o­n several occasions, he used ‘fasting’ and ‘non-cooperative’ movement as a means to achieve the goals, in order to purify himself and to calm the aggrieved hearts. He undertook the mammoth task of educating the-then 300 million Indians to stand o­n their own feet. He utilized the medium of his own newspapers to express opinions o­n political matters and he went o­n to become an unprecedented, uncontested, sole representative of the people. Virtually it was a o­ne-man show of Gandhi, whom no o­ne dared to challenge. By successfully employing Gandhi’s system of non-violence to achieve extraordinary success in their own political struggles, world leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of the United States and Nelson Mandela of South Africa have successfully accomplished their political tasks.

Despite Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination nearly six decades ago, there still exists every possibility to bring back the spirit of non-violence to achieve some definite objectives that would pave a way for universal brotherhood and peace.

While remembering the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, it is but the endeavor of every Indian to extend the hand of friendship o­n this special day of 2nd October. Keeping aloof from violence and ruthless attitude and in turn promoting peace and exceptionally high level of moral character amongst humans, let this pledge be fulfilled for universal welfare and prosperity.


Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

ABC for Children of Harmonious Civilization

A Cause of concern


To survive in this merciless world

He wanders, begging o­n the streets;

Either a source to rely at least

To feel the cozy childhood glitters,

Or a mercy-filled parental heart

To be blessed with fondling memories.

Sleeping in wrapped-up newspapers

Even in adverse weather conditions,

He literally lives o­n the filthy streets

With torn-out rags, deep sunk eyes

Spending life’s traumatic moments

Under the merciless human hearts

Which fail to ignite any humane spirit?

Midst the rubbish heaps, at times

At times under the motorway bridge

He’s a society deserted street child

Abused and left as an accursed o­ne.

Oh God! His immature life is tragic

Premature he may end up perhaps,

Alas, who’s there to focus o­n his plight?

Who’s there to balm his wounded heart?

To put in motion a never-ending fight

For the protection of children’s rights,

Who would but become the leading light

To give priority to the heart-jerking plights.

Let such thoughts of social consciousness

Sprout in the soil of every human heart

In the busy world, midst our busy schedule,

Cannot we spare a few of our moments

To implant and impart a cause of concern

For “protection and priority for children”.

Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

ABC for Children of Harmonious Civilization

Shattered visions of childhood


Their dull, dusty and dismal faces

Their desolate and pitiable glances

Their deep-sunk lustreless eyes

Their desperate and gasping cries,

Alas ! At the fag-end of survival path

Afraid, they stare at the jaws of death.

Their shattered childhood visions

Their heart-breaking compulsions

Their soul-stirring dismal conditions

Their cries of the agonizing starvation,

Alas ! They fail to stir human hearts;

Though, every moment a child departs.

Yesterday was similar, today too even

Where’s the concern for a co-human?

Children are they, stung by starvation

Lifeless are they, almost like skeletons

Alas ! Grasped by the tentacles of hunger

Their tearful eyes gape, seeking succour?

Pierced by the thorns of human neglect

The discontent of desertion clearly reflects,

Is there no end to the inhumane aspect?

Or, can’t we spare time to unfold the facts?

Alas ! Children are they, starving are they

A fist of food would save them for a day,

Pray God, starvation deaths are kept at bay.




If the blissful flags of peace
Are tagged to the cries of war,
If the friendly pigeons of peace
Are freed in the war-torn skies,
If the peace-loving forces
Are flown into the war terrains,
If the provocative elements
Are disciplined to uphold peace,
If the promoters of suppression
Are cured by the potion of love,
If the innocent victims of war
Are treated with humane concern,
If the conspirators of conflicts
Are persuaded to desist from wars,
Will there be any crisis or any scope
For enmity to exist amongst humans?
Won’t there be enough space for hope
To expect, a hope-enhanced tomorrow;
To adorn the Global Harmony Day
In a harmonious civilization, everyday.

June 21, 2011: The Second Global Harmony Day

Humans Are Me

Humans are we

We have but ….

Different facets

Different views,

Different expressions,

Different attitudes,

Different cultures,

Different religions,

Different customs.

As a whole,

We are but humanity.

Humans are we

We have but ….

Different principles,

Different characteristics,

Different aims,

Different ranks,

Different beliefs,

Different costumes.

As a whole

We are but humanity.

Humans are we

With decisive knowledge

To know what is what …

What is good?

What is bad?

What is just?

What is unjust?

What is humane?

What is inhumane?

What is love?

What is hatred?

What is constructive?

What is destructive?

What is life?

What is death?

Yes, as a whole

We are more intelligent

Than all other living beings.

But, with selfish motives

With selfish views,

With selfish requisites,

With selfish attitudes,

We become aggressive

Instead of supportive.

Ego-bloated ….

We create hatred

We create conflicts

We support the affluent

We support the powerful

We ignore the starving lot

We ignore our co-humans.

In the alarming situation

Can’t we keep aloof …

From the selfish, ‘I’ and ‘mine’

And give a new lease of life

To the depleting human values To rest assured in “PEACE”.

-Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

Universal Peace Ambassador

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad





Dear Members of GHA

BEST WISHES o­n the commemoration of GHAs 5th Anniversary.

Please go through the poem (attach-GHA) exclusively composed for the occasion

Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

Poet - Review Writer

H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad


February 15, 2010


Dear Members of GHA


On the eve of GLOBAL HARMONY DAY, I take privilege to COMPOSE a poem for our dear members, with an ardent hope that the poem would please you all.You are at liberty to post your comments, if any, without hesitation.Also, please don't hesitate to forward it to your mailing lists for the genuine cause of GLOBAL HARMONY.



Dear Promoters of Peace


Today, ""21st JUNE"" is GLOBAL HARMONY DAY.On the occasion I furnish hereunder a poem to spread the message of PEACE through all of you.Please transmit the poem through your mailing lists to like-minded people for promoting the cause of GLOBAL HARMONY.Also, please don't hesitate to comment o­n the presentation of the poem.



In the fragile thoughts

The buds of peace

Into flowers of trust

Blossom ! Blossom !

For Global Harmony !

Implanting the seeds

In the soil of peace

Let us seek joys

Unbound ! Unbound !

For Global Harmony !

Humans are we

Having wit to choose

Between good and bad

Remember ! Remember !

For Global Harmony !

A thought of peace

Can change our mood

And shower delights

Wonderful ! Wonderful !

For Global Harmony !

In the valley of peace

The pigeons of love

Shall adore the skies

Forever ! Forever !

For Global Harmony !

The sinking sun

On the eastern horizon,

The fading brightness

Under the impending darkness

Snatch my desperation

From the shores of desperation.

The moon-lit night

Shall uplift my spirits,

While the cool breeze

Poses a thoughtful challenge

To ward-off the gloom

That rocks like a storm.

All is well and good

When life is understood,

In a right spirit

With a right thought

Global Harmony hugs us.

June 21, 2009

Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad





While a windstorm

Rages in heart of hearts,

And drowning memories

Ravage my aspirations,

Helpless I stand

In a desert, isolated.

The storm of agony

Uproot my dreams

And crash-lands my aspirations

In the mire of dejection

As if I am an accursed orphan

The delicate childhood

Is ruthlessly crushed

By inhumane attitude;

While day –to-day life

Merely remain a mirage.

In search of kind adoring hearts

To quench not o­nly hunger

But the thirst of love too

Sleepless at night, I day-dream.

We witnessed aggressions

We came across conflicts

We viewed what brutality is

We faced the brunt of wars.

Yet, we speak of love and peace,

Talk of civilized approach,

Boast of being humane,

Above all, we act too smart

With the ‘Universal Peace’ slogan.

Oh human ! How come…?

When we intently ignore

To give minimum priority

To orphans and street children

Yes, How come…?

How can we justify ourselves

With mere words, devoid of action.

June 20, 2009

Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad




Dear Tholana, I am not a poet, but your poem ‘CAN WE JUSTIFY OURSELVES’ touches me deeply, regarding the plight of all of the children of the earth, but more urgently, those in nations whose leaders consider it to be appropriate to threaten their neighbors with the ultimate devastation, that which is almost incomprehensibly cruel, death by radiation sickness, which touches all who are in proximity to nuclear detonations planned, in theory, to teach their enemies "a lesson." The o­nly thing it teaches children is fear, fear of their own leaders. What child is made to feel more secure by knowing that other children will die horrible deaths because o­nes own protectors are able to justify civilian casualties in the millions? An Internet brings this reality home, inescapably present in the minds of children throughout the world, no longer an adult realization, o­nly.

In Iran, in Korea, in Israel, the silent killer is fear, not of enemies, but of the intransigence of those who say they are committed to the lives of their people, but their true commitment is to the suffocation of their so-called enemies, by whatever means are available, including a threat of nuclear annihilation. Children are dying in Iran for opposing the insanity of leaders, including clerics, who insist o­n developing the nuclear option. Children are starving to death in the northern half of Korea, for the insistence of their leaders to use dwindling resources to develop the nuclear option. Children in Israel are dying spiritual deaths for the insistence of their leaders to exact, not just "an eye for an eye," but body counts many times over. What Jewish child can take comfort in such retaliations without losing part of their own humanity?

It is not adults who will decide the future of humankind. Youth are beginning to shape their own destiny. Children are o­n the march. They will bring their leaders to accounts. It began in Gdansk, Poland, twenty years ago, in a movement called Solidarity. Youth will no longer accept, in quiet acquiescence, the fate handed to them by cynical politicians and spiritless clerics. They are finding their Voice in reply to Fallen Leaders who were not afraid to speak out against the indignities forced o­n them when they dared to challenge irrational actions of their governments. We are not the models for these youth to follow, for we were o­nce able to challenge the duplicities of our governments, and may have tried, but ultimately failed.

Now it's their turn. We can help, but we can't lead. It is no longer our fight. Justice, equality and harmony cannot be won o­n battlefields or by using threats and intimidation, but through compassion for those who are weaker than ourselves, recognizing our common humanity, working together to discover and attain shared goals. "Have I not lost my enemy in making him my friend?' attributed to Abraham Lincoln, when criticized for being kind to those who opposed him. We can encourage young people to do what we failed to do: "make" Peace.

Respectfully, Martha Ross DeWitt, PhD, Sociologist and Political Analyst.




Poems for June 1 - Protection and Children Priority Day - o­n the Harmonious Era Calendar of Global Harmony Association


The love-craving looks of those rendered orphans

The shattering cries of children seeking protection

For a fist of food, for a ray of love the wait goes o­n

Every moment of their budding life is but uncertain.

Caught in the barbed cage of the terrifying fate

O innocent children, where’s the way to sneak out?

Your misty eyes, speak of the sufferings untold

But who’s there to unshackle the inhuman hold?

We boast of civilization, call it our global stature

But who cares who, is an agitate question to ponder,

Were the days of the uncivilized past a bit better?

Than the present hi-tech boast, selfish in nature.

Who is there to spare time or listen to your call?

Oh pitiable o­nes, who’s there to protect you all?

Day in and day out you are battered, unmerciful

A humiliating curse that may prove dear to us all.

Lives entangled in the webs of starvation and death

Almost at the fag-end, who can avert their last breath?

Now at least, a ray of mercy should strike our hearts?

Humans are we, is not mercy at a corner of our heart.

How painful if a budding flower is plucked forcibly

Likewise are the lives of children abused physically,

We should ensure, by taking a “oath o­n humanity”

To safeguard children from injustice and brutality.



To survive in this merciless world

He wanders, begging o­n the streets;

Neither a source to rely at least

To feel the cosy childhood glitters,

Nor a mercy-filled parental heart

To be blessed with fondling memories.

Sleeping in wrapped-up newspapers

Even in adverse weather conditions

He literally lives o­n the filthy streets

With torn-out rags, deep sunk eyes

Spending life’s traumatic moments

Under the eagle-eyed street lights

Which fail to awaken humane spirit.

Midst the rubbish heaps, at times

At times under the motorway bridge

He’s a society deserted street child

Abused and left as an accursed o­ne.

Oh God! His immature life is tragic

Premature he may end up perhaps,

Alas, who’s there to focus o­n his plight

Who’s there to balm his wounded heart?

To put in motion a never-ending fight

For the protection of children’s rights,

Who would but become the leading light

Giving priority to the heart-jerking plights.

Let such thoughts of social consciousness

Sprout in the soil of every human heart

In the busy world, in our busy schedule,

Cannot we spare a few of our moments

To implant and impart a cause of concern

For “protection and priority for children”.




(Oath o­n Humanity - Wonderful Poem byTholana Ashok Chakravarthy-

Translation in Spanish-by S.Roberts)

Las suplicantesmiradas devueltas deaquellos huérfanos

los gritos quebrados de niños que buscanprotección

Porun puñado de alimento, por un rayo de amor ellos esperan ir

Cada momento de sus vidases demasiado incierto.

Atrapados en una jaula de púas de un destino aterrador

Oh niños inocentes, dónde esta elcaminopara salir?

Sus ojos húmedos, habla desufrimientos indecibles,

pero quién está allí para desencadenar el asimiento inhumano?

Nos jactamos de civilización, es llamada nuestra estatura global,

pero quién se preocupa de quién, es unapregunta agitada para meditar

Eran los días del pasado incivilizado un poco mejor?

Que la jactanciosa hola-tecnología presente, egoísta en naturaleza.

¿Quién está allí al rato libre o para escuchar su llamado?

¿Ah lastimosos, quiénes están allí para protegerlos?

El día y en el día haciausted es aporreado, despiadado

Unahumillantemaldición que puede probarqueridos a todos?

¿Vidas enredadas en los webs de hambre y muerte

Casi en la faena-final,puede apartar su último aliento?

¿Ahora al menos, un rayo de piedad debería golpear nuestros corazones?

Humanos somos, no espiedad en el rincón de nuestro corazón.

Tan doloroso si una flor en ciernes es arrancada enérgicamente

De la misma manera son las vidas de niños abusados físicamente,

Nosotros deberíamos asegurar,tomando " un juramento de humanidad”

Para salvaguardar a los niños de la injusticia y la brutalidad.




How's the below poem, exclusively composed for the MOTHER'S DAY o­n 11th May, 2008:

There cannot be such a place
Safe enough than a mother’s lap,
There cannot be a love of such a sort
Than that of a mother’s loving heart,
There cannot be that much excuse
Than that of a mother’s pleasing nature,
There cannot be that much solace
Than that of a mother’s soothing words,
There cannot be such a caring glance
Than that of a mother’s assuring eyes,
There cannot be such a gentle touch
Than that of a mother’s caring hands,
There cannot be so deep a concern
Than that of a mother’s untiring alertness,
There cannot be more such contentment
Than that of a mother’s serene smile,
There cannot be a more grieving heart
Than that of a mother’s hurtful feelings,
There cannot be such a peace boundless
Than that of a mother’s fondling look,
There can never be such mercy unbound
Exception to God, than that of a MOTHER.

Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

Deep down the memory lane

Childhood, when peeps out,

I recollect bone-thin orphans

Staring into the empty skies.

What a misfortune, what a shame

Really a blot o­n human civilization.

Is the aspect of love and concern

From out of ego-bloated hearts

Got evaporated o­nce and for all

Into the deep layers of selfishness.

Ignoring the deprived children,

Leaving some to their own fate,

Forcing some to starve and die;

What contentment is derived?

In ignoring their dismal plight.

The pitiable, orphaned children

Despite scared to live without love

Yearn to somehow survive …

For death looks ferocious to them.

The lusterless deep sunk eyes,

Speak volumes of agonizing abuse,

The heart-breaking ignorant stance,

Reveal the pounded childish hearts,

Betwixt shores of survival and death

Imagine the torture and torment

That kills them almost every moment.

O Lord ! Shower a bit of your mercy

To fill the dark lives with a ray of hope.



Βαθεία μέσα στα μύχια της μνήμης των παιδικών χρόνων,

όταν κρυφοκοιττάζω,

αναπολώ τα λεπτο-κόκκαλα ορφανά

να κοιτάζουν μέσ΄ τους άδειους ουρανούς.


Τι ατυχία, τι ντροπή

Πράγματι μιά μελανή κηλίδα στον ανθρώπινο πολιτισμό.

Είναι άποψη αγάπης και ενδιαφέροντος

απο τις εγωκεντρικές καρδιές
που εξανεμίζονται μια για πάντα
στα βάθη του εγωισμού.

Αδιαφορώνταςγια τα στερημένα παιδιά,
Εγκαταλείποντάς τα στη μοίρα τους,
Υποχρεώνοντας τα στην λιμοκτονία και το θάνατο,

Ποιά είναι η ικανοποίηση απ΄αυτά;

Αδιαφορώντας για την μελαγχολική τους δοκιμασία.

Τα αξιοθρήνητα, ορφανά παιδιά,

πέραν του φόβου να ζούν δίχως αγάπη

επιζητούν κάποιον τρόπο να επιζήσουν.....

Ο θάνατος τους φαίνεται άγριος.
Τα βαθυσκότεινα μάτια τους,
μαρτυρούν αμέτρητες βασανιστικές κακοποιήσεις,
Η σπαραξικάρδια αδαής στάση,

αποκαλύπτει τις σφυροκοπημένες παιδικές καρδιές,
στις ακτές επιβίωσης και θανάτου του Μπετβίξτ

φανταστείτε τα βασανιστήρια και τα μαρτύρια

που τα θανατώνουν κάθε στιγμή.
Ω Θεέ! Χάρισε λίγο απο το έλεός Σου
να γεμίσεις τις σκοτεινές ζωές με μια ακτίνα ελπίδας.


Translation from English into Greeks

By Takis Ioannidis

November 29, 2007



Wherever harmony is nourished

Peace in abundance has flourished,

Irrespective of caste, religion or race

Pigeons of peace lovingly adorn the skies.

Every dawn looks a peaceful marvel

Every place resembles a delightful dazzle;

The pleasing nature and beautiful birds

Enthrall our hearts with ever-new bonds.

Neither an iota of hatred nor any grudge

The iota of enmity, with harmony merge,

Clouds of distrust disappear out of sight

Assuring peace and upholding human rights.

The hours of distrust become trust-worthy

New dawns usher, with pleasures-worthy,

With hand in hand, time is ripe to sow

The most sought-after seeds of peace, now.

Plowing the very soil of harmonious living

Individual mind, if made fertile and loving

The catastrophic clouds of impending wars

Forever can be defaced of the war-torn scars.




Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D


November 16, 2007



Where there is amity, there is delight

Where there is harmony, there is light,

From the dark phase, we have to budge ahead

Leaving the conflict phase, we have to go ahead

The pigeons of peace should we release

The necessity of peace should we realize,

Life is short, deny a scope to conflicts

Eternal is love, offer a place for TRUST.

Where there is amity, there is delight

Where there is harmony, there is light

Citizens, universal citizens are we all

We should uphold human ethics and morals,

Be a leading light to those groping in the dark

May the deprived lives enjoy peace sparks.

Where there is amity, there is delight

Where there is harmony, there is light

Ashamed, the clouds of war should disperse

Mankind be freed from the conflicts’ curse,

Where there is amity, there is delight

Where there is harmony, there is light.

Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad



October 2, 2007


Dear Peace Promoter/s


As a promoter of the concept of UNIVERSAL PEACE & BROTHERHOOD THROUGH POETRY, I feel it a blessing to come across people / organizations such as yours. You are the leading-light of PEACE without any frontiers, and I am o­ne among the pigeons of peace amongst you.

A Poet and Review Writer, I have been persistently making my efforts for a PEACE UNIVERSALITY by way of spreading the message of PEACE THROUGH POETRY. In this quest and in view of the forthcoming UN International Day Of Peace o­n 21st September, I furnish hereunder THREE of my recently composed PEACE poems meant for that particular day, occasion and purpose.

As pigeons of peace or say emissaries of peace, we all belong to o­ne family; with a sole aim and objective for UNIVERSAL PEACE.



Your precious comments / views o­n the peace poems are MOST WELCOME.

Anticipating your whole-hearted COOPERATION in

spreading the message of PEACE.



The haunting nightmares and sequences

That the ruinous wars often result in,

Challenge us with dire consequences

To ignore or support co-human insults.

The deep pain and the haunting sorrow

That emerges from the ensuing conflicts,

Challenge humankind with a tomorrow

Wherein, an ocean of miseries reflects.

By upholding and fortifying ‘peace’

We should challenge the arch-rivals,

By demonstrating the might of peace

We should prove the power of our will.

The challenges of frequent conflicts

We should conquer with weapons of peace,

The challenges of revenge and rifts

We can raze with harmony and peace.

The hostile and ruthless calls for war

With our insightful wit, should we shun;

Transforming thoughts into peace-showers

To fortify a spirited unity that wins.

Violence should not provide us a scope

To counter it with identical response,

Consequences should not deter the hopes

To desist us from establishing peace.



O Peace! Before you we humbly bow

Harmonious seeds we aspire to sow,

On mankind you have steadfast trust

Is it but possible to keep that intact?

The dominating and conflicting trends

Ominously are they threatening mankind,

They are but the hurdles o­n peace paths

Whoever dares to tread, confronts death.

The scars of fear, death and destruction

Taught us to desist from any provocation,

Unmindful yet, we prefer to be provocative,

The egoistic fire is alluringly destructive.

When humans suffer the pangs of death,

Children forced to face starvation deaths,

Mothers are snatched of their dear o­nes,

Whom should we blame? Please imagine.

O Peace! Before you we humbly bow

Harmonious seeds we aspire to sow,

But if aggression ploughs with violence

Show us, how to sow the seeds of peace?



If the blissful flags of peace

Are tagged to the cries of war,

If the pigeons of peace

Are freed in the war-torn skies,

If the peace-loving forces

Are flown into the war terrains,

If the provocative elements

Are disciplined to uphold peace,

If the promoters of suppression

Are cured by the potion of love,

If the innocent victims of war

Are treated with love and concern,

If the conspirators of conflicts

Are persuaded to desist from wars,

Will there be a crisis or a scope

For enmity to exist amongst humans?

Won’t there be a space for hope

To expect a hope-enhanced tomorrow.

From the dark shackles of egoism

Peace would liberate the humankind,

Who can deny the bliss of peace

Once pleasure is derived out of it?

What we seek is public domination

What we lack is true dedication,

If both are effectively curtailed

Peace victorious shall we herald;

It conquers and occupies the world

Laying flowery paths in every heart

Forget not, this option is the best.


Poetically Yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D





THOLANA Ashok Chakravarthy


The seeds of mistrust, into hatred sprout

And pave way for several global conflicts,

The priceless peace-struggles and sacrifices

Adorned with the spirit of patriotic fires,

Seem to slowly erase from human memory

Making us vulnerable, o­nce again to slavery.

Is there the true spirit of humanity now?

On the paths to mislead the humane light

We humans are vying to show our might,

The poor and the weak are made scapegoats

Like playful pawns their lives at bay are kept;

Tears and turmoil’s always hunt their lives

But who shows concern or hear their pleas.

Is there the true spirit of humanity now?

The shackles of past slavery and sufferings

Raise their hoods to ignite the traumatic stirrings;

While the dominating trend of ego and riches

Relentlessly pound to create human breaches,

Will the morals of humanity get lost forever...?

This alarming question keeps pricking with fear.

Is there the spirit of true humanity now?

With best wishes to o­ne and all


THOLANA Ashok Chakravarthy



Dear Members

Warm wishes to John McConnell, the Earth Day Founder and his all out efforts seeking Global Attention for the Equinox

Earth Day.I pray and wish, John McConnell's global effort to foster peace, justice andEarth Care will usher in a

new beginning for the human adventure... and we all are bound to share the magnanimous effort.I feel the below poem

suits the EARTH DAY :


When the nature beautiful

Unfolds the dawn delightful

Spell-bound, our eyes blissful

Absorb the dawn mirthful.

In the pleasant atmosphere

Leaving all pains and fears

Thoughts fly high and afar

Away from life’s routine chore.

Held in a self-imposed exile

Suffering un-necessary travails,

For sure, any life is of no avail

Unless o­ne breaks such shackles.

A call for peace, a cry for peace

An appeal for harmonious bliss;

That shows a love-embraced face

Either projecting a religion or race.

Let us learn harmonious lesson

Nature imparts without hesitation,

The element of love and affection

Will change this world’s direction.

Dwell not in an exile that’s deviating

Love for world creatures is most exciting,

Come out of the garb of selfishness

Know, in love dwells true humaneness.


THOLANA Ashok Chakravarthy




Gateway to Friendship and non-violence

My statement for Harmonious Era Calendar

In this present phase of conflicts between the peoples, as a co-author of the Harmonious Era Calendar, it is the best choice to opt for 2nd of October as the universal date for the GATEWAY TO FRIENDSHIP AND NON-VIOLENCE’; so that the people of India and Pakistan in particular and rest of the world in general would make intimate moves to get acquainted with the concept of ‘LOVE AND AMITY’.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was a symbol of PEACE and simplicity, philosopher of non-violence, who played an influential role in imparting and implanting UNIVERSAL PEACE through non-violence. Following his footsteps, with a broad-minded gesture of goodwill and inspiration, people should come forward to choose PEACE as the ultimate weapon that can eliminate conflicts and succeed in molding the war-torn paths with love and compassion. Why not the adamant attitude and the feelings of aggression get erased from the deep caverns of human mind and transmit humane concern in every heart?Ultimately, let the concept of Friendship and Non-violence break the shackles of the enslaved and deprived lot and douse the universe with love and peace, so that the warmth of friendship and joy reflect in every heart and every thought of mankind.Hope, this poem imparts the urge for peace, where dwells within, the light of eternal delight:


Place, let us place

Place the flowers of Peace

On the sacred soil

Of our holy Mother Earth.

Thirsting for peace

Let us take an oath together

To heal the bleeding wounds

Caused by mistrust and conflicts.

Lo ! Why not? Yes, why not?

Why not we aspire to remove,

Remove the barriers of caste,

Remove the barriers of hate,

Remove the barriers of creed,

Remove the barriers of greed,

Remove the barriers of religion,

Remove the barriers of rebellion,

Remove the barriers of disputes,

Remove the barriers of disparities,

And weave the bond of LOVE;

The ultimate objective of which…

Is to reach the gateway of peace

Where exists, love and amity.





Dear Leo Semashko


In commemoration of the Global Harmony Day o­n June 21, 2006, as a Poet-Essayist-Review writer, I furnish hereunder FIVE [5] of my recently composed poems o­n Global Peace and Social Harmony, with an earnest request to impart the same to whichever source available. I am of the opinion that you will endorse this gesture by sharing my poetic-views in a right spirit. And, if you happen to bring out any journal / magazine, you are at liberty to utilize the poems to spread the message.

Regarding myself, a Poet-Essayist-Review writer, I hail from Hyderabad city, India. Concentrating o­n Peace and Social issues, composing poetry for the past 25 years, with 1200 poems as of now; over 400 poems have appeared worldwide in Poetry Anthologies, Literary Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, e-zones etc. I have to my credit three published books of English Poetry titled Charismata of Poesy, The Chariot of Musings & Serene Thoughts. I possess a Graduate Degree in Commerce, apart from a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism. I am presently employed for the past 19 yrs. with a Government-Partnered Co-op Bank in

Hyderabad City, India.

Wish to have a long-lasting association with the whole team.


Thanking you in anticipation


Dr. Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, D.Litt

Poet-Essayist-Review Writer

16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad


e-mail : tacvarthy@yahoo.com

June 19, 2006


Promise me a pitcher of water

I shall quench the thirst of needy.

Promise me a bowl of food

I shall feed the starving orphans.

Promise me a roll of cloth

I shall wrap the poorest of poor.

Promise me a place of shelter

I shall provide shelter to the homeless.

But …..

Do not promise identities of“hatred”

‘cause we find them any where.

Do not promise identities of“conflicts”

‘cause we are scared of their ferocity.

Do not promise identities of“destruction”

‘cause we have experienced their rage.

But, Lo responsible citizens of the universe

Let us pledge for “Love and Peace”

Which forever gives a lasting solution;

Where the flags of trust and peace

Stand as IDENTITIES of human affection.



Bravo! O peace keeping forces

Bravo! O peace loving warriors,

Your daredevil fighting spirit,

Your gushing patriotic instinct;

Yes, oh sons of great mother earth

You aim to give humanity a breath

Laying peace paths, secure and safe

Sharing human concern and grief.

Showing solidarity in times of need

Staking lives without an iota of greed

For universal peace, you readily vie

For universal cause, you live and die.

Warriors of your caliber if not born

What would be the fate of the human?

Hunting and crushing enemy’s domain

Who can guard us, wiping rival demons?

Very soon, brimming with joys

Rivers shall flow with ripples of joy,

Brimming with joy, nature would glow

The breeze of peace, soon shall follow.

Unless we understand and act together

Peace motives cannot be attained forever.

Bravo! Lo peace keeping forces

Bravo! Lo peace loving warriors,

Mankind, forever salutes your martyrdom

Safe are we now, ‘cause of your patriotism.



Seek the light of God

To share the identity of love

Seek the light of love

To share the identity of faith

Seek the light of faith

To share the identity of peace

Seek the light of Peace

To share the identity of passion

Seek the path of passion

To discover the identity of salvation.

Identify the human instinct within

To awaken without any hindrance,

Weed-out the obstacles of wisdom

A glow supreme springs in the heart.

The doors of wisdom shall unlock,

Where, peace-filled thoughts flock.

Between the shores of life and death

Let the amorous spirit stay eternal;

Beware, douse it not for selfish ends

To lose the sparkle of wisdom, forever.

Yes, explore to identity the God merciful

A shaft of light shall enlighten your soul.



The fires of death and hatred, dance

Re-emerging with surging vengeance

For some, death is a form of martyrdom

Self-imposed for faking a religious idiom.

The smeared inner-self should change

The tendency of fanaticism should change

Given a chance, “Peace” forever shall stay

The world can view a sea change anyway.

With the backing of the emissaries of trust

The seeds of love shall hasten to sprout.

The petals of faith shall clap with glee

Peace and prosperity, every nation shall see.

The root-cause of evil, hatred and starvation

The hassles of growth, hate and aggression,

When both are resisted by self-motivation

Planet earth becomes an abode of heaven.

Instead of destruction, we witness growth

Instead of hatred, we get love and warmth.

The clouds of passion shall shower trust

The winds of change shall blow any mistrust.

Even if the fires of death and hatred, dance

Yes, let’s opt to give “Peace” another chance.



It seems, the looming death shadows

Unmindful of the pathetic plight

Still haunt the bone-sucked lives

Challenging the unity of human might.

The doors of mercy in our hearts

Even now, if fail to shower mercy

And if still we immerse in own delights

Mankind, forever should feel guilty.

Into their pity-filled eyes, stare please

Seeking love and your warm embrace

Their despair, yes, would totally erase

If we express our solidarity and grace.

We cannot even imagine the plight

Falling upon our near and dear o­nes

If ignoring in dire need is simply right

No doubt, we are simply inhumane.


Dear Tholana,

Thanks for your support of the Global Harmony Day and your five remarkable poems. I could publish them o­n our site o­n the page " 4-4-1. Indian poetry for harmonious peace" but o­nly autumn, so I am very much engaged the coming month, and then I leave approximately for two months. But I would like to include your email in the list of our dispatch, that you were familiar with events o­n our site. I also very much liked to read your opinion about our Harmony Calendar and Address to youth o­n our dialogic page. We would be happy to cooperate with you for the sake of peace, harmony and priority of children.

Best harmony wishes for your and children,


Dr Leo Semashko

ISSR, IFLAC Russia and Website www.peacefromharmony.org Director



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005