Michael Holmboe

Michael Holmboe’s short biography Michael (Håkon) Holmboe was born in Stavanger, Norway, in 1952. At 15 he saw the necessity to use the “touch method," in order to write on a keyboard, and he started a private school in typewriting. At 18 he began working in the office of Stavanger Elektrisitetsverk (Stavanger electric works). In 1974 he began to study at the law faculty, then left law school when he lost his father – a highly decorated war veteran in WWII - then he became a local taxi driver. When he was twenty-nine, he moved to the Galilee in Israel and began to work in a bakery in Nazareth. There Michael became inspired that people from different nations and religious and ethnical background indeed were able to work together in mutual respect and harmony. After spending a few years in the place that produced the religion’s greatest debate and questions, he returned to Norway where he became a local taxi driver again. On January 17, 1992, he received an award for bravery from the Norwegian Carnegie Hero Fund (Carnegies Heltefond for Norge), based on the same principles as in the USA which honors civilians who have shown unusual bravery by placing their lives at risk by rescuing others. Michael Holmboe is also known by the first writer who published that the copper covering The Statue of Liberty originally came from Norway. He also published that the Norwegian/American civilengineer, Joachim Giaver, stood for the construction of the framework. In 1995 Michael Holmboe initiated the planting of Memorial Forest near Beersheba in the Negev desert. Ten thousand trees are now growing as a reminder of the noted Henrik Wergeland (1808-1845) considered as the Norwegian national poet, who enthralled his countrymen with his monumental poems such as Skabelsen, Mennesket, og Messias (Creation, Man and Messiah, 1830). Henrik Wergeland who fought many gallant battles in respect for dignity and human rights, being strongly supported in his main case by a relative of Michael, namely Rector Hans Holmboe, member of the Norwegian Parliament 1831-1864. While the Henrik Wergeland Forest is growing in the Negev, many people will probably realize that the world is becoming more and more a single community and that the time for division and polarization is long past. "In the spirit of Wergeland - each tree is a reminder that it is time for the world to become a brotherhood of men and women and leave the other ancestral ties and prejudices for whatever reason they came to be in the past." Michael Holmboe’s main interest is writing - and since he was age twelve, his articles on the humanities - have appeared in newspapers innumerable times.
"The Global Village"

In 1992 after an auto accident, Holmboe saw the great opportunities for the development of the internet with relatively new and unlimited publishing procedures for the future. When Marshall McLuhan first talked about the Global Village it seemed a long way ayway. Now it`s righte here on the screen on each computer monitor. It is projects like the World`s Fair that cvan really excite as all its undbridled enthusiasm and optimism crash through old tenacious information barriers. "Imagine what might be achived if a net connection became a basic human right for everyone on the planet", Peter Gabriel said regarding the World`s Fair. Gabriel has been interested in world music for many years, Michael Holmboe`s contribution to the World`s Fair, “Stavanger History Guide”, became part of the story of how the grassroots collection of engineers, artists, and other volunteers set out to re-create world’s fairs of the 19th Century. In less than a year, he became among those who created the Internet 1996 World Exposition, which attracted 5 million visitors from 130 countries. Newsweek called the World`s Fair perhaps the most ambitious undertaking on the Internet to date”. A dozen heads of state, Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton among them, endorsed the world`s fair. Corporations in telecommunications and computers contributed $100 million to create the “Fairgounds,” a globe-spanning Internet Railroad, and “Central Park,” a public park for the Global Village. Michael Holmboe decided to go for the “Fair” in a big way, and entered a gold-medal winning “Pavilion” devoted to his hometown. His initiative gave a firsthand perspective of the early days of a new medium, an overview of what the “Internet” meant and what it might become as a fascinating glimpse of life on the front liners of the information revolution. In 1997, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England published the story of the fair in the book "A Worlds`Fair for the Global Village" with foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. After the auto accident Michael Holmboe was given a smaller pension and the city’s Mayor forbade him to show the city crest at the website, a crest which the municipal gave as a honor and compensation after Holmboe’s father had died bravely attempting to save life in a flaming house as a professional firefighter. Later, Holmboe was given a peace award for his contributions by a branch of the very first Norwegian peace association, and he also became the first director of IFLAC (International forum for the Culture of Peace). From time to time Michael Holmboe assisted a judge emeritus who became a lawyer, and in addition he has made contribution of many articles included in various publications, and particularly those mainly inspired by Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel. In 2007 Michael Holmboe became co-author of the "The Magna Carta of Harmony", which is the fist International theoretical expressing of the oncept of a culture of harmonious peace, which was formulated in 1999, at the foundation of World IFLAC". The Magna Carta of Harmony for an Information Civilization has been translated into seven languages: English, Russian, Esperanto, Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish. The eight Principles in the Magna Carta represent a "Noble Eightfold Way to Harmony." This imitates, but does not copy the "Noble Eightfold Path" of Buddhist philosophy. In 2007 Michael Holmboe was recognition as the Honorary Author and Member of “Peace from harmony” union. In 2007, Michael Holmboe was awarded the International Humanitarian Award “For his Noble and Heroic Service to his fellowmen and for the cause of World Peace,” by the Coalition for the World Union Federation in the United States by Horace E. Henderson, Chairman. External links:02/10/07--------------------------

Poetry, letters and essays
Dear Helene! Dear Leo and distinguish members of Peace from Harmony: I am very glad that you have accepted the invitation to join the Peace from Harmony Group, and on behalf on Peace from Harmony I would warmly welcome you.You are certainly also most welcome to join the IFLAC, as Peace from Harmony goes hand in hand with IFLAC and vice versa.Prof. Ada Aharoni became a good friend of Ebba Haslund, and it will be a privilege if you join both the Magna Carta and the IFLAC.
I would go even wider in the essence of both IFLAC and the Magna Carta, as it is universal. The ethical goes into every belief in the world: If one can save one human life, this is the noblest act in Judaism, in Buddhism as in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism as in the humanities. IFLAC and Peace from Harmony is not a religious organisation. However it is open for every person of good will, atheists, and freethinkers as believers.
Our appeal is to our fellow citizens in all countries: Help us to establish lasting peace in the world, a peace from Harmony.
The only way to prevent ultimate catastrophe is to abolish war altogether. War must cease to be an admissible social institution. We must learn to resolve our disputes by means other than military confrontation. We are simply advocating a new loyalty to mankind I am not suggesting that we give up national loyalties. Each of us has loyalties to several groups - from the smallest, the family, to the largest, at present, the nation. Many of these groups provide protection for their members. With the global threats resulting from science and technology, the whole of humankind now needs protection. We have to extend our loyalty to the whole of the human race, just the way you are doing in your poetry. A war-free world based on Harmony, will be seen by many as a Utopian dream, it is not Utopian. There already exist in the world large regions, for example, the European Union, within which war is inconceivable. What is needed is to extend these to cover the world's major powers.
Ammar Banni from Algeria wrote the most interesting lines, and so do Ada Aharoni and hundreds of other committed citizens of the Global Village:
.................... ...................
With harmonious wishes –
Michael Holmboe Director IFLAC 01/10/07 -----------------------------------------------
Michael Holmboe Child labour According to UNICEF an estimated 218 million children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labour, excluding child domestic labour. Some 126 million of these children are believed to be engaged in hazardous situations or conditions, such as working in mines, working with chemicals and pesticides in agriculture or working with dangerous machinery. They are everywhere but invisible, toiling as domestic servants in homes, labouring behind the walls of workshops, hidden from view in plantations.
Child work: Children’s participation in economic activity - that does not negatively affect their health and development or interfere with education, can be positive.Work that does not interfere with education (light work)is permitted from the age of 12 years under the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 138. Child labour: This is more narrowly defined and refers to children working in contravention of the above standards.This means all children below 12 years of age working in any economic activities, those aged 12 to 14 years engaged inharmful work, and all children engaged in the worst forms of child labour. Worst forms of child labour:These involve children being enslaved, forcibly recruited, prostituted, trafficked, forced into illegal activities and exposed to hazardous work.
A number of European cities have used the City of Culture year to transform their cultural base and, in doing so, the way in which they are viewed internationally.
The back of the medal is that journalist and filmmaker Erling Borgen claim that The European Capital of Culture 2008 have been using child labour for the Millennium Place: Using child labour and underpaid handcraft is completely unacceptable, and has nothing to do with culture. As I can no longer be quiet regarding the documentary of journalist Erling Borgen, I invite those who is interest to watch the film clip (in Norwegian and English language) http://www.nettavisen.no/innenriks/article981100.ece
http://pub.tv2.no/multimedia/na/archive/00325/India-steinarbeider_325357a.jpg http://pub.tv2.no/multimedia/na/archive/00322/Slik_lages_norsk_br_322313i.jpg
The municipally of Stavanger claims that they were absolutely aware that children labour have been involved in the Millennium place, which will be a highlight for the European City of Culture 2008.
Hopefully in Peace from Harmony,
Michael 14/07/07 ------------------------------------------
Dear Friends! Many thanks for your feedback and backup. I have polished the poem of thewoman behind the worlds dream; namely Peace from Harmony!With my very best regards,Michael THE MOTHER OF PEACE PRIZEBy Helene Freilem Klingberg (c) 2007Into English by Michael Holmboe (c) 2007 Dear Ammar, Susana, Renato, Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy and all
It is fantastic that some of you already have translated THE MOTHER OF PEACE PRIZE into different languages.I warmly thank you, and feel honoured by your contribution in order to bring peace and harmony into a world in need of it.
I understand the poem is translated into Spanish, French – I would be delighted if Ammar translated into Arabic.I will send it to the foremost Palestinian dramatist, Mr. Edmond Shahada. He is also a person of integrity. I understand it also can be translated into two Indian languages and in Esperanto as well.
I will try to bring all translations together.The more languages the message is brought in, the better. We need Greek, Italian, and every language possible. I hope it can be woven in the magic carpet.
With admiration and in respect,
Michael Holmboe
Director IFLAC, Norway and Scandinavia
Honorary member Peace from Harmony
 Helene Freilem Klingberg
Dear Ammar, Susana, Renato, Claudeand all friends
Here is my final polish of a diamond.- amost admirable woman; Berta von Suttner.
With Harmony Wishes –
And with the Dreams still alive,
Sincerely yours,
Michael Holmboe
Director IFLAC, Scandinavia
Honorary member Peace from Harmony
By Helene Freilem Klingberg (c) 2007Into English by Michael Holmboe (c) 2007
To establish the Peace Prize
She inspired Nobel.One Hundred years agoShe became a laureateIt was a success and a milestone.
She fought with wordsAnd used her Pen as her sword.She traveled, spoke and wrote.Her words sounded like an echoAmong the mightiest and most noble men.
"Lay down Your Arms,You shall not kill!"Her message sounded,Performed with power and glowWe must fight for Peace and HarmonyWithout extermination, blood nor death.
It is the Peace MakersAnd not the Heroes of WarsAll Support should be given - and believeThat it is proved to be possibleTo make reconciliation and build bridges.
Berta von Suttner -The very First womanTo win the Nobel Peace PrizeIs highly admirable of such a WomanAnd a world entire admire her courage.
Dear Leo, As your neighbor and brother in the West, and as a Norwegian citizen, please accept my warmest congratulations upon the 300 years anniversary of St. Petersburg.
Goethe said:
"Blessed is he who thinks well of his forefathers, who happily entertains his listener about their deeds, their greatness, and who rejoices in being placed himself at the end of such a beautiful line." I am told that a long time ago, some of my ancestors came from Russia. Their family name became Wasmuth, maybe it was changed in Estland or in Germany, and nobody knows the meaning of the name. We tend to preserve carefully the yellowed photos from grandfather's or great-grandfather's time, we keep up the oral transmission of their greatness and their competence. With great respect we place all of these things into the proper lineage of our own ancestors who are from a very distant past and to whose continuation we, along with our children and grandchildren, place ourselves with joy and satisfaction into connectedness with them.
I would like to use this opportunity also to honour your Fathers memory. He fought at the same side as mine against the fascist who robbed and killed. I am glad to learn that the cultural Russian masterpiece of baroque is finally restored.
Catherine the Great's Palace had a special room, which was robbed and stolen, but after 30 years it’s been restored: http://eng.tzar.ru/catherine http://www.alexanderpalace.org/ You belong to a nation rich of history and culture, and I hope one day I will be able to visit your fantastic country, as never had the opportunity to visit my brothers and sisters in the east.
With Peace from Harmony wishes –
CHILDREN And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children." And he said: "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable." Michael HOLMBOE 23/06/07 -------------------------------------------
Dear Maria Cristina Azcona, As a Lutheran Christian, a Theravada Buddhist and a fellow human being I applaud your warm words. This is what should be done Be the one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburned with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful, Not proud and demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing That the wise would later reprove. Wishing: In gladness and in safety, May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born, May all beings be at ease! One of the greates pronouncements ever made in the field of morality is: Hatred ceaseth not by hatred, hatred ceaseth but by love. This is the eternal law. All forms of life, being manifestation of one life, are interrelated in a complex web beyond our full conceiving. Love is the fulfilling of the Law, and like the light and darkness, male and female, life and form are ultimately and, if the truth were known, immediately one. In the Law of laws - eternal Harmony, all who love are healers of those in need of it. Sincerely yours, Michael Holmboe April 6, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Michael, I am admired with your wise and beautiful letter to Maria Azcona, even more I am admired with your deep poem, but in the highest degree I am admired with your of genius phrase "The Law of laws - eternal Harmony "!!!!! I would be happy to make this phrase by epigraph of our Charter of Harmony. It will be your great contribution in our Charter and I would be happy to include your name on the title page of the Charter authors, if you do not object. I also would be happy to publish your remarkable letter to Maria Azcona on our site, if you permit. Best harmony wishes, Leo April 6, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, Many thanks for your letters. You can certainly publish my name. However, I prefer to title me as "writer" and not as "poet". The "poem" is translated from old Pali - Sanscrit languages and is from the elder scriptures school of Buddha. Buddhism is however not an missionary religion. Many people regard buddhism as a philosophy. B uddism is probably the most tolerant religion of the world, as the teaching can coexist with any other religions. Theravada promotes the concept of Vibhajjavada (Pali ), literally "Teaching of Analysis." This doctrine says that insight must come from the aspirant's experience, critical investigation, and reasoning instead of by blind faith; however, the scriptures of the Theravadin tradition also emphasize heeding the advice of the wise, considering such advice and evaluation of one's own experiences to be the two tests by which practices should be judged.
The Theravadin goal is liberation (or freedom) from suffering, according to the Four Noble Truths .
Here is the text:
The Buddha's Words on Kindness This is what should be done Be the one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburned with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful, Not proud and demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing That the wise would later reprove. Wishing: In gladness and in safety, May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born, May all beings be at ease! Let none decive another, Or despise any being in any state. Let not through anger or ill-will Wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life Her child, her only child, So with a boundless heart Should one cherish all living beings: Radiating kindness over the entire world Spreding upwards to the skies, And downwards to the depths; Outward and unbounded, Freed from hatred and ill-will. Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down Free from drowsiness, One should sustain this recollection. This is said to be the sublime abiding. By not holding to fixed views, The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision, Being freed from all sense desires, Is not born again into this world. - Buddha
With warm Peace wishes - Michael April 6, 2007 -------------------------------------------
Michael Holmboe A MEDAL WITH THE WRONG SIDE UP "One can always win a war, but how does one conquer peace?" This is a poem about Norwegian freedom fighters and its aftermath. Here is a story from a very, very small country rallying to its own defense when it was suddenly attacked by armies which outnumbered its own forces in a very high scale. Quoting Roosevelt: "Look to Norway": on April 9, 1940, the same day as the Germans began their massive invasion of this very poorly defended land, the leader of the National Assembly (NS), Vidkun Quisling said in a radio broadcast that he had formed a "national government" with himself as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. The party he headed had never been represented in the government and had only a few scattered members. Both in Norwegian and in English the word "quisling" immediately became a synonym for traitor. Ideologically the party he led was related to Hitler`s National Socialist Party. It advocated, among other things, the superiority of the Aryan race and participated actively in persecuting the Jews and in terror against the Norwegian civilians who passively or actively worked against the occupation forces and their Norwegian collaborators. The war had cost the lives of 10,000 Norwegians. Nine thousand Norwegians had been prisoners in German concentration camps. Many did not survive. Many came back damaged for life. Of the 760 Norwegian Jews who were sent to Germany, only 24 survived. It`s been said - over and over again - without the Norwegian sailors - Hitler would have won the war. The many dangerous convoy to Murmansk was of outmost vital importance for the allied forces. It was the lifeline of supplies - battling the unfriendly forces of nature - and military enemies: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MEDAL by Michael Holmboe Translated by Ebba Haslund Honorable member of the Norwegian Author Association (Den Norske Forfatterforening) He lay on a bench in the park, shamelessly people would think. The empty bottle sparkled where he downed his final drink. He sailed during six years of war, an exiting hazardous game. The frayed compromise of peace he never managed to tame. Things seemed easy at first, when war ended he was not censured because of his thirst, although he drank a lot. When exultant cries abound in such a great amount, with thousands of heroes around what does one sailor count? So nothing could really save him no mercy was ever shown, that the government graciously gave him a minor pension is known. Was it oblivion he sought because he could not understand, that the country for which he fought was no longer his native land. People whispered, they shook their heads and couldn`t care less. The police at intervals took him to prison for drunkenness. There was no help anymore, all sympathy ceased. One can always win a war, but how does one conquer peace? They lifted from the bench without sound his worn-out body but something fell to the ground - a medal - the other side up. 11/10/06 ------------------------------------------