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From Ode to Joy towards the Harmony Hymn: to the new poetic and musical imagination
Invitation for the poets and composers to create the Harmony Hymn By Dr Leo Semashko, approved by the Global Harmony Association Board I am Leo Semashko, Founder and President of the Global Harmony Association. The association was created on the basis of the Peace from Harmony Website. It unites now more than 240 representatives from 40 countries and is published in 17 languages. Now I would like to invite poets and composers around the world to devote your inspiration and imagination to develop a Harmony Hymn (а Hymn to Harmony). The first lines could be: "Blossom from harmony the peaceful souls! / Flow together into hearts and beyond wars!" The Hymn title could be: "Harmony is the Heart for Peace". Certainly, it is only my imagination, inspired by Schiller’s «Ode to Joy". I expressed it only to light your inspiration and imagination for stronger images and brighter lines. The best example for this hymn, I believe, is Schiller and Beethoven’s «Ode to Joy" (see below). The Harmony Hymn should also inspire millions as the Ode for joy does, though, these concepts, as a matter of fact, are identical. Nevertheless, the Harmony Hymn, in my opinion, can not concede to the Ode on force of mass inspiration, Hymn should surpass the Ode in this. At the same time, it should have modern inspiration based on realities and positive emotions of an information society of today. This hymn should be one of harmonious humankind. Hymn of a peaceful culture, hymn of a information civilization, hymn for children and youth of the 21st century and hymn of new Generations! It will be a great art contribution of the world poets and composers to a harmonious civilization! Modern society has not enough poetry, emotions and music to develop peace and harmony in mankind! To create "Harmony Hymn", superior the Schiller and Beethoven’s masterpiece is necessary to give new ideas and values for social harmony. Since 2005, a great number of these ideas and values are collected on our website "Peace from Harmony" coming from all over the world, with its patchwork of cultures, religions and civilizations. The modern sense of these universal values is given in three documents: Harmonious Era Calendar (2006-2007) by 38 co-authors from 15 countries and published in 17 languages; Magna Carta of Harmony (2007) by 43 co-authors from 16 countries and published in 8 languages; and Global Harmony Association Statutes (2007) by 32 co-authors from 13 countries and published in 4 languages (new translations are prepared). For the first time an idea of "harmonious peace culture" was suggested by Professor Ada Aharoni, IFLAC Founder and President in 2000. His idea received scientific credibility and was developed in the Magna Carta of Harmony. Its "Principles of Individual and Social Harmony" is titled as the modern “Noble Eightfold Way to Harmony.” I think the acquaintance of poets and composers and with these documents published on our site www.peacefromharmony.org, as well as other documents from different cultures, can inspire you in the creation of a poetic and musical masterpiece, which could surpass the Symphony No 9. Below I give "Thesaurus for a Hymn to Harmony", which is collected from all documents and is intended to facilitate your choice of words. The Thesaurus for a Harmony Hymn The Hymn of Harmony is one of a new harmonious era, in which humankind enters. It should include the new concepts and images appropriate for a new harmonious civilization. Below I give "Possible Thesaurus for the Harmony Hymn" (more than 100 words and word collections) as new concepts and images listings, which could used even in a small measure. The Thesaurus is an initial lexical base for the creation of a Harmony Hymn. It pretends to help the poets with its super difficult creation if only slightly. It does not pretend to be complete. All concepts of the Thesaurus are submitted and determined in our global documents which are listed below. The poets could find in them additional definitions and concepts. I hope that these concepts and documents can inspire the modern world poets to compose a unique Harmony Hymn that the world youth can perform it, that it inspires people for global peace and harmony, and that would prevent and stop wars. This hymn will be also the first in the world for the "Global Harmony Association.” Thesaurus Academy of harmony and harmony of academy, "All has taken place by necessity and in accordance with harmony",Artistry of harmony and harmony of artistry,Children’s suffrage, their priority and harmony of humankind; Complete disarmament; Cooperation of the sphere classes as a fundamental source of social harmony,Culture of harmonious peace,Culture of harmony,Culture of a harmonious world; Day of global harmony as the world holiday,Disharmony as a pathology, trauma or destroying extreme,Dream of harmony (as alternative to industrial dream, or the "American dream")Economic harmony of spheres,Economy of harmony, Eight principles of harmony,Energy of harmony,Equality and equal necessity of four spheres for survival, sustainable development and prosperity of humankind and each country,Equality and necessity of sphere classes, excluding antagonism, war and enmity,Force of harmony and harmony of force,Global harmony,Great Charter of HarmonyGreat Dream of HarmonyHarmonious and harmonizing imagination, Harmonious democracy; Harmonious development of people and society,Harmonious education for children and their priority,Harmonious education; Harmonious energy of mutual love between the people, classes, genders and generations,Harmonious Era Calendar,Harmonious era of a human history,Harmonious family; Harmonious nature,Harmonious outlook (worldview),Harmonious peace culture,Harmonious peace,Harmonious sphere multi-party political systems,Harmonious public health services;Harmonious science, art and MASS-MEDIA; Harmonious spirituality;Harmonization of an environment; Harmonization of religions,Harmonizing actors, actions and movements,Harmonizing information technologies; Harmony in diversity, Harmony as consent of diversity in unity, Harmony in brotherhood and brotherhood in harmony,Harmony in science and science of harmony,Harmony in art and art of harmony,Harmony in assistance as alternative for disharmony in counteraction,Harmony in childhood and childhood of harmony,Harmony in dream and dream of harmony,Harmony in equality and equality in harmony,Harmony infreedom and freedom in harmony,Harmony in happiness and happiness in harmony,Harmony in joy and joy in harmony,Harmony in love and love of harmony,Harmony in morality and morality in harmony,Harmony in organization and organization in harmony,Harmony in peace and peace in harmony,Harmony in prosperity and prosperity in harmony,Harmony in sustainable development,Harmony in conflict and conflict in harmony,Harmony in human and human in harmony,Harmony in information and information in harmony,Harmony in things and things in harmony,Harmony in true and true in harmony,Harmony in union and union in harmony,Harmony in whole and disharmony of partial,Holism in harmony and narrowness in disharmony, Humankind will survive in harmony, or will destroy itself in disharmony,Individual harmony,Information civilization replacing industrial civilizationLight of harmony and gloom of disharmony,Love, peace, freedom, equality, brotherhood, true, justice and prosperity occur from harmony,Magna Carta of Harmony,Measure of harmony and harmony of measure,Necessity and sufficiency of four spheres of society (social spheres),Necessity and sufficiency of four spheres of person (individual spheres),Nonviolent (evolutionary) way of an establishment of social harmony in the world and in each country,Peace from harmony,Priority in children of the world,Priority of children in the world,Quality of harmony and harmony of quality,Religious harmonization, Restriction for the riches (superincomes); Scientific social worldview of harmony or harmonious worldview,Scientific understanding of social harmonySelf-consciousness of the sphere harmonizing classes,Social harmony,Sphere classes as actors of global harmony,Sphere classes of mankind (all population of the Earth, each country, city and any community),Spheres of society (of social reproduction, humankind),Spirituality in harmony and harmony in spirituality,Spreading harmonizing language Esperanto, Survival of humankind is only in harmony,Tetrasociology as the scientific theory of harmony,The basic ways and means of a harmonious state in an establishment of social harmony: The eradication of hunger and extreme poverty, The first representations about harmony belong to Homer, Pythagoras and Confucius,“The great luxury is for us, when light of harmony descends on all humankind,”The harmonious legislation; The harmonious social world,The harmonious state serves the interests of all population instead of private groups,The harmonious state, “The harmony begins with each of us,”The harmony is the Sun, Air, Water and Earth,“The law of the laws is eternal harmony,”The ministries and departments of peace, The mutual aid of the sphere classes,The struggle of opposites is replaced by harmony of opposites,The true love is harmony,The world culture of harmony begins with Homer, Pythagoras and Confucius,Threat of self-destruction of humankind as threat of its disharmony growth,Tolerance, respect, understanding, dialogue, compromise, consent, consensus and mutual aid as steps to harmony,Universal and fundamental character of harmony,Universal and humanitarian values of harmony,World culture of harmony,Etc. The terms "harmony" and "harmonization" are used in the list basically as a noun, but they can be used with other nouns as an adjective "harmonious", as a participle "harmonizing" and as a verb "harmonize". Certainly, this thesaurus suffers by scientism and abstractedness; it has not enough art figurativeness. However, I hope that in an art mentality the first will be transformed into second. Organizational aspect I offer to create in our Global Harmony Association the special "Selection Committee for the poetic texts of a Hymn to Harmony" (12-30 persons) from the most outstanding world poets, who belong to the basic world cultures. I invite to approve the given offer by the Association's Board and to approve the Selection Committee five Co-Chairs(at their consent, naturally):
- Doctor of Literature, outstanding Indian poet TholanaChakravarthy, Association Board Vice-Chair,
- Doctor of Literature, outstanding Greek poet Dimitris P. Kraniotis, World Poets Society (W.P.S) President and our Association Board member;
- Doctor of Literature, outstanding Latin American poet from Argentina Maria Cristina Azcona, our Advisory Committee member;
- Outstanding Canadian poet and composer Claude Veziau, our Association Board member;
- Outstanding Norwegian and European poet Helene Freilem Klingberg, our Association member.
The Co-Chairs number can be expanded up to 8-10, with obligatory participation of the outstanding poets of Africa, China, Japan and Russia. I invite to nominate TholanaChakravarthy and Dimitris P. Kraniotis as the Association Board members by the responsible persons for preparation of the Selection Committee staff, for defining its Rules, their discussion and approval. The Selection Committee will announce the annual results of its work on June 21 as the Global Harmony Day, choosing the 1-2 best texts from several tens and showing these texts to wide public and composers. Probably, in some years, some poetically-musical Hymns of Harmony will be created, from which the time will choose the best one. This process, most likely, will be permanent, long-term, and fruitful. It will have a huge world cultural meaning and importance and will attract attention by a wide public. I invite the Selection Committee to take simultaneously the functions of organizer of Poetic Competition "Children First". For this purpose it could be divided into two parts or create other Selection Committee. A Hymn to Harmony and poetry "Children first" are, in my opinion, the two parties of one art task of social harmonization. Additions from Wikipedia:
The Christian Harmony is a shape note hymn and tune book compiled by William Walker (1809-1875). The book was released in 1866¹. It is part of the larger tradition of shape note singing.
Dr Leo SemashkoGlobal Harmony Association Founder and President 26/12/07------------------------------------------------------------- The Global Harmony Association Board decision, January 13, 2008: 1. Approve Leo Semashko’s invitation for the poets and composers to create a Hymn to Harmony 2. Approve the initial Selection Committee for a Hymn of Harmony in the following staff:Tholana Chakravarthy,Dimitris P. Kraniotis,Claude Veziau,Maria Cristina Azcona,Helene F Klingberg 3. Invite the Selection Committee to present in a month's time its Rules and its full staff (15-30 members) to the Advisory Committee for discussion and in the Board for the approval. Dr Leo SemashkoGlobal Harmony Association Board Chair January 13, 2008 The Invitation is edited by Prof. Jean Faullimmel------------------------------- Frederich von Schiller and Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ode to Joy: pattern for the 21st centuryHarmony Hymn Ode to Joy"To Joy" (An die Freude in German, in English often familiarly called the Ode to Joy rather than To Joy) is an ode written in 1785 by the German poet and historian Friedrich Schiller, known especially for its musical setting by Ludwig van Beethoven in the fourth and final movement of his Ninth Symphony (completed in 1824), for four solo voices, chorus, and orchestra.Less famous musical settings of the poem include:The anthem of the European Union, the European anthem, is a wordless version of the Ode to Joy from Beethoven's ninth syphony 
Original Scores of Beethoven's Ode to Joy TOTALLY TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH Friedrich Schiller ODE TO JOY
Joy, thou source of light immortal
Touched with fire, to the portal, Of thy radiant shrine, we come. Your sweet magic, frees all others, Held in custom's rigid rings. All men on earth become brothers, In the haven of your wings. Chorus Be embraced, you millions! This kiss for the entire world! Brothers, above the starry canopy Must a loving Father reside. Whoever has the great fortune, To be a friend’s friend, Whoever wins the love of a lovely woman, Add his jubilation to ours! Yes, anyone also who has a soul To call his own on this earth! And anyone who never could, should run away Weeping from this brotherhood! Chorus Those who occupy the great circle, Pay homage to sympathy! It leads to the stars Where the unknown is enthroned Joy, all creatures drink At the bosoms of nature, All good, all evil Follow your trail of roses. Kisses she gives us, and wine, A friend, proven in death. Pleasure was given to the worm, And the cherub stands before God. Chorus Do you fall before him, you millions? Do you sense the Creator, world? Seek him above the starry canopy, Above the stars he must live. Joy is called the strong spring In the perpetuity of nature. Joy, joy drives the wheels In the earth’s great clock. Flowers, she calls from the buds, Suns, out of the firmament, Spheres, she rolls through space That the seer cannot know Chorus Happy, as his suns fly Through the heavens’ magnificent plan Run, brothers, your race Joyful, as a hero to victory. As truth’s fiery reflection Smiles at the explorer, To virtue’s steep hill She guides the silent sufferers’ path. On faith’s sunlit summit One sees her banners in the wind, Through the cracks of burst coffins They are seen in the chorus of angels. Chorus Endure courageously, you millions! Endure for the better world! Over the starry canopy A good God will reward you! Gods one cannot repay Beautiful it is, to be like them. Grief and poverty, acquaint yourselves With the joyful ones rejoice. Anger and revenge be forgotten, Our deadly enemy be forgiven, No tears shall he shed No remorse shall gnaw at him Chorus Our debt registers be abolished Reconcile the entire world! Brothers, over the starry canopy God judges, as we judged. Joy bubbles in the cup, In the grape’s golden blood Cannibals drink gentleness The fearful, courage -- Brothers, fly from your perches, When the full cup is passed, Let the foam spray to the heavens This glass to the good spirit Chorus He whom the spirals of stars praise, He whom the seraphim’s hymn glorifies, This glass to the good spirit Above the starry canopy! Courage firm in great suffering, Help there, where innocence weeps, Eternally sworn oaths, Truth towards friend and foe, Mens’ pride before kings’ thrones -- Brothers, even if it costs property and blood, -- The crowns to those who earn them, Defeat to the lying brood! Chorus Close the holy circle tighter, Swear by this golden vine: Remain true to the vows, Swear by the judge above the stars! Escape the tyrants’ chains, Generosity also to the villain, Hope upon the deathbeds, Mercy from the high court! Also, the dead shall live! Brothers, drink and chime in, All sinners shall be forgiven, And hell shall be no more. Chorus
A serene departing hour! Sweet sleep in the shroud! Brothers—a mild sentence From the final judge!
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005