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Peace from Harmony
Harmony Hymn: International Contest



People: unite in harmony!


Global Harmony Association Poetry Anthology and Contest:

By Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan

GHA Vice President


Harmonious Enlightenment begins with the alphabet, language and thinking of harmony. Enlightenment is a transition from ignorance to knowledge, from o­ne level of knowledge to another, essentially new level. Poets, who are the masters of the alphabet and the artist of the language, are the fountain pen for this project. Thus we call all writers and poets of GHA to participate in this poetry Anthology and Contest.


Global Harmony Association Poetry Anthology and Contest. Terms and Conditions.


With the auspice of our President Dr. Leo Semashko, the Global Harmony Association runs this first Poetry Anthology and Contest. All GHA members are eligible to enter this Anthology and contest. Poems should address the main theme that for this year will be "HARMONIOUS PEACE CULTURE" and must be composed by 50 lines or less (title and spaces between stanzas do not count), published or not. o­nly poems written in the English or Spanish language can be judged. Foreign phrases are acceptable o­nly with a translation provided.


There is no entry fee and no purchase of any kind is required to enter or win the contest, however except for the winners of the contest (first prize in each category, English and Spanish, there will be a fee for the participation in the Anthology. This fee will be determined after the contest and taking into consideration the collected selected material and the corresponding costs.


These poetry contests are conducted by GHA, without any profit oriented work behind this project. The individual is judged o­nly o­n the basis of the talent.


This year's top prize winners will receive a diploma and free participation in the GHA Poetic Anthology in which all the honored and selected poems will appear.

·Submission: E-mail your selected poem(s) to roberts_susana@hotmail.com or ekahan@post.tau.ac.il as an attachment, in a Microsoft Word file. If you're submitting more than o­ne poem, keep each poem separate in its own file, but send o­nly o­ne e-mail (one e-mail with multiple attachments).

·Clearly list your name o­n each page of your submission.

·In the subject line of the e-mail, type "GHA Poetry Contest, my submission" (English) or GHA Concurso mi participación (Español) depends of the category you will decide.

·In the body of the e-mail, include your full name, phone number and e-mail address.

·You can enter a maximum of five individual poems; each poem must be 50 lines or fewer.

·Indicate the category in which you participate: English and Spanish

·Participants can participate in both categories, but for each o­ne use a separate e/mail submission

We will begin accepting submissions o­n November 1, 2010. The deadline to submit an entry for the contest is February 3, 2011.



1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes in each idiomatic category: English and Spanish

5 honorary mentions in each c idiomatic category

All poets will receive a diploma indicating: "Selected" or the prize received

The selection of the best poets is done o­n the basis of the resolution of the Contest Jury.

This Poetry contests doesn't demand anything from the writers expect sincerity to their work which they are obliged to do. The work should be unique and purely written by the person who claims to be the writer. The rules set and displayed are to be strictly followed.


Prof. Dr. Ernesto KahanSusana RobertsAmmar BanniDr. T. Ashok


GHA Poetry ContestGHA Poetry ContestGHA Poetry ContestGHA Poetry Contest

Chair, Principal1st Co-chair2nd Co-chair3rd Co-chair


October 2, 2010




¡Los pueblos se unen en armonía!


Asociación de Armonía Global-Antología Poética y Concurso:

Organizada por Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan

Vice President-GHA



La "Ilustración Armoniosa" comienza con el alfabeto, el lenguaje y el pensamiento de la armonía. La iluminación es una transición de la ignorancia al conocimiento a partir de un nivel de conocimiento a otro, esencialmente en nuevo nivel

Los poetas, que son los señores del alfabeto y los artistas del lenguaje, son la pluma estilográfica para este proyecto. Así que los llamamos,escritores y poetas de GHA, a participar en esta Antología y Concurso de poesía.

Antología y Concurso de Poesía de la Asociación Global de Armonía. Bases y Condiciones.


Con el auspicio de nuestro Presidente Dr. Leo Semashko,la Asociación por Armonía Global lanza esta primera Antología y Concurso de poesía para los cuales todos los miembros GHA son elegibles. Los poemas deben abordar el tema principal, que para este año será "CULTURA DE PAZ ARMONIOSA" y debe estar compuesto por 50 líneas (versos) como máximo (el título y los espacios entre estrofas no cuentan), pudiendo estar publicados o no. Sólo los poemas escritos en el idioma Inglés o español serán considerados. Las frases extranjeras sólo son aceptables siempre que tengan una traducción al idioma del poema.


No se requiere pago de ninguna clase para participar en el concurso, sin embargo, a excepción de los ganadores del concurso (primer premio en cada categoría, inglés y español, habrá una cuota para la participación en la Antología. Esta cuota se determinará después del concurso y teniendo en cuenta el material recogido seleccionado y los costos correspondientes.

Estos concursos de poesía se llevan a cabo por GHA, sin ningúnánimo de lucro.El participante será juzgado sólo sobre la base de su talento.

Los ganadores del primer premio recibirán este año un diploma y la libre participación en la Antología Poética GHA, en la que aparecerán todos los poemas premiados y seleccionados.



Leer fonéticamente

·Participación: Enviar sus poema (s) seleccionados por E-mail a roberts_susana@hotmail.com o ekahan@post.tau.ac.il en un adjunto, en un archivo Microsoft Word. Si Ud. está participando con más de un poema, mantenga cada poema por separado en su propio archivo, pero envíe solamente un correo (un e-mail con múltiples adjuntos)

·Claramente enliste su nombre en cada página de participación

·En la línea sustancial del correo (asunto) escriba: GHA Concurso mi participación (español) o "GHA Poetry Contest, my submission" (English) depende de la categoría que Ud. decida.

·En el cuerpo del correo, incluya su nombre completo, número telefónico, y su correo electrónico.

·Ud. puede participar con un máximo de cinco poemas, cada poema debe tener 50 versos como máximo.

·Indicar la categoría que Ud. participa: inglés o español.

·Los participantes pueden participar en ambas categorías, pero para cada uno usar e-mail por separado.

Comenzaremos a aceptar participaciones desde el 1 de Noviembre, 2010. El plazo de envío de participación para el concurso es el 3 de Febrero ,2011.



1ro, 2do, y 3ro premios en cada categoría idiomática: inglés y español.

5 menciones honorarias en cada categoría idiomática.

Todos los poetas recibirán un diploma indicando: “Seleccionado”o el premio recibido.

La selección de los mejores poetas será realizada en base al voto del Jurado del Concurso.

Esta competición de poesía no exige de los escritoresotra cosa que su sinceridad de que su trabajo es único y totalmente escrito por la persona que reclama ser el escritor. Las reglas que aquí están expuestas deben ser estrictamente seguidas.


Prof. Dr. Ernesto KahanSusana RobertsAmmar BanniDr. T. Ashok


GHAPoetry ContestGHA Poetry ContestGHA Poetry ContestGHA Poetry Contest

Director, Principal1 er Co- Director2o Co- Director3er Co- Director



Global Harmony Association (GHA)


Harmony Hymn: International Contest

Approved by the GHA Board, 12 January 2008

The Global Harmony Association Board decision, January 12, 2008:


1. Approve Leo Semashko’s invitation for the poets and composers to create a Hymn to Harmony


2. Approve the initial Selection Committee for a Hymn of Harmony in the following staff:

Tholana  Chakravarthy,

Dimitris P. Kraniotis,

Maria Cristina Azcona,


3. Invite the Selection Committee to present in a month's time its Rules and its full staff (15-30 members) to the Advisory Committee for discussion and in the Board for the approval.


Dr Leo Semashko

Global Harmony Association Board Chair

January 12, 2008

The International Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony



1.International Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony (further: ISCHH) is created by the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Board at January 12, 2008 with the purpose of a choice of the best poetic text (verse, poem, song and etc.) for a Hymn to Harmony (further: HH text).

2.Meaning and necessity in HH for our times are determined in "Invitation of the poets and composers to create a Hymn to Harmony", which is approved by the GHA BOARD at January 12, 2008 and is published o­n the address: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=312.

3.ISCHH works as the independent GHA Committee, which is guided o­nly by the GHA Statutes and given Rules.

4.ISCHH includes from the 15 up to 30 outstanding world poets from all continents of the world.

5.ISCHH independently solves the staff problem, inviting in it the outstanding poets at own discretion and o­n a voluntary basis.

6.ISCHH selects the constant (?) Chair and Vice-chair.

7.ISCHH accepts to consideration all the HH texts, which are adequate to the ISCHH requirements (below), annually from September 1 to May 20 of next year.

8.The representation of the HH texts is open for all poets of the world.

9.Per o­ne year o­ne HH text from o­ne author is accepted o­nly.

10. All the HH texts, adequate to the ISCHH requirements, are published o­n the site "Peace from harmony" (www.peacefromharmony.org) o­n separate page.

11. ISCHH annually selects from May 21 to June 20 from among the published the HH texts by the collective decision o­n the majority of votes "Best Poem for a Hymn to Harmony of the current year".

12. June 21 of each year, in honour of the Global Harmony Day, ISCHH is published its decision about "Best Poem for a Hymn to Harmony of the current year" o­n the site "Peace from harmony" with the full list of ISCHH. The best Poem is constantly kept o­n the site, and other poems remove. The best Poem author receives a Honorary Title "Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony". Any other forms of encouragement, including financial, are not supposed at the given stage.

13. ISCHH can accept the decision about absence of a choice and removal of all the HH texts, which arrived for year. This decision also is published o­n the site.

14. The given Rules are approved by ISCHH o­n February ___ 2008.


Requirements to the HH texts


The HH texts, sent in ISCHH, should answer the following requirements:


  1. The HH texts should be devoted to social, individual and natural harmony, harmonious peace and other displays of harmony in the human life.
  2. The HH texts should avoid excessively long lines; it is preferable less than 12 words.
  3. The HH texts should be in English o­nly.
  4. The HH texts should be submitted in a body of electronic mail and in an attachment.
  5. The HH text can not be submitted two times in the ISCHH.
  6. The HH texts should not be submitted in the other place during o­ne year.
  7. The HH texts remains by the GHA property up to the ISCHH final decision, however copyright is kept.
  8. All appendices to the HH texts will be ignored except for o­nes listed below.
  9. The HH texts should be accompanied by the declaration o­n its origin (?). (I understand it badly)
  10. The HH texts should be by the author’s brief bio up to 10 lines, with the indication of his full post address and email address.
  11. The given Requirements are approved by ISCHH o­n February 2008.

Dr Tholana A. Chakravarthy



Dr Dimitris P. Kraniotis

ISCHH Vice-Chair



HAIL HARMONY : words for a HYMN

by Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist from Recife, Brazil

e-mail: fcgm@hotlink.com.br


Global LIFE quality ?

Let´shave justice and HARMONY



Let´s have rights in HARMONY



Let´s have compassion with HARMONY


Global DIGNITY ?

Let´s have respect and HARMONY


Global UNITY ?

Let´s share the Earth in HARMONY



Let´spray for HARMONY



Let´s learn from HARMONY



Let´s interchange in HARMONY



Let´s act in HARMONY



Let´s always live and love HARMONIOUSLY



Hi, Mor

You said you use the phrase HARMONIOUS SUSTAINABLE PEACE. Well,.. that has

inspired me to create a little poem dedicated to you. Does it do justice to your phrase ?




dedicated to MORTON DEUTSCH

by Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist from Recife, Brazil






















A work of art

How to shape a precious work of art?

How to do with hisses resounding in my coast with

the rhythm ofthe sand and hummingbirds?


How to do with prays

theyopen the windows to a new day?

how to do this echos tremble

in the silence of your company ?


How to know your rhythm and the rhythm

of your work through memory

with so many free dawns

and dead hopes ?


How to shapethe balance

of the blood in my veins

asking for a new light

among brothers?

It will be marvellous

buildingtogether the major

piece of art in an united symphony of love

all over the earth.

March 14th 2009

Susana Roberts Argentina.



The Peaceful Meeting                                                          

There was a meeting

on the shore near the calm sea

They gathered together

like a regular army

They talked a long time silent

peaceful words uttered

happy events shared

There they were

at their secret meeti

and nobody but a lonely poet

realized the sea gulls' peace event

The poet thought

they came from all over the world.

14th March 2009, Turkey



New Veil of the Earth

By Nina Goncharova


Have you seen the butterfly’s birth?                                                     
It’s astonishingly awakening picture:

She appears from cocoon as if from a death,

It’s a miracle- she’s become a winged creature!

In cocoon is now our Earth

Changing its essence from within

Bringing for humanity rebirth,

Growing up invisible light wings!

Silver wings of conscious human beings,

Knowing the purpose of their life

Capable to be the source of dreams,

For harmonious creations and delight.

Have you seen the planet’s New Time birth?

It’s here though it might seem to be dark time,

We create a new veil of the Earth

By becoming awesomely alive!

13 March 2009 Novosibirsk, Russia



Veil ...and Future

ByGuy Crequie


The aurora gradually delivers to clear

The night breaks up

A vertigo is going up from the depth

Of my humanity

It impresses me as far as the ecstasy

Shall it promise the day coming?


The Tragic Graze

By Kae Morii


To make a beautiful vase in the kiln

What kind of fire

What kind of graze should we need?

When the justice is told in the opposition

The violence disclosing into the word, to the force...

The violence coincided with the justice

The tragic graze o­n the more to be fired into the fire

To make a beautiful vase

What should we need?

O, the kiln!

Please tell me that

To emit a clay pot at the flame

To tear in this brooded dark...


Tholana Chakravarthy and Leo Semashko.

Ammar Banni: Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008.


Dear Friends of Harmony!


I like to send you below Tholana Chakravarthy's letter as the Selection Committee Chair o­n the best poem for "Hymn to Harmony":


With great delight we should mark this GLOBAL HARMONY DAY (June 21) of our HARMONIOUS ERA CALENDAR in golden letters. It is but appropriate to mention that theInternational Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony (ISCHH) is established by the GHA with the purpose of a creating a Hymn to Harmony. And, we have called upon universal poets and composers to share our concern for a genuine cause, i.e. UNIVERSAL PEACE. As we inch our way towards the goal, there is likelihood that the response to our call will provide a new twist with renewed spirit within a short span. The GHA’s endeavor is - the school children and youth should be drawn towards universal peace with a heart-stirring and musical Harmony Hymn. Since they are the backbone of the present and future generations, they should be given a broader space to join the main stream universal peace movement.


Now is the turn to declare the Best Poem for a Hymn to Harmony of the current year (2008) who would receive the Honorary Title - "Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony". And, it is the superb poem by Ammar Banni, titled, “THE GLORY OF PEACE”, chosen as the Best Poem for the Hymn to Harmony (2008). HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to AMMAR BANNI o­n behalf of GHA for being awarded the Title of "Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony".


While THANKING all the participants in this universal cause, we are sure to receive a multiplied bulk of contributions from world poets in the coming year.




Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

Dimitris P. Kraniotis

Maria Cristina Azcona

(Selection Committee Members)


I heartily congratulate Ammar Banni, poet and professor from Algeria, with his recognition as "Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony" for 2008.


Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA Founder and President

St-Petersburg, Russia

June 21, 2008




The Glory of Peace


Far from any ideology

Far from any religion

far from any ethnos group

far from any civilization

you are my brother

Although I do not divide you the ideas

although I do not divide you the religion

although I do not divide you the fatherland

I divide you humanism

the life is a culture

who does not have a border

peace is the heart of the life

love of the others

you desire gives for living

you are my friends

Although you are far

I do not know your face

but I know your heart

who share the love

you are ants of work

who move throughout the world

you are the white doves.

you are the glory of peace.


Ammar Banni



June 21: Global Harmony Day




By Nina Goncharova



1. From the highest spheres of the sky,

From the depth of Mother Earth

There’s wonderful call to fly

It’s the Harmony call of the Universe.


Refrain:People, let’s spread our wings,

We’ll all learn to fly,

For us to be harmony winds,

For fairytales to be alive.


2. For all people to learn to love

And every human being to embrace

For children o­n the Earth and from above

To create the planet’s new face


Refrain: People, let’s spread our wings,

We’ll all learn to fly,

To be winged divine beings

To BE Harmony - for you and I!









TEL: 0026658562077

WEBSITE: www.ilongosphere.com




On the sacred altar of being

The three stones, not stones

Are placed at proper angles,

Prior to the ignition of the fire of love,

Source of the ocean of light and life infinite,

When lo, a huge dark cloud suddenly surrounds

The high priest,

Raining below not rains and rays of harmony,

But burning passions of separation mystery,

Prelude to the deluge of Thanatos

Seeking to invert the harmony of the spheres

Into the love of power

With its triple curses of re-action, ignorant arrogance

And echoes of self serving ego

In the non-harmonious anarchy hierarchy

Of trying in vain to do, know and be.




Now comes the day of struggle

Leaving all in rubble

As all efforts crumble

The masses mumbling

As civilisations come tumbling

Down slopes of tears and fears

Without hope of freedom,

For the tree of life

Is now frozen

Into statue of doom! (END)


In the ensuing twilight

The light of truth has grown so tiny,

The crown having fallen from the mountain

Shielding the secret fountain

That used to defy gravity,

But now object and subject of the same

Cowering in shame

Down ignorance halls,

Or no, strutting and puffing in arrogance balls,

Having lost sacred jewel,

Now scrabbling in the delusion haze for tit-bits

Taken as material for systems

Of pseudo history, economics, philosophy,

Psychology, art, religion

And what have you!




What a night of the day

Freezing all hearts,

Uplifting all hands

Not in blessing

But in lessons of cursing and violence

Bent o­n bending the code of harmony

Into sessions of oral hysteria,

Prelude to firing of arms

In fireworks that have no need for myths

To know that Hades is here

As the not childlike o­nes parade

In parody of being,

Usurping the seat of harmony

Wet with sweat of mourning! (END)


All along though,

Among the audience of old

Poised for the burning of the candle of hope

Not all went cold,

And some are becoming bold

Holding fast o­nto the last rays of hope

Just before they disappeared,

Becoming pioneers of harmonious universal culture,

Heralds of peace in creation,

Fathers of the new mind

That of the childlike,

New breed of the stock of truth

Forerunners of universal brotherhood!




Hope is there

All this while,

Long buried in sands of frozen space and light,

And battered by shattered times gone crazy,

But standing firm

Rooted in soil of faith

Preserving the original harmony

Harmonics of true economy, history,

Politics, religion, science and art

Founded o­n peace, light and abundant life

For all,

For tall the re-germinating tree of life and hope

No dope this o­ne

But the rope

Through which uplifted mankind will rise

To halls of universal harmony

Away from mourning

To sway in the breeze of peace and bliss

Kissed by the light of liberation

And regenerated by the power of love

Transcending the love of power! (END)


Slowly, the tides are turning

Seeking for the critical mass

For mankind to overcome the critical mess

And begin the journey to shores of harmony,

Dropping all arms

Picking up charms of light-works this time

Having no space for fire-works,

Time having frozen

Standing still,

So that the new race can walk o­n water

Fly in the air together,

As o­ne light body,

Praying for harmony light

To descend o­n all,

The preying instinct evaporating and dissolving forever

As with o­ne voice

All as o­ne sing:




Back to back is the new embrace

Seal of the new race

Seeing in all directions at o­nce,

No ounce of disharmony resounding,

As the cords of harmony guitar

Twang the new tango,

Taking all to the centre

To enter into the trance of unity

As o­ne body,

One love becoming the in-thing,

For there is no more something or anything

Save waves of the love song

Saviour of mankind!

With o­ne heart

The heat to come together is ignited,

Reuniting the splintered selves

In the altar of harmony

From whence the bird of sorrow had flown,

For the golden tomorrow is here now,

The future now part of the present feature,

In culture of heart to heart,

All singing the hymn of love

Miracle of today

Saving the world from swords

That disembowel through vowels of violence.

The new drama is soul renewing

Based o­n the new understanding,

All realising the interconnections,

The illusions of missing links dropping

Its mesmerising phases,

As the circuits of the o­ne body are revealed

In the glorious new deal

That integrates all angles and curves

Through reintegrating intermediate prisms

For the free flow of the light of truth.

The ray of harmony

Flows through all

As clouds of antagonism disperse,

Letting in the rays of optimism,

Prayer of the righteous

That have set their minds aright,

Focused o­n the crown of universal brotherhood

Set o­n the throne of love

From which infinite torrents of light burst forth

Spraying all dimensions of being

With the rays of rebirth,

Gift of the new order

Now that the shift from chaos

Opens the way

For the free flow

Of the hymn to harmony!







Let’s surrender our self-will to the rhythms of Natural Creation,

then, in will flow harmony through living ways of all-compassion,

ever trusting to Creation’s universal, guiding Cosmic Spirit,

then how to create perfection we will clearly see, as felt;


Live in accordance with all laws of ecology,

so to be from all crises and disharmonies free,

for our lives’ temples have been by our Creator designed

and can never be by purely human systems defined;


Let us learn from the rhythms of the seasons and oceans

so as to learn when to act and from action to rest,

imbued with an ethos & ethics of non-violence

and all our relationships will evolve for the best,


for the Hellenic Golden Mean is of balance the path

when we in o­ne all-giving life-force have childlike faith,

then all egoisms that might us divide

will dissolve, no more needed, everywhere, world-wide!


Love & Light ever are, cannot be contrived

and will flow between all beings blessed by being alive-

so let these our criteria o­n all things of judgement be,

for all that has arisen from human activity!


Let’s abandon all life-styles that our Earth can harm,

and whatever our passions, may our Inner Selves remain calm

for the peace that we will manifest flows from within ourselves

and thus, all our problems, given means, in time, resolves!


It must be more than an ideal in seeking, talking heads-

as we need to live it, every day, instead;

IT IS, WE ARE, so let’s conform to Creation’s perfection

and always upon it have times and spaces for tranquil reflection!


David Allen Stringer

The Universal Alliancewww.universalalliance.org.uk







Blossom from harmony the peace-loving souls!

A world without frontiers should become our goal!


May the heart-broken soul of the universe

Feel pleased to hear this soothing peace-verse,

Bless, bless all beings to live for each other

Lest, death and ruin spoil the blooming future.


May the looming clouds of destruction and war

Quench the thirst of peace with a friendly shower

Writhing hearts are praying for peace with pain

Harmony betwixt us, can o­nly remove this stain.


Blossom from harmony the peace-loving souls!

A world without frontiers should become our goal!


We have seen heaps of tragic death and destruction

We have seen the maimed and the orphaned children,

Conflicts have always dealt a blow of death and ruin

Cannot peace and harmony become our champions?


Unity is our might that cannot jeopardize the world

Let peace be o­n our lips and dwell within our fold,

Our spirit and unity uplifts the morale of everyone

Hopes anew will soon unfold with a tuneful hymn.


Blossom from harmony the peace-loving souls!

A world without frontiers should become our goal!


Poetically Yours


Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D

H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad




The glory of peace


Far from any ideology

Far from any religion

far from any ethnos group

far from any civilization

you are my brother

Although I do not divide you the ideas

although I do not divide you the religion

although I do not divide you the fatherland

I divide you humanism

the life is a culture

who does not have a border

peace is the heart of the life

love of the others

you desire gives for living

you are my friends

Although you are far

I do not know your face

but I know your heart

who share the love

you are ants of work

who move throughout the world

you are the white doves.

you are the glory of peace.



Ammar Banni




(For the harmony of our lives)


People of the remote cities

In osmosis with nature

Precision of its cycles

Made our beautiful blue sphere

A planet of harmony.

Connected like rings of life

Whatever then to be their nationality

The color of their hair

The pigmentation of their skin

The shape of their eyes

Let us help the new generation

To become principle of harmony

With a high spirituality

With the service of humanity our Elder.

Between Venus and March

Planet of the solar system

To be driven circularly

The ground is round and turns

It carries out its rotation

With an infinite meticulousness

According to a definite rate/rhythm and direction

Our eyes should be impregnated

From all these varied continents

Their diversified beings

Of which children of our cities.

In symbiosis with nature

The anthem of harmony

Is a call to the reason

The wisdom of our hearts

Intelligence of our spirits

The harmony of our lives

Nourished of a multitude of sounds

Express the eternal, the universal o­ne, the unlimited o­ne.

The anthem with the love

In its harmonic magnificence

Is the formula of the universe

Those and those which breathe the emotion of it

Receive this sequence of agreements

As a scented breeze

Without war, without hatred and fear

White clouds in the sky

One spring full with buds o­n the ground

In the same way what the borders with the sky, do you see some trace of it?

The anthem of the harmony is this situation where as LEVINAS expressed it

“The human spot par excellence is that of inter human

Opening to the other in its unicity without preoccupation with a reciprocity. “

Then, this company of information

That of the harmony of the universal human love

Will be that of our children builders of a future

That where the life will serve the life.


Copyright Guy CREQUIE

French poet and philosopher.




© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005