JohnW. Forje African peace scientist, educator and peacemaker

Name: JOHN WILSON FORJE CV Address: Department of Political Science, University of Yaounde II-Soa B. P. 13429 Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon, Tel. +237-7621104 Or Mollevangsvagen 12A, SE-22240 Lund, Sweden, Tel. +46 46-390278 E-Mail: Citizenship: Cameroonian Civil Status Married : 3 children 1.EDUACTION PhD (Science and Technology Policy) 1986 University of Salford Fil dr. (Political Science (1982) University of Lund – Sweden M.A. (European Politics and International Relations (1976) University of Hull – United Kingdom Fil Kand (B.A.) Political Science (Economic History – Minor) 1972, University of Lund – Sweden Certificate: Commonwealth Science and Technology Certificate (1986) Diploma, Public Management (1998) Advanced School of Public Management –(ISPM) Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon 2.WORKING EXPERIENCE 1998. Lecturer: University of Yaounde II-Soa, Dept. of Political Science. 1993 Maitre de Recherché (Senior Research Officer), Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research 1993 Charge d’Etudes (Assistant Director) Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research, Yaounde - Cameroon 1993-1995: Part Time Lecturer, University of Buea, Republic of Cameroon 1992-1998: Assistant Lecturer, University of Yaounde II-Soa 1990-1993: Charge de Recherché (Research Officer) Institute of Human Sciences –ISH, Yaounde, Cameroon republic 1987-1993: Attaché de Recherché (Assistant Research Officer) Institute of Human Sciences – ISH – Yaounde 1986-1987: Cadre d’Administration, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRES) Yaounde – Cameroon 1985-1986: Research Fellow – Advanced School of Mass Communication, University of Yaounde and Cadre d’Administration, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 1976-1985: Research Assistant. Research Policy Institute, University of Lund, Sweden 3.PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS Central Africa: Crisis, Reform and Reconstruction (2005) co-editor, CODESRIA Book Publications Series, Dakar, Senegal Consolidating Democratic Governance and Quality Management in Africa: Building New Strategies for a New Century and Extending the Benefits of Development to All (2003) Carad Publications, Yaounde, Cameroon Cameroon Without Corruption: The Search for A New Vision (2003) Niba Publishers, Bamenda, Republic of Cameroon Science and Technology in Africa (1989) Longman World Series on Science and Technology, Vol. 10 Longman, Essex, United Kingdom, 281 pages Science, Technology and Development Policy in Cameroon (1988) (CARAD) Presentation, Skandihuset, Lund-Sweden 309 pages Trends in the Development of science and technology in Africa, in particular since CASTAFRICA 1 [1987] Unesco publication for CASTAFRICA II, Arusha, SC-87/CASTAFRICA II/Ref. I, Unesco, Paris, France. Third World Development and The Myth of International Cooperation (1984) AV-Central, Lund, Sweden, 356 pages Science and Technology For Development in Africa South of the Sahara. A Bibliography (1982), Research Policy Institute, University of Lund, Sweden, 105 pages The one and Indivisible Cameroon: Political Integration and Socio-economic Development in a Fragmented Society (1981) Department of Political Science, University of Lund .191 pages. The Rape of Africa at Vienna – African Participation in the 1979 United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, AV-Centralen, Lund-Sweden (1979) The Challenge of African Economic and Technological Development and the Influence of International Forums (1978) Tryckbaren, Lund-Sweden Cameroon’s Five Year Development Plans (1977) Box-Lund-Sweden, 143 pages 4.Chapters Contributed in Books Rethinking Political Will and Empowerment Missing Dimensions in Post-Conflict Reform and Reconstruction in the Central Africa Sub-Region (2005) in E.S.D. Fomin and John W. Forje (Co-editors) 2005, Central Africa: Crises, Reform, Reconstruction, CODESRIA Publications, Dakar, Senegal, pp223-240 Peace and Humanity (2004) in Johanna Lasonen (ed.) Culture of Peace: From Words to Deeds. Institute For Educational Research, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. (2003) pp47-52 Africa at the Crossroads: Challenges to Democratic Governance Beyond the 21st Century. Reconstructing Political Society (2003) in Daniel Lantum et al (eds.) Africa at the Crossroads: Challenges and Prospects, Professors World Peace Academy, Dove Publishers, Yaounde - Cameroon, (2003) pp41-64. The State of Science and Technology in Africa: Deficiencies, Challenges and Prospects for the 21st Century (2002) in Stuart S. Nagel (ed.) Handbook on Global technology Policy. Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA, (2002) pp 65-107 Suing for Peace and Stability: Rethinking the Causes for Disasters – Challenges and Prospects for the Third Millennium (2002) in Daniel Lantum et al (eds.) The Impact of Disaster on Peace, Stability and the Challenges of the Third Millennium, Professors World Peace Academy Publications, Dove Publishers, Yaounde Cameroon, (2002) pp71-90. Africa’s Bumping Road to Democracy: Reconstituting The Nation State (2001) in Paul N Nkwi (ed.) Africa at Crossroads: Complex Political Emergencies in the 21st Century, Ethno-net Africa (2001) pp134-148. The Politics of Democratisation: Ethnicity and its Management in Africa with Experience from Cameroon (2000) in Paul N. Nkwi (ed.) 2000, The Anthropology of Africa: Challenges for the 21st century, Unesco – Dakar, (2000) pp.357-372. Cameroon (2000) in Gordon L. Anderson (ed.) The Global Economy and Society – A World Survey (Professors World Peace Academy Book, Seoul – Korea, (2000) pp 37-42. Building a Passion for and the Imperatives of Democracy in a Developing Polity. The Unique Case of African Democracy (1999) in Paul N. Nkwi (ed.) Democracy and Governance, (1999) pp9-25 National Case Study: Cameroon Republic (1999) in Ramine V. Shaw (ed.) Regional Workshop: Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research in Africa, IHDP Proceedings No.4, 24-26 September, 1999, ICSU, ENRICH, CISS, ISSC and IHDP, Boon-Germany, pp66-76 Conserving Biological Diversity in Cameroon’s Forests: Problems and Prospects for the Future, (1998) in Jutta Pokker, Inge Stein and Ulrich Wereder {eds.), Forests in Focus: Proceedings Forum- Biodiversity – Treasures in the World’s Forests, 3-7 July 1998, Alfred Toepfer Akademie fur Naturschutz, Germany, pp 60-68) Status Review of Science and Technology Policy Management in Africa: Success or Failures (1998) in M.Pillay and C. H. Prinslo (eds.) Science and technology and Africa, Human Science Research Council (HSRC) Publishers Pretoria, South Africa, (1998) pp9-32 Developing A Science Culture in Africa, (1998) in M. Pillay and C.H.Prinsloo (eds.)Science and Technology and Africa, (HSRC, Publishers, Pretoria, South Africa, (1998) pp33-41. Some Observations on Prospects for Democracy in the Contemporary World: Africa’s Transition to a Democratic Governance System, (1997) in Tatu Vanhannen (ed.) Prospects of Democracy – A Study 0f 172 Countries, Routledge, UK and USA, (1997) pp315-333. Human and Global Visions Toward Future Generations: Hope Born Out of Despair, (1997) in Katsuhiko Yazaki and Tae-Change Kim (eds.) Beyond Egoism. (Future Generation Alliance Foundation and Kyoto Forum) Japan-Kyoto pp75-77 Broadening Participation in Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity: An African Perspective (1995) in A. Krattinger et al. (eds.) Widening Perspectives on Biodiversity, IUCN, Geneva. (1995) pp65-70 Biotechnology in Cameroon (1995) in C. Juma and John Mugabe et al (eds.) Coming to Life. Biotechnology in African Economic Recovery, Zed Books, London. (1995) pp40-79 The Role and Effectiveness of National Science and Technology Policy- Making Bodies in Africa (1993) in Aqueil Ahmed (ed.) science and Technology Policy for Economic Development in Africa, E.J.Brill Leiden, Holland, (1993) pp12-20. Advancing Democracy and Participation – Challenges for the Future: The Changing Political Landscape of Cameroon (1992) in Jim Dator et al. Advancing Democracy and Participation – Challenges or the Future. UNESCO Centre de Calumny, Spain and World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) 1992 pp69-80. New Approach to Industrialisation in Africa: Flexible Manufacturing Technologies in Cameroon: Where We Stand – Where Are We Going? (1992) in M.B. Ayiku (ed.) Seminar on Flexible Manufacturing Technologies: An Alternative Industrialisation Path. Policy Research and Strategic Planning Institute (PORSPI) Accra-Ghana, (1992) pp 164-1700 The Three Decades of Africa’s Science and Technology Policy Development (1991) in Hug Mozammel et al (eds.) Science, Technology and Development – North-South Cooperation, Frank Cass Books, London, England (1991) pp107-115. Science, Technology and Large Scale Enterprise Development (1991) in B.C. Sanyal et al. (eds.) Education, Employment and Human Resources Development, IIEP/UNESCO, Paris – France, (1991) pp119-136 Conceptual and Policy Framework for Technological Self-reliance in Africa (1990) in Mekki Mtewa (ed.) Contemporary Issues in African Administration and Development Politics. Allied Publishers, India (1990). pp136-158 In Search of A Strategy for a National Science And Technology Policy in Africa (1988) in Atul Wad (ed.) Science, Technology and Development. Westview / ITT Publications, London / USA, (1988) pp229-257 Is There A Need For The 1979 United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development? (1979) in Jyrike Kyannen (ed.) Technology and African Development. Finnish Peace and Research Association, Finland, (1979) pp199-221. 5Journal Articles: selected An Africa Perspective on Higher Education and the Interface with the Private Sector, [2006] Educational Research and Reviews, Vol. 1 (4), pp xx-xx July 2006, available online at http//www.academicjournals/EER, ISSN 1990-3839@2006 Academic Journals Stuck on The Runway: Facing the Challenges of Africa’s Democracy and Governance in the Third Millennium (2005) in Futures Bulletin, vol.30, Issue 1. World Futures Studies Federation, 2005, pp1-11. Togo: The State is Dead – Long Live the State” (2005) The Journal of African Renaissance, Vol. 2.No.2 march/April 2005, Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd. pp88-94, London, The Politics of Peace Building and Development in Africa and Its Educational Implications (2003). The Journal of Theory and Research in Education, vol.8.No.1, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pp (2003) 120-130 Rethinking Social Responsibility and Governance for sustainability: Lessons from Developing Polities in Africa (2003) The Journal of Applied Social sciences, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, University of Buea, vol.3. No.1, 2003, pp4-44 Reforming the Public Sector – Restoring Confidence and Legitimacy to Public Authority: Lessons From Africa (2003) The Journal of Identity, Culture and Politics (An Afro-Asian Dialogue) vol, 4, Number 2, September 2003, International Centre for Ethnic Studies and Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa. pp173-202, The Disappointment of Independence (2002). Futures Research Quarterly, Fall 2002, Vol.18, Number 3, pp41-50 Rethinking and Integrating the Social Sciences as an Indispensable Instrument for Development and Poverty Alleviation (2002) in Revue Africaine D’Etudes Politiques et Strategiques, University of Yaounde II-Soa The Imperatives of Democratic Governance and the Institutions of the Ombudsman in Revamping Quality Management in Cameroon, (2002) Cameroon Journal of Public and Administrative Management, vol.1, No.1 September 2002, Dove Publishers Yaounde, pp55-76 Human Capital Formation in Africa: Super Technology and Mega-trends for the Twenty-First Century, by C.F. Lema and John W. Forje (2001) Journal of Futures Studies, vol.5 No.3, February 2001. Tamkang University, Taiwan, pp79-99 Mapping New Futures for Gender Participation Towards Sustainable development: Lessons for Africa (2002), in Futures Research Quarterly, Spring 2002, and vol.17. No.1, pp49-60 Building a Vibrant State-Civil Society in Cameroon: Facing the Challenges of the New Millennium (1999) in APAD Journal Vol.18 (1999) Vert Verlag, Munster Hamburg – Germany, pp55-71 Rethinking the Role and Integrity at Public Private Sector Interface: Coherence or Confusion? Mapping a New Vision for Africa at the Dawn of the New Millennium (1999) APAD Journal Vol. 18 (1999) Vert Verlag, Munster Hamburg. Germany, pp 41-54. Environment and Development Planning in Africa: Problems and Prospects for the Future (Special edition of African Urban Quarterly) vol. 10. No.1 & 2 May 1995, University of Nairobi-Kenya, pp6-16. Development and Technology Policy in a Changing Society: Challenges for the African Political Structures. (1995) Journal of the International science Policy Foundation, vol.22 No.2 April 1995, London, pp21-29 The Role of Research and Research Institutes in Africa’s Economic Recovery and Development (1993) in Voices from Africa, No.4, Culture and Development, United nations Geneva, pp103-109 The Management of Science and Technology for Industrial Development in Africa: The Case of Cameroon (1990) The Journal of Science, Technology and Development, vol.8. No.3 December 1990, Frank Cass, London, pp234-244 Development, Policy and Politics in Africa, (1990), The Journal of Philosophy and Social Action. December vol.16. No.1, January-march 1990, India, pp39-56 Critique of Technology Polity in Africa. (1989), The Journal of Philosophy and Social Action. 3-4, July-December 1989 India, pp102-112 The Pornography of Poverty and the Urgent Need for an Alternative Internal Development Strategy (AIDS) in Africa (1989), Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, vol.1, University of Nairobi – Kenya, 1989, pp146-162 The Imperative of Social Intelligence as an Instrument for Socio-economic Transformation in Africa (1989) Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, vol. 19, University of Nairobi, Kenya 1989 pp145-163 Critical Perspectives on Research, High Technology, The Multinationals and Underdevelopment in Africa. 1986, Impact of Science on Society, No.141, vol.36 no1, Unesco. Paris, France. / Taylor Francis, London UK, 1986, pp17-49 The Misuse, Destruction and Exhaustion of National Resources in Africa, (1985) Journal of World Policy, Special United Nations Commemorative Issue, vol. X, No.4 New York 1985 pp. Foreign Influence and Science Policy Planning in Africa: The Challenge of Our Times, (1983), Journal of Africa, Latin America (ALA) no.10, University of Antwerp College for Developing Countries, 1983, pp1-24 The Underdevelopment of the Underdeveloped Regions of the World, (1982) Transafrican Journal of History, University of Nairobi – Kenya, Vol.11, 1981, pp65-70 The Quest for Alternative Appropriate Technology in Third World Development (1981) The Journal of Philosophy and Social Action, India, 3-4 July, 1981 pp37-47 Science, Technology and Society: An Appraisal of the Development of Science and Technology Infrastructure and Indigenous Capacity in the Central African Customs and Economic Union –UDEAC (1981), Journal of Eastern Africa Research and Development, vol. 11, University of Nairobi, 1981, pp80-108 Africa and The United Nations Conference on Science, Technology and Development (1979) The Journal of Philosophy and Social Action, vol. 1-2, India, 1979, pp25-32. Poor Nations Need to Bargain for a Better Deal in Development, (1978) Impact of Science on Society, Vol. 28. No.2. Unesco, Paris, France 6 Conference Papers – Selected. Rethinking Political Communities in Transition Polities in a Rapid Changing Hostile Global Environment. ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South Africa: 23-29 July 2006, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa. Sub-Theme:Reflexive Political Communities in a Globalising World.
Education for Development - Unlocking Human The Human Potential Through Science, Technology and Capacity Building: Challenges and Opportunities. Fundamental Issues for Sustainable Development in Africa Paper presented at The First All Africa Technology Diffusion Conference 2006.Organised by The Ministry of Science and Technology and The Tshumisano Trust, 10-12th June 2006, Birchwood Conference Centre Johannesburg, South Africa. Reflections on Decentralisation with Priority Focus on Good Governance and Poverty Alleviation - Lessons from Cameroon: Challenges and Opportunities. Paper prepared for The Department of Political Science, First Semester Departmental Seminar, on the Theme, “The Challenges of Governance and Development in Cameroon”. May 2006 University of Buea. Some Random Thoughts on Valuing Innovation Systems in a Rapidly Changing Global Knowledge-Based Economy. Which Way Forward for Africa in the 21st Century? Paper Presented at the NACI International Workshop on “Measuring Systems of Innovation: Inputs, Flows and Outputs”, 24-25 April 2006, Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa. Science, Technology and Innovation: Building Bridges with a Focus on Staying Competitive and Improving the Quality of Livelihood of the People (2005) paper prepared for the Conference on Globelics 2005, 31 October – 4th November 2005, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, AfricGIS2005, Pretoria, South Africa Reconstructing Africa Through Integration and Partnership (2005) paper prepared for the Conference. On AfricGIS 2005, 1-5 November 2005, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa. Globetics, South Africa Rethinking the Interface of Many Races For Sustainable Development(2005) Paper prepared for the South African Anthropological Annual Conference,22-24 September 2005, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Political Governance and Conflict Management: Why Developing Polities And The Poor Need a Stronger State Structure. (2005) Paper presented at the15th Annual PAAA Conference on “The Science of Man and the Emerging Issues of the 21st Century”, 6th-12th August 2005, Conference Centre, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon. The Dismal Fate of a Region: Rethinking A New Agenda for The Youths in the Gulf of Guinea. Challenges and Prospects for the Future (2005). Paper Presented at the International Colloquia on “Globalisation: Stakes and Interplay in the Gulf of Guinea” organised by The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Yaounde II-Soa, 21-23 July, 2005, Yaounde - Cameroon Rethinking the Role of African Universities – The Interface Between The Universities –Research Institutes and the Private Sector, (2005). Paper Presented at the Conference on “The African University in the 21st Century”, 26-29 June 2005, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban, South Africa, Organised by the South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education, (SAARDHE) Unlocking Our Future and Pushing The Frontiers of Poverty: Consolidating Democratic Governance and Quality Management as Prerequisite for Wealth Creation in Transitional Polities (2005). Paper Presented at the AAPAM 26th Annual Roundtable Conference on the Theme, “Harnessing The Partnership of The Public and Non-State Sectors for Sustainable Development and Good Governance in Africa: Problems and the Way Forward”, April 2005, Mombassa, Kenya Breaking Barriers: Rethinking Civil Society for Sustainable Development in Transitional Polities. What Prospects for The Future? (2005) Paper Presented at the Yaounde Conference on Poverty and Development, Conference Centre, Yaounde, 3-7 April 2005 Whither Africa – Conflict Over Natural Resources: Challenges and Imperatives Facing African Governments in the Wake of Post 11 September 2001 (2004). Paper Presented at the joint Conference of AISA/DMPF Conference on “Africa and Global Governance in the Aftermath of 9/11: Prospects and Challenges,” UNECA Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 6-8 December 2004. Consolidating Democratic Governance And Quality Management in South Africa. (2004). Paper Prepared for the SAAPAM Conference, South Africa, 24-27 November 2004 The Challenge of Electoral Systems: Reforms and Electoral Administration in West Africa (2004). Paper Presented at the EISA Conference on “Promoting Credible Elections and Democratic Governance in Africa”, organised by the Electoral Institute of South Africa (EISA), 22-23 November 2004, Rosebank Hotel, Sturdee, Johannesburg, South Africa. Whither Heritage: Reunification in Cameroon and the Collapse of Apartheid in South Africa. A Comparative Analysis in Political Change (2004). Paper Presented at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, 22 October 2004. France and South Africa Within Africa: The Politics of Assimilation, Knowledge and Power (2004). Paper Presented at the South Africa National Defence College, 7 October 2004, Pretoria, South Africa. Globalisation, Democratisation and Development in Africa: Challenges for the African AU and NEPAD in Creating Opportunities for All. (2004). Paper presented at the 14th Pan-African Association of Anthropology (PAAA). Institute of African Studies, University of Legon, Ghana, August 2004 Good Governance as Conditionality for Political Competition and Power Distribution in a Transitional Polity: The Case of Cameroon (2004). Paper Presented at the Training Seminar on Voter Education on The Electoral Process in Cameroon, July 2004, Organised by AAPAM / USA Cameroon, Pan-African Institute of Development (PAID) Cameroon, Buea Cameroon. And Pan-Africanism Stuck on the Runway: Are Intellectuals to Be Blamed? (2003) Paper Presented at CODERSIA’s 30th Anniversary Conference, 10-12 December 2003, Novotel Hotel, Dakar-Senegal on the Theme “Intellectuals, Nationalism and the Pan-African Ideal. Navigating National Science and Technology Policy as Integral Component of National Development Strategy for Africa (2003) Lecture Delivered at the Codesria Gender Institute on “ Gender, Science and Technology, 30 June 2003, Dakar- Senegal. Rethinking Poverty in the Midst of Plenty. What Lessons, Options and Prospects for the Future, (2002) Paper prepared for the Pan-African Anthropological Association (PAAA), Nairobi, Kenya, August 2002. The Social Sciences in Africa: Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century (2001) Paper Presented atAnthropological Conference on the theme: Rethinking Development: Africa, Centre or Periphery in the 21st Century, Omar Bongo University, Gabon, 20-23 August, 2001. Africa and the United Nations: Seeking New Visions for 2010. (2000) Keynote Address to the Africa Students Week – University of Lind, under the Theme, “Africa and he United Nations – The First Decade” Lund-Sweden, 22 June 2000, organised by The English International And African Network, Lund-Sweden Democratisation and Social Change in Cameroon. Setting New Priorities for the Future (2000) Paper prepared for the Conference on Public Management and Governance in the New Millennium. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the Future, 10-11 January 2000, Centre for Comparative Public Management and Social Policy, City University of Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong. The Imperatives of Democratic Governance and the Institution of the Ombudsman in Revamping Quality Management in Cameroon. (1999) Paper presented at the AAPAM 21st Roundtable Conference on Quality Management Assurance in Africa, 29 November – 3rd December 1999, Sheraton Hotel, Kampala – Uganda. Conflict, Peace and Global Issues Facing Africa in the 21st Century: Prospects and Challenges for the Future (1999) Paper accepted for presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, 21-24 October 1999, Radford University, Southwest Virginia, USA. 7.Book Reviews- Selected Confronting The Politics of Conflict Management and Rights in Africa (in POLITEIA), Journal For Political Science and Public Administration, Pretoria, South Africa), Vol.24. No.1, 2005. Unisa Press, pp107-118 Facing the Challenges of Unity, Environmental Conservation and Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge in the Development Process, (in Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences, Vol.2 No.1 February 2002, Buea Cameroon), pp.1-88 An Assault on Poverty – Basic Human Needs and Whose Reality Counts? Putting the First Last, in Science, Technology and Development, Journal of the Third World science, Technology & Development Forum, Vol. 16, December 1998, No.3. Pp175-177, Frank Cass Publishers, London. Crystallising A New Development Agenda for Africa: Honouring Adebayo Adedeji at 65, ACDESS Bulletin, January 1996, African Centre for Development and Strategic Studies, ACDESS, Ijebu Ode, Ogon State, Nigeria, pp7-9 Facing the Challenge – Response to the Report of the South Commission, (in the Journal of the Third World Science Technology and Development Forum, Vol. 12. No.1, April 1994, Frank Cass London, pp48-49 World Apart – The North-South Divide and the International System, in Journal of the Third Science, Technology and Development Forum, vol.12. No.1. April 1994, Frank Cass, London, pp46-47 Scientists in The Third World, in The Journal of Philosophy and Social Action (ASA), Vol.19, No.3, July-September 1993, India, pp52-53 The Unpromised Land. Agrarian Reform and Conflict World Wide, Environmental Values, Vol. 1 No.2, Summer 1992, The White Horse Press, London, pp183-184 Behind the Façade of the Developing Areas – An Inquiry into Leadership Role and Development in Africa, in The Journal of Eastern Research and Development, Vol.14, 1984, University of Nairobi – Kenya, pp 178-198 8.Consultancies Professor Archie Mafeje Fellow, Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), Pretoria, South Africa. (2004) Resource Person – AAPAM / USA Voters Education in Cameroon (2004) Resource Person for CODESRIA Gender Institute on Gender Science and Technology, Dakar, Senegal (2003) Civil Society Programme (Country Member) (CODESRIA) Dakar – Senegal (1998) Curriculum and Course Outline on Culture, Development, Science and Technology for African Universities (PAAA) Yaounde (1997) Research Fellow, African Centre for Development and Strategic Studies (ACDESS) Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria (1995-1996) Socio-economic and Cultural Impact Assessment: Chad/Cameroon Oil Pipe Line Project (SNH, EXXON, University of Yaounde, and Ministry of Scientific And Technical Research) 1995 Biodiversity GEF Project (Cameroon) – World Bank (1994) Small –Scale Industry Project – Cameroon (ECA-Ethiopia) 1994 UNESCO – Science and Technology Policy Division, Resource Person Paris Final Report Expert Preparatory Meeting for CASTAFRICA II- (Arusha – Tanzania) 1986-87. 9.Membership AAPAM African Association of Public and Administrative Management AAPS African Association of Political Science APAD Euro-African Association for Anthropology of Social Change and Development CAS Cameroon Academy of Science DMPF Development Policy Management Forum IPSA International Peace Research Association IPSA International Political Science Association (RC13) Democratisation in Comparative Perspective. ISA International Sociological Association NESDA Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Central Africa (NESDA-CA) - Cameroon PAAA Pan African Anthropological Association PWPA Professors World Peace Academy WFSF World Future Studies Federation 10 DECORATIONS / MERITS -Prof. Archie Mafeje Fellow, AISA, Pretoria-Medal of Honour, American Biographical Institute-5000 Personalities of the World, American Biographical Institute -Honorary Appointment – Research Board Adviser, The American Biographical Institute, USA -Men of Achievement, Certificate of Merit, International Biographical Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom -Who’s Who in the World, American Biographical Institute) -International Human Development Programme (IHDP) Country Member -START- Africa, Network – Country Representative for Central Africa. -Africa links – (Globelics Member representing Central Africa) 11References
Prof. Beban Sammy Chumbow, Former Rector, University of Yaounde 1, B.P. 1865, Yaounde Republic of Cameroon. Tel. 237-7500651 Prof Paul N. Nkwi, Department of Anthropology, University of Yaounde 1, B.P. 1865, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon, Tel. 237-2234227E-mail: or Prof. Korwar Adar (Head of Area Studies Division) Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) P. O Box 630, Pretoria 0001, Corner, 1 Bailey Lane & Edmond Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, South Africa, E-mail: Dr Paul N. Ndue, Department of Political Science, University of Yaounde II-Soa B.P. 3. Soa, Yaounde, Cameroon Republic. Tel. +237 –2316277, 7424825 E-mail: Prof Muchie Mammo (Research Centre on Development and International Relations, Aalborg University Centre, Fibigerstrade 2, DK 97220, Aalborg East Denmark ---------------------------------------------------------------------