Lana Yang 
Lana’s photo was taken at the Tomb of Confucius at Chu Fu, Shangdong Province, China USA,biologist, Ph.D equivalent degree in Physiology and Pharmacology from the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Past 10 years: business strategic planning and financial forecasting as I have studied Business Administration at the Wharton Business School later; LanaYang@mac.com See also: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=295 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355
What Confucius said about aging At 15, set one's heart on learning at 30, firmly took one's stand at 40, had no delusions at 50, knew the Mandate of Heaven at 60 one's ear was attuned at 70, followed one's heart's desire without overstepping the boundaries of right. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo, I will not be coming to St Petersburg this summer as I have to visit the Salk Institute at the end of August to see my mentor Dr. Roger Guillemin the Nobel Laureate who is now 94; his doctor just allowed him to drive again after I suggested him to take thyroid hormone for his memory loss five years ago at the Monet Garden in Giverny, France. I worked with him from 1973 to 1977 and I discovered the stress hormone which helped him to get Nobel Prize in 1977.
I have not totally recovered from the heart surgeries after the long Peace Culture Journeys to China in August last year. I try to rest more and not cross time zones too much.
We have many Russian scientists and artists in Philadelphia associated with University of Pennsylvania, and famous music Institutes. I attended two of the Russian musical Free concerts this week held at private homes. Cultural exchanges are vital to global harmony and understanding. Charles has visited me here in Philadelphia and I hope you will too. From Philadelphia -City of Brothers Love, Best wishes, Lana

With my friends Consul General of Austria and his wife last night.

I’m glad my Wharton Alum President Trump is meeting your president Putin in Helsinki on July 16. Dialogue always promote understanding. Jon Huntsman Jr. the current US Ambassador to Russia, previously to China, is also a Wharton alum friend. Warm wishes, Lana Lana Yang 楊幗蘭 Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP Think Globally, Act Locally 和諧卋界從心開始 A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace 30-07-18 ---------------------------------------------------- Dear Steve, Thank you for the update. IAEWP is an NGO (non-government organization), you shouldn’t had to struggle with the government’s bureaucracy, and people who are greedy. As Leo Semashko has posted on his GHA website, Professor Yao organized a Peace Congress in 2007 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Charles, Leo and Lama Gangchen and I were there among many International scholars.

See more photos of 2007 here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=295

Professor Yao has been very productive, he again organized a Peace Congress in 2016 based on the Olympic Spirit in Beijing. I was invited to chair as the audience were mostly Chinese.
As you know, the North and South Korean athletes carried one Korean flag at last Winter Olympics. He has moved to be the Dean of a Business School last year in Chengdu. He has many administrative responsibilities, he plans to have another one in 2019. Charles and I met Professor Yao last summer August 2017 in Chengdu, along with our Peace Ambassador Mr. Feng from Beijing who sponsored our two-week Peace Culture Journey from Beijing to Chengdu. Charles agree to move IAEWP headquarter to Beijing, as the IMF (International Monetary Fund) will also by 2020. China is much more peaceful and harmonious than the USA. Kindly keep me posted on any administrative decisions of IAEWP, for effectiveness and efficiency. I worked hard since 2002 for IAEWP at the UN and around the world. Thank you for the hard work and stay healthy for the sake of world peace. Best regards, Lana Yang 楊幗蘭 Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP 和諧卋界從心開始 A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace 28-06-18 ------------------------------------------------


Wishing every father a Happy Father’s Day today and happy birthday to my Peace Bird friends, LC Kwee, Diane Williams and Stephanie Tache! We share our birthdays on June 17. My “twin sister” LC. Kwee of the Kwee family in Singapore met on the first day of my registration at Pepperdine University in California, we found that we were born on the same day in the same year! We’ve become close ever since then. Her family fled from Indonesia to Singapore and mine fled from China to Taiwan. We had suffered when we were young children. Wars divide families; Peace unites families; harmony builds prosperity. On August 8, 2016, Professor Yao who organized the 2007 Peace Summit between China and Taiwan invited me to chair a Peace Forum in Beijing based on the Olympics spirit of peaceful competition. Soon afterwards the North and South Korea athletes attended the Winter Olympics carried the same Korean flag. Last week on June 12, 2018, the Kwee family in Singapore provided their Capella Hotel in Singapore for the US President Trump and North Korea leader Kim to have a first time face-to-face Peace meeting. We are all children of war, with the same passion to wish peace prevail on earth, our “shared homeland”. Happy Father’s Day also to all who remember how wonderful our fathers were, and happy birthday to all Gemini Peace Birds, to Leo too! ❤️ Lana Lana Yang 楊幗蘭 Peace Ambassador and Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP USA/China 17-06-18

Thank you.We all share this urgent global concern. I remember also the past President of India, Dr. Kalam, gave a brilliant presentation entitled “20/20 Vision” at our Wharton Business School. The vision addressed not only regional, but Global Concerns. Dr. Kalam was really a great leader! I was fortunate to meet him in Ladakh too when he visited. Lana Yang 楊幗蘭
Peace Ambassador and Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP 和諧卋界從心開始 A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace 05-06-18
Dear Lana, Thank you very much for your message and especially for your unique picture with the President of India Dr. Kalam, who was an Honorary Member of the GHA and who was honored with its highest Honorary Title: "World Harmony Creator": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513. We fully agree with you that he was a great world leader who combined in his deep thinking engineer, scientist, political leader and original poet that is partially reflected on his personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=95. His poetic lines became an epigraphs and an outstanding evaluation of the GHA last books: "The ABC of Harmony" (2012) and "Global Peace Science", which he is one of the founders. About the last book he wrote such ingenious lines published in this book: "The world needs the great vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations. Global Peace Science is the dawn of a shining, harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations! Together with it, the enlightened citizens will emerge, capable of building a harmonious civilization of peace and prosperity on the planet Earth! APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India (2002-2007)". Here he expressed our overall harmonious vision and assessment of the "Global Peace Science." GHA members are very grateful and highly appreciate your warm memory of Dr. Kalam. I was happy to publish your wonderful photo on his and your personal page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=364. I cannot, unfortunately, publish all the photos for technical and financial reasons, but the best ones will be published. Thank you. With love, Leo, Dr. Leo Semashko 06-06-18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Ernesto:
Indeed, harmony is not a religion. Harmony is based on compassion and forgiveness, the best of all human qualities.
I had a dream that all religions share the same God, thus the world should not be divided because of differences among religions.
Several years ago, my yoga teacher told me, "Jesus left for Tibet when he was 13, then returned to Israel when he was 29". When I searched on the internet, I found that there was documentation that Jesus went through Ladakh, when he was a child. http://reluctant-messenger.com/issa.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Notovitch
I was in total ecstasy and was hoping that one day I will go to Ladakh, a buddhist and muslim country, in the northern apex of India, bordered by China and Pakistan, where I thought many religions might have crossed roads.
Very strangely, one day at a buddhist conference, I turned around and there was a big tall monk standing behind me and handed me a name card: Sanghasena from Ladakh.
Thus I went to Ladakh, India as documented in the book by the Russian doctor Notovitch in 1985, "Unkown Life of Jesus Christ", which I obtained an original copy at the U Penn library. I thought this area is the ideal location for world peace if all religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hidu, and Islam) merged there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmCS7P-vdRM&feature=related
Ladakh was like a dream! It was so pure and happy. It is not what we can possibly imagine in the USA.e
This is the website that I helped construct with some of my own photography and donated to Mahabodhi Meditation Center. www.mahabodhi-ladakh.org I hope you enjoy. I left with an impression how beautiful a place can be with harmony. Best wishes, Lana 26/05/10
Dear Leo, I see you were asking about the Shanghai World Expo slides. Here are some slides prepared during the planning stage of the Expo, which explains the slide show very well. Please also note the UN Pavilion. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan034670.pdf I think China is a true melting pot, for many centuries. People tend to see China for the last 60 years of political history (foreign invasion, WWII, civil war, and cultural revolution). However, that was only 1% of the 6,000 years of Chinese civilization. China is more than just 56 ethnic races, rather open minded, and have a harmonious culture as further strengthened by the teaching of Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism. Kissenger understood China because of his experience as a Jew, thus opened the door again for China in 1972: HARBIN, China - "In history more than 20,000 Jews settled in Harbin in order to escape prosecution (sic) and prejudice." This quote, attributed to Henry Kissinger, rests on a perspex plaque in the foyer of the city's former main synagogue, now housing the permanent Harbin Jewish History and Cultural Exhibition. "The fact that the Harbin people treated the Jews kindly, as a result of the broad mind of the nation, is a glorious record of world humanitarianism." http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/harbin-s-jews-isle-of-calm-for-embattled-nation-1.212454 China is not a war minded nation, only had worked towards its national integrity and self-defense. http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=lQTWtokeF5Q Best harmonious wishes, Lana 25/05/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Jewish Community of Harbin | Unearthing Jewish Life in Harbin | By LIU YUNYUN | |
In Harbin Huangshan Cemetery, there is a specially separated cemetery dedicated to Jewish people who had lived in the city in the early 20th century. (SHI GANG) Not many people know that the current Israeli Prime Minster Ehud Olmert's second hometown is Harbin, an ice city in the northern part of China. In 2004, Mr. Olmert, the then deputy prime minister and minister of industry, trade, labor and communication, went to Harbin to worship his grandfather and three other relatives in Huangshan Cemetery in Harbin, the municipal capital of Heilongjiang Province. People could not help wondering: why was Mr. Olmert's grandfather buried in China? What was the connection between Mr. Olmert and China? Puzzled by the fascinating question, Beijing Review reporters recently went to Harbin to track down Jewish history in the city. In Harbin Huangshan Cemetery, there is a specially separated cemetery, which is dedicated to Jewish people who had lived in the city in the early 20th century. The inscription on the tombs was in either Hebrew or Russia. Cemetery guards said it was now the biggest and best-preserved Jewish cemetery in East Asia, covering a space of 836 square meters. Over 600 Jewish people are buried there. Most of them were Jews of Russian nationality who came to Harbin in the early 20th century from Russia. A large proportion of Jews who had lived in Harbin went back to Israel in or after 1948 when the country was founded. But some stayed in China, and spent the rest of their lives in Harbin. In 1901, the Middle East railway started function, connecting China's northern provinces with Russia more closely. After the railway was constructed, a lot of Jewish with Russia nationalities went to Harbin and added much exotic flavor to the city. Qu Wei, President of Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences and a Jewish study expert, said that at that time anti-Jewish sentiments in Russia forced many Jewish to leave their hometowns and make a living in other places. Qu said Harbin was once the biggest destination for Jews arriving in the Far East, with approximately 25,000 inhabitants at the peak. Israel Epstein, a remarkable and accomplished journalist, and former editor-in-chief of China Today, traveled all the way from Warsaw of Poland to China when he was two years old. He lived and studied in Harbin with his parents. During the time of living in Harbin, the Jews played an important role in the city's political, economic and cultural lives, and exerted a far-reaching influence in the overall development of the city. Qu said, Harbin was acknowledged in the world as a "City of Music"in the first half of the 20th century. He attributed the recognition to Jewish musicians. From the 1920s, a large number of eminent Jewish musicians gathered in Harbin, either making performances or teaching people how to play musical instruments. Their positive activities greatly promoted the musical appreciation of the Harbin people. The Jewish residents in Harbin also contributed a lot to the city's architecture. The Central Avenue, the very center of Harbin City, is filled with extravagant European style construction. one of the famous architecture models is the Modern Hotel, which was the most extravagant hotel in the Far East in the early 20th century, and was also the first foreign-invested hotel in Harbin. It was established by a Jew. Each night, there would be singers showing off their singing skills and musicians playing musical instruments from violin to piano until midnight. Harbin Municipal Government paid high attention to the Chinese and Jewish traditional connections. The experience brought the two peoples closer together in the new era. In recent years, in order to remember the presence of Jewish history in Harbin, the municipal government has not only revamped the Huangshan Cemetery, but also revamped the historical sites of the Jewish synagogue, school and hospital. The new Jewish synagogue has become a museum displaying the Jewish lifestyle and culture when they were in Harbin. |
Best harmonious wishes, Lana 24/05/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last Thursday 2-19-2010, in Philadelphia, about 500 people from Fujian province gathered for the celebration of Chinese New Year. At the feast, people donated $70,000 for the peaceful reunification of Taiwan with Mainland China. The Chinese Consulate from New York came too and had a photo with me.
The Chinese people all want peace and reunite with their families separated by the civil war.
Best wishes, Lana


Dear All:
Ahead of the Chinese New Year, I would like to share with you this song composed for the 60th anniversary of China which I received from a Chinese friend last year. Please note that the Chinese word of Nation, consists of two characters: "Nation-Home/family", as a nation is made of hundreds of thousands of homes/families. It emphases that when a nation is strong and peaceful, the families can be live in abundance. The word "He" (harmony) has been also mentioned in the song. The last part consists of many beautiful sceneries and photo of 56 races in China. Please do not miss it. China historically is not an aggressive nation as portrayed by the western media. It was #1 GDP until 1820 and had never invaded any nations. Best harmonious wishes, Lana 11/02/10 -----------------------------
Tentative schedule of Harmonious Cultural trip to China in late summer of 2010 Dear All: This is quite preliminary, and perhaps a bit ambitious of me trying to cover China from North to South in a half circle in the form of the letter C.Many of these are World Heritage UNESCO sites. The trip may be reduced in sites or altered in dates depending on availability of the locals. It is for discussion only at this point before I approach local community in China for sponsorship.Anyone can participate in part or the entire trip. From Aug 13 to Sept 5: Beijing (4 days), Aug 13-16: Ambassador of Peace Award http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing Qufu (3 days), Aug 17-19: World Harmony Congresshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qufu Wutaishan/ Pingyao (4 days): Aug 20-23:Buddhist temples of Tang Dynastyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Wutaiand Pingyao ancient city http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingyao Xi'an (2 days): Aug 24-25:Taracotta soldiers and Confucius Templehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi'an Chengdu (3 days): Aug 26-28: Ancient Irrigation System (2000 years old) and Archeology sites of 4,800 years oldhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengdu Dazu Rock Carvings near Chungchin (1 day) Aug 29 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dazu_Rock_Carvings and Giant Buddha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leshan_Giant_Buddha Shangri-La in Yunnan (5 days): Aug 30-Sept 3: Tibetan Buddhist Temples and Yunnan culturehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yunnan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangri-La Nanjing (2 day): Sept 4-5: Dr. Sun Yet-San Mosuleum, Site and history of the Sino-Japanese War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing Shanghai: Sept 6: World Expo.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShanghaiFree individual schedule Airfare round trip to Beijing from your hometown, out of Shanghai will be the individual's responsibility. I will try to get the local community/government to cover the room and board and local travels, but can't promise at this point until I approach them with the proposal of our program. Next step is to get your feedback of the schedule and your interest in the cultural program.I may get the local universities involved also. Best harmonious wishes, Lana 25/01/10 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo,
I did not know you well until now. Your excellent skills in below (re Patricia) diagnosis and analysis is like a skilled surgeon deciding the strategy before performing a surgery. A few of our members have used stronger words, while trying to communicate their ideas to the rest. Action generates reactions, thus the disputes. You acted like a good parent and educator, pointing out the bad behaviors of some of the children yet give them a chance to self-correct. I have never seen any self-promoting behavior in you. You remind me of the invisible leader of UN, Ban Ki-Moon, truly a gentleman scholar, when faced with world disputes and the disasters, he was worried, but not angered. You are also cool headed like last year's US Airways pilot in New York (I was near the Hudson River having just left the UN that afternoon): The hero of Flight 1549, pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger III, walked the aisle of the downed US Airways jet twice looking for passengers before exiting the plane he safely ditched in the Hudson River, saving the lives of more than 150 people onboard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSPsrhCPt-0&feature=fvsr To land the plane safely on the water required only good technical skills, to assure that every passenger was safe before leaving the plane himself was indeed good leadership. If the pilot had left first to save his own life, he would not have been recognized as a hero. Our OBAMA is a good pilot but he needs better support by a staff with good skills and conscience. Age and credential alone do not make a good leader, Martin Luther King lived only to 39, and Bill Gates did not graduate from College. Vision, courage and leadership style do! We do not know Walter Loo well, nor his personal sufferings in the USA (as I have had plenty myself) which may caused his strong statements. He appears to harmonious in vision as he has started a Peace Culture Museum in Oakland, CA. Confucius said, "I am not concerned that others do not know me, I am concerned that I do not know others." "Not to choose a person's words because his personality, not to abandon his words because of his personality." Sometimes we miss a good person because his bad words, other times we choose a bad person because of his good words. We are all in this world citizen classroom, learning together while self-correcting, and be of support to each other. With love and respect, Lana 24/01/10 ----------------------------------------------------------
1st World Harmony Congress in Confucius' birthplace - a personal story
Dear Leo, Noor and Friends of Global Harmony,
I have been in frequent contact with Dr. Wong, MD, at the Confucius birthplace, I spoke to him again yesterday and he is happy to organize a congress with local authorities to provide hospitality if we provide him with a detailed agenda and a proposed date. I have also mentioned that we might introduce GREEN ENERGY technology while there, and that we may have representatives from three NGO organizations there, GHA, IAEWP, WHO.
Here is a personal story to share, about why and how I visited Confucius' hometown in 2006.
I traveled to Sri Lanka to attend Dr. Anton Jayasuriya's Alternative Medicine Congress with Lama Gangchen after I lost my job because of severe neck/ back pain and peripheral neuropathy after overusing computers working for a pharmaceutical company.
My internist in Philadelphia treated my nerve pain with Neurontin, an anti-leptic drug which lowered the nerve pain but caused me worst side effects which included blurred vision, mental confusion and fatigue, etc. When Dr. Jayasuriya heard about it, he said, "I can cure diabetes! come to Sri Lanka." In Sri Lanka I was given a post-breakfast urine test (rather than fasting blood test) to see how high my sugar was. He said I did not have diabetes, then gave me several small amounts of vitmin B shots into my acupressure points and the burning nerve pain of 2 years went away in 30 minutes.
In 2006 I visited Dr. Wong's hospital in China to see how he treated strokes patient with refreshed and spiked blood of their own (not stem cell therapy), so that they could walk again. I received one treatment there, my cholesterol and blood sugar level all tested normal when I returned to the USA (which had become elevated after Neurontin treatment).
Neuropathy can have many causes: diabetes, hypothyroidism, shingles, pinched nerves, nutritional deficiency, etc. Pain is a warning sign that something is going wrong in the body, when treating the symptoms chronically with pain medicines, it is like taping over the warning sign on a dashboard of the car which is lacking maintenance. The car will eventually breakdown and the engine has to be overhauled.
For those of you who are not living in the USA, the US doctors regularly receive "continued medical education" from the pharmaceutical companies trying to promote prescription drugs for off-label use. This is why cholesterol lowering drugs like Lipitor can sell for $9-12 bn dollars a year. When patients go to the hospitals and clinics to address their symptoms of side effects, the doctors would prescribe more drugs to treat the side effects. Hence the healthcare cost in the USA is reaching 20% GDP. The idea of forecasting a drug's market size to promote their stock value is to have patients take one pill once a day for the rest of their lives. I did forecasting and market research after drug discovery and clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry, yet still fell a victim because I trusted my doctor totally. A cardiovascular doctor told me with a big smile on his face, "Now I am making more money holding educational seminars for doctors in the area then treating patients myself in the past!"
The doctors have forgotten their Biochemistry 101: Cholesterol is the integral part of cell membrane and precursor of steroid hormones such as the sex hormones.Without cholesterol, cells cannot divide, tissues cannot regenerate. Memory loss, depression and impotence are among the side effects. Those who deplete their cholesterol completely when on high dose of statins also limit their dietary intake of cholesterol show on their faces of patches of discoloring because skin does not regenerate.
I am a pharmacologist myself and worked in the US pharmaceutical industry for more than 25 years, but have learned my lesson the hard way. There are still many doctors who don't have a clue about this and are taking Lipitor themselves.
I wish that I do not have to make a living consulting for biotech companies who are developing more drugs and sell to the pharmaceutical companies in order to become millionaires. Unlike the Eastern medications which are holistic in nature and harmonious with the body, most of the western drugs are likely to have toxic side effects because of the drug's specificity and purity.
Painful for me to see is that the pharmaceutical companies are also pushing their drugs into the Chinese market... Among my consulting clients is the doctor who was the head of lipitor at Pfizer, he said, "China is becoming industrialized, so they will have more patients developing high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure, a great market opportunity for us!"
Since I left the greedy US pharmaceutical industry in 2004, I have traveled with Lama Gangchen and learned about the importance of "Peace Medicine, Peace Culture, Peace Environment, Peace Media." This is why I am so enthusiastic about Francis' GREEN technology, for its long term benefit for the environment and people.
Obama is working on the Healthcare Reform, but the pharmaceutical industry and special interest groups are lobbying against it.
I am sharing this story with you so you and your family will not fall victim of the dysfunctional US healthcare system. I hope all nations will safeguard their healthcare systems from being infiltrated by the greedy pharmaceutical industry now is global in nature.
Best harmonious wishes, Lana
P.S. photo below: Right one: after Dr. Wong's treatment, a 90 year-old patient started to walk again on her own.
Dear Leo and friends of the Global Harmony, May I share with you the images below from an excellent international student competition exhibit of Integrated Community for All Ages, sponsored by the UN, which I saw at the UN in New York on 2-15-2005.There were wonderful student contributions from all over the world, including Kabul, Afganistan. This particular design from Thailand was my favorite.Take a closer look at the note on the lower right corner of the second image, "The Older Adults are", which is the basis of a harmonious society.People of all ages are taken care of, and young people learn by following good behavioral examples of the adults.This is the teaching of all ancient philosophers, Confucius, Buddha, and the same for all religions. In a harmonious society, there should be shelters for all, structural walls, but no divisional walls to separate our resources from each other.In some areas of Asia where culture of peace and harmony is promoted, this is becoming the way of life again. Best harmonious wishes, Lana Yang Main Representative to the UN for International Association of Educators for World Peace (www.iaewp.org) 17/01/10

Dear Lana, Many thanks for your remarkable example of one more way of movement to a harmonious society through wisdom of the senior generations and great teachers of harmony of an antiquity. I was glad to publish your information on your page: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=364. Best harmony wishes, Leo 17/01/10 ------------------------------------------------------------