Harmonious Civilization Culture Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for peace, justice, fraternity and happiness! 
Global Harmony Association (GHA)
Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 460 members in 56 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko at gmail.com GHA 1st Vice-president is Dr. Ernesto Kahan: Address: Hanita 7/2, Kfar Sava 44405, e-mail: ekahan at post.tau.ac.il GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja: Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL;Telephone: 256-604-6927; e-mail: ish0001 at aol.com GHA-Japan President is Kae Morii GHA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA Mission – from harmony to peace; Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHA Project: Harmonious Civilization Sculpture January 18, 2011 - February 27, 2011 Approved by the GHA on March 3, 2011 FOR: The international and national (major countries) Associations of sculptors and producers of sculptural works. SUBJECT: The Global Harmony Association (GHA) Proposal to organize a worldwide contest for the "Harmonious Civilization" sculpture and organize the sale of its best examples for countries, cities, universities and schools of the world as a symbol of a new, harmonious, human civilization of the 21st century. SIGNIFICANCE: "Harmonious Civilization" sculpture is a symbol of a new united humanity in the 21st century, inspiring people and nations. Copyright © 2010 Global Harmony Association, Copyright © 2010 Leo Semashko Publications in: Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=38 English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=38 Appendixes (See our web site: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=38): 1. Three variants of the image of a harmonious civilization in GHA: 1.1. The most perfect image from the GHA point of view in two languages: Russian and English 1.2. Obligatory nucleus (minimum) of the image in two languages: Russian and English 1.3. Image in Hilary Roseman’s interpretation, artist from Australia 2. Birth of a harmonious civilization in 2009. Dear Sirs: With the collapse of the socialist system in 1990, modern history has witnessed an unprecedented tectonic shift of human civilization from the outgoing industrial (collapsing under the pressure of its intrinsic pathologies – environmental degradation and decline in ethical values in human conduct) to its nascent harmonious state. Its seismic tremors are still being felt in the key areas of knowledge and spirituality – philosophy, sociology, mathematics, education, and culture. In 2010, many independent international congresses and cultural events were held connected with the birth of a new civilization in one way or another. These are the germs of a new modernity! Harmonious civilization of mankind is only its second year. This period of infancy requires special care and proper development, especially the ability to walk in different countries, learn the alphabet of harmony, and to recognize it in different expressions, including sculpture. What is needed today for the modern humanity as a global village on the common planet Earth is a powerful sculptural symbol of a harmonious civilization uniting all people and nations? It will serve as a beacon for the mankind in the new century and the millennium. Different layers of spiritual cultures in it will reflect a new trend of global harmonization. A sculpture, as visual art, is also an expression known by its language and genre: monumental, easel and small forms - the idea of a harmonious civilization of the 21st century. Would the new century be bold enough to revive the great and worthy human dream harmonious civilization similar to the dream of 18th century’s Freedom? The GHA says, “Yes, it would!” Harmony is the human dream of the 21st century and the subsequent centuries as well. only Harmony can afford a survivable and sustainable development for human beings of every nation joined together in one global village. Would this idea find a scientific basis in the 21st century? The GHA says, “Yes, it would.” The already published books “Harmonious civilization, GHA, 2009” and “Mathematics of Harmony, Alexei Stakhov, 2009” are their first embodiment in science. Would this idea also find expression in art, poetry, music, sculpture? The GHA says, “Yes, it would!” We invite sculptors of the world to find its sculptural embodiment. From our point of view, this is the most worthy, important and fascinating sculptural development of the 21st century. Notably, it would become a cultural landmark and a symbol of our epoch in the world history. Long time ago the GHA had created an art sign of this civilization. As depicted at the bottom of this solicitation and based on the harmonious man of Leonardo da Vinci, there is drawn a female and a male with the child standing on the globe, all enclosed in circle (a harmony symbol). The author of this image is Leo Semashko, and this drawing belongs to artist George Sosin. First, this image (without the child) was published on a cover page of the book of Leo Semashko “Tetrasociology” (2002, in Russian and English languages, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=145). Subsequently, it went through revisions and changes and finally was published on the book covers as well as on the GHA website, “Peace from Harmony”, (www.peacefromharmony.org) in many languages of the world. During this long period, no one among more than 2 million visitors of the website, 400 individuals and more than one million collective members of the GHA has expressed any objections against this image. They expressed only an admiration for it. Therefore, it has passed the proof of time. In the past few years it has been used as the GHA “stamp” on its documents and messages. In 2006, the Australian artist Hilary Roseman, a member of the GHA (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=77) modified this image by adding the new details. This modified image of a harmonious civilization became the GHA basic image and was published on the GHA website main page together with its emblem (another symbol – do not mix with the first). This image is the total symbol of human dream and conveys common aspiration of all people for social harmony independent of any distinction of nation, race, faith, culture, gender and age. Therefore, it is equally comprehensible to all people, cultures and local civilizations of the world. Based on the above discussion, the GHA offers the following: 1. To organize a world contest or the regional competitions among the sculptors for the best sculpture representing a “Harmonious Civilization” in three genres (monumental, easel and small form). Nominations will be accepted for the three awards – First place, Second place and Third place in each genre. The result of the contest will yield best nine author's samples of a “Harmonious Civilization” sculpture. 2. To organize the advertising, manufacture and installation of “Harmonious Civilization” sculptures in different forms for different cost for the different countries, cities, schools and universities in the world. 3. To organize the advertising, manufacture and mass market of desktop figurines of “Harmonious Civilization” as different kinds of souvenirs for the mass customers and tourists. The value of “Harmonious Civilization” sculpture can be compared with the value of the other important sculptures from different epochs, for example, sculpture of Phidias,AthenaParthenos (also sculptures of other great Greek Sculptors: Polykleitos, Praxiteles, Leucippus, Leochares etc.) as a symbol of antique Greece; David of Michelangelo as the Renaissance symbol; the statue of Christ – the Redeemer by Landowski in Brazil as a symbol of Rio de Janeiro; The Statue of Liberty by Bartholdi as a symbol of freedom and democracy of the 20th century etc. Now, Harmonious civilization as an epoch of Renaissance of Harmony demands its own universal sculptural symbol, which will be first chartered by the GHA. Having started from this universal value of a “Harmonious Civilization” sculpture and the demand for its inevitable growth, it is necessary to establish an International Art-Industrial Corporation “Harmonious Civilization” that oversees its manufacture, installation and bulk sales. It could be established by the international associations of sculptors, large business in cooperation with the GHA (herein referred with its representatives and advisers) as the image and idea author. Conditions and requirements of GHA:
- The “Harmonious civilization” sculpture should contain a kernel of its artistic image – three figures inside of circle – female, male and child, - standing on the globe with the words “harmonious civilization” in any language of the world. The sculptor(s) are free to use the variants of this sculpture by including other pertinent phrases and details such as, global computer net; inscription at the top, “A Human Dream;” inscription at the center: “One Earth,” “Harmonious Peace,” “Children priority” etc.; a green star on the chest of a child as a sign of an international language of Esperanto; a violin as additional symbols of harmony; the connected hearts of people as a symbol of their harmony; the Holy Spirit dawning upon social harmony etc. But the artistic image kernel should not suffer from these and similar additions.
- The “Harmonious civilization” sculpture must exhibit the text, “Global Harmony Association 2005-2011. Citizens of Earth! United in harmony for the building of peace, justice, fraternity and happiness” on the front part of its pedestal. The GHA emblem should be on the top of inscription.
- The “Harmonious civilization” sculpture must contain the name of sculpture – the winner of the international contest of sculptors in one of nominations on the back part of its pedestal.
- The GHA fee is 20% of the proceeds from the sales and installations of any types of “Harmonious Civilization” sculpture.
(Edited by Dr. Laj Utreja)
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President |
Prof. Ernesto Kahan, GHA 1st Vice President, Israel | | |
Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President |
Kae Morii, GHA – Japan President | | |
The International Group of GHA Advisers, sculptors: From Russia:
Albert Charkin, Professor, National Artist of Russia, Chairman of the Board of St.-Petersburg Union of Artists 
Harmonious civilization
Appendixes:1. Three variants of the image of a harmonious civilization in GHA
The most perfect image from the GHA point of view

Obligatory nucleus (minimum) of the image

Image in Hilary Roseman’s interpretation, artist from Australia
2. Birth of a harmonious civilization in 2009 The Global Harmony Association (GHA) has noted more than 65 facts since 1947 reflecting awareness of the global harmonization trend in: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=382. In 2009, the GHA observed the birth of a harmonious civilization in its first three global attributes: 1. Beginning of a “zero nuclear” dialog between the USA and Russia, rather improbable in the current militaristic industrial civilization, 2. Appearance of its first theoretical model, in the GHA program book "Harmonious Civilization": (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), which first introduced the alphabet, language and thought of harmony, and 3. Mathematics of Harmony as the arithmetic of a new civilization, Prof. Alexei Stakhov and his supporters, Canada, (http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/ 635.html). Another example of this civilization that impacts economics is an unprecedented philanthropy of the 40 U.S. billionaires. Their decision refutes all the laws of industrialism and explicable only in harmonism. The above four facts in a span of mere one year mark the cornerstones of a new civilization. Its social examples are the formation of the European Union (EU) in 1992 and building of a harmonious society in China since 2006. Albeit the two examples are still not scientific and are confined only in their territories, yet collectively they form a population of about 2 billion – almost a third of mankind. These facts suggest that humankind has entered the threshold of a harmonious civilization/noosphere. Each new civilization creates its own material and spiritual culture, its art, including sculpture.