Global Harmony Association (GHA) April 2008 ------------------------------------------ 10. World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society Conception Project Dr. Leo Semashko, project head and 79 participants from 22 countries: From Russia – 35; From other countries – 45. Project publications: In Russian:, In English:, In Spanish:, In Chinese:, In Romanian: FRAGMENT If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children Mahatma Gandhi We must prepare with the revolution of education, which will be unavoidable if we want to face the new conditions of understanding and controlling them. Without a completely new approach in education, our youth will not be completely equipped to face the world of the future. Eleanor Roosevelt Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World Nelson Mandela Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead Abstract
1. The World Harmony Academy (WHA) idea was stated and discussed among the Magna Carta of Harmony co-authors for the first time in the time period of March through May 2007. The WHA first variantwas discussed by 19 Russian members of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) from November 14, 2007, to January 28, 2008, when it was sent to the Russian leaders: President Vladimir Putin, Russian presidential candidate Dmitry Medvedev, and Governor Valentine Matvienko of St.-Petersburg with the offer to create the first WHA in St.-Petersburg. The project was discussed during of a year. At this time, the number of participants has grown to 80 people from 22 countries. It is the subject of over 200 suggestions, remarks and additions that arrived after the project’s publication and which appear as separate book in Russian and English languages published in 2008. 2. The Conception project provides a basis for development of the standard projects to be realized: 1. The Academy curricula, 2. Architecture, which includes construction of the academic town, 3. Finance or Business to fund and fiscally manage the project. The conceptual project is supplemented by practical projects, which also brings them to life. For these purposes the Transnational Educational Building Corporation could be created. This corporation would build the WHA standard academic towns worldwide as well as the standard atomic power stations. With this will begin globalization of harmonious education. 3. The WHA project was elaborated with a focus on localization of the first standard Academy in St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation. However the WHA branches could be created simultaneously worldwide especially in large cities. The full realization of this project on a global scale will require from 30 to 60 years. 4. The WHA project is a key, long-term and strategic project for Global Harmony Association. This Project unites the Association’s other projects and expresses its basic way to harmonious peace and society through harmonious education. 1. Definition 1.1. World Harmony Academy (WHA) Main Idea: The information and harmonious society that is soon to replace the industrial society requires not traditional one-sided but all-sided harmonious education appropriate to a new society of universal information and new priority value of harmony. Harmonious education is based on a science of social and individual harmony: Tetrasociology(see it outline in the book end). 1.2. Brief definition. The World Harmony Academy is the beginning, source and generator of general harmonious education all over the world in this new century. General harmonious education is an education of children, youth and new generations as the citizens of a global harmonious civilization on the basis of universal scientific knowledge of social and individual harmony. 2. Objective tendencies of harmonization, generating necessity of harmonious education and World Harmony Academy (WHA) Conclusion from the objective tendencies of harmonization: The World Harmony Academy will inevitably be created. The only question is: where and when? The country that creates the first WHA will ensure its recognition as an innovative, harmonious, leading developer in the 21st century and as a cradle of world harmony. 2.2. Prizes for the country that creates the first WHA: 1.Global leadership in the field of super technologies of harmonious education will ensure leadership in the development of an innovative, harmonious way with the additional benefit of gaining social capital among a new quality of the world’s population. 2.World priority in development of the scientific theory of harmonization, standards of harmonious education, and preparation of the appropriate staff. 3.The mission of being the world leader in global harmonization of multi-polar development as well as the privilege to offer to the G8 and United Nations appropriate initiatives to ensure harmonious peace on the planet. 4.Overcoming a deficiency in the new humanitarian, educational and social technologies. 5.Fulfilling state policy by a new quality of economic, political and social harmonization, which can become a national ideal for any country. 6.Generating new state educational and social strategies of the 21st century on the basis of uniting and inspiring the value of harmony as happiness among youth who feel demoralized. This value provides the highest motivation for harmonious innovation behaviour. 7.Rapid growth of a positive international image. 8.Harmonization of inter-ethnic relations in the country and also eradication of the ideology of genocide, divisionism, xenophobia and fundamentalism through general harmonious education and investments in the social capital. 9.Free-of-charge schools that teach harmonious education, which will lead to eradication of illiteracy among all children, including those of poverty-ridden families. - The gradual solution of social problems of poverty, criminality,
corruption, terror, violence, etc. on the basis of harmonious thinking and its technologies. 3. WHA historical bases: religious, philosophical, pedagogical and scientific Harmonious education and Harmony Academy are development on a qualitatively new basis of a science of social and individual harmony the holistic or alternative and humanistic and value education. The roots of holistic education can be traced back to several major contributors. Originating theorists include Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Bronson Alcott, Johann Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel, and Francisco Ferrer. More recent theorists are Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, Francis Parker, John Dewey, John Caldwell Holt, George Dennison Kieran Egan, Howard Gardner, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Paul Goodman, Ivan Illich, Paulo Freire and many others. This pedagogical direction demands that we consider the person completely and build his or her education according to nature and society as a whole and its aim be happiness and the higher spiritual purposes, such as compassion and peace. 4. Global Education as Harmonious Education (2009 Addition) The one-dimensional industrial civilization, with its priority of maximum profit, demands the one-dimensional human (Herbert Marcuse) and one-dimensional education limited to narrow specialization, which is an industrial priority. The processes of globalisation, which started to occur in 1990 as a result of the collapse of the USSR and elimination of its main barrier, demand that the global citizen and global education develop in tandem with globalisation. This interconnection of both processes gives them a Sociocybernetics perspective. Both processes testify to the birth of the new harmonious civilization going on to change the industrial civilization and create the new harmonious education necessary for the harmonious civilization. The general deep essence of both processes is the result of the global social harmony, which alone is capable of providing societal survival, sustainable development and prosperity for all nations of the united interconnected (global) world. These processes are realized and analyzed on the basis of the scientific theory of social and individual harmony: Tetrasociology, presented in 19 projects of the Global Harmony Association, from which the project “Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration” is the crowning jewel. Even though harmonious education has not been a component of an industrial civilization, its embryos have been intensively developed in the most different pedagogical schools and the educational directions, which are known by various names: integrated, holistic, alternative, humanistic, and valued education. The sources of these concepts go back to French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), Swiss teacher Johann Pestalozzi (1746–1827), and were proceeded in the 19th and 20th centuries by the works of American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882), Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), Italian doctor Maria Montessori (1870–1952), American philosopher John Dewey (1859–1952), Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, (1875–1961), Austrian philosopher Ivan Illich (1926–2002), Brazilian teacher Paolo Freire (1921–1997) and many others. This pedagogical direction demands that society consider the complete person and build its educational systems according to the concept of a unified and holistic nature and society. Some modern examples include: The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education established in India in 1943. This education is based on understanding that the person is an integral essence who unites five aspects: physical, vital, psychic, mental and spiritual. Integral Elementary School in San Diego, California, USA, has the intention of “Creating Lifelong Learners – Mind, Body, Heart & Soul.” The school uses innovative holistic education approaches and methodologies inspired by the Integral Education philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Harmony Science Academies is a college-preparatory charter school system of 14 schools in Texas and Louisiana, USA, originating in 2000. However, their harmony is limited by mathematical and natural sciences. Soka University was created in Japan by Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda in 1971 on the basis of humanistic pedagogics of known Japanese teacher Makiguchi, the author of the Value Creating Educational System that proclaims “the purpose of education is to lead students' happiness” on the basis of harmony. However, despite this rich background, the scientific concept of “harmonious education” has not developed until now. The reason for this was the absence of the science of social harmony. Its occurrence in Tetrasociology has allowed it to define a scientifically harmonious formation as a balance of the four spheres of social and individual harmony: informing, learning, teaching and upbringing of the person throughout all his life, which is necessary and acceptable for people of all nations, religions and cultures without exception. This is caused by the fact that all societies, nations and people are, in an equal measure, affected and impacted by the deep structure of social and individual harmony. Because this is so, harmonious education, by definition, is global education. In turn, global education can be only harmonious education and not any another. The basic aspects of this education are opened in the GHA project: “World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society”. 5. Mission, purposes, motivation, ideological platform and WHA staff 5.1. Mission of the World Harmony Academy: To scientifically prove the inevitability of a global conscious harmonization of aninformation civilization through sphere classes, which are the actors and creators of world survival, indestructible peace, harmony and prosperity; To create the worldview and disciplinary bases for formation among youth and future generations of the GREAT DREAM: HARMONY-HAPPINESS as a priority value; 5.4. The WHA purposes: 1.Preparation of necessary science, information, personnel and organizational resources for a system of general harmonious education. 2.Development within youth and new generations of harmonious consciousness and worldview as submitted in the Magna Carta of Harmony and other documents of the Global Harmony Association. 3.Preparation of diplomatic experts on an international level with bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees for all spheres of employment, capable of professionally harmonizing with all branches and institutions of these spheres in any human community in all the different countries and local civilizations of the world. 4.Preparation and approval within national and international governmental institutions of the list of new harmonizing specialties that will add to the world list of specialties. 5.Preparation and approval within national and international educational institutions of the list of new educational harmonizing disciplines for schools, colleges and universities. 6.Retraining and raising the level of educators’ skill in all educational institutions on harmonizing level of humanitarian disciplines. 7.Scientific research of spheres of society and persons, sphere classes and appropriate rules of harmonization in order to maintain a high quality of education among harmonization experts. 8.Development within WHA of the International Tetrasociological School of scientific researches. 5.5. Result and personality preferences. The holders of harmonious education degrees favorably differ in the following qualities: they have a universal harmonious worldview, a dream about harmony - happiness as being a top-level vital guide, a priority of harmony values, an aversion to violence and enmity, a desire for a harmonious way of life and harmonious development of the personality, a wish to share ownership of universal information, an ability for integral harmonious decisions, a want for free orientation in any social situation and institution, a skill for innovative harmonious thinking, a respect for social responsibility, an aspiration to harmonious cooperation and partnership, a readiness to engage in a harmonious business activity, and an ability for harmonization in any sphere. 5.6. Peacebuilding motivation and WHA necessity. In the world, there are thousands of military schools and academies, including "Royal", "Imperial", "Presidential" and so on, that teach youth to destroy and kill. At the same time, this same world does not have a World Peace Academy that would teach social harmony to prevent wars, poverty, enmity and other destructive extremes, pathologies and traumas of humankind. The WHA fills this cultural, educational and humanitarian gap. 5.8. Consolidating scientific platform of the WHA. This platform is made with a new social science of an information society, which is Tetrasociology, and the global consciousness (worldview) of social harmony submitted in the Magna Carta of Harmony (). Global consciousness is based on pluralism and keeps a mental and cultural diversity of the world communities within the framework of harmony. The Magna Carta of Harmony is the foundation document for the Academy on the basis of which all other documents are created: Statutes, Curriculums, Internal Norms, Competitive rules of teachers, etc. 5.9. Interconfessional character of the WHA. The importance aspect of the WHA is the interconfessional harmony provided the harmonious organization of education and a life in the Academy. Interconfessional harmony is served in Academy through the special theoretical courses of religious harmonization, fundamental studying of all world religions, practical training in the interconfessional groups, by mastering common languages of communication—Esperanto and English—and creation of the common cultural and art programs and so on. Interconfessional character is made in prayerful places of the basic world religions and in theperformance of daily religious rituals during students’ and teachers’ free time. At the same time in the WHA, there will be respect for the All Religion Prayers and World Unity Prayers per the example of Jagdish Gandhi’s City Montessori School in India. 5.10. Tolerance as an initial step of harmony. Tolerance is the main requirement and a cultural basis of the WHA. Harmony begins with tolerance. Students or teachers who are not capable of establishing harmonious or even tolerant partner relations among themselves and who are constantly conflicting among themselves and with other ethnic and religious groups are excluded from the Academy or assigned by the special commission for a probation and preparatory period (as for this work out the special rules). It is obvious, that not all modern people, including the believers who have been brought up in a traditional industrial spirit, are capable to be trained and to teach in the WHA and to live under laws of harmony in it. 5.13.Harmonization as an innovative way of humanity development. Realization of harmonization as an innovative way for each country and humanity development requires a powerful modern pedagogical and research center in the WHA, capable to be the generator of general harmonious education and to train experts on harmonization for all spheres, including for various structures of authority. The WHA is the first educational establishment of new system of general harmonious education, its source and generator. 6. WHA structure, new specialities, disciplines and features of educationalprocess 6.1. The WHA structure is the four Faculties of Harmonization, appropriate to four spheres and sphere classes of humankind and each society and community. The tetrasociological laws system, formulated above, is a scientific basis of WHA structure and teaching contents in it. Social and individual harmony is defined by four spheres, which correspond to four faculties of Academy, and also organization of knowledge in sphere blocks (groups, complexes) and its teaching by each faculty member each year. Each faculty member prepares the new experts and teachers on harmonization within the framework of traditional professions (see list of professions and specialties below). Raising the level of one’s skill of the school and university teachers on harmonizing block of the humanitarian disciplines are realize at the first stage (2 years). Each faculty member unites a number of the Departments of Harmonization. Each department is a sub-faculty as the basic block of profiling disciplines, which unites a complex of the specialized subject’s lecture courses of harmonization. The departments list expresses a conscious and active development of new scientific disciplines and directions of teaching in an information society as opposed to their chaotic occurrence and passive development in an industrial society. The list of departments and main subjects/disciplines of Academy indicates the maximum desired goal, for today. Their practical introduction will be realized within the Academy’s annual development plans. The basic blocks filling vary with time in connection with shifting social and scientific conditions. 6.2.General list of the Departments (basic blocks of main subjects/disciplines) on the WHA Faculties: Faculty 1: Harmonization of Sociosphere (Sociosphere Harmonization): 1.Theory of social harmony and harmonization of social institutions 2.Theory of individual harmony and harmonization 3.Harmonization of social anthropology 4.Acting technique for harmonization of behavior 5.Psychological harmonization (TetraPsychology) 6.Harmonious education and harmonization of education (TetraEducation) 7.Harmonization of Pedagogics and Pedagogics of harmony (TetraPedagogics) 8.Harmonization of social work 9.Harmonization of children's preschool education, upbringing and development 10.Harmonization of school education, upbringing and development 11.Harmonization of university education), upbringing and development 12.Family harmonization and harmony of family 13.Harmonization of medicine and harmonious medicine 14.Aikido as harmonization of physical resistance 15.Harmonization of sports and sports harmony 16.Harmonizing kinds of sports (Sports Department) 17.Harmonization of unity of four spheres, markets and classes by social resources and technologies. Faculty 2: Harmonization of Infosphere (Infosphere Harmonization): 1.Culture of harmonious peace and tolerance 2.Golden Rule and harmonization of the world religions 3.History of world culture of harmony 4.Philosophy of harmony and harmonization 5.History of harmonious epochs, peoples and cultures of humankind 6.Dialectic modeling for harmony and harmonization; harmony of dialectic modeling 7.Tetrasociology: the scientific theory and sociology of harmony of an information society 8.Tetrasociological studies 9.History and importance of the site "Peace from harmony" 10."Magna Carta of Harmony": the contents and global meaning 11."Harmonious Era Calendar": the contents, world importance and development 12.International bilingualism of Esperanto and English: +Russian (for the WHA Russian branch) 13.System linguistics and harmonization 14.Art of harmony and harmonization of art 15.Harmonization of dialogue and dialogue in harmony 16.Harmonization of mass media 17.Information theory in harmonization 18.Sphere Statistics of harmonization (TetraStatistics) 19.Harmonizing information technologies for youth 10-25 years 20.Harmonization of consciousness (TetraConsciousness) 21.Natural-science and mathematical bases of harmony and harmonization 22.Synergetics of harmony and harmonization of Synergetics (TetraSynergetics) 23.Sociocybernetics of harmony and harmonization of Sociocybernetics 24.Socionics of harmony and harmonization of Socionics 25.Consulting harmonization and harmonization of Consulting 26.Harmonizing creativity (literature, poetry, painting, music, design …) 27.Harmonization of unity of four spheres, markets and classes by informational resources and technologies. Faculty 3. Harmonization of Orgsphere (Orgsphere Harmonization): 1.Theory of harmonizing and harmonious organizations (TetraOrganizations) 2.Harmonization of democracy (TetraDemocracy) 3.Harmonization of law (TetraLaw) 4.Suffrage of children 5.Harmonization of disarmament and international security 6.Political harmonization (TetraPolicy) 7.Governmental and Parliamentary harmonization (TetraGovernment, TetraParliament) 8.Harmonization of management (TetraManagement) 9.Financial harmonization (TetraFinance) 10.Harmonization of PR 11.Harmonization of conflict resolution and conflict resolution in harmony 12.Harmonization of political psychology and psychology of political harmony 13.Harmonization of the multipolar global order and international relations 14.Global Harmony Association: importance for social гармонизации 15.Building of social harmony in the European Union 16.Building of social harmony in China 17.Building of the Eurasian harmony 18.Building of social - political “sobornost” (harmony) in Russia 19.Specificity of transition to social harmony of different groups of the countries 20.Leadership in social harmony 21.Practice of harmonization in various organizations of the Global Harmony Association 22.Harmonization of unity of four spheres, markets and classes by organizational resources and technologies. Faculty 4. Harmonization of TechnoSphere (Economic Harmonization): 1.Economic harmonization (TetraEconomics) 2.Marketing harmonization (TetraMarketing) 3.Harmonization of consumption (TetraConsumption) 4.Harmonization of export and import (TetraExportImport) 5.Ecological harmonization (TetraEcology) 6.Harmonization of Technics and harmonious Technics (TetraTechnics) 7.Harmonizing technical creativity (home crafts, needlework, technical modeling etc.) Harmonization of unity of four spheres, markets and classes by economic resources and technologies.
6.3. New specialities of the harmonizing block prepared in WHA (at the first stages)
Spheres | Profession | Speciality | Social | Teacher of high school Teacher of special school Teacher of a higher school Psychologist Organizer of education Social worker | Harmonization of social establishments Individual harmonization Family harmonization Preschool harmonization Psychological harmonization Sports harmonization Harmonization of educational establishments Harmonization of social work | Informational | Culture science Philosophy History Sociology Sociological researches Languages Religious science Mass media Statistics Information technologies Consulting | Culture of harmony and harmonization Philosophy of harmony and harmonization History of social harmony Tetrasociology Tetrasociological researches Harmonizing bilingualism: Esperanto and English Religious harmonization MASS-MEDIA harmonization Sphere statistics harmonization Harmonizing IT Consulting harmonization | Organizational | Policy State Law Finance Management International relations | Political harmonization Harmonization of the state Harmonization of the right Financial harmonization Management harmonization Harmonization of the international relations | Economic | Economy (as a whole and on the basic branches) Marketing Consumption Export - import Engineering Ecology | Harmonization of economy (as a whole and on the basic branches) Harmonization of marketing Harmonization of consumption Harmonization of export - import Harmonization of engineering Ecological harmonization |
Harmonization experts are necessary not only for the social sphere—education, public health services, psychotherapy, sports and so on—but also for other spheres, including industrial structures of all branches, political organizations, power bodies and so on. Harmonization experts provide a significant increase of efficiency of any activity at the expense of the new approach to its organization, motivation and information maintenance. 6.4. List of new educational disciplines of the harmonizing block for schools and universities on nearest 5-10 years with their gradual introduction and subsequent expansion: 1.Theory of individual harmonization and harmony of the person 2.Theory of social harmonization 3.Culture of harmonious peace and tolerance 4.History of world culture of harmony 5.Philosophy of harmony and harmonization 6.Tetrasociology: the scientific theory and sociology of harmony of an information society 7.International bilingualism of Esperanto and English 8.Golden Rule and harmonization of the world religions 9.Harmonizing information technologies for youth 10.Political harmonization 11.Harmonization of the law 12.Suffrage of children 13.Harmonization of management and management harmonization 14.Financial harmonization 15.Economic harmonization 16.Harmonization of marketing 17.Harmonization of consumption, 18.Ecological harmonization 6.5. Educational process. The primary requirement of the WHA consists to subordinate all of its educational process and life to the aspiration of social and individual harmony. It is necessary that the Academy not only teaches harmonization but also lives for it, that each student and teacher aspires to harmonious development at each lecture and each studies, to become harmonious as a person in all ways of life, feeling, thinking and behavior; that they submit to being each other’s example of harmonization. 6.6. The curriculum of training on all specialties of the Academy should include 4 sphere basic complexes / blocks of the educational discipline corresponding to spheres of the society / person, but in a different time proportion in limits from 25 to 100% depending on specialization. Such construction of curricula provides harmonious education on all spheres as well as intensive (priority) training on one sphere and specialty. 6.7. Change of studies in educational process. In each block is distinguished the set of obligatory disciplines / courses that are supplemented by 25% a set of disciplines / courses at the choice of students. The 4-day cycle of studies’ change is established: every day disciplines of one block are studied. Change of studies harmonizes a way of life and studies of the Academy students. Every day students have 3 pair (for 90 minutes) of theoretical disciplines and one pair of practical studies (sports, technical and art creation, and so on.), that harmonizes theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Additional studies can be introduced at the request of students for their harmonization but within the framework of the Academy opportunities. 6.8. Terms, languages and special studies. The common term of training for all faculty members: 5 years for bachelor; 6 years for master; 9 years for doctor. The first year for all students is the preparatory year devoted first of all to language training in three languages: Russian, English and Esperanto, and also common training on a history of the world culture of harmony, tetrasociology and actor's skill. Esperanto is introduced for overcoming language discrimination and maintaining universal bilingualism. It is supposed that lecture courses will be read equally in each of these three languages. Actor's skill is introduced for gaining skills of emotions management and interethnic cultural relations of the Academy students. 6.9.Dialogue and game character of studies. Instead of examinations students prepare and defend academic year projects of harmonization on each discipline in the intercultural and interethnic environment. Teachers give lecture-dialogues aimed at working out student's projects of harmonization. The basic mission of the teacher is adviser, assistant of student in the preparation of harmonization projects, and superior comrade. Seminar studies on theoretical disciplines are carried on style of command business games (dialogues) and creative tasks among which can be student's reports. The teacher carries out sociological poll of students and reveals their evaluation at the end of each course. While studying, the basic accent is not on memorization but on practical application of knowledge and finding necessary information on the Internet. 6.10. Number. It is proposed that the total number of the WHA students, from ecological and harmonious considerations, should not exceed 10,000, on 2500 at each faculty, with acceptance every year on the first year of 2,000 students (on 500 on each faculty). The number of students learning professional skills will be 1,000. The number of doctor's degree students will be 250 to 500. The number of permanent and invited foreign teachers will be about 1,000, on the basis of 1 teacher per 10 students. The maintenance staff from cleaners to laboratory assistants and secretaries will number about 1,500. The total number of persons at the Academy when it reaches full growth will be about 14,000. Taking into account teachers’ families, maintenance staff, students and doctor’s degree students, the total population will be about 16,000 to 18,000. 6.11.Fee for training. Training in the Academy is paid at a level comparable to elite universities of the world in time. Fee for training assumes that from 25 to 50% of places in the Academy can be budgetary, i.e. paid of different states’ budgets for appropriate quotas of the students training at the expense of state. 6.12. The Academy branches. After putting into the WHA in operation, which will require about six years, the First Academy of Harmony will begin an active policy of introduction of its branches in all countries and continents with sale of its licenses and educational standards as educational "know-how" on the world prices. (In more details about it look in "Stages" section below). 6.13. Sources of financing. WHA and harmonious education (tetraeducation) can be financed in the different countries from many sources: state, business, foundations and foreign sources. 8. Localization, design, architecture and international recognition of the Academy 8.1.Localization. The choice of country and city for WHPA and headquarters of the Global Harmony Association (GHA): Since they are indissoluble by ideas and organizationally, they are indissoluble spatially. Location has extremely great importance and is determined by the following criteria: 1. Comprehensive support by local and state (city and country) authorities, 2. Optimum conditions, e.g., in financing and allocation of necessary rooms for the first two stages, 3. Allocation of two to four square kilometers in a non-polluting wood, suburban zone, on the coast of a lake, river or sea with good transport entrances for construction of the WHPA Building Complex (Academic town). Naturally, in the Russian variant the substantiation for Russian (Saint Petersburg) location of WHPA is offered. However, each author of the project can either support location of the first Academy in St.-Petersburg, Russia, or argue location in another country and city. 8.3.Saint Petersburg possesses the most favorable educational prerequisites for the WHPA. There are tens of universities and hundreds of schools in the city. Here have arisen more than 200 original, effective methods of training which have no analogues globally, certain parts of which can be used in the WHPA. Here are powerfully presented educational establishments providing development both in art and in rational, practical skills. These educational experiences will find application in the WHPA. Therefore, Saint Petersburg presents a favorable educational environment for the WHPA. 8.4.The spatial design. During the first and second stages (four years) the Academy can operate in any rooms of area up to two thousand sq. meters suitable for processes of training. But in the full development at the third stage, it is necessary that the WHPA Building Complex, or Academic town ‘Harmony,’ be suitable for all of the ecological, sanitary, household and other requirements of a “HARMONY Academy.” 8.5.The WHPA Buildings Complex or Academic town, area 2 to 4 sq. km., includes nine buildings minimum:

1. The Main Building: four overlapping hemispheres for offices of four faculties for 10,000 students. Also in this building: space for 1000 teachers in training (250 for each faculty). Also: approximately 80 to100 departments, with 20 to 25 for each of the four faculties, with approximately 12 to 14 teachers in each department. A ground level for central administration: Rector's office, four Dean's offices, entrance examination hall, and space for cafeteria, formal dining and other common services. 2. to 5. Four residence halls: three dormitories for 3000 to 4000 students, each, and housing for 2500 teachers and support personnel and their families, or approximately 5000 to 7000 persons. 6. A children's center for 1,000 children of employees and students, including secondary school, children's and school libraries, children's sports and entertainment center, kindergarten, a children's primary care clinic and emergency care hospital, and other attendant services. 7. A building for the Sports complex: covered stadium, practice fields, courts, pool, medical center with pharmacy and emergency care, training halls, fitness center, etc. 8. A Cultural Arts & Information Center: auditorium for 1500; cinema for 500; 20 to 30 rooms: capacity 75 to 100, for meetings, conferences, cultural events, prayer meetings or group meditations, library, theatre, internet-halls, studios for music, photography, and other artistic activities. 9. A Trading & Consumer Services Complex: hotels for 1500, restaurants for 1500, cafeterias, shops of all types, other consumer services. 10. A large wooded area or forest preserve, including nature areas and play grounds for children. 11. A river, lake or sea coast. 8.6.Architectural design. Nine buildings intended for training 11 thousand persons (10 thousand students and 1000 teachers in training), including residences and services for 15-18 thousand persons (together with teachers and support personnel), should be constructed in a uniform, harmonious style. The most adequate expression is the spatial sphere or hemisphere. The sphere (spherical) architectural design will be an appropriate architectural expression for the World Harmony/Peace Academies. 8.7. Ecological design of the WHPA Building Complex and adjacent areas. This Complex (Academic town) should be situated in an ecologically faultless (truly harmonious) place: in the suburb of a city, in a wooded zone near an extensive reservoir: a large lake, a river or a seacoast. The area of this Complex should be not less than two to four square kilometers, which should be equipped in accordance with all the rules of park zones that include natural forests and coastal areas. The exact area of this space will be determined by architectural design. 8.8. International recognition. The WHPA will find International recognition in due course, in the process of its development. The first action on a global scale could be arranging an International Conference of 2010, under the aegis of the United Nations, in preparation for a “Harmonious Peace Culture for Children in 2011-2020.” The Decade of the United Nations “Peace Culture for Children in 2000-2010” will end in 2010, and a question will arise as to a new Peace Decade for children. The offered Conference, carried out in Saint Petersburg on the basis of the WHPA, will advance the cultural and peaceful role of Russia and Saint Petersburg, and will showcase the WHPA as an educational development of international importance. Upon construction of the WHPA Complex, in a special ecological area by 2013, a second, similar World Conference could be offered on the new WHPA campus. Following this Conference, sponsorship of the WHPA under the aegis of the United Nations and UNESCO might be assured, including help with on-going financing, until WHPA can become self-supporting. The WHPA might also play a role in preparation and carrying out the Summit APEC in 2012 as “Summit of Eastern (or Eurasian) Harmony,” and winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, providing a new sense of harmony in international sports with “The First Olympiad of Harmony.” 9. Stages of development and financing of the Academy (Using the example of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Note: 1$US is equal to about 25 Russian rubles) A project of such global importance and vast complexity cannot be realized quickly and in one stage. It is necessary to distinguish precisely the strategic purposes of WHPA submitted above, in stage-by-stage tasks for their realization. Three stages of the WHPA creation are in Saint Petersburg, and the fourth stage assumes its wide popularization in the nation, together with the introduction of a harmonious educational system world-wide. The last stages suppose mastering an Open University (distance) by the Academy. 9.5. WHPA Departments and Divisions during the first stage: 2008-2009 WHPA’s Eight Departments in 2008-2009: 1. Harmonious peace culture (Faculty of Infosphere harmony) 2. Social harmony theory (Faculty of Sociosphere harmony) 3. Individual harmony theory (Faculty of Sociosphere harmony) 4. World culture and history of harmony (Faculty of Infosphere harmony) 5. Tetrasociology (Faculty of Infosphere harmony) 6. Linguistic Department. International bilingualism: Esperanto and English: plus Russian (Faculty of Infosphere harmony) 7. Acting technique for harmonization of behavior (Faculty of Sociosphere harmony) 8. Psychological harmonization (Faculty of Sociosphere harmony) 9.8. WHPA 7 Divisions on 2008-2009: 1st Division: Educational department: raising the level of one's skill of schools and universities teachers. 2nd Division: Projection, production and realization of harmonizing informational technology‘s products 3rd Division: Academic Publishing house "Harmony" 4th Division: the International communications and investment 5th Division: Economic, Financial & Legal administration: Maintenance department, Accounts department, Personnel department, Legal department 6th Division: the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Board; 7th Division: The Organization of designing and construction of the WHPA Building Complex. 9.9. Necessary minimal financing (budget) for WHPA in 2008: 1. The salary of teachers and employees of 15 initial departments and divisions of WHPA for an average number of 5 persons with average monthly payment of 15 thousand rubles = 5х15х15х12 = 13 500 000 rubles (thirteen millions five hundred thousand rubles a year). (15 000 rubles a month is the starting average salary which will constantly grow after 2009, when the Academy will start to make its own income from its activities). 2. The salary of support personnel: laboratory assistants, secretaries, security, cleaning, etc.: 25 persons with average monthly payment of 10 thousand rubles = 25х10х12 = 3 million rubles. 3. The equipment: furniture, office goods, computers (51 units) and a communication facilities (phone, fax, copier) on 15 rooms = 7,000,000 (seven million rubles) Financing designing of the WHPA Building Complex: 15 million ru-bles. TOTAL WHPA BUDGET FOR 2008: 38.5 million rubles. Necessary minimal financing (budget) for WHPA in 2009: 38.5 m. rub. TOTAL WHPA BUDGET FOR 2 years: 77 million rubles. 9.10. OFFICE AND CLASS ROOMS for 2008-2009: 1.15 Office rooms for 15 initial departments and divisions of WHPA of 30 sq. m. = 450 sq. m. 2.4 lecture rooms for 80 students of 120 sq. m. = 480 sq. m. 3.16 seminar rooms for 20 persons: 30 sq. m. = 480 sq. m. TOTAL ROOMS FOR 2008-2009: 1410 sq. m. 9.12. The common question: what is it better to spend money on? As informed by Dr. Valery Gergel, Moscow alone spends annually more than 20 billion rubles for liquidation the consequences of youth vandalism. It is more than 80% of the cost of WHPA for six years. What is it better to spend this money on? Isn’t it more expedient to use for funding WHPA and a harmonious education in Moscow to eliminate vandalism altogether, and avoid throwing money into the wind? 11. The lecture courses offered by the WHA project authors The list about 100 lecture courses of 55 participants of the project: To content