4. Profile: GHA 38 Honorary Members and Active Participants
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights and Disarmament. It is the UN affiliation.
This world-wide organization was initiated in 1967 after many teachers from across every continent expressed interest in the promotion of world peace through education. In 1969, a world peace conference was held in Huntsville, Alabama, which resulted with the organization’s official establishment through its incorporation in the US. Today there are in the world some 55,000 members spread in more than 60 countries across every continent.IAEWP World Peace Congresses list:
1. Bucharest, Romania, 1974 | 11. Maputo, Mozambique, 2001 | 2. Varanasi, India, 1978 | 12. Lagos, Nigeria, 2002 | 3. Washington, DC, USA, 1982 | 13. Angeles City, Philippines, 2003 | 4. Madrid, Spain, 1986 | 14. Taipei, Taiwan, 2004 | 5. Seoul, South Korea, 1990 | 15. Verbania, Italy, 2005 | 6. Rabat, Malta, 1992 | 16. Gandhinagar, India, 2006 | 7. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1994 | 17. Ottawa, Canada, 2007 | 8. Split, Croatia, 1996 | 18. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008 | 9. Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1998 | | 10. London, UK, 2000 | |
IAEWP publishes Journals among which Peace Progress, which initiated in Japan, Peace Education Journal, which started in India, and Diplomacy Journal, which is published in South Korea. The IAEWP is the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Collective Member: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=316. The IAEWP Headquarter’s address is: P.O. Box 3282, Mastin Lake Station Huntsville, Alabama 35810-0282, USA Phone: (1) 256-534-5501 / Fax: (1) 256-536-1018 E-Mail: mercieca_at_knology.net; Website: www.iaewp.org Charles Mercieca, Ph.D., IAEWP Founder and President, Global Harmony Association Board member, Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University, USA. Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129
Dr. Renato Corsetti, Italy
President, World Esperanto-Association, UEA, affiliating with UN and UNESCO: www.esperanto.net
He studied Economy and Management in Rome and Turin and Linguistics in Rome and had many management jobs in banking for the first part of his life. He made researches and teaching in the University “La Sapienza” in Rome during the second part of his life until now as Psycholinguistics Professor. Active participation in the movement for an international language during many decades. Author of tens of books and hundreds of articles on linguistics, sociolinguistics, Esperanto and peace cooperation. Particularly relevant are: Opening Comments, in Liu Haitao (editor); Language Problems in International Relations, Beijing; Esperanto for Sustainable and Harmonious Development: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97. He is the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Honorary Advisory Committee Chair and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Vice-General Director, European Harmony/Peace Academy. Addres: Via del Castello, 1 00036 Palestrina, Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-9575713, E-mail: renato.corsetti_at_uniroma1.it
Litt.D Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, India
My book title is: SERENE THOUGHTS (A collection of over 70 heart-touching poems) Price : USD $ 5.00 (Inclusive of postal charges) I am a Poet-Review and Writer, whose 600 poems are published in over 40 countries in various Literary Magazines, Anthologies, Newspapers, Web-sites etc. Conferred with several awards and commendations, the writer is presently employed with the Government-partnered A.P State Cooperative Bank Ltd., at Hyderabad City, India. I am the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Board Vice-Chair. I translated in Hindi and Telugu the GHA 3 projects with my friend. General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), India. Address: H.No.16-2-836/L, Plot-39, Madhavnagar, Saidabad HYDERABAD - 500 059 [AP] INDIA. E-mail: tacvarthy_at_yahoo.com; Websites: www.poetrywaves.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286
"IFLAC Pave Peace": International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace www.iflac.com www.iflac.com/ada
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2 One world and one humanity all living in harmony and peace  IFLAC Pave Peace is a model and exemplary international association, founded by Prof. Ada Aharoni (in1999). She is the President World IFLAC, which has the branches in 20 countries. IFLAC’s major goals are: * To strive toward the promotion of peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual respect between people and nations. * To eliminate violence in all its forms. * To organize peace culture researchers, writers, and intellectuals. * To encourage creativity that promotes culture, harmony and peace. Prof. Ada Aharoni published twenty six important books, including the EOLSS UNESCO volume on the Culture of Peace. She strongly believes that the spreading of a peace culture through the online IFLAC Digest she edits daily, can promote: peace, harmony, freedom. This year, IFLAC celebrates ten years to its impressive achievements: see the websites above. She is one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: 18-77 Amos Street, Nesher, 36700 Israel; Tel-Fax+972-77-3202818, +972-54-4404750
Ph.D.Martha Ross DeWitt, USA
Sociologist and Political Analyst, one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=56;
Email: mrossdewitt_at_sbcglobal.net.Publications: The Scope of Sociology. Review of Eng. Trans. of three books by Russian Sociologist from St. Petersburg Dr. Leo Semashko in International Sociology Review of Books, 22-2-2007: 1.Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, 2002; 2. TETRASOCIOLOGY: From Sociological Imagination through Dialog to … Harmony (ed. of Eng. Transl. and one of 15 co-authors), 2003; 3. Children’s Suffrage: Democracy for the 21st Century…, 2004: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=15. Beyond Equilibrium Theory, Theories of Social Action and Social Change Applied to a Study of Power Sharing in Transition, Univ. Press of America, Lanham, MD, New York, Oxford, 2000.
Ph.D. Rudolf Siebert, USA
Professor of Religion and Society in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Rudolf Siebert was born in Frankfurt a.M., Germany, on October 1, 1927. He participated in the resistance of the Catholic youth movement against the fascist regime in Germany. He studied history, philology, philosophy, psychology, sociology and theology at the Universities of Frankfurt, Mainz, Münster and the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. He has taught, lectured, and published world widely. He develops the Critical Theory of Society and Religion presented in about 300 scientific publications in 12 languages, including 28 books and 35 chapters. He is the leading researcher of the world religions Golden Rule as the first conscious principle of social harmony. Director of the two international courses: 1. “Future of Religion” in Dubrovnik, Croatia since 1975, and 2. “Religion in Civil Society” in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine since 1999. He is the GHA Honorary Advisory Committee Member, one of the “Peace from Harmony” and GHA founders in 2005 and has the GHA highest Honorary Title: World Harmony Creator. Web: http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51
Igor Shadhan, Russia
Professor, TV-journalist and the film documentation officer. Producer and President, Joint-Stock Company “Igor Shadhan's Workshop” since 1994.
For 47 years he created about 200 films. “Control for Adults” (1978-1994) is the most known. It is the USSR Journalists Union Award Winner, 1981: http://kino.br.by/film13059.html. It began to shoot a film about its heroes from six age and "finished" them to a graduation class, each time showing the children to their parents from an unexpected side. His other known films are: ten-serial “Snow - My Destiny” about destinies of the GULAG prisoners, “Evening Conversation”, to Vladimir Putin's 50 anniversary, “About Mercy I Ask” about the drama destiny of mother of three children Angelina, who got under ‘killing’ article, “Effect of Vitebsk” about painter Mark Chagal: http://www.chagal-vitebsk.com/node/41 etc. He is the GHA Honorary Advisory Committee Member and one of the “Peace from Harmony” and GHA founders in 2005. Address: 1/33,V/I 16th line, St.-Petersburg 199034, Russia; Ph.: + (812) 323-51-23; E-mail: shadkhan_at_shadkhan.ru; Web: www.shadkhan.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=189.
Dr. Dmitry Ivashintzov, Russia
Professor, Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, full Member of the Academies: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, RIA, MANEB, scientist, water-power engineering specialist, poet and philosopher.
Professional interests: problems of risk in the field of water-power engineering, evolution of the person, cultural science. Main scientific employee is the Russian Institute of Water-power Engineering of V.E.Vedeneev. Cochairman of the International Association RUSSIAN CULTURE. Honorary Professor of UNESCO Department at St.-Petersburg. Editor-in-chief of the almanac "Russian World". Chairman of the Russian National Committee of Hydraulics (MAGI). The basic publications: philosophy: Outside of Homo Sapiens Evolution: http://phenomen.ru/public/journal.php?article=68; poetry, 60+ poems: http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/ivashintsov. The GHA Honorary Advisory Committee Member and one of the “Peace from Harmony” and GHA founders in 2005. Address: St.-Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: ivashintsov_at_gmail.com; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=42; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=23; http://www.russkymir.org.
Vladimir Kavtorin, Russia
Writer, publicist and critic. He completed the Literary Institute in Moscow. Since 1980 he is a member of the USSR Writers Union. Since 1991 he is one of the founders and member of St.-Petersburg Writers Union. He published his works in Magazines: "Star", "Neva", "New World", "Our Contemporary", "Literary Review", "Literary Newspaper", and etc. The author of eight books of art prose, historical research "First Step to Catastrophe" (1990) and a book of the art-documentary biographies "Petersburg Intellectuals" (2002). The GHA Honorary Advisory Committee Member and one of the “Peace from Harmony” and GHA founders in 2005. He published together with Dr. Leo Semashko the article devoted to tragedy of Beslan: “Children’s Suffrage Executed by Parents» in the Magazine "Star", 2005, № 9: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=167. Address: St.-Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: v_kavtorin_at_mail.ru.
Reimon Bachika, Japan
He is Professor Emeritus of the Dept of Sociology at Bukkyo University, Kyoto. He served as President of the Research Committee of Futures Studies (RC07) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) during 1997~2006. He is co-author of an Introduction into the Sociology of Religion, (in Japanese, with M. Tsushima, 1996), editor and contributor to Traditional Culture and Religion in a New Era (Transaction 2002) and co-editor (with M. S. Schulz) of Values and Culture: The Social Shaping of the Future (forth coming in ISA Journal, Sage). He contributed to several other books, and wrote numerous articles both in Japanese and English on the sociology of religion, culture and values. Presently he is working on a book on symbolism and values. He is one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005 where he is the Honorary Advisory Committee’s Vice-Chair. Address: 650-0003, Yamamotodori, 3-3-10 6F, Chuo-ku, KOBE, JAPAN; Fax. (+81-78-252.1337); Tel.(+81-78-271.3276) Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=24
Tatomir Ion-Marius, Romania
I am the poet, activist and representative of the UN affiliating WORLD PEACE PRAYER SOCIETY: www.worldpeace.org.
May Peace Prevail on Earth! This NGO (NY, USA) spreads the universal non religious peace message: May Peace Prevail on Earth.I am a member of: Bilingual Writers and Poets for Peace by Maria Cristina Azcona, where I received in 2006 the 1st Prize in Poetry; Global Advisory Board of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (DHS); Association for Global New Thought and the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Board. I translated in Romanian the GHA 9 projects. Lyrics Compositor of the song May Peace Prevail on Earth: www.worldpeace.org/tatomir. My best poems are published: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=274. on the website http://www.users.bigpond.com/lionelhartley/catalog/strflowr.htm you can acquire my volume of poetry as electronic book STARS AND FLOWERS.
Dr. Bernard Scott, England
Harmony as cybernetic equilibrium
Dr. Bernard Scott (UK) is President of Research Committee 51 (On Sociocybernetics) of the International Sociological Association and Head of the Flexible Learning Support Centre, Cranfield University, Defence Academy, Shrivenham. Previous appointments have been with: the University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute, De Montfort University, the Open University and Liverpool John Moores University. His research interests include: theories of learning and teaching, course design and organizational change and foundational issues in systems theory and cybernetics. He has published extensively on these topics. Dr Scott is a Fellow of the UK Cybernetics Society and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. His definition: Sociocybernetics is concerned with applying theories and methods from cybernetics and the systems sciences to the social sciences by offering concepts and tools for addressing problems holistically and globally. He is one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and Global Harmony Association in 2005.
Address: Cranfield University, Defence Academy, Shrivenham, Wilts, SN6 8LA, UK; Email: b.c.e.scott_at_cranfield.ac.uk; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255
Ivan Ivanov, Russia
He is the web designer providing technical service of the site “Peace from Harmony” together with Dr. Leo Semashko since 2005. He completed in 2009 Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. He is the GHA Board Member and also the Secretary of GHA projects. He accepted active participation in the site “Peace from Harmony” and GHA creation in 2005.
Address: 30/2-231, Hudozhnikov Pr., St. Petersburg 194352, Russia; Ph.: 8-960-286-61-80;
Peace Museum
On June 26, 2007 in Chelyabinsk Grammar School № 76 a Peace Museum has been opened under the main slogan "To peace through life in harmony". Museum activists believe that harmony can be achieved by personal self–improvement and love to peace and people. A single goodwill action per day and the world becomes better. Cultures’ dialog is a main means to discover the world.
World harmony is Future! Address: Grammar School №76, Barbus Street 140-B, Chelyabinsk 454078,Russia; Tel.: (351)257-18-12; E-mail: gym76_at_inbox.ru; Web: www.74-gim76.edusite.ru.
Chelyabinsk Grammar School № 76
Municipal Chelyabinsk Grammar School № 76 was founded in 1982. The grammar school is an Innovative educational programs Competitionwinner, it also got the President of the Russian Federation grant, and Chelyabinsk area Administratorgrant. The pedagogical collective of a grammar school has a number of victories in competitions of initiative projects and annually wins municipal Grants. Teachers of a grammar school annually get the premium of the President and the premium of the Local Administration. A grammar school 76 is your rainbow of opportunities!
Headmaster is Lucy Alphiorova. Address: Grammar School №76, Barbusse Street 140-B, Chelyabinsk 454078,Russia; Tel.: 7 (351) 257-18-12; E-mail: gym76_at_inbox.ru; Web: www.74-gim76.edusite.ru.
published by Nihon Tosho Center (2006) in Japan in a tri lingual version. It is a wonderful and tremendous book, important for all the public, university libraries, peace researchers, human rights and peace workers, teachers, health workers, poets, university professors, etc. It is an impressive editorial work of a long awaited book. Two writers very well knew worldwide, one Argentinean – Israeli, Prof.
Ernesto Kahan (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338) and one Japanese, Taki Yuriko; approached with love, science and poetry, the terrible suffering of mankind during the XX century due to genocides: The Jewish Holocaust, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear massacre, the Armenian mass killing, hunger and starvation in Africa and Latin America, etc. Nobody will forget this book. Contact: nyinfo_at_kinokuniya.com in New York; aus_at_kinokuniya.comin Sydney; sims_at_kinokuniya.com in Singapore; breeze_at_kinokuniya.co.jpin Taipei; info-vad_at_junku.frin Paris. In Japan: Tel-03 6739 0711. on the Internet: www.amazon.co.jp, www.yrktaki.org
TAKI Yuriko (Syyamamoto), Poet, Japan
Recently Works: “Genocide” cooperate work with Dr. Ernesto Kahan (2006 in Japan) to avoid a nuclear war.
“8500 Christs” published 2002 in Romania. This book translated into 11 languages. Awards: 2007: 3 big awards from Argentina with Dr. Ernesto Kahan. 2006: the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Literature from WAAC/WCP. 2006: “THE BEST POET OF 2006” from International Writers and Artist Association with Dr. Ernesto Kahan. 2006: “Neoung Keoum Prize” from the Hangchon Culture Foundation in Korea. 2005: “Medal Festos” from International Society of Greek Writers & Arts. Address: 1893-48, Osaka-cho Ushiku-shiIbaraki-ken Japan 300-1286 Email: yrktaki_at_ybb.ne.jp; Websites: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=360#top, http://wps-poets.blogspot.com/2007/05/taki-yuriko.html,http://www.takiyuriko.org;
Robert Weir: Writer, Speaker, Editor, USA
Founding district leader for U.S. Dept of Peace campaign in southwest Michigan. Three harmonious components: Peace through understanding; Social justice as a sharing of resources; Care and restoration of Planet Earth. All are intertwined, necessary, and inherent in humanity’s Universal oneness. This is the theme on which I write and speak. I also edit the work of others. And I will travel. To contract my services, please contact me at: + 269-978-6803 ••• robtweir_at_aol.com ••• www.robertmweir.com. My book, Peace, Justice, Care of Earth: The Vision of John McConnell, Founder of Earth Day (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=239), is a thoroughly researched and well-written account of U.S. history, culture, religion, and the peace and environmental movement from the 1990s through the early 2000s — and an important vision for people of Earth to engage (310 pages, photos, index, footnotes). To order, send:
- $17.95for soft cover, and $27.95 for hard cover
- Plus $5.00 s&h for domestic mailing or $15.00 s&h for international
To: Robert Weir ••• 709 Regency Square #302 ••• Kalamazoo, MI 49008 USA
Siberian Center for Eurasian Projects
This Theatre is the culture of conscious creation, harmonizing planetary consciousness and the unity of Heaven and Earth in the cosmic scenario for transition into the era of peace, love and harmony.
Nina Goncharova – poet, artist, New Time producer. Since 1996 she is Planet 3000 project coordinator: http://Planet3000.site.voila.fr. She is an initiator of the «Nomad schools for harmonization» new branch in the framework of the GHA World Harmony Academy. She has been conducting cultural-educational expeditions in 9 countries. Her life motto is to inspire people to consciously create life. She is an initiator of twelve “Planet 3000: viewpoint from Siberia» int. conferences: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=139. She took part in the 55-th and 61st NGO/GPI UN conferences in New York (2002) and Paris (2008). She is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005.She works at “Culture of New Time: the Path of Conscious Evolution” internet book. Address: Zheleznodorozhnaya str, 8/1-250, Novosibirsk 630132 Russia; Tel/fax +7 (383) 220- 39-89; E-mail: gong3000_at_ngs.ru
María Cristina Azcona, Argentina
 She is an Educational Psychologist, poetess, novelist and peace researcher who has authored several books written in Spanish and English. She is founder of the nonprofit movement “Bilingual MCA Poets & Writers for Peace”. She is Editorial Advisor for “The Taj Mahal Review”, as Director in Argentina for the IFLAC. In 2006 she wrote “Window to Heaven” a poetry collection and in 2008 a bilingual essay “A Guide to find Peace” (www.cyberwit.net/maria.htm). She is an honorary member of the Educational team Columbia University, NY, US.Also, she has been selected as Universal Peace Ambassador. In 2007 she has obtained “LAUREATE OF THE IFLAC MERIT AWARD FOR 2007”. She published hundreds of poems and articles at the printed editions of 9 countries. She is the General Director of National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) in Argentina. She translated in Spanish the GHA 4 projects. She is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: Capital de Buenos Aires,(1074), Argentina; Phone: (54)011-43747615; Email: azconacristina_at_hotmail.com; Websites: www.authorsden.com/azcona; www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36
Susana Roberts, poet & writer, Argentina
Dr Honoris Causa by the Academy of Arts and Culture. Literary activity: Poets' World Congress WCP/WAAC Chairman- assistant in Argentine;Hispano-American Union of Writers ( UHE ); Society Writers' Argentina-SADE and etc. Member of: Remes - Writers' World Network in Spanish; Society of Art of Bolivia; Latin-American Association: "Poets of the World"; Bilingual MCA Poets and writers for the Peace; "The Cove Corner", Miami - Florida. USA. Delegate IFLAC Argentina in Trelew.Participant in many of the National and International anthologies, World Congresses. Books: Faces, Rostros, Birds Flight, el Vuelo del Ave and etc.Vice Director of National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) in Argentina. Universal Peace Ambassador. Translation in Spanish the GHA 9 projects. She is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005.
Address: Rivadavia 622. 9100, Trelew, Argentina. Phone: 0054 2965 428313. Web: www.iflacenarg.bravehost.com; www.bilibgualmca.bravehost.com/roberts.htlm; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275
Dr. Laj Utreja, USA
Founder, Institute of Spiritual Healing Ayur-Living: a way of life to total health and happiness in harmony with the environment
Who Are We? Is there rebirth? How do we reappear? Do we have a choice in destiny? We live in denial about death as if it would never happen to us. Yet it is the ultimate truth of life. But just as death is certain, so is life after death. Reincarnation is as real as we witness children being born and the others are dying. ‘Who are we?’ takes a provocative look at the Science of Reincarnation.
What Is Our Origin? What is the origin of this all? Does God have a form? Is our origin both, without and with form? Are there consequences of our actions, or we just go away unchecked in life? We wonder about this facet of life especially when we witness disparities in life: some people getting away with murder and the others being imprisoned for doing good deeds; This book takes a critical look at the least understood ‘cause and effect’ principle called the Law of Karma. These books are available at Amazon.com, AuthorHouse.com and can be ordered through Barnes and Noble bookstores. In more details about Dr. Laj Utreja’s books to look his page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=353. He is the USA General Director of National Harmony/Peace Academy. E-mail: ish0001_at_aol.com; Web: www.instituteofspiritualhealing.com
Pieter Sergienko, Russia Mathematician and philosopher
Address: Apt 30, 19-B October Street, Serpukhov 142210, Russia; Phone: (4967) 35-39-48; E-mail: ssp2000_at_rambler.ru Web-site: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=373
J.D. Terrence Edward Paupp, USA
 This book centers on two intertwined themes: (a) the collapse of US global hegemony and (b) the rise of a multi-centric world of regional powers: China, Africa, Latin America, India, Middle East, European Union and Russia.The ascendancy of these regional powers means that humanity has reached a historical turning point that signals the incapacity of empire-building, thereby bringing to an end the search for global dominance by one nation over the affairs of all other nations. These centers will continue to mature under the ideology of “regionalism” and though the long historical process of “regionalization.”In this evolution, humanity will soon have the capacity to embark on taking the necessary and essential steps toward a more harmonious world.
Terrence E. Paupp is a Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), Washington, DC.He is currently serving as Vice-president of North America for the IAEWP.His previous book Exodus from Empire (2007) is presented on his webpage: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=254. He is currently co-authoring a book devoted to Daisuka Ikeda’s idea of Global Civilization. Address: 10597 Porto Court, San Diego, CA 92124 USA; Phone: (858) 571-0896; E-mail: tpaupp_at_aol.com.
Alexander Olshansky, Russia
Alexander Andreevich Olshansky is the known writer and publicist. He is the author of many stories, novels, literary-critical and publicist articles. In the past he was the large publishing worker: Chief of the USSR Copyright Agency Department. Now he is the Board Chair of Association of Literary Institute Graduates, political analyst of the International Magazine "Forum", and the GHA Honorary Advisory Committee Member. He is the author of many articles devoted to social harmony and a harmonious civilization. Address: Moscow, Russia; E-mail: aa_at_olshanski.ru; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=346; http://olshanski.ru.
Valery Gergel, Russia
He is the Russian Young Peacemakers and Peace Schools Movement Head since 1998. This Movement started in Moscow region as a result of comprehensive teachers’ decision to establish at school the UN ideas of peace culture. The first organizations of young peacemakers appeared in 1998 on the basis of the Moscow Teaching Skills Improvement Institute and the “Peacemakers Union” Museum of the UN peace-making actions (http: // www.un-museum.ru). This Movement has been supported by Information centre of the UN in Moscow and the UNESCO Commission of the Russian Federation. 2001 is the beginning of the project “Peace Schools Network” (http://www.peace-edu.un-museum.ru) and the electronic bulletin: “Peacemaker Voice” (http://un-museum.ru/vestnik/).E-mail: director_at_un-museum.ru. Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key =337
Ph.D. Edward Soroko, Belarus
Gold Section, Self-organizing Processes and Systems Evolution: Introduction in the General Theory of Harmony of Systems (2006)
 Dominating in sciences Cartesian method of analysis of a complicated unit by rotting it into simple parts is known as a principle of destruction. Can we investigate things without destroying them? Then we need methodology of synthesis, the theory of integral measurement of a system as ensemble, knowledge of laws of measure of harmony and harmony of measures, their invariants.
Then it is possible to solve a problem of qualifying things of complex origin: composites, food stuffs, drugs; precisely show the border of norm andpathology in a human organism and so forth. Such constructive scientific methodology is a subject of Dr. Soroko book. A new law: “Law of Structural Harmony of Systems” (1984) has the name of this scientist. Today the 3d edition of this book is being issued by the Publishing House in Moscow. The author has considerably expanded the former text and enriched it with new ideas.Any sponsor offer in support of its publication would be accepted gratefully. Email: eduard_soroko_at_mail.ru; Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=351#top.
Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, India
Basanti Devi College Principal
We train up our students to love themselves, to love each other and to love the world. We involve our students in Social Services through National Service Sector. Also, we are initiating a Women Study Centre from 2009 onward to encourage the locality women residing in the poor neighborhood to develop their skill and to become economically empowered. Back home we have our ‘Beautiful Mind’, a parental organization on disability. We socialize our special children to love the world. We train them up that the world is beautiful and through peace, love and harmony, we encourage them to grow up with confidence. We share our peace and happiness together. So we are self contended and happy. We train mothers to gather strength in them. Thus we are happy and we love all. I am Vice General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), India.
Address: 147B Rash Behari Avenue. Kolkata -700029, India. Email: maitreyee25_at_rediffmail.com Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317
Poet, writer and lyric singer French for peace
He is the author of 18 works including 8 poetic collections since 1981. He recently published his philosophical book: “Revolution of the Spirit“ and the autumn will be published his poetic book:”Poetic Words with Our Successors.” He is:
- Messenger of the peace in the UNESCO proclamation 2000, - Prize winner of the European Academy of Arts in Belgium in 2001, - Holder of the vermeil medal of the academic company: “Art-Science-Letters” crowned by the French Academy, - Doctor Honoris Causa of the World Academy of the Culture and Arts, - French Representative within IFLAC, - GHA Honorary Advisory Committee member. He was one of the organizers of the First Festival and World Congress of the poets on peace topic, which was held in Paris, September 19-23, 2007 and the meeting within of the French Republic Senate on September 21, 2007. General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), France. Address: 53 Street Augusto Renoir, 69200 VENISSIEUX, France Tel:04 78 70 80 85 ; Email: guy.crequie_at_wanadoo.fr; Web:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106
Dr. Matjaz MULEJ, Slovenia
Professor Emeritus of Systems and Innovation Theory, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics & Business
He is M.A. in Development Economics, Doctorates in Systems Theory and in Management. He has +1.400 publications in +40 countries (see: IZUM – Cobiss, 08082). Visiting professor abroad for 15 semesters. Author of the Dialectical Systems Theory (see: François, 2004, Int. Encyclopaedia) and Innovative Business Paradigm for catching-up countries. Member of New York Academy of Sciences (1996), European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, European Academy of sciences and Humanities, Paris, president of IFSR (International Federation for Systems Research). Many Who is Who entries. The last books are:
Hrast, A., Mulej, M., editors (2009): Social responsibility and current challenges 2009. Work – bridge to cooperation: relations between coworkers and different age generations. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on social responsibility. On CD. Available at www.irdo.si. IRDO Institute for development of Social Responsibility, Maribor. Božičnik, S., Ećimović, T., and Mulej, M., with co-authors (2008): Sustainable Future, Requisite Holism, and Social Responsibility (Against the current abuse of free market society): www.institut.climatechange.si. Address: EPF, P.O.Box 142, Razlagova 14, SI-2001 Maribor, Slovenia; E-mail: mulej_at_uni-mb.si; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=64
Dr. Henry Skvortsov, Russia
A full member of the International Academy of Fundamental Education, Dr. in Mathematics; system analyst, new knowledge creator, mathematician, physic-theoretician; the author of 4 books from a series “Gallery of the Worlds”: “Picture of the Nature World”, “System of the Nature Laws”, “Technology of New Knowledge. The Discoveries World”, “Basics of Modern Synergetic Science” (to order books see the author address of the) and 57 articles devoted tothe problems of physics, mechanics, and mathematics. He has more than 1500 ideas, inventions, and projects. He is the Creating Technology of Education author providing harmonious education. He is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: Apt 3, 34 Malaya Pushkarskaya Str., St-Petersburg 197198, Russia; Tel.: (812)232-36-29; Mobil: 8-962-698-7035;
E-mail: gskvortsov_at_yandex.ru; Web: www.technozia.narod.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=53
Ph.D. Gregory Tulchinsky, Russia
He is Professor of Applied Political Science Department in the Higher School of Economy, St.-Petersburg, and Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.
The academician in many Russian and International Academies.Sphere of professional interests are: the teacher, the researcher, the expert, the publicist; philosophy of a culture and person, social communications and management. The author 480+ publications, including more than 30 books, including: Freedom and Meaning. New Shift of a Humanitarian Paradigm, 2001; Posthuman Persnology. New Prospects of Freedom and Rationality, 2002; Rationality of Harmony and Responsibility, 2007; Business in Russia: the Problem of a Social Recognition and Respect, 2007. He is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: S.-Petersburg, Russia; Ph/Fax: 7 (812) 714-00-47 (Chair), E-mail: gtul_at_mail.ru; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=72.
Svetlana Vetrova, Russia
 The composer, poet and performer of bardic songs. She acts at concerts and festivals in the most different cities and countries worldwide. In 1992 was her first disk “Stojar”. From the later disks are the most known: "Silver Light", "Lullaby with Mirages", "Both War and Peace". Together with Dr. Leo Semashko she is one of the founders of youth club of harmonious development "Demiurge" in 1976 and Children's Fund of Dostoevsky (Help Fund to the Children in Need of St.-Petersburg) in 1990, in which she held more than 130 concerts at schools, hospitals, hostels, shelters and children's homes of the city. Since 1992 draws, dreams, sings with the children-preschool in group of harmonious development "Clever Child" (kindergarten N 66). She accepted active participation in the site “Peace from Harmony” and GHA creation in 2005.
Address: St.-Petersburg, Russia; Ph.: 7(812) 349-43-07; E-mail: svetrova_at_yandex.ru; Web: http://vetrova.mnogopesen.ru/start/, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305 and http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=21
Museum of Harmony and Golden Section (MHGS), International Club of the Golden Section (ICGS) and Institute of the Golden Section (IGS)
MHGS (http://www.goldenmuseum.com/) was posted on the Internet in 2001. Currently MHGS is one of the most authoritative source of information on the Golden Section and Fibonacci numbers. ICGS was organized in 2003. In 2005 IGS has been organized. In 2009, IGS held the Int. online conference “The Golden Section in modern science”, devoted to 70-birthday of Director of IGS, and President of ICGS, Grand PhD in Computer Science, Professor Alexey Stakhov. In 2009, in connection with the 70-birthday, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded his Honorary Title “The Knight of Science and Arts”. He is a creator of the "Mathematics of Harmony» - a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. In October 2009, the Int. Publ. House "World Scientific" plans to publish his book "The Mathematics of Harmony. From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science". He is the GHA Board member. Address: Apt. 208, 60 Jane Street, Bolton, Ontario, Canada-L7E2T1. Ph.: (905) 951 9450; Email: alexey.stakhov_at_gmail.com; Web.: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=330.
Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda
Master’s Degree in Conflict resolution and Peace Studies, Executive Director, Shalom Educating for Peace in Africa
Peace teacher and organizer at the different schools, Churches and Training Centers of Rwanda since 1999.Together with Ms Corianne Wielenga he founded Web Journal “Shalom Educating for Peace”. From 26 to 28 June 2009, he organized a pilot Peace and Reconciliation Education through Songs and Theatre (PREST) event in Rwamagana District of Rwanda. REFEREES:
1. Mr Vincent RYAMUGEMA , Chief Executive of the Prime Minister Office, Kigali, Rwanda; 2.Mr MUSARE Faustin, Director General of Government affairs and civil society in the office of President of the Republic, Kigali Rwanda; 3.Honorable GAHONDOGO Anastasie, Member of Education Commission, Rwanda Parliament; 4.Professor Harris Geoff, Director of Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. He is the GHA Board Member and General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), Rwanda. Address:P.O. Box 6210 Kigali, Rwanda; Tel. +250 (0)78 840 3868; E-mail: basajd_at_yahoo.fr; Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=341
Dr. Noor V. Gillani, USA
Chair, Advisory Committee, Youth Global Harmony Association (YGHA). Dr. Gillani is a recently retired Principal Research Scientist at the NASA-AL National Space Science and Technology Center, and Adjunct Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is an activist in peace and social justice causes, and Founder-President of the PYAR Foundation for Humanitarian Assistance. He is a progressive Muslim who believes ardently in greater need for interfaith harmony, pluralism, and education to overcome the present Clash of Ignorance (not of Civilizations) which is threatening our planet.He was founder and Director for 10 years of the Aga Khan Education Board for USA’s Project PIAR for child development and parent empowerment, and is a strong believer in youth idealism as the basis for the future peace of the world.
Address: Huntsville, Alabama, USA Email: gillani9999_at_gmail.com, Website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=377
 Natalya Sidorova,
Russia. Petersburg creative club "Paradise": the second city island of harmony after Leo Semashko’s club "Demiurge" 1976-1980. Paradise is informal society of the known
politicians, scientists and art workers of the country and abroad. Journalist Natalya Sidorova created it in January 1980. Club meetings pass in her apartment in Garden Street in the centre of Petersburg. Practically all the most known bards, poets, artists, photographers and writers happened here. We named our club the Paradise as Peter I named Petersburg. The paradise became for us harmony island. Sidorova is the GHA Honorary member and one of the founders of “Peace from Harmony” and GHA in 2005. Address: S.-Petersburg, Garden Street, 14-12; Phone/faxe (812 314-57-39, E-mail: paradiz.spb_at_gmail.com; Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=41.
Ph.D. Andrey Smirnov, Russia
Together with Dr. Leo Semashko he is one of the founders of harmonious development club "Demiurge" in 1976 in Leningrad for labor anduniversity youth. Nowadays he is Professor of History of Philosophy and Logics Chair at Yaroslaw Mudry Novgorod State University etc.Lecturer of the following University courses: Politic Science, Sociology, Theory of Social Conflicts, Sociological and Psychological aspects of Management, Russian Philosophy Historyetc.Training Manager for the last 18 years. There are more than 100 business training classes and training modules on his personal list. Most significant are: “Communication and Culture of Mind”, “Levels and Mechanisms of General Management”, “Management as Cultural Phenomenon”, etc. Member of the Geopolitical Problems Academy.Author of 105 publications, including 12 textbooks. Most significant are: 1) Sociology. St-Petersburg, 2006; 2) Basics on Sociology and Politic Sciences. G/Novgorod: 2007; 3) Sociology. G/Novgorod: 2008.
Address: Moscow street, 28/1 ap. 33, Great Novgorod 173020, Russia; Ph.: 7 (8-162) 66-21-42; E-mail: kadet0707_at_rambler.ru; Web: www.novsu.ru
Ph.D. Leo Semashko, Russia
 He is St.Petersburg’s State Councillor, IAEWP Advisory Board Chair, Global Harmony Association (GHA) President and its International Website "Peace from Harmony" Director since 2005; author of Tetrism or Tetraphilosophy as a pluralistic four-dimensional harmonious philosophy and Tetrasociologyas a four-dimensional science of social harmony since 1976. His basic discovery from 12 is a deep (sphere) structure of social and individual harmony. He is author of 250+ scientific articles and books, 14 of which are translated into 1-16 languages. The main publication is: Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, St-Petersburg, 2002. He is the industrialism born dissident: 15 years in the socialist USSR and in a new capitalistic Russia since 1990. Launched 200+ projects, 19 of them are created in the GHA. To order the books and GHA projects: Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia; Ph/Fax: +7 (812) 513-38-63; E-mail: leo44442006_at_yandex.ru; Website: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253.
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