Nina Yudina

Poet, Composer and Singer St-Petersburg, Russia







All in a life occurs from love. The love to music, painting, poetry presented to me the fine friends and to them, as not strange, my verses, songs and drawings like. As I am the technician by education I consider, that my creativity goes from a soul condition. And at various times I took a great interest: painting, applied art, verses, music and singing. Now I am a member of group "Vertical" (www.m-vertikal.narod.ru), sing in a duet with Michael Barelnikov.
January 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------
GHA The Global Harmony Association, As a bee’s beehive that honey gathers, Connects virtually all People of the solar planet. Harmony nectar is in everyone,
Who is only born or has lived long, And to understand to us is very important, In harmony God created the World! Neither for war nor for terror No space! Is only the Goodness Light! Harmony we are support In harmony love is wise! 14/02/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nina Yudina and M. Barel'nikov - Wet Snow
Nina Yudina and M. Barel'nikov - By the Window
Nina Yudina and M. Barel'nikov - Good morning
Nina Yudina and M. Barel'nikov - Clock
Nina Yudina and M. Barel'nikov - With You