





About Us


Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Harmonious Civilization Leaflets


People: unite in harmony!

Harmonious Civilization

Global Harmony Association Innovative Projects:

Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration

Global Harmony Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament

Global Harmony: Nuclear Disarmament Guarantor

Alternative Reserve Currency of Harmony (H)

Global Harmonious Education

Russia-Georgia: Harmonization Instead of Militarization

Global Network of Harmonization Services

World Festivals of Harmony

Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology:

Science of Social Harmony


Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President and 119 Participants from 34 Countries

St-Petersburg, 2009, pages 254, soft cover, ISBN - 978-5-288-03544-1

To order, send:

$19.95. Plus $10.00 s&h for international mailing
To: Leo Semashko, 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia
Tel: +7-812-597-65-71, E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru, Web: www.peacefromharmony.org

GHA Mission: peace from harmony or pave the scientifically conscious and nonviolent way for a harmonious civilization.

GHA, created o­n February 15, 2005, is an international NGO that unites more 350 members in 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.

GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko.

GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja.

2010 as the first year of the Harmonious Civilization

For more than 5 years, GHA has been intently watching the new historical trend of global harmonization which may be traced back to 1947. This time we collected approximately 65 instances of global harmony in the different spheres and countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=382 GHA defined two critical points in this trend:

a) 1990s witnessed the socialist camp collapse, which replaced the past historical alternative "capitalism-socialism" within industrialism by the new historical alternative "industrialism-harmonism" (or "industrial civilization - harmonious civilization"), and

b) 2009 marked the birth of a harmonious civilization connected with two new key historic initiatives: 1) The beginning of nuclear disarmament, which is possible o­nly in harmonious civilization, instead of an industrial militaristic civilization, and 2) 2009 also marked the creation of the scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, which provides a conscious and peaceful development.

These historical events have been strengthened by the two simultaneously occurring facts in this direction: 1) Since 1992, the European Union (a union of approximately 30 countries with a population of 500 million) was established o­n the harmony principle ‘Unity in diversity’, and 2) Since 2006, China (with a population almost a quarter of the total humanity) is consciously building a harmonious society.

It is absolutely unimportant that this consciousness is initially observed o­nly within a small international community of GHA. It is important enough that it is observed. And along with the simultaneous sprouting of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment, Education and Renaissance its expansion will not keep waiting for long. This is an unprecedented event in history when the new civilization realizes itself since its first year.

Harmonious thinking of a new civilization

Harmonious Enlightenment begins with the alphabet, language and thinking of harmony. Enlightenment is a transition from ignorance to knowledge, from o­ne level of knowledge to another, essentially new level. Most of us are competent in the disharmonious alphabet and language of industrialism: wars, conflicts, crimes, violence, global and local crises and etc.

But all of us are ignorant in harmony, individually and socially. We do not know harmony language. We do not know even the alphabet of harmony.For the first time, the alphabet, language and thinking of harmony are scientifically presented in the GHA program book Harmonious Civilization.

Join the GHA projects of a harmonious civilization!

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005