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Peace from Harmony
GHA: Results of 2010 and Perspectives for 2011

GHA: Results of 2010 and Perspectives for 2011


Approved by the GHA o­n December 6, 2010



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=479

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=448

The most important point we must emphasize: 2010 is the first anniversary of the global harmonious civilization o­n the threshold of which humanity entered November 1, 2009: it is the date of publication in the English language the GHA joint program book "Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379). This book contains the first collection of facts, the first Declaration, the first scientific explanation of this civilization, the first alphabet of social harmony and the ABC of its spiritual culture. Birth of a harmonious civilization is a worthy new date for "Harmonious Era Calendar", created in the GHA in 2006.


How reliable is our explanations and evidences to be seen by time. Already this year has brought new facts of its evidences. Already this year was about 10 independent from each other scientific and cultural events in the world who feel and prove it. It is our new modernity! For GHA this year was the first time the spread of this good and encouraging news at various conferences, leaflets, papers, brochures, new members and other events. What results we noted the first year of a harmonious civilization?

The GHA results of 2010:

  1. The GHA number exceeded 400 members from 48 countries of the world and established two branches of GHA: USA and Japan.
  2. Establishment in January-November, three new projects of the GHA: Harmonious Leadership Academy; Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century; Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization. Total number of the GHA global harmony projects reached 25.
  3. Publication of two booklets: Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century (20p); Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization (30p – o­nly Russian). Number of the GHA books and brochures reached 6.
  4. Creation of five new leaflets of GHA for: Sociological Congress in Gothenburg; 65 anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; International Peace Day o­n September 21; the First Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony in Odessa; and World Forum of Spiritual Culture in Astana.
  5. Creating the GHA Higher Award "Harmony Crystal" for Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, this has been transferred to him in Astana at the Forum. It is Dr. Laj Utreja’s – GHA-USA President – great contribution at first.
  6. Participation of the GHA delegations and members in four international events related to harmony: World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg - 6 members (July), First International Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony - 7 members (October), World Forum of Spiritual Culture - 14 members of 10 countries (October); Philosophical orientations Russia: harmony, synthesis, quality - 4 members (November).
  7. Holding the first training session o­n alphabet of social harmony within the first Academy of Harmony in Astana o­n October 19, 2010.
  8. Creation of 28 new pages o­n the website "Peace from harmony", a visit which exceeded 2,1 million visits. Publication of more than 200 new informational materials was o­n it, including about 20 translations into different languages.
  9. Creating the GHA Department "Golden Proportions of Harmonious Civilization”: President Prof. Alexey Stakhov, Vice-Presidents: Dr. Scott Olsen (USA) and Dr. Tatiana Egorova (Ukraine).
  10. The revival of poetry contest and anthology of texts for the creation of the Harmony Hymn under the leadership of GHA Vice-President and the Nobel Laureate Ernesto Kahan.
  11. Publication of several articles o­n the GHA in Greek newspapers (Dimitris Kraniotis and Takis Ioannides), Romanian newspapers (Tatomir Ion Marius) and the St. Petersburg newspaper (Anastasia Dolgosheva).Takis Ioannides’ TV interviews and lectures in Athens.
  12. Establishment the GHA Informational Order, as part of its Statutes, harmonizing the relationship of different religious beliefs within the GHA.

The main purpose of last year and next: the creation of the Academy of Social Harmony in any country in the world. The main shortcoming in the GHA ισ a very low level of publishing articles and PR about the GHA: o­nly in Greece, Romania and St. Petersburg.

All our achievements are a common result, in which there is some contribution of the GHA each member, so everyone is commendable.

2011 is the second year of a harmonious civilization of humanity, and the second year into Harmonious Era Calendar. This infancy require special care and development, especially the skills to go o­n the different countries, learn the harmony alphabet and talk about self. The GHA Perspectives (Program) for 2011 is dedicated to this evolution.

The GHA Perspectives (Program) for 2011:


1. Finish the reports (with pictures) of the Congresses in Odessa and Astana.

2. Continue to search the country and funding for the creation of the Harmony Academy. Letters o­n this subject will be to the Presidents of Costa Rica: Charles Mercieca, Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko and Greece: Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko.

3. The GHA Letter to sculptors of the world with a proposal to hold a world contest to create a sculpture “Harmonious Civilization" as a unifying and inspiring spiritual symbol for humanity of the 21st century. (GHA has an image of this sculpture and will offer it for discussion by members of GHA).

4. The GHA Letter to mathematicians of the world with an invitation to solve the hypothesis (task) of harmonious proportions for the spheral social fractals. (This idea was offer in Odessa).

5. The GHA Letter to composers of the world with a proposal to hold a world contest for the creation of the Harmony Hymn.

6. The GHA Letter to billionaires of the world, especially the 40 philanthropists in the U.S., with an invitation to create the Harmonious Civilization Foundation, aimed primarily at creating the Harmony Academies and Harmony Schools all over the world.

7. Complete the formation of the GHA branches in Liberia, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, China, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. Recommend to all national offices of GHA to form and to submit for public discussion in their country of a national project: "Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century" or "Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization". Establishment of the Academies of Social Harmony in each such country is the first step in the implementation of this project. Projects-analogues are: Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century: (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=445) and: Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization (in Russian): (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=435).

8. Create a website for the Harmonious Leadership Academy and begin its work in the mode of distance learning.

9. Create a group "Sociocybernetics of Harmonious Civilization" in RC51 Sociocybernetics of the International Sociological Association (ISA) with invitation: Drs Bernard Scott, Bernd Hornung, Margaret Maas, Mary Luz Robayo, Leo Semashko, etc.

10. Create the ISA Thematic Group "Sociology of Harmonious Sociology" with an invitation to it not o­nly sociologists, but also other members of the GHA, as well as other related organizations.

11. Create the GHA Vice-president for comparative sociological studies of the spheral classes of the population in: EU, USA, China, India and Russia: Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri

12. Create the GHA Vice-president for children's priority: Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy

13. Create the GHA Vice-president group responsible for PR o­n different continents: Guy Crequie and Renato Corsetti (Europe), Charles Mercieca (North America), Heli Habyarimana (Africa), Steve Rajan and Ananta Kumar Giri (Asia), Prof, Hou Jinglin and Prof, Zhao Xiangze from Beijing (China) and Maria Cristina Azcona (South America).

14. Create the GHA Vice-president for the music Festivals of Harmony: Leonid Timoshenko.

15. Create the GHA Vice-president group responsible for the formation of the GHA national offices o­n different continents, and world languages: Prof. Ernesto Kahan - Spanish-speaking countries, Jean Basabose - African countries; Steve Rajan and Ananta Kumar Giri - Asian countries.

16. Continue to work o­n the GHA textbook for the Academy of Harmony.

17. Correct the GHA Statutes and Board with regard to new ideas and organizational changes in the GHA.

18. Announce contest for Youth GHA President.

19. Prepared and tested in university the lectures of the GHA scientists o­n a topic: Harmonious Civilization: History, Modernity, Science and Political Future.

20. Prepare a project of educational and discussion program for TV broadcast: "The Future: Harmonious Civilization, or What?"

21. Prepare the GHA application (by December 31, 2010) to GRAWEMEYER AWARD FOR IDEAS IMPROVING WORLD ORDER: Dr. Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko.

22. Take part and form a delegation to the next world event: Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony in Odessa; World Forum of Spiritual Culture in Astana (18-20 October); Celebrating the birthday of Confucius in China in September (Lana Yang’s proposal).

23. Turning Forum of "Peace from harmony" in the active tool of constant debate in the GHA: Leo Semashko, Ivan Ivanov and the GHA VPs for PR.

24. Complete the formation of the GHA Memorandum o­n Harmony Ethics.

25. Start preparing the "World Encyclopedia of Harmony" in both paper and electronic forms, including o­n the Internet like Wikipedia: Alexander Olshansky.

26. Prepare the charter for the GHA-USA and solicit membership: Laj Utreja.

27. Publication the GHA books and reviews them in the different sociological journals and publishing houses, such as Sillabapress in Colombia: Mary Luz Robayo.


The strategy of these perspectives is simple: overcome the misunderstanding and lack of recognition of the inevitability of a harmonious civilization through various ways and methods of different social spheres: Sociosphere (education), Infosphere (different forms of science, spirituality and media), Orgsphere (institutional variety) and the Technosphere (physical and economic forms).





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005