Zaure Khizatolla 
Vice-President, GHA and GHA-Kazakhstan GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony GHA Muse of Harmony
Lawyer, poet, writer, peacemaker Coauthor of The ABC of Harmony (2012) and Global Peace Science (2015, 2016), Kazakhstan, Almaty Website: English: Russian:

Review of
Global Peace Science (GPS)…(2016) By Zaure Hizatolla* Dedicated: To all the founders, organizers, artists, thinkers, peacemakers and ambassadors, especially to Leo Semashko, who have made a contribution into creation of Global Peace Science and to all over the world harmonization followers.
Global Peace Science from social harmony is the beginning of a new era, an era of peace, understanding, goodness and enlightenment. It planted the Peace World Tree that is to be cultivated, uniting all human for world peace and their humanity, teaching global harmony, global equity, global economy, global prosperity and global democracy. Peace, Harmony and Love save millions of generations from wars during the evolutionary development of mankind. I am grateful to God that I have met a mentor Leo Semashko who united many countries, different social classes, religions into one alliance GHA thus showed us that the differences between us do not prevent Harmony unite people and sows Peace in our hearts. Holy Quran condemns violence, the New Testament teaches the people good, Upanishads call for peace with the universe. Global Peace Science gives the faith that motivates people to peace and goodness. Global Peace Science is the guide, which is available to all peoples and governments, all subsequent generations, eager harmonious knowledge of the world, the spiritual growth of peacekeeping and humanitarian. This is worldview of the modern era, thanks to which we can save peace, save the planet from the threat of religious and ethnic wars. Hundreds of thousands of years men have struggled for existence and survival on the planet overcoming slavery, racism, nationalism, genocide. I am sure that the invaluable contribution and efforts of all the coauthors unite humanity with giving the right for life and the existence of all people on the Earth, regardless of their religion, nationality or race, harmoniously combining the outlooks of all peoples and their traditions, culture and way of life, religions on their common spiritual basis of peacemaking harmony. This is the deepest and the highest balance of the universal existence of humanity on the planet. I express my high appreciation to Leo Semashko, who found the faith and strength to pave the path to peace and harmony of a new civilization!
Zaure Hizatolla*, GHA and GHA-Kazakhstan Vice President, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, GHA Muse of Harmony, Coauthor of The ABC of Harmony (2012) and Global Peace Science (2015, 2016), Lawyer, poet, writer, peacemaker, Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan, E-mail: Website: English Page: Russian page: 21/03/16 Publication: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bio I was born on April, 26th, 1976 in Kazakhstan in Semipalatinsk City. Now I live in Almaty. I am married, I have a son16 years old.
In 1998г. I have finished the State University of Semey, faculty of foreign languages, the Speciality – The Teacher of English language. In 1999году, in 2000году trained in SGI School in London. Business Language. In 2005 I have finished Kazakh Gumanitar - Juridical University, a speciality – the Jurist. The experience of work for 14 years, I work in Company «Estimation and Monitoring Center».
The first poem was written at eight-year age by me. In 2002 I have issued the first book of poems «For you …» ISBN 9965-602-01-8. In 2006 book of poems «By heart I can hear your voice…" ISBN 9965-602-28-Х. In 2007 the book of poems for kids «The train rushes quickly, quickly» ISBN 9965-21-133-7.
Since 2006 I am registered on a website http:// where I publish the poems. In April, 2006 the author's musical album is issued, music is written by composer Oleg Vukkert (the songs for pleasant listening were attached:)).
Constantly I am in thoughts so far, about my mission in life.
Questions which I ask myself:
- What should I do to make World better? - How I can be useful to the World? - How to make World better?
And I have started to work over myself with my rules: to observe, to listen, to help! I accept all religions. Religion for me is a Belief. The belief - to work over myself. Vital taboo: not to argue on two subjects – about Religion and about Football. After meeting with Kae Morii I have understood that I CAN BE USEFUL! The future of our children and the future of our Earth depends on each of us!
I love children, to reading the books and sports. I sociable, fair, hardworking, executive, purposeful, I possess creative thinking and organizing abilities. 07/02/11
I Give You Life and Peace ... I look at the sky, and you? I love the flowers all over the earth ... I do not want me to have a war, I do not want others to have a war. I greet the sunrise with warm heart, praying by the window in the morning, in order to safely meet sunsets, and thankfully see off their rays. I look at trees, and you? Beauty life inside of them, During seeing off their leaves, Keeping beauty in winter being. I have been giving you life, and you? The peace from my heart, the spring breath. On my shoulders my angels say: With peace in the soul live! 21/03/16 The Earth
Oh, Нuman please consider! The Earth is dying with a pain; The Earth is trembling in an earthquake; The Earth is crying with a heavy rain; The Earth is sinking in Tsunami; The Earth is frozen by the snow; The Nature has the strongest army to teach the human and to show, how weak the human to the Nature, if we do not take care well, if we do not improve a venture and a virgin nature never sell. Let’s stop the fighting for Religions; Let’s stop the fighting between races; Let’s live in harmony like pigeons; Let’s do the best like rainbow grace…. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
