Mrs Théa-Marie ROBERT

GGHA Vice-President, Ambassador of Global Peace from the Gandhian Spherons Harmony Вице-Президент ГГСГ, Посол глобального мира из гармонии Гандианских сферонов

Let us remember! The nations are capable of all betrayals and crimes, genocides... World War I... World War II... and all others... The third, suicidal-genocidal nuclear war on a planetary scale will not happen if conscience awakens, if everyone knows that she/he is responsible for his inner and, by extension, of outer and planetary peace. If billions of human souls and minds, which we are, are themselves capable to say in their own conscience NO to catastrophe, NO to crime, YES to life, light, truth and creative, with the Gandhian Science of Perpetual Peace Primer for Humanity and friendly cooperation ! This dream of humanity was ignited by Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo, his contemporain activist for independence of India : two visions, two ways for the same objectives! Founded in accordance with the visionary thought of the wise Indian philosopher SRI AUROBINDO, materialized under the impulse and vision of the MOTHER, a Frenchwoman, whom everyone here calls "MOTHER", AUROVILLE is an utopian dream for some, an experimental, ecological city for others looking for Peace and Harmony between humanity and nature. It is work of co-creation, on the peacemaking path of creative harmony of the divine and the human. Each, in conscience, expresses his creativity, asserts the responsibility of oneself in the heart of all with others. The Gandhian science of Perpetual peace, ignited by his spheral thinking from the Perpetual fire of equal and harmonious varnas-spherons of the flourishing Vedic civilization in ancient India gives universal wisdom for the new humanity. In the very heart of Auroville is the MATRIMANDIR, a unique work of art in the world. A cosmic sphere in 12 lotus petals, a symbol of the vibrational connection of light, a shining ray of space descending to the origins of the Earth and life on Earth. The Matrimandir, like a lotus flower opening its petals in symbiotic union with the white light, opens to welcome and gather together into the depth of silence, in a creative meditation, a peaceful and grateful humanity. Let us consciously work towards realizing the Self as a Whole in the benevolent silence of the Heart and the continuous enlightenment of the creative peaceful mind, which is kindled by the Gandhian Peace Science Primer in each sovereign “I” together with the whole “WE”. I address all minds, and especially the intelligence of the heart and intuition. The creator works with the light, erasing the darkness and creating the shadows of the reliefs. I call for the awakening of the true, conscientific consciousness of one and all, to overcome the arrogant attitude, the deadly conflicts, the projects of dehumanization, sterile subjugation, depopulation, keeping minds in misery and ignorance... These shadow works are projects that do not serve humanity but despise its beings and destroy their souls. Let us put an end to the madness of the indecent, narrow but exorbitant ambitions of the peace-blind traditional thinking. I call upon all of us to allow this new humanity to awaken in the depths of our being, overcoming divisions and confrontations to rise to its inner unity in the Perpetual peace and harmony of its eternal spheres, beginning with the scientific Gandhian Primer study. Let us say YES to the art of peace, the culture of peace, the education of peace through the Gandhian Science of Perpetual Peace, the core of which was created by the GGHA during 20 years with my participation and with my ideas of cosmopoetic art, which I founded in 1988 as an integral art of "dancing, words and images for peace". "TRUTH IS GOD, THEREFORE TRUTH ALONE TRIUMPHS ", said Gandhi. Compressed in the Primer, the TRUTH OF PEACE will give us courage and enthusiasm not only to say NO to war, but also to put an end to it with conscientific reason in the humanity new era of spheral thinking and Perpetual peace! Today, I call on all peacemakers and people of good will, striving to prevent a new world war, to support all the peacemaking efforts to put an end to the actual war in Ukraine, which brought humanity closest to the nuclear abyss! Humanity can survive and live only in Gandhi's Perpetual Peace and Nonviolence! Thea Marie Robert, GGHA member FROM FRANCE, 2009. GGHA Muse of Harmony and Gandhian Creator of World Harmony, 2020. Messenger of the Peace Culture nominated at UNESCO, 2000. Ambassador Universal of Peace Genève/France, 2006. Gold Medal World Congress Poets, 2012. Gold Medal Arts Sciences Letters Academy Paris, 2017. You tube Thea Marie Robert Web: --------------------------- Dear Marie, I am very grateful to you for the supreme inspiration of peaceful co-creation, which your brilliant, divine Call gifted me!!! Thank you very much! I want to help you make it more accessible. It creates an extremely high emotional tension, which is inaccessible to most. Therefore, it requires reduction and systemic unity in the spiritual center that unites and inspires us in the GGHA during 20 years - this is the Gandhian perpetual peace science in its spheral thinking, which now, at the finish line, we embody in the “Peace Science Primer” (PSP) ( You are its inspired, artistic coauthor, the proposed Call of which will fill it with your high light of harmonious integral art and synergetic artistic thinking. Based on these mutual historical premises of more than 16 years of our friendship and creativity, I, as the PSP editor-in-chief, took the liberty of editing your brilliant Call for peace, making it shorter, more compact, systemic with the center of our PSP, which concentrates all our dreams and all our sociological peacemaking imagination (SEE ABOVE). I used your key ideas as much as possible, but crystallized them for your final revision of the text and its publication in our PSP, which crowns 20 years of the GGHA creativity and is dedicated to it, therefore it is given a central place in the humanity peacemaking renewal. Naturally, you are free to transform my text at your discretion and send me its English version for printing in PSP before March 1. Is this enough time for you? More details later. With peace and love, Leo 23-02-25 -------------------------
Dearest Leo, Thank you a lot for your proposition of publishing my appeal to the silence of weapons, and healing of spirits. I’d considered with a great attention and respect your adaptation of that appeal to the thematic of our Peace Primer. I agree with your proposition of adaptation with some little modifications for the following reasons: Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo were contemporaries and each worked in their own way to the liberation of India and the pacification of minds by following two different approaches with the same end goal. They met little, if ever, each following his own path. There are, alas! Today many biological weapons, bacteriological, climatic... Invisible weapons that have a power of evil and pernicious destruction in addition to the atomic bomb, damaging human health and condemning them to sterility and death in the short term. My call for the silence of arms is not political or partisan, but spiritual. It is addressed to the individual who must grow in wisdom from within by harmonizing the life with the principle of Creation, which is Divine light. But I thanks the political men with a great responsibility as Mr V. Putin and Mr D. Trump to do the best efforts, when the French president Macron and Europe want absolutely to engage a third war…Mondialism against sovereignty. I hope you’ll agree my suggestions as editor-in-chief. With love Théa Marie 01-03-25 ------------------------ Dear Thea Marie, We, the GGHA, congratulate you on the great Spiritual Call "Grow in wisdom from within by harmonizing the life with the principle of Creation, which is Divine light!" We fully share your unification of the great, but different thinkers of India: Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo. Their differences were temporary, historical, and their wise unity in recognizing the humanity global peace as its highest goal was and will remain its eternal heritage and recognition! We are happy to publish your high spiritual Appeal on your personal page here: And on the page of the GGHA 20th anniversary in two languages: and It will also be published inside our Peace Primer as the best voice of GGHA’s "Gandhian Science of Perpetual Peace" for 20 years to humanity. Your call is the courageous Peace Hero Voice in the EU/NATO Nazi Europe of our century, groveling to the new, Bandera comedian Fuhrer Ze, which applauds him in all its "democracies" and governments, fanning a new world war and feeding his with weapons, money and “spiritual”, Nazi-Russophobic unity until the last Ukrainian and own suicide. Ze received an inevitable moral "WORLD EXECUTION" and was shamefully expelled from the White House by President Donald Trump. This is a world leader acting as the Hero of Peace Donald Trump, who, together with Vladimir Putin is burying Bandera's Nazi Europe, just as was buried German Nazi Europe in 1945. Will the new European Fuhrers have enough to admit the collapse of their Nazism and shoot themselves, as the German Fuhrer did? This is their only remaining way out in the face of the PERPETUAL, INVINCIBLE PEACE. History inexorably repeats itself for all enemies of the PERPETUAL SPHERAL PEACE, for all Nazis and militarists, leaving them with the only worthy way out of eternal shame - to shoot themselves. This is the social spheral nature inexorable law, for the disclosure of which the GGHA created over 20 years the "Peace Science Primer" (PSP). The new European Nazis efforts, who created a nuclear civilization, starting since Hitler's "German Nuclear Program" of 1939, closed all research on peace science, buried any culture of peace, declaring staunch peacemakers "dissidents and enemies of the people". Marie Robert's appeal, our PSP, the actions of Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi, Orban, Fico and other peace leaders ensure the Renaissance of the humanity Perpetual Peace Culture based on the new, Gandhian spheral thinking, to which it is so painfully moving, overcoming in the "Revolution of Common Sense" the satanic "spirituality" of Nazism and militarism. They will not pass! The humanity perpetual, true peace as its highest and general spiritual value, even if through temporary truces, “TRUTH ALONE TRIUMPHS”! With peace and love, Leo Semashko 01-03-25 ----------------------

Давайте помнить! Нации способны на все предательства и преступления, геноциды... Первая мировая война... Вторая мировая война... и все остальные... Третья, суицидно-геноцидная ядерная война планетарного масштаба не произойдет, если пробудится совесть, если каждый будет знать, что он/она несет ответственность за свой внутренний и, как следствие, за внешний, планетарный мир. Если миллиарды человеческих душ и умов, каковыми мы являемся, сами будут способны сказать в своей совести НЕТ катастрофе, НЕТ преступлению, ДА жизни, свету, истине и творчеству, с Гандианской наукой вечного мира для человечества и дружеским сотрудничеством! Эта мечта человечества была зажжена Махатмой Ганди и Шри Ауробиндо, его современником, борцом за независимость Индии: два видения, два пути к одним и тем же целям! Основанный в соответствии с провидческой мыслью мудрого индийского философа ШРИ АУРОБИНДО, материализованный под импульсом и видением МАТЕРИ, француженки, которую все здесь называют «МАТЕРЬЮ», АУРОВИЛЬ — это утопическая мечта для одних, экспериментальный, экологический город для других, ищущих Мир и Гармонию между человечеством и природой. Это работа сотворчества, на миротворческом пути творческой гармонии Божественного и человеческого. Каждый, по совести, выражает свое творчество, утверждает ответственность себя в сердце всех с другими. Гандианская наука Вечного мира, зажженная его сферным мышлением от Вечного огня равных и гармоничных варн-сферонов процветавшей ведической цивилизации в древней Индии, дает универсальную мудрость для нового человечества. В самом сердце Ауровиля находится МАТРИМАНДИР, уникальное произведение искусства в мире. Космическая сфера в 12 лепестках лотоса, символ вибрационной связи света, сияющий луч космоса, нисходящий к истокам Земли и жизни на Земле. Матримандир, как цветок лотоса, раскрывающий свои лепестки в симбиотическом союзе с белым светом, открывается, чтобы приветствовать и собрать вместе в глубине тишины, в творческой медитации, мирное и благодарное человечество. Давайте сознательно работать над осознанием Я как Целого в благожелательной тишине Сердца и непрерывном просветлении творческого мирного ума, который зажигается Гандианским Букварем Науки Мира в каждом суверенном «Я» вместе со всеми «МЫ». Я обращаюсь ко всем умам, и особенно к интеллекту сердца и интуиции. Создатель работает со светом, стирая тьму и создавая тени рельефов. Я призываю к пробуждению истинного, научного сознания всех и каждого, чтобы преодолеть высокомерное отношение, смертельные конфликты, проекты дегуманизации, бесплодного подчинения, депопуляции, удерживания умов в нищете и невежестве... Эти теневые работы являются проектами, которые не служат человечеству, а презирают его существа и разрушают их души. Давайте положим конец безумию непристойных, узких, но непомерных амбиций традиционного мышления, слепого к миру. Я призываю всех нас позволить этому новому человечеству пробудиться в глубинах нашего существа, преодолевая разделения и противостояния, чтобы подняться к своему внутреннему единству в вечном мире и гармонии его вечных сфер, начиная с изучения научного Гандианского букваря. Давайте скажем ДА искусству мира, культуре мира, образованию мира через Гандианскую науку вечного мира, ядро которой создано ГГСГ в течение 20 лет с моим участием и с моими идеями космопоэтического искусства, которое я основала в 1988 году как интегральное искусство «танца, слов и образов для мира». «ИСТИНА — ЭТО БОГ, ПОЭТОМУ ТОЛЬКО ИСТИНА ПОБЕЖДАЕТ», — говорил Ганди. Сжатая в Букваре, ИСТИНА МИРА придаст нам мужества и энтузиазма не только сказать НЕТ войне, но и положить ей конец с помощью научного разума в новой для человечества эре сферного мышления и Вечного мира! Сегодня я призываю всех миротворцев и людей доброй воли, стремящихся предотвратить новую мировую войну, поддержать все миротворческие усилия, чтобы положить конец войне на Украине, которая приблизила человечество к ядерной пропасти! Человечество может выжить и жить только в вечном мире и ненасилии Ганди! Теа Мари Роберт, Член ГГСГ из Франции с 2009. ГГСГ Муза Гармонии и Гандианский Творец Мировой Гармонии, 2020. Посланник Культуры Мира, номинированный ЮНЕСКО, 2000. Генеральный Посол Мира, Женева/Франция, 2006. Золотая медаль Всемирного Конгресса Поэтов, 2012. Золотая медаль Академии Искусств, Наук и Словесности в Париже, 2017. You Tube Теа Мари Роберt Веб: ---------------------------- Дорогая Мари! Я очень благодарен Вам за высшее вдохновение мирного сотворчества, которое подарил мне Ваш гениальный, божественный Призыв!!! Большое спасибо! Я хочу помочь Вам сделать его более доступным. Он создает чрезвычайно высокое эмоциональное напряжение, которое недоступно большинству. Поэтому он требует сокращения и системного единства в духовном центре, который объединяет и вдохновляет нас в ГГСГ на протяжении 20 лет - это Гандианская наука вечного мира в ее сферном мышлении, которое сейчас, на финишной прямой, мы воплощаем в «Букваре науки мира» (БНМ) ( Вы - ее вдохновенный, художественный соавтор, предлагаемый Призыв которого наполнит его Вашим высоким светом гармоничного интегрального искусства и синергетического художественного мышления. Исходя из этих общих исторических предпосылок более чем 16 лет нашей дружбы и сотворчества, я, как главный редактор БНМ, взял на себя смелость отредактировать ваш блестящий Призыв к миру, сделав его короче, компактнее, системнее с центром нашего БНМ, в котором сосредоточены все наши мечты и все наше социологическое миротворческое воображение (СМ. ВЫШЕ). Я максимально использовал ваши ключевые идеи, но кристаллизовал их для вашей окончательной редакции текста и его публикации в нашем БНМ, который венчает 20 лет творчества ГГСГ и посвящен ему, поэтому ему отводится центральное место в миротворческом обновлении человечества. Естественно, вы вольны трансформировать мой текст по своему усмотрению и прислать мне его английскую версию для печати в PSP до 1 марта. Хватит ли вам этого времени? Подробнее позже. С миром и любовью, Лев 23-02-25 -------------------------- Дорогой Лев, Большое спасибо за предложение опубликовать мой призыв к молчанию оружия и исцелению духа. Я с большим вниманием и уважением рассмотрела вашу адаптацию этого призыва к тематике нашего Букваря. Я согласна с вашим поправками с некоторыми небольшими изменениями по следующим причинам: Махатма Ганди и Шри Ауробиндо были современниками, и каждый работал по-своему для освобождения Индии и умиротворения умов, следуя двум разным подходам с одной и той же конечной целью. Они встречались мало, если встречались вообще, каждый следовал своему собственному пути. Увы! Сегодня существует много биологического оружия, бактериологического, климатического... Невидимого оружия, которое обладает силой зла и пагубного разрушения в дополнение к атомной бомбе, нанося вред человеческому здоровью и обрекая его на бесплодие и смерть в краткосрочной перспективе. Мой призыв к молчанию оружия не политический или партийный, а духовный. Он адресован человеку, который должен расти в мудрости изнутри, гармонизируя жизнь с принципом Творения, который есть Божественный свет. Но я благодарю политиков с большой ответственностью, таких как г-н В. Путин и г-н Д. Трамп, что они приложили все усилия, когда французский президент Макрон и Европа хотят непременно ввязаться в третью войну... Мондиализм против суверенитета. Надеюсь, вы согласитесь с моими предложениями как главный редактор. С любовью, Теа Мари 01-03-25 Дорогая Теа Мари! Мы, ГГСГ поздравляем вас с великим Духовным Призывом «Расти в мудрости изнутри, гармонизируя жизнь с принципом Творения, который есть Божественный свет!» Мы полностью разделяем ваше объединение великих, но разных мыслителей Индии: Махатмы Ганди и Шри Ауробиндо. Их различия были временными, историческими, а их мудрое единство в признании глобального мира человечества как его высшей цели было и останется их вечным достоянием и признанием! Мы счастливы опубликовать ваше высокое духовное Воззвание на вашей персональной странице здесь: И на странице 20-летия ГГСГ на двух языках:Оно также будет опубликовано внутри нашего Букваря Мира как лучший голос «Гандианской Науки Вечного Мира» ГГСГ за 20 лет к человечеству. Ваш призыв – это мужественный Голос Героя Мира в нацисткой Европе ЕС/НАТО нашего века, пресмыкающейся новому, бандеровскому фюреру-комику Зе, аплодирующей ему во всех своих «демократиях» и правительствах, раздувающей новую мировую войну, питая его оружием, деньгами и «духовным», нацистским-русофобским единством «до последнего украинца» и своего суицида. Зе получил неотвратимую моральную «МИРОВУЮ КАЗНЬ» и с позором был изгнан Президентом Дональдом Трампом из Белого Дома. Это поступок мирового лидера – Героя Мира Дональда Трампа, закапывающего вместе с Владимиром Путиным бандеровскую нацистскую Европу, как была закопана германская нацистская Европа 1945 года. Хватит ли у новых европейских фюреров признать крах своего нацизма и застрелиться, как этот сделал германский фюрер? Это их единственный, оставшийся выход перед лицом ВЕЧНОГО, НЕПОБЕДИМОГО МИРА. История неумолимо повторяется для всех врагов ВЕЧНОГО СФЕРНОГО МИРА, для всех нацистов и милитаристов, оставляя им единственный достойный выход из вечного позора - застрелиться. Это неумолимый закон социальной сферной природы, для раскрытия которого ГГСГ создал в течение 20 лет «Букварь Науки Мира». Cтарания новых европейских нацистов, создавших ядерную цивилизацию, начиная с «Немецкой ядерной программы» Гитлера 1939, закрыли все исследования по науке мира, похоронили всякую культуру мира, объявив твердых миротворцев «диссидентами и врагами народа». Призыв Мари Роберт, наш Букварь, действия Трампа, Путина, Си, Моди, Орбана, Фицо и других миротворческих лидеров обеспечивают Ренессанс Культуры Вечного Мира человечества на основе нового, Гандианского сферного мышления, к которому оно так мучительно идет, преодолевая в «Революции здравого смысла» сатанинскую «духовность» нацизма и милитаризма. Они не пройдут! Вечный, истинный мир человечества как его высшая и общая духовная ценность, пусть пока через временные перемирия, «ВСЕГДА ПОБЕЖДАЕТ»! С миром и любовью, Лев Семашко 01-03-25 ------------------------
Dear Leo, Here is the translation in French of "GGHA Coauthors. Hiroshima Globalization and Peace Science » ( I did my best for you and GGHA. In PDF and Word. My motivation as a woman for peace is : the murder of my 2 grandfathers during the terrible WAR I 1914/1918 by authorities… !!! And the consequences : My own mother was alone without parents ( Her mother abandoned her 20/01/1918, she was one day old ) These are the reasons why I was born on this earth and why I became a messenger of the culture of peace as an artist, poet and photograph video also. I realized a video film about Hiroshima: Nagasaki, 65th ceremony of commemoration on 2010, when I went there, invited for Peace on earth congress, organized by Japanese. Title is : TO DANCE PEACE I’ll send you the address on you tube later, on my chain YOU TUBE Thea Marie Robert. I’ve to revisit that video before… Movement of the body, the words of our spirit, the views of our Heart Eyes (inside AND outside), inner vision for culture and education for children. "Me, I AM, with OTHERS, and we are LIFE and I and WE DANCE THE LIFE of the universe. Responsibility, Dignity, Respect. I’ll send you later more about my messages for the children and the world, as a mother and a woman for peace. Please tell my if you well received that translation. For peace, light and our future together Théa Marie ROBERT, GHA member FROM FRANCE Muse of Harmony and more… Gandhian Creator GHA women Messenger of the Culture of Peace nominated at Unesco 2000 Ambassador Universal of Peace Genève/France 2006 Gold Medal Arts Sciences Letters Academy Paris 2017 Gold Medal World Congress Poets 2012 You tube Thea Marie Robert Web: 13-09-24 Dear Marie, Many thanks for your excellent work with translation, which was published here ( with my a few technical additions. Please see them, add them in your text and you could dispatch it in your French networks. It is possible for you? You could also send it and in our English network and for our GGHA coauthors team. Please, do not hesitate to promote your wonderful peacemaking work. I include you in our team of the Peace Science coauthors (in more detail - later) and will nominate you for the GGHA Vice-President on October 2, on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi for your great peace work during 15 years in the GGHA. Do you agree? With love and gratitude, Leo Dr. Leo Semashko: 15-09-24 -----------------------------
Dear Leo and all members, As a French woman and Messenger of the Culture of Peace, Muse of Harmony, and more, It’s important to say to all peacemakers through the world how I am shocked by the symbols of the Opening ceremony JO 2024 in PARIS. Luciferases symbols, Satanist symbols against the dignity of humanity and values of LIFE. Here is my message for 15th August, for Christian people through the world. To-day is the feast of MARIE QUEEN OF PEACE. For those who have inherited from others cultures, others languages, other visions, welcome in my heart if you serve PEACE for all, Peace for our humanity near, inside and everywhere you are living. Together we represent an enlightenment for our whole world with diversity and wisdom. Stay alive together! Europe and French president have other objectives than serving People and respecting THE LIFE. Sorry for that reality. I love Russia, India, America, Africa, Oceania and pray for our survival. Thank you for your attention. Peace is stronger than war, because war has no future…Love, Light and Peace, to know our spiritual nature, wisdom, are our future together. Thea Marie Robert FROM FRANCE YouTube, Thea Marie Robert, See: Incarnate; Baraketempo; Escaladanse. And others videos, The GGHA member since 2009, Web: 15-08-24 Дорогой Лео и все участники, Как француженка и посланница культуры мира, муза гармонии и не только, должна сказать всем миротворцам по всему миру, как я потрясена символами церемонии открытия JO 2024 в ПАРИЖЕ. Символы люцифера, сатанинские символы против достоинства человечества и ценностей ЖИЗНИ. Вот мое послание на 15 августа для христиан по всему миру. Сегодня праздник МАРИИ КОРОЛЕВЫ МИРА. Тем, кто унаследовал от других культур, других языков, других видений, добро пожаловать в мое сердце, если вы служите МИРУ для всех, Миру для нашего человечества рядом, внутри и везде, где вы живете. Вместе мы представляем просвещение для всего нашего мира с разнообразием и мудростью. Оставайтесь в живых вместе! У Европы и президента Франции есть другие цели, кроме служения Людям и уважения ЖИЗНИ. Извините за эту реальность. Я люблю Россию, Индию, Америку, Африку, Океанию и молюсь за наше выживание. Спасибо за внимание. Мир сильнее войны, потому что у войны нет будущего... Любовь, Свет и Мир, познание нашей духовной природы, мудрость — наше совместное будущее. Теа Мари Роберт Из Франции, YouTube, Теа Мари Роберт, Смотрите: Incarnate; Baraketempo; Escaladanse. И другие видео, Член ГГСГ с 2009 года, Веб: 15-08-24 -----------------------
©Dr Théa Marie ROBERT, poète Limites La vie ne connait aucune limite pour exprimer sa créativité, sa fantaisie. Seuls les esprits humains conçoivent et posent des limites. Ils les justifient par leurs peurs, leur besoin de sécurité, leur souci de domination, leur volonté d’hégémonie. L’esprit des libres penseurs est ingouvernable par quelque force extérieure que ce soit. La liberté est celle que l’on s’accorde en responsabilité pour transgresser les limites des confinements du corps, de l’âme, de l’esprit, du coeur. On ne met pas en prison, en cage, la liberté. Elle sait passer à travers les mailles des filets, escalader les murs qui font obstacles, se faufiler dans les failles comme l’eau du torrent dont le flux ne peut être retenu par un barrage éphémère. La liberté ne connait pas les interdits. Elle pose des pas, transgresse, enjambe, gravit. Elle est mouvement. Rien ne l’arrête dans son élan pour exprimer la JOIE. La joie de vivre au coeur du VIVANT, de relier la Source à l’Océan. La joie et l’intelligence de la joie. L’élan et l’enthousiasme qui se partagent. La liberté est un flot de créativité. Elle surgit du plus profond de soi, de la VIE pour inventer, réinventer, exprimer l’amour. L’amour de vivre et non la crainte, la peur de vivre. L’amour de l’existence et non la crainte, l’angoisse de l’existence. L’amour des autres et non le rejet des autres. La liberté est désobéissance, insolence… C’est l’infini… sans horizon… Теа Мари Робер
Границы Татьяна Воронцова ( Перевод с французского
Жизнь не знает пределов для выражения своего творчества, своей фантазии. Только человеческий разум конструирует и устанавливает границы. Он оправдывают их своими страхами, потребностью в безопасности, стремлением к господству, к гегемонии. Разум вольнодумцев не управляется со стороны какой-либо внешней силы. Свобода - это то, на что возлагается ответственность за преступление границ тела, души, духа, сердца. Ее нельзя посадить в тюрьму, в клетку. Она умеет проходить сквозь оковы сетей, карабкаться по стенам, пробиваться сквозь трещины, как потоки воды, чье течение не может быть остановлено эфемерной плотиной. Свобода не знает запретов. Она шагает, переступает порог, пролетает, поднимается. Это движение. Ничто не остановит ее в своем порыве выразить РАДОСТЬ. Радость жизни в сердце живого, связь Источника с Океаном. Радость и разум радости. Импульс и энтузиазм. Свобода - это поток творчества. Она возникает из глубины себя, из ЖИЗНИ, чтобы изобретать и выражать любовь. Любовь к жизни, а не страх к жизни. Любовь к существованию, а не страх и тоска существования. Любовь к другим, а не неприятие других. Свобода - это непослушание, смелость ... Это бесконечность ... без горизонта ... 03.12.2020г. -------------------------------------------- About my dance teaching to children: 17-04-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Leo
Yes. I met Dr Subhash Chandra on 22th September and received 4 “Gandhica” books + 1. Here is the photo with him and his wife at their home in Delhi. Heartily, Thea Marie Robert 23-09-19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

October 22, 2018: I danced Peace in China in very symbolic places: a cave underground the roots, a bridge for passing now from the past to the future, and in front of the Mountain Everest looking to the cosmos light. THEA MARIE ROBERT "DANSER LA PAIX" - 22 OCTOBRE 2018 - CHINE sur le pont de verre de ZHANGJIAJIE créé par Haim Dotan Le pont relie...


An artist nominated “Messenger of Culture of Peace” at Unesco in 2000 Dancer and choreographer, Photographer and poet, writer, Great trekker Founder of the "Cosmopoésie" - poetry of the words, images and gestures Founder of Intercultural Embassy for water 1999 President founder of Poets Summits 2008 Médaille de Vermeil Société Arts Sciences Lettres 2008 Doctor of the World Academy of Arts and Culture 2010 66, Clos des Charmilles 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc France Tél. 00 33 (0)4 50 53 21 03 - 00 33 (0)6 09 50 33 51
Théa Marie ROBERT: Happy Birthday on March 12!
Our outstanding, beloved Marie, We are happy to congratulate you with happy birthday and wish you great health, love, happiness and new creative successes to glad humanity and the GHA! We highly appreciate your great contribution to global peace from harmony of the Gandhian spherons. You are the first French explorer of the French spherons in the history of Europe. Your spherons of France research, which even many European men do not dare to, is published in our unprecedented “Gandhica” along with your brilliant poem dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi:, p.147. Your great creative courage, which serves as a model for many men, delights us in your peacemaking choreography, poetry, science and politics! Your unique contribution, presented on your personal page:, into global peace from harmony of Gandhian spherons for many years of your cooperation with the GHA and reflected in many GHA books and projects, allows we recommend you to the GHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony" in 2020 on your birthday:! I am sure that all GHA members will support this proposal. We are all happy to congratulate you on this highest honor on your birthday! With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 12-03-20 Dear Leo and all, It’s a great honor to be proposed for the GHA highest title: «Gandhian Creator of World Harmony». To be associated at a so great, simple, and intelligent man: GANDHI, this is a very great human as a part of humankind, and intellectual emotion for my heart! THANK YOU for this present for my birthday 71 on yesterday! Be sure that I’ll be in motion and action for being an example of the creation of peace into my and others minds. «To be the spiritual revolution that we want to see arriving.» With responsibility and consciousness. Here, below is one first poem for GANDHICRACY with picture: SURVIVRE in French. WITH LOVE, Théa Marie ROBERT France 13-03-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BAIN AU SEIN DU GANGE Poème de Théa Marie ROBERT Tous droits d’auteure réservés Robe rouge, incarnate, couleur de sang couleur de braises, incandescentes couleur de laves, flamboyantes couleur soleil, au levant, au couchant rouge écarlate, couleur de vie, ardente Robe rouge, couleur d’espérance accordée à l’instant fragile à la couleur coquelicot, elle s’harmonise Elle s’envole, s’enroule, se mouille s’égoutte dans la rosée du jour Essence de ma liberté et signe, gestes comme une offrande au vent vibrations aux parfums d’encens trace mouvante, prière cosmique aux fragrances de santal, s’éternise Rouge rubis, couleur de tilak ou bindi sur le front lumineux des femmes troisième oeil spirituel, vermeil ! à la paix intérieure, éveil ! Le flux de l’être en soi rejoignant l’infini Couleur de joie, ma danse-valse accueillant en ses plis, dans ses pans la course éperdue du courant crues et rebonds, tumultes du torrent fougues charriant la folle énergie du Vivant Prière énergétique, extase mystique communion où se lave, où se nourrit, où l’âme se consacre, se purifie cendres brûlantes, offrandes à la dérive, célébrations divines aux sources infinies Gestes de plénitude, gestes lents de rituel au diapason des sons de la terre et du ciel entre murmures d’eaux, souffles aigus de l’air psalmodies de mantras, louange au feu solaire convocation des dieux, des antiques prêtresses Élans de gratitude emplis d’infinitude de tension éphémère vers la tendresse mère Instants d’émerveillement, sacre du temps présent au fil des ghats, terre de soi en reliance au gré des temples, à Rishikesh, au fil du Gange Robe rouge écarlate, couleur de vie, intense Danse mon énergie pour engendrer l’amour l’amour universel qui inonde mon être et ruisselle en mon coeur, en convoquant mes gestes bains de l’éternité dans le sein matriciel Écrit le 12 Novembre 2019, à Rishikesh Inde Théa Marie ROBERT, Ambassadrice de lʼeau pour la Vie et la Paix, nommée Messagère de la Culture de la Paix à lʼUnesco en Novembre 2000, Membre du Cercle des Ambassadrices/Ambassadeurs de la Paix de Genève, Résident actuellement à Saint Suliac en Bretagne et en France. Contact par mail : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bien amicalement
Communiqué: THÉA MARIE ROBERT, POÈTE, de RETOUR en BRETAGNE 19-07-19 Lʼartiste, écrivaine voyageuse, photographe, danseuse, chorégraphe et pédagogue, alpiniste, randonneuse, native de la région de Vitré, a posé, depuis quelques mois, ses valises et ses souvenirs sur les bords de la Rance, à Saint - Suliac. Après 30 années de pérégrinations et dʼengagements divers et multiples, avec Chamonix Mont-Blanc comme camp de base et, comme cercles de rayonnement et dʼexpression lʼAcadémie Mondiale des Arts et de la Culture qui lʼa plusieurs fois honorée avec prix et reconnaissances, Médailles dʼor, à Budapest, à Taïwan, en Israël, en Mongolie et aux USA, lʼUnesco où elle a reçu son premier prix média mondial de photographies pour lʼeau et lʼenvironnement en 1994, et lʼAcadémie Arts Sciences Lettres de Paris dont elle est Médaillée de Vermeil depuis 2008 et dʼOr depuis 2017, Théa Marie ROBERT revient à la contemplation de sa terre natale, et à la source dʼinspiration dʼun horizon mouvant et émouvant... après avoir expérimenté et exprimé la verticalité des cimes et sommets, lʼexigence et lʼeffort liés à la fréquentation des montagnes... Elle revient à la pratique de la marche méditative et créative au long des rivages escarpés de la Côte dʼÉmeraude et espère bientôt mettre les voiles pour de nouveaux voyages dʼinspiration maritime cette fois. Toute son oeuvre, atypique, se résume en un mot lʼART COSMOPOÉTHIQUE quʼelle a fondé et exprimé depuis 1988 : Poésie qui relie à la nature, au cosmos et à soi, à lʼÊTRE, quʼelle soit Poésie du geste, Poésie de lʼimage ou Poésie du mot, de la parole dite, chantée, partagée. Au fil des années et des opportunités, des péripéties de lʼauteure, cette oeuvre sʼest écrite et déclinée en spectacles, livres, expositions, conférences, rencontres, participations à des festivals, voyages. Lʼalpiniste randonneuse a aussi réalisé et concrétisé de nombreux défis personnels dans un esprit humanitaire et solidaire : - gravissant des Sommets pour la Paix, le Mont-Blanc en 1990 et 1994 - Le Qornet es Saouda au Liban en 1998 - le Mont-Fuji au Japon en 2010 - entreprenant sous lʼégide de lʼUnesco des voyages à la rencontre des populations en souffrance, femmes bafouées dans leur dignité et enfants en détresse, en Croatie et Bosnie, dans les camps de réfugiés de Zagreb et à Sarajevo ville assiégée en 1994 et 1995 pendant la guerre dʼEx-Yougoslavie. - sʼengageant dans une longue marche de 2500 kms en lʼan 2000 entre Paris - Le Mont Saint Michel - Saint Jacques de Compostelle - Avignon, pour parler de la Culture de la Paix, marche réalisée en solitaire mais en solidarité avec la Marche Mondiale des Femmes contre les violences et la pauvreté Créatrice Pionnière, elle invente et concrétise le spectacle Escaladanse Elans en 1988 pour célébrer lʼouverture de LʼEurope comme espace de paix. Elle le présente à Chamonix en clôture du Premier Sommet Européen des Alpinistes. Harmonisant la danse avec lʼescalade, dans les plans horizontaux et verticaux, elle fait danser dans ce spectacle exceptionnel jamais reproduit, des guides de la prestigieuse Compagnie des guides de Chamonix et des militaires de la non moins prestigieuse Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne de la capitale mondiale du ski et de lʼalpinisme. Elle initie le premier festival «Poètes aux sommets» en 2008, la poésie prenant de lʼaltitude pour se dire en des lieux mythiques, sur les cimes comme lʼAiguille du Midi à 3842 m. et dans les vallées comme celle de la Mer de Glace. Elle imagine lʼAmbassade de lʼEau en 1999, soutenue par M. Boutros Boutros Ghali, décédé depuis, après avoir été Secrétaire Général des Nations-Unies, et de la francophonie, dans le but de sensibiliser, avec son regard photographique trois fois primé, à la question de lʼeau source de vie et de vitalité pour toute lʼhumanité, facteur de paix ou de guerres. Car lʼeau, accès à la ressource et qualité de cette ressource, sera le problème majeur de lʼhumanité au XXI ème siècle. La première exposition se tient au Palais des Nations à Genève en 2002. Théa Marie ROBERT parle donc de bon sens pour survivre, dʼune «écologie spirituelle» faite de prises de conscience individuelles et de choix collectifs, du respect de la terre-matrice-créatrice et non de lʼexaltation des prétentions guerrières dʼune culture inventée par des rivalités entre frères. Elle est encore lʼauteure compositrice de lʼHYMNE « Levons-nous pour la paix, peuples de la terre » dont elle a écrit paroles et mélodie en 2009. Cet hymne répond à la Marseillaise : cʼest un hymne de paix de dʼévolutions et non plus un hymne de guerre et de révolutions. Elle a, entre autres lieux, chanté cet hymne en japonais en 2010, à Hiroshima et à Nagasaki, accompagnée par une chorale de femmes japonaises, toutes rescapées du désastre de la bombe atomique de 1945, et en 2011 dans lʼéglise de CHAMONIX Mt Blanc, accompagnée par la Chorale du Prieuré et le choeur dʼenfants de lʼécole des Bossons. Son dernier ouvrage « lʼUltime Passage » paraîtra fin 2019 et sera sans doute publié en Inde avant de lʼêtre en France. Théa Marie ROBERT a récemment participé à quelques évènements bretons dans la région de la Côte dʼEmeraude : - le 22 Juin 2019 - à la Fête de la Saint Jean à Saint Suliac - elle improvise une « danse de la flamme » occasion bénie pour elle de faire encore une fois danser sa robe rouge de poète. - le 1er Juillet 2019 : Matin poétique à lʼinvitation de lʼécole maternelle de Bellevue à Saint Malo, une rencontre animation pour les tous petits de 3 à 5 ans - le 6 juillet 2019 : Participation à la scène poétique ouverte lors du festival de la Presquʼîle à Saint-Jacut de la Mer Sa robe rouge, symbole de sa poésie et de sa vitalité créative depuis 1989 et le premier festival où Théa Marie lʼa créée et lʼa fait danser dans ses spectacles « Aimer au-delà de tout » et « Incarnate » en Avignon, pourrait raconter ses aventures, toute son histoire dans un livre... à écrire ! Symbole au coeur de toutes ses créations semées dans le monde çà et là, dans des lieux mythiques, des villes et pays symboles, comme un lien dʼhumanité et de vitalité, voir de guérison du coeur, cette robe rappelle le regard à lʼénergie de la vie elle-même pour sa réparation, la dignité, le respect, et la valorisation non des égos mais de la vie comme principe essentiel, primordial et richesse de la planète. Elle a transmis son message à Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Sarajevo, Jérusalem, Avignon, Paris, en Europe, au Pérou, Algérie, Liban, Jordanie, Israël, Japon, Mexique, Cuba, USA, Mongolie... en Chine en 2018 et le transmettra en Inde en Octobre et Novembre 2019 pour le 150ème anniversaire de la naissance du Mahatma Gandhi. À 70 ans, la créatrice, inclassable, infatigable, nommée Messagère de la CULTURE DE LA PAIX à lʼUnesco en lʼan 2000, Ambassadrice Universelle de la Paix à Genève en 2005, nommée Muse dʼHarmonie en 2010 par le réseau GHA ( -réseau dʼintellectuels et artistes pour la paix présidé par Leo Semashko, professeur et scientifique russe), poursuit humblement son chemin sur la planète, avec son énergie, ses convictions et son courage, avec confiance, pour semer dans les coeurs des graines écologiques de beauté, de paix par la poésie, lʼéducation, lʼart, la culture. Son projet actuel est de chercher, et de trouver près de la mer, un lieu de sérénité pour y continuer sa vie, un lieu adéquat pour y créer une « maison de paix et dʼharmonie », afin dʼoffrir enfin une visibilité à une vie de FEMME engagée, nomade par essence, et à son oeuvre à multiples facettes, un lieu pour y transmettre des valeurs humaines, spirituelles, utiles et fondamentales, profondément nécessaires à la société aujourdʼhui, et pour y écrire en toute quiétude de nouveaux livres témoignant de ses rencontres humaines, si vivantes dʼespoirs et de sens partagés. 19-07-19 -------------------------------------------------------------------
“It is a call for reconciliation, reconciliation of man with his environment, reconciliation of men among them that Marie Robert launches through her photographic and poetic work and vision.”
M. Boutros Boutros GHALI ex -General Secretary of onU- NY Marie Robert was born in 1949 in France. She lives since 1988 between Paris and Chamonix. During her schooling, both in primary school, as schools and high schools, she found that education showed no response to the expression of her energy through creativity and development of individual responsibility, to express the sensitive part of the child and the teenager curious and thirsty for knowledge, freedom and justice. Having understood very young that "science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul", she felt the need for expression and creativity as tools for knowledge-being, understanding, connection and integration. After a brilliantly Bac Scientific obtained with first class honours, she chose therefore by the Art and the Creation to devote her intuition and intelligence for expressing the meaning of life and consciousness of being in the world. She became a mother of 3 children: Christopher born in 69, Isabelle in 71, Fabienne in 77. She received with mention very well the diploma of contemporary dance Professor at the University of High Choreographic Studies in Paris.
Since 1977, she has directed a work multi-faceted: dance, literary, photographic, composed of many outstanding achievements and actions to communicate and meet others. Through the expression of all this work, her research focuses on the movement, human relationships, life science, the art of being in the world to resume the dialogue between nature and culture, and reconcile man, oneself with our environment. She lays the foundation concrete for the Culture of Peace and experiments new ways of expression and communication. She developed an expression rich of sense, the direction of movement with the gestures of dance creativity, a sense of the language with words of poetic philosophy, the meaning of the gaze with the images, for learning to be, weaving ties of humanity and peaceful relations, awareness of the respect for nature and responsibility of everyone, the necessary harmonization of the human person with his land to break patterns inherited from the culture of violence and war. Her artistic and educational commitments have found its expression in the animation and the influence of a school of contemporary dance in Dinan in Brittany from 1979 to 1988. There, she develops an original pedagogy and scalable "classes body awakening" for children from 5 to 8 years old. She takes part at the initiation of the first art classes in elementary school in 1984, runs a workshop for choreographic composition with adolescents and participates with collective works at local and regional contemporary dance, runs training courses for teachers in Rennes. She founded her company "Acts for Life" in 1989 and she organized with the support of Unesco in 1994 and 1995 humanitarian trips to support the work of young artists in Croatia and Bosnia during the war In Sarajevo, her action was concretized in December 1995 by the presentation of a beautiful performance titled "For the smiles of children". From 1995 to 1998, she was invited as a speaker and consultant to several seminars and round tables organized by UNESCO on the subjects: art and tolerance, status of women, impending water crisis.
Her choreography work includes original performances mingling her three tools of artistic expression, dance, literary writing, photo or video image, in a multidimensional space integrating the vertical dimension and climbing. She founded a new art she calls “cosmopoéthique” of which she defines philosophy in 1989. Among performances that she composed herself, was director and performer, it is appropriate to name the creation of "Escaladanse-Elan" in 1988 with the “Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix” and the “Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne” presented to the first European Summit of mountaineers. "Being a woman" was created in 1989 for the first International Symposium on climbing at The National School of Ski and Mountaineering in Chamonix. " Incarnate " was created in 1992 at the Festival d'Avignon. "The urgency of loving” in Paris and "The River" at the Avignon Festival in 1993. " Baraketempo” was presented at Zagreb in 1994. This dance was the heart of the action "Public Places" from Chamonix to Sarajevo in 1994 and 1995, at the Kamerni Theatre of Sarajevo, the City University of Paris, the CINI Foundation of Venice and “la manutention” at Festival d'Avignon, " Hatchings " is a performance of pure visual and sound poetry for young audiences, intended to arouse the children to a knowledge and appreciation of nature, inviting them to love and respect themselves and the earth. In 2010, she created and danced "Prayer for a burnt earth" in Hiroshima and Tokyo for the 65th Atomic Bomb disaster commemoration in Japan. Marie Robert is a member of the SACD.
Among the titles of her literary work, the book "The urgency of loving" prefaced by Professor Albert Jacquard published in 1996 and “coup de Coeur” of the TV program ex-libris is a cry of survival for harmonious relations between human rights and duties."The golden car” in 2002, and numerous poems including "Being of Peace" published in 2000, "Sarajevo", "the Debt" and "Guide, my friend" in 2008, "Water for life and peace” with poetry and philosophy in 2010, the project " The cedar and the olive tree" about a very spiritual journey in 1998 in Lebanon and " the debt to the mothers" in 2011, many contributions at collective anthologies with translations in japonese, chineese, spanish, english and soon arabian, as well as meditative songs and hymns for a civilized humanity as "Let us rise for peace, people of the earth" in 2009. Marie Robert wants to publish in 2011 her beautiful art book "Water for life and peace", a photographic journey and a message of beauty and love of nature prefaced by Mr Boutros Boutros Ghali. She is currently writing a story about the mountains with her memories of the experience Escaladanse, . She is a member of the SGDL. Her photographic work deals with a theme exhibition, the thousands of "Words of water" for which she is the winner of 3 international awards. She obtained the 1rst Price media Reuter Alp'action 1994 for her photographic work about nature and environment. This price was given by Prince Aga Khan at Unesco. She obtained a Creation and Arts Award for water. It was given in 2002 by the City of Cannes associated with the United Nations University for water and the Mediterranean Network of water. And she obtained too the Prix of photographic Poetry given by children Jury at the prestigious Festival International of nature at Montier-en-Der in 2001.
In 2002, she made a very large exhibition, "100 Words of water" with texts at the “Palais des Nations” in Geneva. Her photographic works have participated in numerous exhibitions and events in France, including the Water Festival in Paris at the Pont Alexandre III, the gallery Victoria Chatelet in Paris, the “Palais des Congrès” in Evian, the “Palais des Festivals” in Cannes, but also at Unesco Palace in Lebanon, Universities in Mexico, Algeria, Greece, Water World Forum in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan. She also works on the topic entitled "Words of sand," "Words of Stone", "Words of trees" and "Words of salt”… all words of life to remind people that “they are nothing other than what they show, the Creation in movement ". Marie realises also slideshows on her travels and hikes "Sinai", "Petra", "Jerusalem", "the march 2000",“Algeria ", " Mexico "," High Road Chamonix-Zermatt”, " Lights of the Massif Mont Blanc “," Tour du Mont Blanc”. Mount-Fuji, Japan.
The other topics of photographic works of Marie Robert focus on the memories of the activities carried out for peace with her company: "Isabelle Aime dance Baraketempo ", " Sanya, from the wounds of war to the memory of peace", " Sarajevo 1995, the life and the city”, " The Kiss ", "Telling with nature"," From the flame to the woman”, " Humanity whose I am one ", "My shadows". She is a member of the Union of Creative Photographers and a member of the SAIF. Water, movement, life and peace are the axes of sensitivity of her work to show ecological realities, vital, emotional, human, spiritual and empowering for the good health of the planet. She founded the Intercultural Embassy of Water in December 2000 and propels with her long march of 2000 kilometres between March and October of 2000… steps alone and in solidarity with the World March of Women against poverty and misery, steps for inviting everyone to cultivate peace, steps along the water places, by land, ocean shores and the mountains from Mont Saint Michel to Compostela and Avignon… She was invited to represent France as Creative Woman at Mediterranean Forum of culture of peace in Rhodes in 2000 She was nominated “poet and artist for Unesco and for peace” by the poet Jean Illel, "Messenger of Culture of Peace" by the commission of the French Republic at UNESCO in November 2000, member of the Ambassadors Peace Circle in Geneva in 2005
With art, Marie Robert calls for a culture of vigilance, prevention, reconciliation. She raises awareness of the beauty, claiming "the right to dignity and awakening to the existence of the beauty creative for each child of humanity". Throughout her work, she advocates for the respect, rightful place and the active presence, rights, listening and expression of women, for the values of freedom, equality, otherness, and parity, for rebalancing the thought, representation, values, decisions and actions within society. She participates to awareness necessary effort, to act for conflict resolution through culture and education for peace and intercultural dialogue.
Her message, the culture ministry for Water, Life, Peace is an invitation for everyone to walk towards the emergence of a responsible attitude on a daily basis for respect for the rights and dignity of each one and of the earth - nurturing mother so that humanity survives on the planet Earth where we are all passengers and guests.

Marie ROBERT a chanté son Hymne des citoyens du monde « Levons-nous pourla paix, peuples de la terre » en création mondiale dans lÉglise de Chamonix le 22 Octobre 2011, lors du concert caritatif de la Chorale du Prieuré
My philosophy:
"Each one of my photographs was taken during my hiking. From my pickings ecological environment-friendly was born in the 1994 draft of "Paroles d’eau" to talk about life, its diversity, its fragility, its books of forms, materials and colors renewed “ad infinitum”.
By touching the eyes, mirror of the soul, these Words of Life have the mission of redirecting the minds of human beings towards necessary creation to transform our attitudes and mentalities. By considering the sensitive education, each one can look for research ethics and dignity of the human person as a whole.
By building on these images, by attending, by contemplating in space and on time, inner peace is awakened and nurtured...
Peace of light, harmony of reality. Culture for water becomes culture of peace and invites everyone to engage its responsibility to develop the gestures of life. Water can be respected and considered as a universal and culturally source of good health, a potential source of lucid thoughts and actions, a matrix of solidarity and real progress for humanity ". Théa Marie Robert The seven messages written by Marie Robert, Ambassador for water 1 - Water is a living treasure, universal “matrimony”.
2 - The education to water and the environment begins with learning and experience of lucidity and reality, the knowledge of our nature, nature and each other. Education must raise awareness of life on the planet.
3 - I, you, he, she, we have an individual and collective responsibility for water.
4 - Water has a core value. I must correctly appreciate my water needs. 5 - The access to safe and pure water is an inalienable and fundamental right for the survival. It is based on the principle of respect for the nature and dignity of the human person. 6 - The other has the same basic needs than me. These needs are universal: Healthy Eating, have drinking water, have a roof, a job or a minimum standard of living, and be recognized part of a human family. 7 - The restoration of polluted water is a duty for producers and consumers. Their commitment to this process must be proportionate to the damage done to the planet and the life of the species.
Copyright © Marie Robert - author photographer 
Théa Marie ROBERT, auteure, chorégraphe, écrivaine et photographe Médaille de Vermeil Arts Sciences Lettres Dr litterature WAAC Ambassadrice de l'eau membre du Cercle des Ambassadeurs de la Paix Genève Messagère de culture de la paix pour l’Unesco, 66, Clos des Charmilles 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc France Tél. 00 33 (0)4 50 53 21 03 - 00 33 (0)6 09 50 33 51 Born on 12 March 1949 in France 3 children born in 1969, 1971 and 1977 3 little children born in 2000, 2003 and 2010
- Secondary with graduation Scientific Mention VERY WELL - Diploma in contemporary dance teacher from the Ecole Supérieure d'Etudes Chorégraphiques Paris Mention VERY WELL - C.A.E. suitability for teaching dance to the French Federation of Dance - Equivalence Diploma status granted in 1988, the date of creation of this degree - University of Life
- 1st Prize Media PHOTOGRAPHY nature environment REUTERS ALP'ACTION delivered by Prince AGA KHAN at UNESCO in November 1994 - 1st Accessit for his photographic work, poetry and dance on the water of the Grand Prix International de Cannes 2000, Creation and Arts for Water, Mediterranean Water Network - Award for Poetry Bayard Press Photo Festival International de nature de Montier-en-Der 2001 - National Prize for Poetry given by Academic Institute of Paris for River 21 November 1992 - Médaille de Vermeil "Arts Sciences Lettres" given by Academic Society Paris France May 2008 - 3rd world Poetry Prize from World Academy of Arts and Culture in Taïwan 2010
- Get the support of UNESCO for his humanitarian travel project in Bosnia Herzegovina in 1994 and 1995. This project is under the auspices of the United Nations - Artist and poet for peace with Unesco in 1999 by Jean Illel, founder of the Association of Artists and Poets for Peace " - Messenger of Peace Culture by the Commission of the French Republic to UNESCO on the occasion of the International Year for the Culture of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations on 24 November 2000 - Member of the Honorary Committee and sponsorship of youth of the "Imagine a World of Peace" to the UN New York in 2000 with the launch of the Decade 2000 - 2010 Education for Peace and to non-violence for the Children of the world declared by the United Nations - Member of the Circle Ambassadors of Peace in Geneva in 2006 - Vermeil Medal of the Academic Society of Arts Sciences Lettres Paris 2008
- 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF NATURE, Palais des Congrès d'Evian 7 July to 1 August 1994 - RENCONTRES ARTISTIC "balance" ROC'PA Chamonix 1994 with Installation Photos and mobile-poems " - WATER CARRIER SOURCE OF LIFE PEACE Mt BLANC Chamonix Winter 1995 - 4th INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY OF NATURE, Palais des Congrès d'EVIAN 4 July to 4 August 1996 - World Conference on Water crisis imminent "at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris in March 1998 - Université du Saint-Esprit de Kaslik in Jounieh Lebanon International Congress "Water shared and the right to water" 18 to 21 June 1998 - COLLEGIO DE ZAMORA MICHOACAN MEXICO Congress to "water development and environment 21 to 23 October 1998 - Thermes de Saint Gervais les Bains, Thermal Park 6 February to 4 March 1999 - Syndicat intercommunal water COGOLIN Change Conference "Education for shared water" in 1999 - Art and Peace Festival La Maison des Métallos in Paris in December 1999 - WORLD WATER FORUM - Maison de l'eau et du citoyen - THE HAGUE, The Netherlands 16 to 23 March 2000 - Grande Halle de La Villette Paris at the Salon International de l'eau AQUA-EXPO 4 to 11 April 2000 - PHOTO'ALPINA Landscape lights and mountain peoples "Sallanches 6 to 31 August 2000 - Center of Héliomarin Montalivet May 2001 - 3rd International Symposium on Water CANNES under the patronage of the Academy of Sciences and UNESCO in May 2001 - PHOTO IMAGE SALON PARIS EXPO Porte de Versailles 17 to 19 November 2001 - GRAND HOTEL ALBERT 1er in Chamonix Winter and Spring 2001 - SPACE GALLERY VICTORIA - Châtelet in Paris 12 to 24 February 2001 - PONT ALEXANDRE III 1 Festival water in PARIS 2001 - 1st Festival of the OH! Saint-Maurice Département du Val de Marne 19 and 20 May 2001 - Pont de la Machine in Geneva Switzerland May 6 to 11 June 2001 - Mediterranean Forum "The future is the time women" Marseille 13 to 15 September 2001 - INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE NATURE PHOTO of Montier - en-Der Haute-Marne 16 to 18 November 2001 - 0NU Palais des Nations in Geneva Switzerland in the Great Hall 18 February to 1 March 2002 - VEGETAL ART FAIR at the Parc Montsouris in Paris 28 and 29 September 2002 - PALAIS DES CONGRES DE PARIS - Aqua-expo 26 February to 2 March 2003 - SYRIAN ARAB CULTURAL CENTER in Paris 12 to 21 April 2003 - Water Forum organized by the city of Paris on the Place de l'Hotel de Ville in Paris from 3 to 8 November 2003 - BOOK FAIR AND ARTS on THE WATER in La Plagne 30 - 31 July and 1 August 2004 - UNIVERSITY OF LAGHOUAT Algeria in October 2004 - TEMPLE OF CHAMONIX in August 2006 - FAIR PEACE INITIATIVES - PARIS May 2008 - CHAMONIX July 2008 - The UNESCO Palace in Beirut - Lebanon in August 2008 - EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS in GENEVE - SWITZERLAND, November 2008 - The “Moulin des artistes” Chamonix 2009 - “ La soif du monde” Switzerland : United Nations Palace Genève March 2010 - Schillinger June 20°10 - La cité du Termps Genève Septembre 2010 - Diaporama “Paroles d’eau’ Japan Musée de Nagasaki Août 2010 - Fully Martigny Switzerland Galerie GC-Art November 18 2010 to January 22 2011 OTHER ISSUES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK
- BARAKETEMPO Colorado Rustrel September 1994 - PUBLIC PLACES testimony of encounters made during the journey between Chamonix - Sarajevo - THE KISS last image of the dance Baraketempo in multiple places of expression - SARAJEVO LIFE CITY realized during the trip to Sarajevo in 1994 and 1995 - SANJA, a young girl and the sea "from the war wound to the memory of peace” Sanja Hasagic photographs, a young dancer in Sarajevo, realised in the island of St Honorat - FROM THE FLAME TO THE WOMAN photographs Isabelle Aime, dancer, performed at the Théâtre Antoine Riboud in Evian during the creation of solo dance "Towards the light" in 1996 - My SHADOWS picked over walks alone - THAT HUMANKIND from WHICH I AM HUMANITE scenes captured on a daily basis on the usual things and people
- Thegold truck 1995 - The grain of wheat to the ray of light 1996 - The Water Lyrics 1998 - 2000 Km Walk for Peace 2000 - Earthdirty 2002 - The Sand Lyrics 2004 - SINAI Méharée inter 2005 - Lighting of the Massif du Mont Blanc 2003 - Material and Forms 2007 - A sunny autumn day in Paris 2007 - Mount Fuji Japan 2010
- Teaching of dance and teaching experience with the creation of classes of physical stimulation for young children as part of the association in ART MOVEMENT in Dinan in Brittany from 1976 to 1986.
- Starting from 1984, the creation of choreographic workshop for teens with achievement of collective "Footprints" Ricochet " presented in meetings of local and regional dance in Brittany in Dinan, St Brieuc, Brest, Rennes.
- Initiative launched to conduct in 1986 and 1987 the first experiments in the "dance school", conducted in school fountains Dinan for "Let the children brought up the word in the sentence and the figure by the school also be educated to act and sense of movement "
- Training teachers to awakening body for children in 1987 at the invitation of the Association of Rennes Mouvances - Creative workshops cosmopoétique for pupils in primary schools in Chamonix at the Ecole Nationale de Ski and MOUNTAINEERING in 1990
- Escaladanse offered courses in Chamonix, Vallon Pont d'Arc in the Gard and Voiron CREPS between 1989 and 1995
- Interventions and School "Nature Poetry" in kindergarten to introduce very young children to the beauty, movement, love and respect for nature, school Marmottes Sallanches and l 'Vouilloux school in 1994 and the school of Saint-Gervais les Bains in 1995.
- Discovery and practice of contemporary dance by students, artists and dancers from the Ballet of the National Theater in Sarajevo during the presentation of the shows "The Urgency of Love" and "Baraketempo" during the International Festival Sarajevo Winter " 1000 days of resistance "in February 1995. - Workshops and courses in contemporary dance and creative to support young artists and dance schools in Sarajevo during the war in 1994 and 1995, with preparation and production of the show "Smiles For Children" Mladih POZORISTE established in Sarajevo in December 1995.
- Activities and workshops of expression by gesture, word and image on "a smile inside" the joy of being "voluntary simplicity" gestures of peace "from 1998 to 2001
Founded her company "ACTS FOR LIFE" in 1988, creates, presents and interprets original shows:
- ELAN 88 show experimental Escaladanse created in 1988 to the 1st European Summit climbers in the Chamonix Guides Company and the Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne de Chamonix to cover the male body in its interiority and sensitivity and awareness of a new relationship between nature and culture, built on partnership and recognition rather than on performance and competition.
- "BE A WOMAN" show Escaladanse created in 1989 for the 1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF A CLIMBING CHAMONIX partnership with the National School of Skiing and Mountaineering
- "LOVE BEYOND ALL" Cosmopoésie created the Avignon Festival in 1990 at the Maison du OFF, at the invitation of Yvan Tetelbom, poetic scenes organizer, followed by IMPROVISATIONS poétique du Levant and Sunset on the Place du Palais des Papes. - SOLO RECITAL "Cosmopoésie created at the Eglise Saint-Michel de Chamonix in 1991, listed in Olca area of Les Houches in the Chamonix Valley at the Théâtre Iséion Montpellier, in the village of Tourettes near Nice, at the Church of Antigone Montpellier - "DUO RECITAL" Cosmopoésie created in 1991 and incorporated in 1992 and 1993 at the Espace des Houches Olca, Salle New Aurore de Vence, in the Salle des Fêtes de Cluses Scionzier, Cultural Center Henri Oreiller Val d ' Isere, Espace André Malraux, Chambéry
- "INCARNATA» Art Cosmopoéthique created in 1991 and revised in 1992 at the Salle Michel Croz Chamonix, Espace Malraux, Chambéry, Salle Petrarch of Montpellier, the Festival d'Avignon at Usine Saint-Gobain, Festival d'Avignon at the Eglise Saint Agricol, Festival d'Avignon in poetry in a garden at the Festival d'Avignon House OFF, Espace Olca Les Houches, the Opera - Comedy of Montpellier, the Festival d'Avignon 92 Théâtre du Château de Saint-Roman. For the 1992 version of Incarnate, the company has received a residence established at the Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne de Chamonix.
- "THE URGENCY OF LOVE" Cosmopoéthique Art created in 1993 by co-producing with the city of Paris at the Espace Jemmapes 6 April to 16 May, set out in the area of Les Houches Olca, Salle de Michel Croz Chamonix, at Mladih Pozor Sarajevo
- "THE RIVER" Art Cosmopoéthique created in 1993 on the Dolphin Barge-blue for the Festival d'Avignon - Village Vacances du Val de Marne Plateau d'Assy
- INCUBATION "cosmopoésie created in 1994 - show for children of nursery schools to introduce them to art, love and respect for the Earth, the beauty, poetry and dance - salle Michel Croz Chamonix - School Marmottes Sallanches - Room communale Argentière
- "BARAKETEMPO" dance created by Isabelle Chamonix AIME, soloist of the Compagnie Marie Robert - acts for Life in 1994 and moved to Sarajevo in 1995 in a second version where dancing is complemented by the texts of Mary Robert Refugee camp Zagreb, This Garden and Chapel of the Oratory at the Avignon Festival in 1994, Refugee Center in Albertville, Village Guébriant Plateau d'Assy, Festival d'Aurillac, Festival Dance "Chrysalides Arts of Pau, Paris, La Handling Festival d'Avignon 1995, Cité Universitaire de Paris, the International Festival Sarajevo Winter Kamerni Theater, Sarajevo Mladih Pozor, Cini Foundation in Venice Seminar on Art tolerance intolerance organized by Unesco.
- FOR THE SMILE OF CHILDREN "in December 1995 to Mladih Pozor Sarajevo, shows the fruit of work done with children and young artists in the workshops during the war and introduced their families to gather, build and maintain the link living, say that life during the war they suffered features severing all links with the terrible image production and expression of the spirit of annihilation and destruction.
- WATER CARRIER FOR LIFE SOURCE OF PEACE dance recital and poetry created in 1999 in Cogolin, project water shared the Intercommunal Association of Water - Thermes de Saint Gervais les Bains - Saint-Malo - Art at home to Rennes - Opened in poetry and dance of the natural site of WOOD Ainali Valley Monthaud in Ille et Vilaine on 7 June 2003
- "The truck DOREE" Projection Slideshow testimony with book readings Forum travelers Caen 31 January 2004
- "BE PEACE" Poetry and slideshow of the 2000 km Walk for Peace - Chapelle Saint-Bernard de Montparnasse on 30 March 2004
- “Prayer for a burnt earth” created in Hiroshima 65th commemoration of a bomb disaster, given at Tokyo University and in Taîwan 2010
- "The ballad of Mary" 12 Video - poems made in 1991 - "Memory Escaladanse-Elans an experiment", presented at the 4th Grand Prix Video Dance Festival in Sète 91 - "Incarnate" presented at 5th Grand Prix Video Dance Festival in Sète 92 - "The River" in 1993 - "Baraketempo" presented at the 7th Grand Prix International Vidéo Danse à Sète 95 - “Dance the Peace” about Hiroshima and Nagasali, 2010
- Feast of the sport ... and poetry Ecole Nationale de Ski and Mountaineering Chamonix 1991 - Meeting of Montpellier FNAC 1991 on the nature and cosmopoésie - Continents Festival Montpellier 1991 - Poetry, Life Book "at the inauguration of the 1991 Book of Comedy for the City of Montpellier - Poetry Market Place St Sulpice Paris June 1991 - Creative Night at the Opera de Montpellier Comédie-1991 - Winter Olympics Albertville 1992 - Festival of Sacred Art - Theater of Dance Golovine Avignon 1992 - Poetry Conference Dance Theater - Maison Jean Vilar Avignon 1992 - Cafe Literary Comedians Montpellier Spring 1992 $ - Literary Café Theater Chai du Château d'O Montpellier 1992 - Improvisations dance and poetry - Sculptures Exhibition Opening the Doors Valences - CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF MOUNTAINEERING, 500th anniversary of the first ascent of Mont Aiguille 1992 recital "Guide my friend" mountain and poetry - Meeting of authors Choreographers Festival d'Avignon 1992 - The fury of Haute-Savoie Read 1993 - Opening the "gateway" for all House Chamonix 1993 - Meeting House Youth Conference 1994 Chamonix - Support Center for women victims of war Zagreb 1994 - Ecole young Bosnian refugees Zagreb 1994 - Cultural Center Zagreb Bosnia 1994 - Maison de Lyon Bosnia 1994 - ART SEMINAR on TOLERANCE INTOLERANCE organized by UNESCO at the Venice Foundation CINI 15 and 16 December 1995 - Residence of creation at the Théâtre Antoine Riboud Evian's partnership with the League of Evian water in April May 1996 - Invitation to UNESCO for a Unesco meeting - conference on the occasion of the Month of Women in March 1997 - Départementale Book Festival at the Port of Toulon 14 - 15 - 16 November 1997 - Symposium impending water crisis UNESCO Headquarters in Paris 1998 - Improvisations on the urgency of love at the Cannes Film Festival 1999 - Colloque shared water Grimaud in the Var16 to 23 June 1999 - Annemasse Book Fair 1999 - Geneva Book Fair 1999 - The art of living in peace Findhorn Foundation in Scotland 1999 - ART and PEACE Festival in Paris 17 December 1999 - Colloque International Women "place of women in the 3rd Millennium" at the City Hall of Paris on 8th January 2000 - Night of Peace in Lourdes 13 August 2000 - 1st International Forum for Peace Creative Women of the Mediterranean in Rhodes as an artist chosen by the Prefecture of the Dodecanese to Greece to represent France from 6 to 10 September 2000 - Canton Vitré in Ille et Vilaine, Encounters with children of primary schools and school events in May and June 2001 - Union des Femmes Solidaires Gardanne to 11 June 2001 - Mediterranean Women Forum in Marseille 13 to 15 September 2001 - World Peace Festival in Paris - Cruise for Peace 11 November 2001 - Unexpected meeting in Saint Maurice Val de Marne May 2001 - Lucernaire National d'art et d'essai, poetic scenes 25 February 2001 - Media City Vitré 22 May 2001 - Chapelle Saint-Bernard de Montparnasse PARIS slideshow walking 2000 miles in 2002 - Inauguration of poetry and dance of the Valley wet Monthaud, protected natural site, the Commonwealth of common desert Louvigné 35 - Salon du livre de montagne de Passy August 2003 - Book Fair historic La Ferté sous Jouarre 11 - 12 October 2003 - European Social Forum Paris 12 to 15 November 2003 - Cultural Center Leclerc Dinan 19 November 2003 - Maison Internationale de Rennes 20 November 2003 - Gallery Shopping Center Crossroads Fougères 21 November 2003 - Cultural Center Vitré Leclerc on 22 November 2003 - Salon du Livre de Fougères December 2003 - Festival Etonnants Voyageurs Saint-Malo 29 to 31 May 2004 - Salon for Peace Initiatives in the Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie Paris 4 to 6 June 2004 - Salon du livre de montagne de Passy August 2004 - Salon du livre de Fayence 21 and 22 August 2004 - Forum Alternative World Water Geneva 17 to 20 March 2005 - Inauguration of the monument to life and peace, sculpture of Louis Derbré to Balazs Township Vitré - reading the original poem "on behalf of mothers" in memory of my grandfather died for France in the war 14 -- 18 - May 7 2006 - Adventure at the end of World FIAP PARIS: slide projection Sinai 18 November 2006 - WORLD FESTIVAL OF POETS in Paris in September 2007 - Salon du livre de poésie de Vendôme and Blois meeting women writers 2007 - Poems for Women - the Smoke PARIS 2007 - Read the letter from a mother to her son "if he had suffered the fate of Guy Môquet Trocadéro Parvis des Droits de l'Homme Paris October 2007 - Meeting "Well now dance with the association at Solstice Bastille PARIS 27 November 2007 - Poètes aux SOMMETS, Poetry festival in Chamonix, read poems into church, Majestic Palace, and in nature at the Aiguille du Midi 3842m. high - World congress of poets Budapest 2009 - Peace on Earth Japan, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki August 2010 - Poètes à Paris Espace Beaujon et Sénat october 2010
- In the shadow crystal, unpublished 1988 - Le chant des possibles, unpublished 1989 - The flood of loneliness, unpublished 1989 - Seasons of thought, unpublished 1990 - CLEAR CONSCIENCE FOR ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 1990 - 1000 signatures collected for the development of a culture of peace - Desert Land, unpublished 1991 - Poésiades Florilège publication of the winners of the Academic Institute of Paris 1993 - ART INTOLERANCE TOLERANCE contribution proceedings of the seminar UNESCO Venice 1995 - THE URGENCY OF LOVE préface Albert Jacquard moment in 1996, helping the heart of the issue Ex-Libris of 27 January 1997 - DOOR OPEN WATER on THE MEANING contribution acts Conference University of Jounieh Lebanon in 1998 - translated into Arabic - WATER AND ART 'contribution acts of the XXth Conference of Anthropology and regional history - Symposium "Water development and environment in Mexico - Published Collegio de Zamora Michoacan Mexico 1998 - Spanish - SHARED WATER, EDUCATION GUIDANCE FOR A NEW CULTURE OF WATER contribution proceedings of conference "Education for shared water 'organized by the union intermunicipal water COGOLIN Var 1999 - Publication in the Journal of the Street Poets - BE PEACE 2000 Art Cosmopoéthique - DEBT, Art Cosmopoéthique 2000 - THE MESSAGE OF THE SEVEN AMBASSADOR OF WATER, 2000 Internet broadcast - WATER, THE CULTURE OF WAR IN THE CULTURE OF PEACE contribution to the United Nations University UNESCO Chair for Water at the International Symposium on Water Cannes 2001 - WATER AND POETRY contribution acts of the festival of the OH! Conseil général du Val de Marne - Publication in the magazine Today 2001 poem - Publication in the journal Art and vegetable creation TREE - Contribution to the book THE CULTURE OF PEACE published by the International Association of Educators for Peace in November 2001 - DOREE the truck to the League of Writers 2003 - CELEBRATION OF WATER unpublished 2003 - Address the opening session - contribution Symposium on Water University of Laghouat Algeria 2004 - "On behalf of mothers' publication in the journal communal Balazs commemorating the inauguration of the monument to life and peace of sculptor Louis Derbré 2006 - Publication in the anthology Poets of the World "Land of Poets, Land of Peace" at the 1st Festival of the poets of the world in Paris 2007 - "Letter to my son if he had suffered the fate of Guy Môquet" published on blog and website visits in 2000 October 2007 - Publication in the anthology "12 Women Poets for Peace", due out on 8 March 2007 at L'Harmattan - Waiting for the publication Art Book Water Life Peace - Preface by Mr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, former Secretary General of the United Nations and the Francophonie Contribution 15 pages - at M, Guy Crequie’s book “droits et devoirs de l’humanité” 2009 -“the debt to the mothers” written in 2008 - forthcoming - contribution to Peace on earth Anthology 2 poems in french and japonese 2010 -“The cedar and the olive tree” written in 2011 - forthcoming - contribution to XXX WCP anthology in french and translation in Chineese 2010 - publication on internet with “poetas del mundo” since 2008
- 8 June 1994: A Summit for Peace, ascent of Mont Blanc
- 1994 and 1995 Action PUBLIC PLACES: Baraketempo dance and poetry in many places to reconcile and work for peace refugee camp in Zagreb - Chamonix - Aix-les-Bains - Annecy - Albertville - Aurillac - Geneva - Lausanne - Sarajevo -- Paris - Saint-Malo - Avignon - Plateau d'Assy - Montpellier - Lyon - Pau - Venice
- 1994 and 1995: 3 TRAVEL HUMANITARIAN MISSION OF PEACE ART Zagreb, Mostar and Sarajevo under the auspices of UNESCO
- 2000 MARCHE 2000 km for Peace - launch Paris Eiffel Tower and Unesco on 8 March 2000 - Caen Memorial 10 - Departure from Mont Saint Michel 12 March 2000 in St Jacques de Compostela on 2 June 2000 and Avignon 29 July 2000 -- Brussels in October 2000, efforts for the International Year for the Culture of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations and in solidarity with the World March of Women against violence and poverty march that radiated out of 155 countries throughout the planet
- 2008: Foundation and Chair of the event POETES summits from 20 to 25 July 2008 in Chamonix 2010: Project in Japan - Ascent of Mount-Fuji for peace 22 an 23 July - Creation of Dance “prayer for a burnt earth” in Tokyo and Hiroshima - Creation of Song: Hymn for the citizens of the world “let us rise for peace, people of the world” in Hiroshima with Eternal Choral and Nagasaki 2011- Project in Lebanon and Middle east
- Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers, - Société des Gens de Lettres, - Union des Photographes Creators - Company Image Fixes Authors - Arts Sciences Lettres - World academy of arts and Culture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DÉSERT DE TERRE Poème de © Marie ROBERT tous droits réservés Ici, chacun s'apprête à fêter le nouveau-né Là-bas, un enfant pleure le ventre vide et gros la bouche ouverte Ses yeux accusent le silence reflets intenses d'une source profonde poignants regards saillant au contour des pupilles sombres Il a trois ans il est déjà sa nuit Ilmeurt de n'avoir pas goûté la saveur de la vie. Ici, chacun s'apprête à fêter le noiuveau-né dans un tourbillon de lumières et de paillettes dans le foisonnement des trésors puisés aux ressources immenses de toute une planète La vie de tous pour quelquesméprisantes bouches pour quelques éminentes souches. Ici, chacun s'apprête à fêter le nouveau-né Là-bas, un homme jeune se prépare à mourir peut-être ! Sous son habit blindé des armes inutiles le cœur déjà brisé par la fureur de tuer avant que d'être tué survit de la mémoire des souvenirs heureux de son passé Il n'a pas d'avenir Au présent, sur le sable rougi il est déjà sa mort actrice insoupçonnée d'une guerre immobile Le soleil fait briller l'attente sur la sentence des dés Il joue àquitte ou double au poker d'as. Sans lendemain sur le sable meurtri le fer se croise au grain de quartz et se mesure au calme d'un désert imperturbable. Le silence violé par la folie des hommes hurle le sacrilège en tempête de sable brise sur son naufrage la fièvre de ferrailles et la foi dans les larmes. Le désert en état de siège hurle sous l'injustice et la cité des hommes sèche comme une matrice absente stérile comme un ventre sans fruit s'affronte à la terre rouge offerte à ses bienfaits et le souffle des dunes chaudes brûle l'aveuglement barbare des êtres enfermés dans leur désir de pierre. Le déserten état de siège et la neige de larme en pleurs au cœur de la poussière d'étoile assistent, impuissants, l'homme barricadé faisant la guerre à sa nature improductive. A coups de vents et de bourrasques la vie prépare leur linceul arrache aux roches l'éclat de leurs graines d'or au ciel sombre la blancheur du cristalde la mort. Et chaque jour le cliquetis des treillis répète le jeu du sacrifice parodie l'absence du feu. Et chaque jour l'habit sans tache précipite les corps mutilés sur le désert ensanglanté. Je marche dans le désert et croise les traces du sacrilège sur le sable témoignage d'une humanité asphyxiée par sa vanité. Mes larmes, rouges comme le sang de la terre, rejoignent le cœur de feu rubis à la surface mêlé aux laves pétrifiées. Ici, chacun s'apprête à fêter le nouveau-né Là-bas, mon enfant pleure ailleurs, mon enfant meurt. Je suis la Terre et je porte la Vie ! Je suis la mère et je donne à la terre ses enfants ! Je suis la Femme et j'offre au monde une âme. » --------------------------------------------------------------- LA SOIF DU MONDE © Poème écrit par Théa-Marie ROBERT, Tous droits d’auteur réservés - mars 2010 écrit pour le 22 Mars 2010, Journée internationale de l’eau et à l’occasion de l’exposition «des artistes au service de la paix» au Palais des Nations à Genève du 17 mars au 6 avril 2010
La terre a besoin d’eau d’une eau qui chante et danse et rebondit dans les torrents de fonte en emportant la peau dure des pierres A genoux sur le sol brûlé de guerres, de pillages, de violences, torturé, je prie l’éther, l’eau, l’air, la terre, Tout Ce Qui en moi Est de l’être, la lumière de me combler de leurs bienfaits Je prie pour mon humanité, pour les espaces désenchantés de ma cosmicité, Je prie les sources de clarté pour la goutte d’eau vive et douce qui apaisera le feu de ma bouche
Se dessèche la terre ici Là-bas, elle s’inonde de pluies De boues, les sols se rassasient L’eau arrache, emporte les digues En dévastatrices furies se remodèlent reliefs et rives Au grand large, s’immergent des îles sous les assauts répétitifs de vagues immenses et tsunamis Le choeur des sables du désert hurle aux nuages indifférents sa soif d’ombre et de déluges L’arbre dénudé pleure sans répit ses feuillages en cendres réduits sous le feu nucléaire, dans l’incendie solaire Ma terre a besoin d’eau d’une eau qui chante et danse et rebondit dans les torrents de fonte en emportant ma peau dure de pierre Partout se réchauffe la terre fondent en masse les glaces polaires L’ours cherche en vain sa tanière Ruissellent les larmes de l’enfance condamnée à guérir les blessures infligées par les conflits de générations trépassées Ruissellent les larmes des peuples assoiffés de sagesse, de santé et de dignité Jamais terre n’a vu trembler tant de réfugiés, d’oubliés Le bédouin, le touareg, l’indien le nomade et le pèlerin découvrent, épuisés, les puits millénaires asséchés, L’oasis abandonné n’est plus le signe de l’abri, qui accueille les étrangers en amis Autour des éléments premiers, pour gaver son avidité, l’homme programme de nouvelles guerres, invente désastres planétaires Pour servir sa cupidité, l’or bleu, joyau de la fertilité devient source de profit insensé de privilège et de stérilité L’eau vivante est le matrimoine de la terre ses bienfaits, capital de survie et de félicité Essentielle est la vie Primordiale est la joie de l’enfant Pour nous tous, l’eau fait alliance avec la lumière en nos terres dans le souffle créateur Ta terre a besoin d’eau d’une eau qui chante et danse et rebondit dans les torrents de fonte en emportant ta peau dure de pierre Aux océans salés, les écorces d’arbres déracinés lancent un ultime cri d’alarme Les troncs dévidés de leur sève des fleurs, des fruits, perdent promesse Le coeur de l’homme desséché, appauvri de valeurs spirituelles, ne bat qu’au tambour des richesses matérielles accumulées Partage, amitié, dignité aux champs des peuples assassinés sont foulés aux pieds, méprisés Pourquoi croître pour consommer jusqu’à la lie, jusqu’à la mie de la cruche et du pain, la dernière goutte, le dernier grain J’ai soif de création soif de beauté, d’expression soif de remercier la nature d’offrir à tout mon être l’énergie pure, à mes élans les sublimes aventures Sur tous les continents, industries et agricultures déversent les produits insensés de leurs pollutions débridées Du nord au sud, le monde a soif, l’Afrique a soif, l’Asie, l’Océanie ont soif l’Europe et l’Amérique ont soif Les continents, vastes vaisseaux à la dérive des océans, des mers se submergent, s’effritent, s’entrechoquent et s’essoufflent sous les pulsions aventurières des équilibres d’atmosphère, les craquements assourdissants de l’écorce terrestre Les géants de cristal déversent comme neiges tendres au soleil des flots de tristesses et détresses en cascades, en bédières gonflées à en perdre l’haleine Le gel et la brûlure sur les deux hémisphères se livrent sans merci une guerre Les vents,les monts, les puits, les mers, transportent en leurs seins les promesses et les fleurs de la vie en gouttes d’éternité et en cristaux de paix Par milliards jusqu’au tréfonds de nos consciences ils invitent nos intelligences, nos visions et nos espérances aux festins et tables garnies des dons de la terre-mère bénie et de l’oeuvre éclairée de l’esprit pour l’espèce humaine toute entière Notre terre a besoin d’eau claire d’une eau qui chante et danse et rebondit dans ses torrents de fonte en emportant la peau dure des pierres Je chante, pour l’humanité ébranlée dans ses choix de modernité je chante la vie l’eau et la paix je chante pour les flots de misère la soif d’aimer la cri d’amour et de tendresse je chante la soif de vivre la soif de boire à la coupe remplie où l’onde et la lumière s’unissent dans la sérénité de l’instant présent qui construit en douceur l’avenir Dans le cadre de l’exposition du collectif artistes au service de la paix s’exprimant sur la soif du monde, Théa-Marie Robert expose 5 oeuvres photographiques, en tirage d’art original selon le procédé digigraphie Epson, numérotées et signées. Titre des oeuvres exposées: Le coeur à sec Temps de sécheresse Prière bédouine au désert la soif de survivre la soif de pluie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

THE THIRST OF THE WORLD © Poem written by Thea-Marie Robert, All copyrights reserved - March 2010 for 22th of March, 2010, International Day of Water and"Artists in the service of peace" exhibition at Palais des Nations in Geneva from March 17 to April 6, 2010 The earth needs water, water that sings and dances and bounced into the torrents of melt in taking off the tough skin of the stones Kneeling on the ground burned by wars, looting, violence, tortured, I pray ether the water, the air and the earth, All That is in Myself of the being, the bright light for they fill me with their blessings I pray for my humanity, for disenchanted spaces of my cosmicity, I pray the clear sources to give me the drop alive and sweet that will calm the fire of my mouth Dry is the land here There, it is flooded by rain With sludge, soils are filled waters unfurl, they break the dams In devastating furies are remodeled banks of rivers and reliefs Into the open sea, are submersed islands under the repeated assaults of huge waves and tsunamis The sand chorus of the desert yells to the clouds indifferent its thirst of shadows and deluges The naked tree cries incessantly its leaves reduced to ashes under the nuclear fire under the solar fire My earth needs water water that sings and dances and bounced into the torrents of melt in taking off my tough skin of stone Everywhere, the earth is warming the polar ice melt massively The bear looks in vain for its den Are flowing the tears of children sentenced at healing the wounds inflicted from the conflicts of past generations are flowing the tears of peoples who are thirsty of wisdom, dignity and health the Earth has never seen tremble so many refugees, forgotten The Bedouin, the Tuareg, the Indian the nomad and the pilgrim are discovering, exhausted, the millennia wells, dry and empty The abandoned Oasis is no longer a sign of the shelter, which welcomes foreigners as friends Around the primary elements, mankind imagines new wars that serves only his greed Mankind invents planetary disasters that serve only his greed the blue gold, a fertility jewel, becomes a source of fool profits, of privileges and sterility The live water is an asset to the earth mother its benefits, principle of survival and happiness Essential is the life Primordial is the joy of the child For all of us, water needs an alliance with light into our earths in the creative breath Your land needs water, the water that sings and dances and bounced into the torrents of melt in taking off your tough skin of stone
Towards the oceans salted, the barks of uprooted trees are launching a final cry of alarm The scooped trunks have lost their sap of flowers and fruits, are lost the promises The heart of man, dry, depleted of spiritual values, beats only at the drums of material wealth accumulated the sharing, friendship and dignity on the fields of people murdered are trampled upon and despised Why grow to consume until the dregs, until the crumb of the jug and of bread the last drop, the last grain
I’m thirsty of creation thirsty of beauty, expression I desire to thank nature to offer the pure energy at my whole being, at my impulses the sublime adventures On every continent, Industry and agriculture have got rid the fool products of their unbridled pollutions From north to south, the world’s thirsty Africa is thirsty Asia, Oceania are thirsty Europe and America are thirsty The continents are large vessels adrift of oceans, of seas They are submerged, crumbled, They collide and become exhausted by the adventurous pulsions of equilibres of atmosphere, the deafening crackles of the land crust The giants of crystal are flowing as soft snow under the sun, waves of sadness and distress in waterfalls, in streams swollen until losing breath The gel and the scorching heat on both hemispheres engaged a ruthless war The winds, the mountains, wells and seas, carry into their breasts the promises and flowers of the life, in drops of eternity and crystals of peace By billions, unto the depths of our consciences they invite our minds, our visions and our hopes at the feasts and at the tables rich through the gifts of mother earth and enlightened work of the mind for the entire human race Our land needs water clear water that sings and dances and rebounds in torrents of melt in taking offthe tough skin of stones I sing, for Humanity lost in its choice of modernity I sing the life the Water and Peace I sing for the floods of misery the thirst of love the cry of love and tenderness I sing the thirst of living, for drinking in the full cup where the wave and light unite in the serenity of the moment that constructs smooth future As part of the collective exhibition of artists at the service of peace, about the thirst of the world, Thea-Marie Robert exhibits 5 photographic works original art photographic by the process Digigraphy Epson, numbered and signed. Le coeur à sec Temps de sécheresse Prière bédouine au désert la soif de survivre la soif de pluie Coordonnées: 66 Clos des Charmilles 74400 Chamonix Mt Blanc France mail: marieeau77@aol.comtél 0033 +450532103 et +609503351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ « Let us rise for peace, people of the earth » Citizens of the world’s hymn © Text written and melody composed by Théa-Marie ROBERT, le 12 Mars 2009 all rights reserved Let us rise, people of the earth for building the future better We demand of temporal powers the health, the justice, the respect, Without distinction, for all, we demand the dignity, education of our children, daughters and sons Let’s walk all over the globe, Free, equal, and proud of it At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! we picked, we sow, let's share our dreams of conciliation Sisters and brothers rich of promising let us build friendship, wisdom, peace We teach our children their rights In full conscience, we accept duties Between two parts, East and West we reconcile the points of views let's recognize our differences Our histories and past suffering we live dignified, standing up in the light At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! we create, we walk, we cultivate genuine aspirations
Together, let us walk united Women and men in every land, Anchored to the hopes of our fathers, Drawing on the strength of mothers, Let the arms stay into the locker rooms, The cries, the tears into Cemeteries of our wanderings and our sorrows, From the past, we repair the outrages Of violence, we heal the damages At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! we sing, we dance, and we affirm our liberation
Let us carry to the deadly shadows the clarity of stars in heaven From dialogue and from friendship we cultivate the happy blessings without desire to draw borders, neither bid nor slavery, we become fair and responsible We let our colors alive, abundant, from fruits, the flavors At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! we go on , we resist, we liberate us from all the oppressions
we accept the diversity as richness of humanity with happy steps, we are progressing For the beauty of life, we create From north to south and from east to west Everywhere, we want to protect youth from damages and injuries at childhood From powers, always, we refuse Humiliations, contempts and arrogance At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! We take care, we see generously problems and solutions The war is an announced bankruptcy for a Humanity imprisoned in a quest of insane profits and of inordinate powers, In defiance of most noble virtues of the populations' concert Without violence, we're learning to distance ourselves from tensions, to manage the conflicts and the hates At At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! We Love, we talk, we embellish our campaigns and cities
We create fertile harmonies, express our soul, and communicate To generations in gestation, we bequeath the peace as legacy, We transmit alive, fruitful and healthy A planet where it's so good to breath, to invent, we do it! we pick in our secret gardens the energy of courage and we share it At work, citizens of the whole world, let's be ! Wesow, we sow And we shall reap the peace for the nations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------