Harmonious Civilization Culture Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!

Global Harmony Association (GHA) Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 460 members in 56 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com GHA 1st Vice-president is Dr. Ernesto Kahan: Address: Hanita 7/2, Kfar Sava 44405, Israel, e-mail: ekahan@post.tau.ac.il GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja: Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL;Telephone: 256-604-6927; e-mail: ish0001@aol.com GHA-Japan President is Kae Morii GHA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA Projects List: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472 GHA Mission – from harmony to peace; Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHA Educational Project Family Academy of Harmony For the Future Leaders of Harmonious Civilization March - April 2010 Approved by the GHA on 29th April, 2010 Edited on March, 2011 Main educational task of the 21st century is: To learn harmony and building a harmonious society/civilization Definition: Family Academy of Harmony is an establishment of the highest quality education (excellent education), created by parents in 1-4 families for individual harmonious preparation of ambitious children of 15-25 years, who are dreaming of leadership in a harmonious civilization. It is the form of development of institute of the house teacher in a new civilization. The project author is: Dr. Leo Semashko GHA President, State Councillor of St.-Petersburg, Philosopher, Sociologist and Educator RECOMMENDATIONS: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD MPH, Tel Aviv University Professor, Poet, Physician, Vice President - World Academy of Arts and Culture USA, Former Vice President of IPPNW when this organization received the Nobel Peace Prize, 1985, Israel Dr. Bernard Scott, President, Research Committee 51 (On Sociocybernetics), International Sociological Association; Head, Flexible Learning Support Centre, Cranfield University, England Dr. Laj Utreja, Founder and President, Institute of Vedic Spiritual Healing, USA Dr. Renato Corsetti, President, World Esperanto-Association, UEA, affiliating with UN and UNESCO, Psycholinguistics Professor, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy Dr. Charles Mercieca, President, International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), affiliating with UN; History Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University, USA Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor, Comparative Religion Department, Western Michigan University; Head, “Center for Humanistic Future Studies”, Director of the annual international course: “The Future of Religion”, Center “Dubrovnik”, Croatia, USA Dr. Genrih Skvortsov, Member, International Academy of Fundamental Education, Dr. in Mathematics; System Analyst, Physic-theoretician;Russia Dr. Grigory Tulchinsky, Professor, Philosophy and Political Science, Higher School of Economy, St.-Petersburg, Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Academician in four Russian and International Academies, Russia The Program of Integrated Harmonious Preparation (IHP) in Family Academy of Harmony (FAH) Briefly: Program IHP of FAH Four levels of the Program: 1. Introduction - 1 month 2. Foundations – 3 months 3. GHA Certificate – 6 months 4. GHA Diploma -12 months For 1-4 young people from 1-4 families Copyright © 2010 Leo Semashko Copyright © 2010 Global Harmony Association Publications: In English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=470 In Russian: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=494 Contents: 1. Preface. The Author's motivation for Program IHP of FAH 2. Introduction in Program IHP of FAH (together with parents) 4 hours 3. Main points and subjects of Program IHP 4. Information sources for the student in Program IHP of FAH 5. The FAN dignity and advantages 6. The Author-expert of Program IHP of FAH 7. Training cost in FAH Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead We must prepare with the revolution of education, which will be unavoidable if we want to face the new conditions of understanding and controlling them. Without a completely new approach in education, our youth will not be completely equipped to face the world of the future. Eleanor Roosevelt 1. Preface. The Author's motivation for Program IHP of FAH The offered IHP Program of FAH is unique, there is no analog in the worldwide. It was developed due to my pedagogical and political practice within 35 years from many and different ideas and blocks which arose at various times and which I experienced in different audiences and the organizations. I did it, first of all, in 1976-1980 in youth Demiurge club, then in Studio of a Family All-Around development of children in 1985-86, then in 1990-1993 when I have been elected by Deputy of Lensovet/Petrosovet (St-Petersburg Parliament), then in 1994-2004 in my pedagogical practice at different universities of Petersburg and, at last, in the Global Harmony Association (2005-2011), which was created by foreign colleagues and me mutually. The IHP Program consists on not only my pedagogical experience, but also the basic ideas of my philosophy of harmony which received the name of Tetraphilosophy and my science of social and individual harmony which has been named as Tetrasociology. The contents of these disciplines are presented in my publications, more than 300, including 14 books on 1-12 languages.
However the IHP Program is ready only nowadays, in the beginning of 2010, when I was completely convinced (together with GHA) that since 2009 the new harmonious civilization was born. It had been proved by many facts, at first by four of them: 1. Building a "Harmonious Society” in China and EU (it is about third part of the world population), 2. Beginning in 2009 of a “zero nuclear” dialog between the USA and Russia, rather improbable in the current militaristic industrial civilization, 3. Mathematics of Harmony as the arithmetic of a new civilization, Prof. Alexei Stakhov and his supporters, Canada, 2009 (http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/ 635.html), and 4. Appearance in 2009 the GHA program book "Harmonious Civilization": (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), which introduced the first theoretical model of harmonious civilization and some its key projects together with the alphabet, language and thought of harmony. (There are other similar facts as well). Therefore, now is obviously, the Harmonious Civilization is the inevitable future of the world community. To this future is necessary to prepare the young generation, first of all the most capable and ambitious young people who already are dreaming for the tops of business, power, education and science. So my 35 year old scientific, pedagogical and organizational experience of harmonious development of a society and the individuals becomes an actual and required more than ever. I am able, can and should (this is my social responsibility and civic duty) to prepare the active and ambitious young humans for leadership in the business, power, science and education of a new civilization through my elite Program of IHP which is presented bellow. 2. Introduction in Program IHP of FAH (together with parents) 4 hours The FAH staff. Definitions. 1. The student(s) of FAH: one or few (up to 4 brothers, sisters and/or friends) 15-25 years old young ambitious people from 1-4 families. 2. The client(s) of FAH: the parents, relatives or the students paying for the installed contractual cost of Program IHP. 3. The expert of FAH or the instructor-master (the home teacher): the competent teacher, the humanist, who is providing qualitative execution of all lessons within Program IHP. 4. The Assistant of Program IHP of FAH: the Assistant of the Expert in execution of some or all courses within the Program IHP. The Assistant can offer his/her own, additional, training courses, within 2 hours per day, for an additional payment based on the client require. Introduction (carried out together with parents and students) The formulation of the high and ambitious goal for the student is. The main subject of the program is a student individuality, his highest goal, resources, abilities and a life way. The tools, means and methods to reach the final (strategic) goal. The main method: from the whole to the parts, from the future to the present, from the purpose to resources, from dream to a reality, from the theory (thoughts) to practice (business). Technology of harmonious family leader’s education. An individual approach. Priorities of leader’s persons: business, willing, scientific knowledge, self-confidence and faith in own highest success. The definition role of the final goal, scientific knowledge and persistence for its achievement. Everything for the human begins from thought: and his flight and his falling down. The 21st century priority is not narrow specialized thought but the integrated, complete and harmonious thought in which any special education is able to be entered. The new level of thought is Tetranet Harmonious Thought – Scheme -1 (below). The students’ aiming at the future: for example, within 10-15-20 years to become the President (Governor, Minister, etc.) of the state, or the billionaire (millionaire) in one of new sphere of the world business, or the world/national leader of education, or one of new sciences of a global harmonious civilization. Four directions and the high tops of Program IHP: power, business, education and social science. The discussion and the selection of the student direction jointly with the parents. Reaching of strategic target is possible only through self-knowledge, harmonious development and concentration of all (four) individual spheres up to the end goal of the Program IHP and its innovative educational technology. The self-knowledge (Scheme-2: only for the client) is approachable for the student only with help of a competent expert-master. Six parts/modules of the Program: My Top (the end result in one of four variants: the Power, Business, Science and Education; other variants are possible: art, religion, sport, medicine etc., but with other experts), My Character, My Consciousness, My Will, My Body (Health), My Life Way. Each module is a synthesis of special scientific knowledge based on a Tetrasociology as the Sciences of social and individual harmony. The project of main blocks for the student harmonious development. The designing of an appropriate life style with distribution of personal time between individual spheres. Dialogue character of all program’s studies. The student role goal on each lesson. Business games with constant functional roles changing. The program, based on the student willing, is in both languages (Russian-English) in order to provide its preparation for two levels: national and international. It is possible to be in other national languages, except Russian, and also on Esperanto with corresponding assistants. The program general rhythm: daily for 4 hours (240 minutes) intensive studies, to which all other students works are subdued, including studying and rest of the student. The studies are accompanied by 5-10 minute physical exercises in a hour. (Being able to control self and the own time, the person learns to control others and their time.) The main rule: “when I do – I do not doubt, if I doubt – I do not do”. In order to avoid the doubt, it is necessary to think well and to know you, the vital aim and ways of aim’s achievement. This knowledge is given by the present Program. This Program is successful, but its scale is depends from ambition measure, aspirations and abilities of the student, from his will, persistence and diligence. The individual recommendations to the student. The best environment for individual leader preparation is a family, support of parents and other relatives. Therefore this educational form is named as “Family Academy of Harmony” (FAH). It is ideally, if parents would be involved in all lessons. For maximum efficiency of this Program IHP it is better the expert living at one house with the student for the organization of student’s life way and participation in: the general sport, games, etc. Friendly, equal and mutually respectful relations of the expert and the student, the mutual reference as “my friend”: both recognize each other as friends in the student’s development. Possibility of parents’ participation un the studies and them video recording. Consulting support of the student after the IHP Program completion within 2-5-10 years based on agreement. The selection of educational modules and level of Program IHP for the concrete student and taking into account the student’s abilities and parents’ possibilities. Signing of the contract on payment of Program IHP for the chosen level between the expert and the client. 3. The main points and subjects of Program IHP The total number of themes at a basic level "Foundations" within 3 months is 90. On introduction level it is reduced up to 30 based on student’s choice. Each theme is calculated at 2-4-8-16 hours according to Program level. Terminological note. For the best understanding of the Program curriculum modules and also for our scientific and pedagogical practice we enter a new, sociological, lexical meaning of the English term “spheral” as adjective from a noun “sphere” in social use. The concept "sphere" has three lexical meanings: mathematical, astronomical and sociological. The social spheres in Tetrasociology are the largest parts of a society and individual. The spheres are the fundamental elements of social and individual harmony. In the mathematics there is a corresponding adjective "spherical" or “spheral”. But in sociology the similar adjective is absent, that complicates expression of the corresponding thoughts, especially in Tetrasociology for which it is the key as it expresses essence of harmony, its deep structure and the major attribute. The adjective “spheral” in a new, sociological, lexical meaning is similar to others adjectives: integral, cathedral, governmental, fundamental, principal, universal, educational, parental and another, derivative from the corresponding nouns. The adjective “spheral” in social meaning is used in many key terms of Tetrasociology: spheral harmony, spheral classes of population, spheral structure, spheral quality, spheral science, spheral statistics, spheral mathematics (= Tetramathematics), spheral sociology (=Tetrasociology), spheral approach, spheral philosophy (=Tetraphilosophy), spheral democracy, spheral state, spheral money, spheral economy, spheral policy, spheral parties etc. These terms are widely applied in the GHA Projects, and in IHP Program. (Opinion of Dr. Bernard Scott, England: “Your explanation of ‘spheral’ is grammatically correct and clear.”) The studies plan 1. “I”: end goal (top), its division on sub goals and construction of the goals tree 2. “I”: Resources (spheres) Model 3. “I”: Modules of Top, Character, Consciousness, Will, Body and the Life Way 4. Final studies Educational Modules of “I”: They are divided on: 1. Target modules of tops and 2. Base (resource) modules. - Target modules of the tops
The first module is Top (end result) in one of four variants: Power, Business, Education and Science (social). A Top is selected and formed individually for each student based on a result of discussion with the student and his parents. The general scheme of variants of the Top modules is presented below. Power For preparation of political leaders of harmonious civilization (HC) - Tetrasociology as a science of social and individual harmony
- Harmony ABC: fundamental elements (spheres) of social harmony
- The laws of a deep (spheral) structure of social harmony
- Morphology, genetics, futurology and pragmatics of social harmony
- Statics, dynamics, structuratics and occupatics of social harmony
- The scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, its statistics and mathematics
- The spheral (harmonious) classes of the population as actors of social harmony
- The constitution of harmonious democracy: population division on spheral classes
- The constitution of the harmonious state: division of the legislative, executive, judicial and presidential power fifty-fifty between the spheral classes (between their elected representatives)
- The Constitution: a social priority of children and children suffrage executed by parents
- The Constitution: equal representation in power the women, men and different generations
- Four-party political system of harmonious (spheral) democracy
- Scientific ideology of social harmony in a harmonious society and the state
- Choice and ways of achievement of the power tops in a society aspiring to harmony
- Role and advantages of the political leader of HC
Business For preparation of business leaders of HC - Tetrasociology as a science of social and individual harmony
- Harmony ABC: fundamental elements (spheral) of social harmony
- The laws of a deep (spheral) structure of social harmony
- Morphology, genetics, futurology and pragmatics of social harmony
- Statics, dynamics, structuratics and occupatics of social harmony
- The scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, its statistics and mathematics
- The spheral (harmonious) classes of the population as actors of social harmony
- Harmonious economy: its spheres, products and resources
- The spheral markets of harmonious economy: their balance
- Competition of harmonious economy: its regulators
- Harmonization of the poor and richness levels of population and their incomes in different spheres
- The new branches of harmonious economy and their high profitability
- Globalisation of harmonious economy, its new branches and a new reserve currency
- Choice and ways of achievement of the business tops in the economy aspiring to harmony
- Role and advantages of the business leader of HC
Science For preparation of scientific leaders of HC This module assumes preparation of the student for world/national leadership in one of social sciences of a harmonious civilization. These new or updated sciences keep all traditional scientific knowledge but integrate them into the knowledge expressing a deep (spheral) structure of harmony of any social areas: person, information, policy, economy and etc. To distinguish these (spheral) social sciences of a harmonious civilization from their traditional predecessors of an industrial civilization, to each of them the prefix ‘Tetra’, replacing long definition: “a four-dimensional harmonious science of harmony of the certain social subject” is added. We can result the following examples of a similar sort of sciences which already arisen or will arise in the near future: Tetrasociology, Tetraanthropology, Tetrapsychology, Tetracomputer science (Tetrainformatics), Tetrasociocybernetics, Tetraaxiology Tetrasocionics, Tetrahistory, Tetramathematics (mathematics of harmonious social processes and structures), Tetrastatistics, Tetraculturology, Tetrasociolinguistics, Tetrapolitical science (Tetrapolitology), Tetrajurisprudence, Tetraeconomy, Tetraprogramming, Tetradesigning, Tetraforecasting and etc. Each of these spheral sciences, for the intensive innovative development, demands world/national scientists-leaders who can become the modern young people with humanitarian education and mastered this curriculum. The students of this module choose one-two of the listed sciences as the top, in which they wish to reach world/national leadership. Themes of this module: 1.Tetrasociology as a science of social and individual harmony 2.Harmony ABC: fundamental elements (spheres) of social harmony 3.The laws of a deep (spheral) structure of social harmony 4.Morphology, genetics, futurology and pragmatics of social harmony 5.Statics, dynamics, structuratics and occupatics of social harmony 6.The scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, its statistics and mathematics 7.Philosophy of a harmonious civilization and tetranet harmonious thinking 8.New thinking and the new social sciences of a harmonious civilization 9.The priority directions of a social science of a harmonious civilization 10.Choice of the social discipline adequate to the student abilities and aspirations 11.Acquaintance with the traditional bases of the selected discipline (if they are) or with the preconditions of their creation 12.Model of a deep (spheral) harmonious structure of the object of the selected discipline 13.The possible directions of development of the selected discipline for a harmonious civilization, i.e. at tetra-level 14.Choice and ways of achievement of the world/national tops in the selected science in a society aspiring to harmony 15.Role and advantages of the scientific leader of HC The module: Education Top is similar to the previous modules. Five base modules They are compiled in final form by individually for each student of FAH Character 1.My (student’s) character: analysis and model 2.My humanitarian needs: analysis and model 3.My humanitarian abilities: analysis and model 4.Level of development of my character necessary for my ultimate goal: model 5.The project of development of my character and practical tasks on the module Character 6.Self-knowledge of character and tooling of the module Character 7.Innovations, experiments and etudes in the module Character 8.Technologies of self-development of character, including acting technique and art 9.Influence of my character on my consciousness 10.Influence of my character on my will 11.Influence of my character on my body 12.Influence of my character on my way of life 13.Role of my character in achievement of my ultimate goal 14.Harmonization of my character in system of spheres of my person Consciousness 1.My consciousness: analysis and model 2.My information and emotional needs: analysis and model 3.My intellectual and emotional abilities: analysis and model 4.Level of development of my consciousness necessary for my ultimate goal: model 5.The project of development of my consciousness and practical tasks on the module Consciousness 6.Tooling of the module Consciousness 7.Innovations, experiments and etudes in the module consciousness 8.Technologies of self-development consciousness, including acting technique and art 9.Influence of my consciousness on my character 10.Influence of my consciousness on my will 11.Influence of my consciousness on my body 12.Influence of my consciousness on my way of life 13.Role of my consciousness in achievement of my ultimate goal 14.Harmonization of my consciousness in system of spheres of my person Will 1.My will: analysis and model 2.My organizational needs: analysis and model 3.My organizational abilities: analysis and model 4.Level of development of my will necessary for my ultimate goal: model 5.The project of development of my will and practical tasks on the module Will 6.Self-knowledge of my will and tooling of the module Will 7.Innovations, experiments and etudes in the module Will 8.Technologies of self-development of will, including acting technique and art 9.Influence of my will on my character 10.Influence of my will on my consciousness 11.Influence of my will on my body 12.Influence of my will on my way of life 13.Role of my will in achievement of my ultimate goal 14.Harmonization of my will in system of spheres of my person Body 1.My body and health: analysis and model 2.My material needs: analysis and model 3.My material abilities: analysis and model 4.Level of development of my body necessary for my ultimate goal: model 5.The project of development of my body and practical tasks on the module the Body 6.Self-knowledge of a body and tooling of the module Body 7.Innovations, experiments and etudes in the module Body 8.Technologies of self-development of a body and health strengthening 9.Influence of my body on my character 10.Influence of my body on my consciousness 11.Influence of my body on my will 12.Influence of my body on my way of life 13.Role of my body and health in achievement of my ultimate goal 14.Harmonization of my body and health in system of spheres of my person Way of Life 1.My way of life: analysis and model 2.Needs of my way of life: analysis and model 3.Possibilities of my way of life: analysis and model 4.Level of development of my way of life necessary for my ultimate goal: model 5.The project of development of my way of life and practical tasks on this module 6.Self-knowledge of my way of life and tooling of this module 7.Innovations, experiments and etudes in this module 8.Technologies of self-development of my way of life, including art 9.Influence of my way of life on my character 10.Influence of my way of life on my consciousness 11.Influence of my way of life on my will 12.Influence of my way of life on my body 13.Role of my way of life in achievement of my ultimate goal 14.Harmonization of my way of life in system of spheres of my person Final studies 1. Harmonization the student time schedule between its spheres for his final goal 2. The student strategic plan of activity to reach his final goal. 3. The concluding session with obligated parents participation, devoted to the result estimations of the Program and choosing of the new educational levels in FAH, or consulting support for the student within further 2-5-10 years. There is possibility of training continuation in the Academy of Harmonious Leadership: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=429 4. Information sources for the students within Program IHP of FAH The basic books: 2009. Harmonious Civilization, St-Petersburg, Russia, “LITA", 256p; http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379 2008. World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education, St-Petersburg, Russia, “LITA", 104 p; http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 2007. Magna Carta of Harmony, St-Petersburg, Russia, “LITA", 228 p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3 2006. Harmonious Era Calendar, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 396 p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190 2004. Children’s Suffrage: Democracy for the 21st Century, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 72 p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=211 2003. Tetrasociology: from Sociological Imagination to Harmony, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 394p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=149 2002. Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University 158 p. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=145 2000. Tetrasociology as the Revolution of Social Thinking, the Way of Harmony and Prosperity. St.-Petersburg, 168 p. (in Russian) 1999. Sociology for Pragmatists. Textbook for the university students. Part 1, St.-Petersburg, 376 p. (in Russian) 1992. Sphere Approach: Philosophy, Democracy, Market and Human. St.-Petersburg, 368 p. (in Russian) http://peacefromharmony.org/file/5162/1992-semashko-sferniy_podhod.pdf ·Network resource. Information portal “Peace from Harmony”: www.peacefromharmony.org ·The additional literature list. Each teacher of the AHL makes for each student the list of the additional literature, including works of art for each module.
5. The FAN dignity and the advantages The main advantage. The students, who had got training in FAH, will be the first owners of integrated harmonious education, which nobody possesses, because nowadays it is not provided by any educational institute in the World, even Oxford and Cambridge because the scientific paradigm of harmonious education is unknown to them today. Graduates of FAH will ahead the graduates of other educational institutions for 5-10-15 years that will provide them by leader’s positions in any areas of innovative activity.
Another dignity and advantages of FAH: 1. Long-term, for decades, parents purposeful cooperation with children in order to reach the higher successes by their children within different spheres together with the competent expert-instructor. To the place of the immemorial conflict of generations “fathers and children”, and also the spouses/parents conflict connected with it, is coming their mutually valuable partnership for the high vital sense and happiness for parents and children. 2. Essentially new form of the highest education quality (excellent education), which is different by integral and harmony, supplementing the general and especial education at schools and universities that giving for them a new sense and strong high motivation. 3. Essential updating and ordering in spheres of harmonious development of children of traditional parental roles and functions: help, support and participation in their most different forms: moral, spiritual, material, financial, legal, organizational, personnel (attraction of parents’ friends), information etc. 4. The powerful factor of rapprochement of spouses/parents and harmonization of family relations for many further years. 5. Harmonious interaction of the family educational and upbringing functions, their organizational formation in the conditions of a new civilization. 6. Formation of the social order for preparation of professional experts-instructors for FAH in national Academies of Harmony that becomes powerful stimulus for their creation in each country. 7. Guaranteeing the major human right on peace from harmony through the corresponding harmonious education in a family that is not given by traditional schools and universities. CONCLUSION. FAH is an Academy for harmony of generations of parents and children, the familiy as a whole, and not just children. It is necessary and irreplaceable for those societies and cultures where the family admits to one of supreme values and priorities of the person. Simultaneously FAH is able to be the best form of family business as family investment in the prime children targets, achievement of which will be a source of pride, admiration, well-being and happiness of parents. 6. The Author-expert of Program IHP of FAH Leo Semashko, Ph.D.: State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher and sociologist; Author of Tetrasociology as a science of social and individual harmony since 1976; Global Harmony Association Founder and President since 2005; Teaching experience at universities is about 20 years; Parliamentary experience is 3 years; 7 years of experience in material production; 17 years of leadership by commercial and civic organizations, including the GHA; 9 years of project and research experience; Author of 12 social discoveries and more 300 scientific publications, including 14 books. Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia. Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com; Web: www.peacefromharmony.org 7. Training cost in FAH The monthly tuition fee per one student, depending on group size: 4 students - $800 3 students - $1100 2 students - $1500 1 student - $2500 In addition, the client(s) pay tickets, accommodation and meals (at minimum) for the expert and his assistant. (Price may vary depending on the country and it is discussed with clients). The assistant payment produces an expert from the received funds under the agreement with the assistant. -------------------------------------------------------------

Within the ideology and worldview of Tetrism, uniting Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology, the human thinking rises on fundamentally new level which received the title: TetraNet thinking or four-dimensional network harmonious thinking, still while unknown to humankind but which is absolutely necessary for it survival and solution of the global problems. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Harmonious civilization ====================================================