Jeffrey B. Peters and Catherine H. Chase Peters

Co-Founders of We The People, President & CEO – USMDC; VP – USMDCMexico Courier Address: Callejon del Gallo No. 1, esq. Camino a Tecuac, Valle de Atongo Tepoztlan, Morelos 62520 – Mexico _______________________________________________________________________________
Review of the ABC of Harmony By Cici & Jeffrey Peters
We are so very impressed with the GHA ABC of Harmony book! It is well written, concise for a "huge" concept, and well presented - we are honored to be a part of GHA and two of its fervent supporters! Thanks to the authors for sharing their insights in this very useable and understandable fashion!The book will be an important and useful tool not only for schools of all levels, but for governments and government leaders as well. 14/08/12
I believe that love brings harmony, and harmony brings peace JBP Jeffrey B. Peters RESUME:POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 2000Independent Candidate for President of the United States of America. 1995-PresentChairman and Co-Founder ofWe The People – A citizens movement dedicated to a rebirth of democracy in America. 1995-2001Member, Concord Coalition, Washington, DC.An organization, founded by Hon. Paul Tsongas and Hon. Warren Rudman; co-chaired by Hon. Sam Nunn and Hon Warren Rudman. 1999-2001Member, Public Citizen – An organization, founded by Ralph Nader that promotes strong citizen and consumer protection laws, including the McCain - Feingold Bill for Campaign Finance Reform. 1992-1994Charter Member, New York-Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). 1991Founding Patron, Member, Connecticut-Democratic Leadership Council(DLC). 1989-2002Member, Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). 1988-1996Elected Justice of the Peace, Ridgefield, CT (1/88-1/97). 1988Dukakis Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Atlanta, GA. 1987Member, Democratic National Committee (DNC), Washington, DC. 1986-1989Member, Democratic Town Committee, Ridgefield, CT. 1986Candidate for the Democratic Congressional nomination in the 5th District of Connecticut; won sufficient delegate votes (31% vs. the 20% minimum required) to assure a primary; lost primary by approximately 1,500 votes. 1985Founder and Chairman of New Democratic Dimensions-Connecticut (NDD-CT), a forum for bringing innovative ideas into the Democratic Party of CT. 1984-1985Elected and re-elected to the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) of Greenwich, Connecticut 1979-1980U.S. Senatorial Appointee, by Senator Jacob Javits, as Executive Director of The U.S.-Mexico Quadripartite Commission, a bilateral commission to improve business and political relations between the two countries. 1977Volunteer in the New York City Mayoral Campaign of Mario Cuomo. 1975-1976Volunteer in the Presidential Campaign of Sargent Shriver - wrote issue paper on U.S. Energy Self-Reliance. 1970Volunteered with Steve Conn in the "boiler room," in the early development ofCommon Cause, the Citizen's Lobby founded by John Gardner. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: 1981-PresentPresident & CEO, The U.S.-Mexican Development Corporation (USMDC), a 1978-1979real estate, finance and new business development company. 1990-PresentPresident & CEO, The U.S.-Business Development Company (USBDC). 1979-PresentPresident & CEO, The U.S.-Chinese Development Company (USCDC). 1979-1980Executive Director, U.S.-Mexico Quadripartite Commission 1976-1978Assistant Vice President, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, Corporate Loan Officer. 1974-1975Independent Consultant to The World Bank. EDUCATION: 1966-1970Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.B.A. Cum Laude in Government. Participated in "The International Honors Program," an around-the-world research/study program. 1971Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, DC, course work in Latin American Studies. 1972-73University of the Americas, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.M.A. degree under Ford Foundation Fellowship. 1978New York University Business School, New York, New York.Took course entitled: "How to Start Your Own Business," and proceeded to become founder and President of USMDC. DIRECTORSHIPS: 1990-1993Director, U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce (merged with MCCUS 1990). 1985-1990Director, Mexican Chamber of Commerce of the United States (MCCUS). 1978-1981Treasurer, Vice President and/or Director of the Forum for Corporate Responsibility, New York, New York. OTHER: 1993- presentCorporate Member of American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (AMCHAM) 1991-1994Gubernatorial Appointee as "member of the Export-Trade Panel, as an executive officer in a small to medium business engaged in export trade," by Gov. Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. of Connecticut. 1991Selected to be in the directory Who's Who Among Rising Americans. 1989-1999Member: Americas Society, New York, New York. 1989-1998Honorary Fellow of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts. 1989Member: Trade Advisory Committee of Connecticut, under the leadership of Congressman Sam Gejdenson of the 2nd District of Connecticut. 1988Member: Development Committee of The International Honors Program. 1986-1995Charter Member: The Ambassadors' Roundtable/Forum for World Affairs, Stamford, CT. 1983-PresentMember of League of Women Voters 1983Selected as one of the "Outstanding Young Men of America." ***************** Catherine H. Chase Peters 
THE U.S.-MEXICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Vice President & Corp. Sect. 445 ParkAvenue, Ninth Floor New York, New York 10022 USA Tel. 212-333-8715 RESUME - CATHERINE H. CHASE PETERS Political Work and Memberships: 1995 - presentCo-Founder of We The People, a citizen's organization in the USA to promote citizen voting and citizen participation in government, and an international citizen's movement. (see: 2000 - presentThe National Initiative for Democracy - Active Supporter (see: 2000 - 2009 IPPN Steering Committee(see: 2000IPPN Executive Co.(Independent Progressive Political Network) 1990 – 2000Member - Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), Washington, DC. 2000Peters For President, Campaign Coordinator 1991Founding Patron, Member, Connecticut-DLC. 1992 -1994Charter Member, New York-DLC. 1992 -1994Member, Democratic National Committee, Washington, DC. 1988 -1998Elected Justice of the Peace, Ridgefield, CT. 1985Executive Director and Secretary, New Democratic Dimensions - CT (NDD-CT). 1986 – 1989Elected to the Democratic Town Committee of Ridgefield, CT.Member of the fundraising committee; coordinated election night fundraiser, annual fundraisers, and advertising. 1989Co-Chair, League of Women Voters of Connecticut "Symposium on International Relations:" Drugs, Pollution, and Indifference: Can A North American Common Market Overcome This Challenge?", Yale University, New Haven. 1986"Peters for US Congress"- 5th Congressional District of CT- Volunteer Campaign Coordinator/ Office Coordinator . 1983 - presentMember, League of Women Voters , LWV-USA and LWV-CT. 1986 - 1988League of Women Voters of Ridgefield, CT-Board Member and Bulletin Editor.Co-Chair, Annual "Know-Your-Town Elected Officials" event. 1983 - 1986League of Women Voters of Greenwich, CT-Public Relations Chair and Editor of VoterAwareness Columns in local newspapers. Business Experience: 1990 - presentVice President, Partner, and Corporate Secretary, The U.S. - Mexican Development Corporation (USMDC), New York, NY. 1980 - 1990Assistant to the President and Partner, The U.S. - Mexican Development Corporation (USMDC).Office manager; project follow-up and information researcher; travel consultant; designer and layout artist for brochures, sales memorandums, and all other printed materials; book-keeper; marketing specialist; special advisor to the President.USMDC specializes in real estate, finance and new business development. 1980- PresentOwner, “Organizing People/Places/Things”-consultant & advisor on spatial relationships and how to organize them in one’s personal and business life. 1979 - presentCrafts Buying and Travel Consultant (freelance).Specializing in Mexico and Mexican crafts; trips include unique and individualized itinerary and areas of special interest. 1978 - 1980Owner/ Buyer/ Manager, "Fiberforms & Pots," Woodstock, NY.Fiberforms & Pots specialized in handcrafted objects of glass, clay, metal, wood and fiber - all of the highest quality and craftmanship made by leading contemporary craftspeople.Managed all buying; design of displays; advertising; office management; accounting; inventory control; personnel; and monthly artist shows. 1972 - presentProfessional Tapestry Maker and Fiber Artist - "Fiberforms Studio" for special commission work and private classes.Showed at Rhinebeck (ACC) and Fredrick (1975-1980) and was featured artist, Sarah Institute, New York City (1980). Education: Post Graduate Work - Pratt Institute and Parsons School of Design, New York City. MFA (1972) in TextileDesign and Weaving- School of American Craftsmen, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. BS (1969) in Art Education - Northeast Missouri State College, Kirksville, MO. Undergraduate work at: University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA and San Fernando Valley College, Northridge, CA (1963-1967). Community Service/ Volunteer Work: 2001 - presentCo-Founder of local Izcztepec Primary School Ecological Project and Trash Collection efforts in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico 2001 - presentCo-Founder of Community Cena Con Temas (Dinner with a Theme) and Community Comidas in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico 1984 - 1986Co-Chair Youth Employment Service (YES), Junior League of Greenwich, CT. 1984 - 1986Board Member and Public Relations Consultant - Gateway School, Greenwich, CT. 1983 - 1985President, Simon's Rock Early College Parent's Council, Great Barrington, MA. 1979 - 1981Member, Chamber of Commerce, Woodstock, NY. 1978 - 1979President, New York State Citizen's Coalition for Children, an advocacy group for adoptive and foster care children and families. Teaching Experience: 1972 - 1980Fiberforms Studio - private classes in weaving, textile design, fiber arts, and basketry. 1973 - 1980Adjunct Professor-Textiles- Atlanta College of Art; Georgia State University; Artist-in-the-Schools, Boiceville and Woodstock, NY; Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge, NY. 1973 - 1974Coordinator of Peachtree Alternative School, Atlanta, Georgia.Responsible for adminstration, proposal writing, funding and accreditation, overseeing teachers activities, and coordinating parent volunteers. 1969 - 1973Art Teacher, No. 16 School, Rochester, NY; Randolph School, Wappingers Falls, NY; Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY; Peachtree Alternative School, Atlanta, GA. Other: 1988 - 1994Member, The Ambassador's Roundtable - Forum for World Affairs, Stamford, CT. 1965 - presentMember, American Crafts Council (ACC), New York City. 1992Nominated for Who's Who in Business, 1992. 1992Nominated for Who's Who Worldwide Registry, Platinum Edition. Available upon request: - list of exhibitions and private collections containing work. - slide and photo portfolio of weaving and fiber work.  ==============================================================
JBP Jeffrey B. Peters A New World Community of Love and Peace Remarks prepared by Jeffrey B. Peters For: The World Forum on Spiritual Culture, October 19, 2010 My Dearly Beloved New Friends - My name is Jeffrey Blair Peters. I am Chief Executive Officer of The US-Mexican Development Corporation. I am Co-Founder of We The People. I was a Candidate for President of the United States of America in the year 2000, and most importantly, I am Founder of A New World Community of Love and Peace. I have a story to tell you.So please listen carefully because you might be the person I am looking for to Co-Create this New World Community of Love and Peace. My story begins in the spiritual capitol of Mexico – the valley of Tepoztlan, Morelos. On the morning of April 21, 2001, I was doing my morning meditation when two morning doves swooped down over my head and sat down in front of me on a stone wall, and began singing their Love Song – “Love You, Me Too – Love You, Me Too”.I interpreted that event as a sign that god was sending me the holy spirit of God’s Love. I believe that God has a plan for each one of us, and from that moment on I became a new ambassador of God’s Love. The story continues on August 15, 2009 when I woke up with a neon colored message from God which said: Create with me a New World Community of Love and Peace.So I began writing down the basics of this concept in the form of a one page press release which I will deliver to you at the end of my remarks.The press release goes like this: A New World Community Who, What, Where, and Why What?What do I mean by “A New World Community?” I mean a New World Community of Love and Peace for everyone, everywhere. We want the words Love and Peace; on your lips as you greet one another.We want “Love and Peace” on the top of your mind, and in the bottom of your heart. Where?In the hearts and minds of all people, worldwide. In Tepoztlan, the spiritual capitol of Mexico. Why?Why do suicide bombers kill themselves in order to kill others?There are many possibilities.Probably the most basic reason is that they feel their own life is not worth living, and they want the foreign invaders to leave their home country.Perhaps they do not have a job and their family needs money, and their “mentors” promise money for their family.And perhaps at their core, they do not love themselves nor have they received unconditional love from anyone, and their leaders promise them love in the “hereafter”. A beautiful song reminds us - “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of”.“What the world needs now is love, sweet love, no, not just for some but for everyone”.Love for suicide bombers before, that’s right, before they destroy themselves and us. If potential suicide bombers received genuine love here on earth, they might not kill themselves to receive possible love in the “hereafter.”There can be no peace without love.Love first, then peace. Invitation: I have an Invitation for you – as one of God’s Ambassadors of Love, I invite you to co-create with me “A New World Community of Love and Peace”- will you step forward and help me?If you want to participate, please see me at the end of my Remarks.Or contact me with your feedback, comments, and suggestions for this work in progress – my email address is: Music:What might be the music of a New World Community of Love and Peace?The music could be: Dvořák’s “New World Symphony,” “All You Need is Love,” by the Beatles, Beethoven’s “Joy Theme,” John Lennon’s “Imagine,” Michael Jackson’s “We Are The World,” and “Dona Nobis Pacem.” We return now to our story.In August of 2010, I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that said: “Love and Peace to the Whole World”.(JBP shows the bumper sticker.) So I said to myself, this is great!I am not alone.Someone else has the same idea and made a bumper sticker.I found the owner of the car, and asked her, “who did the bumper sticker?” and she said John McCarthy from Boston.You can reach him via the website on his bumper sticker: I called John, and we became soul brothers, and his website became the website for A New World Community of Love and Peace. So now, you- my audience at the World Forum on Spiritual Culture – become a part of this story.Would you like to Co-Create a New World Community of Love and Peace?Do you, or anybody you know, have the financial resources to help this dream become a reality?With so much hatred and war in this world, would you prefer Love and Peace?You, the people, can make this happen.Greet each other now with Love and Peace, and pass it on.Do it now “Love and Peace”, and pass it on! I conclude my remarks with an exercise that may help you become involved in this New World Community of Love and Peace.I do this exercise in my morning meditation. There are 8 sources of our God-given positive personal power: The first four are: Intuition, Clarity, Focus, and Concentration The second four are: Patience, Persistence, A Good Sense of Timing and A Good Sense of Humor. Intuition of what to do next by listening loudly to your own inner voice of God. Clarity of Objective of Co-Creating with God, A New World Community of Love and Peace. Intensity of Focus by finding the people and the money to help make it happen. Concentration, patience and persistence – don’t stop and never give up until we have A New World Community of Love and Peace. And finally, a good sense of timing and a good sense of humor.Don’t be afraid to sing a song, or whistle a tune. And so, I close my remarks with a song and a whistle (The song is: Come Full Circle by Tom Wisner. And now: Joyful, Joyful , whistled from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony) May God’s Love and Peace be with you, Now and Forever more – AMEN. Are there any Questions?Please see me now, if you want a bumper sticker, or a Press Release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------