Harmonious Civilization Spiritual Culture Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!

Global Harmony Association (GHA) Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 460 members in 56 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com GHA 1st Vice-president is Dr. Ernesto Kahan: Address: Hanita 7/2, Kfar Sava 44405, Israel, e-mail: ekahan@post.tau.ac.il GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja: Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL;Telephone: 256-604-6927; e-mail: ish0001@aol.com GHA-Japan President is Kae Morii GHA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA Projects List: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472 GHA Mission – from harmony to peace; Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHA 32nd Project (2010-2011) Contest: Muse of Harmony Approved by the GHA: April 05, 2011 The GHA Position on women: The woman is the main creator of a harmonious civilization. Her modern mission is to learn, consciously cultivate harmony in herself, family and society, and inspiring others by her own example, as a Muse. The term “muse” (Ancient Greek αἱμοῦσαι - think) in Greek mythology represents the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Goddess (in another version - the daughters of Harmony Goddess), who live on Mount Parnassus. The Muses are the goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge. The Greeks distinguished between nine Muses: Urania - Astronomy; Clio - History, Calliope - Epic poetry; Euterpe - Lyric poetry, Erato - Love poetry, Polyhymnia - Sacred poetry; Melpomene - Tragedy, Thalia - Comedy, Terpsichore - Choral Dance and song (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse) In this project, the term “Muse” is used in the generalized meaning of the patroness and inspirer of harmony, which pervades not only the arts and sciences, but also the entire life of a human being and the society. The Muse role in this broad sense characterizes the woman as the most harmonious being on Earth. Every woman can, is, and should be on her mission as the Muse-inspirer of harmony in the society, starting with her family and children. This GHA project is dedicated to the development of this great mission for the women in the world. The GHA definition: To be a Muse of harmony means to develop harmony (mutual consent, concord, proportion and measure) in all four spheres of personality: character, consciousness, will and body (and not confined to only one sphere or sacrificing others for the one), and inspire others by the happiness and joy of her entire life. Harmony in society starts with each one of us, with the woman and her children first and foremost. The Project Title: GHA World Women's Contest “Muse of Harmony,” more briefly as Female Contest of Harmony; Contest: Harmony Muse; Harmony Contest; Contest. Project authors: Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, Russia, Project Leader, Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Israel, GHA 1 st Vice President, Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President, Kae Morii, GHA-Japan President, Marie Robert, France Copyright © 2011 Global Harmony Association, Copyright © 2011 Leo Semashko Publications in: Russian: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=498 English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=474 Contents 1. Preface. The woman - muse and main creator of a harmonious civilization 2. Contest of Harmony: destination, purpose and its preferences before the Beauty Contest 3. Core of the Contest: dimensions, blocks and nominations 4. Organization of Contest 5. Resources of Contest 6. The initial stages of the project 7. Value and prospects of Contest Long live the Muses! Long live the Reason! Alexander Pushkin Woman is the sun of harmony GHA Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth, Unapt to toil and trouble in the world, But that our soft conditions and our hearts Should well agree with our external parts? William Shakespeare Strength of woman is in her harmony! Leo Semashko 1. Preface. The woman - muse and main creator of a harmonious civilization Last year, the Global Harmony Association (GHA) identified the woman as muse and main creator of harmony. In the context of harmonious civilization originated in 2009, this year the GHA goes further to define the mission of a modern woman: to learn and consciously cultivate harmony in her, family and society (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=363). A new civilization with new values of harmony requires a new priority social actor with woman as the most harmonious being in nature and society. In the 21st century, the woman is primarily called to transform the civilization. In a harmonious civilization role of women is a priority in the harmonious development of children and society. Initially, the world was created by God in harmony. In the first social stage, the Earth was governed by the woman in a matriarch society. It was replaced by patriarch society in the succeeding civilization. This world is ruled by money, so its original harmony is disfigured by never-ending war (just as today in Libya), violence, terror, aggression, hunger, crises and mass social pathologies. This disharmonious world dies under increasing pressure of their growing insoluble problems. In the new world of harmonious civilization, harmony will rule, and the woman assumes the priority role as the most harmonious being. The famous phrase of Japanese poet Raityo Hiratsuka states: “Woman was originally the sun!” Her harmony is sung in countless masterpieces of poetry, music, paintings and sculptures of all times and nations. Therefore, the GHA has identified the woman as the sun of harmony. The woman is mother and muse of harmony on Earth! But a woman must deeply understand her capacity for a harmonious personality so knowingly to perform her mission as the main creator of a harmonious civilization. The governance of harmonious women is the most worthy, valuable and viable factor, providing sustainable development of humanity, prosperity and happiness for all nations. Correspondingly, she must knowingly cultivate her harmony and own harmonious development. The best and the most attractive form for this process is the Contest of Harmony as a demonstration of the female achievements of harmony in all individual and social spheres. The winners of this Contest are recognized publicly as "Muse of Harmony" at the appropriate level. Participation in the Contest provides each contestant effective self-knowledge and further harmonization of the spheres of her personality. 2. Contest of Harmony: destination, purpose and its preferences before the Beauty Contest World Women's Contest "Muse of Harmony" is a call to initiate conscious creation of the main actor of a harmonious civilization, whom is a woman, and that responsibility creates the social purpose and key mission of the Contest. The objectives of the Contest are: 1. Demonstration and promotion of female harmony, its achievements and individual forms of development as a model for others, especially children. 2. Education, enlightenment and the overcoming of ignorance in the woman's self-harmonization. Contest of Harmony can be regarded as a new stage of the Beauty Contest which, in essence, reveals the woman’s harmony in her physical form. The beauty in this interpretation is a form of harmony. Undoubtedly, the physical beauty is an important manifestation of female harmony, which however, is not confined by or limited by it. Harmony Contest overcomes this limitation by an expression and development of harmonious completeness of female identity in the organic unity of all four of its spheres (see below). Therefore, Harmony Contest eliminates age limits of the Beauty Contest and is open to all women age 18 and older. This makes it psychologically more appealing for women and more important for society. Its humanistic sense is self-knowledge and self-development of woman’s harmonious identity as an example for her children, grandchildren and other people, as well as a way to afford them her life harmonious experience. This is the main advantage and dignity of the Harmony Contest. The woman in this contest appears not as a one-dimensional commodity, but as an individual in all harmonious completeness and wholeness. 3. Core of the Contest: dimensions, blocks and nominations Harmony of the woman, like that of the man, is multidimensional and is a balance and inner consent of her four fundamental spheres: Character, Consciousness (Intellect), Will and Body. These spheres are necessary and sufficient for the harmony of a human being as a whole. They express her/his deep four-dimensional harmonious integrity (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=178). The four spheres of the identity correspond to the four blocks of consideration in the women's Contest of Harmony: Character, Consciousness (Intellect), Will and Body. Each block includes the nominations in the five main characteristics/qualities. Total number of the Contest nominations is 20 in the following structure: CHARACTER (attitude towards people and herself): - Children and grandchildren (their characteristics and self-appraisal of the mothering mission) - Spouse and parents (their characteristics and self-appraisal of the mission for them) - Relatives, friends, colleagues and self-appraisal (similar) - Humanitarian values (harmony, love, faith, hope, kindness, justice, conscience, honor, truthfulness, friendship, happiness, etc.) - Humanitarian needs and abilities (level, state and development) CONSCIOUSNESS (attitude towards information): - Education, culture of thought and speech, knowledge of harmony alphabet and Esperanto - Scientific and / or artistic works - Information Technology and Culture (computer skills, Internet, etc.) - Intellectual values (truth, logic, validity, reasonableness, consistency, etc.) - Intellectual needs and abilities (level, state and development) WILL (attitude towards organization): - Organization (order) of the day, week, month and year (their characteristics and self-appraisal). - Purposefulness: life goals and the path to them (their characteristics and self-appraisal). - Internal self-organization and its goals (their characteristics and self-appraisal). - Organizational values (sequence, order, perseverance, diligence, dedication, concentration, and accuracy, etc.). - Organizational needs and abilities (level, state and development) BODY (attitude towards your body and things): - Health (physical), nutrition and food supplements - Sports and physical training - Figure, face, body care, cosmetics and fashion - Physical values (health, healthy lifestyles, physical balance, etc.) - Physical needs and abilities (level, state and development) Each block is estimated to a maximum of 25 points. Therefore, the maximum number of points of the Contest is 100. Each of the five characteristics/qualities within each block is estimated to a maximum of 5 points. Lack of a characteristic/quality is zero points. The participants are the contestants who nominate them in all categories/nominations of the Contest. Each nomination is self-appraisal, expression and demonstration/show of a contestant of her qualities in a maximum of 3 minutes. The contest organizers reserve the right to reduce each block-sphere to 2-3, or extend to 8-10 qualities in a separate Contest, especially in the first stage. The four block-spheres of the individual represent the ABC of self-harmony. They express the most fundamental diversity of individuals which knowingly or intuitively is harmonized by individual during one’s life successfully or unsuccessfully. The values in each block become the factors for comparison among women. Contest will help women to harmonize these block-spheres in a conscious (scientific) way by comparing with concrete examples. We all know, everything is known in comparison. Therefore, the Contest creates unlimited opportunities for women's awareness and self-knowledge about the alphabet of harmony through its four spheres. The Contest unfolds for women a new way of self-perfection in individual harmony. 4. Organization of Contest The Contest is conducted in the two organizational forms: internal and external. The internal organization of the Contest includes: - The structure of the nominations and their estimates in the points (see above). - Contents levels: company or municipality, city, province/state, country, continent and world. - Winner: the title of “Muse of Harmony (at appropriate level)”. - The contest participants may not be the members of the Jury. - The women, who self-assess to be the Muse of Harmony at any level, receive the official title “Contestant: Muse of Harmony.” The contestants at the first level are those women who have passed the preliminary selection/casting procedure organized by the relevant Jury. The contestants of the next levels are the Contest winners of the underlying level or have passed a special selection. - The GHA forms and approves the Grand International Contest Jury (Grand Jury: 20-50 women) from among the GHA women members, who are recognized by the GHA as the Harmony Muses. A preliminary list, including 50 women from 20 countries, is prepared for approval (see Appendix). The GHA recognizes these women as the Harmony Muses and invites them to accept this prestigious title to join the Grand Jury. A Muse may agree or disagree to enter the Jury. The judges of the Contest for the title of Harmony Muse can only be the Harmony Muses recognized by the GHA. The GHA approves the Contest President (who is also the Jury Chair), the Contest Vice-Presidents and the Jury members. The Contest President is the Vice-president of the GHA Board. The Vice-Presidents are nominated from those with experience in functional tasks, in organizing various contests and commercial enterprises in different countries. The Contest winners are included in its International Jury. For the second go-around, the Jury and the Board develop the Contest Charter, which is approved by the GHA. All other questions and distribution of functions within the Jury are decided independently by the Contest organization. Its responsibility includes: inviting the international and national women's organizations to participate in the Contest, seeking sponsors from among the corporations producing female attributes (clothes, shoes, cosmetics, and etc.), contracting with sponsors and television corporations to broadcast the Contest on TV channels, especially in the women's TV programs. The international nature of the Jury requires that the President and the Vice-Presidents speak English. Depending upon the Contest country, the Grand Jury approves a Small Jury of 5 members, in which 3 must be from other countries. The Jury provides an allocation of not less than 10% of the Contest profits to the GHA account after all the expenses and payment of the Grand Jury staff. - Time for the Contest: one day of Contest for each block – each contestant shows/expresses the corresponding block of his personality in five categories as necessary for her. The Jury of 5 members evaluates each contestant in accordance with the general requirements as well as by personal experience. Each member of the jury posts points the screen. The average score for each contestant for each nomination day is determined from these points. The Contests optimal frequency is 1 year. - Awards: they are defined for the Muse of Harmony at each level by the Contest organizers and Jury. The Contest external organization, holding by the Grand Jury, includes: - Choose one of three main organizational strategies for each of the Contest: 1. An existing institutional framework of the Beauty Contest on the basis of relevant agreements, 2. An independent institutional framework, for example, the corporation "Harmony Contest,” and 3. Search organizers for each Contest. This strategy includes: - Searching from the women's organizations (from local to international levels), only with them help can be every Contest. - Liaison with the organizers at various levels of leadership in: municipality, city, province/state, country. The first Contest may be held in any firm, in any city of any country. The first city to hold the Contest of Harmony will be its birthplace. It is desirable that the mayor of this city is a woman. - Liaison with the contest organizers affiliated with the TV companies and their shows. - Liaison with the contest organizers of the corporations-sponsors that produce products for women. - Identification with the Contest organizers of the certain location for it. - Definition of the Small Jury with the Contest organizers. - Juridical forming and support for each of the Contest. (I don’t understand what it means) 5. Resources of Contest The contest, like any venture, requires four essential resources: people (organizers and participants), information, organization and things. The first and main resource is people. The Contest human resource as the GHA organizers in a face of the Harmony Muses and them Jury is listed below. Information resource, especially vision, ideology and mission of the Contest briefly presented above, and in more detail in the GHA books, especially in "Harmonious civilization”: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379 The Contest ideology creates a very effective advertising that will attract the attention of most women and motivate many of them to participate in it. This factor will be crucial to interest the female and TV industry in the financing of this project. Organizational resource in the most general view is outlined above. The overriding issue in organizational maintenance is the Contest financing. The attractive mission of the Contest and its active human resource will provide a solution to this problem. The Contest technical support is a consequence of the previous three resources and presents only technical problem, which is easily solvable. Therefore, the project will provide the key resources and has every chance of success. 6. The initial stages of the project The initial stages of the project are: 1. Approval of the GHA list of the Harmony Muses and the Jury, 2. Choice for the first Contest the city, whose mayor is a woman, 3. Seek interested sponsors of this city and country - companies and corporations, producing cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, clothing, shoes and other women's accessories, 5. Advertisement of the first Consent on TV and its conduct. 7. Value and prospects of Contest
The "Muse of Harmony" Contest has an obvious social, humanistic, educational and economic importance, because it deals with humanity, opening up for it the conscious way toward a harmonious civilization. The Contest is important for men to whom a woman has always been and will remain an ideal of harmony. Many men join the Contest only to help their favorite muses of harmony to win. It is possible that over time the men organize a similar "Men’s Contest of Harmony" for themselves. This will allow them to keep up with their female counterparts – their harmonious development is no less important than for women. It is also possible that this Contest may be created for children and adolescents. This Contest will become an integral part of life for all children and educational establishments, because it focuses on the harmonious development of children, which is very important for their age and is very attractive for them in playing and sportive manner. It will greatly enhance the prestige of education. Therefore, this Contest has every reason to succeed continuously, as it is the unconscious desire of every human being to be in harmony with the society. It affords harmony not only to women, men and children, but also to the key social institutions and actor: genders, generations, families, cultures, states, and nations. The Harmony Contest will unfold a universal nature of social harmony, and will confirm the social importance of Tetrasociology of harmony developed in the GHA as the key scientific knowledge of a harmonious civilization. Therefore, the GHA, as an institution of public sociology, invites all people, especially sociologists to this contest, as social science is designed to serve people and society, and cannot be narrow and academic. This defines a multi-dimensional and universal significance the Harmony Contests under the patronage of Mind Muses and under the auspices of women's priority of harmony and its woman's face. It's only a matter of time. This project was edited by Dr. Laj Utreja April 04, 2011
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President |
Prof. Ernesto Kahan, GHA 1st Vice President, Israel |
Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President |
Kae Morii, GHA – Japan President | Marie Robert, France | |

Harmonious civilization --------------------------------------------------------------
Appendix: GHA Muses of Harmony: World Contest Jury members and beyond the Jury Name and Role in Contest | Employment | Country | Email and Website | | | | | Contest President and Jury Chair: | | | | Lida Sherafatmand | Poet and painter, www.lidsher.com | Paris and Malta | lidasherafatmand@yahoo.com,
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=514 | Vice-Presidents: | | | | Catherine H. Chase Peters | Artist, Teacher, Businesswoman | Mexico | cicichasep@aol.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=471 | Svetlana Vetrova | Bard, teacher | Russia | svetrova@yandex.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=21 | Nina Goncharova | Poet, bard
| Russia | gong3000@ngs.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=248 | Zaure Khizatolla | Lawyer, poet, singer | Kazakhstan | zaubox@gmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=466 | Maria Cristina Azcona | Poet, psychologist, teacher | Argentina | azconacristina@hotmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 | | | | | Mary Luz Sandoval Robayo, | Sociologist | Colombia | maryluzsandoval@hotmail.com, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=443 | Jury members: | | | | Hedva Bachrach | Writer | Israel | hedgad@netvision.net.il, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=452 | Susana Roberts | Poet
| Argentina | roberts_susana@hotmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275 | Nina Novikova | Jurnalist | Russia | ni-novikova@yandex.ru, | Larisa Varnavskay | Manager | Russia | Varnavskaya@list.ru, | Nina Yudina | Poet | Russia | nina_yudina@bk.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=408 | Elena Balicheva | Psychologist | Russia | balicheva.elena@mail.ru, | Nadia Atamanova | Economist | Russia | imc-iris@yandex.ru, | Nonna Matveenko | Designer | Russia | non777@list.ru, | Marina Ushakova | Psychologist | Russia | Umka-ushakova@mail.ru, | Natalia Sidorova | Journalist | Russia | paradiz.spb@gmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=41 | Dina Tanatova | Sociologist | Russia | dktanatova@mail.ru, | Tatiana Tridvornova | Designer, florist | Russia | tridvornova@mail.ru http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=475 | Maria Ivanova | Engineer | Russia | mariyablond2009@rambler.ru, | Rosa Dalmiglio, | Manager | Italy | rdalmiglio@hotmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 | Erica Lazarova | Historian | Bulgaria | Ericalazarova@yahoo.com, | Beyond the Jury | | | | Marie Robert | Choreography, photos, poetry, Businesswoman | France | Marieeau77@aol.com, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 | Debra Giusti | Producer, Businesswoman | U.S. | debra@harmonyfestival.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=370 | | | | | Nina Meyerhof | COE President | U.S. | Coevt@aol.com, http://www.children-of-the-earth.org/ | Evelin Lindner | Scientist, HumanDHS President | Norway, World citizen | e.g.lindner@psykologi.uio.no, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=74 | Maitreyee Bardhan Roy | Director of College | India | maitreyee25@rediffmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317 | Mariam Khan | Politician
| Pakistan | mariam.inspiredsisters@gmail.com, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=374 | Dalia Steiner | WICO President
| Israel | daliast@netvision.net.il, http://www.royalhonor.com/members/DaliaSteiner.htm | Ada Aharoni | IFLAC President | Israel | iflac@bezeqint.net, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2 | Margaret Archer | Sociologist | England | m.s.archer@warwick.ac.uk, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=438 | | | | | Smita Verma | Sociologist | India | smitten_yeah@yahoo.com, | Svetlana Tsimbalist | Poet | Russia | cymbalissimo@yandex.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=480 | Svetlana Kuskovskaya | Teacher | Russia | http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=479 | Lucy Alferova | Teacher | Russia | dinagimn76@rambler.ru, | Galina Osadchay | Sociologist | Russia | Osadchaya111@gmail.com, | Margarita Maass | Sociologist | Mexico | margarita_maass@yahoo.com.mx, | Sun Dongrong | Businesswoman | China | sundongrong@163.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=305 | | | | | Teresinka Pereira | Poet | U.S. | tpereira@buckeye-express.com, http://wps-poets.blogspot.com/2007/05/teresinka-pereira.html | | | | | Nancy Roof | Philosopher | U.S. | nancy@kosmosjournal.org, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=227 | Lily Yeh | Artist | U.S. | lily@barefootartists.org, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=415 | Harmony Kieding | Journalist | U.S. | ladyharmony23@yahoo.com, | Ravinder Rena | Economist | Namibia | drravinderrena@gmail.com, ijeed@gmail.com, | Victoria Osipchik | Philosopher | Belarus | osipchik@mail.ru, | Lia Diskin | Sociologist | Brazil | liapalasathena@uol.com.br, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=27 | Maria Eulina P. De Carvalho | Sociologist | Brazil | mepcarv@terra.com.br, | TOTAL: 45 women from 17 countries | | | |