
REVIEWS for the book:
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking by Dr. Leo Semashko and GHA 75 coauthors from 26 countries. Global Textbook. GHA 34th Project - First published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, pages – 334, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2 URL: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 – HTML and http://www.peacefromharmony.org/file/6079/ABC_of_Harmony_eng.pdf - PDF. The authors’ 27 reviews: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 Book order: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=508 Reviews in the Russian Language: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=534
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace… By Dr. Ahmed Hamdy Emara* This book is perfect, and have been team achievements of pioneer researchers, scientists. We should spread love in our life and live in a loving peaceful state to spread peace inside our spirits and into the whole earth. The vision of the book is coming from advanced thinking. By opening new chapter within the human sciences - philosophical harmony for world peace and harmonious civilization, Co-authors have opened door for longevity of Homo sapiens civilization on the planet Earth. The best idea here is asking humanity to spread love, kindness, peace all over the world. I wish to the colleagues of Global Harmony Association as well as to all humankind peace, respect, morality, wisdom, and complementary harmonious coexistence towards sustainable future of present and future humans on Earth. In conclusion please let us love and free our mind for a better human generation and for a free future. *Dr Ahmed Hamdy Emara, GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Egypt, Senior pediatric physical therapist at Cairo University, B.Sc. of physical therapy, Address: Haram st. Giza, Egypt, Email: ahmedhemarah@gmail.com, Cell. +201003021525 29/11/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…
By Dr. Naresh Goyal* The ABC of Harmony – or simple the ABC, the alphabet or the code of harmony – is the most concise expression for the following terms: the ABC of social and individual harmony, the alphabet of harmony of society and human; the alphabet of social and individual harmony and etc. Universal harmony embraces the nature, society and individual. This book is limited only to social and individual harmony. Individual is the part of society. Therefore, society’s general harmony is social. Individual harmony is only part of the social harmony. Therefore, the term social harmony is the most general term used in this book. However, social harmony cannot be understood without individual harmony, and vice versa. The ABC of Harmony consists of the letters, each of which expresses the fundamental element of social harmony as its necessary and sufficient sphere. The spheres are the extreme scale, necessary and sufficient, and infinite in the social space time parts or units of social harmony. The terms, that is, the letters, elements, spheres, and units of social harmony are used almost as synonyms and interchangeably. The most important of these are element and sphere. Harmony is a perfection of the world. The most concise definition of the ABC of Harmony is the 20 fundamental, necessary and sufficient elements/spheres of society that express the deep structure of social harmony and define the infinite variety of its manifestations. The whole history of philosophical and sociological thinking has led to the selection of 20 necessary and sufficient spheres of social harmony, though, it is possible that society will witness an emergence of new groups in the future. It is the elements of social harmony. The fundamental elements of harmony are the utmost large spheres and vice verse. Even though the title for the ABC of Harmony contains a reference to the first three letters of the English alphabet, a symbol of fundamental learning, this book was written not for children. To teach children, we must first teach adults, primarily teachers and parents. Therefore, our ABC is primarily intended for them. Then, basing on this initial book of ABC, we will create similar ABC books for children of various ages from one to 17 years in diverse cultures and countries. The ABC of Harmony consists of five necessary and sufficient groups/clusters of the fundamental elements of social harmony: resources – processes – structures –classes – individual/human. PIOT resources are: People, Information, Organizations and Things (material goods and services). PIOT’s basic resources are in a closed cycle of processes from their production, where they arise, to consumption, where they disappear. PIOT resources, together with their closed processes, create the structures/organizations of their production and consumption.The people employed in these structures comprise a large group of the population and make the relevant classes and social structure. PIOT’s resources, as a social macrocosm, are impressed in microcosm of the individual/human as its internal similar complex of resources, without which his life is impossible just as society’s life without these resources is also impossible. All the infinite variety of objects, structures, properties and relations of the social world are summarized in these five clusters and reduced to it. Therefore, the ABC, which includes them, is universal for the social world. The ABC embraces its diversity, which aspires to harmony as a sustainable development of this world and the most optimal state of it. *Dr. Naresh Goyal, GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, Social worker, Chairman and Member of many Organizations of Social Care, Businessman, Managing Director, Hotel Raj Mahal, Address: Bikaner, (Rajasthan), India, Cell: +91 9414141151, Web: www.rajmahalhotel.co.in, Email: nareshgoyal151@gmail.com 11/06/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace… By Andra Prodea* Harmony is construed of as an unassailable fortress of mind from the ancient times. It is fair to mention that ancient philosophers have had the foresight to capture a deep understanding of it,since harmony is a vital and fundamental property,being the foundation of man´s thoughts in various civilizations,countries,cultures and epoques. Harmony is also regarded as a maturity test for human thinking. People have tried to submerge into the depth of harmony,and in every single part of it. The ABC of harmony is made out of four decisive steps without whom it would be impossible to think about it: harmonious philosophy,harmonious ontology,harmonious logic of knowledge and harmonious praxeology.It is important to bear in mind that harmony is available only to a harmonious mind in the unity of its four harmonious abilities. We must learn that the main pillar of the harmonism culture is harmonious thinking aimed at harmonious solutions to any problems on the base of the Internet information. By means of the ABC of harmony, we intend to raise the foundation of a harmonious civilization since the global social harmony will be based on the scientific foundation of the ABCand with the same scale,with the same intensity with which industriadism produces weapons. If every nation has come to a good grasp of what harmony effectively means, this will create for each nation a strong cultural base for conscious transition to scientific understanding in the ABC as a general spiritual denominator.We must point out the harmonious character behind the creation of the ABC of harmony and how that corresponds with the spirit of harmony. The major focus of peace-harmony should always be love and service to all people without exception. This will undoubtedly bring us to world unity and global harmony,which are preserved in a new ,harmonious civilization,free from war and endemic poverty. The relationship between homo industris and homo harmonicus reminds me of the film regarded as a masterpiece of Charlie Chaplin- Modern times(1935). It depicts a sarcastic picture of the civilization of automation and the chase for productivity ,with its dramatic consequences: unemployment, the workers´ mutiny etc.After 8 decades from the cinematographic parable of Chaplin, nothing shows signs of having really changed, on the contrary,what the movie betrayed has nowadays become a poignant reality,dramatically exposed by the democratic societies. The movie came after the great recession from 1929-1933. Now we are in the throes of a more ominous crisis that tears our patience to shreds. So the afore-mentioned relationship is rather an incompatible disjunction than one exulting in harmony and peace. *Andra Gabriela Prodea Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA), Student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of International Relations and European Studies Bucharest, Romania Phone: Email: 03/04/14 ------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…
By Dr Timi Ecimovic* This book is of great value, and have been team achievements of pioneer researchers, scientist and people of good will mutually joined to the task of better tomorrow of humankind. Dr Leo Semashko and colleagues have contributed novelty scientific approach to the most important part of human sciences – WORLD PEACE, HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATRION AND TETRANET THINKING FROM HARMONY. The vision of the book is coming from advanced thinking and acting of the Global Harmony Association, uniting more than 500 individual members from more than 60 countries. By opening new chapter within the human sciences - philosophical harmony for world peace and harmonious civilization - and inventing the tetranet thinking as methodology for better tomorrow of humanity the ABC of Harmony co-authors have opened door for longevity of Homo sapiens civilization on the planet Earth. I wish to the colleagues of Global Harmony Association, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, and IASE Deemed University as well as to all humankind peace, respect, reason, morality, wisdom, and complementary harmonious coexistence towards sustainable future of present and future humans on the planet Earth. In conclusion please let us unite for better tomorrow of humankind! *Prof Dr Dr h. c. Timi Ecimovic, Korte 124 SI - 6310 Izola - Isola Slovenia Phone: ++ 386 5 64 21 360 E - mail: timi.ecimovic@bocosoft.com Home page: www.institut-climatechange.si 29/01/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace… By Dr. Nicolae Bulz* The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking is a great human attempt and a long term work, e-seen as a 332 pages coherent and cohesive outcome /2012/ co-authored by Dr. Leo Semashko and 75 co-authors from 26 countries. This opus stands as a virtual entrance towards an “Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century and is intended for all educational institutions in the world”. Its main goal, creative expanded into its five main parts, is expressed in the title, as, for global peace, harmonious civilization and tetranet thinking. Within a statistical-lexical insight, it would be to find out the number of “harmony” word occurrence. Then, within an ordinate procedure, to find out the numbers of “other primal words” occurrence. So, it will be revealed an objective occurrence map/frame of words/constructs – related to co-authors’ “harmony” concept/constructs; it evolves as a contemporary response to the Ancient “All are in All.” (Anaxagoras). Here and now, instead of a statistical lexicographical (re)search, I shall present a subjective and heuristic comprehension on the co-authors’ “harmony” concept/constructs – elicited around 24 conceptual tetra-models (the majority of these models are initiated and elaborated by Dr.Leo Semashko); i.e.: love, peace, justice, fraternity, happiness, civilization and tetranet thinking, beauty in the character, order in the nation,peace in the world, greatest shift of human thought in the last millennia, observing the revelation of our future, four-dimensional harmonious holistic tetranet thinking, “the second axial age”; “integrity of existence” (Karl Jaspers) in the history of human thought, the new civilization free from the horrors of the outgoing one, Peace through Harmony, social harmony, “necessity of transiting the harmonious worldview to all people” (Charles, Prince of Wales), arithmetic of harmony, “digital (tetradic) harmonious mind”; “shift of the modes of thinking”; “thinking cell is the whole in the harmony of the parts”; “harmonism / tetrism / tetrapluralism”(Leo Semashko), harmony/holism, maximization of the harmony of the whole, maximization of harmony instead maximization of profits, nonviolence and tolerance, harmonious civilization and the harmonious person – homo harmonicus, “ABC terminology – philosophical terminology – sociological terminology- own terminology”,“past civilizations – spontaneity – harmonious civilization – awareness/ consciousness”, the chain: People – Information – Organization – Things (PIOT), fundamental elements (clusters) of social harmony: resources – processes – structures – classes – individual/human, chain and tetramodel: harmony – tetra-structure – harmony integrity – harmony fullness, three inseparable qualities: necessity, sufficiency and coherence, Production – Distribution - Exchange – Consumption (PDEC), Sociosphere - Infosphere - Orgsphere – Technoecosphere (SIOT), Individual Spheres: Character – Consciousness – Will – Body,Psynomeof a Human (Individual Spheres) and Socionome of aSOCIETY: socio-, info-, org-, techno-spheres / NATURE: lito-, hidro-, atmo-, iono-, bio-, noo-, cosmo-spheres of the Earth, ABC of Harmony Stages / Spheres of : production – classes – resources (PIOT) – human, Harmonious Education (HE) - six types of classification tasks, “it does not involve knowledge of holistic approach and/by interdisciplinary creative cooperation only, but also values, culture, ethics and norms (VCEN)” (Matjaz Mulej and Zdenka Zenko), European Union and India:Evolution of enlightened society - Leading to Energy Independence - World Knowledge Platform (Abdul Kalam), ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility for Harmony, ... On the other hand, it seems that the co-authors’ concentrate a set of contraries to “harmony” concept/constructs [so clearly engaging their major effort to “active” lines, not to “anti” lines]; as: crisis, weak souls, one-dimensional (industrial) disharmonious and partial thinking, “The conflicts are created by us” (Kanak Mal Dugar), disharmony-triadism/fragmentism, maximization of profit of the parts, monism, disruptiveness, violence and intolerance, one-dimensional person – homo economicus, ... There are model-25 -:- model-71 – which stand as an applicative and extended proof for the general scale of the Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology. Also, model-72 -:- model-87 stand as 17 great personalities’ expressions on “their harmonious doctrines, or their harmonious way of living”; revealing other type of proof for the general scale of the Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology. An intercultural contribution is provided by the last parts of the opus: "Harmony Poetry", “Conclusion / ABC of Harmony + Maieutics of Harmony = Planetary Love: Birth of a Harmonious Human Identity” [including model-88] and "Harmony Painting". So, the entire opus is original, creative, active, and dedicated to our real Humankind. I suppose to be a world wide basic educational tool. I wish to the Global Harmony Association to attain its own climax of identity through, by, from Harmony; to learn and self-adapt according to the humankind’s and different precedent humanitarian organisations’ track(s). Is here and now possible a boundary Harmony – a holographic Harmony – or/and (fuzzy) NO? Nicolae Bulz, Professor, Dr., Full Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA), GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Founder, Interdisciplinary Laboratory <S. Haret - V. Ghika>>, 2000, International Sociological Association (ISA) member, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) affiliate member, UK Systems Society (UKSS) member, Vice-president, Social and Economic Cybernetics Commission, Romanian Academy structures, Author of 7 books, Address: Bucharest, Romania, Website: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BO0ZPqEAAAAJ&hl=en Email: nbulz@yahoo.com 01/01/14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…Review by Priya Agrawal* Though World Peace and Harmony are large topics to understand, the ABC of Harmony has presented them in just few pages. The slogans ‘Peace comes from harmony’ and ‘Harmony gives Happiness’ has given a wide spectrum to the world. The great thoughts of Abdul Kalam, Vladimir Vernadsky have been presented with a big explanation of it. This book explains us ‘How beautiful is the world in harmony!‘. The main goal of this book is itself expressed in the title. Many slogans have been used to take the world towards the royal path of harmony. ‘No desires, be utilized‘ is a truth because till the evils like greed, selfishness, desires, idleness, feeling of inequality and intolerance persist in the society conflicts remain unresolved. ‘When there is beauty in character There is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, There is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, There is peace in the world.’ These poetic lines indicate that we are the only one to start for the peace and harmony in the world. We cannot expect others to bring peace unless and until we don’t apply the concept of peace. The character, consciousness, will and body language plays a key role in bringing peace in the world. When these basic things of a person are beautiful, then and then only it can create harmony in the house. When there is peace in our home, it will spread in our neighborhood. From neighborhood it will increase to a particular area, from area to the society, from society to the country and finally from country to the whole world.
No one is other, no one is another. When no one is another, we all are the same of the creation of Nature or the creation of his master. one will be able to understand the meaning of harmony when he will come to know the concept of that, is not the person who died, father of a child? Is he not the husband of his wife? Is he not the dearest to his mother? Is the blood of the person who died and who created the terror different? Can’t he start the journey towards the peace from ourselves? Harmony can also be brought by the new way of looking at the world. The people need to change their way of seeing the world. The way we see the world it looks the same. If we look at the world with hatred the people will look at us with the same behavior. If we give and try to feel the love with the people then we would also gain love from the people. Harmony of the world is hurt due to war and terrors which take place due to the ego of the person. Many groups of people think that their religion is the best and they create hatred towards other religion. Thus ego is developed in the mind and thus he harms others. Thus it is a necessity to drop down the ego and live with brotherhood. To put an end to war and terror, first we need to put our heart at peace. We don’t need to bring peace, peace itself will bring peace. There is no need of doing any prayers but only one prayer, "Oh God, Our Lord!! You have created us with love as the best part of your beautiful and good world harmony. Bless us with harmony with nature and each other to leave in peace." * Priya Agrawal, Child Poetess, Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA), GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony among the World Children, Author of ‘Aatank se Aman Tak' - Book on World Peace and two other books, Education – Studying in 11th Std., Address: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, INDIA, Website: www.wix.com/priyapoetess4u/india Facebook: www.facebook.com/priyapoetess Youtube: www.youtube.com: Priya Poetess Google: www.google.com: Priya Agrawal, Ahmedabad Tel +91-93275 46066 Email: priyapoetess4u@gmail.com 25/11/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace… Review by Mrs. Titilola Adesidat Arike* The whole human life is in a state of turmoil because modern civilization is based on violence and destruction. Humanity faces challenges of unprecedented portions in the area of weapon, conflicts between individual, states and difference ethic groups fighting over the religious, discrimination among the people, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor due to the process of civilization. With the advent of 21st century agenda which introduce’ how to save the humility and how to create the global peace and harmonious civilization. The ABC of Harmony is the world’s greatest contribution to the world for saving the humility from further destruction and for creating a harmonious civilization. The ABC of Harmony stand and point out to respect and care towards others, treating others with love and going further together along the way of evolution, preserving and passing on the knowledge to the future generation while simultaneously teaching then to love one another. As we all know that war and violent begin in the minds of men, it’s is therefore in the minds of men that we must construct the defense of peace and a new culture of education for peace towards harmony and tolerance. The ABC of Harmony is also used to guide leaders committed to bring a real changes in this critical time of transition from disharmonious culture to a culture of true peace and harmony; One of the objectives of the ABC of harmony to better understands the importance of moral values and life goals that build a brighter future. A good government who has the interest of its citizen must embrace the ABC of Harmony by giving its citizen the sense of belonging to the society from the rural area to the urban society. Provision of good infrastructure, good health care services, provision of jobs for the unemployment, creating welfare package for the less privilege, and avoiding child abuse. The ABC of Harmony is very complex and informative in solving matters in sociological, philosophical and scientific ways. It gives proofs formation and solution to the most complex human struggle in this era which is aspired to peace, harmony and balance. I thank the GHA for their depth thinking in formulating the ABC of Harmony and in making sure that peace and harmony Rain among the people all over the world at large. *Mrs. Titilola Adesidat Arike, Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA), Educator, National Open University, Charity of peace for idle hands and gender equity, Founder, Married, Address: Lagos, Nigeria Phone GSM: 08030520705 Email: ariketiti@yahoo.com 15/11/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…
Review by Muhammad Yunus Khan* The GHA is having good taste of collective social and intellectual work during about 9 years, as well as love for peace and prosperity. Therefore GHA discussed among colleagues for this time 7 collective books and 48 projects of global harmony, world peace and harmonious education as a way to this peace. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace… is the unprecedented in world history scientific work about social harmony. We can not compare it with anything similar book-world textbook. It is the main historical merit of the GHA 76 coauthors of this work. It opens the wide road for scientific researches of global harmony before humanity, for the first to create global peace science from social harmony science. It is the second historical merit of this work as the start global peace science, which is creating now in the GHA. The ABC of Harmony identifies four spheres of human society: Social sphere (Sociosphere), Information sphere (Infosphere), Organization sphere (Orgsphere) and Technical (Economic/Echological) – Technoecosphere together with four natural harmonious spheral classes of the population, employed in these spheres: Socioclass, Infoclass, Orgclass and Technoclass. only these spheral classes are the final causes, sources and natural harmonious actors of global peace on al levels. Scientific understanding of the harmonious spheral classes is the key to understand global peace science (GPS). We do not know other scientific key for global peace. The GHA is a pioneer in this field – in sociology/science of social harmony and global peace. GHA firstly became aware of this science.This is social need in the 21st century and the first attempt to create it on the basis of scientific theory of social harmony, the detail presented in the GHA book “The ABC Harmony for World Peace…”. We all know that GPS is still not exists, there is no term to title this science.But the global peace science, born in the 21st century: by the GHA and marking a new era of Humanity - Global Harmonious Peace as a new era of world history – the era of peaceful harmonious coexistence among the peoples of the Earth, which excludes any war. This era is fundamentally different from past, military, era of humanity. To this era was devoted already the GHA first book of 27 authors from 12 countries in 12 languages: Harmonious Era Calendar (2006). In August-September 2013 the GHA members sent to the G-20 leaders and the heads of other states the letter of invitation to initiate on them summit creation of the Global Peace Science. The GHA honestly and courageously established the facts to the G-20 summit held 5-6 September 2013 in St. Petersburg for which the GHA 57 members prepared on August 4, 2013 the open letter with a proposal to create the Global Peace Science. Proceeding went successfully and amicably at the G-20 summit. In any case Peace was up held at the summit. Thanks to all the participants. A total: the GHA 16 members sent 48 letters to the Summit 9 leaders and 8 leaders of other countries. None of the 17 leaders, including the Summit Chair President Putin, Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon head not heard the GHA voice about science of global peace. Of the 48 letters on the GHA website were published 23 letters, together with the GHA Open Letter. Conclusions drawn from these facts: GHA will continue this campaign of initiation of the global peace science among the leaders of G-20, G-8, UN (at each General Assembly of the UN), UNESCO, governments all over the world. Each of these leaders from each state can go down in history if he/she initiates this science on any of the forums of these global organizations.
* Muhammad Yunus Khan, Pen name: “Yunus Havaida”
Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA), GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony Chairman, Urdu, Sindhi Adabi Foundation, Address: Karachi, Pakistan Email: yunushavaida@gmail.com 11/11/13 -----------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…. By Marianna Poghosyan* I was lucky enough to come across with The ABC of Harmony when I was already finishing my own book Happiness vs. GDP. While during the research process I needed to get lots of insights on that very topic eventually two main components that convinced me to represent reliable fundaments for the temple of my Happiness appeared to be Harmony and Love. Fortunately enough, in my book I succeeded to disguise the same core issue as did all the authors of The ABC of Harmony. What both our books have contemplated upon is the fact that the lever of the perfect circulation of Nature has balanced the realm of existence in general with the formula of the harmonized coexistence of Man and Nature. As Homo Sapiens was intentionally created imperfectly by himself alone, only by the help of mutual reciprocal assistance can man in final run achieve the completeness of physical and intellectual sufficiency and welfare. States exist the same way, given a specific geography and resources that consequently lead them to an inevitable cooperation and exchange of mutual interests for development. Therefore, the given process of coexistence should pass by the natural motive of necessity for each other, motivated by love and empathy creating the atmosphere of ongoing existential so called Maieutics of Harmony. Consequently, what the ABC of Harmony pointed out and so did I that love meaning respect and care towards others is the unconscious maintenance and development/evolution of the whole Universe with the humanity. Treating others with love means going further, together along the way of evolution, preserving and passing on the knowledge to future generations while simultaneously teaching them to love. Thus, love of neighbor simply means the development and evolution of mankind. This is how Homo Harmonicus should look like as opposed to the characteristic features of destructive Homo Industris. Thanks to the very profound material gathered in the ABC of Harmony as well as the one of practical planetary steps taken by the Global Harmony Association the dark shadows of unawareness can be cast by the bright light of Human Consciousness, our exceptional capacity of rational and moral creatures to reason and understand that we are moving into a new time of life perception where a new mode of universal action is called for. Indeed, our expanded consciousness will become a turning point in our evolutionary course. Increasing awareness is not associated with an increase in contemplation or happiness, although it is a nice bonus to benefit from this. It is associated with a distinct awareness that what is really happening in and around us is the knowledge of the factors that affect the reality in which we live. It is associated with the use of this opportunity to create a consciousness of this very reality and insofar make it better. Let me express my true gratitude to all the authors of ABC of Harmony who are concerned and care about the moral and substantial quality of life they are living through as well as the one they are going to heritage to their children. *Marianna Poghosyan, BA, MA, Balerina at the Opera and Ballet National Academic Theatre of Armenia Participation (2011-2013) at Global UGRAD (The USA Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Eurasia and Central Asia), Published Book: Happiness vs. GDP, by LAP, 2013, Germany, Education (2001-2007): French University of Armenia, Law Department, BA, Languages, written and spoken: Armenian, Russian, English, French, German, Italian, Address: Yerevan, Armenia, Telephone: (37410) 559088; (37493) 4251045, Email: poghosyan.marianna@yahoo.com, 21/09/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…. By Dr. Lateef O. Badaru* 1. Introduction. I am delighted to congratulate Dr. Leo Semashko and the 75 co-authors for writing the ABC of Harmony book. This is so unique in its own right, as it is written by erudite scholars who adopted a conceptual model of the entire world as a recipe for world peace, harmonious civilization and tetra philosophy. 2. As it is, the ABC of Harmony book appears to be a challenging testimony to the core human intellectual component, a litmus test for human thought in its spiritual development reminiscent of creation (i.e. in nature, in every facet of society, in all component of it). While the human existence dates back to the primordial times, it will be hardly difficult to review this handbook comprehensively due to economy of space and time constraint. But what is required, at this juncture is to pay glowing tribute and shower encomium on the scholastic doggedness of Dr. Leo Semashko and other co-authors for bringing this rear book to see the light of the day. By so doing, the authors have vividly highlighted the objectives of this book which symbolize philosophical thought, global view point and other evolutionary thinking towards achieving universal peace accolade by silent revolution and diplomacy. 3. In this regard, the bedrock of harmonious mind is hinged upon the criteria: (1) of harmonious philosophy; (2) harmonious co-existence worldwide; (3) harmonious logical thought; (4) ABC of harmonious praxeology respectively. Therefore, the ABC of harmony can be readily discussed along its logical tetranet model which lends itself to the universal discussion by heterogeneous cultures globally. And this points to the fact that it is possible to develop an alternative strategy towards solving universal problems through diplomacy, without resorting to the barrel of the guns. However, it is disheartening to mention that the earliest pioneering work of harmony concept did not materialize after three thousand years after its initial foundation. While such delay might be attributed to discordant and lopsidedness of viewing harmonious mind as a standalone project, instead of examine it from its four dimensional entirety. By approaching harmonious mind single-handedly has achieved a tremendous success (in terms of factual accumulation about harmonious principles; private philosophies, outlook and relevant theories instrumental to continuous development of harmonic know-how etc); but it has failed to incorporate this into the core values of harmony and has become seemingly powerless as a bulwark in the face of socio-harmonic philosophy. 4. Contrarily, the transformation of discordant thought (i.e. from analogue to digital harmonious mind) has become increasingly difficult to accomplish for almost a thousand years later. During the Industrial Revolution in (1750-1850) triadism as a disharmonious mind was very common and until recently; which has adversely affected the creation of harmonious mind for three thousand years later? 5. In order to find a befitting definition for harmonious mind within the span of three thousand years and incorporating its tetranet dimension within its purview, this attracted notable philanthropists, such as Veda, Buddha, and Homer etc into the vanguard of harmonious movement. As such, this digital tradition manifested into the inclusion of four dimensional (tetradic philosophy) of ABC of harmony (e.g. tetra philosophy; tetra–outlook worldview; tetra thinking; tetra ABC; tetra psycho sociology etc.) have precise meanings as indicated under the glossary of terms in the ABC of harmony handbook. 6. With the disappearance of disharmony from self egoism, this will in effect transcends to perfect harmony as well as to tetra global harmony. By adopting the rule of conservatism, disharmony will obviously disappear as the society transforms from anarchy, dictatorship to democratic ideology, the ABC of Global Harmony will become fully realizable in order to achieve a utopian society. 7. Also, with the demise of the first Axial age, this was accompanied with the second Axial age known as global harmonious civilization that started in the year 2009 was regarded as renaissance of harmony. As predicted by Karl Jaspers (1883-1969), the second axial age would parade itself as a more spiritual and vibrant eclipse that would metamorphose into the ABC of harmony. However, there seemed to a significant correlation between the first and second axial ages. Their multi – dimensional relationships could be represented by the knowledge and values of harmony in the two previous periods under review. Both the axial periods were connected by the understanding of the integrity of the existence which had been confirmed by the empirical evidences in many articles of the ABC to Z of the Global Harmony Association. 8. Conclusively, the authors of the GHA of Harmony book have achieved their desirable objectives, by communicating their message of goodwill to the entire mankind, by enjoining them to embrace peace, dialogue, philosophical diplomacy etc. to resolve conflict manifestations in the 21st century; instead of “war-war” which have characterized and precarious throughout primordial human existence. In my submission, this is what GHA Harmony Handbook has achieved, and stood for. *Dr. Lateef O. Badaru, FCCA, FCIB, Chairman Finance, General Purpose Committee, Lagos Chapter, Nigeria, Education (1984 – 1986): University of Southwest London, Residence: 11, Ibukun-Olu Street, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, E-Mail: lombardkonsult@yahoo.com, Tel: 08034186875 19/09/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony By Athanassios Koumouris, Greek blind poet My brother in soul and fellow walker in the paths of poetry and actions via life for the Global Peace, the human Dignity and the care of children Takis Ioannides, as I am blind informed me about the content of this magnificent book, written by the 76 authors-members of GHA. My parents and my own life adventure 72 years and nowadays via wars and refugee, gave me numerous valuable lessons, and together with the gift of blindness given my by the destiny, and the education, formed my soul, my heart and my mind. This life experience gave me the ability to evaluate this valuable book of GHA content which offers to Global community the proper directions via Education in order the Mankind to achieve the desired Global PEACE, the Brotherhood, the co-existence and Love. It was my desire to become member of GHA in order to contribute to GHA targets and expectations for Global community benefit. Athanassios Koumouris Greek blind poet Ofrynion village, Kavala, Greek Macedonia. Hellas 01/08/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Poetic Response to the ABC of Harmony
By Dr Apostolos Paschos The contestant Universal Harmony The Global Harmony Association is a non-governmental organization, a nine years daughter replete with education, and agony to rebuild a harmonic Universe, The ABC of Harmony is the alphabet of contestant bringing for the reconciliation of nations, for the utilitarian solidarity against every dynamic of war, it’s the protagonist of Love and Peace, it seeks the awakening of all States, and the alertness of all people of Universe, to prevent our world destruction by the slaughter of nuclear holocaust, encourages the intellectuals of Planet Earth, and the resurrection of the human spirit, “Arise”, “assist the Harmony”, “be equipped with the Love”, “Toil for the health and the quality of our life”, “strive for the Harmony of the Universe”, “our planet has been created by God for all of us, and belongs to God’s children”. Translation from Greeks into English by Takis Ioannides Dr Apostolos J. Paschos was born in the lands of Acropolis by the town of Metsovon of district Epirus of Greece. He owns degree of the Medical Section of the National Kapodistria University of Athens. He possesses the specialties of Pathology and this of nuclear medicine. He is superior degree Doctor of the Medical University of Athens and of the Medical University of Ioannina. He is writer, historical, poet, and researcher. He has written and published 14 books about Medicine-Philosophy, Historical, Social and Poetic. He has written 186 scientific studies. Address: Metsovon, Greece. Web: http://paschosgr.multiply.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=455 E-mail: takis.ioannides@googlemail.com 12/07/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Harry J. Gensler* "Global harmony" to me suggests a musical image: the peoples of the earth singing together to make beautiful music; less metaphorically, we'd all work together for the common good instead of for individual or group advantage. The ABC book is an unprecedented treatment of global harmony that involves people from many nations. However, I think the book needs to be tweaked if it is to have a major impact. Here are some reactions and suggestions. PART 1 (theory) is confusing, especially the idea that three-part approaches (triadism) promote division while four-part approaches (tetrism) promote harmony. A good approach to harmony might have three parts: (1) genetic factors that cause tension between concern for everyone and concern for self or group, (2) cultural factors that cause this same tension, and (3) ways to promote harmony in light of these factors. And a defense of group A oppressing group B might have four parts: (1) a genetic comparison of As and Bs, (2) a cultural comparison of As and Bs, (3) why As are superior genetically, and (4) why As are superior culturally. How we break things into parts is somewhat arbitrary; so our analysis of humans might use character/consciousness/will/body (four elements, page 36). Or we might use body/soul (putting character, consciousness, and will under "soul") -- or body/intellect/will -- or body/intellect/will/feelings. How we divide things is largely a matter of convenience. PART 2 (short essays) is rich but confusing to read (with the rapid switching of perspectives). Maybe put the essays into groupings, for example, about how individual traditions contribute to harmony (Hindu, Christian, etc.); practical ways that traditions can cooperate (Jewish-Palestinian, India-Europe, etc.); education; fundamental mind-shifts, etc. PART 3 (moral heroes) is boring. The articles should be more inspirational and avoid irrelevant details; many articles read like encyclopedia entries (especially those about minor figures). The article on Mother Teresa, despite its awkward wording, is a good example of an inspirational stress. PART 4 (poetry) is good, but the entries are too long and often drag. I suggest adding short quotes (scriptural, poetic, stories, etc.) from different traditions -- for example, the quote from the medieval Persian poet Sa'di that is displayed at the entrance of the United Nations Hall of Nations: "Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain." Finally, put information about authors into PART 5 (about the authors) instead of throughout. And hire a copyeditor to check for mechanical errors (of which the present text has many). These are some suggestions. With some refinements, the book could be much better. *Harry J. Gensler http://www.harryhiker.com Professor of Philosophy John Carroll University 1 John Carroll Blvd. University Heights, OH 44118 USA 05/07/13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Anirban Dey* The ABC of Harmony is the ultimate integrated multi-disciplinary micro-macro school of thought approaching to realize, theorize and manage the multi-cultural, social, mass-spiritual and individual evolution and all related aspects of up gradation of human clan on the planet. It relates everything with everything in a well-formulized and conceptualized mathematical structure. It considers the various layers, practices and cultures of society and of individual. The ABC of Harmony and its tetra thinking is not just a theory, rather, it’s the methodological recordable propagation of use of human consciousness for making the thought-way through time and space and all experiential surroundings into one approach for harmonizing and linking all the branches of knowledge, concept, advent, information, imagination, cultures, time, and various stages and phases of science, arts, history, sociology – in one word it gets into all the approaches of human brain, mind, cognition towards realizing and recording the micro to macro layers. It approaches to unite and harmonize all the faculties of human consciousness, and cognition towards applicable, recordable and theorized documentation. So that the fields of knowledge, the schools of thoughts and the time and space in long term can be related and applied towards a harmonious global and universal language and culture. The strength of ABC of Harmony is beyond time, beyond civilization and beyond the planet earth and its habitants. The ABC of Harmony is harmonizing all the energies – conceptual, experiential and perceivable in a common language of mathematics in both conventional and unconventional form and use and utilization of mathematical language. The recording of ABC of Harmony theories, being so obvious and applicable to human cognition, can be converted and translated to any medium and culture and can be utilized beyond time, space and culture. As the overall vastness in the approach is considered the all-inclusive model gets into the realizing, recording, formulizing, conveying basic law of nature which needs strong mathematical and lingual symbols, jargons and terminologies. For this the ABC of Harmony creates so many terminologies which are evidently effective and applicable to reach and interpret the ultimate universal and cosmic truth. The ABC of Harmony is the contemporary and futuristic Veda, is the universal epic, is the Bible, not only for harmony - for realizing how human mind, brain and cognition can experience and realize the universal or cosmic energies and can perceive their own comprehensive ability of experiencing and of communication resulting into creating harmony in their own diversified patterns of thoughts, states, waves of brain in receiving and transmitting cosmic energies. It’s getting into the common language of universe as reflected in human cognitive ability. It has the power of interpreting the core experiential, by all the faculties like conscious, subconscious and unconscious, truth in all social, individual and universal (as for various ranges and frequencies) into one single thread which can go far beyond time, beyond species and spatial culture. The ABC of Harmony is the universal language of realizing, recording, conveying truth. It’s the culture of core knowledge, culture of truth and therefore it has the upgrading power of all types of individual, social, politically oriented clan or group from any cultural, geographical, sociological background into the multi-uni direction. This direction is recording, analyzing, realizing and practicing truth in any aspect of human or other entities existence on earth. Hence, the core of ABC of Harmony itself is the harmonized energy. The mathematical and conceptual philosophy as interpreted in terms of truth and realization in the ABC of Harmony can create the oneness and zero-ness of the diversified universal thoughts and concepts and colors of any entity of the universe. So ABC of Harmony, by its self-discovery and communicability is the tool to realize and interpret anything around the universe as it can be explored and experienced by human mind (or by sensibility of any other entity). The vastness and all-inclusive approach of the ABC of Harmony can be converted to various cultures not only in terms of the geographical or economic parts of humans on the planet. But to any cognition to any layer of consciousness through interpreting the symbols in various mediums as it has the core truth of the universe. The evolution of human civilization or of the Social Genome can be conceptualized as the evolution of an individual in various stages in the ABC of harmony approach. Like an individual’s Kundaliniand Chakra activation (as perceived in eastern philosophy), though the Gyan-Yoga - Culture and practice of inner-knowledge and inner information, the ABC of Harmony harmonizes the inner and outer knowledge and converts all into the core truth. The symbols and terminologies used there have every power, potential and capabilities to convert the outer information into the truth and beauty of inner cognition and knowledge. Hence the ABC of Harmony is the unique approach which can convert the experiential truth into ABC of Harmony language and form any mathematically formulized phrase and expression. It can record the sub-conscious experiences of human mind and cognition into a comprehensive mathematical formula and can exhibit the mathematical harmony in the thought, experience, ideas, concepts, philosophies and dreams of humans (or other entities, optimistically). Hence, the ABC of Harmony can prove and record the common language of truth of the universe. This language is the language of harmony. So, the approach of the ABC of Harmony itself is the harmony. We are not to strive for harmony or interpret harmony especially or separately by the ‘use’ of ABC of Harmony. If the field of study and research is enriched only, as its being done, it would reach any universal inner and outer thread and commonness which is Harmony. And this can be conveyed mathematically in any medium and application, as the approach is completely formulized and symbolized mathematical language, it can be simulated in any other medium of any dimension in any technology already available or yet to be discovered by humanity (and beyond). *Anirban Dey Spiritual Practitioner and Preacher, Information Technology professional and researcher, Graduate level studies in mathematics from University of Calcutta, Post graduation in Computer Science from IGNOU, Address: Delhi, INDIA, Phone: (91)9891860572 Email: anirban23@gmail.com 25/06/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Surendra Pathak* The idea to publish “The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking” by Dr. Leo Semashko and GHA 75 co-authors from 26 countries is a very momentous & greatest contribution to a scientific perspective of transforming human society towards Harmonious Civilization. In fact, humanity can be saved by the divine and scientific concept of Harmony and such of publications help to achieve the purpose. Before the publication of ABC of Harmony, neither the most of the authors known to each other nor it was possible to assemble at one place to discuss the idea with each-other, time was very short but it seems during the process of collection, reviewing and editing, we have been in a beautiful journey for ages - harmony for humanity and humanity through spirituality in the GHA joint team. The beauty of this noble idea is that every one is thinking almost in a similar way, that is why it reflects the scientific way of thinking, in a definite scientific model. This publication will help the academic community to re-orient and re-structure the education content of the academia. The philosophical vision of this book is based on the concept of Tetrasociology developed by famous Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker Dr. Leo Semashko. ‘Tetranet thinking’ – Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book. Human civilization has undergone many transformations through the ages. It has experienced many conflict-ridden isms, ideologies and ideas. Now in the age of Globalization we need a new scientific perspective of harmonious society taking us beyond conflict-ridden approaches. The ABC of Harmony serves this purpose. I think that to understand and re-structure the curriculum and the content of the education it is necessary to identify the existential harmonious order of everything, i.e. atom to earth (creation); natural human to natural human society, natural laws to constitutional laws. Research studies, right from the earliest literature down to recent times are focused on the essential cosmic harmony - interrelatedness and interdependence of all planets and all beings. The ABC of Harmony also manifests the scientific and natural way of thinking phenomenon. There is divine harmonious unity, symmetry, orderliness and coexistence in the phenomenal diversity. There is continuity in the process of evolution in the four stages of the Natural Order - material order, respiratory order, animal order and human order.Every unit in the Nature is coherent from within and correlated to the Cosmic Harmonious Order. All existing living and non-living objects are self-controlled and inherently balanced by the Laws of Nature. Every activity is governed by the Laws of Nature and it functions in a harmonious manner. In order to live in harmony with Nature, human beings must recognize and respect its intrinsic laws and its vital cycles. In such a System, all the objects, being and non-beings have to live within their limits as determined by the Law of Nature. The human existence has to function and sustain itself within this System. Accordingly, we need to create political, economic, religious and educational institutions in consonance with the spirit of the laws of existential harmony. Peace & Harmony Education through the ABC of harmony can play very important role. The ABC of Harmony leads us towards 4H vision (Tetra vision) of H1: Harmonic Globalization, H2: Harmonic Society, H3: Holistic Corporate Management (HCM) and H4: Happy Individuals. This book lies in supporting the scientific perspective with poetic perspectives. While ontology and epistemology of harmony is well articulated in the book through scientific and intuitive approaches. We can develop an action plan to put the ideas into to practice at institutional, national, global, as well in the individual level. Content of the book is bearing global harmonious education based on the ABC of Harmony world textbook. Interfaith harmony, concept of togetherness and scientific non-faith spirituality in the world can find a hard foundation for sustainable development in The ABC of Harmony. Therefore, this textbook must find the way to every school, college and university. The articles includes in this volume cover a wide range and each of authors talk about harmony at various levels. The book provides very important methods and tools & techniques backed up with the historical and philosophical theorization and it has the culture specific flavor. Series of researches must be carried on each aspect of the harmony is need for the further academic development. The focus on harmony which is the essence of spirituality should have been emphasized. The contribution from Vedas and Vedic Literature (from ancient Indian civilization) was made by Dr. Laj Utreja’s excellent article in the ABC: pp 122-126: Social Harmony in the Vedic India. The authors have emphasized throughout on the consciousness a part of ‘feeling’ (anubhuti). Though there is a chapter on ‘The Harmony Stars’, however, the feeling part is less integrated. The thoughts of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr. Charles Mercieca, Dr. Leo Semashko, Professor François Houtart, Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Dr. Evelin Lindner, Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri, etc. are a few noteworthy examples of unity in diversity and inter-connectedness of the world’s authors. Beyond knowledge the experience comes – the harmonious experience and I am sure the ABC of Harmony will lead us to this experience for social cohesion, global peace and economic justice and spiritual awareness of self and society. I would like to congratulate IASE deemed university of Gandhi Vidya Mandir (Rajasthan) for helping in the publication of this unique book. *Dr. Surendra Pathak Vice President GHA and President - GHA-INDIA Professor & Head of the Department, Chetna Vikas Mulya Shiksha (Value Education) Director Research-IASE Deemed University IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahar, 331401, Dist-Churu, Rajasthan, India Phone: 01564 223625, Fax- 01564-220057, 2236827 Mobile: +91-9414086007,E-mail: pathak06@gmail.com Special Consultant : International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) http://www.iaewp.org/, member WCPA, Member,Scientific Advisory Board, Deep University Press (http://www.deepapproach.com) Member International Advisory Board : GROUND REPORT INDIA 02/06/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony for World Peace By Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra*
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking – is the world's first textbook on Global harmony for creating a harmonious civilization in 21st century. The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the 20th Century. Humanity is facing a terrible challenge of its own existence. The whole human life is in a state of turmoil because modern civilization is based on violence. Humanity faces challenges of unprecedented proportions in areas such as continual development of mass destructions of weapons, wars & conflicts between the states & ethnic groups fighting over the religious fundamentalism, discrimination, the spread of racism, and the widening gap between the rich and poor due to the process of globalization. With the advent of the year 2001, we have entered into new century and new millennium but the humanity is standing at the crossroad of all the transition processes. “The biggest agenda of 21st century is ‘How to save the Humanity & how to create the Global Peace & harmonious civilization”? The ABC of Harmony is the world’s greatest contribution to the world for saving the humanity from further destruction and for creating a Harmonious Civilization. In fact, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace is providing the direction how to save the humanity & creating the world Peace by the divine concept of global harmony through spirituality. At present we are living in the Age of darkness, fear, conflicts & violence, which is known as ‘Kali Yuga’- i.e. Age of darkness. The end of Kali Yuga would mean the end of the culture of violence and the restart of the process of transformation of Peace & harmony. The Preamble of the UNESCO Charter states that, "Wars begin in the minds of men. It is therefore in the minds of men that we must construct the defenses of peace” and a new culture of education for peace towards harmony and tolerance. Thus, it is clear that the process begins in our mind & there is great need of shift of mind process from violent consciousness (culture of violence) to Peace Consciousness (culture of peace) for creating new culture of Peace & Harmony through the process of ‘Tetranet thinking’. The vision of the book The ABC of Harmony, creating the Harmonious Civilization, is based on the theory of Tetrasociology developed by Dr. Leo Semashko Founder & President of GHA together with its members. ‘Tetranet thinking’ through Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book coauthored by an interfaith group of scientists and artists of 76 co-authors from 26 countries of the world: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. “The modern ‘shift of human thought’ is a transition from one dimensional, industrial, disharmonious and partial thinking, powerless before the global harmony of the whole, to four dimensional harmonious holistic tetranet thinking, the ABC of which is unfolded in this book. It is the ABC of language, thinking, worldview and spiritual culture of harmonious civilization, starting from the 21st century, and the second “axial age” (Karl Jaspers) in the history of human thought. This ‘greatest shift of human thought’ generates enthusiasm and happiness of the new civilization free from the horrors of the outgoing one!” (Leo Semashko. The ABC of Harmony, p. 7) We are now in 21st Century, where the human community is in search of new and sustaining relationships to earth amidst a global human crisis – poverty crisis, economical crisis, & environmental crisis that threatens the very existence of human life forms on the planet. We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. We must awaken ourselves and address the problems of our time, to develop strategies for the elimination of obstacles to a fuller humanity, for liberation. Harmonious Education plays an important role in building peace & harmony and creating Harmonious Civilization in 21st century. The ABC of Harmony has explained the need of ‘shift of human thought’ for developing Global culture of Peace & Harmony though harmonious education. The ABC of Harmony is the first encyclopedia of humanity containing philosophy and holistic scientific knowledge of the fundamental elements of social harmony leading the society & world into new era. In the new era of Peace & Harmony called as Global Harmony i.e. Culture of Peace from Harmony that is, a world in which every individual and every nation can freely express their individual qualities, while living in harmony with one another and with all life on earth. ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbhkam’ – The world is one family has been expressed in Indian philosophy. The oneness of humanity has been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through Peace & harmonious education. World peace starts with peace in self, in family, in our society, in our cities and extends beyond all political borders. We must teach our children and ourselves Peace & value education for creating peace in ourselves and in the minds of the children. In the words of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – how to create the Peace in the world through harmony? The wise sage Confucius said, “When there is beauty in the character, There is harmony in the home” The enlightened one, the Buddha added, “When there is harmony in the home, There is order in the nation, When there is order in the nation There is peace in the world”. (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The ABC of Harmony, p. 7) World peace is possible and a natural part of mankind's evolution and it can be achieved only through Peace values. Global Peace & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through Peace & harmonious education. For the realization of a culture of peace & harmony, harmonious educationas living education is an absolute necessity. I believe that the harmony education through the ABC of Harmony for World Peace is to be part of school curricula in the state and in the whole world that can forcefully implement it. I am sure that the ABC of Harmony will lead us to this experience for social cohesion, global peace & oneness of humanity. It will also open the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century through Culture of Respect & Harmony. I would like to give my gratitude & expressing my heartfelt congratulations to the GHA for his noble mission of “Global Harmony for humanity in 21st Century”. The ABC of Harmony has great significant for teachers of India and spiritual scientists to spread the spirit of its harmonious philosophy, its outlook and thinking around the world. This is one of the main spiritual meanings of the ABC of Harmony for people of India & the world. Greetings of peace from harmony for all. Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Associate Professor (Hon.) at Intercultural Open University (IOU), NL, Chief Advisor - International Centre of Spirituality & Leadership – at Central Institute of Business Management , Nagpur, India, Convener, GPF-India - Global Peace Foundation – India; www.globalpeace.org, www.globalpeacefestival.org, International Coordinator, WWA- World without Anger Kathmandu, Nepal www.worldwithoutanger.org, Director- Global Peace & Interfaith Harmony Project (GPIH India) http://www.globalpeace.org/our-work/interfaith-partnerships, Address: Gurgaon, (Haryana), India Tel.: 0124- 2217218; M-+91 99102 41586 E-mail:schandra101@gmal.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony by Professor Laura Bolli* “The ABC of Harmony" - the world's first textbook on social harmony. Thank to God, I have the possibility to get here, I have reach the point where the ABC of Harmony brings together people who work and will follow their days respecting what their consciences tell them to do in order to achieve that the world be a really beautiful world in harmony. This is something very important to live in peace. It should be a beautiful world and for this there are ways, ways that each and every one of us who are committed to every word in the ABC of Harmony should walk, great scholars are guiding us and will be happy to achieve the aims of this work, WORLD PEACE. I have always said that it will no longer be an Utopia, to become something real, sowe must work as a team, and here I would add, that peace, includes, conscience, thought, harmony, body,it begins in each oneof us, in the deepest place of our being, everything else will come out from here, and will complement SCIENCE, POETRY and RESEARCH, I speak in my particular case as a researcher who investigated about an ethnic group that was considered as disappeared in Argentina. Nowadays after an exhausting work, I feel that I on a good track to reclaim this ethnic group, where history kept them aside. Now in the twenty-first century I am working with slaves descendants, doing a field research. So, to work as the ABC of Harmony says, to work all in the same direction, love, peace, light, health, culture, religion, everything that can be done, even if it is minimum, and to everyone in equal ways. To teach about nature, about protecting the environment, children values, equality, education, humility, respect for others, that material things are ephemeral in life, that from the world we give and take peace forever. To end up this summary, what I think and leave here embodied is the union of everything. Children, will be the ones to guide the world in the future, without discrimination. We have to teach them that we are all equals, that as human beings, on this wonderful world that is our home, we have to take care of everything on it, we should do it with love, which is essential. As a poet, I am in contact with love, peace, harmony, solidarity and help to others; all this is written in the ABC OF HARMONY. I feel I have been working for many years in all this and I would like to thank God Dr. Leo Semashko and Dr Adolf Shvedchikov, who have invited me to be in this place, I will try to do my best, but in order to do it and to help as much as I can, it is important to be in harmony, in body, mind and soul. Thank you very much for reading me. Finally, I want to congratulate all of those who have written this wonderful book, this book opens a new path of light, a path that will turn into reality what we all want and taking as examples the great people in world history, especially one of them, Martin Luther Kingand as once he said: "We have learned to fly like birds, swim like fish, but we have not learned the art of living together as brothers" Solidarity. "I dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood" "Equal. "We have guided missiles and alter the course of men" Humanity. Martin Luther King, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 Professor Laura Bolli Poet, writer and researcher specializing in Afroamericanística. ARGENTINA. lauradgdm@gmail.com bolli_laura@yahoo.com 09/05/13 My Project: that the world and organizations, consider the era of slavery, the men torn away from their native Africa andbrutally chained, without water, without food, without their will, andtaken in this way to other continents to work, to be humiliated, to be hurt till the saddest death that can be imagined, all this is consideredas another major GENOCIDE OF HUMANITY, once those concerned in this situation realize of it and that we are all human beings living on earth, then they willbegin to live, to feel peace and harmony and history in the world will be at peace with them a new phase of their lives will begin. Professor LAURA BOLLI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Review of
The ABC of Harmony by
Dr. Subhash Sharma*
The ABC of Harmony is a very significant contribution to a scientific perspective on the idea of transforming human society into Harmonious Civilization. Vision of the book is based on the concept of Tetrasociology developed by Dr. Leo Semashko. ‘Tetranet thinking’ – Tetra models of harmonious thinking are at the core of this book coauthored by 76 authors from 26 countries. Human civilization has undergone many transformations - from Tribes to Kingdoms to Nation-States to Globalization. It has experienced many divisive isms, ideologies and ideas.Now in the age of Globalization we need a new scientific perspective of harmonious society taking us beyond divisive approaches. The ABC of Harmony serves this purpose. To support the ideas presented in the book, I use and reinterpret the ancient Four Lions symbol from India and apply it for lessons in Harmony. This symbol is also national symbol of India and can be reinterpreted as a tetra model of harmony.  In the age of Globalization, four lions represent four fundamental forces that are shaping contemporary societies viz. Force of Market, Force of State/Government, Force of People and Force of Self. A harmony between these four forces will lead the contemporary world towards ‘harmonic globalization’, world peace and harmonious civilization. This is the message of harmony that we get from the four lions symbol. For development of harmonious civilization we also need to understand the force of Self (the hidden lion in the four lions symbol) in terms of Body (B), Heart (H), Spirit (S) and Harmony (H) representing Physical energy, Heart energy, Spiritual energy and Harmony energy. When these energies are used in an optimal manner, there is a proper balance in the society leading us towards harmonic society. In essence, ABC of Harmony leads us towards 4 H vision (Tetra vision) of H1: Harmonic Globalization, H2: Harmonic Society, H3: Holistic Corporate Management (HCM) and H4: Happy Individuals. Uniqueness of this book lies in supporting the scientific perspective with poetic perspectives thus combining the head and heart approaches to create harmonic civilization.Twenty nine poems related to harmony by well known authors that include two poems (The Great City of Harmony and Oceans Meet) by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, add to the beauty and charm of the book. While ontology and epistemology of harmony is well articulated in the book through scientific and intuitive approaches, a big question mark is about practice of harmony. Hence, an action plan is needed to put the ideas into to practice at institutional, national, global and individual levels. Dr. Subhash Sharma* GHA Vice-President Director, Indus Business Academy, Address: Bangalore, India Web: www.shunyacreations.com, www.wwedsubhashsharma.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=453 Email: re_see@rediffmail.com 31/03/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of
The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Saleem Ahmed* I found The ABC of Harmony to be a treasure-trove of deep intellectual thinking – fathomless intellectual thinking – combining scholarly discussion with pragmatism, as we continue to tackle the elusive goal of promoting harmony. With its guidepost being to bring about changes at policy and practical levels, the book aspires to enrich our quality of life with an awakened sense of urgency to promote harmony. I am finding that the book’s deep intellectual approach will require many readings from me to absorb the book’s wisdom fully, with each reading adding new insights to what I learned in the previous pass. Having just finished my first reading -- in which I’ve digested some basic principles -- I am looking forward to learning more in the future. In this first pass, I focused my attention on a subject which is close to my heart: examining how religions can promote global harmony. Thus, I found that the eight papers on religion, included under the heading Application and Prerequisites, to summarize eloquently how religion is being used – and/or can be used –effectively to promote harmony among otherwise contentious groups, such as Jews on one side, and Muslims and Christianson the other, in Israel/Palestine and elsewhere. Some of these eight authors quoted sacred passages promoting tolerance and inter-religious harmony; others, presented cases studies; and still others suggested concrete “action-oriented” steps to realize this elusive goal. All these are laudable actions. Moving this discussion forward, I am particularly interested in starting from the other end: acknowledging the existence of passages promoting disharmony in various holy texts. This, they do, for example, by proclaiming the message that “my religion is better than yours.” After all, these “holier than thou ”passages are being used effectively by zealots nowadays in their suicide bombing and other acts of terrorism, as they believe their actions will earn them Paradise. Thus, if we can identify the chronology and context in which these “passages of exclusion” were revealed to the founders of these religions – and if we can establish that the context today is different from the ones which prevailed when these founders promoted their “message of exclusion” -- wemight have a basis to dialogue with extremists and make them understand that the context has changed and that “passages of inclusion”, such as those identified in the above papers, are the ones to be followed now. Indeed, kindness, tolerance, andrighteousness are the types of passages that can lead to Salvation. It is this inspiration from The ABC of Harmony that propels me to continue on this challenging pursuit. I commend the vision of Dr. Leo Semashko and other contributors to The ABC of Harmony. It propels me to contribute whatever I can in the future in our collective desire to make this a more harmonious world. *Saleem Ahmed, Ph.D. Founder, All Believers Network Address: Honolulu, USA Web: www.AllBelievers.net Email: HiSaleem@aol.com, March 20, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Ord* About The ABC of Harmony One of the significant signs of our times is the coming together of efforts to educate world citizenry in the unifying and harmonious message at the heart of all the world's religions and, at the same time, to relate these aspects of our deeper nature skillfully to the knowledge and gifts of modern science and technology. At the heart of all religions—in their spiritual, heart, and mystical dimensions—are the values of love, kindness, service, understanding and so on. Similarly, the purpose of our species' gifts in science and technology are to serve the universal values that have emerged from religion and philosophy. I support the direction of the ABC of Harmony because it represents one of the clear steps by religious, scientific, and technological leaders to shift our planetary cosmology to a unified cosmology of both spirit and science. We must bring together a mature and holistic modern cosmology going beyond our fractured cosmologies of the past—the Distant Creator of the western religions and the uncaring Grand Machine of science. At this time of inevitable globalization and multiculturalism, as recently written about by Dr. Kurt Johnson and myself in our book The Coming Interspiritual Age, we see a clear unfolding of this move toward holism. I salute the ABC of Harmony as a part of that global direction. *David R. Ord Editorial Director, Namaste Publishing, Address: Phoenix, USA Web: www.namastepublishing.com
http://issuu.com/yorkmin/docs/the_coming_interspiritual_age Email: yorkmin@me.com 19/03/13
To GHA from David Robert Ord My own life's journey reflects the theme of Peace From Harmony, in that when I was growing up with my fundamentalist fears and therefore dogmatism, there was no peace in either my inner world or external reality. Though the experience I most longed for was peace, it eluded me at every turn. only when, inch by inch, I began to crawl out from under my fear of thinking outside the box into why I had been born, becoming exposed to a wider range of ideas, did I begin to be at harmony within myself. As my own interior world became increasingly harmonious, so too did my external world become peaceful. In this way our spiritual journey as individuals is a microcosm for what must happen for our species as a whole, which will in turn reflect in a planet whose ecosystem also return so a balanced state instead of threatening the existence of countless species that are our fellow travelers on spaceship Earth as it does at this critical moment in the evolutionary journey. In my constricted years I thought I knew the answers, whereas what was I was to discover was that not only did I not know the answers but I hadn't even heard the real questions. But life has its way of forcing us to confront what our fear has defended us against, shoving our noses into just those situations that have the power to shock, dismay, and ultimately awaken us to our oneness with each other, with all life, and indeed with all that exists. The Coming Interspiritual Age (http://issuu.com/yorkmin/docs/the_coming_interspiritual_age) is a description of a playing out on a grand cosmic scale of my own experience of coming to peace through inner harmony—a reflection what www.peacefromharmony.org, with its meaningful ideals and glorious goals is all about. David Robert Ord March 7, 2013 Dear GHA Members, I am pleased to present you a very interesting letter of the GHA new member David Ord of his spiritual journey of outside fundamentalism through inner harmony to inner and world peace. This is a great and simple illustration of typical spiritual journey of almost every one of us, including me. I passed this way of the Soviet or Communist totalitarianism decades through inner harmony in my Tetrasociology as science of harmony, which I created in the Soviet Union and then Russia, remaining dissident so far, to inside and world peace through the Global Harmony Association. This is a great way of our turning generation to PEACE FROM HARMONY, which expresses the GHA Mission and our website title: Peace from Harmony. Thanks to David for his deep awareness of this global trend. The global world in a whole is today on this shift to Peace From Harmony, which is illuminated now by scientific knowledge of the ABC of Harmony, The Coming Interspiritual Age and similar holistic books. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President 19/03/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abbas Panakkal* Review of The ABC of Harmony In contemporary world order, the eventual result we lack in modern education is the characteristics of Harmony and tolerance. The ABC of Harmony is the importance of GHA project for Harmony education, which indeed is a time demanding proposal and the plan from GHA to the next generation world. If we are longing to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better and the education can do awareness on the various sects and creeds of human beings and the need of cooperation and mutual understanding. Especially the basic knowledge on harmony is to recognize each other and respect one another irrespective of religion and caste. There are hundreds of thousands of Rupees spend in India on education. Education is the birth right of citizen who are offered free of course. But its ultimate aim is not really materialized. It is clear from the scenario of communal commotions and other tragedies happening in my country and around the world. In my state Kerala, most southern state of India, people are hundred percent literate, which was officially declared two decades before. That was a unique venture of state government with the support of all non government organizations and other service unions working in the state. But even now the real purpose of literacy not yet flourished. I believe that the harmony education through the ABC of Harmony is to be part of school curricula in the state and the country can forcefully implement it. That will be the best way of fruitfully materializing genuine nature of knowledge and wisdom of the United Nations Harmony Week observation is an exclusive theme in dissemination of harmony and tolerance. Surely the ABC of Harmony is a courageous step towards this venture. When I presented the GHA project of Interfaith Harmony based on the ABC of Harmony on the Harmony Seminar in Malaysia, February 27, 2013, the Dato Azman, Director of Unity and Integration Prime Minister’s Department of Malaysia appreciated the ABC of Harmony initiative of GHA. Seminar chairman and director of International Islamic University Malaysia also congratulated me for submitting the GHA presentation in the Seminar. My humble request to join hands with GHA was accepted by Prime Ministers Department and Madin Academy India. *Abbas Panakkal GHA Vice-president, A/Prof. Madin Academy, Vegara, India, apanakkal@gmail.com 18/03/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodica Marin* Review of the ABC of Harmony Perhaps there is no coincidence that I come across your project and be able to understand, join and share it like many others.Just like most of East Europeans of my generation, I am the product of a society that suppressed freedom and human creativity for over 40 years under the communist ideology symbolized by the ex–USSR. Moving along the winds of change of the 90s, I was one of the youths that struggled towards the difficult transition period witnessing the crash of the industrial civilization and stepping consciously into the Modern Age of Harmony Globalization, as it is mentioned in “The ABC of Harmony.” Throughout my educational and professional background and having migrated to different parts of the world, I applied contradictory economic terminology and concepts that reflect both the utopia of common property and the greediness of the individual capital. People are struggling for similar values but under different grounds and conditions. It is why I believe that if people around the world would just consider the most needed energy for solving our quest of life: harmony. I believe and join the philosophy that preaches the beauty of the character as being the underlining condition for harmony at all the levels that encompass our families, our societies and ultimately our world. Having a background on economics and pursuing a certification for teaching, I welcome and look forward for applying the concepts of peace from harmony, its core values, thoughts, fundamental societal structures and features of global harmony. Through this book, I will try to educate my students that science can be applied to achieve great paradigm shift in human thought from utopian attitude on love, kindness, happiness, compassion, and enthusiasm to contemporary interactions. The universal application and the beauty of the book The ABC of Harmony lie on the diversity of the authors in terms of their gender, profession, education, social standing, understanding, belief, attitude, and location, whether from developed, developing and non-developing poor countries. I love the unity in diversity and inter-connectedness of the international authors and their varied opinions on contemporary issues. It illustrates the need for world peace. There is need of peace at home, work and community; it is required in the region, in the nation and on the earth. No project could be advanced without peace, harmony and consent, with human humiliation and intolerance toward conflict, tensions and war. I am glad to be contemporary with the world’s first exclusive book that deals scientifically on harmony, harmonious civilization, harmonic education, and cross-cultural dialogues across the world at local, regional, national, and international levels. *Rodica Marin University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus Division of Continue Education and Professional Studies Teacher Preparation Program Puerto Rico rodicamarin@gmail.com 12/03/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adolf Shvedchikov* “The ABC of Harmony” in Poetry of Harmony and Vice Versa "The ABC of Harmony" - the first ever global textbook on social harmony, which itself claims to inner harmony. It occupies a worthy place of “Harmony Poetry” section (p.254-287: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=482), which is closest to me as a poet, and to which I devote my review. This section includes 36 verses on harmony of 29 authors from 12 countries. Of course, these poems are different, as the authors as members of different cultures and traditions, which, however, found a common denominator and combine the most capacious and most important concept for people of all cultures and nationalities values of harmony, high value which is understood by all, but the intuitive, imaginative and emotional level, and in the ABC attempted to develop and supplement its scientific representation of harmony. This is a valuable attempt to find the harmony of science and intuition, science and art, the significant contribution which can make and poetry, illustrated poetry section of Harmony. These spiritual aspirations of most poems are APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India (2002 – 2007), the poetic lines of them are no accident the epigraph of the ABC whole: "Confucius was a wise old man who said: "When there is beauty in the character, Then harmony settles in the house. " Another enlightened sage, the Buddha, said: "When there is harmony in the home, Then the order resides in the people, When an order is in the people, Then the world settles on Earth." Harmony of society begins with the harmony of the individual. Analyzing the process of organizing a society based on the Universal Harmony, Abdul Kalam expressed this thought by wise words of Confucius, which develop at least a wise Buddha and what they are unanimous: the beauty (harmony) character creates harmony at home, the family, which provides the order in the people and gives peace on Earth. Leo Semashko says: ABC of Harmony is laid in early childhood when the child starts learning blocks. Each cube is a new step in understanding the beauty of the world, a harmonious relationship between children and parents, and the child's acquisition of the rules of behavior, the ability to find the correspondence between the individual elements. In the end, children, growing up in an atmosphere of love and respect for each other, become harmonic personality without aggression and anger. Every child is a single drop. But if they are educated on the same principles, that the merger they do not destroy the ocean and create a single entity, which is amazing for its variety. Like a kaleidoscope, based on the symmetry elements they create more colorful new world view. It should be noted that ABC of Harmony begins follow and the new generation. Twenty-year student at the Medical College, Catherine Semashko from St. Petersburg in the poem "Knowledge of Harmony" wrote the good lines about the ability of contemplation and reflection that leads to wisdom and goodness. The same idea of harmony, engendered in the family, which, like the trickle turns into a deep river, can be found in the poem Zaure Hizatolla (Kazakhstan) "Harmony is born ..." The birth of a new spiritual identity (“Hymn to Harmony” and ”Seek me, Harmony”) says Ernesto Kahan (Israel). Argentine poetess Maria Cristina Azcona in the poem "Harmonious Peace" claims that the harmonic development of the people who has a sense of humor and ability to communicate with people with a different view of the subject under discussion, it is much easier to negotiate and achieve the desired result. I like "Sonnet of Harmony" of Dmitry Ivashintsov (St. Petersburg), both in form and in content, reflecting the many ideas of the "ABC of Harmony." The poem Y.S. Rajan (India) "Harmony of Twenty First Century" discussed the possibility of a new born person in harmony by science, in the unity of diversity and diversity in unity. Very nice and colorful language of the poem ”Come and Engender a New Humanity in Harmony”, Marie Robert (France), in which harmony is regarded as the home of enlightened consciousness, like a symphony in perfect balance of transformation from one state to another. Poetess Susana Roberts (Argentina) in the poem "Harmony" is considering harmonizing the organization of work in the arts, economics, politics and the environment in order to achieve equilibrium in the global society of the future. Laj Utreja (USA) in the "A Harmony Hymn" draws attention to the importance of information in the future society where spiritual culture will develop and re-echo in every corner of the Earth! I like "The Global Harmony Association" of Nina Yudina (St. Petersburg), where science and the spiritual light is able to virtually connect humanity to the Union of Goodness, where there are no place for either fight or terror. Lida Sherafatmand (Malta), in the excellent poem "Harmony Force, Which Keeps Us Alive", recognizes that unique harmony of manpower, which saves his life, making it harmonious, overcoming its disharmonies. Svetlana Tsymbalist (Moscow) sees the essence of harmony of the universe, the Creator of the breath, the light of His crown and the redemption of Russia from evil and suffering from a fool and a scoundrel. The narrow scope of this review does not allow analysis of all the works presented in this section, "The ABC of Harmony." In conclusion, I would like to appeal to all the poets of the world to sharpen poetic pens, not knives. We know that "The word can kill, the word can save, the word can leads armies ..." Unfortunately, mankind has learned well the power word’s order. Now is the time of the revised global situation and to enable artistic poetic word to prove the power of persuasion. We face the important task of training new generations on different principles of communication in society in order to create a more harmonious world. This is a difficult task, we are not magicians, we only learn, but remember that every miracle begins with wonder. Let's master the science of wonder and surprise harmony, first presented in the "ABC of Harmony"! In the words of the famous Russian proverb, "Step is the hardest!" *Adolf Shvedchikov Vice President GHA-Russia, Scientist, chemical physics, PhD and LittD, Poet and translator, A member of many international literary associations, Author of 13 books of poetry and poetic translations, including Shakespeare. Address: Moscow, 129366 Russia, Prospect Mira, 180, Apt.52 4317 Petit Avenue, Encino, CA 91436-3516, USA Email: adolfps@gmail.com Tel.: 8 (495) 686-81-83 Website: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=559 02/03/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chintamani Yogi * About the ABC of Harmony The ABC of Harmony is another greatest contribution towards humanity. In fact, humanity is saved by the divine concept like ABC of Harmony and by the humble servers like of its 76 coauthors. We know each other for a very short time only but it seems that we have been in this beautiful journey for ages - harmony for humanity and humanity through spirituality. This uniting and cementing spirituality for humanity is bearing global harmonious education based on The ABC of Harmony world textbook and similar. Analogously, interfaith harmony of religions in the world can find a hard foundation for sustainable development in The ABC of Harmony. Therefore, this textbook must find the way to every school, in every college and university in the world. As the head of the three schools in Kathmandu, Nepal, I will be happy to introduce this manual in our schools and train teachers with new lessons and disciplines "ABC of Harmony." *Dr. Chintamani Yogi,
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Asia, Founding Principal, Hindu Vidya Peeth-Nepal (HVP), Founding Chairperson, Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA), Patron, Youth Society for Peace ( YSP), Founder, Society for Value Education (SVE), Chairperson, Nepal Inter-faith Movement (NIM) Coordinator, GNRC-Nepal Address: Po. Box: 6807, Kathmandu, Nepal; Phone : 00977-1-5527924 /5006125, Websites: www.cmyogi.org; www.hvp-nepal.org; www.peaceservicenepal.org.np; www.childrenspeacehome.org; Email: mail2cmyogi@yahoo.com 26/02/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tatomir Ion-Marius
Review of the ABC of Harmony The ABC of Harmony is the fundamental guide for peaceworkers and leaders committed to bring a real change in this critical time of transition from disharmonious culture to a culture of true Peace and Harmony. It is a precisely elaborated document with precious resources from researchers and scientists from various fields, with harmonious structure of the contents, easy to study and with huge educational impact. Bright result of the international cooperation proves that miracles can happen when peoples dedicated to Peace are working together. I express my deep gratitude for the ABC of Harmony to Dr. Leo Semashko and the GHA coauthors, and invite everyone to explore and share the ABC of Harmony, adopting its methods and principles for social harmony. Tatomir Ion-Marius, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Europe, Poet and Peace Worker, The ABC of Harmony coauthor: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 Address: Maramures, Romania, Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=274 Email: tatomir@gmail.com 23/02/13-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony By Julie Pisacane * The ABC of Harmony is a publication formed by several authors intended to help the generation of today and all generations forthcoming to better understand the importance of moral values and life goals that help build a brighter future. Because we are in the technological age, the work and vision of this book can be easily obtained and used as a great networking tool toward the foundations of true global harmony. Education is essential and the rights of every person respected. It is thoughtful toward the family structure and provides a blessed foundation for prioritizing social, harmonious relationships. No human being should ever be considered less in the eyes of another. The variety of intelligent ideas presented in this book communicates a sound mission toward global peace and harmony. International leaders and teachers around the world would greatly benefit from reading this book.
*Julie Pisacane,
GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Spiritual Poet and Author, Healthcare Office-Reimbursement Specialist, Address: New York, USA,Phone: 516-244-2997 Email: Julpisacane@yahoo.com Website: http://stewardsheart.blogspot.com/ 16/02/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review on The ABC of Harmony for World Peace By Celia Altschuler* All of us humans who seek for a loving, peaceful, harmonious way of living must consider reading the ABC of Harmony for World Peace.It is an open door that brings solutions for our issues of a better way of living on Earth. Unconditional Love and a sense of collectiveness are at need for humanity. The proposal set on the ABC of Harmony serves human beings with a broad approach and already gives us an example of service, and respect for all there is on Earth. It represents more than just a written document about social, educational, political, ecological, gender, multicultural, interfaith religious problem solution for the world. It is a philosophical and practical guide to Peace and Balanced Education. In its essence and betweens lines a feeling of deep spiritual growth arises through the exercise of love and service as it transpires from its authors. Peace is the ultimate result of loving harmony on Earth. We must seek peace for the benefit of the human family. We are living every day at the verge of a possible Third World War with fear of terrorism, local community violence, delinquency, racial, religious, and gender crimes, which make our daily news. Hunger, injustices and poverty are everywhere bringing more than tears to our hearts. This is all the result of our industrial material way of living in disharmony and now we face the time for an upgrade in order to bring a healing moment, a more spiritual and knowledgeable way to passage through life. The fruit is ripe and we face a moment of transition. We must welcome change to our lives. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace philosophy is rooted on the seed of sage visionary thinkers as Buddha, Confucius, Plutarch, Jesus, Laozi, Gandhi, Einstein, so on to name a few. Later it was brought into light by the GHA Founder and President Leo Semashko, who with the collaboration of other authors has compiled all this knowledge in a book. It must be disseminated promptly in our world, especially in schools, universities and local libraries and among the general public. It is another tool that God and mankind have put together as a gift for all. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace book is a proposal of wise change for mankind and we all must appreciate it. Reading it has brought light and joy to my heart. Thank you. I hope to bring this wonderful spirit to my country. *Celia Altschuler, Artist, Poet, Translator, French Professor, Media Producer, Parguera, Puerto Rico 787-462-1031 psoleil5@yahoo.com 14/02/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ABC of Harmony
Some Thoughts By Sunita Singh Sengupta* The book ABC of Harmony is a very comprehensive and important document. The papers included in this volume cover a wide range. It is a holy book to put harmony into practice. The authors talk about harmony at various levels: self, societal, national and global. The book is like a journey to harmony from multiple perspectives taking into account the conscious nature of harmonious civilization. The book provides very important schemas and tools & techniques backed up with the historical and philosophical theorization. The ideas were contributed from 26 countries and therefore it has the culture specific flavor. The editor has very aptly tried to integrate the thoughts in the form of the volume. The mathematic expressions are wonderful and the models are very thoughtful. I feel series of future researches must be carried on each aspect. The focus on harmony which is the essence of spirituality should have been emphasized. The contribution from Vedas and Vedic Literature (from ancient Indian civilization) was made in Dr. Laj Utreja’s excellent article in the ABC: pp 122-126: Social Harmony in the Vedic India. The book is a very good academic document. The authors have emphasized throughout on the consciousness and this is a part of ‘feeling’ (anubhuti). Though there is a chapter on ‘The Harmony Stars’, however, the feeling part is less integrated. Beyond knowledge the experience comes – the harmonious experience and I am sure the ABC of Harmony will lead us to this experience for social cohesion, global peace and economic and social growth of self and society. I would like to keep down my pen by expressing my heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Leo Semashko for his wonderful noble mission in integrating the mankind in this thread of ‘harmony’. *Sunita Singh Sengupta, Ph.D., Hindu, GHA Member and Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony for India, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, University of Delhi (www.fms.edu) Founder & Honorary Convener Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership Foundation Address: Delhi, India Web: www.isolindia.org Email: sunita.singhsengupta@gmail.com 12/02/13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert* The book The ABC Harmony is an excellent bridgebuilder between Orient and Occident. It has learned much from Eastern love for harmony. The tetranet - philosophy and - sociology initiates a new Axial Age by shifting from the disharmonious having - personality, - society, and - culture to a beautiful, harmonious being-character and-civilization. Already Lao-tse taught: The way to action is to be. The ABC Harmony stands consciously or unconsciously in the great intellectual and spiritual tradition of Meister Eckhart, who already 7 centuries ago broke out of the Occidental spiritual mindset and context. He can certainly be seen as a great protagonist of the tetranet - thinking of the Global Harmony Association. Eckart's dialectical way of thinking was close to that of the Mahayana Buddhism, especially of Zen Buddhism. Eckhart broke the sound barrier of the often dualistic, and thus dissonant intellectual world of Christendom, and thereby entered into the world of Zen. Whatever Zen may be, and however one may define it, it is somehow there in Eckhart. Eckhart can be compared to Vedantist traditions. Certainly, Eckhart lifted Christianity above any parochial conception, and revealed its inner relation to the great, universal spiritual movements of harmony. Eckhart lived on the same highlands of the spirit, that were disclosed in the Upanishads and Sufi classics, and to which also the friends of The ABC Harmony aspire. To go where Eckhart went, is to come close to Lao Tse and Buddha, and certainly to Jesus of Nazareth. That is where The ABC of Harmony wants to go. To be sure, the religions that have grown up around these great thinkers fall with time, each into its own positive parochial form and idiom, and each acquires its own crust, its own shell which encases one or two germs of the one harmonious, universal life. Eckhart was a breaker of shells, not as an iconoclast breaks them, but as life breaks its shells by its own insurgent power. It was from Eckhart, that his often misunderstood great successor, Hegel, who comprehended the Oriental spirit better than any other Western thinker, learned to break the shell and to penetrate through the bark of things into their very core - their dialectical notion: the self-particularizing and self-alienating, but also self-singularizing, self-reconciling, and self-harmonizing Universal. Even Hegel's student, the even more misunderstood Marx, the critic of commodity fetishism, and of the idolatry of greed, stated, that the less you are, the less you externalize your life, the more you have, the greater is your alienated life. The ABC of Harmony contains and explores, more or less explicitly, a religious attitude, which could be expressed in poetical symbols as the X-experience; or as the longing for the imageless, nameless, and notionless utterly Other than the disharmony, horror, and terror present only too often in nature and history; or as the yearning for perfect justice and unconditional love; or as the longing, that the murderer may not triumph over the innocent victim, at least not ultimately. Man begins to become man only with the awakening of this harmonious X-experience. This religious attitude aims as ideology at the destruction of all idolatry, the main source of all dissonances and disharmonies. In the Near East the X - experience was articulated in the concept of a supreme tribal chief or king. Thus God became the supreme concept of monotheistic Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In the Far East, Buddhism expressed the X-experience without the concept of God as a supreme ruler or king, or slave holder, or feudal lord, or owner of capital. The ABC of Harmony manifests, that in Modernity and Post-modernity, believers and non-believers can be united by their common experience of the supreme value of X, or total Otherness, the Truth, which negates all negativity, all disharmony, injustice, abandonment, and alienation, and by their attempt to practice harmony in their individual lives, family, society, state, and history, and by their consequent fight against idolatry in terms of a harmonious, post-theistic, post-authoritarian, post-dogmatic, post-ascetic, humanistic religiosity, which resists even the temptation, to make man himself into an idol in any form or shape. It seems, that the more or less manifest or latent religious attitude in The ABC of Harmony is ultimately directed toward the Post-Modern City of Being, in which the antithesis and antagonism, between the Occidental Medieval vision of the spiritual core of the City of God, on one hand, and the rational thought and science of the Modern, earthly City of Progress, on the other, will be dialectically mediated and synthesized in the supreme value of the X experience, and the longing for the utterly Other than the finite world of dissonant appearances, with all its murderous disharmonies in family, civil society, constitutional state, and most of all in history, i.e. international relations. The City of Being includes, what tetranet thinking calls global harmony, world peace, harmonious civilization, and spiritual culture. It will be the home of the citizens of the earth, united in harmony for love, peace, justice, fraternity, sisterhood, freedom, and happiness, and even the rescue of the hopeless. The ABC of Harmony is a great contribution and help for all those people, who want to avoid the disharmonious Post-Modern, alternative Future I - the one-dimensional, totally administered society, and the even more dissonant Post-Modern, alternative Future II - the utterly militarized society, and who want to create together the Post-Modern alternative Future III - the City of harmonious Being, rather than of dissonant having. The ABC of Harmony includes the communicative ethics, to resist as much as possible the dissonant Futures I and II and to promote passionately harmonious Future III. *Rudolf J. Siebert, (b. 1927), Professor of Religion and Society, Department of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. He develops the Critical Theory of Society and Religion presented in about 300 scientific publications in 12 languages, including 28 books and 35 chapters. He is the leading researcher of the world religions Golden Rule as the first conscious principle of social harmony. Director of the two international courses: 1. "Future of Religion" in Dubrovnik, Croatia since 1975, and 2. "Religion in Civil Society" in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine since 1999. He is the "Peace from Harmony" and GHA founder in 2005. Roman Catholic Faith. He has the GHA highest Honorary Title: World Harmony Creator. Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 Web: www.rudolfjsiebert.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 E-mail: RSieb3@aol.com 29/01/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Kurt Johnson*
The ABC of Harmony: from Total Ignorance to Harmonious Enlightenment
Matthew Fox, in a recent review of The Coming Interspiritual Age, said that a sign of our times is the emergence of books emphasizing a holistic and universal knowledge of who we all are as human beings. These books, he said, join multiple efforts at an interspirituality in the world that can bring us all a more full-hearted life. This is my first thought in reading The ABC of Harmony. Thankfully, the world is awash with efforts to save humanity from the inevitable catastrophe that might result from our ongoing ignorance, competition and conflict.But, in stiff competition are forces arrayed for centuries promoting ways of living on our planet that are not in the best interests of all, nor our ultimate survival. As The ABC of Harmony emphasizes, education toward our species’ potential enlightenment must involve all arenas of civilization— along with a mature spirituality and ethics, the sciences of sociology, psychology, history, synergetics, economics, politics and ecology to name only a few. Such efforts, of which The ABC of Harmony is a part, will themselves be diverse, and reflecting the myriad world cultural heritages that comprise our now complex planetary civilization. But they are all necessary if we are to have the universal, inter-subjective, dialogue that is necessary to bring us together in a global society combining the best of our inner, and outer, skills. I salute The ABC of Harmony, and its authors and creators, as one of the efforts working mightily in this direction.
*Rev. Dr. Kurt Johnson, co-author of The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013, Namaste Publishing).Ordained in three traditions and with a PhD in evolution, ecology, systematic and comparative biology Dr. Johnson was associated with the American Museum of Natural History for twenty-five years and now teaches at New York City’s one Spirit Interfaith Seminary. GHA member. More can be learned at Wikipedia (Kurt Johnson, entomologist). Address: New York, USA Web: www.isdna.org, www.thecominginterspiritualage.com and www.namastepublishing.com. Email: kurtjohnsonisd@yahoo.com 29/01/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Maitreyee B. Roy* The ABC of Harmony is a new methodology proposed to spread up throughout the world in order to establish the message of peace to the people of all nations. The Book presents the concept of Harmony as an intelligent component of human mind and the maturity test of human thinking. While talking on imbibing the spirit of harmony among the people, the book proposes four different stages of intellectual development: (1) Harmonious Philosophy or Harmonious Knowledge, (2) Harmonious outlook, (3) Harmonious Thinking and (4) ABC of Harmony. To establish the philosophy of Harmony, these harmonious units are expected to be tied up together in the harmonious minds to provide the welfare of society. The ABC of Harmony therefore leads to the development of a harmonious society. To understand the concept of ABC the Book talks on the need for the combination of three alphabets and the concept of harmony is an indication of the alphabet of social and individual harmony. The book as such indicates how the concepts of social and individual harmony are deeply ingrained in the deep structure of the human society and how it psychologically influences the code of humanity. The book explains harmony as the perfection of the world. The three components of the ABC therefore come from antiquity and are expected to bring perfection in today’s world. The birth of harmonious civilization as occurred through out the entire history of mankind, its social confirmation at the regional level occurred with the creation of European Union as well as in China and other parts of the world. GHA team is expected to play important role in developing worldview on peace and harmony and to successfully contribute in the progress of harmonious worldview through diversified actions determined for the future programs, see: The Prince of Wales: Revolution of Thinking - from Grammar of Material Harmony to the ABC of Social Harmony (p. 252). The World Academy of Harmony is entrusting to spread the spirit of Global Harmonious Education leading towards the new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment. Seeking political support for the harmonious civilization during the post Globalization era and the integration of its political and civil organizations through the World Foundation of Harmonious civilization. The Book is indeed an exemplary document that guides the human being towards a harmonious civilization essential for the protection of the world from materialistic attitude of human being as observed in the Globalize world. Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, Hindu faith; GHA-India Vice-President; Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. Principal Basanti Devi College, 147B Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata-700029; President, Beautiful Mind:a parental organization of special children. Kolkata, India Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317 E-mail: maitreyee25_at_rediffmail.com 25/01/13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective on
The ABC of Harmony By Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy* The ABC of Harmony perhaps is the first of its kind to focus on the basic elements of social harmony by way of exploring the philosophical and holistic scientific knowledge. The impact would definitely universal in nature and is bound to enlighten the humanity in the 21st century; which is slowly crippling with the pus-filled wounds of frequent wars, hatred, enmity, dynastic and dictatorship components. The wonderful sayings highlighted by Dr. Abdul Kalam that peace comes from harmony and harmony comes from the beauty of character, which in turn creates harmony and peace at home, ultimately paving a way for order in the nation and peace on earth.It is but appropriate to quote that, ‘the greatest shift of human thought’ generates enthusiasm and happiness of the new civilization.Undoubtedly, it is by our great good fortune that we are able to become a part and parcel in transmitting the ABC of Harmony and our other option should be to transform others to partake in the creation of such harmonious future. The ABC not only speaks about harmony, but it is a first of its kind of version to become the first example of harmonious tetranet thinking; upon which rests the infinite development of this mode of thinking in the future. That apart, the four-dimensional, tetradic features of the ABC of Harmony viz., tetradic language, thinking / thought and spiritual culture of harmonious civilization are unfolded in the philosophical introduction each of which express the fundamental element of social harmony.And, the four Resources (people, information, organizations & things) of Social Harmony have been gratifyingly expressed, fixed and integrated in the ABC of Harmony. Thereby Harmony as a whole covers all parts and all the diversity in any society, hence, essential indispensable in a harmonious civilization.The initiator of this universal notion Dr. Leo M. Semashko’s sole objective is to promote the spirit of the harmonious philosophy around the world, - for a safe world, for a peaceful world, for a livable world, for a beautiful world, for a human co-existing world, for a civilized world, for a love-oriented world, for a reciprocate world, for a conflict-free world, and so on. Briefing on ‘Tolerance, Harmony and Responsibility for world peace’, by Ernesto Kahan, Professor of Medicine and Poet, reiterates that everyone should be a humanist and promote humanism and peace. Everyone should come forward to shoulder the great responsibility in prevention of nuclear genocide, prevention of terrorism and to make all out efforts for a harmonic understanding with tolerance as the right option. Another interesting briefing by Philosopher and Socialist, Dr. Leo M. Semashko, ‘The ABC of Harmony as spiritual key for World Peace and Harmony’ espouses the dire necessity on the elementary spiritual truths of peace in harmonious civilization. Focusing on comparison with the peace culture of industrial civilization, the main features of industrial peace and its culture as a whole were given a thought-provoking justification. Harmonious peace is peace from social harmony, in contrast to peace from the war of industrialism; is a point that makes everyone to ponder over. The briefing by Charles Mercieca, President, International Association of Educators for World Peace, is an article worth another milestone towards Harmonious Education: World Unity and Global Peace, i.e., a state of tranquility; freedom from war; cessation of hostilities; and harmony. The thought of ‘development and achievement of peace and harmony creates for us a win-win situation’, which does mean that everyone is a winner and no one a loser. It is further said in strong words that, when the people of a nation work together towards the achievement of a common goal, we notice dedication and cooperation, which shall bring harmony. This in turn serves as a primary tool for establishing peace and sustainable development of humankind.To accomplish the task, the basic postulates envisaged and developed in the ABC of Harmony demonstrate that humankind can eventually triumph if this theory is implanted in the mind and heart of every human being. The Global Harmony Association (GHA) has been weighing and attempting to track the world trend of global harmonization on the background and in the depths of dying industrial civilization, which failed to resolve the global problems in a right direction. In this quest, attempts for laying emphasis on highlighting globalization of harmony with its scientific knowledge through the ABC of Harmony is a step forward towards that goal. And, formation of an ‘International World Harmony Institute’ (IWHI), preferably in India, which is considered as having the most ancient and powerful cultures of harmony in the world is another positive attempt in the direction. Whole-heartedly, let us all hope that this reality would dawn very soon under the dynamic, dedicate and decisive stewardship of the GHA in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Rajasthan, India. The ideals of religious harmony / spiritual pluralism of religions / harmonious religious practices / the golden rules and teachings of all religions / faiths of all regions and religions / multi-religious traditions have been marvelously presented by renowned personalities across the world, who, undoubtedly are the greatest creators of Social Harmony. It is for certain to take note of the phrased words that, ‘unconditional love’ emits powerful energy that can build a new, harmonious civilization and a new human. Several aspects of this nature have made the ABC of Harmony a ‘Diamond Studded Crown of Peace’, an essential and an everlasting ‘Harmonious Doctrine’ for the global welfare as a whole. one can ascertain that the ABC stands atop as an eternal example of spiritual and life harmony, for creating, - positive impact, confident motivation and assertive orientation with extraordinary creative and a classic moral-potential worth appealing for every human. Thereby, with steadfast faith, we can proclaim with pride that the ABC of Harmony, in word, spirit and deed, is capable of eliminating the frequently arising conflicts in human psychology, in social and economic life too. The greatest shift of human thought would generate enthusiasm and delight for a new civilization. *Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D; Hindu faith; GHA Vice-president; Co-Director, Embassy of Human Rights from Harmony and Justice, Ambassador; International Poet-Review Writer; Universal Peace Ambassador; Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478; Address: Hyderabad, INDIA Webs: www.worldpeacepoetry.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 E-mail: tacvarthy@gmail.com 23/01/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony By Margaret Canary* In reading the manuscript, I am greatly encouraged that GHA has carefully thought out what must be constituted in a plan for Peace and harmonism. Robert M. Weir has edited the document well certainly, but he has not made it easy for the American reader to understand and, therefore, accept. For Americans the document must be made more readable through simplification of most concepts and the removal of most models. The model that is most helpful is Model-23 "Culture and Civilization of Harmonism". The four paragraphs below the model might be the best way to introduce as well as summarize the information for Americans. The exercises proposed for students of ABC are excellent. They challenge the student and center primarily on the concepts of GHA in a way that makes The ABC's of Harmony clear and understandable. I look forward to being part of this movement. *Margaret Canary,
English teacher; Peacemaker; Director, Respite Ministry Program; Social worker; Member, Common Ground; Health Insurance committee worker; Milwaukee, USA 22/01/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Pravat K. Dhal* The ABC of Harmony is a modern peace based philosophy in the Global scenario. It intends to harmonious civilizations and harmony in global scale. It looks harmony in all subjects of study like physics, mathematics, history, politics etc. It is both scientific and democratic thinking. It embraces thoughts of the all great thinkers of the world. It is a new concept which stresses on four-dimensional thinking. This idea has both philosophical and educational (application) approach. It encourages individual, social and global harmony. It has taken experiences of long history of the world civilization. It considers harmony as integral and universal property. It takes whole in the parts and parts in the whole. This (ABC) is the beginning activity of the conscious harmonious mind. It aims at spiritual globalisation and perfection. It encourages for uniting, generalizing and explaining the fundamental components of harmony of the human civilization. This can happen only through harmonious education, through dialogue and polylogue with others, through overcoming of conflicts, mutual alienation and hostility, after reconciliation with others and the discovery of a harmonious reason, thinking, philosophy, and worldview as universal harmonious identity. In this harmony each may be a philosopher or its peddler, but cooperative to others and himself. It will be certainly helpful for generating harmony in the earth. Hence, it is my gratification to the authors for them deep philosophical understanding and versatile effort to imply the project in the Globe. *Dr. Pravat Kumar Dhal, PhD, M.SC., M.ED.;
GHA-India member; Principal, Grizzly College of Education; Address: Koderma, Jharkhand (state), India; Mob.:+919430774502 Email: pravatkumar.dhal@gmail.com 21/01/13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony By Dr. Varant Z. Seropian* In the ABC of Harmony I have found it very informative, complex and yet simple in solving matters in not only sociological and philosophical way but in a scientific way. It gives proofs, formulations and solutions to one of the most complex human struggles in this era which is aspired to peace, harmony and balance. If we look at those last three words we find that we can not separate them or take one and leave the other two. It is a package that comes in our pure consciousness. To understand peace and be able to live in peace first we must be in balance with our Creator, our self, our surroundings and with nature. This can brings us to harmony added an unconditional love which makes the spark of peace to grow and flourish. God and harmony can not be separated and as He made us in His image we must not be separated or else we will lose ourselves. The ABC of Harmony authors has been able to remind and explain in a very understandable way the many aspects of harmony. The need of mankind is to be and live in harmony. The very essence of being in harmony is the respect of all religions to harmony. Peace education through achieving harmony is an essential nowadays in this planet full of sorrow, wars, misunderstandings and violence. People of this planet have lost the harmonious way of living in love, peace, understanding and tranquility. The ABC of Harmony is the voice of human consciousness through which the authors is bringing forward and reminding every living being, every educator on this planet to stand up and make a conscious audit of him/her to harmonize self. To see how can we achieve a balanced life, to be able to look at the very inner self, the core of all truth. Bringing a social justice through the concept of tetra-sociology is not a dream; it is in fact a need to get out of this mess. Life has been a disaster while it should be a blessing for every living human on this planet. Social equilibrium and human rights must be an automatic procedure that must not be begged for. only through harmony, social justice and understanding peace can be achieved. The ABC authors have done an excellent job and have brought new concepts to achieve harmony and peace. They have all our support and appreciation for a global harmonious peace for all living on this planet. *H.E. Grand Dr. Prof. Sir Varant Zareh Seropian, Lebanese-Armenian Christian faith; GHA Ambassador of Peace and Harmony from Harmony in MENA IAEWP-UN ESCWA representative Employment : Doctor Physician - Inventor - Scientist – Academician – Philosopher - Educator Address: POBox 70063 Antelias - Lebanon Web: http://www.iaewp.page.tl Email: iaewp-un@live.com 18/01/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony In a New Axial Age Perspective By Prof. Rene Wadlow* The German cultural historian and philosopher Karl Jaspers wrote of the “Axial Age” a period around 500 BC when the great philosophical traditions were born: Confucianism and Taoism in China, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism in India, Zarathustra in Persia, the Prophetic impulse in Judaism, Socrates-Plato the mystery schools in Greece, and most likely but more difficult to date exactly, the Druid teaching among the Celts. Of course, there were later developments from these Axial Age philosophies: Christianity grew from Judaism, itself influenced by currents of thought from Greece and Asia; later Islam grew from a meeting of Judaism and Christianity with the tribal religions of Arabia. All these Axial Age religions and philosophical teachings embodied elements found in the teachings and ethics of the tribal groups from which they arose. However, when societies became more complex and there was more interaction with people from other cultures, a more universalistic ethic was needed. By 500 BC, society in most parts of the world had grown in complexity. Communications and trade put very different types of people into contact. People began to compare ideas and the ways people governed themselves. Aristotle was the first to make a comparative study of constitutions. The earlier tribal ethics were no longer adequate to deal with the more socially complex situations. Thus, there grew philosophies that were to provide a more universalistic ethic — a way to deal with everyone, not just those belonging to the same tribe. The social need for a new ethic was there, and individuals with insight, recognizing the need formulated the religious philosophies to serve as a framework for multi-cultural contacts. As Karl Jaspers recognized in calling for a “new Axial Age”, the world finds itself roughly in a similar situation as in 500 BC.For the first time, there is a growing realization that all people on earth are in contact with each other — through communications, trade, finance and power politics. Thus, today, there is a need for a universalistic ethic, one that encloses all of humanity. There is a need for a new universal explanation of nature that will encompass all the findings of science — from the knowledge of sub-atomic particles of energy to the vast reaches of the cosmos now known through astronomy’s discoveries. The demand of our time and the demand of the planetary challenges we face oblige us to think of ourselves as citizens of the world. At the heart of every age there is a unique impulse out of which through the course of events and under favorable conditions, emerges a new cultural force which first in the consciousness of only a few individuals who create out of their perceptions ideas which begin as heresy and end up as heritage. The ABC of Harmony is such an effort to set guidelines for action. The new world civilization is not a set of forms but will emerge from a new consciousness. There are an increasing number of people who are awakening to a new consciousness of the need for harmony and a sense of responsibility for our planetary home. There is a need to develop within each person’s consciousness a shift from a narrow nationalistic position to a view of responsibility for the right use of the resources of the planet in a spirit of joy. In this book, there is a multitude of contributions in articles and poems. The ABC of Harmony authors define its importance as a "Spiritual Renaissance of Harmony in the second Axial Age” (p. 17). Readers will find insights to help in making a peaceful shift to a New Age.
*Rene Wadlow, Prof.; President, Association of World Citizens; Representative to the UN, Geneva. GHA member. Address: Le Passe, France Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=272 Email: Wadlowz@aol.com 17/01/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Review of The ABC of Harmony By Matthew G. Mabefam* GHA is a global NGO that works towards the attainment of peace in the world. In reviewing The ABC of Harmony, it has been reveal that, it has its goal as learning to overcome industrial ignorance in social and individual harmony.The reason why the focus of the organization is on overcoming ignorance might be premised on the firm belief of the existence of ignorance in the world and specifically in industrial settings which lead people to doing or omitting things that affect the serenity of the environment and hence affect the harmonious living of everybody either directly or indirectly. So the focus of GHA on overcoming ignorance is appropriate as it will equip people with the requisite knowledge on the advantages of living in the world of order and peace with your neighbor. For the better understanding of the intent of GHA, its ABC has been categorized into 20 elements and these elements serve as the emblem of GHA of which the foundation of the organization is anchored. The elements include: Four resources: people, information, organization and things; Four processes: production, distribution, exchange and consumption; Four structures/spheres of production: social, informational, organizational and technical; Four spheral classes of the population employed in the spheres: SOCIOCLASS, INFOCLASS, ORGCLASS and TECHNO(ECO)CLASS as the key actors of social harmony and harmonious democracy; and Four resources/spheres of an individual: character, conscience, will and body. With this categorization, the entire issues of humanity are covered and if humanity put its efforts at all these levels, it will be able the realize global peace from harmony in the world. This will make the world a better place for everyone. The ABC of Harmony also places emphasis on the mutual respect and value for fellow human and the rejection of materialistic value the industrial society has promulgated in the world. When this finally comes into fruition, the whole humanity will be the most valued resource whose capabilities should be built to control and manage the rest of the world’s resources. Upon my review of this piece, my firm believe is that, if the entire humanity, members and yet to be members commit themselves to the achievement of the above, the world will be a better place for all of us and to that effect everybody should do his or her best and strive to make what GHA postulate to become real. *Matthew Gmalifo Mabefam Deputy to the Leader of Socio-group (GHA-Africa), MPhl. (Social Work), Department of Social Work P.O.Box LG419 University of Ghana, Legon Tel: +233 (0) 249777088 email: gmalifo@yahoo.com; gmalifo@gmail.com 03/01/13 --------------------------------------------------
A Just Third Way Perspective on The ABC of Harmony For World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking By Michael D. Greaney* The compendium, The ABC of Harmony, is an encyclopedic presentation of the philosophy and science of the elements of “social harmony.”The philosophy of harmony is “tetrism,” defined as a ”four dimensional pluralism, which provides a full, rather than partial, theoretical approach to social and individual harmony.” The title of The ABC of Harmony may be somewhat misleading to English speakers.It suggests a primer or an introduction to a subject for novices and beginners instead of the comprehensive and often complex treatment found in the book. Rather than review the book as a whole, then, I will give a brief “perspective” of social harmony from a Just Third Way point of view that, I believe, might help guide the reader.I will focus on how I think the philosophy of tetrism can be integrated into traditional philosophical thought, particularly the classic philosophical framework of Aristotle, Aquinas, and, especially, the breakthroughs in moral philosophy represented by the social doctrine of Pope Pius XI and the principles of economic justice developed by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler. It appears to me that “social harmony” and “social justice” may be different terms for what is essentially the same thing.That is, both appear to refer to the particular virtue associated with integrating humanity’s social life as exercised through institutions — our organizations, laws, customs, contracts, rights and duties — with our individual rights and duties.This network of institutions is the common good of all humanity, within which we as individuals and members of groups seek our own perfection and that of the social order.The goal is (as R. Buckminster Fuller put it) “To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” Pope Pius XI first presented a precise and scientific understanding of social justice/harmony in Quadragesimo Anno, his encyclical “On the Restructuring of the Social Order.”In terms of the philosophy of Aristotle, the common good — that vast network of institutions within which humanity develops its fullest potential — cannot be directly affected by anyone.The social order is a given.Within this understanding, the best anyone can do is to be individually virtuous and hope that things turn out right.Aristotle called this indirect effect on the common good “legal justice,” for it is by obeying just laws that people indirectly influence society. According to Rev. William J. Ferree, S.M., Ph.D. in his book, The Act of Social Justice (1942), Pius XI acknowledged that individuals as individuals cannot affect the common good directly.Individual virtue is “one-sided,” affecting only individuals directly, not the social order as a whole.Pius XI realized, however, that individuals organized into groups that come together in solidarity can and do have a direct on the common good.The individual alone is helpless, but organized in solidarity with others can bring about a more just and harmonious social order by acting directly on institutions.This is “the act of social justice.” Pius XI therefore identified a type of indirect justice, and a type of direct justice, both of which affect the common good.He decided to call the justice that acts indirectly on the common good by the same name that Aristotle used: “legal justice.”He then took an old term with a vague meaning, and gave it a scientific and precise meaning to describe the type of justice that acts directly on the common good: “social justice.” Thus, where individual virtue is directed at individual habits, social virtue is directed at the institutions — social habits — of society.The task of institutions as society’s social habits is to make it possible for people to develop good individual habits.If our institutions do not assist us in acquiring and developing individual virtue (good individual habits), then they must be restructured.The goal of social virtue is not to substitute for individual virtue, but to make good individual habits possible by providing and maintaining an environment consisting of good social habits. Individual virtue alone is therefore not sufficient for a harmonious social order.We can each be individually virtuous with the best possible individual habits, and society can still be in chaos, being torn apart by bad social habits — flawed institutions.We need good social habits to integrate our institutions and social life into our individual life.If we structure our institutions properly, in accordance with principles of economic and social justice, then — assuming people then act virtuously individually — society will function harmoniously. Thus, if our institutions are flawed and it is difficult or impossible for us to act virtuously as individuals, social justice demands that we organize and restructure those institutions to make it possible for all individuals to have equal opportunity to access to all institutions of society, especially humanity’s natural rights of life, liberty, and property.How this equality of access is to be exercised, and what qualifications may be necessary in order to be able to exercise that access properly is a different issue, but the fact remains that every human being has an unqualified right to equality of opportunity, and our institutions should not be structured in any way that inhibits or prevents access to those institutions by everyone. Economic justice, a subset of social justice, is similar.Where social justice is the type of justice that covers all acts directed at the whole of the common good, economic justice is the type of social justice that covers all acts directed at the economic common good — those institutions that relate to how humanity meets its material wants and needs. There are three principles of economic justice: 1) Participation, 2) Distribution, and 3) Harmony.Participation is the input principle that demands as a fundamental human right equal opportunity for every person to contribute to the production of society’s marketable wealth both as a worker and as an owner of productive assets.Distribution is the outtake principle that holds that the contribution of labor to the economic process should be compensated at the market-determined rate (or “just wage”) for each particular type of human contribution to the production of marketable wealth, and that the owner of capital should receive profits in accordance with his or her pro rata share of ownership.Harmony is the feedback principle that balances and restores participative justice and distributive justice within a free and competitive market-based economic system. Tetrism has its analog within this framework.With respect to social justice, we find this fourfold harmony in the integration of the four “causes” of social justice, “cause” being understood in its philosophical sense: - Efficient Cause: A thing’s efficient cause is the “primary source of the change or rest.”In social justice, only a member of an organized group is capable of an act of social justice, and all persons are so capable.Thus, every human being has the personal responsibility to organize for the common good.
- Material Cause: A thing’s material cause is the material of which it consists.In social justice, the immediate and proper matter — “material” — of social justice is the organization of human acts into social milieux and institutions (the design principles for our “invisible structures,” like laws, institutions and desired “social habits”) of which society is composed; when acts of other virtues become commanded acts of social justice, they take on the new material aspect of organization.
- Final Cause: A thing’s final cause is its aim or purpose — what it is supposed to do.The “health” of the common good is the direct object or aim of the act of social justice, that is, the perfection of the vast hierarchy of the institutions of human life within which persons acquire and develop virtue.
- Formal Cause: A thing’s formal cause is its “form,” that is, the “shape” it takes as an “invisible tool,” or law or institution.The final cause is to an operation or act as a form is to matter; therefore the specific “formality” of the act of social justice is that it be done for the common good.This formality should not be construed as a mere “good intention” added to individual acts, for it must give “form and shape” to life in the real order.
With respect to economic justice, tetrism finds expression in the “Four Pillars of an Economically Just Society”: - A Limited Economic Role for the State.The Stateis a specialized tool, a legitimate monopoly, designed to assist humanity in caring for and maintaining the common good.Only in extreme cases or for expedience can using the Stateto care for and maintain individual goods be justified. Under the principle of subsidiarity, the State’s role should be limited to providing equality of opportunity, enforcing contracts, and policing abuses.The State should function only by consent of its citizens and be economically dependent on the people, rather than forcing a condition of dependency by attempting to provide for each individual’s wants and needs.
- Free and Open Markets.Humanity’s natural right of liberty— free association and contract— means that people should be free and un-coerced either by other individuals or groups, or conditions, to use their personal judgment within an open and free market system to determine democratically the value of their labor, their capital, and the marketable goodsand services produced by means of their labor and their capital stakes.
- Restoration of Private Property.The business corporationis a legally recognized expression of humanity’s freedom of association and contract designed to make it possible for many people to own jointly a single asset and make the enjoyment of ownershipof the means of productionmore widespread.The corporation, Kelso and Adler argued, has been used to concentrate ownership and restrict and in some cases abolish the rights of minority owners to control their proportionate share of governance powers and other fruits of ownership, including their just share of ownership income.
- Widespread Ownership of Capital.As stated in Article 17 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”While, as Aristotle claimed, ownership of productive assets is a critical support of virtue — the “good life” — this “pillar” can be regarded as the fatal omission of every economic system in the world today.
Overall, then, I found a high degree of compatibility between the Just Third Way and The ABC of Harmony.Given the complexity of the thought in The ABC of Harmony, however, I think that there may be a place for a publication that is more “accessible” to ordinary people, perhaps something that combines the presentation of the laws and characteristics of social justice found in Father Ferree’s Introduction to Social Justice (1948), with the principles of economic justice from Chapter 5 of The Capitalist Manifesto (1958) by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler. *Michael D. Greaney, CPA, MBA Embassy Co-Director, Human Rights from Harmony and Justice, Ambassador Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016, USA (O) 703-243-5155, (F) 703-243-5935 (E) thirdway@cesj.org (Web) http://www.cesj.org 02/01/13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony
By Dr. Michael Ellis* Vaclav Havel, former president of Czechoslovakia has said "without a global revolution of human consciousness, nothing will change for the better in the sphere of our being as humans and the catastrophe towards which this world is headed be it ecological, demographic, social or the general breakdown of civilization will be unavoidable". This situation is understood by many in the modern world and many are looking for a new consciousness. one of these large-scale research effort is the collective, 76 co-authors from 26 countries, the ABC of Harmony (2012) of Global Harmony Association. The authors understand that this book is "our new planetary paradigm, ... the fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness" (p. 296) Science has built a picture of the universe which up until now has been considered as materialistic. When we look at the consciousness movements, we see that within Western society in particular, the aim is to fill the gap left by the vacuum caused by the separation between inner and outer experience. We need to create depth, resonance and meaning in our lives by focusing on bridging the gap between reason and belief, intellect and intuition in order to create a cosmology and spirituality more integral to the human frame of reference. We need to seek to reconnect ourselves with the essence of life. The ABC of Harmony creates a pluralistic alternative to materialism and focus on the harmonious combination of opposites, and not on their struggle as in traditional monistic philosophies. There are almost as many belief systems as there are human beings. When I speak to professionals about the solutions to world peace, social disintegration, environmental problems, they are despondent. The solution to them depends upon their specialty and this could be psychological, economic, theological, environmental, bio-genetic manipulation or humanistic. The question is, what is the common denominator? Ten percent of the population suffers from genetic bi- polar depression according to the psychiatrists and yet I believe if we create a dysfunctional environment, we get dysfunctional responses. The ABC of Harmony sees a common denominator in the universal deep structure of social harmony, which is expressed in 20 fundamental elements / spheres of harmony and which are based on four necessary and sufficient social resources. The ABC of Harmony is based on a new manner of thinking called tetradic thinking which brings into play an understanding of how a harmonious society functions. This is defined by four resources: People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T). (Things is material benefits and services). on this basis, a global pluralistic consciousness is building, as an alternative to materialism, with the priority of spirituality and human, not of things. What we do have in common is life and consciousness - and we need to understand life, as being an interconnected synergic matrix of reciprocal maintenance and connectedness. We have finite bodies but infinite minds which have the power to realize a new world of hope, creativity and sustainability. The system tries to deny that we human beings have a Soul. It entraps us in world models of economic rationalism, centered in materialism, Darwinism, The Selfish gene, The Biomedical model and the rational ordering of Society. It forgets about our consciousness, (transpersonal experience) our hearts and our beliefs. As an African Spiritual teacher has said. "A civilization without rites of passage has a sick Soul." We need a new modus vivendi and a new philosophical basis to underlay the positive attributes of humankind. As Einstein said we need a new manner of thinking which thereby can cultivate a transformation in consciousness and awareness. This gives the ABC of Harmony. In human society as in nature everything maintains itself at the expense of everything else This law of reciprocal maintenance of all things from the genome of the human Being to the consciousness of Enlightenment has within it, at its most integral level a basis in harmony, integrity, truth and relationship By defining these relativities in a philosophy of harmony we understand the disequilibrium in global Human Society and also the way of knowing which can correct the balance to one of harmony, truth and integrity and love through the ABC of Harmony. *Michael Ellis, PhD GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony for Australia, President, THE GLOBAL PEACE CENTRE www.peacecentre.org http://vergemm.com/ http://www.xcellentu.com Melbourne, Australia 29/12/12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Takis Ioannides* Review of the ABC of Harmony We live an awful global crisis in all levers of human civilization. Humanity meets serious problems on a daily basis and is forced to solve them. Human values have been disappeared. Poverty is increasing. Peace if absent.Wars are in force in many countries of our planet. Children suffer by war, many kinds of violence, poverty, lack of education, hunger, illnesses, orphan hood, job and sexual exploitation. Citizens of many nations are today hopeless, feared, terrorized, poor, with no future. As a conclusion, our planet Earth lives a historical collapse of quality of life. But, every crisis and every problem has its solution and treatment. Humanity must recover the soonest possible. Human beings seek for such solutions. The question raised is, who can provide these solutions? Who can assist humanity nowadays and how? The safe answer is the new edited ABC of Harmony book of GHA with its contents, ideas, solutions provided by numerous spiritual persons, professionals, real humans who care about humanity and so they offer voluntarily their knowledge, their life experience, talents and works. With philosophical approaching the authors were focused on the existed human problems, analyzed them and using the past knowledge and wisdom, together with their own knowledge, work and life experience, provided attainable ideas and solutions. Upon Dr. Leo Semashko’s leadership, his vision, his faith and his too hard efforts together with all cooperators and all authors, this book of the ABC of Harmony for the world PEACE, the Harmonious Civilization and the Tetranet Thinking is a reality and a chance for our Global community for an immediate change, for the common benefit of fellow-humans, for all nations of Planet Earth. *Dr. Takis Ioannides, Poet and writer, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Athens, Greece 16 12 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nina Meyerhof* About The ABC of Harmony Today there is a solid understanding that we are inflicted by great upheavals leading to visible crisis in our lives and the lives of people everywhere.We have learned that it is no longer feasible to act as individuals but rather there is a necessity to learn and understand that we are truly interdependent.The GHA collective book, The ABC of Harmony, is an expression of this understanding. We must be in right relationship to the other whether it is our environment, other people, the economy, religion, politics or any organized unit.HARMONY within and between all structures is the source of peace, of higher consciousness, and life sustainability. This book consists of a whole array of essays by many of our futurist thinkers who are on the cutting edge of this transforming great shift for a harmonious civilization. The reader is thus led through a total series of essays that stimulate the mind and the heart leading one to imagine one’s own participation in this great human design of WORLD HARMONY. The ABC of Harmony is not only quite a complete digest of a whole encyclopedia of diverse subjects and views but is also threaded together with the weaving of what is termed Tetranet Thinking. This process of exploring all great ideas and potentials for HARMONY exists in diagrammatic form to enable the reader to digest the necessity of linking ideas to evolving harmony for all aspects of one’s life. The deepest purpose of this book is a call to the formation of a CIVILIZATION of WORLD HARMONY … a dream that can be a reality if only each one of us agrees to take the steps needed to release our old belief systems and experience our inner and outer balance within the whole. The ABC of Harmony gives us this point of reference and the courage to take those steps. May PEACE, LOVE and UNITY prevail from HARMONY. * Dr. Nina Meyerhof,
GHA Vice-President, President, Children of the Earth (COE), www.coeworld.org, nina@coeworld.org, Skype: nina_meyerhof +802-862-1936 Vermont, USA If you are planning for a year, plant some rice. If you are planning for ten years, plant a tree. If you are planning for 100 years, open a school of Harmony. December 2, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------- Heli Habyarimana*
The ABC of Harmony review The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking may be considered as the Gospel for the 21st Century. It should be thus preached to the humanity as a way of salvation of the world so far turned apart by uncountable wars and conflicts. The ABC of Harmony is a holistic resource. Indeed, it extends from alphabet to the toolkit of Harmony, from axioms to empirical studies of Harmony, from images to philosophical dimensions, from sciences to humanities, and from formulas to technologies. Briefly, Harmony is present in everything, and it likely makes everything alive since Harmony is life itself. Very far from its importance to the humanity as a whole, the world academia should benefit more of The ABC of Harmony. In this respect, people in the academic world should be acquainted with fundamentals of Harmony so as to build on a stronger basis. Moreover, who of the academic arena should leave apart or forget about the toolkit of Harmony? The chapter serves as the new basis of science, research and technologies needed in the current scientific and technological world. It is very interesting to explore the applications of Harmony as detailed in the ABC of Harmony. In fact, who else could imagine the constitution of Harmony, the language for Harmony, religious Harmony, Harmonious Education, and development in Harmony if the ABC had not been? The answer is completely negative without the existence of The ABC of Harmony and totally affirmative with the real existence of it. It is worth highlighting that the 21st century generation has got a chance; The ABC of Harmony in place. As it took so many years to corrupt people’s mindset in wars, conflicts and disharmony; more efforts are therefore needed to eradicate the old destructive thinking of the humanity and to prone world peace from Harmony. Fortunately, The ABC of Harmony has been proved to be the adequate tool that should be used to change the world. The ABC of Harmony is highly inspiring to Africa and other parts of the world torn apart by unnecessary and unjustified wars and conflicts. In fact, knowledge and application of principles and practices of Harmony constitute a suitable exit from perennial conflicting situation in the aforementioned parts of the world. There is therefore a requirement; that is everyone’s commitment to the promotion of Harmony. Last, the world as a whole has got a noble assignment from The ABC of Harmony: People will live in Harmony if and only if they are acquainted with the harmonious civilization, thinking and practice. In this respect, the GHA Ambassadors of Harmony are strongly called upon to join efforts so as to fulfill the endeavor, and they are lucky because they have The ABC of Harmony at hand. *Mr Heli Habyarimana Linguist
The ABC of Harmony coauthor GHA and GHA-Africa Vice-President Assistant Lecturer &Director/Office of the Rector Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Education of Kibungo (INATEK) RWANDA-AFRICA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361 25/11/12 ------------------------------------------------------- David James Egwu*
My Review of The ABC of Harmony The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking is such a cumbersome and therefore complex book to read and comprehend easily. Nevertheless, it is relevant in today’s world if we must look at world peace from a comprehensive and inclusive perspective. A very closer look at the definition and features of The ABC of Harmony clearly defines the target audience to be for Adults, teachers and parents which am of the opinion must begin to Change to accommodate those population who truly shape and influence our world; the youth population. One of the most inspiring thoughts ever written was the one I found in the In words of Shri Kanak Mal Dugar (Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir and Chancellor, IASE Deemed University) which read and I Quote ''harmony is inbuilt in the Nature. The conflicts are created by us'' irrespective of how simple the sentence appeared it carries within it irrevocable truth of all times strong enough to compel a revolutionary way of viewing and responding to our world if we must salvage it from its current state of disharmony. GHA’s paradigm of Global Thinking which aspires to a holistic, ‘four-dimensional’ approach provides a superior view over all other school of thoughts hence seeks to replace fragmented thoughts and theories on world harmony. Our understanding of these four dimensional approach certainly create a new order in our appreciation of the world we live in while understanding that her harmony is possible only if we think and act in certain ways that guarantees harmony and discourages disharmony unequivocally. Perhaps another very key interesting consideration of The ABC of Harmony is the fact that it perceives and presents harmony as an intellectual Challenge of God and his creation. This is a challenge to the main human intellectual component - the human mind according to its writings. The book challenges a reader from various segments of creation, in nature, in society, in humanity and in every single part of each. Reading through the ABC, one is immediately confronted with seemingly contradictory relationships between the name The ABC of Harmony and the actual content contained in this all important handbook that warrant several readings if you must grasps a token from it! Rather than consider it as The ABC of Harmony you may as well consider it as a piece of handbook containing practical and valuable authority quotable in the study and understanding of world harmony from an all inclusive perspective. The book’s five parts serve to make it more accessible, though. The parts are "The ABC of Harmony" (apparently accountable for the book’s title), "Applications and Prerequisites", "Harmony Stars", "Harmony Poetry" and "Harmony Painting". The ABC aspires to be a methodology for harmony that is easy and available for all nations of the world. Hence, I'll propose that we focus the strategy of circulating of this all important handbook to the population on whose future the world depends on which is the Youths( youths between the age of 18 to 35 years of age). I also think that if we must make harmony a lifestyle then all nations of the world must make a united effort to enshrine the ideals of the ABC of harmony into our educational curriculum even though I'll propose a summarized and easily understandable version which should be lighter on scientific presentations. Thus making the book not just available but understandable by our youth population and students at all levels. Furthermore the handbook also contains teaching Assignments for The ABC of Harmony. The Applications and Prerequisites part of the book contaplates instances where the ABC can bring about harmony. This was contributed by many authors from across the world. The book is important for anyone who is willing to explore a superior way of thinking which liberates their mind from religion and concentrate on harmonious, peaceful co-existence at all levels. This book is useful for those who are willing to look beyond the present, daring to project into the future of possibilities attainable by embracing the ideals of The ABC of Harmony. It may also be necessary to explore other means of communicating the ideals of The ABC of Harmony by way of adopting globally acceptable trendy methodology which appeals to our young populations most of which is the use of Pop-culture; Celebrity endorsement, creating theme songs and cartoon animation representations, all of these will also work to ensure a faster acceptance of this book as a reference guide and house hold name for Global harmony. Finally, The ABC of Harmony is very relevant in our world today and in our future and must be preserved and publicized to ensure that more people come to the knowledge of the concepts contained in this handbook. *David James Egwu Media and PR consultant CEO, Eden integrated services limited Suite 35 crown plaza, Utako, FCT Abuja, Nigeria Website: www.edenservicesltd.com 30/10/12 ----------------------------------------------------------- UMAR ABUBAKAR ALIYU*
MY REVIEW OF THE ABC OF HARMONY After reading the book, I was simply very happy inside out. The ABC of Harmony lays down the harmony process from the beginning to the modern day life. It marks a new beginning for harmony leading to peace for all cultures, religions, ideologies, philosophies and even some forms of societal idiosyncrasies. The GHA found the right expressive image of the ABC of Harmony as collective play and as a collective hero of harmonious peace, civilization and thinking. I believe in the idea with which the GHA was conceptualized. I am optimistic that generally, people will trust and believe in it. It is important to remark also the positive provisions the Association had made and I believe that so much positive reactions will come from all over the world in accepting GHA by all who are in need of peace. I am very happy and satisfied with its contents. My congratulations to all participants of this great team work. I will like to profoundly congratulate all authors, translators, reviewers, collaborators and sponsors and surely, I approve the full financial report concerning the ABC of Harmony.
*Umar Abubakar Aliyu Esq FCNA, ACTI, MBA
Vice President and CFO, GHA-Africa Abuja, Nigeria 05/11/12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking
Review by Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D.* I welcome the publication of The ABC of Harmony. I commend its authors and their associates for bringing this positive pronouncement to the attention of world leaders. While the prevailing disharmonious industrial thinking makes peace seem impractical, all mankind should grasp the harmonious philosophy which has vast potential to settle international differences before it is too late. One beauty of The ABC of Harmony is that it never claims to be the absolute solution. Instead, it embraces a staggering breadth of philosophical, religious, and scientific traditions, never rejecting but always building on truths the world has seen time and again across the years. For example, any thoughtful reasoning on the history of peace sustains one main point of The ABC of Harmony, that warfare just leads to temporary peace which is followed by preparation for further warfare, and this is clearly an imperfect solution to the universally recognized need to attain world peace. This holistic viewpoint, supplemented by extensive scientific knowledge, has made it possible to open the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century. Now, based upon Leo Semashko’s pioneering work in 1999 (the first handbook of Tetrasociology), we see the development of several international conferences and a timely and high potential approach to world peace. Here disparate theories merge into harmonious thinking and work together for the betterment of mankind. The book ABC of Harmony is a handbook for this movement, and outlines the philosophical and scientific rationale for the Global Harmony Association. It includes the philosophical basis (theory and sciences), applications, recognition of past leaders, and selections from the arts representing many cultures. I heartily recommend this book for anyone preparing to support world peace. This may be our only chance! *Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D. GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony Publisher and Editor President, World Writers Resources, Inc.; Vice-President, Golf North Poa(2010-2011) Author, Harmony of Nations: 1943 – 2020, Just Fiction Editions, 2012. Carpentersville, IL, USA 27/10/12 -----------------------------------------------
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking Review by Odoh Diego Okenyodo*
The ABC of Harmony is an ambitious and therefore complex book, but it is needed. GHA’s Paradigm of Global Thinking which aspires to a holistic, ‘four-dimensional’ approach strikes me as the exact same way Nature ‘thinks’. Nature does not produce a plant made of only carbohydrates or only proteins; nor does Nature make a human being who is formatted as a lawyer or an engineer in exclusion of other skills and abilities. We are everything; we are a little of all things to which we must give conscious thought for there to be harmony in the whole. I can’t agree less with the writer of the Introduction to the book, Shri Kanak Mal Dugar, the GHA-India’s Honorary President and Chancellor of the IASE Deemed University. He says: “Harmony is inbuilt in the Nature. The conflicts are created by us.” Thus, tetrism in The ABC of Harmony is expected to provide “a full, rather than partial, theoretical approach to social and individual harmony.”
The ABC of Harmony operates on the premise that disharmony results from imbalance and inordinacy in our aspirations and ambitions. The book challenges a reader from various planes, the spiritual (more than just religious), the academic, and artistic. Reading through the ABC, one is immediately confronted with seemingly paradoxical relationships that warrant a second reading, and a third, and a fourth! This is a necessary document that might be better known as The Encyclopedia of Harmony, as an encyclopedia is not necessarily as simple as the more modest ABC! It could also be known as A Reader of Harmony. The book’s five parts serve to make it more accessible, though. The parts are "The ABC of Harmony" (apparently accountable for the book’s title), "Applications and Prerequisites", "Harmony Stars", "Harmony Poetry" and "Harmony Painting". The ABC aspires to be a methodology for harmony that is easy and available for all nations of the world. But availability has not led to utilization. According to the book, June 21 is to be observed at the Global Harmony Day, “the symbol of eternal human aspiration to an ideal of harmonious civilisation on the Harmonious Era Calendar”. Of course, after much prodding, the United Nations and other global institutions might adopt this day as Global Harmony Day and probably observe it, but it would be a thing of great joy to see in one’s lifetime how the principles espoused in this book will be observed. This is not pessimism; just an acknowledgment of how greed has eaten deep into our global systems, and further a recognition of the task ahead of the Global Harmony Association and the organisations promoting the ideas in The ABC. I found it interesting when the book talked about ‘the mind’s sides’. These are the four dimensions that the mind covers to arrive at harmony (or sometimes disharmony). These ‘sides’ include harmonious knowledge (philosophy or epistemology); harmonious object of knowledge (that is worldview or ontology); harmonious thinking (that is, harmonious logic of knowledge or tetranet harmonious thinking); and lastly the ABC of Harmony, that is the fundamental elements of harmony for harmonious praxeology or pragmatics as the start of harmoniously organized activity of society. The reader also contains teaching Assignments for the ABC of Harmony. The Applications and Prerequisites part of book seems to show instances or contexts where the ABC can bring about harmony. This was contributed by many authors from across the world. The book is important for anyone who is willing to unshackle their mind from religion and concentrate on harmonious, peaceful existence. Disharmonious thinking will cause the death of our current civilization, just as it has done to the past civilizations. This book is useful for those who are willing to look beyond the present. *Odoh Diego Okenyodo Vice President, GHA-Africa Poet/Managing Director ISU Media Ltd Abuja, Nigeria 27/10/12 -----------------------------------------------
Review of The ABC of Harmony by Steven Zuckerman* Albert Einstein stated that "To days problems cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that created them." How true, so where are the solutions? Dr. Leo Semashko of the Global Harmony Association has assembled some (75) of the brightest minds in the world to co-create The ABC of Harmony, an amazing book which provides the collective knowledge as a guidebook, handbook and global encyclopedia to enable peace through harmony on the new level of consciousness. As we live in turbulent times, our media systems continue to incite people into rages and violence with distorted information that enables people to become mass consumerists. Finally, there is a book which shows how to balance, how to integrate, both in a scientific, philosophic and quantitative approach that if, brought to the attention to the leaders of States around the world, could enable a peaceful world. While I loved many part of the book, I loved this writing the most: "The human nature in this respect is dual: disharmonious/harmonious, and the life of human and mankind depends on harmony and is determined by its knowledge, then there must be the way from ignorance to knowledge. And the method of this transition is maieutics of harmony." While The ABC of Harmony is not an easy book to read, it is an important - no essential handbook to understand balance, peace, love and harmony for all of us, to enable us all to live in peace and harmony with all living creatures. *Steven Zuckerman Music Producer Co-Producer Better World Forum 2012 Delray Beach, Florida, USA www.shapingthefutureglobal.com 23/10/12 ------------------------------------------------- Review of The ABC of Harmony by Dr. Leye Babalola* The ABC of Harmony is the unique conceptual model of society to be adopted by the entire world as basis for global peace, harmonious civilization and tetranet thinking. It is a challenge to the main human intellectual components, a maturity test for human thought in its spiritual development. While it is very difficult to review the entire evolution of harmonious mind, the question arising is how did the compendium of the ABC of Harmony can came into existence?This is the main objective which authors wanted to achieve by compiling the ABC of Harmony symbolizing philosophy, worldwide and thinking of the future humanity. The cohesiveness of harmonious mind is hinged upon the criteria (1) Harmonious Philosophy; (2) Harmonious Worldwide; (3) Harmonious Logical Thinking; and (4) Harmonious Praxeology. The harmonious mind was viewed from its four dimensional entirety. Approaching harmonious mind has achieved a tremendous success in accumulation of facts in terms of harmony; creation of private philosophies, outlooks and relevant theories instrumental to harmony to integrate this into the main steam of the ABC of Harmony. This is especially evident in the GHA many projects and books and also in the ABC articles of different authors. The ABC of Harmony main conclusions and meanings: 1. It is the GHA mission and vision profound rationale. 2. It covers all the components of the human life, especially nature and society in their unity. 3. It unfolds the transition from disharmonious to harmonious human mind. 4. It defines the social ideal of humanity: harmonious civilization, excluding war, violence and hunger, ensuring the prosperity for all nations, preserving and respecting ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. 5. It characterizes the transition from the first to the second axial age, from total ignorance in social harmony to general knowledge of its elements and laws and to the consistent use of this knowledge in individual and social life. 6. The main thing is that it is a real recipe for world peace through harmonious education since childhood of all people on the Earth. *Dr. (High Prince) Leye Babalola, FCCA, FCTI President/Chairman – of – Council Institute of Company and Commercial Accountants of Nigeria. Lagos, Nigeria 16/10/12 ------------------------------------------------------
A Review on The ABC of Harmony
By Dr. Bishnu Pathak* Published: http://www.transcend.org/tms/2012/10/the-abc-of-harmony/ The ABC of Harmony, edited by Dr. Leo Semashko has been published by Global Harmony Association (GHA) together with Gandhi Vidya Mandir (GVM) and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), deemed university. It is the first exclusive book to deal scientifically on harmony, harmonious civilization, harmonic education, and cross-cultural dialogues across the world at local, regional, national, and international levels. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, an eminent scientist and the former president of India, has poetically renewed the Confucian wisdom: “If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.” So had preached Gautam Buddha, the Enlightened one: “If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation; if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.” Many contributors of the book have beautifully presented the core values, thoughts, fundamental societal structures, and features of global harmony. While illustrating its significance in our lives, Dr. Semashko states without overemphasizing: “Peace comes through harmony and harmony is derived from the beauty of human character.” Harmony has its own magnificence with profound sense and true reality. Thus, the book attempts to achieve great paradigm shift in human thought from utopian attitude on love, kindness, happiness, compassion, and enthusiasm to modern interactions respecting freedom, freedom seekers and freethinkers. The authors tend to impress that it is the first encyclopedia of its kind on philosophy and holistic scientific knowledge of fundamental elements of social harmony that took more than 35 years to develop in the present form. Along with 75 GHA coauthors from 26 countries, the editor rightfully claims that it is a book of enlightened social harmony for the entire humanity in the 21st century. The book has five chapters ranging from philosophy and reflection to applications and prerequisites, ground reality and stars, poetry and the author’s explanation on the nitty-gritty of harmony. Furthermore, it also tries to dwell upon its possible role in terms of history, religion, anthropology, sociology, psychology, politico-economy, arts, ecology, and so forth. The authors have come together from various academic and professional backgrounds ranging from former president and nuclear scientist to sociologist, educationist, historian, philologist, priest, poet, cultural expert, philosopher, physician, economist, school teacher, trans-disciplinary scholar, peacemaker, spiritualist, engineer, and so forth. The gorgeousness of the book is its diversity while selecting authors in terms of their gender, profession, education, social standing, understanding, belief, attitude, and location, i.e. whether from developed, developing and non-developing poor countries. Successfully coordinating so many diverse contributions is testimony to Dr. Semashko’s extraordinary acumen for innovating ways to experiment and create harmony in the world. “Harmony is inbuilt in human nature; rather conflicts are created by us” is an inspirational message for peace through harmony from Chancellor Dr. Kanak Mal Dugar. An individual’s harmony is only a part of universal and social harmonies that guide the world toward perfection. The contributors have focused on the fundamental elements of social harmony by presenting resources, processes, structures, classes, and human character. They have pointed out three inseparable qualities of harmonious relationship – necessity, sufficiency and coherence – through the four PIOT resources, viz. people, information, organizations, and things. The panoramic outline of harmonious culture and civilization includes cell, language, thinking, worldview, nitty-gritty, and so forth. They all somehow conclude that harmonious character must be there for creation of the ABC of harmony, which corresponds with the spirit of harmony. The thoughts incorporated in Harmony as Dignity and Protection from Humiliation by Dr. Evelin Lindner, Transformative Harmony by Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri, Dynamics of Unity of Nations by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Lord Buddha: Master of Inner Peace from Harmony by Dr. Charles Buddha, Leo Tolstoy: School of Harmony by Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Mahatma Gandhi: Harmony of Non-violent Civil Disobedience by Dr. Surendra Pathak, Dalai Lama: Need of Religious Harmony by Dr. Semashko, etc. are a few noteworthy examples of unity in diversity and inter-connectedness of the world’s authors and their varied opinions on contemporary issues. Harmony is inseparable from disharmony. It advocates for a confluence of civilized beings and propagation for a benevolent world. The fruits of enlightened harmony obtained by the authors have been kept at high pedestal of intellect. However, it is an ambitious project to be contemplated and transmitted worldwide as commoners’ knowledge influenced by 3Ps of power, politics and property. But, the output lacks clear thinking onreligious harmony, socio-cultural harmony, political harmony, science and technology harmony, philosophy of harmony, economic harmony, system harmony, peace harmony, art harmony, and security harmony, etc. Seeds ofpeace are sown in the soil of universal harmony, which sprouts up when like-minded individuals and/or institutions work together on a common platform with similar 4Ps of purpose, program, policy, and priority. The ABC of Harmony will eventually be nurturing a gigantic tree, the peoples, if the governments and the UN jointly establish appropriate schools worldwide. Itis a primary criterion for creating harmonious consciousness imparting education for world peace. A harmoniously civilized world sprouts the fruits of peace with a concept of tolerance for peace and harmony and at the same time intolerance toward conflict, tension and war. Chief Editor Dr. Semashko and other esteemed contributors have together created a podium of harmonic society. Their proposed practical teachings in an integrated form could create an invaluable guideline to develop harmonic mind, harmonic behavior, and harmonic thinking for all. Personally, I have enjoyed reading the book from cover to cover and have learnt a good deal about harmony. In no time, I believe, it would become a principal reference book for the interested person in all universities and institutions in every region of the world. I will not be surprised if the book is held as scientific sensation in traditional sociology and anthropology. The ABC of Harmony needs to be adopted by all governments and world institutions so that its prescriptions may be conveniently heeded. There is need of harmony at home, work and community; it is required in the region, in the nation and on the earth. The fusion of social democracy in the countryside and market economy in the urban centers may soon be a role model for universal harmony, no less so for socially, culturally, economically, and politically sensitive and conflict-prone countries like Nepal. (The reviewer highly appreciates the editing of copy editor Mr. J. K Tater) *Bishnu Pathak, PhD Board Member: TRANSCEND Peace University Convener: TRANSCEND International (South Asia) GHA Consul General for Disarmament GHA Coordinator: World Peace Movement-Peace and Disarmament from Harmony Founder and Director: Peace and Conflict Studies Center (PCS Center) P. O. Box 11374, Sukedhara, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel.: +977 1 4650696 Mobile: +977 9841 345514 Email: pathakbishnu@gmail.com/ cscenter1.nepal@gmail.com URL: http://www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np http://www.insightonconflict.org/conflicts/nepal/peacebuilding-organisations/pcsc/
16/10/12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ABC of Harmony Review by Dr. Justo Bolekia* I would like to congratulate Dr. Leo Semashko and all for their wise approach towards such a quite difficult theme baptized as the ABC of Harmony. After this merited compliment, I would like to say that a book review is not always good news for an author. It could be a critical analysis about the meaning and the reason of what has been written on a book or an article. Book review is some times a personal evaluation and a reviewer might not write what the author expects. But whatever could be said, we need to present evidences concerning our analysis. The ABC of Harmony has five parts or chapters. It is based on several fields, from Sociology to Music, Psychology, History, Economic, Politic, Ecology, Religion, Education, Arts, Poetry, Painting, Anthropology (love, family, children, etc.). The protagonist of all this effort is the person in his two levels: as an individual and as community or society. The Harmony community searched by the peacemakers of this ABC of Harmony is the sum of PIOT (People, Information or Knowledge, Organization and Things) and CCWB (Character, Consciousness, Will and Body). The role of a single person as an important component of the global machine is integrated in the whole. According to some of the definitions of the word “encyclopedia”, this book seeks to describe the whole subjects related to the global harmony. Instead of suggesting the improvement of the systems on which capitalism is based on (such as monism, dualism and triadism), the authors, particularly Dr. Leo Semashko, propose a new system called tetrism (or pluralism), which takes into account the community level for the build of harmony thinking, harmony actions and harmony governance, and also from which he has developed its tetra-philosophy or tetra-sociology. The content of this book seeks to describe the holistic expression of the universal harmony in different cultures. It found out to demonstrate that it is possible to implement another global system with which we can reform all what we have and to ensure the humanity’s future. The project is huge and ambitious. The authors have pointed out that the ABC of Harmony becomes “… necessary and accessible for all countries, cultures and people…” despite the high level of analphabetism in the world and the number of those people who have no access to the Internet. But in their ambitious project, they hope that everybody could benefit from this new way of harmony enlightenment. It’s mean that Harmony must be thought and transmitted worldwide by its believers. This is what we suppose to have nowadays due to our difficult times, with difficult issues that affect millions of people. These are issues whose solutions require the involvement of institutions that are supposed to ensure the safety and integrity of the community in its harmonic environment. Freethinkers must also be involved because of their capacity to question their own religious beliefs and political leanings for the benefit of humanity. This is what Dr. Leo Semashko has sought, with the participation of the seventy-five authors, that is, to dive into the mankind in order to locate, describe and share the ingredients needed by the men and women of our planet or our global village to live in peace and harmony. Given that there is no dialectics without harmony, the dialectic of negotiation in time of crisis and wars become crucial, as it has been said by William L. Ury in his book Getting to Peace. Transforming Conflict at Home, at Work and in the World. But, what has not been treated in the ABC of Harmony is the influence of the different brains: the reptilian, the mammalian, the neo-cortex and the frontal lobe. The domination of the two first ones could dangerously determinate human behaviour.We know the advantages and disadvantages of everyone of them; I think that we need to focus on the neo-cortex and the frontal lobe if we want to build peace and harmony in a global world. To achieve what we want, we need mothers and teachers who are very conscious about the meaning of peace and harmony in our world. We also need new peacemakers or peace-fighters, such as the militaries (not only the United Nations’ peace keepers) and the police agents who must look after the civilians’ rights, and recognize the importance of peace and harmony in our common community. I would like to conclude this review by quoting what I have read in page 218 about Buddha: “he found out that the secret of inner peace and harmony consists of detachment from material things”. We can understand the same thing in Jean Gitton and Igor & Grichka Bogdanov’s book entitled Dieu et la science –vers le métaréalisme. As it has been demonstrated by Sir David Owen in his book In Sickness and in Power: Illness in Heads of Government During the Last 100 Years, best part of our rulers react with their heart instead of their head, because they are dominated by their reptilian and mammalian brains. Harmony construction needs the use of our head. This means that the myth of Émile ou De l’Éducation (by Jean-Jacques Rousseau) is not contrary to efficient thinking. In short, material and mental needs should not have a conflicting coexistence. Let me present some questions as examples to conclude. How to change the Hubris syndrome, a disharmonic behavior that affects the majority of our rulers into benefit actions? How to transform our rulers into peace thinkers or into peacemakers? Dr. Leo Semashko, as coordinator, and the other authors have built the bases of harmonic society. They have led the harmonic structures and bases in every field. They have also proposed many practical ways to teach people how to develop harmonic mind, behaviors, thinking, etc. I have enjoyed a lot my reading, and I can also affirm that this is a book that we have to consult every time. I thank them for their depth thinking. *Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka Professor of French Studies at the Universty of Salamanca (www.usal.es) Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka) Diasporan Correspodant of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org) Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh) Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa (www.peacefromharmony.org) Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team) September 26, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ABC of Harmony Review b y Jacqueline Ripstein* The ABC of Harmony demonstrates an agreement to create a way to live in harmony; knowing that harmony is the proposal to live a centered, balanced, Peaceful Life. It clearly shows us the possibility for creating a Peaceful Harmonious World, and a new kind of Culture of a harmonious, balanced civilization, creating as a result a Harmonious Unity within all races, with no wars or separation. The process to fortify World Peace from Harmony has inherent in its roots: social Responsibility, Harmony and Tolerance. It’s a call to like-mindedness people to achieve World Peace through a state of Harmony. When it talks about creating, it refers to the activation of the human creative powers, represented by the Arts, and all Invisible forces inherent within mankind. My proposal for World Peace is based in Einstein’s quote: “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created”. What is meant by this Albert Einstein quote? War, famine, pain, suffering, anger, lack of tolerance, greed, conquest, are all low vibrations that keep going around attracting the same low levels of consciousness, we cannot solve any problem from this level in which its not only created, but continuously manifested. We keep on going around, from war to war. To raise above this lower dimensions of thought, of no-harmony, of lack of love and no-compassion, we need to change our focus of attention, and shift it from our left brain, to our right brain, this shift enables our creative side and our true freedom. Our creative powers activate within us HIGHER LEVELS of creation, higher consciousness, and the connection to our Peaceful inherent being. This level enables within each human being: Love, Inner-Peace, Harmony, Compassion, and Peace. All this belong to our Invisible beings, our Spirit within contains this attributes. Let’s tap into our own Light, and create a World of Harmony. It is my honor to be part of GHA, and its sublime mission: To pave the scientifically conscious, so, nonviolent, way for a harmonious civilization through the harmony projects, harmonious education in the ABC of Harmony and cross-cultural dialog at all levels: global, regional, national and local. *Jacqueline Ripstein Fine Artist & Art Healing Pioneer & World Peace Envoy GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony United Nations ECOSOC representative of the International Association of Educators for World Peace http://www.jacquelineripstein.com,info@jacquelineripstein.com www.IAEWP.net, www.Huemanism.org Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/artistjacquelineripstein Fax 305 682 8940 One Voice...One humanity... September 10, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The ABC of Harmony Review by Adekeye Raphael Tunde*
The ABC of harmony is a joint publication of Global Harmony Association and IASE University of India. The ABC of Harmony expresses the beginning of a conscious, holistic and coherent development of language, thought, philosophy and culture of harmonious civilization. Harmony is an intellectual challenge of God, and his creations. This is a challenge to the main human intellectual component: the human mind. Harmony is a maturity text for human thinking. Man's spirit develops by climbing many steps of an unassailable fortress of harmony which is enclosed in every segment of creation: in nature, in society, in humanity and in every single part of each. Harmony, as the meaning of human life, is achieved in society and within the human just by forming one own beautiful character as the main resource. Therefore, harmony begins with each of us. Harmony depends on which direction we turn our character: to beauty or to other side. To determine harmony as a measure or proportion of a whole, we must first define the elements on which it depends. In other words people (P), information (I), organization (O) and things (T) are the basic of these. All other groups of harmony elements - processes, structures, classes, humans - are derivatives from the PIOT. Harmony is coherent and coherence is harmony. This is particularly important for social harmony clusters, which determine its integrity in all forms. Thus, it is possible to demonstrate that, without PIOT resources, societies and individuals never existed and cannot exist. This shows the sufficiency and equal necessity of the PIOT resources for any society and individual. Internal and external coherence of the PIOT resources determines their internal and external social harmony. The GHA created the ABC of harmony with these principles of people’s initiative desire for world peace from harmony which is inherent in all nations of the world but in different forms. Adekeye Raphael Tunde B.sc (Hons), PMP, Business Entrepreneur, Investor, Member- Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, GHA Global and Africa Youth Leader, Nigeria, Abuja, E-mail: raphoyekeye@gmail.com August 22, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review by Marina Kozlovska* The ABC of Harmony began in 1976. Appearance of its foundations in the "stagnant" Soviet times has a symbolic meaning. Waking up from the total hypnosis of Soviet propaganda, the society began to look around in search of humane values and common good knowledge. Many historical and scientific backgrounds were then closed from the public. And we can marvel at the strength of world harmony, allowed to revive this topic - already in the world scale - in Russia, once again undergoing cataclysms that have shaken to the ground its state, economic and moral foundations. The traditions of humanistic science in extreme social disharmony after the collapse of the Soviet Union, aroused by the founder of the ABC, the philosopher and sociologist Leo Semashko, new forms of civic and intellectual cooperation in the framework he established the Global Harmony Association (GHA), which cultivates tetranet (four-dimensional network) harmonious thinking. The GHA emblem became the image of the goddess of harmony, animating and cleaning his eyes, breathing with care - covered in a variety of natural and human dissonant flows Earth. The book itself was conceived as a textbook for education to overcome total ignorance of the past history in social harmony. It marks the transition of the collective consciousness to systematization and moral reflection of the available today human knowledge about the building blocks of social harmony on Earth in all their forms. Latitude of the authors’ collective - 76 people, participation in it the stars of modern intellect and a representative coverage of 26 countries indicate the unique weight of the project. The ABC of Harmony introduces the clear and accessible to all levels of education, and unambiguous in the initial perception fundamental categories of four necessary and sufficient resources/elements of social harmony: people, information, organization (institutions), and things. Them harmony defines the harmony of all social processes, structures and classes/groups. When these resources are spontaneous and unconscious, then their balance and harmony are established by force, and when they are realized that their co-ordination and harmony are established reasonable and non-violently. It should be noted this approach is consonance with the concept of a stable, sustainable development of society in the environment, proposed as a paradigm of the world at the turn of the millennium. It definitely speeds up the maturation and spread of a global model of harmonious world order. At the same time it makes new, unprecedented, challenges for the scientific and educational activities in all spheres of society. In my opinion, the ABC of Harmony is the first scientific and deliberate step in the social approximation of mankind to the noosphere. Marina Kozlovska Director, Private Research Enterprise: "Scientific Production Consociation "Agronaukinform", GHA Ambassador of Harmony in Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine 15/08/12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Review b y Cici & Jeffrey Peters*
We are so very impressed with the GHA ABC of Harmony book! It is well written, concise for a "huge" concept, and well presented - we are honored to be a part of GHA and two of its fervent supporters! Thanks to the authors for sharing their insights in this very useable and understandable fashion!The book will be an important and useful tool not only for schools of all levels, but for governments and government leaders as well. *Jeffrey B. Peters Catherine H. Chase Peters (Cici) GHA Vice-presidents Tepoztlan, Morelos 62520 – Mexico President & CEO C/o USMDC, Inc & The US-Mexican Development Corp. E-Mail: CiciChaseP@aol.com www.newworldcommunity.com http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=471 14/08/12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review by MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA, the ABC coauthor
This book is the revelation of the chance to have a better future for our planet Earth. Yes, it is achievable and, thanks to the book, possible. The GHA team of 76 philosophers and artists from all the points of the globe have found out a true solution to the nowadays dilemma of humankind, the most awful one all along history. The book is the starter one, the pioneer book for a long list of books that will follow it, for sure. This is the very first time we have concreted a SYNTHESIS, a conceptual synthesis of the thinking of so many ideologies all around the same illusion: international understanding and society love among human beings. As a coauthor I feel the moving emotion in my heart which never fails me to say me the truth: My visceral conviction of being part of a great step in human science, and in human evolution. I’m sure, plenty sure that the merit of the ABC of Harmony is not only to express a theory about harmonization of society in a global meaning and extension but to be a live proof that GHA has had the ability to make all us, who come from so diverse cultures and religions, to have worked all together around Dr. Semashko Tetrasociology theory. We are not all in perfect agreement, and we have hot discussions around it, but for sure we study it and take it seriously because we find in it a secret clue that makes it verisimilar since it is coherent and perfectly matches with any belief or philosophical structure of mind. So we together have gave birth to the ABC which is a true experience of joint work with the editor who marvelously doesn’t want us to be his followers but democratically he wants us to be his academic team. I enjoyed very much to coauthor this book because I learned day by day even today while writing this review, to work humbly and constantly towards the human revolution of love, peace and harmony. When you go through the pages of this book, you find yourself placid and quiet in mind, you feel peace, you feel harmony and so you stop breathing, you stop living the way you always lived and start to understand what we mean in this book: we mean to live it, to feel it with your heart and not only with your conscience. Because harmony is not in the outer world, it is in your own spirituality and into your own heart, there, where miracles are dreams coming true. MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA, GHA Vice-president. Educational Psychologist-Thinker-Editor -Writer-Translator- Founder Member of GHA, Bilingual MCA, Director, South America IFLAC. Argentina. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 09/07/12 ------------------------------------------------------------ Susana Roberts’ review
This ambitious Scientific Project of the GHA and coauthors in the ABC book is in the framework that daily people most need to put in practice and create Harmony in every sphere of life, that preserve it in any sense. It gives tools to education for this and the next generations. We are responsible for the future of our Humanity and this Book contains the basis, as every cosmism theory, I share the principles of evolution. In this profound Project are the principles of growth and preservation of life in the planet.Poetry is an art that contribute with the role of the ABC book, and the mission of every writer for Peace is in the words that help to take consciousness in the change. Creativity is the affirmation of the existence of intelligence and the implementation of the divine will in our collective efforts, that’s why the ABC textbook gives the possible and positive beginning of “Global Harmonious Era”. Susana Roberts: The ABC of Harmony coauthor. GHA Honorary member and Hero of Harmonious Peace. Argentinean poet–writer. Dr Litt Honoris Causa, WAAC Ambassador, Love Foundation Ambassador of Peace. Vice Director, IFLAC Argentina and Sub America-Member, Noosphere Ethical Ecological World Assembly Member and Presidium, World Forum of Spiritual Culture-Astana-Kazakhstan. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275 09/07/12 ------------------------------------------------------------ A BOOK REVIEW by Ayo Ayoola-Amale* The ABC of Harmony is a joint publication of Global Harmony Association and IASE University, India. It is the ABC of Language, thinking, worldview, and spiritual culture of harmonious civilization with which is connected the GHA mission: to bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ through the harmonious education in it. The civilization, the birthday of which is November 3rd, 2009, is outlined in the GHA Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration (2009) embodying twenty fundamental elements of harmony of the ABC. The ABC of Harmony expresses the GHA pluralistic four-dimensional worldview known as Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology for social worldview. Both are represented in the ABC paradigm of Global thinking as four-dimensional (tetra-) net harmonious holistic thinking, which is an alternative to one dimensional, industrial, disharmonious and partial thinking, responsible for all wars, global problems and pathologies. With the ABC point of view, the social harmony deep structure is the four spheres of social production together with the corresponding spheral classes. The conscious actors of Harmonious civilization are these four classes of the population, which differ not in regard to property but in regard to their occupation within the four spheres of production and which possess scientific knowledge of social harmony. The Modern Age of Harmonious Globalisation is the replacement of violent industrial revolutions, wars, and spontaneous crises by scientific projects and achievement of global harmony on the conscious base of its ABC.It is also a platform for the harmonious peace culture, for its key principle: “if you want peace, create harmony.”World peace can come only from global harmony as its sole cause. Global harmony is the best peace race from harmony. GHA’s ABC of Harmony for world peace is the true way because only harmony is the way to peace. It is the main meaning of the ABC of Harmony in my opinion. * Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, GHA Ambassador of Harmony for Africa, Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation, Nigeria & Ghana, Accra Website: www.splendorsofdawnpf.org E-mail: ayo@splendorsofdawnpf.org 01/07/12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Manijeh Navidnia: ABC book has new method with variety subjects. It follows important goals. It isn’t self-centered and has written by some authors with different personality and different ideologies. on the other hand, it has used kinds of sciences for harmony and kinds of elementary. The book has some charts that help to understand matters. Conceptual parts and empirical parts gave new views and prospects. Dr. Manijeh Navidnia GHA Vice- President, Garmsar University, Iran Web: www.societalsecurity.com Email: navidnia@hotmail.com 24/06/12 ------------------------------------------------------ A book review by Sarah Carrere Mbodj* I express my total commitment and wholehearted dedication to the Global Social Harmony philosophy in “the ABC of Harmony”, which constitutes a genuine guideline towards the improvement of human beings and society. The ABC is intended to be studied by scholars and humans from all walks of life irrespective of their religion, in order to pave the way for an age of enlightenment and to a more harmonious era for the common good of humanity. Extolling in our troubled times, the virtue of such a great philosophy and the GHA collective vision, should be each one of us’ daily mission, to surpass our divisions and misconceptionsin order to grasp the great mysteries of the world,and of lesser known civilizations such as the Aztec/Maya ones or the Africa Voodoo, the ancientEgypt, in order to understand an enlarge our scope, to contribute to redress errors made (e.g.: human or animal sacrifices,) and always, following the examples set by of our predecessors, to love and forgive. The holistic expression of the contents of this unique and original theory that applies to different cultures and religions through the various sciences that it encloses: sociology, psychology, mathematics, history, synergetic, economics, politics and ecology, is especially appealing to me as an African woman, living in Latin America and immersed in traditional local cultures and creeds which are not antinomy to my western background and on the contrary are a cement to my personality. Actually the four dimension of Tetrism should allow each of us, despite one’s cultural or religious background to be united through a spiritual link with great creators and thinkers: Buddha, Confucius, Jesus and her Mother Maria, Akhenaton (Pharaoh of Egypt) Muhammad ibn `Abd Allāh, Numa Pompilius, Leo Tolstoy, Dalai Lama, Rabi Meir, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Roerich, Mother Teresa, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Pushkin, etc… In keeping with the visions of such spiritual and humanitarian luminaries, one can get a better insight into the contends of this book and thus should be able to dedicate oneself to the great task of serving “the ABC of Harmony” as World Cause to the best of one’s capacity, to become a passionate, unswerving activist of its noble mission so that it can expand and reverberate in the consciousness of all the inhabitants of this planet, transforming them into peaceful minded citizens. That is the reason why world governments and especially ministries of education should be more implicated to the teaching of this philosophy and its application to new generations, thus enabling “the ABC of Harmony” to become a World International fully-fledged Movement, recognized for the benefit of general interest starting especially from the sensitization of children and to instill in them from a young age a spirit of tolerance. Government mission should be one of enforcing the common sense of brotherhood and, in keeping with the precepts of the ABC revolutionary doctrine, foster a world of love and tolerance for the 21st century and beyond, radiating throughout continents. For it is the only movement that express a true cosmogony involving a pluralistic four-dimensional dialectic philosophy of harmony of nature, society and therefore, the only way to reach an harmonious development of the human personality. It is just like reaching the perfect number of the Holy Grail or the perfect mathematical number through the combined arts of Qi gong (Chinese gym that works out mainly the breathing) and the Tai chi Chuan (martial art dance focused on movement) thus reaching the perfect Yin and Yang. The understanding and practicing of “the ABC of Harmony“is to my mind, the true, sole and invaluable prerequisite to the establishment of PEACE in this planet as the basic qualities and relations of the fundamental elements and the basic qualities of these elements (universality, necessity, sufficiency, coherency and priority) because this theory conveys all necessary universal characteristics to forge a radical transformation of the society. They can be understood easily, adopted and through a daily practice and careful observance by the community of human being, will be, at last, conducive to a world of wisdom, where Peace from Harmony will finally prevail. *Sarah Carrere Mbodj, Artist, tour manager, translator, San José, Costa Rica http://www.wix.com/sarahmusiconline/presentation-artist http://www.freewebs.com/timtimol June 14, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Review of The ABC of Harmony - M M Verma*
The Paperback edition of ABC of Harmony, running into 320 pages along with 8 abstract photographs at the end, is a class by itself. The uniqueness of this Work lies in the widest range of subjects dealt with graphical expressions, untraditional phraseology and uncommon words, treated so profoundly by writers of eminence from across the globe. It incorporates diverse subjects ranging from sociology, philosophy, psychology, history, economics, politics, spirituality, mathematics, among others, with a focus on harmonious civilization and spiritual traditions. It is a unique book of transcendentalism and pragmatism, of theoretical formulations and methodology of implementation. The ABC of Harmony reveals that different religious traditions are not created in the air. They are far more interdependent and interrelated than what a common man can see.
It is a wonderful project in which different authors have looked at harmonious civilization from the point of view of social responsibility, tolerance, spirituality, humanism, integrity, harmonious education, ethical economics, humane socialism, keeping in mind the common consciousness for the common good.Subjects pertaining to humanism, disinterested performance of duties as delineated in the Vedic literature along with Gita's unfoldment of true knowledge are subjects of great interests.
It is not an easy book to understand mainly because of a vast range of subjects in different areas of specialization. A common reader is not expected to comprehend the nuances, technicalities, graphic descriptions, and scientific formulas etc., at one and the same time. It is easy to understand subjects pertaining to functional democracy, pluralism, inspiring thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Gandhi, Tolstoy and others. one can appreciate the tremendous contribution of Rousseau, Hegel, Kant, Marx and Aurobindo, among others.
There is a need to add article a special article on Interfaith and convergence of diverse religious traditions, which are the most topical emerging trends in the new global civilization. on the whole, this book is useful for research centres and college libraries.
I have the following suggestions to make:
1. There is need to improve the quality of editing, printing and binding. There is need for an attractive cover as well. 2. It may run into two volumes, if possible. 3. More information on the philosophy of Harmony can be given with the help of Vedic literature, Greek and Chinese thoughts, along with an in-depth and prayerful study of the spiritual Scriptures of the World's major religions.
May I offer my humble services to edit and redesign this publication. To start with, a limited number of hardbound copies may be brought out. I can thrash out this matter with Mr Arvinder and Mr Ravishankar.
*Prof (Dr) M M Verma
President Interfaith Foundation, India
Cell: 9818753534 Website: www.interfaithfoundationindia.com May 4, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE ABC OF HARMONY for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking by Dr. Leo Semashko and GHA 75 coauthors from 26 countries, New Delhi, 2012 --A book review by Dr. A. K. Merchant*
Prof. Semashko has set for himself and for the whole world the most ambitious project of one’s life.The team 76 authors—highly accomplished and distinguished in their respective fields—have put together a conceptual framework for translating vision to reality charting out the possible direction humanity needs to urgently decide upon to save itself from total annihilation. The authors are unanimous that time is running out and if the peoples and countries of the world do not agree to The ABC of Harmony then most probably there will be no future.
Based on the principles of tetrasociology and tetranet thought processes developed and conceptualized by Prof. Semashko a new paradigm in human relations is proposed so that the current and succeeding generations may work for a hopeful and sustainable future despite the darkness of the times. The book offers a rather presumptive action plan with formulations and ideas that encompass the latest that technology has to offer and drawing upon innovations in the years ahead. It demands the involvement of the all of our planet’s inhabitants and the transition from the traditional disharmonious mind to harmonious mind.“For thousands of years, the authors note, “the disharmonious mind has been successfully mastering its digital expressions in different forms of monism, which is but one, dualism, which consists of two, and triadism, which is a group of three.Triadism is the most developed form of a disharmonious mind, prevailing in the industrial civilizations until recent times.But for three thousand years, all these forms appeared to be weak in the knowledge of harmony, in creating its ABC and in its conscious use in all areas of human activity.”Since none of the previous mind forms offered any variants of the ABC of Harmony excepting for playing a preparatory role it has now become feasible to synthesize that body of knowledge and present The ABC of Harmony as detailed in the current work. Given the great chasms of disparities in present-day society, no one institution or nation-state is capable of providing the solutions.Therefore, it is clear that inequality and poverty, climate change and the destruction of ecosystems are outstanding issues on the international agenda.Indeed, these calamities can only be effectively addressed by attacking the structural causes that generate them: a consumerist, selfish and predatory global system that is based on the commodification of man and nature.Tetranet Thinking is a collective effort to provide answers to the above and other related issues, and there should be no harm in supporting the wide ranging tasks it outlines. Achieving a dynamic coherence between the material and spiritual elements of life implies a worldview radically different from whatever comprises the present-day socio-politico and economic structures. It calls for far-reaching spiritual and cultural shifts at all levels of national polity. New modes of thought, new standards and new legal and institutional arrangements are struggling to take hold. The demented project of endless capitalist expansion, profligate consumption, senseless exploitation and industrial growth is now imploding. Rebuilding world community, one based on cooperation rather than exploitation, will be as important to our survival as changing our patterns of consumption, growing food locally and ending our dependence on fossil fuels.
A decadent civilization has no future. The question that quietly tortures us is: Will we globally move toward life or will we collectively walk toward death?Surely, in raising peoples’ capacities, we must understand the dynamics within a population that brings together service, the generation of knowledge, its diffusion and application.To this end the book pins its hopes on the kids in the homes.For, in the young people of the world lies a reservoir of capacity to transform society waiting to be tapped and released. And this is collective responsibility of all those espouse the philosophy and action programme of Global Harmony Association.In fact, it becomes their sacred responsibility.So the appeal is “try to incite a little fragment of harmony in each little social cell to maybe have a chance of seeing an unwavering Peace for everyone.”
The ABC of Harmony does not lose sight of the processes of globalization that have accelerated since the collapse of the Soviet Union.Touching upon the breakdown of society in all parts of the world is the issue of erosion of trust and collaboration between the individual and the institutions of governance.In many nations the electoral process has become discredited because of endemic corruption.Contributing to the widening distrust of so vital a process are the influences on the outcome from vested interests having access to lavish funds, the restrictions of freedom of choice inherent in the party system, and the distortion in public perception of the candidates by the bias expressed in the media.Apathy, alienation, and disillusionment are a consequence coupled with a growing sense of despair of the unlikelihood that the most capable citizens will emerge to deal with the manifold problems of a defective social order.
Profound is the confusion that threatens the foundations of society, and unwavering must be the resolve of all those involved in re-fashioning the system of life on our planet on the basis of spiritual principles that nurture and advance civilization, as we know it. What needs to be acknowledged and remedied is the extent to which young minds are affected by the choices parents make for their own lives, when, no matter how unintentionally, no matter how innocently, such choices condone the passions of the world—its admiration for power, its adoration of status, its love of luxuries, its attachment to frivolous pursuits, its glorification of violence, and its obsession with self-gratification. Anyone who believes that God has not yet lost hope in humanity will realize that underneath the present strife, chaos, and confusion in the country, one can perceive the next stage in human evolution. The incredible web of communication in this electrical and electronic age of interlocking computers, of microwave and radio, of telephone, telegraph and television, astonishes and appalls us. It promises that all humankind, not simply the Industrialized World, in this Digital Age will be connected by non-living neurons whose glass, metal, and microwave axons will dissolve time and distance in message exchanges. The equally incredible network of world transportation by train, automobile, airplane and the rocket is homely and pervading reality. Meanwhile automation with robotics, miniaturization, nano-technology and genome mapping are changing concepts of labour and capital, or production and distribution of goods and services as we fully accept the positive fruits of globalization of humankind. To this end the authors of The ABC of Harmony deserve our highest commendation.“Harmony is the highest universal spirit,... Harmony is the creation energy, spring of love and peace, a new light for knowledge...”Let me end with this verse from a Chinese sage: “I reached a cry into the High Heaven for the secret of happiness here on earth and the answer came, in a single word: ‘Harmony!’” _________ *The author is the General Secretary of the Temple of Understanding—India [NGO with consultative status at the United Nations]; a Trustee of Bahá’í Lotus Temple in New Delhi & National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India. He also serves as Chairperson of the Sarvodaya International Trust—Delhi Chapter; Visiting Faculty to the Centre for Cultural Resources & Training, Government of India; First Vice President, Global Harmony Association. Mailing address: S – 28, Greater Kailash Part I, New Delhi 110 048. Telephones: 011-29237919 / 9810441360; Email: akmerchant@hotmail.com / ak9merchant@gmail.com May 2, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My review of the ABC of Harmony The ABC of Harmony, offers a very interesting open-ended and holistic method with which to raise people's consciousness to reach what Dr Semashko has coined as homo harmonicus (as opposed to homo economicus). Putting harmony as the main goal, rather than profit, is certainly a great vision towards which our ambitions can be directed to. Economy can be turned within that vision of global harmony, taking into consideration the individual, the collective and the importance of nature. The synergy created around this text book, of intellectuals and practitioners around the world, is a truly inspiring and heart-warming platform, which is very promising for making a change in our world. It perhaps takes a while to digest to the level of consciousness of such tetra-philosophy (individual, global, and nature), with four dimensions (existence, information, organisation, and matter), but once such ideas sink in, a new level of consciousness arises inside us, which opens up our potentials for further development towards a more harmonious yet dynamic and ever evolving life. Lida Sherafatmand, Poet and Painter, GHA Vice-President, GHA World Contest: Muse of Harmony President, Paris and Malta, April 30, 2012 -------------------------------------------------------- ============================================ Responses to the ABC of Harmony Completion
Since January 20, 2012 Dear Leo and all Congratulations! - I am emotional to read you here with ABC book of Harmony and tetrism, a big job done!! All the successful to you, to all! Blessings to the harmony that reign in our inner self. Love, respect all admiration and more blessings for this big contribution to the Humanity! Big Hugs Susana Roberts Argentina ----------------------------------------------- Leo, you are great! You pave the way, like Danko, in the dark brake for us, the indifferent and fusty. Thank you! Pavel Tsyplenkov, Deputy of Lensovet/ Petrosovet 1990-1993 Russia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bravo, Leo, I am joining congratulations. Best, Matjaž Mulej, Slovenia ----------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all, Congratulations for making this mosaic pearl, our ABC represents the result of the merger of efforts and thoughts, ideas, cultures to know that our planet a balance between the needs and duties of human beings. For my part, I would in Geneva (Switzerland) from January 27 to February 1st and would be happy to serve this ABC. I wait your suggestions. Harmoniously. Ammar Banni Algeria ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, dear co-authors! Kindly accept my warmest congratulations with the termination of the work! I wish you success in active promotion of the ABC in our country and all over the world! Julia Budnikova Russia --------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations to everyone on efforts made. Welcome to the ABC, which is highly needed by the entire humanity. Thanks. Heli HABYARIMANA, Rwanda ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, I congratulate you for your work, and I am delighted for you, of the projections of your work and his increasing echo to read you, according to the places and the expressions which it justifies. Receive my encouragements and my admiration with all and all, for your determination, your creativity, and your humanism with the service of peace and the harmony. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE French Writer ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Semashko, Thank you for your great work and for connecting us all in this amazing book. I hope it will be presented also at IRDO Conference 2012! Kind regards, Anita Hrast, Slovenia ----------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations, Leo. I'm honored to have assisted you.
Robert Weir
USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo Congratulation. God power to your elbow. Congratulations to everyone on efforts made. Thanks Manije Navidnia Iran ------------------------------------------------------- I also join in congratulating you! It’s a great pity, but hard work not just ennobles, but also is very attritional. I know how much efforts have been made creating the ABC, so I am very glad that this work is over now, I am glad for the great co-operative contribution, for all arrangements. Special thanks to Leo and Ivan Ivanov. Nina Yudina Russia -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and All Many heartfelt congratulations for this accomplishment... I was wondering if you like, it is possible to create a PDF file of the book, and make it available as an E-book online.... I am currently about to re-arrange my website, as soon as it will be up, I'll gladly display the book on my site... and I suggest all persons who have a website could help the promotion of the book by linking the book on their site and putting a direct link of the ABC Harmony website... My apologies for having been rather absent on many discussions... but at least I wish to help in the promotion of this work... I could also ask the artists in the Humanitarian Art Manifesto to send it to their networks... Warm regards and thanks for your presence all committed persons! Lida Sherafatmand Malta ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and Co-authors,
Receive my warmest congratulations for this great achievement. Dr Leo Semashko, GHA President and ABC Editor, demonstrated one again that he is a heavy intellectual worker and a fabulous creator.
We know how difficult was this project and how many problems he had to confront. BRAVO LEO!!!! YOU DID THAT
Prof. Ernesto Kahan
GHA 1st Vice-President, Israel ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo and co-authors of GHA, Congratulations with the great creation for all humanity – creation of the ABC of Harmony. This is the great creation made by people of different nations, but rapt by one common ides – creation of harmony in the world. Leo, we bow our heads to you for your enthusiasm and unreal ability to work. YOU could communicate your idea of this book creation to us. You were able to understand and to accept the critics. You were tolerate to our non-accuracy. Thank you for everything. I had a real pleasure to be among the famous people of this world. Now we have in our hands a wonderful book, which will help to bring up Harmony in children, in their parents. Great respect, Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Teacher, Russia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo Semashko. GHA President and ABC Editor:
My sincere gratitude as person and as co-author of GHA's ABC, for the magnificent work that you have realized as author and publisher of this first World Anthology of Harmony (ABC). At the same time I want to thank the suggestion of translation into Spanish with María Cristina Azcona and Susana Roberts. Best harmony wishes. Jose Maria LOPERA Spain ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all contributors to this wonderful book, It is with great pleasure I find out that THE ABC is finally done. We need to embrace one with the other and thank God for being part of this fantastic endeavor. Congrats to Leo, Ernesto, Ada, and all my partners. God bless you all, your families and your relatives- Let be part of the transformation of the planet in a Good Place where to live Maria C. Azcona Argentina ----------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all, Congratulations for this great work and its accomplishment. ABC book of harmony is an important piece for a new civilization with inner peace and world understanding of our humanity. Warm friendships Théa Marie ROBERT FRANCE --------------------------------------------------------- Undoubtedly this Book "The ABC of Harmony" is the result of a big work and achievement of the last times that we have to celebrate on behalf of Dr Leo, his life and existence dedicated to Harmony - Blessings to him and to all the authors During my last presentation in Astana - Kazakhstan -World Forum Of Spiritual Culture-I named him with proud for all his work means for the world and each human being.. some of my words: In the world,many communities are creating important bases for the transition collective consciousness from a culture of war to a culture of sustainable peace, from violence to harmony; developing theories, such as the philosophical and sociological theory created by Dr. Leo Semashko-Russia: “tetra sociology”, based on the integration of the social spheres: it provides a global culture of peace built on a natural order of social harmony four areas: technological field, social area, organizations and things. In this theory, the possibility of change is in the core of society (in its spheres) and its development mainly focusing on children as a priority. In this regard, the organization must prepare instructors and have to obtain government support for projects to be developed in a long term and so on... The importance of GHA and Harmony, were mentioned several times by Dr Ernesto Kahan in this event.. I hope this "treasure" of book will be - in a near future - printed in Spanish.. Congratulations and blessing again and again to the big mentor and authors... Love, respect and admiration to all from my deep inside in the light of harmony that unite all of us all around the world with our common mission of Love , peace and harmony.. Susana Roberts Argentina --------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo: Your ABC of Harmony book is excellent to say the least. Its poetry and articles are full of inspiration and they are bound to bring peace and harmony several steps closer in due time in the best interest of all people from very walk of life and profession around the world.
Charles Mercieca
IAEWP President, USA -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all, After reading the entire book I simply was astonished, truly moved... I even cried of happiness. The book is a dream comes true. Many thanks for having let my name and contribution into the book. I can see it has been a gift from you and from all the donors and sponsors towards me. I will never forget this gesture. When I created BILINGUAL MCA POETS FOR PEACE I had a dream, when after that I entered IFLAC I learned from Ada and Ernesto many things and saw my dream in the distance as possible and achievable only with their leadership. one day Ada requested me to help you in your endeavor about harmonization of the world through your first website. Now I see a concretization of all my most cherished dreams regarding human peace CONGRATS from Maria Cristina Azcona Argentina ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo:
What an amazing accomplishment!
I should've been the first to congratulate you, but it doesn't diminish the intensity of my heartfelt emotions even if I'm the last.
Under the backdrop of Gandhi Vidya Mandir, you've staged a masterpiece play. Your hero, the ABC of Harmony is surrounded by other actors of acclaim: the stars, the poetry and the painting. Your hero has cleverly voiced his mind, in fact, the universal mind, "If you want peace, create harmony." Fourfold Vedic Laws have been clearly enunciated by your hero as four dimensions of pluralism or four spheral classes of social production.
The ABC of Harmony lays down the harmony process from Socrates to the modern industrial man. It marks a new beginning for harmony leading to peace for all cultures, religions and philosophies. I'm glad I'm a part of your play. Your sojourner in peace and harmony, Dr Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President, 28/01/12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Laj, Thank you very much for your emotional and vividly imagery congratulations! You found the right expressive image of the ABC of Harmony as collective play and as a collective hero of harmonious peace, civilization and thinking! Yes, the ABC of harmony - this is the World Symphony Orchestra of 76 musicians of Harmony, who plays any harmonious parts, starting with the most important, complex and responsible. These are the parts of a harmonious civilization, world peace and harmonious way of thinking, the origins of which are rooted in a harmonious society of Vedic India, ancient Greece and ancient China! The ABC of Harmony - today is the World Orchestra of the Harmonious Enlightenment and the Renaissance of Harmony under the rule of planetary love! I am very grateful you for this colorful and capacious artistic image and way of our ABC of Harmony. It is worthy of the pen of a genius! Friends, than our union is beautiful - so that the resonance of harmony! Leo, 28/01/12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends of Harmony!
First of all, I like to congratulate all authors, collaborators and sponsors, and, surely, I approve the full financial report concerning the ABC of Harmony.
I am confident in brilliant future of the book! Erica Lazarova, Sofia --------------------------------------------------------------
My congratulations to all participants of this great team work! I approve the financial report. All the best! Svetlana Vetrova Russia ------------------------------------------------------------ Report and most importantly - the result - no doubt not cause. Congratulations! Your G. Tulchinsky Russia --------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Your initial idea some years ago to create the GHA, with the assistance of the humans who trusted you and believed on it, got a drop of water. GHA currently is a large river-fertilization of ideas and proposals that may finally change the wrong flow of our cosmos and change it to a corresponding harmonic one. The road was not easy at all. But today you must be proud for its status. This new book must be adopted by nations. Let's be optimist for the next day of our planet. With harmonious wishes and love. Takis Ioannides Greece -------------------------------------------------------------- CONGRATULATIONS TO LEO AND ALL GHA MEMBERS FOR THIS GREAT ACHIEVEMENT!!!!! Over the years, Leo Semashko demonstrated that he is an impressive force of production and a motor for the intense action of the all group! It is important to remark also the positive reaction of all our sisters and brothers, who are united for the universal harmony for peace. I am very happy and satisfied to be with you CHEERS!!! ALL TOGETHER!!! Ernesto Kahan Israel ----------------------------------------------------