Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for life, love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko.
GGHA is the volunteer Int. Academy of Gandhian Peace Science, Spheronics. GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. It included the President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam and five Nobel Peace Laureates. GGHA For the Peace Science (PS) creation the GGHA was nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, above 20 million views in 19 years Board: 36 GGHA members of 14 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA HQ: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India: hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: To pave the global peace from the objective harmony of societal spherons by the instruments of their Peace Science, spheral AI and education in it: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-7, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the first world leader, who recognized the Spheronics value as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 GGHA Peace Formula: "Peace Comes from Spherons Harmony via their Peace Science and AI" -------------------------------------------------------------------- “The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality”. Poincare
GANDHIAN WORLD HARMONY CREATOR is theGHA Highest Honorary Title, Recognizing the most outstanding figures in any field of world harmony, which is the sole source of universal peace and global security.
The Harmony Creators Motto: 'Creating Harmony We Create Peace'
Highest Honorary Title is assigned by the GHA members common decision on the initiative of the GHA Board, Honorary President or President since 2007. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GHA Gandhian Laureates list:
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804 GALLERY
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
“From Gandhian Spherons to Gandhian Creators and to Gandhian nonviolent true democracy.” GHA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Engram. Peace Science Humanity's spheral, "substantially new thinking" of Kant's "perpetual peace"
Basics about Peace Science
The GGHA has been telling the Gandhian Peace Science truth for almost 20 years. Its key truth: PEACE IS THE onLY WAY OF BEING, LIFE OF HUMANITY IN HARMONY, there is no other way. War in it is only a temporary and local social pathology, structural disharmony, which, however, is capable to destroy it in the nuclear total holocaust, from which only the Peace Science (PS) truth can save it. It is one, necessary, acceptable and perpetual for all nations without exception and humanity as a whole, if it will be recognized, understood and realized by it in own peace culture, thinking and education. “Truth Alone Triumphs. Truth is God,” said Mahatma Gandhi. Everything that is built on a lie is itself destroyed. Kant’s “Perpetual, True Peace,” in contrast to temporary “truces” between wars, can only be built on the PS eternal truth of planetary scale, based on its global peace culture. But it is too large and extremely complex to open immediately and completely. It is gradually integrated from grains, seeds and germs of its truth into history. only at the last end and beginning of our century, it became possible, after the fundamental discovery of Gandhian spherons as the perpetual peace only actors in 1927, to integrate its spheral substance in Einstein’s “substantially new [spheral] manner of thinking” on the GGHA engram above. It was created over almost 20 years of searching by its more than 700 coauthors from more 50 countries and is presented in thousands of publications on the GGHA website here: https://peacefromharmony.org. Peace and harmony are the most ancient social categories and holistic values of world civilizations, in many of which their importance rose to the level of gods. Harmony is peace and peace is harmony. But their structural, scientific understanding and explanation through the spheres of both earthly and social nature, due to their planetary scale, became possible only since the last century, with the discoveries of Vernadsky, Chardin, Leroy and Gandhi. They laid the planetary spheral thinking foundation in social science, as the development of spheral cosmological thinking, which was initiated by Pythagoras. In the PS, in its structural engram there are 16 societal spheres, in the integration of hundreds of fundamental ideas of the past, these categories and values of humanity acquire a scientific and verified understanding, accessible to the understanding and verification of every literate person. We are obliged to name the names of at least the most outstanding thinkers of the past, whose ideas are integrated by the PS in its spheral societal genome as its core: Indian Rishis, Egyptian priests, the Minoan civilization of Crete creators, Buddha, Numa Pompilius, Pythagoras, Confucius, Anaxagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Daniel of Moscow, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Smith, Marx, Danilevsky, Benjamin Rush, Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Kovalevsky, Durkheim, Gandhi, Vernadsky, Poincare, Bogdanov, Bertalanffy, Einstein, Wiener, John Kennedy, M.L. King, N. Mandela, Roerichs Nicholas and Helena, Toffler, Johan Galtung, Abdul Kalam, Mairead Corrigan, John Avery, A. Chazov, and hundreds of others. The PS is based on the deployed methodology of science and religion synthesis, together with the innovative worldview paradigm initiated by Vernadsky, presented in the works of the modern genius thinker Sergei Goryunkov: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1075. ---------------------- The Creators, Defenders and Destroyers of World Harmony/Life in 2024 GGHA TRUE, PEACEMAKING NOMINATION for Global Harmony Day on June 21, 2024 According to the Harmonious Era Calendar based on Gandhian Science and Culture of Peace in 12 languages, since 2006: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 GGHA Traditional Annual Nomination for its Highest Honorary Title: “Creator [and Defender] of World Harmony/Peace” in various areas, Part I. In addition to the 45 GGHA laureates in past years: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 GGHA Additional, New Nomination for its lowest immoral title: “Destroyer of World Harmony/Peace” in various areas, Part II. All photos and definitions below are from the Internet at the GGHA website addresses, collected over 20 years of its work. Our nominations are the GGHA defense and support of world harmony/life. GGHA approved the nominations below on June 22, 2024 without a single objection. See responses in publications: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
World leaders: The global peace stars of world politics: 
Integrated peacemaking facts and evidences on the GGHA website: - Xi Jinping, the Confucian harmonious policy star of Global Peace: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 - Vladimir Putin, the Orthodox harmonious policy star of Global Peace: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1065 (+ list of more than 20 pages dedicated to him on the GGHA website: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=950) - Viktor Orban, the Calvinist harmonious policy star of Global Peace: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1178 - Robert Fico, the Catholic Harmonious Policy star for Global Peace: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1195 - Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. Gandhi, Putin and Bushnell: Resisting NATO's Nazi genocide with force and nonviolence scientific mobilization. 19-03-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1175 - Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. China and Russia for world peace. Spheral logic of its promotion and institutionalization. 09-06-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1193 -------------------- World businessmen and scientists: The world science and business Stars for Global Peace:

Integrated peacemaking facts and evidences on the GGHA website: - Elon Musk: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1166 - John Avery: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=800 - Johan Galtung: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=599 - Jeffrey Sachs: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1095 - Sergei Glazyev: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=926 - Konstantin Vorontsov: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1073 - Sergey Goryunkov: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1075
World journalists:
The Stars of honest and independent journalism of Global Peace: 
Integrated peacemaking facts and evidences on the GGHA website: - Tucker Carlson: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1196 - Rodney Atkinson: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1064 - Chris Hedges: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=720 - Ron Unz: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1192 - Binu Matthew: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1194 - Mike Whitney: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1110 - Caitlin Johnstone: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1176 - Michel Chossudovsky: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1185 ------------------------- The GGHA World citizens and peacemakers of Global Peace: 
Integrated peacemaking facts and evidences on the GGHA website: - Aaron Bushnell: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1176 - Rudolf Siebert: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 - Francis Boyle: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 - Rosa Dalmiglio: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 - Vera Popovich: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=578 - Ashok Chakravarthy: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 - Takis Ioannidis: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 - Leo Semashko: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 ----------------------------------------- II. THE NATO DESTROYERS OF WORLD HARMONY, LIFE AND PEACE CULTURE World leaders, the nuclear WWIII arsonists: Nazi "butchers", criminals against humanity and their accomplices, deprived of all humanism and all peace culture, absorbed in barbaric racism and violence without borders. They have long ago, since their nuclear civilization beginning, saturated with lies, since the nuclear Hiroshima and Nagasaki Holocaust, distorted the humanity key values. At its beginning, George Orwell clearly understood this, brilliantly defining this civilization as one in which “lies became truth, war became peace, ignorance became strength, slavery became freedom.” For the thousandth time, this perversion was confirmed by the so-called “Geneva Peace Conference on Ukraine” on June 15-16, 2024, which took place exactly according to Orwell’s scenario and the “G7 War Summit” that preceded it.
USA: Destroyer of global peace, civilians’ killer worldwide.

This confirms every day of this doomed civilization, filled with crimes against humanity in the daily bloody genocide of massacres of civilians in the Gaza Strip, Donbass etc.

The world harmony destroyers in history: Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Zelensky:
The West zoo-panopticum of war criminals and global peace destroyers:
The facts and evidences (30, in English and translated into Russian) from the network on the GGHA website: - Rodney Atkinson. The Fourth Reich History: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1064 - Donbass Tragedy, 2014-2022: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1049 - Francis Boyle. Israel, Palestine and American Christian Hypocrite’s: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 - Mairead Maguire. The U.S. and the UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 - Robert Weir. “Leo Semashko: The war killed my father, and I killed war and Nazism” by Peace Science: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=239 - Binu Mathew. The daily Western/NATO Genocide Chronicle in the Gaza Strip: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1194 - Mike Whitney. The Man Who Sold Ukraine: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1052 - Don Hank. Does Biden REALLY want to start WW III?: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1027 - Max Blumenthal. The USA/NATO/Ukraine Global Fourth Reich XXI: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1051 - Višeslav Simić. The West and Nazism are of the same totalitarian essence: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1059 - Jeffrey D. Sachs. The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1095 - Arthur Noble. From Nuremberg to Kiev: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1066 - Ron Paul. Final Nail in America’s Coffin? : https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1186 - F. William Engdahl. Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=659 - James A. Lucas. U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816 - Paul C. Roberts. Ruin is our Future: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=657 - Tom Carter. The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: A Blueprint for Total War and Military Dictatorship: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=644 - Robert J. Burrowes. Terrorism: Ultimate Weapon of the Global Elite: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=645 - Noam Chomsky. NATO Global Nuclear War with Russia: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=652 - Frank Dorrel. The Biggest Lie ~ In the United States: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1056 - Michael Brenner. Globalizing FASCISM: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=775 -Michel Chossudovsky. Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=772 - Michel Chossudovsky. The Hiroshima Nagasaki “Dress Rehearsal”:... to “Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1185 - Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The Schiller Institute: A New Paradigm for the Survival: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1077 - Leo Semashko and GGHA. Peace roadmap for Palestine and Israel in 2024-2025 on the Peace Science Base: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152 - Glen T. Martin. The Destruction of Human Civilization by Israel & the USA. 25-04-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=428 - William Astore. The American Cult of Bombing and Endless War: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=894 - Roger Kotila. The Nuclear Gods Still Control the USA: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680 - Manlio Dinucci. The Decline of the West. The G7 “War Summit”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=893 - Chris Hedges. Nero's Guests. Way for the Genocide. Fascism Comes to America: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=720 + About 2 thousand other evidences of the West/NATO Nazi and war crimes from more than 700 of the Peace Science coauthors, published on the GGHA website for its almost 20-year history: https://peacefromharmony.org. The GGHA list of 11 peacemaking books and more than 100 similar projects since February 2005 is here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472 The GGHA hopes that our true nomination will turn the public opinion of Western countries towards the peace science and culture in order to stop mutual bloody destruction, end confrontation and continue the PS official joint development for the Kantian “perpetual, true peace” of future generations. GGHA Nominating Peacemaking Committee-2024, 24 persons from 15 countries: 1.Leo Semashko, Russia, 2.Rudolf Siebert, USA, 3.Francis Boyle, USA, 4.Frank Dorrel, USA, 5.Matt Meyer, USA, 6.Rodney Atkinson, Britain, 7.Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Germany, 8.Marie Robert, France, 9.Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy, 10.Vera Popovich, Russia, 11.Yulia Budnikova, Russia, 12.Ashok Chakravarthy, India, 13.Maitreyee Roy, India, 14.AK Merchant, India, 15.Asha Mukherjee, India, 16.Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, 17.Takis Ioannidis, Greece, 18.Noor Larik, Pakistan, 19.Heli Habyarimana, Rwanda, 20.Steve Amoah, Ghana, 21.Ernesto Kahan, Israel, 22.Lucas Pawlik, Austria, 23.Peter Mousaferiadis, Australia, 24.Susana Roberts, Argentina, 20-06-24 ---------------------
GGHA. Nomination for Creators and Destroyers of World Harmony/Peace-2024 Dear GGHA members and all peacemakers, The GGHA Nomination Committee of 24 members from 15 countries, without a single objection, approved the true peacemaking list of 26 candidates for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title “Creator/Defender of World Harmony/Life/Peace” and 6 candidates for the lower, immoral and shameful title “Destroyer of World Harmony/Life” /Peace." They are presented in our attached Message to the GGHA Global Harmony Day on June 21. It is also published in addition to the 45 Laureates of this GGHA Honorary Title over the past 18 years here: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 The GGHA Nomination Committee invites you within two days, today and tomorrow, June 21, to discuss and approve the proposed list of nominations for its subsequent distribution in our and your networks as our common, approved peacemaking document of the world civil society. The GGHA hopes that our nomination will activate the peacemaking energy of the West population and civil society. It will direct it to neutralize the maximized military escalation of its insane butchers-leaders against humanity, who are driving their people like a herd of sheep into a slaughterhouse, directly into a nuclear holocaust. Do you want it or do you not understand where the toxic military escalation against China, the Chinese world, against Russia, the Slavic world and against Palestine, the Muslim world of your governments responsible for it, is leading you? The war fundamental neutralization is proposed by the Peace Science, without which there will never be a culture of peace and peace on Earth. It forms the global peace culture core suppressed by the toxic West. Its massive, firm demand from governments, instead of weapons, would be the best peacemaking, non-violent, Gandhian energy of resistance of Western civil society, if it is still alive and not completely killed by Western pseudo-democracy. In the discussion, according to our tradition, and now even in the conditions of inquisitorial persecution of peacemaking dissent in the “democratic” toxic West, you silence will be recognized as your consent/approval. We wish everyone courage in conscious protecting life on Earth through active peacemaking resistance, the role models of which are provided by our World Harmony Creators. Dr. Leo Semashko GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President on behalf of its Nomination Committee and more than 700 coauthors of Peace Science from more than 50 countries for almost 20 years of its work 20-06-24 ------------------------------- RESPONSES. ОТКЛИКИ Dear Leo: I approve the proposed nominations. I trust you judgment. Best wishes, Your Rudi, from the House of Mir. USA. 18-06-24 Дорогой Лео: Я одобряю предложенные кандидатуры. Я доверяю твоему суждению. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Ваш Руди из Дома Мира. США. 18-06-24 --------------------------- Dear Leo, I approve the nominators. Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder Vice president of GGHA.
Greece 18-06-24 ----------------------- Я рада присоединиться к нашим западным друзьям-миротворцам Рудольфу Зиберту из Америки и Такису из Греции в их полном одобрении номинации ГГСГ Творцов и разрушителей мировой гармонии/жизни/мира. Действительно, наша номинация истинная и миротворческая, отделяет зерна от плевел, овец от козлищ, добро от зла, свет от тьмы, жизнь от смерти и т.д. на сцене мировой политики, науки и медиа. Так что я утверждаю предложенную номинацию без оговорок. С уважением, Вера Попович
Россия 19-06-24 -------------------------- Leo, I am flattered to be nominated! I think Boris Johnson is responsible for more deaths in Ukraine and the UK than anyone else. His continuing blowhard grandstanding warmongering means he belongs with Biden on the Destroyer list. Rodney Atkinson
Britain 19-06-24 Лео, Я польщен, что меня номинировали! Я думаю, что Борис Джонсон несет ответственность за большее количество смертей в Украине и Великобритании, чем кто-либо другой. Его продолжающееся агрессивное разжигание войны означает, что он принадлежит к Байдену в списке Разрушителей. Родни Аткинсон 19-06-24 Родни, Ваше предложение совершенно верно. Джонсон разрушил мирное соглашение между Россией и Украиной, которое было парафировано в марте 2022 года в Стамбуле. Поэтому, он несет ответственность за более 600 тысяч смертей украинцев за два года. Так что он должен быть включен в ГГСГ список разрушителей гармонии и мира вместе с Байденом. Я сделаю это. Большое спасибо за ваш вклад истины. Может быть у вас есть адекватная карикатура на него с руками в крови или подобное мяснику? Если есть, плиз, пришлите ее мне. Спасибо. Лев Семашко 19-06-24 Rodney, Your suggestion is absolutely correct. Johnson destroyed the peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine, which it paraphed in March 2022 in Istanbul. Therefore, he is responsible for more than 600 thousand deaths of Ukrainians over the two past years. So he should be included in the GGHA list of destroyers of harmony and peace along with Biden. I will do it. Thank you very much for your contribution of truth. Maybe you have an adequate caricature of him with blood on his hands or something similar to a butcher? If there is, please send it to me. Thank you. Leo Semashko 19-06-24 ---------------------- Я полностью одобряю номинацию ГГСГ Творцов и разрушителей мировой гармонии/жизни/мира. Действительно, наша номинация истинная и миротворческая, отделяет зерна от плевел, овец от козлищ, добро от зла, свет от тьмы, жизнь от смерти и т.д. на сцене мировой политики, науки и медиа. Так что я утверждаю предложенную номинацию без оговорок. С уважением, Вера Попович Россия 20-06-24 ---------------
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! We, the GGHA, people's peace diplomacy organization are pleased to send you the attached nomination of the Creators and Destroyers of World Harmony/Life-2024 in the Russian spirit of your peacemaking policy, which we have presented to the UN and related governments. In this regard, we would be grateful to you for your simple and direct, “without bureaucracy”, as you like, YES or NO answer regarding this nomination, which also concerns you. We will be happy to publish your response, or lack thereof, on our networks. The first responses are on the website. The extremely dangerous world situation on the total nuclear destruction verge forces world citizens, including us, to raise our issue extremely sharply, without bureaucratic politesse. You like talking to the people, we are part of it, so we hope for your response. With deep respect, Leo Semashko 20-06-24 --------------------------- Dear Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov! We, the GGHA, people's peace diplomacy organization are pleased to send you the attached nomination of the Creators and Destroyers of World Harmony/Life-2024 in the Russian spirit of your peacemaking policy, which we have presented to the UN and related governments. In this regard, we would be grateful to you for your simple and direct, YES or NO answer regarding this nomination. We will be happy to publish your response, or lack thereof, on our networks. The first responses are on the website. The extremely dangerous world situation on the total nuclear destruction verge forces world citizens, including us, to raise our issue extremely sharply, without bureaucratic politesse. You like talking to the people, we are part of it, so we hope for your response. With deep respect, Leo Semashko 20-06-24 ------------------------------
Dear LEO and All Friends, I send my THANK YOU FOR HONOUR MY PEACE ACTION IN GGHA NOMINATION. Thank you for your Democratic Vote, it is a GREAT HONOUR for me that spending 33 year in CULTURAL PEACE POLITICAL EXCHANGE between CHINA and the rest World, included VATICAN-STATE. I have just received from ISLAM-EDITOR invited to cooperation in 2025 book of THE 500 MUSLIM MORE INFLUENCED IN THE WORLD. IN THE NEXT 29 June in ASSISI - WILL BE OPEN THE FIRST MUSEUM OF PEACE DEDICATED TO FRANCISCANPEACEMAKER that invited President Vladimir Putinin the past with American President Ronald Reagan and now RUSSIAN and UCRAINE President at ASSISI meeting for PEACE. Best wishes Rosa Dalmiglio WORLD HARMONY PEACE 2024
UNESCO PEACE AMBASSADOR in ACTION www.mydream.org.cn China-Italy-Vatican 20-06-24 ----------------------------- Dear Leo: I approve the proposed list of nominations. I hope very much that all the proposed peacemakers will be able to promote peace particularly in the Ukraine and in Palestine, I have travelled in the Ukraine and in Palestine; I am convinced of the peace potential in both territories. It has to be actualized as soon as possible. It can be done! In Solidarity, Your Friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA, Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, antifascist, Wehrmacht soldier in 1943-1945, theologian, the USA House of Mir founder since 1965, GGHA Vice-President, Kalamazoo, Michigan, https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51, Christian Resistance to Fascism - Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert, What is Anti-Semitism? - Rudolf J. Siebert 21-06-24 ---------------------------------------- Congratularions ... Slavica Pejović https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1169 Serbia 21-06-24 ----------------------- Глубокоуважаемый Лев Михайлович, Друзья, Коллеги, мы ясно понимаем, [...] ключевую роль в интеграционном процессе занимает миссия Миротворца […] Мы утверждаем перечисленных Граждан Планеты ЗЕМЛЯ! Поддерживаю. Владимир Оноприенко, Москва 21-06-24 ------------------- Dear Leo and peacemakers, journalists, scientists, rich,
Congratulations to ALL. So many years of efforts are recognized. Our world is facing its strongest testby the evil and its servants on planet Earth. West militarists politics do not care about human and other beings. We are not alone living on thus planet. The peace will become real with words, theories, but with real actions. Mostly to inform people with the TRUTH. We deviated from the road of God. Human virtues and life values have been disappeared. The education of children is mandatory. Nations must be informed about the power of their vote in national elections. We don' t elect people who are against peace, harmonious coexistence cooperation etc. […] There are too much we can do now. Our world is too closed to catastrophe. I wish you all love and peace Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder Vice president of GGHA Greece 21-06-24
GGHA. Nomination for Creators and Destroyers of Global Harmony/Peace 2024+++Tragedy of June 22 Dear GGHA members and friends-peacemakers, Today we must mark the most tragic day in the Russia history. June 22, 1941 is “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow”, the day of its Great Patriotic War beginning. In this bloody war, the USSR multinational Russian people made a decisive contribution, sacrificing more than 27 million lives to the peoples of Europe and the whole world liberation from fascist rule, to the defeat of 5 million genocidal Nazi troops. For me personally, this is also the saddest day. I was born on June 20, 1941 in Grodno, in Western Belarus, where my father served, 2 days before the German Nazis attacked the USSR. My father, the 22-year-old lieutenant in the Red Army, was killed by the Nazis 10 days later, so I am the antifascist with my mother's milk. My beloved mother, Augusta Rumyantseva, at the age of 20, essentially a girl, saved me from death during a week-long evacuation on a freight train during continuous fascist bombing and machine-gun fire in blood, dirt, groans of the wounded and hellish horror. The genocidal butcher Hitler inhumanity, nourished by the USA since 1933, has been revived and flourishes today throughout the Western world. It became the “Fourth Reich” that is proven by facts of many scientists and journalists: Rodney Atkinson, Max Blumenthal, Viseslav Simic, Arthur Noble, William Engdahl, James Lucas, Noam Chomsky, Michel Chossudovsky, Mikhail Brenner and many others (see attachment with addresses of their publications.) My mother instilled in me a hatred to war and bestial in its nature fascism, which is worthy only of ruthless physical extermination in accordance with Gandhi’s imperative: “Kill a murderer/fascist/terrorist” if he does not agree with voluntary denazification. As long as Nazism exists, there will never be peace on earth. I still live with this truth. This has been proven and comprehensively humanistically justified by our Gandhian Peace Science (PS), which intellectually kills Nazism and war, and which I and my colleagues have been developing since 1976 as the professional philosopher and sociologist. Now about Wim's shameful, politically zombified response below. He was embarrassed to reveal who he is, but I found him online as an American “PhD in International Conflict Management and Peacemaking”: https://www.peacejusticestudies.org/executive-committee, who is a typical example of scientific ignorance in peacemaking, as zombification hero in the false liberal “Zombie Doctrine” (George Monbiot: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=684). Why is his response shameful for a scientist, philosopher and world citizen? Because he ignored the main fact: the difference between the Creators and Destroyers/Villains of global Harmony/Peace/Life of our time in ours, the GGHA, their Nominations (see attachment). All the world nations see that the West today has brought it, over 80 years of its genocidal nuclear civilization, starting since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki nuclear terror in August 1945, to the brink of total nuclear genocide with a probability above 99% (Mecklin: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924). Vim, like the last ignoramus, like the 5th grade laziest student does not know this fact does not see it and does not want to notice it, but, as the militarists paid servant, he is ready, despite all the facts, to refute the obvious confrontation of the World Good and Western Evil. He is ashamed to admit the Western zoo-panopticum of the leading butchers represented in our nomination, who are responsible for the genocide of more than 100 thousand residents of Gaza and the death of almost 800 thousand Ukrainians. He diligently attacks, to please them, the courageous Creators and Defenders of global Harmony/Life/Peace. For his zombified mind, “it is unthinkable anyone crediting Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk, or Tucker Carlson with contributing to peace or awarding them peace prizes of any size or shape.” Naturally, this is “unthinkable” for similar mind in the service of Western militarism. Because for it, like the whole West, according to the brilliant Orwell diagnosis, long ago “war became peace, and lies became truth,” to call peace by peace and war by war unthinkable for him. All our nominations are based on the fundamental, verified Peace Science (PS), going from ancient times to Gandhi, Einstein, Galtung and on thousands of facts in thousands of publications on our website “Peace from Spherons Harmony” (see attachment), which Vim racistly ignores. He does this as a faithful servant of racist militarism, which transforms and devotes the West entire life to war rather than peace, suppressing all peace culture and turning all the peacemakers until the recently deceased John Avery and Johan Galtung into persecuted dissidents. The USA history, like NATO, is almost 95% war. The USA has been powerless for almost 230 years, after 11 legislative attempts to establish a “Department of Peace” on the recommendation of its founding father Benjamin Rush, etc. These are well-known facts, inaccessible to the zombie “philosophers and scientists” who are “alarmed” that the PEACE true creators will be called “CREATORS”, and its true killers will be called “DESTROYERS”! He is “alarmed, troubled and outraged” and considers it “sheer insanity” to call a spade a spade because he is politically motivated. It is beyond his mind to understand the identity of Elon Musk, truly qualifying the fascist Zelensky as a “butcher”, now responsible for the death of almost a million Ukrainians, and Johan Galtung, who long ago predicted the inevitable death of militaristic America, which became a genocidal butcher of humanity in Gaza, Ukraine and throughout the world in history, starting since Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Therefore, from our scientific and true position, Elon Musk and Johan Galtung are identical as great peacemakers who were not afraid to admit the truth, the facts, unlike you. In conclusion, I challenge Vim to an intellectual open duel for an hour on your public ZOOM or Skypeon the scientific basis of our Nomination, presented on onE page “Basics about Peace Science” with an engram at the beginning (see attachment). We hope you have the courage to accept my challenge and answer for the shame of your lies in the response and racist disregard for June 22nd. Dr. Leo Semashko 22-06-24 I gave a quick response earlier; I was so profoundly alarmed that all I could remark to was the impossibility of anyone crediting Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk, or Tucker Carlson with contributing to peace or unthinkably awarding them peace prizes of any size or shape. Now that I have taken a deeper look, I am deeply concerned because the list of recipients is more alarming than I originally thought, and because there is an implication here that friends and colleagues have approved (was the word unanimous used?). I am troubled and outraged. Who on earth would conceive of putting Elon Musk's name up with Johan Galtung? This is sheer insanity! Wim Laven, PhD in International Conflict Management and peacebuilding 21-06-24 --------------------------- Please accept my deepest personal condolences. It was a terrible day for all Humanity. I have personally toured the World War II front-lines at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. The sheer savagery of the German Army against the Russians repeatedly took my breath away. We must be on guard for the resurgence of Nazism around the world including and especially here in the United States, let alone in Ukraine. RIP Francis A. Boyle Professor of Law Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA 22-06-24 ---------------
Dear Leo, June 22, 1941 is “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow”, is a day we must never forget. I shall also never forget your words, "War killed my father and I shall kill the war". Your life efforts works and actions proved that you keep your promise. I stand by you all these years and now for this target. My country is prisoned for 99 years to West banking system, since year 2018. We are not free. We own nothing... With peace via harmony and love Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder Vice president of GGHA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Greece 22-06-24 --------------------------- Dear Takis, Thank you very much for your words in memory of the June 22 military tragedy, which was published with other responses here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513. This is our common memory in the GGHA, which in 20 years has turned into the irresistible fundamental alternative to war - into the Gandhian Peace Science (PS). It intellectually killed war long ago by true theory, which, as Boltzmann said, “there is nothing better for practice.” Therefore, the militaristic West, which has nullified all peace culture for 80 years without its steel core fears its more than all the Russian and Chinese military divisions combined. That's why the West has been persecuting it as a dissident for 20 years, and for 20 years all the social academies of the West, all its philosophers, sociologists, economists and other humanists are afraid to discuss it and accept our long-standing challenge to an intellectual duel for an hour with any of them. I will soon publish the list of about a dozen of them who shamefully cowered before the PS, before its indestructible intellectual truth, embodied in its engram of 16 planetary spheres. They constitute the humanity societal genome excluding war from the Divine social nature and explain it only as a pathology and deviation from its norm and health at the humanity stage of adolescent ignorance. But it too will pass! The Peace Science light will replace the peacemaking ignorance darkness! As for the GGHA nomination, on June 22 it was approved unanimously, without a single objection among the GGHA members (more than 600 from more than 50 countries). On this, we finish its discussion and tomorrow I will send its final, approved by the GGHA text. We received only one vote against, from the outside, a zombified stranger, a militarist hostile to us, which we cannot take into account as unsubstantiated, superficial, unscientific and devoid of any facts. This is an empty philistine opinion that deserves only Dante’s advice: “look and - past!” This is the USA young, ignorant philosophy doctor, so there is hope that he will still have time to master PS. God help him if he is not an atheist and has not foolishly deprived himself of His help. Takis, I invite you to write an article or review about the great work of the German philosopher, Peter Sloterdijk, his three-volume “Spherology”, the truths of which the bees of our GGHA have not yet reached in order to integrate their nectar into our PS. Could you, as a historian, begin this work in which we could become coauthors as in all our researches? As for your great but impoverished country, robbed by the West, only PS will provide Greece with freedom from Western slavery and unprecedented economic growth (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1190)! Peace from spherons science! Friendly, Leo 23-06-24 -----------------------
I would like to honor this day, June 22 as well. My father served in the united states 45th infantry division during world war ii, serving under general Patton. My father was in 3 years of frontline combat, wounded in north Africa, contracted malaria, and then was in 4 beach landings in Solano, etc. Ultimately, his division liberated the nazi's ’Dachau death camp' ... And then met the Russian army at the Elbe river in victory over nazi Germany. I want to thank all the Russians who sacrificed so very much, as my father and our family later did dealing with his ptsd our entire lives. Had the Russian people not suffered so much to fight Nazism ... My father would likely not have survived that war. I would also add, that after defeating the nazis, general Patton wanted to attack the Russians. My father told me, I was very young at the time, but I remember it clearly ... My father said, 'if Patton had ordered us to do this, we would have revolted. We had nothing against the Russians, and we were bone sick of war.' On this day of remembrance, I remember the sacrifice the Russian people made, that resulted in my fathers, and ultimately my American families survival. I also deeply regret that our government overthrew Ukrainian democracy in 2014, and installed a Russia hating leader, and then when Zelensky was elected promising to make peace with Russia, and in fact initialed an agreement with Russia to end the conflict... Boris Johnson at the behest of the USA told Zelensky to not sign the agreement, assuring him we would pour endless weapons into Ukraine ... And now here we are after 500,000 Ukrainians and tens of thousands of Russians have died ... And we will only end this with an agreement. The eastern, Russian ethnic Ukrainians voted to align with Russia, because the USA backed Ukrainian government killed thousands of ethnic Russian Ukrainians after calling for independence from Ukraine, after the USA installed Ukrainian government called to ban the Russian language from eastern Ukraine, which is populated mostly by ethnic Russian Ukrainians. Had the USA not intervened, the shelling of ethnic Russian Ukrainians by their own government would likely not have happened... And the eastern Ukrainians would have never needed to call for independence... And all those precious young Ukrainians and Russians would be alive today ... Able to live lives with their families, like my father was able to do because of Russia’s support in defeating nazism. I have been wanting to say this for a very long time. Thank you. William Douglas, Jr. Kansas, United States of America 24-06-24
GGHA Nomination: Peacemaking Bomb of Peace Culture Against War Dear GGHA members and all peacemakers, We are happy to inform that the GGHA, more than 600 members from more than 50 countries, without a single objection approved on June 22, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, peacemaking Nomination to the Highest Honorary Title: “CREATOR/DEFENDER OF WORLD HARMONY /LIFE/PEACE.” It includes 27 approved persons of “Creators/Defenders” from different areas and 6 approved persons to the lowest and shameful title of “Destroyer of World Harmony/Life/Peace”. They are presented in our updated Message attached with additional publications, a journalist and the photos. They are published with all the responses on the GGHA Gallery here: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 The meaning of our Nomination is to mobilize public opinion of the world civil society, especially the West, whose leaders are guilty and responsible for the catastrophic, 99%, threat of total nuclear genocide, to a clear understanding of the life/peace CREATORS/DEFENDERS and its DESTROYERS. With this Nomination, we are trying to revive the peace culture expelled by the West at the innovative level of fundamental and verified Peace Science, which it fears, suppresses and does not want to know, especially 80 years after WWII in its nuclear, suicidal civilization after its Hiroshima/Nagasaki terror. Today, we must clearly, scientifically understand “Who is Who” on the Armageddon verge. To do this, we distribute it as widely as possible in our networks and publish it on our websites. We sent it to all recognized leaders, the Presidents of China, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, the US, EU and to the UN. We call on all courageous and independent journalists, all true peacemakers, to publish our Nomination. Your publication of this peacemaking document of civil society people's diplomacy will be a confirmation of your honesty, courage, independence and resistance to the mainstream media rabid Western censorship completely immersed in warmongering. We call on all honest, independent media and all its journalists to publish our Nomination as a peacemaking bomb of nonviolence and peace culture against war. We wish everyone courage in the conscious defense of life on Earth through active peacemaking resistance, the examples of which are provided by our Creators of World Harmony. Dr. Leo Semashko GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President on behalf of its members, Nomination Committee and more than 700 coauthors of Peace Science from more than 50 countries for almost 20 years of its work 24-06-24 ---------------------
Zombie public: "Guard, Russians go with peacemaking bomb, against which we are unarmed!" Dear GGHA members and true peacemakers, Firstly, we must thank all the GGHA members and our friends who supported our nomination. Secondly, we can congratulate ourselves on the remarkable result of our Peace Science, which became in our nomination the first peacemaking bomb against the war and its western zombie public, alien to the GGHA. We received more than dozen from it “unsubscribe” what I am doing with joy, freeing our newsletters from the ballast of our strangers and enemies of peace culture. Some even threaten us with punitive sanctions, which is natural for zombies: "There is power, there is no mind." We cannot respect and cooperate with zombies applauding the Nazis and indifferent to genocide in Gaza Strip and in Ukraine. They are hysterical. With screams: "Guard, Russians go, with peacemaking bomb!" they capitulate before the Peace Science by their “unsubscribe”, cleansing and freeing the peace cultural space from militaristic mold. Some of them appeal about “balance and harmony”, as if with war, with death and lies, in peace, in its culture and science can have balance and harmony. Their liberal “balance” led the Western nuclear civilization in 80 years to full lies and perversion, when in it “war became peace, and lie - truth” on the genius definition of Orwell. I cleaned our mailing list from their emails, but in this mailing I placed them in hidden copy for their information, so that they personally have no complaints, and I ask other GGHA members also release all your responses from them and deprive them of our honor. According to the Russian proverb, “there are lot of squealing, and there is little wool”, so getting rid of them is grace, as for another Russian proverb: “Baba from cart - mare is easier.” They do not want to learn peace science and culture and are not capable of in their Western aggressive, animal nature. They were never the peace creators. They were not able to create even the Rush’s “Department of Peace” in 230 years, after 11 attempts in Congress for the same reason of the endless war in all their short and bloody history, first with the Indians, and then with the whole world. They shamefully are afraid the public challenge for an intellectual duel with the GGHA peace science, which we throw 5 years to dozens of Westerners, timidly sitting in silence. Therefore, out of fear, they began to shout “unsubscribe”: “Guard, Russians go! With peacemaking bomb of peace culture, against which we are unarmed and it deadly threatens to our very profitable, endless war!” Naturally, they will not skimp on epithets addressed to us, but "dogs bark, and they will not stop the peace science caravan." Therefore, the GGHA celebrates the first practical victory of our true peace science, which once again confirms Gandhi's aphorism: “Truth only Triumphs!”, which has become India motto. After our nomination dispatch end in a few days, the GGHA announces the summer holidays until mid -September. To all its members and our friends we wish good rest, health and peace, after the victory over the war in peace science and culture. Leo Semashko 25-06-24 --------------------------
Companeros, Friends, Julian Assange is finally free. Our many demonstrations, our donations of millions of dollars for defense have paved the way for his freedom. Of course, the "national security" Yankee is entact, they think, because the compromise admission of one count can always be interpreted by Yankees and vassal states to mean that the media worldwide can not obtain and use "national secret" material. Nevertheless, this partial victory is positive for us, and especially for Julian and his family. Let us be all the more determined to fight against the Yankees/West wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and across the world. Ron Ridenour Ron Ridenour: About Ron Ridenour https://ronridenour.com/about.htm 25-06-24 ----------------------------------------
Лев, ну ты и написал! Классно!!! Поддерживаю безоговорочно! Владислав Лапинский, Юрист, Председатель Коллегии адвокатов СПб, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1076 26-06-24 ---------------------- Спасибо! Поздравляю и новых успехов! Валерий Гордеев, 26-06-24 --------------------------

“Peace Creators and Destroyers” Truth Dear peacemakers, We are happy to offer you the banner supported by us for the nominational project “Peace Creators and Destroyers”, unanimously approved by the GGHA without a single objection. Its update with the banner is published in two languages here: In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 This banner summarizes our project for Global Harmony Day on June 21 in a popular form and expresses the objective truth of the confrontation today between the “Peace Creators and Destroyers.” Together with it, our project scientifically explains their confrontation and offers a common way out of it in a true and verified Peace Science, accessible to everyone’s verification. Those who want and are not afraid today of the peace truth, the truth of its builders and destroyers, could confirm their commitment to it by its publication and dissemination. How many people and journalists have the honesty and courage to show themselves in the West as the strong supporters of peace in an atmosphere of the mainstream dominant zombing lies, which has elevated peacemakers into criminal dissidents and threatens them with punitive sanctions?
Similar examples are countless, among them our great peacemakers John Avery, Johan Galtung, who died this year and all other GGHA members, whose “crime” against the militaristic West is only that they dared to create the Peace Science against its will and policy. Peace science and culture were expelled from the West long ago, since the atomic holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with almost 300 thousand civilian victims (like today in Ukraine and in Palestine 80 years later), which marked the beginning of its nuclear suicidal civilization and continued in the genocide of another 20-30 million over almost 80 years (James A. Lucas. U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since WWII: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816). Peace science and culture were expelled from the West long ago, since the atomic holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with 300 thousand victims, which marked the beginning of its nuclear suicidal civilization. They have found refuge in the NON-Western multipolar world, which is confirmed by the open publication and distribution of our banner above. This horrifies the Western zombie public, who feel intellectually defenseless and impotent against the truth of the science and culture of the world, but which gives them a chance to free themselves from centuries of Western slavery of war. Therefore, she needs not to turn away from her, but to try to understand and acknowledge her. Since “peace is achieved not by violence, war, but by understanding, science.” Which journalists and independent Western media will help in it? This great idea of Einstein, expressed 75 years ago, was integrated by the Peace Science, became its law and found expression in our banner. This idea calls on the West to revive it, instead of burying it in the nuclear suicidal holocaust, which it is fomenting in Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan and further all over the world who does not please to it. Sincerely, the GGHA members, Peace Science coauthors for almost 20 years: Leo Semashko, Russia, Vera Popovich, Russia, Rudolf Siebert, USA, Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy, Ashok Chakravarthy, India, Takis Ioannidis, Greece, Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, And many other the GGHA veterans 30-06-24 -----------------------------------
OK. But: What about the Russian attacks on Ukraine, which reduced the population from 40 to 28 million people so far? Matjaž Mulej, matjaz.mulej@um.si Slovenia 04-07-27 OK. But who is fighting with Russia “to the last Ukrainian soldier”, who is constantly supplying them with weapons and turning them into cannon fodder? – NATO and the EU, including your irresponsible Slovenia. You all irresponsibly started a war with Russia, since the genocide of thousands of Russian civilians of Donbass since 2014, which Russia is now forced to end by your surrender. Therefore, you, the collective West, “reduced the population of Ukraine from 40 to 28 million” and strive to reduce it “to the last Ukrainian soldier.” How many years will you continue the irresponsible genocide of Ukraine? The sooner you and Ukraine capitulate, the more millions of Ukrainians will remain alive. This is a historical fact for which you, the collective West, will ultimately be held accountable to history as criminals against humanity at the new Nuremberg. Leo Semashko
Russia 04-07-24 ------------------------------------
At the new Nuremberg
With all due respect to everyone involved here, there will be NO NUREMBERG 2 AFTER WORLD WAR 3. We must stop this war now! fab Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 (personal comments only) 04-07-24
This goes without saying! We are talking about something else, that the war will be stopped one way or another. However, for its consequences, those guilty of it for crimes against humanity, for the Nazi genocide of the Russian people must suffer appropriate punishments and will receive them. Leo Semashko 04-07-24 ----------------------- How many times do I need to ask to be removed from this propaganda that I want nothing to do with? Remove me from this list Wim Laven, Ph.D. Instructor of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Governing Council of International Peace Research Association Contributing Editor for Peace Chronicle Contributing Author for Peace Voice (See op-eds at: http://www.peacevoice.info/category/wim-laven/) This propaganda You are truly an obnoxious idiot for someone who says he is involved in Peace Studies. It is obvious I am not the list owner and cannot remove you from anything. Go complain to the list owner, not me. And stop publicly accusing me of spreading propaganda. And Mr. Obnoxious Idiot “Peace Researcher” could you please explain to everyone why my Appeal Against War is propaganda. Francis A. Boyle Professor of Law Attorney USA 04-07-24 -------------------------------- Wim, exactly what is said about you - IDIOT! It is your screams are the propaganda of the American zombie! Our network contains onLY FACTS AND NOTHING BUT FACTS AND OBJECTIVE TRUTH! There are hundreds of them, and most of them, more than 90%, are from the USA independent, honest sources! You are powerless and afraid to object to even the only fact-truth of them, for example, at the American professor Francis Boyle, like your entire mainstream “Goebbels lies Empire”, so you will immediately disgrace yourself in the fight against facts and truth! When the lying zombie West has nothing to argue with the facts/truths, then its reaction to them has been the same for a century - it qualifies the truth as a lie and vice versa! Orwell also saw this fraud/perversion and gave it the “barnyard” assessment that you can’t escape from, even though you’re a philosopher! You are afraid the truth, afraid the facts, you publicly chickened out in front of them and in front of my challenge to an intellectual duel than you publicly disgraced America in front of the Russians! You have lowered yourself below us in all criteria: truth, facts, honesty, intelligence, conscience, courage etc. We, of course, will gladly exclude you from our network so that you do not dirty it with your propaganda cries, beyond which your mind and EGO will not go. (But we have technical problems, so we cannot do this right away.) However, to be honest with ourselves, we will look at your works, the list of which you so persistently impose on us, and see what they are worth, if not a penny. Leo Semashko 04-07-24 ------------------------ Leo, if we want peace, NO war is OK. Matjaž 04-07-24 --------------------- 1. I never asked to be added to this list. 2. I never said you were responsible for the list Francis. 3. I didn’t read your comment/post, I want nothing to do with the list. I was not replying to you. 4. You asked, the problem I have with the fraud and propaganda is straightforward. This list attributes to my friends agreement that they have never given. If people want to think things like “Putin and Tucker deserve peace prizes” then they are entitled to those idea (foolish or not). When, however, you falsely claim that others support these ideas when they do not, that is a problem. I believe recognizing these bad actors, as “peace figures” is ugly and degrading. I have asked people said to agree with this, who are listed as “without objection” and they have told me unequivocally: absolutely not. Whatever Leo is up to, I want nothing to do with it. I do not ever want to be associated with anything so crazy as a peace prize for Putin and I want to be removed and have asked multiple times. I do not want to publicly debate, I want to be left alone and this is harassment. The people you say agree with your prize do not. I would rather be an idiot than a liar. Wim Laven, Ph.D Instructor of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Governing Council of International Peace Research Association Contributing Editor for Peace Chronicle Contributing Author for Peace Voice (See op-eds at: http://www.peacevoice.info/category/wim-laven/ ) 04-07-24 The more you talk, the more you expose your idiocy and lies. Professor Boyle told you one simple thing: if you do not want to participate in our network, block it, me and anyone else. Why don't you do this?Are you worse than a first-grader who has not yet learned to block emails, or are YOU, PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR, CONSCIOUSLY STAYING on THE NETWORK IN ORDER TO CONDUCT COUNTERPROPAGANDA on IT UNDER A FALSE PREGNANT IN ORDER TO DISCREDIT IT? Here is your mouse truth! The second argument is your idiocy. You claim without evidence that recognizing Putin and Tucker as peace creators, who are recognised such by BRICS, the SCO and many other organizations uniting 70% of the world's population, “is ugly and degrading.” For whom is it “is ugly and degrading”? For the liars and genocidal butchers like you Biden, Zelensky and the like, and all the others who supply them with weapons, who applauds the Nazis? In your immeasurable lies, are you ready to recognize them as the “good peace creators”? Ha-Ha-Ha! The full Orwellian "barnyard" is with you! Your stupidity is endless, as Einstein would say! The third argument of your idiocy is your endless lies! You are writing about some members of the GGHA from our nomination list and others, who were given time according to our traditional democratic procedure to object to the proposed candidates, BUT NO onE PUBLICLY, HONESTLY AND OPENLY OBJECTED, which according to our procedure was always recognized as consent. We do not have the opportunity to interview 600 members of the GGHA individually and coordinate our proposals with each one. Therefore, your statement is low slander, devoid of any basis, against the GGHA members. Can any of them confirm your lies? Therefore, you are a low person and a fool who has lost all honor and mind. We no longer respond to your west zombie propaganda. Because, according to Orwell, in it the Boyle's call for peace is a lie, and war is the truth. Leo Semashko 04-07-24 ---------------- The West's most cowardly uncivilized barbaric attack on Russian in Sevastopol defenseless innocent civilians ever! Their army's lack of courage to face the opposing army proves their incompetence and panic. They are not legalized to name named humans.... Panagiotis-Takis D. Ioannides Greece 05-07-24 ----------------------------------- Media Comments on NATO's summit declaration Importance: High Just reading through this Declaration, it appears to me that NATO is preparing for war against the Russian Federation in the immediate future. The NATO Declaration reminds me of Barbara Tuchman’s book The March of Folly describing the European Geopolitical Machinations leading up to the First World War. Its comments about Ukraine are delusional—detached from reality. Maybe NATO itself will not becoming involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine, but this Statement is paving the way for NATO States to get involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine. Ultimately this will prove to be a distinction without a difference. When implemented this Statement will make Ukraine a de facto NATO Member State with all the existentially dangerous consequences that would ensue from there. Its talking about Ukraine’s “irreversible path” to de jure NATO Membership is deliberately designed to rule out negotiations with Russia since Ukraine’s neutrality from NATO has always been the bottom line of Russia’s position, which is most reasonable. Its comments about Russia are paranoid and delusional and existentially dangerous and irresponsible. Since the USA IS NATO, the Biden administration did the first draft of this Statement for the other NATO States to sign on to with some minor tweaks and emendations by them. But still this Statement represents how paranoid, delusional, irresponsible, reckless and existentially dangerous the Biden administration is not only against Russia but also against North Korea, Iran and China, among others. As this Statement admits the European Union has finally come out of the closet to reveal itself as the Political and Economic Arms of the NATO Military Alliance. NATO is now moving into the Pacific where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed SEATO Pact. NATO is also moving into the Middle East where it is trying to replace and replicate the failed CENTO Pact. Its Pledge of Long-Term Security Assistance for Ukraine makes it perfectly clear that the United States, NATO, and the NATO States have no interest in a negotiated resolution to the situation in Ukraine with Russia despite the recent overtures by President Putin that he was prepared to negotiate. Although Putin’s demands were maximalist, they can serve as a basis for opening peace negotiations among Russia, the United States, and Ukraine. This Statement definitively rejects those overtures. Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_227678.htm 12-07-24 Просто читая эту Декларацию, мне кажется, что НАТО готовится к войне против Российской Федерации в ближайшем будущем. Декларация НАТО напоминает мне книгу Барбары Тачман «Марш глупости», в которой описываются европейские геополитические махинации, приведшие к Первой мировой войне. НАТО комментарии об Украине бредовые и оторванные от реальности. Возможно, сама НАТО и не будет участвовать в боевых действиях против России на Украине, но это Заявление открывает путь государствам НАТО к участию в боевых действиях против России на Украине. В конечном итоге это окажется различием без различия. В случае реализации этого Заявления Украина станет де-факто государством-членом НАТО со всеми вытекающими из этого экзистенциально опасными последствиями. Разговоры о «необратимом пути» Украины к членству в НАТО де-юре намеренно направлены на исключение переговоров с Россией, поскольку нейтралитет Украины со стороны НАТО всегда был краеугольным камнем позиции России, что наиболее разумно. НАТО комментарии о России являются параноидальными, бредовыми, экзистенциально опасными и безответственными. Поскольку США ЕСТЬ НАТО, администрация Байдена подготовила первый проект этого Заявления для подписания другими государствами НАТО с некоторыми незначительными изменениями и поправками, внесенными ими. Но тем не менее это заявление показывает, насколько параноидальной, бредовой, безответственной, безрассудной и экзистенциально опасной является администрация Байдена не только против России, но также против Северной Кореи, Ирана и Китая, среди других. Как признается в этом Заявлении, Европейский Союз, наконец, вышел из тайны и проявил себя как политическое и экономическое оружие Военного альянса НАТО. Сейчас НАТО продвигается в Тихий океан, где пытается заменить и воспроизвести провалившийся Пакт СЕАТО. НАТО также продвигается на Ближний Восток, где пытается заменить и воспроизвести провалившийся Пакт СЕНТО. НАТО обещание о долгосрочной помощи в обеспечении безопасности Украины совершенно ясно дает понять, что Соединенные Штаты, НАТО и государства НАТО не заинтересованы в урегулировании ситуации на Украине путем переговоров с Россией, несмотря на недавние попытки президента Путина о том, что он готов вести переговоры. Хотя требования Путина были максималистскими, они могут послужить основой для начала мирных переговоров между Россией, США и Украиной. Настоящее Заявление решительно отвергает подобные попытки. FrancisA. Boyle LawBuilding 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign IL 61820 USA Phone: 217-333-7954 Fax: 217-244-1478 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1199 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_227678.htm 12-07-24 --------------------------------------------
Gandhian Creators-Genius of World Harmony, 2023 Approved by the GGHA common decision on February 14, 2023 In honor of the GGHA 18th anniversary.
1. In honor of the 18th anniversary of the international peacemaking HGO ‘Gandhian Global Harmony Association’ (GGHA) establishment on February 15, 2005, RECOGNIZE in its Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator-Genius of World Harmony" of four outstanding peacemakers, scientists, critics of militarism and war crimes, anti-fascists. They distinguished by their unprecedented contribution over the course of decades to the establishment of global peace and nonviolence from the harmony of the Gandhian spherons, the unique societal idea of which was developed by the GGHA into the fundamental Gandhian "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience", briefly Spheronics. This makes them coauthors of the first peace science in history, along with Mahatma Gandhi. 
2. Publish the list of "Gandhian Creators-Geniuses of World Harmony 2023" along with their portraits and addresses of personal pages in the GGHA Gallery in two languages: Russian and English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 Irina Medvedeva (b. 1956), https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305 faithfully cooperates with us, starting with the student club of harmonious development "Demiurge", which became the source of the GGHA since 1976. She became our kind guardian angel with her humanitarian genius of calm, harmonious and wise interpersonal relations in our teams, the generator of their pure, sincere psychology. Thanks to these outstanding abilities, she became an authoritative teacher of Raja Yoga in St. Petersburg, promoting nonviolent Gandhian peacemaking. Petr Sergienko (b. 1938), https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=370 an outstanding original mathematician-genius who devoted his life to creating the mathematics of harmony. In the GGHA, in the team of its mathematicians, for more than 15 years he solved the “crazy” problem of constructing a mathematical theory of fractals of social harmony in the tetrad “golden tetrasociology/spheronics” of its spheres and spherons. He was able to overcome the confrontation of two mathematical and philosophical paradigms with a brilliant synthesis in the synergy of integral tetralectics (Pythagoras’ tradition) and differential trialectics (Plato’s tradition), completing their opposition, as it should be in true science, with their harmony. It is summarized in his final "RUSSIAN PROJECT OF HARMONY MATHEMATICS ", 2021, on a personal page. Ivan Ivanov (b. 1985), https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=11 since the GGHA birth, the unchanged Technical Director, webmaster, designer of its website “Peace from Spherons Harmony”, coauthor of many books and projects, as well as an administrator and moderator of all our numerous networks, including the network of UN national offices. All this for a long time he is distinguished by absolute honesty and accuracy, the highest quality and creativity of all the work performed. Therefore, our site enjoys constant success with 2-9 thousand daily visits, the number of which in 18 years exceeded 18.5 million. He is the true, unselfish genius of our site. William Engdahl (b. 1944), https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=659 is the outstanding philosophical and political thinker, brilliant publicist on a global scale, the author of many unique books and critical studies of the reasons for the slow fall and decay of Western civilization along with the growth of its militarism, aggressiveness and nazification. Probably, there is not a single political or financial institution in the West, not a single fundamental event that would not receive its deep, scientific assessment in a detailed and honest, unbiased analysis, despite the total censorship of his works, which made his the West dissident. Particularly significant in its deep truth is his characterization in 2009 of Western power as a "totalitarian democracy" of violence based on militarism, exclusivity racism and economic domination, completely discredited. For more than 15 years, our website created the most extensive archive of dozens of his most fundamental publications on 9 pages listed on the personal page. All geniuses of our rank are distinguished by long-term loyalty to the ideal of global Gandhian peace, its scientific truth, verified by world statistics in the GGHA, therefore its victory is inevitable. 3. The named GANDHIAN CREATORS-GENIUS OF WORLD HARMONY are included in their chronological list, starting from 2007: In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804 In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873
The decision was approved by the GGHA members on February 14, 2023. In honor of the 18th birthday of the GGHA.
PS. Recall that, according to the GGHA statutory tradition, all responses in the process of discussing candidates for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title are published on its website, but only objections are considered. 12-02-23 --------------------------------------------- Responses
I do agree. Takis D Ioannides VP, Cofounder of GGHA, Greece, 12-02-23
Dear Leo:
Congratulations! I say yes! Best wishes, Your friend Rudi, Rudolf Siebert. USA, from the House of Peace 13-02-23 I say "yes". Dr Noor M Larik. Pakistan, 13-02-23 YES! Advance Congratulations to the GGHA Laureates Regards Ashokchakravarthy Tholana India, 13-02-23 Yes, from my side as well. Grand congrats to the nominees. Thank you. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, 13-02-23 Да, я полностью поддерживаю предложенные кандидатуры. Они достойны Высшего Почётного титула Гандианский творец-Гений Мировой Гармонии, за их миротворческую миссию, за их твердую позицию и многолетнее активное участие в жизни ГГСГ. С уважением Вера Попович, Россия 13-02-23 -------------- Уважаемый Лев Михайлович, Уважаемые коллеги - ДА, я полностью поддерживаю предложенные кандидатуры. С уважением, Владимир Оноприенко, 13-02-23 ---------------- По трем кандидатурам у меня вопросов нет - я либо уже до этого хорошо представляла себе их деятельность, либо смогла с ней ознакомиться по ссылке. Они, конечно, заслуживают признания, особенно Иван за его титанический многолетний труд. При всей моей личной симпатии к Ирине Медведевой, мне не очень понятна ее деятельность как творца гармонии. В клубе "Демиург" были и другие участники, почему именно она из всех? С уважением, Юлия Будникова 13-02-23 --------------------- Dear Leo, Your choice is good and I do agree with you and this nominations. I would also like to request you to send my appreciation to all of you for your efforts and work for world peace and recognition of Gandhian efforts. I would like to invite you and network to become co-host, sponser, partner , speaker or participate in annual meet of World peace parliament first event will be organised in new york, usa 21st to 25th September 2023 and 2nd one will be held in new Delhi from 24th Jan to 30th Jan 2024. I will be happy to invite and request to GGHA to become co-host of this http://event.to/ know more about event visit https://nonviolenceindia.org and look for World Peace Parliament. Looking forward to hearing from you and get guidance and support from you. Thanking you. Dr. Birendra Kumar Director, Mahatma Gandhi College of Social Work Managing Trustee, Non-Violence Foundation (India) Executive Director, Non-Violence Peace Foundation (USA) Contact No: +91-9470091098 / +1-5672691028 https://mgcollege.edu.in , https://nonviolenceindia.org India 13-02-23 ---------------------------------------
I Agree Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, India, 14-12-23 ------------------ Dear Leo and all members, Yes I approve. Dr Thea Marie Robert, France, 14-12-23 ---------------
The GGHA 18th anniversary: scientific peacemaking Dear GGHA members, friends! Today, on the GGHA birthday, we are happy to congratulate you on its 18th anniversary, on the age of majority, and wish you all good health and new scientific peace achievements. We thank all 750 coauthors from more than 50 countries for their contribution to the unprecedented peacemaking achievement of our 18-year history: the Gandhian “Spherons Global Peace Megascience” (SGPM), briefly Spheronics, embodied in more than 1500 publications, including 20 books in many languages. The key ones are presented at the Home page top of our website “Peace from Spherons Harmony”: https://peacefromharmony.org/ The SGPM historical meaning lies in the fact that it allows for the first time in history to raise and resolve the issue of true, scientific peace, which is fundamentally necessary for social nature, social life on Earth, created by God for true peace, and not for war. Humanity still does not know the true, scientific peace of its social nature. If humanity would knew it, then it would long ago have lived without wars and would not suffer from them continuously, as it is now. The traditional, known peace in history is still half-peace and half-war, when peace is only a break between wars, which is used for the arms race and for preparing the next war in their uninterrupted historical chain. The traditional peace is subject to war and controlled by the whims of war, which threatens to destroy humanity that many genius peacemakers of the past warned about, but did not know a radical way to prevent it. The peace science is the only radical way to give birth and build a TRUE PEACE, which excludes and prevents all wars, racism and violence. Such is spheronics, SGPM, the fundamental framework of which was created by the GGHA for further international development and improvement by integrating into it all scientific partial peacemaking achievements. The SGPM today is the only alternative scientific voice into a 100% militaristic narrative on the verge of a nuclear suicide of humanity. We have given life to this voice in the hope that the minds of the leaders and governments of the nuclear powers will hear and understand it. This is our achievement for 18 years. Any scientific truth, weak and "crazy" at birth, is doomed to victory and universal recognition in the future, because without it the development of humanity is impossible, which cannot stop. Such is the "iron" law of knowledge, proven by all the thousands of years of its human history. We understand this well at the age of our majority. We are also happy to congratulate our 2023 laureates, the "Creators-Geniuses" of this science, who have made their own contribution to it: Irina Medvedeva, Russia, 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305 Petr Sergienko, Russia, 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=370 Ivan Ivanov, Russia, 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=11 F. William Engdahl, Germany, 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=659 They were approved without a single objection, but with one "doubt" due to insufficient information. Their names with portraits are published in the corresponding GGHA Gallery here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 along with 11 responses from 7 countries and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1111. We look forward to your new contributions to great Peace Science. Best regards. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President 15-02-23 -----------------------------------
Gandhian Creators of World Harmony 2022 Approved by the GGHA on September 30, 2022
1. In honor of the Mahatma Gandhi birthday of the doctrine nonviolence founder and the "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience" (SGPM) - Spheronics, 2 October, The GGHA recognizes in its Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony" four outstanding peacemakers, scientists, antifascists, critics of militarism and US/NATO war crimes for their unprecedented contribution over decades to the establishment of global peace and nonviolence from the harmony of the Gandhian spherons. Their unique scientific ideas are integrated into the Gandhian Spheronics Megascience that makes them the founders of this science together with Mahatma Gandhi. 
2. Publish the list of the “Gandhian Creators of World Harmony 2022” along with their portraits and addresses of personal pages in the GGHA Gallery in two languages, English and Russian. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 Michel Chossudovsky (born 1946) is an eminent political thinker, Canadian economist, professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa and the president and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which runs the website https://www.globalresearch.ca/, founded in 2001, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers around the world. But it is heavily censored by the West, like our and dozens of similar "objectionable" websites. He is an honest and courageous author of many fundamental scientific studies of militarism and US/NATO war crimes, which are censored in Western countries and slanderously qualified by NATO and the US State Department as "falsehoods, conspiracy theories and pro-Russian propaganda". It confirms their truth and makes them especially valuable for peacemakers and their author as a passionate scientific anti-militarist who deserves all support for his unique and fearless peacemaking. (In the US/NATO, all honest peacemakers and critics of their militarism and war crimes are branded as “liars, conspiracy theorists and pro-Russian propagandists” that does credit to these peacemakers. The US/NATO and the entire West have long since moved to a perverted standard in which, according to Orwell's definition almost 80 years ago, "lies become truth, war become peace, freedom become slavery, and ignorance become force.") The fragments of his outstanding books and articles are published on six pages of the GGHA website "Peace from Spherons Harmony" listed here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=682. In his latest work, he powerfully demonstrates the nuclear war threat generated by the US in his Video: The Privatization of Nuclear War, Towards a World War III Scenario, the GRTV Report Produced by James Corbett, Featuring Michel Chossudovsky, September 25, 2022 (https://youtu.be/cIPs0j1EL44). First published in June 2015. “With tensions growing in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, a new generation of nuclear weapons technology is making nuclear warfare a very real prospect. And with very little fanfare, the US is embarking on the privatization of nuclear war under a first-strike doctrine.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche, (born 25 August 1948) is a German political activist. She is the widow of American political activist Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019), and the founder of the LaRouche movement's Schiller Institute (https://schillerinstitute.com/) and the German party (BüSo) (Civil Rights Movement Solidarity). She has run for political office several times in Germany, representing small parties founded by the LaRouche movement. She is the editor of Das Hitler-Buch (1984), published by the Schiller Institute, a collection of historical investigations into the origins of Nazism. She has called for a "Dialogue of Cultures" as opposed to a "Clash of Civilizations." Zepp-LaRouche argued that preparations are under-way for the establishment of "a fascist world government which would exceed Hitler’s most audacious dreams". Zepp-LaRouche suggested the origin of the "swindle" is the British monarchy. Helga Zepp-LaRouche used the proceedings of two conferences this week (June 20-25, 2022) — the EU summit and the BRICS summit — to highlight why the Schiller Institute Call for convening a conference for a New Bretton Woods is so essential. The neoliberal model is presently bankrupt: https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2022/06/24/webcast-we-must-not-measure-wealth-by-money/. The fragments of her outstanding peacemaking books, articles and initiatives are published on six pages of the GGHA website "Peace from Spherons Harmony" listed here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1077. Andrey Smirnov(b. 1953) is an outstanding Russian thinker, philosopher, teacher at the “Novgorod Mind-Technical School of O.S. Anisimov”, PhD, member of the scientific and methodological council of the “Analytics” Association. Member of the publication and co-author of the first dictionaries in our country: "Analytical Dictionary" (M., 2015) and "Civilization Analytics: Conceptual Paradigm" (M., 2017). Game methodologist with thirty years of experience. We have been cooperating with him in the development of peacemaking and harmonious spheronics since 1976, from the student club "Demiurge", which was structured according to four spherons. He was also the GGHA co-founder and co-authored almost all of its 11 peacebuilding books and 84 peacemaking projects. He owns many researches within the framework of spheronics, which integrated his key ideas. He is a very modest person, so his personal page (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=813) contains only some of his works. Takis Ioannides (b. 1955) is the GGHA Cofounder since 2005 and GGHA Vice-President since 2012. He got three 3 kids (World, European & National) champions of Taekwondo. He researched philosophy for 30 years. He has the Honorary Degree of Dr of Literature by HWAAC-vise. He is member of education team of Human Dignity & Humiliation Studies University in Oslo. He is poet of SKAI Channel in Greece. He is poet, writer, researcher, lecturer, literature critic, philosopher, painter. He has written hundreds of poems, 9 books and more than 300 essays. For 17 years of cooperation in the GGHA, he became a co-author of almost all of its 11 peace books and 84 peacebuilding projects. He owns a lot of researches in the framework of spheronics, first of all, a statistical verification of the spherons in Greece for 2017, which was published in the GGHA book dedicated to the verification of spheronics by world statistics on the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi: “Mahatma Gandhi: The Starting Point of Nonviolence. Spherons Genetics and Statistics. GANDHICA" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). Spheronics integrated his key ideas. Takis' peacekeeping work is presented in more detail on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138. 3. The named WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS are included in their chronological list since 2007: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804 The GGHA members approved the decision on September 30, 2022. In honor of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. PS. Recall that according to the GGHA 17-year statutory tradition of the GGHA, all responses are published on its website in the process of discussing candidates for the Highest Honorary Title of the GGHA, but only objections are considered. 27-09-22
Отклики. Responses Достойнейшие люди, прекрасные кандидатуры! С радостью поддерживаю. Желаю им творческого долголетия на благо человечества. С уважением, Юлия Будникова, Президент ГГСГ-РОССИЯ https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 27-09-22 ---------------- Да, рада поддержать! Это действительно смелые и мужественные учёные, антифашисты и миротворцы, которые не боятся открыто критиковать милитаристов США и НАТО за их военные преступления. И они хорошо понимают опасность мировой, ядерной войны и активно протестуют против нее и предлагают свои средства против нее, главное из которых - это Гандианская Меганаука Сфероники. Вклад учёных миротворцев в утверждение глобального мира и ненасилия неоценим и это весомое основание считать их со-основателями Меганауки Сфероники, вместе Махатмой Ганди. С уважением, Вера Попович Санкт-Петербург 28-09-22 ---------------------------------- Hearty сongratulations to Michel Chossudovsky, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Andrey Smirnov and Takis Ioannides for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony-2022". Highly appreciate and approve the proposed four outstanding peacemakers on my behalf. Regards Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 India 29-09-22 --------------------------------------
Dear Leo and GGHA peacemakers, Life is optimistic, because it overcomes the dangers. It's strengthened by these dangers. Without the dangers of its annihilation, life would be unthinkable, because its structure is a defensive and aggressive organism. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus expressed the harmony as a form of universal justice. He said the famous "war is father of all". He didn't mean human conflicts via wars, but an invisible and eternal cosmic operation of cosmic balances. The status of conflicts globally, especially this of Ukraine, where Russia fights against USA and Europe, projects the hopeless and the impasse. Wars do not allow man to be pushed to the limit of his potential. The last station of man’s potential is the anarchic joy of the spirit. We all work 17 years now in GGHA to stop wars, mainly the usage of nuclear weapons. We shall not stop to work towards these targets and others concerning humanity. This title of creator of harmony has a special weight and a great responsibility for me. I do thank you all for this honor to me, a student of this Life. With respect and love Dr Panagiotis -Takis D. Ioannides Co-founder and vice President of GGHA 24-10-22 ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Happy Birthday to Vladislav Krasnov and two nominations approval
Dear GGHA members, friends, We have three important events today. 1. We wish today a happy 84th birthday to Vladislav Krasnov, an outstanding historian, writer, humanist and peacemaker, whom we wish strong health and long years of creativity, celebrating his great peace merits with a nomination for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Gandhian Creator" (below). 2. The outstanding Indian poet Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana is nominated to the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Gandhian Creator" for his unique peacemaking contribution to the building global peace from harmony of Gandhian spherons, which he sings in Homeric way in many of his brilliant poems (below). Both nominees are well known to the GGHA members for their many years and tireless peacemaking promotion of global peace from harmony, their dedication to the GGHA in serving by faith, honor and truth to its Gandhian mission of nonviolence, therefore their approval is limited to two days: February 24 and 25, inclusively. 3. on February 15, on the GHA 16th anniversary, the question was raised for discussion and approval that the GHA for 16 years deserved to be called the Highest Worthy Name of humanity: "Gandhian Global Harmony Association" - GGHA (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=986). During this time we received a number of enthusiastic voices of support and not a single objection. Therefore, our GHA will henceforth be officially referred to by this name: GANDHIAN GHA, GGHA! This is our highest level of humanistic, nonviolent identity and moral peacemaking self-awareness. We have confirmed it over 16 years with unique achievements: 10 books and 78 peacemaking projects based on the Gandhian spherons of nonviolence, which constitute the greatest intellectual and social merit of humanity in its entire history, provided by the selfless life of Mahatma Gandhi and opening a new, nonviolent era of human history. We are proud of this name and with honor carry it further in our new, strategic project "Gandhian World Enlightenment", which will be presented tomorrow, February 25 for your discussion and approval. We are happy to congratulate the GGHA members on the approval of an adequate name and reaching a new level of its practical implementation and confirmation. Below is a draft of our decision on the named nominations for their approval in two days. Dr. Leo Semashko 24-02-21
WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS 2021 Approved by the GGHA on February 25, 2021 1. In honor of the GGHA 16th anniversary on February 15, 2019, the GGHA recognizes the following 2 GGHA members from India and USA in the Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” for their outstanding contribution to the establishment of global peace and nonviolence from the Gandhian spherons harmony. 
2. Publish theirs names in the list of “World Harmony Gandhian Creators 2021” along with their portraits and addresses of personal pages in the GGHA Gallery in two languages, English and Russian. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 - Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana, International Poet, Review, Writer, GGHA Vice-President, Peace Ambassador from Harmony, coauthor of almost all Gandhian books and GGHA projects since 2006 for his active promotion of the GGHA books at international forums, for his unique poems dedicated to Gandhi's nonviolence and global peace from Gandhian spherons harmony, published on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286 - Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, GGHA Board member, President, RAGA - Russian-American Goodwill Association since 1990, outstanding Russian/American historian, humanist, peacemaker and biographer of the great Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, coauthor of the GGHA last three books since 2016. He is awarded the GGHA Highest Honorary Title for his first publication in America of the "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" on the RAGA website, for his active support of the GGHA, for his outstanding contribution to the creation of global peace from the harmony of the Gandhian spherons and through the unique examples of the historical nonviolence of Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his books and numerous historical studies and literary essays, some of which are published or named on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=752. And also in connection with his 84th birthday on February 24th. The GGHA warmly congratulates Vladislav on this significant date and wishes him good health and long years of creativity for the benefit of global peace from the spherons harmony. 3. The named WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS are included in their chronological list since 2007: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804 4. They are included also on the page: GGHA. 16th Anniversary, Fruits and Gandhian World Enlightenment: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=986 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=869 5. on the personal pages of the GGHA Highest Honorary Title Laureates, include the following entry: The GGHA Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator”, 2021 Gallery: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 GGHA 16th Anniversary: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=986 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=869 The GHA members approved this Resolution on February 24, 2021 In honor of the GHA 16th anniversary
Responses Dear Leo, Dear friends, I support our nominations, and would like to deliver my first Gandhian Garden Report! (see it here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887) themselves, is given by nature. Best regards, Lucas Pawlik, Austria 27-02-21 ------------------
You are most welcome George. Thank you So much for your inspirational words and wishes Regards Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana www.worldpeacepoetry.com India 25-02-21 Dear Ashok, thanks a lot for both the birthday greeting and the new title we share! I am especially delighted to share company with an outstanding poet of INDIA. No matter how much efforts and time we spend on studying the laws of physics, history or economy, we still can hardly survive without striving for and enjoying the moment of poetic imagination that alone can uplift us to the sky! If I remember correctly, Albert Einstein acknowledged it! CHEERS to your poetry! Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA USA Hon. GGHA Members, Friends, I approve the nominations. Congratulations. Wishing a Very Very Happy Birthday to Vladislav Krasnow from bottom of my heart. TIME FOR ACTION IN ACTUAL FACT! I believe till now our efforts to represent the unique examples of the historical nonviolence of LEO Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela are fragmented. I mean law, constitution, ethics or doctrine is an aspect of innovative ideology to socialize the human conscience according to its contemporary social, communal or political needs. Now when our scientific insight is resurrecting beyond natural process the graces of humanity is descending to a dangerous abyss, we will have to look forward for an integrated action to represent their unique examples and all of their sacred teaching in one notion, for global unison, to make this planet free of nuclear weapons. IT IS SIMPLY POSSIBLE. Thanks for the time and review, looking forward for your responses. Cordially Ajay Singh GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=981 Acting Chief Councilor of the Religion and Ethics Council (ELFO) Vice-President (IELFO) Peace Ambassador at Worldwide Peace Organization (wwpo.org) India С сердечным расположением и пожеланиями добра и света, здоровья и успехов, благоденствия и вдохновения! Пусть расширяется круг сторонников и деятельных помощников! ПОЗДРАВЛЯЮ Владислава!!! С уважением и благодарностью, председатель регионального отделения Российского военно-исторического общества в Пермском крае, директор МАОУ СОШ №41 г. Перми Игорь Гладнев. Россия DearLeo, I heartily approve of the distinction deservedly bestowed upon our esteemed members. I warmly wish Dr. Vladislav a happy birthday and many happy returns. Peace and all good, Adam Greenwell New Zealand Congratulations and Happy Birthday Vladislav! Examples of your work for peace are documented on page 174 of my new book, ENDING U.S. WARS by Honoring Americans Who Work for Peace www.uspeacememorial.org/Book.htm. Michael Michael D. Knox, PhD, Chair US Peace Memorial Foundation JOIN US: www.USPeaceMemorial.org/Donors.htm ENDING U.S. WARS: www.USPeaceMemorial.org/Book.htm USA Happy 84th birthday to Vladislav Krasnov. Yes for thenomination of Vladislav Krasnovand Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Gandhian Creator." In peace and solidarity, Ayo Ayoola-Amale Nigeria Congratulations Vladislav, What a great honour. Congratulations to your family as well. And friends, I do think that the collection of essays, From The East to The West, deserves wide coverage and readership. Please do try to get the book – For Russia, America, India and Gandhi. Love Sandhya Jain India Yes, I approve the nominations. Happy birthday to Vladislav Krasnow with health love and peace. Takis D Ioannides GHA VP and co founder. Greece 25-02-21 Dear Leo: Happy Birthday to our great friend Vladislav!' I approve the two nominations. Keep safe! Best wishes to you and your dear family, your Rudi, from the House of Mir. Rudolf Siebert, USA 24-02-21 Happy 84th birthday to Vladislav Krasnov and great nomination to poet Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana as the GGHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Gandhian Creator" and our GHA will henceforth be officially referred to by the name: GANDHIAN GHA, GGHA! Ernesto Kahan Israel THANKS for remembering me! My daughter Vera was the early bird at 8 in the morning! But it is still not too late to learn of my new title that I just received from Sankt Petersburg! CHEERS! Vladis'Love Vladislav Krasnov Great! Congratulationsfor nominations! Happy Birthday Vladislav! Love, Peace and Harmony Susana,Roberts Argentina Happy Birthday to you Vladislav. I hope there are many more to come. Congratulations to both nominations. Peace and Blessings. Terence Barry Executive Director Generation Hip Hop Global http://www.generationhiphopglobal.org South Africa Happy 84th Birthday to Vladislav, a true advocate for a global strategy for addressing Poverty, Racism and War consistent with Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Norman G. Kurland, J.D. President Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016 (O) 703-243-5155, (F) 703-243-5935 (E) thirdway@cesj.org (Web) http://www.cesj.org I agree with both nominations Happy Birthday Vladislav María Cristina Azcona Argentina Happy happy birthday and all my hugs. Bella Ventura Israel Dear All, Happy Birth Day! The nomination for two great peace makers is approved. Regards PravatDhal, India Присоединяюсь к поздравлению с днем рождения Владислава Краснова, писателя миротворца, которому мы желаем крепкого здоровья, долгих лет жизни и активного творчества. С уважением Вера Попович Россия Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям номинантам. Всех - с Днем защитников Вселенной - как символа Отечества! Сил, здоровья, Красоты вокруг и энергии! IrinaKuris Россия Разделяю поздравления с присвоением Высшего Почетного Титула миротворцев ГГСГ. С уважением, Мария Гербер Россия DearDr. LeoSemashko, Thanks for the mail below. I agree with the proposals. With regards. Y.P. Anand India Ok yes Guy CREQUIE France Thank you Yes. I approve Dr. Noor M larik Pakistan Dear Prof. Leo Semashko; Thank you. Yes, I approve. Prof Bishnu Pathak Nepal 24-02-21
WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS 2021 Approved by the GHA on February 14, 2021 1. In honor of the GHA 16th anniversary on February 15, 2019, the GHA recognizes the following 4 GHA members from 4 countries in the Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” for their outstanding contribution to the establishment of global peace and nonviolence from the Gandhian spherons harmony.

2. Publish the list of “World Harmony Gandhian Creators 2021” along with their portraits and addresses of personal pages in the GHA Gallery in two languages, English and Russian. http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 - Dr. Pratibha Garg, Professor of one of the Delhi Universities of Education, Co-Chair of the WGHA, for her brilliant statistical research of the university spherons dynamics since 2005 to 2018, published on her personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=826 - Guy Crequie, GHA honorary member, philosopher, writer, poet and lyric singer for his unique contribution to the editing and publication of "Gandhica" in French in France and for its active promotion in world networks. His preface to this book is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=149 - Adam Greenwell, multimedia producer, writer and social entrepreneur based in New Zealand, for his active participation in creating and promoting the Gandhian “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), for its presentation at the UN Conference, for its publication on international sites and its presentation to the country government that is reflected on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 - Robert J. Burrowes, Australian humanities scholar and Gandhian nonviolence activist for his unique theoretical and practical contributions to the global nonviolent movement since 1966, widely featured in many of his books and articles, especially his world famous Declaration "Why Violence?" (http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence) on many pages of the GHA website "Peace from Harmony", starting from its personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=679 3. The named WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS are included in their chronological list since 2007: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804
4. They are included also on the page: GGHA. 16th Anniversary, Fruits and Gandhian World Enlightenment:
In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=986 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=869 The GHA members approved the Resolution on February 14, 2021 In honor of the GHA 16th anniversary
The GHA 16th anniversary, French Gandhica and nominations Dear GHA members, friends,
February 15 is approaching - the GHA 16th anniversary, with which we are happy to congratulate all the GHA members and friends, thanks to the contributions, efforts and support of which we achieved outstanding peacemaking achievements last year, despite all its pandemics, crises, and our mistakes and omissions. Our main and unprecedented achievement of the past year is the creation of the Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" jointly with ICAN by our 46 authors, including 4 Nobel laureates, from 26 countries, which we presented for discussion to 193 representative missions of the UN General Assembly in PDF format in New York and Vienna (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) Our second achievement is the translation and publication of “Gandhica” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) in Spanish and French. Just today I received from Paris three copies of the French "Gandhica", called "Gandhi et Depuis", which was published by the world famous publishing house "Hachette" with a global book network with a preface and edited by the world famous French philosopher, poet, writer and singer Mr. Guy Crequie, the GHA member since its foundation, since 2005 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106). He wrote a wonderful preface for the French edition of "Gandhica" with a deep philosophical title: "From Leo Tolstoy ... Gandhi and to the Spherons." In other words, he expressed the track of more than a century of world civilizational nonviolent progress: pre-revolutionary Russia - India - spherons of humanity/noosphere nonviolence in a whole disclosed in the GHA! These are the turning points of world history, moving towards nonviolence, in which the Gandhian spherons are the crowning global actors of a new era of nonviolence! The French national revolutionary spirit of Guy Crequie turned out to be the most perspicacious and consonant with the revolutionary, nonviolent spirit of the spherons discovery as a Copernican spiritual revolution of the 21st century, prepared by Tolstoy, Gandhi and GHA! In "Gandhica", the crowning world actors of nonviolence - the spherons - receive fundamental scientific proof of their global objective truth by empirical verification by world statistics. Nothing better than it can scientifically confirm the universal social reality of spherons and their "greatest force of non-violence ... as the immutable Newtonian law of gravitation" as defined by Gandhi. If he proved the truth of their "greatest force of nonviolence" by the nonviolent liberation of India from British slavery, then Gandhica proved their truth of the fundamental societal "Newtonian law" by world statistical verification. Therefore, all world leaders, states, parties, democracies and authorities will have to reckon with this law and its objective truth, unknown to the backward for a century, traditional socio-humanitarian science, no matter how they like it. They will have to create fundamentally new Academies of Societal Spherons in order to master and control their "greatest force of nonviolence". At the same time, depressive traditional social science will have to radically rebuild to the spheral vector in all its fragmented disciplines, uniting on a common denominator of the spherons fundamental societal reality and rising from the level of pre-science to the level of fundamental natural sciences. For Gandhi, "truth is God." In the 21st century, the spherons will make up the very truth that for it will become the saving God of survival on the nonviolent era third path of humanity / noosphere. No matter how crazy the idea of spherons is, in 5-10-15 years, at modern rates of spreading new knowledge, it will become the same global truth as the multiplication table. As Kant said, "if the truth is clearly justified, it cannot fail to win." "Gandhica" gives the truth of the spherons more than a clear theoretical and empirical, statistical justification, albeit only initial, but sufficient for its conscious practical application, primarily for the eradication of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the significance of "Gandhica" and its publication in different languages, as proof of the truth of nonviolent spherons and the beginning of the "Gandhian World Enlightenment" in it, cannot be overestimated. This new, historical age of Enlightenment XXI was not only prepared by the Gandhian fruits of the GHA for 16 years: 10 books and 78 projects, but also launched by a small online lecture course "Gandhian Spherons", the program and schedule of which can be found here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=861 This effective result of 16 years of hard work of more than 600 GHA humanitarians from almost 60 countries deserves the best marks. In this regard, we nominate and offer to recognize in the GHA highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony", among which some presidents, prime ministers, Nobel laureates, world scientists, writers, philosophers, poets are noted (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513) of the following GHA members for their outstanding contribution to our unique work. - Dr. Pratibha Garg, Professor of one of the Delhi Universities of Education, Co-Chair of the WGHA, for her brilliant statistical research of the university spherons dynamics since 2005 to 2018, published on her personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=826 - Guy Crequie, GHA honorary member, philosopher, writer, poet and lyric singer for his unique contribution to the editing and publication of "Gandhica" in French in France and for its active promotion in world networks. His preface to this book is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=149 - Adam Greenwell, multimedia producer, writer and social entrepreneur based in New Zealand, for his active participation in creating and promoting the Gandhian “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), for its presentation at the UN Conference, for its publication on international sites and its presentation to the country government that is reflected on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 - Robert J. Burrowes, Australian humanities scholar and Gandhian nonviolence activist for his unique theoretical and practical contributions to the global nonviolent movement since 1966, widely featured in many of his books and articles, especially his world famous Declaration "Why Violence?" (http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence) on many pages of the GHA website "Peace from Harmony", starting from its personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=679 Their work is well known in the GHA, therefore we propose to approve the proposed nominees until February 14, in honor of the GHA 16th anniversary, if no objections are received before that day. Heartfelt congratulations and deep gratitude to all GHA members and our sincere friends. Best wishes for peace, love and nonviolence from the Gandhian spherons harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 09-02-21
Yes I approve nominations Congratulations Thea Marie Robert France 09-02-21 ---------
Dear and respected members of GHA , congratulation for efforts made for peace in the world. wish you all the best. Larik Noor Muhammad, nmlarik@hotmail.com, Pakistan 10-02-21 --------------
Congratulations and all my love. Bella Ventura bella.ventura@gmail.com Israel --------- Hon. Members of GHA, Congratulations and thanks for the great endeavors for making this planet safe for all. I believe our challenges are much bigger than our imagination. At the forefront we are baffled by the means to prevent NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION. on other hand many nations are rapidly developing nuclear weapons that would destroy this planet much more than our imaginations. WHY? Now it is the time to consider, from last 15 years are we anywhere near about the root cause of the problems that failing the system dedicated to prevent the worldwide NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION? Though there are lots of organizations, including the United Nation addressing the lethal approaches that guiding this current human race to an unnatural end, but it is not making any impact in this regard. More than that, we have many premeditated spiritual and political theories to sustain the basis for peace and harmony worldwide among the people determined to obtain peace through prosperity; neglecting the prime wisdom of humanity that guides us to achieve prosperity through peace. Why? In fact our efforts to strengthen the basis for peace are fragmented, thus let us look forward for an integrated action to approach the global community within one notion. It is simple possibl. If we do not end war, war will end us. H. G. Wells You cannot say civilization do not advance... in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein Thanks for the time, looking forward for your response to reach a unanimous conclusion in this regard. With Greatest Regards Ajay Singh GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=981 Acting Chief Councilor of the Religion and Ethics Council (ELFO) Vice-President (IELFO) Peace Ambassador at Worldwide Peace Organization (wwpo.org) 10-02-21 --------------------------------- Dear Léo, dear all,
Thank you for this honorary proposal! Admittedly, I am only one ordinary man but in spite of my age and my tiredness and our family preoccupations with a health = I am determined, persevering, courageous! I tested my courage for the first time between 6 and 18 years or in spite of a catastrophic visual situation, and in spite of what I heard around me = it will be almost blind with life, poor boy… I believed in my combat and in the quality of a large ophthalmologist! However, at present, even in a country like: France says that of the lights, the human rights, the publication of this book was a course filled with difficulties! But as the large French poet Victor Hugo said it “the dawn dares when it rises” = draw in lessons from courage! But it is necessary to advance, to decipher, and I still asked the editor soon of the improvements as regards the presentation of this book. I wish good luck with the other versions to come, in particular with that near in language Castilian. Humor: Europe after having been more than even critical skeptical at the time of the announcement of the Russian vaccine Sputnik does not cease at present renting its recognized effectiveness = as what the universalism of the intelligence does not have an ideological border: we all belong and to mankind: gay the sapiens Thank you for your encouragements and supports. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE Poet, social observant writer and French lyric singer PS. Before my total vocal withdrawal my the last 2 recordings will relate to the serenade of Toselli and Lolita song which was dedicated to the immortal tenor Enrico Caruso 10-02-21 ------------------------------- The GHA 16th anniversary By Ernesto Kahan
What historical fact was the creation of it sixteen years ago! What a superb seminar for the good of humankind! Yeah! a philosophical waft, to neutralize destruction and war! Misery… Tyranny… Disease and lie! Yeah! the creation de GHA for the survival of people, against the evil, to freedom… Physical and intellectual well-being. Professor Ernesto Kahan Israel, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 11-02-21 -------------------- Dear Leo,
YES, I approve the nominations. Takis D Ioannides VP of GHA Greece ----------- I approve Maria Cristina Azcona Argentina ---------- Dear Leo and colleagues, Yes from my side. Thanks Prof Bishnu Pathak Nepal 11-02-21 -------- Dear Leo, YES to the four nominated deserving candidates for the GHA highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony." My heartiest congratulations! In Peace and Solidarity, Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Nigeria --------- Dear I Approve. Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India 11-02-21 ------------------ Hon. Members of GHA, Yes all the four candidates who really deserve the GHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony." CONGRATULATIONS. Regards, Ajay Singh GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=981 Acting Chief Councilor of the Religion and Ethics Council ( ELFO) Vice-President (IELFO) Peace Ambassador at Worldwide Peace Organization ( wwpo.org ) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajay-singh-a8206b42/ ------------------- Уважаемые члены ГСГ, друзья! Присоединяюсь к поздравлению со знаменательным событием 16-й годовщины образования ГСГ! За 16 лет работы ГСГ создал 10 уникальных книг и 78 миротворческих проектов на основе Гандианских сферонов ненасилия как самой «сумасшедшей», следовательно, наиболее плодотворной гуманистической идеи нашего времени. Наиболее важными достижениями явились создание Гандианского «Антиядерного манифеста» и широкая публикация «Гандики» на четырех языках с фундаментальным научным обоснованием сферонов, эмпирической верификацией их истинности мировой статистикой. Очень порадовала «Гандика», опубликованная на французском и испанском языках. Теперь эта работа будет доступна для изучения испанцам и французам. Это замечательный пример для мира из России. Я полностью поддерживаю номинацию четырех членов ГСГ в высшем Почетном Звании «Гандианский Творец Мировой Гармонии». С уважением, Вера Попович, Россия, 11-02-21 ------------ The GHA 16th anniversary! Sixteen years age, hard work, visions, thoughts, actions, books, projects, etc., started with the idea and vision of Dr Leo Semashko. The collective effort of the members of GHA was based on the personal synthetic impulse of each member, and all these years it faced the immediate demands of our times. The main factor of our success was the conscious and responsible participation and utilization of the qualifications of each one of us. I wish health to all of you. With respect to all of you Panagiotis (Takis) D. Ioannides Co-founder and Vice President of GHA Greece 11-02-21 ---------------- Greetings Leo and esteemed GHA family members, I am honored and delighted to be a recipient of the GHA highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony", at this momentous time in the history of GHA. Furthermore, it is my pleasure and honour to share my attached Letter of Appointment from the Sultan of Oman, to further advance and continue my late mother's legacy. Peace and blessings, Adam Greenwell https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 New Zealand 12-02-21 --------------- CONGRATULATIONS, Adam, on this honorable and very challenging appointment!
I am sure the Sultan of Oman knows how to harness you for Peace that is so needed in the Middle East and the World! On behalf on all associates of the Russia & America Goodwill Association, PEACE and HARMONY Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA www.raga.org https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=752 -------------------- Dear Leo and all, Congratulationson the achievement of the Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" with ICAN by our 46 authors, including 4 Nobel laureates, from 26 countries. Also heartfelt congratulations to the Gandhian Creators of World Harmony", Dr. Pratibha Garg, Guy Crequie, Adam Greenwell and Robert J. Burrowes. Warm Wishes Michael Ellis, MD . BA (Hons) GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Australia https://peacefromharmony.org Fellow -of the Advisory Board 2020 - 2024 (International Executive Secretariat) International Association of Educators for World Peace http://iaewp-org.blogspot.com/p/advisory-board.html Founder Club of Budapest Australia https://www.clubofbudapestaustralia.com/ Founder Global Peace Centre, https://www.globalpeacecentre.org/ https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=760 ----------------------------------- Dear All! Great we made it! Thank you, Leo! Thank you, friends! Lucas Pawlik, Austria -------- Dear All, Thanks and Approved. Pravat Kumar Dhal, India 12-02-21 ------------ Dear Leo, GHA members and friends, Many congratulations to the GHA for completing 16 highly fruitful years! Our congratulations and best wishes for all books, projects, initiatives and peacemaking achievements of the GHA! Congratulations on the creation of the Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto"! Congratulations on the translation and publication of "Gandhica" in Spanish and French. Anam and I are very happy with all four nominations -- Dr. Pratibha Garg, Guy Crequie, Adam Greenwell and Robert J. Burrowes -- for the GHA's highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony". We approve all four names. Heartiest congratulations, Dr. Pratibha Garg, Guy Crequie, Adam Greenwell and Robert J. Burrowes! We look forward to be a part of the peacemaking process in the world, and watch and support everyone else who is dedicatedly trying to create a better world for all. Warm Regards, Hasina Parvin, GGHA-India President, Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, World Growth Forums for Nation Builders https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=960 Anam Kumar, GGHA-India First Vice-President, CEO and Publishing Director Managing Director, World Growth Forums for Nation Builders https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=965 13-02-21 --------------- Dear Leo, GHA members and friends, Many congratulations and best wishes for all the unique projects, initiatives and peacemaking achievements for its16 highly fruitful years of journey. As a promoter of world peace and a member of GHA, I take the occasion to contribute a poem ATTACHED to commemorate this delight-filled occasion. Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to one and all, Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana International Poet – Review Writer Universal Peace Ambassador, Vice-Chair, Global Harmony Association, tacvarthy@gmail.com | worldpeacepoetry@gmail.com Address: Hyderabad – 500 059 [TS] INDIA Website: https://worldpeacepoetry.com/ https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286
------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo Congratulations for the successful completion of 16 years of our association Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India 14-01-21 ----------------- Поздравляю с Вашим 16-ым годом совершеннолетия и желаю Вам и членам ГСГ энергичного продолжения! Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA, USA 15-02-21 ---------- Dear Dr Leo, I am back from my surgery and in healthy state. Hope to interact, contribute and share my load of writing peace poems. Regards and happy 2021. Brig Kartar Singh President, IESL kartarbirar@gmail.com India --------- Dear Leo and esteemed members of GHA, My heartiest congratulations to all GHA members on the 16th anniversary of Global Harmony Association! Wishing you all strength and courage as we continue to explore ways to address crucial legitimate concerns of all humanity through our collective concrete actions for global peace.Peace as we all know is humanity’s highest values. Our human right to peace is being peace! In Peace and Solidarity, Ayo Ayoola-Amale Nigeria --------- Dear Leo I write to congratulate you your family and friends around the world on this the 16th anniversary of the GGHA. Your work is so important for the Human family as non-violence is the way to not only live but to solve the problems we face as a United family. Thank you dear Leo you are an inspiration. May the years ahead bring much joy and fruits of peace. Love, Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, North Ireland, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 15-02-21 ------------------------ Dear Leo It is very kind of the GHA to appoint me a 'World Harmony Gandhian Creator': a great honour indeed, for which I am grateful. Would you please pass on my thanks to all concerned and also my congratulations to Dr. Pratibha Garg, Guy Crequie and Adam Greenwell for their recent appointments also. And my congratulations to the GHA on the 16th anniversary of its foundation, thus marking 16 years of many fine achievements. I also note with interest the proposal to revise the name of the GHA to the GGHA to acknowledge Gandhi's legacy and its contribution to the GHA. In sincerest appreciation; Robert J. Burrowes, Author of ‘Why Violence?’ Australia, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=679 16-02-21 -------------
Bernard Scott: Happy 75th Birthday With Great Achievements!
Dear friend and colleague Bernard, The GHA is happy to congratulate you on your 75th birthday and wish you good health, new creative achievements and happiness in your many-sided life! The history of our cooperation began a long time ago. The GHA owes to Dr. Bernard Scott its scientific, sociocybernetic birth, which began with our personal contacts and acquaintance since 2000, almost 20 years ago! The following year, he invited me to the Sociocybernetics Research Committee 51 (RC51), International Sociological Association (ISA), as well as to the 15th ISA World Congress in Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13, 2002. This invitation was the start of my work on a small book up to 200 pages for professional sociologists for this Congress and dedicated to it. I called this book “Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges” (2002: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf), in which I summarized my scientific work on this new sociological discipline in the past more than 25 years of my research. This book has integrated and systematized my key ideas of the four equally necessary and sufficient spheres of holistic social production and the four equally necessary and sufficient spheral classes of the population employed in them, which were later called spherons by their employment in the production spheres. Bernard, who initiated this book, became its “spiritual godfather” writing an Introduction for it. It, together with the Foreword by Bernd Hornung from Germany, the RC51 President at that time, spiritually supported Tetrasociology and opened it to Western Sociology as a direction of holistic Sociocybernetics of spheres and spherons. This was extremely important for me and the scientific evolution of new sociology reviving pluralism of Russian social pre-revolutionary science, which was killed by reigned supreme in the USSR “absolutely true” Marxism and forever immured in its reinforced concrete mausoleum of stagnation and dead propaganda. It leaves no chance of surviving Tetrasociology in it so far. Bernard and RC51 provided its survival and prosperity. Russia continues its destruction and demonstrates ideological incompatibility with it as in the last century with genetics and cybernetics. Based on this book, I prepared for the Australian Congress the abstracts on Tetrasociology and its key theories of spheres, spheral classes, spheral pluralism, spheral sociogenetics, spheral statistics, spheral democracy, spheral ecology, spheral education and others at its 32 session on the main directions of branch sociology. After the Congress, in 2003 the three of us wrote a fundamental article comparing Sociology (Korte, 2000), Sociocybernetics, and Tetrasociology (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-2_eng.pdf, # 2.8.), which, in essence, laid the foundation for third-order Sociocybernetics of spheres and spherons. But it was identified in this capacity only in 2012 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=64). In RC51, I found complete moral and scientific support for Tetrasociology, which it was completely deprived in Russia and where it was only kicked and suppressed according to the deadly for people and ideas Marxist tradition.
The main interest of Bernard as a great sociocybernetics, theorist and thinker is the key problem of the autopoietic harmonious wholeness, complexity and self-organization of any society and humanity as a whole, in which the genetic code of its survival is rooted.For him, Sociocybernetics became the second physics to explain control/governance and communication in addition to the first physics of matter and energy. The same problem of societal genetics of spheres and spherons is central into Tetrasociology. Its decision constituted the deep scientific meaning of our friendship and cooperation for 20 years. No other social discipline offers a spheral, sociogenetic interpretation of wholeness and complexity and their mathematical calculus in spheral statistics of Tetrasociology, transforming it into the third-order Sociocybernetics of spheres and spherons. This statistics equip it with an unprecedentedly effective mathematical tool for digitalization and technologicalization. The most fully and fundamentally, these advantages of innovative sociocybernetics are deployed in the GHA ninth book, in the “Gandhica” (2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), an active supporter and coauthor of which was Bernard.But in this book he focuses on the psychological and personal aspects of this discipline. Of course, I can’t cover all the achievements of his many-sided life. All these innovative books and ideas have served as the scientific basis for the association of sociologists and other humanities based on tetrasociology in the international peace organization “Global Harmony Association” (GHA), which was formally opened on February 15, 2005 (https://peacefromharmony.org/). Bernard Scott was one of its active founders, so he became the godfather, the spiritual parent of not only tetrasociology, but also the GHA. Bernard Scott took an active part in almost all 9 books and 70 GHA peacemaking projects for 15 years, supporting them also with generous donations. Bernard's most outstanding works are published on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255, as well as on four of his archive pages (their addresses are also there). For all the time of our friendship and cooperation, for almost 20 years, Bernard constantly showed an ingenious sensitivity to all the sprouts of the new, demonstrating his deep humanistic character in his love for people, nature, science, art and global peace from harmony. Therefore, Bernard Scott fully deserved the GHA Highest Honorary Title: “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” with his inclusion in the GHA Gallery of Gandhian Laureates: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 I am sure that all GHA members will support this deserving and fair decision. We are all happy to congratulate our faithful friend Bernard on this GHA Highest Honorary Title on your 75th birthday and wish you good health and long Gandhian service to humanity! We love you our dear Bernard! Dr. Leo Semashko, Your grateful friend, the GHA Founder together with you, 16-05-20

Congrats on May 16, 2020 Have you, Bernard, a great anniversary, your life is our happiness Ernesto Kahan Israel Dear Bernard I wish you a Happy Birthday with health and happiness. Takis D Ioannides GHA VP Greece HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BARNARD. MANY MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY Thank you. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India Bernard Scott: 75th Birthday! Congratulations and Best Wishes of Peace, Happiness and your great Recognitions! Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President & Board Chairman, India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC) https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com M-+91 9910241586 Dear Bernard Scott Bernard Scott: 75th Birthday! Congratulations andBest Wishes of Peace, Happiness and your great Recognitions! Cordially, best Guy CREQUIE France Dear Guy-please let me join felicitating Bernard with all my heart and all of Transcend--with 75 you are well into maturity, we expect much from you still--yours, Johan Galtung Norway Присоединяюсь к поздравлению, желаю уважаемому Бернарду Скотту крепкого здоровья, благополучия и дальнейшей плодотворной работы ученого, мыслителя. Также я поддерживаю присвоение ему звания Гандианского Творца Мировой Гармонии. Здесь не может быть никаких сомнений и возражений. С уважением, Вера Попович Россия
Dear Leo and Friends, Thank you for all your good wishes, Stay safe! With love, Bernard Bernard C E Scott bernces1@gmail.com Britain 16-05-20 Happy Birthday Bernard!! María Cristina Azcona mcrisazcona@gmail.com Argentina Happy birthday Dear Bernard. That life gives you the best of its things. Ammar BANNI Algeria Happy birthday. Adriano Corrales Arias. Spain Dear Bernard, let me join Leo and all GHA associates in wishing you a happy 75th birthday and many healthy and happy years thereafter! Leo is exactly right calling you "a spiritual godfather" both to “Tetrasociology" (2002: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf) and the GHA, which I joined a few years ago. As a Russian whose major career was in the United States, I agree with Leo that your joint 2002 project is essential to "the scientific evolution of new sociology reviving pluralism of Russian social pre-revolutionary science, which was killed in the USSR by the supreme reign of the allegedly infallible Marxism that seems forever immured in its reinforced concrete Lenin's mausoleum of stagnation and dead propaganda". Actually, Marxism "reigned supreme" not only in the USSR. It was also entrenched in the West, including the USA, where I taught Russian studies. When I was writing my book "Russia Beyond Communism: A Chronicle of National Rebirth" at the time of Gorbachev's perestroika, I was spurred by George Will, "The Washington Post" conservative columnist who had observed that 'there were more Marxists at Harvard University than in the entire Soviet Union". Of course, he exaggerated. But it was a sad observation especially because sociology as a science was founded at Harvard around 1930 by no other than Pitirim Sorokin (1889 - 1968), a "White" anti-communist Russian scholar who fled from the Bolshevik Russia. He was lucky because in 1921 Lenin drove out over 200 hundred Russian spiritual leaders like Nikolai Berdyaev(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Berdyaev),Ivan Ilyin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Ilyin), the theologian (and a former Marxist!) Sergei Bulgakov (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Bulgakov) onboard the so called "philosophy stramers"(https://blogs.bl.uk/european/2014/12/nikolai-berdyaev-and-lenins-philosophy-steamer.html) to never see Mother Russia again. onboard was also Leo Tolstoy's friend and last secretary Valentin Bukgakov (1886 - 1966). Tolstoy, in his teaching of non-resistance to Evil by Evil means, was a spiritual tween to Mahatma Gandhi with whom he had corresponded before he died in 1910. Tragically, the Tolstoyan movement was harshly suppressed in Soviet Russia and hundreds of its members sent to the infamous Solovki Islands GULAG camp, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among others,testified the decades later. Let me also wish that you continue to work with Leo and your colleagues in applying you sociocybernetics not just to tetra-sociology, but also penta-sociology (meaning I guess the five continents) and pan-sociology. At the age of COVID-19 we cannot but think globally and act locally! CHEERS! Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA, www.raga.org Respected Bernard Scott Sir, Happy 75th Birthday With Great Achievements! Regards Prof. Pravat Kumar Dhal, India 17-05-20
Dear Bernard, Congratulations! May you create a great legacy! Best wishes Lucas Pawlik Austria 18-05-20
Dear Bernard: Thank you for your great scientific work and contribution, at the occasion of your 75th Birdtday. Congratulations! Best wishes, for a creative Future your Rudi Siebert from the House of Peace USA Happy Birthday dear Bernard Scott. It is a great honor to be part of this group with people like you. Blessings during a time so hard, stay safe. Love Susana Roberts Argentina 18-05-20
Happy Birthday Dear Bernard ScottAll the best for you and family and achievements Best regards Théa Marie ROBERT France 19-05-20
Wish you the best and a very very Happy birthday. All my love. Bella Ventura Israel 19-05-20 + The FB congratulations:
Bernard Scott: 75th Birthday! Happy total! Dear Bernard, dear GHA members, friends, I was happy to publish 16 congratulations from 11 countries to our dear friend and outstanding thinker and humanist Bernard Scott in honor of his 75th birthday on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255 and on the Laureates page of the GHA Highest Honorary Title “Gandhian Creator of World Harmony”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513. Over the past three days, we have not received a single objection to this recognition. Moreover, it was rightly argued that similar higher recognition of Bernard's colossal contribution over 20 years to the cybernetic science of global peace from harmony of spherons and to the GHA peacemaking in this direction over 15 years “there can be no doubt and objection.” Indeed, this is so, a self-evident assessment of Bernard’s 20-year-old Gandhian service to the highest values of humanity before our very eyes. Therefore, Bernard Scott is unanimously approved by the GHA members in the Highest Honorary Title and is included in the GHA Gandhian Laureates List in English and Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873. We, the GHA, are happy to congratulate Bernard Scott on this, certainly deserved, recognition of your outstanding intellectual contribution to global peace. We wish you good health, love, happiness and many more years of Gandhian service to global peace of humanity. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President 19-05-20
Dear Leo, Once again, thank you for this honour. I do not feel I deserve it but I accept it with good grace. Thank you also for your kind words. Best wishes, Bernard 19-05-20
 Global Harmony Association
Confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Gandhian Creator on Riane Eisler, Anthropologist, sociologist and unique thinker
For her unprecedented contribution to Global Peace from World Gender Harmony / Partnership in her most outstanding intellectual achievements: 1. Creation of a holistic systems theory of gender equality and partnership / harmony based on the ideas of the Pythagorean harmony of natural and social spheres, excluding any social inequality, domination, violence, militarism and war. 2. The definition of this theory as a social "model of partnership", an alternative to androcratic "models of domination" in all forms, including capitalism and communism, opening the "third way" of the further evolution of humankind, which integrates all the constructive achievements of the past. 3. The partnership model continues and develops the Gandhian teaching non-violence of equal varnas/spherons from a gender perspective. 4. In the essence of social equality and harmony, the identical approaches of Riana Eisler and Mahatma Gandhi comprise two sides (gender and societal) of a single, holistic and pluralistic systems approach of the genetic spheres and spherons of humanity, presented in the GHA Gandhica, 2019. These approaches, unified in their diversity and organic interconnection, provide global peace from harmony in the new non-violent world order of the 21st century. The approach of gender equality and partnership by Riane Eisler is a necessary structural part of the “substantially new manner” (Einstein) of nonviolent systems holistic thinking by the spheres and spherons of humanity. In more detail, the Riane Eisler intellectual achievements are presented on her personal page, primarily in its fundamental historical book “The Chalice and The Blade”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=932 Riane Eisler is included in the GHA Gallery: “World Harmony Gandhian Creators”: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
The GHA recommendation: March 11, 2020 Approved by the GHA on April 24, 2020, The GHA 15th anniversary year: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=927
Riane Eisler was approved in the GHA Highest Title. Gandhi and Eisler: Gandhicracy Spiritual Parents Dear GHA members, friends, The GHA is happy to report that after discussion three days, we did not receive a single objection and many confirmations, including enthusiastic ones, from almost 20 countries, according to which Madame Riane Eisler was unanimously recognized in the GHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony" on April 24, 2020 The GHA is pleased to congratulate Ms. Riane Eisler with this unique peacemaking title, which she deserved with her great Gandhian scientific idea / theory of gender structural equality / partnership in all four spheres of social production of humankind. Ms. Eisler gender partnership theory is addition and development of the fundamental Gandhian science of structural equality / non-violence of four varnas / spherons of humanity, disclosed and statistically proved in the GHA Gandhica (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). Both concepts are the scientific source and theoretical platform of innovative Gandhian democracy: Gandhicracy. It makes Gandhi and Eisler by its spiritual parents. In this regard, the GHA, developing the science of Gandhian peace-building democracy, is happy to cooperate and invite in the new book "Gandhicracy-2020" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=932) Ms. Eisler with a chapter or article on the topic: “From Androcracy to the Gylanic Gandhicracy of Gender Partnership through Political Balance” or the like. The GHA motivated and unanimous recognition was published on the personal page of Ms. Eisler in Russian and English here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=831 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=932 and included in the GHA Gallery "World Harmony Gandhian Creators" here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 Best wishes for global peace from harmony of the Gandhian varnas/spherons and Eisler gender partnership,with a hope for cooperation, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 24-04-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Théa Marie ROBERT: Happy Birthday on March 12!

Our outstanding, beloved Marie, We are happy to congratulate you with happy birthday and wish you great health, love, happiness and new creative successes to glad humanity and the GHA! We highly appreciate your great contribution to global peace from harmony of the Gandhian spherons. You are the first French explorer of the French spherons in the history of Europe. Your spherons of France research, which even many European men do not dare to, is published in our unprecedented “Gandhica” along with your brilliant poem dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf, p.147. Your great creative courage, which serves as a model for many men, delights us in your peacemaking choreography, poetry, science and politics! Your unique contribution, presented on your personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467, into global peace from harmony of Gandhian spherons for many years of your cooperation with the GHA and reflected in many GHA books and projects, allows we recommend you to the GHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony" in 2020 on your birthday: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513! I am sure that all GHA members will support this proposal. We are all happy to congratulate you on this highest honor on your birthday! With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 12-03-20
Dear Leo and all, It’s a great honor to be proposed for the GHA highest title: «Gandhian Creator of World Harmony». To be associated at a so great, simple, and intelligent man: GANDHI, this is a very great human as a part of humankind, and intellectual emotion for my heart! THANK YOU for this present for my birthday 71 on yesterday! Be sure that I’ll be in motion and action for being an example of the creation of peace into my and others minds. «To be the spiritual revolution that we want to see arriving.» With responsibility and consciousness. Here, below is one first poem for GANDHICRACY with picture: SURVIVRE in French. WITH LOVE, Théa Marie ROBERT France 13-03-20
Global Harmony Association
confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Gandhian Creator on Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia For his unique contributions to Global Peace from World Harmony in his most outstanding achievements in Ethiopia and neighboring countries: • Peaceful settlement of the conflict with Eritrea, which lasted since 1961 • Release of all political prisoners and the return of the opposition to the country. • The introduction of a gender quota of at least 50% for women in government. • Initiation of the Green Heritage campaign to reforestation in the country. This summer alone, more than 353 million trees were planted as part of the campaign. These unprecedented achievements in the history of the country and the African continent have rightly been awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. To look more in detail on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=815 PM Abiy Ahmed is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Gandhian Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
Approved by the GHA on October 15, 2019
To the GHA ‘2019 Gandhi World Year’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear GHA members, friends, I am happy to report that Mr. Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, was approved by GHA members in the GHA Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” on October 15, 2019 unanimously without a single objection. The GHA congratulates Mr. Abiy Ahmed on this unique peacemaking title, which he deserved with his Gandhian peace solution to the Eritrean conflict. This GHA approval is published on the personal page of Mr. Abiy Ahmed in Russian and English here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=815 and included in the GHA Gallery “World Harmony Gandhian Creators” here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 Of the many responses, several of the most informative are published below. The best wishes for global peace from the harmony of Gandhi’s spherons / varnas, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 18-10-19 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Some responses: Dear GHA members Yes, I do agree for PM Abiy Ahmed Thea Marie Robert, France 16-10-19 Dr. Leo Semashko Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016) and Global Peace Leaders, Greetings from India Regarding discussion the GHA proposals for reform in Ethiopia for the Prime Minister, YES! I support the proposalof Gandhica and GHA reform proposals in Ethiopia for PM. Therefore, I am interested to be member of GHA delegation for a meeting with the PM of Ethiopia. I am also suggesting to establish Mahatma Gandhi School of Peace & Nonviolence (GSPN) in Ethiopia to develop Global non-violent sustainable world. GHA Gandhica- Ethiopia - Call for World Peace & oneness of Humanity Nuclear War is the major threat to Humanity “In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors because there will be no survivors…” His Holiness the Dalai Lama Time for Global Action! Creating a New World Order Peace, Unity & Harmony: To fulfill the dream of humanity to create a nuclear free world. It is the time to think together & work together to establish Mahatma Gandhi School of Peace & Nonviolence (GSPN) in Ethiopia to develop global non-violent sustainable world: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=624 Peace & Harmony to all, Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA – Global Harmony Association, India Да, я поддерживаю кандидатуру Премьера Эфиопии Абия Ахмада для Высшего Почетного звания ГСГ. Его стремление к установлению мирного сосуществования двух противоборствующих сторон, к сохранению человеческих жизней, а если цель достигнута, что может быть почетнее, важнее. Конечно этот человек достоин уважения, а его достижения должны служить примером длялидеров тех стран, где существуют разногласия между разными народами. ВераПопович, Россия Dear Dr Leo, Dear Members; My YES please. It is a great pleasure for Africa to have such a Great Person like the Ethiopian PM. Thanks. Habyarimana Heli, Rwanda Dr. Leo and All Global Peace lovers, Greetings from India Yes! I support fully PM Abiy Ahmed: World Harmony Gandhian’s Creator, for creating peaceful& harmonioussociety. Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA – Global Harmony Association, India Gandhica Book (2019) presentation https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC) https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail schandra101@gmail.com Yes to PM Abiy Ahmed: World Harmony Gandhian Creator,because we support all his activity for peace and remarkable personality. María Cristina Azcona, Argentina Respected Dr. Leo, From my side answer is "Yes". Great people must be admired. Regards, Dr. Noor M. Larik. Pakistan 13-10-19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS 2019 for Spheral Statistical Researches (Updated version, February 11) Approved by the GHA on February 14, 2019
1. In honor of the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi birth in 2019, the GHA adds his name to the GHA Highest Honorary Title, which is now written: “World Harmony Candhian Creator”. Adding the name Gandhi to this Honorary Title is natural and logical, because global harmony can be ensured only by Gandhian non-violence, which is identical to peace and harmony, excluding violence and militarism. 2. In honor of the GHA 14th anniversary on February 15, 2019, the GHA recognizes the following twelve GHA members from five countries in the Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” for their unique, pioneering statistical researches of spherons (spheral harmonious classes of the population employed in four spheres of social production and therefore naturally referred to as “spherons”) of more than 60 countries and at different levels: country-state/province-city-educational institution (university, school, etc.). These first researches have fundamental scientific, social, political and peacemaking significance for the preservation and survival of humankind, because for the first time in history they reveal Gandhi’s deep socio-genetic source of spherons structural harmony at all levels of humanity, starting with the family, schools, countries, etc. The publication of the most detailed statistical studies of spherons is presented in a number of GHA books, primarily in the “Global Peace Science”: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf and on the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=836 The full summary publication of international statistical researches of spherons is prepared in the book: “Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolence Starting Point. Its Genetics and Statistics”, which will be published in March - April 2019 in honor of the Gandhi anniversary. 3. Publish the list of “World Harmony Gandhian Creators 2019” along with their portraits and addresses of personal pages in the GHA Gallery in two languages, English and Russian. WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS 2019 From Ghana and Rwanda: 
From Pakistan:
From India:
From Russia:

4. The named GHA members, researchers of the different countries spherons are included in the GHA Gallery: WORLD HARMONY GANDHIAN CREATORS: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 5. Recognize 15 “World Harmony Creators” previously approved in the GHA since 2007 now as the “Gandhian Creators” because they fully meet the criteria of Gandhi's non-violence, suggesting different non-violent ways to achieve global peace from different areas of world harmony. 6. Publish the full list of the GHA “World Harmony Gandhian Creators” in chronological order of their recognition in the GHA since 2007. 7. Recognize the GHA “Gandhian Creators” by the “GHA Gandhian Laureates of Global Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence” that expresses the GHA Mission updated by the name of Gandhi in honor of its anniversary. 8. Initiate before the BRICS international organization, which is closer to the spirit of Gandhi's non-violence, recognition of 2019 as the “World Gandhi Year”, together with the establishment of the Gandhi International Foundation and the Gandhi International Peace Prize for three annual “Gandhian Laureates of Global Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence” worth $ 1 million each (for the person, group or organization) by decision of the “BRICS’ Gandhi Committee”. The similar BRICS’ decision will be a strong confirmation of its official exceptional priority: “BRICS' Priority: To Strengthen International Peace and Security” and its unconditional commitment to Gandhi's non-violence, through which this priority is ensured: not through force but through non-violence. The Resolution was approved by the GHA members on February 14, 2019 In honor of the GHA 14th anniversary 
‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam': humankind is one family. It is India’s philosophy since Ancient Vedas 
Global Harmony Association confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Creator on Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India For his unprecedentedspiritual, political and organizational contribution to Global Peace from World Harmony in his most outstanding achievements: ·Creation of International Yoga Day June 21st, 2015 in United Nation ·Strengthening world peace through global harmony ·Creating International Day of Non-Violence Sept. 2015 in United Nations ·Strengthening International Peace and Security in BRICS 2014 ·Leading India toward becoming a world leader of global harmony & World Peace ·Universal Message of Global Harmony & Global oneness of Simhasthaat May 14, 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DL9HcI455Y To look more in detail on his personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=809 PM Narendra Modi is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513
Approved by the GHA on February 15, 2018
To the GHA 13th Anniversary
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N. Modi: World Harmony Creator, approval by February 15 Dear GHA members, friends, GHA President, Dr. Subhash Chandra (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583)recommended on January 31 the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to the GHA highest Honorary Title: "World Harmony Creator". Other nominations were not offered. Therefore, the recommendation was published on the personal page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=809 and is now presented in the official abridged form in the attachment to democratically discuss and approve PM N.Modi in this title until February 15, 2018 (the GHA 13th anniversary) by your "YES" or "NO". As always in similar obvious cases, your silence will be recognized as your "YES". But we will be happy to publish the most vivid and convincing responses. PM N.Modi is one of the most outstanding representatives of the ancient Indian harmonious spirituality, following Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Gandhi, Aurobindo, Nehru, Kalam and many other unique Indian thinkers and political leaders from global harmony. This great spiritual historical heritage provides India with the world's leading role in building a harmonious civilization on Earth. This role will become practically meaningful and universally realized when it unites with the science of structural harmony of Spherons (Global Peace Science), which ensures the highest efficiency of social production and its management at all levels. To PM N.Modi belongs here key turning point and a global breakthrough, a key mission together with Russia and its leader in the BRICS commonwealth. Heartily, best wishes for peace from harmony through the Spherons science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President: http://peacefromharmony.org 10-02-18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best responses since 10-02-18
Прекрасно, что такие люди живут среди нас. Давайте чаще напоминать им, что их позиция и мировоззрение важны и нужны людям. Я - за выдвижение Н. Моди на титул Творца мировой гармонии. С уважением, Юлия Будникова, Президент ГСГ-Россия 10-02-18 Bonjour,
YES, que des personnalités de premier plan attachées à nos valeurs reçoivent cette distinction comme la proposition du Premier Ministre indien a une double signification: A la fois une reconnaissance de leur impulsion pour la paix et l’harmonie ceci alors qu’il y aura toujours des maux à combattre, des contradictions à résoudre, des conflits à régler. Ceci, car être homme ou femme est un défi sans fin! En même temps cette reconnaissance honore et contribue à la connaissance, au soutien, de la démarche humaniste et scientifique de GHA ‘science of structural harmony of Spherons (Global Peace Science), pour ces 2 raisons essentielles = Ok, et félicitations. Chaleureusement à toutes et à tous. Guy CREQUIE Poète, écrivain observateur social, et chanteur français
YES, that key figures attached to our values receive this distinction as the proposal of Indian the Prime Minister has a double meaning: At the same time a recognition of their impulse for peace and the harmony this whereas there are always evils to fight, contradictions to be solved, conflicts to be regulated. This, because to be man or woman is a challenge without end!
At the same time this recognition honours and contributes to knowledge, with the support, of the humanistic and scientific approach of structural GHA ` science of harmony of Spherons (Total Peace Science), for these 2 essential reasons = Ok, and congratulations. Cordially with all and all. Guy CREQUIE Poet, social observant writer, and French singer France Honourable Sirs Shri Narendra Modi Ji deserve for the same. With best regards, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, PhD. DhC Executive President and Chairman of the Board of Governors - International Organization for Educational Development "IOED" Commanding General & Ambassador - IPC India Command Yes, I also endorse Mr. Modi as World Harmony Creator, most deserving since believes in harmony of all. Best wishes Ramesh Kumar Dear All, It is absolute right decision to honor respected and visionary Honorable Narendra Modi ji sir! Sincerely, Dess Mardan Basnet Founder President World Without Anger(WWA) Nepal Mr Modi should be conferred on the Highest Honor of “World Harmony Creator” by the GHA. The reasons are many…. Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi, after an international survey has been ranked among the top three leaders of the world. An annual survey by Gallup International has put Prime Minister Modi at number three among the global leaders…. Describing India as a "messenger of peace", Prime Minister Narendra Modi says that the country has always contributed towards global peace, unity and harmony through UN missions across the world. "India, as a messenger of peace, has always vouched for peace, unity and harmony in the world. It is our belief that everyone should live in peace and harmony and move towards a better and peaceful tomorrow," the Prime Minister says. "Unity is our biggest strength... We have to move forward with the mantra of unity, peace and harmony"…. Mr Modi, indeed is a global leader and one of the best choices for the title of "World Harmony Creator" by the Global Harmony Association. This role will indeed become virtually significant and unanimously understood when it unites with the science of structural harmony of Spherons (Global Peace Science), which makes sure the utmost competence of social construction and its management at all levels. Good wishes for Peace, Truly Dr. Sanjay Tewari BSc, LLB, MA(Sociology), MBA-HR, UGC NET Sociology, PhD Managing Committee Member, Indian Sociological Society GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=758 GHA – Secretary General Director, UP Athletics Association (The full response was published on the Modi’s page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=809) 10-02-18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! Having met Shri Narendra Modi personally, I can say that not only is he a wonderful human, but also a great leader. A leader which India is lucky to have and what it needs in the near future. Having said that, I strongly believe that such an honour should definitely be bestowed upon him, without any doubts. Therefore, I say YES. Best, Sanjana Tewari Student: Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, Kathak TV artist, Member of International Dance Council, UNESCO, Paris, International Director of Spherons Lab, Saint Petersburg. 11-02-18 Dear Peace Aspirants, Yes, PM Modi is a fittest candidate for the same. Regards Prof. P.K. Dhal M.U., BODHGAYA Dear All I think, it is wonderful that the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is awardedthe GHA highest Honorary Title: "World Harmony Creator". Kindest Regards Dr Michael Ellis President Global Peace Centre President Club of Budapest Australia Считаю, что г-н Нарендра Моди бесспорно достойная кандидатура для присвоения ему высшего Почетного Титула ГСГ: «Творец Мировой Гармонии». Мой ответ ДА. Вера Попович Россия 12-02-18
Dear Members of GHA Congratulatory Greetings on the occasion of 13th Anniversary of GHA - and for approving the name of outstanding peace maker, the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, NARENDRA MODI as one of the "MESSENGERS OF PEACE" of our time. To commemorate the GHA Anniversary, I attach herewith a poem to mark the occasion. With Best Wishes Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy Poet-Review Writer Member - GHA - INDIA 
Dear GHA members, friends, We are happy to congratulate you on the approval of the outstanding Indian leader, peacemaker and deep thinker Prime Minister of India N.Modi at the GHA Highest Honorary title "WORLD HARMONY CREATOR" on February 15, 2018 on the GHA 13th anniversary! During the discussion, we did not receive a single objection, but we received a lot of support responses, the best of which were published. The name of Modi is permanently entered in the Gallery of "World Harmony Creators" along with 14 predecessors: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 N. Modi and his great homeland - India - are the best and most powerful "messengers of peace" of our time. Therefore, the GHA strategic aspiration consists in close peace-building cooperation with them, in working contact with the PM of India and in the priority development of the GHA unique technologies in India. Thank you very much for your support and kind words addressed to N.Modi. With love and best wishes of peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 15-02-18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr Leo, Dr Subhash and all of my friends at the GHA Global, Greetings! Happy International Women’s Day. Let us enthuse ourselves for the cause of the WOMEN and the GIRL CHILD. You can read our GHA message here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=363 Today, our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi launched a “National Nutrition Mission Program” on the International WOMEN’S Day, in Jhunjhunu, State of Rajasthan, India. This is an expansion of the “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” program, meaning, “Save the Girl Child, and Educate Her”. I introduce Dr Babita Tewari, my Wife, a PhD in Sociology, with concentration on “Domestic Violence”. She was fortunate when the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India inaugurated (July 26, 2016) her book on “Women Atrocities in India”, authored in Hindi Language, and recognized her work in this area. Here is the photograph.

Good Wishes for Peace, Dr. Sanjay Tewari BSc, LLB, MA(Sociology), MBA-HR, UGC NET Sociology, PhD Managing Committee Member, Indian Sociological Society GHA Ambassador of Peace & Disarmament from Harmony in India, Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=758 GHA – Secretary General 08-03-18 ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global Harmony Association confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Creator on Prof. John S. Avery Nobel Peace Laureate (1995, shared) Chairman, Danish Peace Academy, 2004-2015 One of the Greatest Living Intellectuals on Earth
For his unprecedented scientific contribution to Global Peace from World Harmony in his most outstanding scientific works: 1.Civilization’s Crisis: A Set of Linked Challenges 2.Paris: We Need System Change! 3.Information Theory and Evolution And etc. sees on his personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 For his leadership of the world's first Danish Peace Academy in 2004-2015, For his initiation of the Global Peace Thermodynamics from the deep harmony, For his great scientific idea of the thermodynamic nature of social harmony and Global Peace through the Spheral Classes (Spherons) in a fundamental collective article: "Thermodynamics and Negentropy of Spheral Classes Societal Harmony: Global Peace Thermodynamics": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=756 His holistic systemic idea of an integral social change, together with the Albert Einstein’s aphorisms opens an unprecedented, first in the history "Global Peace Science" by 174 co-authors from 34 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf Professor John Avery is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513
Approved by the GHA on June 13, to
June 21, 2017: Global Harmony Day in the GHA ‘Harmonious Era Calendar’
Dear GHA members, friends, I am happy to report that after 10 days of discussion, Prof. John S. Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate was approved in the GHA Highest Honorary Title: "WORLD HARMONY CREATOR": Http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 During this time, we received many dozens of positive comments and replies and no one objection. GHA members are happy to congratulate the outstanding scientist and peacemaker Prof. John S. Avery, "One of the Greatest Living Intellectuals on Earth", with the GHA highest honorary title for his unprecedented contribution to world harmony and global peace from it, along with other laureates of this title: President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam, Prof. Noam Chomsky, IASE University Chancellor Mr. Kanakmal Dugar, Prince of Wales and others. This recognition is dedicated to the Global Harmony Day on June 21 on the GHA “Harmonious Era Calendar”: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=225 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190 The next nominee for this Honorary Title will be discussed in December. We are waiting for your suggestions. With love, best wishes of peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 13-06-17 Dear Leo and all dear friends in GHA, Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the extremely great honour that you have given to me. I will do my best to be worthy of it and I will continue to work as hard as I can for our shared goals, despite old age, serious illness and failing eyesight. I am now working on a book with the title "The Climate Emergency", which I hope will contribute to our efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change. With my gratitude and affectionate greetings, John 14-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------
A few best responses Dear and respected All, Greetings of peace and harmony! I am delighted to learn that Prof. John Avery has been nominated and accepted by Global Harmony Association as "World Harmony Creator". I have closely followed the immense contributions he has made to promotion of world peace and providing enlightenment for the creation of a harmonious society. He richly deserves this high honour. With best wishes! Sincerely, Dr. A. K. Merchant National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i Community of India; General Secretary, Temple of Understanding India Foundation ak9merchant@gmail.com 16-06-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Prof. John Avery & GHA members, My heartiest congratulations to Prof. John Avery on being conferred the highest GHA honorary title, “World Harmony Creator.” In peace, Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, President GHA - Africa http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524> Vice President, GHA <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/> 16-06-17
Dear Prof. John S. Avery, Greetings of Peace from India Heartiest congratulations to you for your facilitation of Honorary Title: "WORLD HARMONY CREATOR": Http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 Friendly, peace & harmonyto all. Dr. Subhash Chandra- President & Chairman Board (GHA) Global Harmony Association, India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 Email: schandra101@gmail.com M -09910241586 15-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear John! Please accept my sincere congratulation for “The World Harmony Creator”. I think right award for right person! Have a great day! Timi Prof Dr Dr h c Timi Ecimovic GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Europe Republic of Slovenia Phone: ++ 386 5 6421 360 E – mail; timi.ecimovic@bocosoft.com Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=749 15-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Prof. John S. Avery, I feel proud to say congratulations to you for your facilitation of World Harmony Creator. Now, We Will get your guidance to make world & earth more harmonious and peaceful. Regards, Prof. Surendra Pathak GHA INDIA PRESIDENT Email: pathak06@gmail.com Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear GHA members and friends The nomination of our esteemed colleague, Professor John Scales Avery, as World Harmony Creator, is one I am delighted to endorse! Few have given as much. In appreciation; Robert Anita McKone and Robert J. Burrowes Australia Email: flametree@riseup.net Websites: http://thepeoplesnonviolencecharter.wordpress.com(Nonviolence Charter) Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=679 04-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GHA confers the High Honor of World Harmony Creator On Dr. Leo Semashko
FOR 1. Creating the unique International peacemaking organization "Global Harmony Association" (GHA) with the motto "Peace from Harmony" in February 2005. It unites more than 600 peacemakers of more than 60 countries now;
2. The selfless volunteer work at the post of the GHA President during 11 years until March 2016, when he released the post and was approved by the GHA Honorary President that coincided with his 75th anniversary; 3. Initiate, writing, editing, management and publication of 8 books and 52 projects of global peace from social harmony on 2-12 languages, along with co-authors (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472); 4. Initiation, writing, editing, and management of the GHA information portal - International website "Peace from Harmony" (http://peacefromharmony.org) in 16 languages is. The number of information documents (books, articles, photographs, letters, notes, films, discussions etc.) of it exceeded one million and the number of its daily visits varies within 4-10 thousand reaching milestone of 10 million. Leo Semashko’s top of peacemaking in the GHA is publication of unprecedented "Global Peace Science" by 174 coauthors (including the President of India Abdul Kalam and the three Laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize) from 34 countries in two languages on the basis of his philosophy Tetrism and Tetrasociology - the science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization, which he gave 40 years of his life. The foundation and the center of this science is a breakthrough discovery of the deep societal structure of SPHERONS - constant harmonious classes of the population ensuring global peace and peaceful social genome of humanity. This discovery is Copernican revolution of the social sciences, peacemaking, public consciousness, worldview and thinking. Leo Semashko’s scientific and peacemaking achievements are presented in more details on his personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 and in numerous publications on the portal. All they make a fundamental contribution to the understanding of global social harmony and to its development so their author fully deserves the GHA Highest Honorary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR.
Dr. Leo Semashko is included in the
GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 Approved by GHA on December 20, 2016 SPHERONS: Deep Societal Structure of Global Peace from Harmony

GHA confers the High Honor of World Harmony Creator On Professor Noam Chomsky
The critical anti-war works of prof. Chomsky since 1967, since protests against the US Vietnam War, make up a large contribution to Global Peace Science (GPS) in aspect of exposure of a main obstacle, threat and enemy of global peace: the US/NATO militarism, as it is reflected in Chapter 9 of the GPS book (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=607). His strong and courageous critic of US/NATO militarism has become an inalienable part of GPS. By the hundreds of articles and books, he brilliantly demonstrated that the USA in its policy is targeted killing and fight as the terrorists but the USA is not aimed to establish global peace. Global peace as well as its holistic source - world harmony - is impossible without non-violent overcoming this most powerful obstacle, to which GPS is devoted. Chomsky's great contribution into elimination of main threat to global peace is both a great contribution to the victory of world harmony and peace. Therefore, prof. Chomsky fully deserves the GHA Highest Horary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR. His key anti-war works of the last years: (2013) on Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare. (2014) US and its NATO Intervention Force may Spark Nuclear War. (2015) US Targeted Killings: What Right Do We Have? See about them on his personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=637 Professor Noam Chomsky is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators:
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 November 21, 2015

GHA confers the High Honor of
World Harmony Creator On Professor Charles Mercieca PresidentInternational Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP): https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129 For an unprecedented contribution to Global Peace from Harmony, through participation in creation of the Gandhian Peace Science of spherons and criticism of the US as a profascist state that kills freedom and democracy and is the first threat to global peace of spherons: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=708

Professor Mercieca is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 September 12, 2015

GHA confers the High Honor of
World Harmony Creator On Vladimir Putin, President of Russia For an unprecedented contribution to global peace from harmony as a historic reformer of the 21st century world order of the US military empire diktat to a multipolar global peace world order (Valdai Forum speech on 10/24/14), for a solid realization of "Russia’s Peaceful Mission" (on expression of Nicholas Roerich) and achieving truce in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin confirmed high peacemaking mission of Russia in the world by settlement of the Iranian nuclear program, the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria, reconciliation of the parties in Ukraine. He prevented the escalation of civil war and genocide of the Russian population under conditions of the sanctions and an unprecedented squall of lies on Russia. His decisive peace actions saved the population of Crimea from civil war, genocide, and ensured this people with the free will in its referendum. Putin is consistent peacemaker and opponent of militarism, Nazism and any national phobia in Ukraine, Europe and worldwide.

Vladimir Putin is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 November 03, 2014
Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=541

GHA confersthe High Honor of World Harmony Creator
For an unprecedented contribution to Global Peace from Harmony, through creation of the USA Empire Fall theory as main obstacle for peace and harmony in the 21st century, along with the prediction of its fall in 2020.
The Prof. Galtung’s theory in his historical book 2009 (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=599) has become an integral part of Global Peace Science and Revolution of peacemaking thinking from harmony. Harmonious and peaceful civilization is impossible without this science and revolution and without a fall of the main obstacle of peace in the 21st century. Creation and publication of Galtung’s theory - it is his scientific feat, the top, ceiling and turning point of peacemaking, his utter devotion to peace, his high civil responsibility and expression of his peacemaking genius.
 Professor Galtung is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 September 07, 2014

GHA confers the High Honor of World Harmony Creator On H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan For an unprecedented contribution to Global Harmony,
expressed in suggesting the United Nations Resolution "World Interfaith Harmony Week" adopted by the General Assembly, November 23, 2010. The initiative of Jordan's King Abdullah II opened the way for global harmony through conscious world interfaith harmony, without which the development of a harmonious civilization is impossible. This makes the King of Jordan, one of the world's leaders of global harmony. His initiative deserves the GHA highest title as it coincides with the trend of global harmonious education and enlightenment on basis of the ABC of Harmony, created in GHA: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. 
H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 January 23, 2013

Global Harmony Association (GHA) confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Creator On FRANCOIS HOUTART Founder and President of the Centre Tricontinental, Belgium, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Special Representative of the UN General Assembly President GHA Honorary Member since 2009 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=373 For an unprecedented contribution to Global harmony, expressed in:
- Publication in English and Russian languages the outstanding book: From 'Common Goods' to the 'Common Good of Humanity':
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/file/6173/FROM_COMMON_GOODS_TO_THE_COMMON_GOOD.pdf http://www.peacefromharmony.org/file/6174/FROM_COMMON_GOODS_TO_THE_COMMON_GOOD_RU.pdf, which serves as an excellent introduction to The ABC of Harmony, complementing and expanding tetradic theory of global harmony and harmonious civilization of the GHA, - Two great articles in The ABC of Harmony: Christianity: Bible and Harmony and Francis of Assisi: Ruptures for Harmony,
- Renaissance of a culture of harmony of the indigenous peoples of Latin America as prerequisite for the Common Good of humanity of a harmonious civilization in the 21st century.
His contribution paves the way of harmonious Enlightenment and development of the countries of Latin America in the 21st century, exempting them from the impasse of disharmonious and disruptive capitalism of industrial civilization. Francois Houtart is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 June 2, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global Harmony Association (GHA) confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Creator on Shri KANAK MAL DUGAR Honorary President, GHA-India: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir: http://www.gandhividyamandir.org.in/ Chancellor, IASE Deemed University: http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/ For an unprecedented contribution to Global harmony, expressed in:
English publication of the first in history Global Textbook: "The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking" in India;Organization of the International Seminar of Teachers in New Delhi on February 11-13, 2012, which opened the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment by the ABC of Harmony presentation on it.
Both events have historic significance as for humankind, opening for him the new spiritual era of Harmonious Enlightenment, which is intended to overcome the total ignorance of the past centuries in social harmony, and as for India, raising it into the world leader of global harmony and harmonious civilization.
Shri Kanak Mal Dugar is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 May 4, 2012 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Association (GHA)
confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Creator on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam GHA Honorary Member since 2005 President of Republic of India –July 25, 2002 to July 25, 2007 On his 80th birthday, October 15, 2011 For an unprecedented contribution to Global harmony, expressed in:
•Strengthening world peace through global harmony •Reviving national culture, education and economics of India •Creating world poetry of harmony based on national traditions •Including wonderful poems and articles of harmony in the ABC of Harmony •Leading India toward becoming a world leader of global harmony October 14, 2011 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=97 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
GHA confers the High Honor World Harmony Creator on HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES
In his unprecedented contribution to establishment of harmonious thinking in the book "HARMONY. A NEW WAY OF LOOKING AT OUR WORLD", 2010.
This book is the fruit of more than 25 years of thought and activities of the Prince of Wales in the search for a new, harmonious and holistic worldview. It overcomes the fragmented, narrow and mechanical (industrial) way of thinking, steadily leading humanity to crash. Harmonious worldview through harmonious education opens up for humanity a new, harmonious civilization. The Prince of Wales’ book continues the tradition of the great Western thinkers from Pythagoras, Plato, Leibniz, and others in understanding the natural and social harmony, its ABC and grammar. May 28, 2011 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=477 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=503 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GHA confers the High Honor
World Harmony Creator on Alexey Stakhov, Professor In connection with the 72-th anniversary, May 7, 2011 For his unprecedented contribution to:
• Creation and development of the mathematics of harmony as the arithmetic of a harmonious civilization since 1996. • Publication of the fundamental book "Mathematics of Harmony" (2009, English), which became one of the system signs of birth of a harmonious civilization in 2009, along with ABC of harmony. • Organization and conduct of the First International Congress on Mathematics of harmony in Odessa University, October 2010. May 7, 2011 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=350 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=330 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GHA recognizes in the Highest Honorary Title
World Harmony Creator
Professor Emeritus, MD MPH, Poet, Writer & Physician World Academy of Arts and Culture Vice President Albert Schweitzer Peace Award 1991 Former Vice President of IPPNW (Org. awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1985) GHA Vice-President Israel
For his great spiritual contribution into global harmonious peace-making and for active participation in many of the GHA 20 projects in four books: December 2, 2010 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GHA confers the High Honor World Harmony Creator on His Excellency Nursultan Nazarbaev President of the Republic Kazakhstan In marking his status as ‘Leader of the nation’ and In his unprecedented contribution to global harmonization, expressed in:
• Conducting of unswerving policy of the Eurasian harmony for about 20 years • Defining Kazakhstan’s mission as harmony center of the peoples of Europe and Asia • Initiating the regular global Forums of Spiritual Culture and Harmony • Instituting in the country since 1992 Spiritual Harmony Day on October 18 • Accepting the historic “Eurasian Charter for Peace and Harmony" in 2003, • Building Astana as the new capital of Kazakhstan, entering the threshold of a new, harmonious, civilization. September 27, 2010 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=360 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=333 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rudolf Siebert Professor of sociology and religion at the University of Michigan, USA GHA recognizes for Professor Siebert, for his unique contribution into comprehension of the Golden Rule of world religions as ethical source for peace from harmony, the highest Honorary Title:"World Harmony Creator"in honour of the 80th anniversary. September 30, 2007 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=51 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Harmonious Civilization