Marina Kozlovska
Director, Private Research Enterprise: "Scientific Production Consociation "Agronaukinform", GHA Ambassador of Harmony in Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine In Russian: In English: Review of the ABC of Harmony, 2012 The ABC of Harmony began in 1976. Appearance of its foundations in the "stagnant" Soviet times has a symbolic meaning. Waking up from the total hypnosis of Soviet propaganda, the society began to look around in search of humane values and common good knowledge. Many historical and scientific backgrounds were then closed from the public. And we can marvel at the strength of world harmony, allowed to revive this topic - already in the world scale - in Russia, once again undergoing cataclysms that have shaken to the ground its state, economic and moral foundations. The traditions of humanistic science in extreme social disharmony after the collapse of the Soviet Union, aroused by the founder of the ABC, the philosopher and sociologist Leo Semashko, new forms of civic and intellectual cooperation in the framework he established the Global Harmony Association (GHA), which cultivates tetranet (four-dimensional network) harmonious thinking. The GHA emblem became the image of the goddess of harmony, animating and cleaning his eyes, breathing with care - covered in a variety of natural and human dissonant flows Earth. The book itself was conceived as a textbook for education to overcome total ignorance of the past history in social harmony. It marks the transition of the collective consciousness to systematization and moral reflection of the available today human knowledge about the building blocks of social harmony on Earth in all their forms. Latitude of the authors’ collective - 76 people, participation in it the stars of modern intellect and a representative coverage of 26 countries indicate the unique weight of the project. The ABC of Harmony introduces the clear and accessible to all levels of education, and unambiguous in the initial perception fundamental categories of four necessary and sufficient resources/elements of social harmony: people, information, organization (institutions), and things. Them harmony defines the harmony of all social processes, structures and classes/groups. When these resources are spontaneous and unconscious, then their balance and harmony are established by force, and when they are realized that their co-ordination and harmony are established reasonable and non-violently. It should be noted this approach is consonance with the concept of a stable, sustainable development of society in the environment, proposed as a paradigm of the world at the turn of the millennium. It definitely speeds up the maturation and spread of a global model of harmonious world order. At the same time it makes new, unprecedented, challenges for the scientific and educational activities in all spheres of society. In my opinion, the ABC of Harmony is the first scientific and deliberate step in the social approximation of mankind to the noosphere. 15/08/12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

KOZLOVSKA V. Marina, date of birth 04.05.1960, married, one son and three daughters Education: State Agrarian University, Dniepropetrovsk, 1977-1982, graduated with honors animal husbandry. Fellowship, State Agrarian University, Odessa, 1984-1988. Languages Skills: Russian and Ukrainian in perfection, English - quite freely. Professional Experience: Director Private Research Enterprise "Scientific Production Consociation "Agronaukinform": Private Consultant, researcher. Areas of research and manufacturing employment: agriculture, ecology, certification, management, etc. Membership of professional bodies: Member of Coordinating Group forUkraine - ETP (European Technology Platform) Food for Life (NFTP), Coordinator of the All-Ukrainian NGO: Foundation named Agapito Caves, the "Association of Agricultural ecologists Ukraine" on international trends,"Movement for democracy" and "Movement for democracyin Ukraine" (on direction of restoring the environment, sustainable development). Publications: more than 30 scientific articles. Web: ===============================================================
