Socionome of a SocietyVideo scenario is published here. Definitions, Explanations and Notes to the Socionome. Definitions: 1. Socionome is a social genome of society, the social code of its natural harmony in integrity. Socionome is theoretical peak of Tetrasociology as a science of social harmony and harmonious civilization. Socionome integrates 16 fundamental elements of social harmony represented in the ABC of Harmony as a global textbook of Tetrasociology. Socionome expresses deep structure of harmony in society as a whole on any level, from family to humanity. This structure, which was first scientifically disclosed in Tetrasociology and most fully expressed in the ABC of Harmony, ensures the stability of human society throughout its history. Socionome is published in the ABC of Harmony, pp. 38-43. 2. Social Harmony is the consent (adequacy, proportion, coherence) of any sphere of society as a part within the whole and in regard to other spheres or parts. 3. Harmonization of Society assigns the property of consent to all interrelations of the elements/spheres of society, as represented in the scheme. Explanations to the Scheme-1: 1.This scheme demonstrates four equally necessary and, together, sufficient spheres of any society as its eternal structural-functional frame, which I called: the socionome of society. 2.The socionome of society is similar to the eternal psychological genome of a man (see below) because the macrocosm is similar to the microcosm. 3.Production and consumption processes are represented in one module of the scheme that expresses their continuity and coincidence: production is consumption and vice versa. 4.Exchange as a market, where demand and supply meet, is a spontaneous regulator of harmony (balance) of four spheres of social production, which turns into a conscious, much more effective regulator of social harmony along with its knowledge.
The Scheme New Title: SOCIONOME: Eternal Structure of the Society Spheres and their Constant Spontaneous Harmonization by Spheral Classes of Population at every Level: Global, Regional, National and Local Including the Human  Notes to the Scheme-1. 1. The similar Scheme was first created by me in collaboration with my student Nikolai Strelkov as far back as in 1980, more than 30 years ago. But it hasn't been published anywhere for all this time. The updated version, created in collaboration with Ivan Ivanov, was first published in the ABC of Harmony, where it takes its logical place as the integrator of all elements of the social harmony. 2. The Scheme represents two ontological levels: society and nature, which is planet Earth for a man. In the upper part, there is society in a whole; in the lower part, it is represented as the part of nature in the form of noo- or anthroposphere of Earth in the integrity of its seven spheres, which are expressed by the model of tetranet thinking: Model-16. Spheres of Earth
3. The Scheme-1 demonstrates well that the spheres are the elements of not just social but also of natural harmony. That is why harmony of nature and society passes not through the branches of society but through its spheres interacting with the spheres of Earth. Interaction of every social sphere with the spheres of the Earth is demonstrated in the Scheme. Death of at least one natural sphere means inevitable death of society. The previous century has shown that it is only disharmony of society and man that passes and enlarges through the branches. Consequently, scientific understanding of the global ecological problem is possible not at the level of disharmonious branch thinking of the previous century but at the level of harmonious spheral (tetranet) thinking of the new century. The ABC of this thinking consists of 20 fundamental spheres as the elements of harmony. It teaches to think with the harmony of spheres but not with the disharmony of branches. 4. The Scheme represents two levels of thinking: structural (the level of four spheres) and functional (the level of the interactions between four spheres), which logically transforms into a technological level, including IT, by means of the statistical matrix of spheral indices (details see below). The Scheme covers the objects of harmonization (16 elements) and the technology of their harmonization by means of special statistics and mathematics (see below). 5. The Scheme-1 is an integral, holistic model of any social level, from global to family (in some modifications also to atomic – individual), where any positive and negative social processes from ideal harmony to collapse of society may be modeled. 6. Scheme-1 is the most important tool of knowledge and conscious governance of social harmonization at any level, hence this Scheme is an organic part of the ABC of Harmony, its knowledge and practical application. 7. Discovery of the socionome is equal to the transformation of sociology to the level of fundamental theoretical science of society in a whole to the level of tetrasociology as the science of social harmony. Sociology turns from flat and narrowly empiric science to the fundamental theoretical science. 8. Socionome is extremely important not just for sociology but for all social sciences. It is known that, in disharmonious and partial industrial society, they correspondingly develop partially and disharmoniously. It makes them weak in the face of integrity and harmony of the relevant spheres and areas: economics, politics, culture, law, management, and so on. Discovery of the socionome enables every corresponding science to transform from the limited, flat and narrowly empiric science to the fundamental, theoretical science and to overcome interdisciplinary barriers. In this case, such sciences become harmonious and integral and holistic. They rise to the level of thinking not by branches but by spheres, that is, they become tetrasciences: tetraeconomics, tetrapolitics, tetraculturology, tetramanagement, tetrademography … 9. This discovery could be possible only in harmonious and tense creative atmosphere of the collective consciousness (a la Durkheim) of co-authors of the ABC of Harmony as a result of unique and heavy, month-long process of mutual editing, reviewing and discussing of its parts and articles!