Lida Sherafatmand. Painting Exhibition at the Roerich Museum in St Petersburg, September, 2013 Published: Announcement: St. Petersburg State Museum and Institute of the Roerich Family ( Together with Honorary Consul of Republic of Malta in St. Petersburg and Global Harmony Association - GHA ( Conducts Exhibition of 12 paintings by Lida SHERAFATMAND, Known in the world of the artist, sculptor, poet, peacemaker and GHA Vice-President ( Lida is an Iranian-born Maltese artist, who lives in Malta, works also in Paris and is writing a thesis at the British University "Inner Worlds, External Relations: Peace from Harmony since Roerich to the Present " August 30 - September 15, 2013 In the Museum at: St. Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, 18th Line, 1, The exhibition is open every day except Mondays and Tuesdays, from 11.00 to 18.00 hours. Wednesday from 14.00 to 21.00. Exhibition Opening: August 30, at 16.00 pm, at Museum Speakers: Museum Director: Alexey Bondarenko Deputy Director on Exhibition Work: Julia Budnikova Honorary Consul of Malta in St. Petersburg: Igor onokov Artist: Lida Sherafatmand President, Global Harmony Association: Leo Semashko Showing GHA video clip (8 minutes): Social Genome of Peace from Harmony Exchange of views and discussion Host: Daria Prokusheva The exhibition will include the artist meets as seminars and discussions with participation of Leo Semashko and Julia Budnikova (President, GHA-Russia) Every Wednesdays, 18:30 - 20:00, and every Saturdays, 16:00 - 17:30: August 31: Roerich’s Harmony September 4: Discussion: Global Peace Science on the basis of harmony theory for the G20 September 7: Fundamentals of human nature and their relation with conflictology in international relations. September 11: Interfaith harmony September 14: World Harmony and Contemporary Art. Harmonious education Admission to exhibition and seminars with museum ticket Lida Sherafatmand will be available in St. Petersburg by hotel telephone at: +7 812-572-16-45 Lida Sherafatmand Exhibition Summary: The exhibition of my paintings in Roerich Museum, accomplished by public lectures and debates, is devoted to key meanings of peace and harmony at Roerich, which find the visual expressions in my paintings and through of which I disclose their Internal Worlds and External Relations. The paintings which I have prepared are visual expressions of my poem "Harmony Force Which Keeps Us Alive", which was published at 2012 in the GHA collective book "The ABC of Harmony for Global Peace…". In this poem I speak about our internal life states which have influence in our lives. Through the public lectures and debates, I reveal a connection between these internal life states (internal worlds) and our external relations, be it between individuals or between countries. I analyse these links between the internal worlds and our external relations, using of past and contemporary peace and conflict theories in the field of international relations and political science (like Nicholas Roerich), and also the theory of peace from harmony presented in our ABC of Harmony on the basis of tetrasociology philosophy. I'm trying to bring into the present academic sphere our scholarly work in the ABC of Harmony and make it known to social researchers in the field of peace studies. I see my paintings as an art mediator and a visual bridge between these different but equally important scientific approaches, rooted in different but equally significant internal worlds of social scientists. The attempt of this synergistic synthesis made in the GHA video clip "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony"(, which used some of my paintings. After St Petersburg, my exhibition will be held at the Atrium Gallery of London School of Economics which is one of the most important academic centres in Europe for social science research. At every exhibition I try to introduce the audience to book The ABC of Harmony and the science of global peace, presented in the last GHA projects and proposed to the G20 Summit for the further development and use under the G20 auspices. I highly appreciate the opportunity to promote this science through visual expression of my pictures on their various exhibitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Painting Exhibition, Lectures and Seminars at the Roerich Museum in St Petersburg Short Report By Lida Sherafatmand The exhibition and lectures at the museum attracted much audience in St Petersburg and got also media coverage as well as reviews on specialized journals. on the internet there have appeared about 30 000 web pages of reference on this event. Dr Leo Semashko, GHA President, initiated this exhibition and introduced me to Julia Budnikova, the Roerich Museum Director Deputy, with who we provided preparation of this exhibition. Leo was also a constant participant in this event. The GHA collective book ABC of Harmony of GHA was presented during the public lectures. The public lectures covered different topics linking art and different life areas as well as international relations, and debates were held with the people. The main themes for discussion were: - Roerich’s Harmony
- Global Peace Science on the basis of harmony theory
- Fundamentals of human nature and their relation with conflictology in international relations.
- Interfaith harmony
- World Harmony and Contemporary Art. Harmonious education
- And many others.
The GHA was also in the official list of the supporting sponsors of this event, as it was endorsed by the participation of the members including Lida Sherafatmand who is the GHA Vice-President. This event also lead to other invitations by other institutions and bodies for further activities, especially upcoming conferences on Nicholas Roerich philosophy, and also studies on the effects of art on society (and vice-versa, the effect of society on painting). Below are photographs of the Opening ceremony, lectures, seminars and summary quotes from the reviews which were published.
The posters of the exhibition were fixed on 100 billboards around the city, but also cultural and educational institutions. This photo is the poster in the famous long corridor of St. Petersburg State University- This building houses also the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg University and the Dmitry Mendeleyev Apartment Museum.

From left: Dr Leo Semashko, The State Councillor of St Petersburg, Consulate of Kyrgyzstan, Consulate of Israel, Lida, Consulate of Angola, Consulate of Malta (at the exhibition opening, Roerich Museum, St Petersburg) August, 2013
Explaining the paintings at the opening- Roerich Museum, St Petersburg (August 2013)
During the presentation, with Ms Julia Budnikova, the Deputy Director of Saint Petersburg State Roerich Family Museum and Institute (August 2013)
Lida Sherafatmand, delivering the first session of the public lecture series. Roerich Museum, St Petersburg
Public seminar together with two Russian philosophers: Dr Leo Semashko and Dr Alexej Chernejevsky
Group photo after the presentation at the Club Paradis (one of the oldest clubs of artists and scientists in St Petersburg).
The last public seminar at the Roerich museum. A big thank you to all wonderful Russian friends! Below some quotes from Reviews: “Lida Sherafatmand: Early Milestones of an Inner Journey BY EDITOR · AUGUST 17, 2013 The subtitle of Lida Sherafatmand’s exhibition at the Roerich Family Museum and Institute, St Petersburg, references an extraordinary citizen of the world, in many ways like Lida herself, in the person of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (Никола́й Константи́нович Ре́рих, 9 October, 1874-13 December, 1947), writes SAJID RIZVI. Reference: Easter Art Report Под таким названием с 31 августа по 15 сентября в Санкт-Петербургском государственном музее-институте семьи Рерихов проходила выставка живописных произведений мальтийской художницы, скульптора, ювелирного дизайнера, поэтессы и общественной деятельницы Лиды Шерафатманд. Мероприятие было организовано по инициативе почетного консула Республики Мальта в Санкт-Петербурге Игоря Онокова при содействии Министерства культуры этого государства. Наш корреспондент Виктор Иванов побывал на выставке и задал Лиде Шерафатманд несколько вопросов.
— Госпожа Шерафатманд, Вы — вице-президент Глобального союза гармонии, известной в мире неправительственной организации. Какие цели она преследует? Reference: ConsulateMagazine, Russia “One of Lida’s long poems is included in this book (ABC of Harmony), which speaks of human nature, its infinite aspects and the duality of its functions. Lida has illustrated this poem through her new series of paintings, an exhibition of which will be touring the world, appearing in several important places – starting at the Roerich Museum in September.” Reference: The Malta Independent
And so forth….. Many thanks to Russia, St. Petersburg, Roerich Museum and GHA for this Exhibition! Lida Sherafatmand, Painter and poet, GHA Vice-president, President, GHA Female Contest: "Muse of Harmony" Personal page: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace coauthor: Paris and Malta --------------------------------------------