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Peace from Harmony
The GHA TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Result is Global Peace Science

The GHA TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Result is Global Peace Science: How to Stop and Prevent War?
  Revolution of History. Dream and Reality.


In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=639

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=614

           Dear GHA Members and World Community Citizens:

           Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to announce that after the publication of 50 projects and 7 books during 10 years of search o­n the theoretical and practical ways of peace from harmony was created, for the first time in world and history, GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE (GPS). It was published by the GHA eighth book o­n January 21, 2015 in honor of its 10th anniversary o­n February 15. GPS was created by 89 co-authors from 30 countries, first in Russia (
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=606), and within a year it will be discussed and published in English, the first four chapters of the twelve have already been published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585

For me personally, this book has two main meanings: personal and global. All my life I dreamed about this science, about termination of all wars in the world. These dreams were inspired by early childhood suffering of my mother with me at the war beginning under the fascist bombing in June 22 - 29, 1941. I am happy that I am at least partially fulfilled my dream and fulfilled a promise to my beloved mother. This is main result of this book for me personally, which is linked with its universal meaning in my dream. Of course, my dream would have remained unrealized without the 10-year-old intellectual cooperation with hundreds of my friends-peacemakers from around the world, which I sincerely appreciate.

I very well understand that like any science, GPS will always be unfinished and always will be improved in the future by eliminating its natural disadvantages and historical limitations, about which will be written many books. The crucial milestones in history of human knowledge require prolonged comprehension! But the main thing is its imperishable theoretical and practical virtues, which first opened a clear objective and non-violent way of conscious building a global peace among the nations of humanity in a relatively short historical period - within the 21st century. This is the first opportunity that was opened for 6000 years of previous history. Therefore overestimate its colossal importance is impossible.

This book is a breakthrough in world history and social science, backward 100-200 years. Therefore, this science is historical sensation and world discovery! The world discovery is connected with the discovery of SPHERONS and historical sensation - with the completion of military history and the transition to a peaceful history. GHA first has opened the objective social structure of harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production. SPHERONS ensure global peace as its own law as they are its conscious creators, when they will master the GPS scientific consciousness. This is discovery! Nothing like it has no in social cognition, although there are many intuitions and approaching it disclosed in our book. In the book first two chapters are presented the fundamental theoretical proof of the existence of objective and universal harmonious classes of the population, SPHERONS, together with their statistical proof o­n modern examples.

A breakthrough in the world history. The conscious and widespread establishment of SPHERONS’ objective structure in global social community turns human history of the military in peace. Future history of SPHERONS prevents and eliminates all wars and armed conflicts, provides general and complete disarmament! This will be an unprecedented history! This change of two historical eras: War Era and Peace Era. There is no other. It is a historical sensation! But its deep understanding cannot come instantly. It requires from each person continuous harmonious education from childhood, then people will know how to prevent or eliminate any sharp conflict. Global harmonious education in GPS is the main process that equips human mind with KNOWLEDGE against any war, providing the eternal victory of peace over war.

For the GPS development and education in it requires appropriate academies, universities, schools and many other conditions, the architecture of which is summarized in the book. The GHA invites all peace-loving thinking people to develop it, to make it more perfect by the principle: "We made it as we could - if you are able, please, make it better." We did a lot but there is much more work! Global peace can o­nly be achieved in the way of harmony, as o­nly the harmony, its scientific knowledge and application, will provide to humanity eternal victory of peace! This is a revolution of history! The first and unique in its kind. Which Martin Luther King brilliantly defined as "shift of the arms race into a peace race." This shift was committed in GPS, in thinking, in opening SPHERONS as actors of this shift first.

SPHERONS, armed with GPS knowledge, able to solve all global problems as sources of wars, as well as non-violently to overcome all of the empires, including the latest in history and the most dangerous for the survival of humanity US empire. In GPS, in Chapter 9, the US is identified as “the main threat, obstacle and enemy of global peace, as a key source of global nuclear war,” prevention of which requires an equally global Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance and insulation of this source o­n the GPS base. Of the many facts supporting this conclusion in the book, we recall o­nly o­ne, from Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace laureate: “US and UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people when, between 1990 and 2012, they killed 3.3 million people – including 750,000 children. … NATO should be abolished … through non-violent action and civil resistance. … That is why we need to teach the science of peace: http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/10/14/disturbing-expansion-military-industrial-complex

Therefore the GPS was born in Russia, as o­ne of the most peaceful country in the world history not by chance but natural. Russia is able to become a leader in the global non-violent resistance to overcome the last empire. That is disclosed in the book 10th Chapter.

These two definitions for the US and Russia are the GPS main and first practical conclusion for 21st century. It is a question of the global peace locomotive and its main obstacle. Confrontation between these forces of war and peace - this is the reality of global community. But in it grows a dream of historic victory of peace over war and the transition from the military history of mankind to peaceful, from military to peaceful civilization from harmony, that is, to a harmonious civilization. The popularity of this dream indicate 6 million visits to our website "Peace from Harmony", the number of which is constantly growing. GPS unfolds the scientific way to realize this dream! Really it is not a discovery, not a sensation and not a revolution of consciousness?

Therefore we are happy to congratulate all o­n the GHA anniversary and creation of GPS!

We sincerely wishes to all harmony to win peace!

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Founder and President,


Dear Ayo, Egisto, Takis, Apostolos, Athanassios, Madhu, Subhash, Maitreyee, Nina, Roxana, Yuri, Julia, and many, many other the GHA members!

I sincerely thank you for your congratulations with the GHA 10th anniversary and its phenomenal, incomparable result, become eternal human achievement - Global Peace Science! (Your greetings see below.) The millennial dream of peace has become a reality in this science!
            But, of course, have to go through years and decades that GPS global significance became clear to all the world nations. We know: truly new is always o­n the verge of insanity of the old. To overcome this verge is needed for many years to leave the old generations who are unable to understand the new truth (who are not able to understand and accept it, he/she leaves) and came the new generations opened to new truths!
         This is the law of all scientific revolutions, the revolutions of consciousness, including GPS revolution, without which global peace is impossible for humanity that strongly expressed by Einstein: "We shall require a fundamental new way of thinking if mankind is to survive!" Someone had been to take that first step to GPS, to "fundamental new way of thinking!" This step was first made by GHA length of 10 years, 50 projects and 8 books! He will go down in world history forever!!!

WE, the GHA have every right and foundation to congratulate ourselves o­n this historic and global achievement! Honor to GHA each member, who contributed in it for 10 years at least a grain of sand: from them has grown the GPS grand eternal knowledge, without which the humanity subsequent history is not possible!

With love and heartfelt thanks from harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,
February 16, 2015


Dear Leo,

Congratulations to you and the entire GHA family o­n our anniversary.

Best wishes, Peace, Love, Joy and Harmony always!

With profound harmony,

Ayo Amale

GHA-Africa President, Ghana


OK OK OK ,thanks, clever, so cute ......

Egisto Salvi



Dear Leo, brother in soul,


You deserve a high respect by all for your great contribution to global community!

With harmonious Wishes and Love

Takis Ioannides

Dr Apostolos J Paschos

Athanassios koumouris



Respected Dr. LEO & all GHA Family,

HEARTIEST CONGRATULATION o­n 10th ANNIVERSARY & also for Publication of

GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE (GPS) 2015 for Humanity and Social & Global Transformation in 21st Century. With Regards & Gratitude,

Dr. Madhu Krishan,

Founder & Chairman,

Academy Of Universal Global Peace, India


Dear Leo, Global Peace Makers and authors of “Global Peace Science” book 2015.

It is great pleasure for me & Congratulations to you for celebrating 10th anniversary o­n February 15. 2015 and publication of GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE (GPS) by the GHA by 89 co-authors from 30 countries, first in Russia

Dr. Subhash Chandra,

Board of Trustee - Global Peace Foundation (GPF), New Delhi, India

Vice President- Global Harmony Association and GHA-India;

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India,



I congratulate your relentless effort to carry forward a journey for last 10 years through all odds

and happiness.

Maitreyee, India



поздравляю с 10-летием ГСГ и желаю дальнейших творческих прорывов в последующие годы!!! …. А сфероны надо расшифровывать…. нам, примитивным гражданам, этого не понять.



              Уважаемые члены ГСГ!

           Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям с выходом в свет книги «Наука Глобального Мира». Книга своевременна, злободневна, необходима, мужественна. Она бросает вызов властной элите США и ее милитаризму…. Книга многопланова – в ней множество пластов, которые открываются по мере того, как заново перечитываешь ее. Она гармонично сочетает научное мировоззрение и постижение мира с позиции веры в Бога.

Но самое главное, на мой взгляд, раскрытая в книге Наука глобального мира дает понять, что всеобщий Мир на Земле возможен. Возможен потому, что Бог создал жизнь гармоничной и завещал людям жить осознанно в мире, любви, в гармонии. Открытые Л. М. Семашко СФЕРОНЫ как раз и демонстрируют тот фундамент, на котором может строиться гармоничная жизнь людей……

             Роксана Садыкова,

Вице-президент ГСГ и ГСГ-России,

ГСГ Посол мира и разоружения из гармонии в России

Адрес: Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Россия


Прошу коллег смотреть в будущее с оптимизмом, несмотря на вполне объяснимую критику платформы НГМ со стороны ряда либо её не понимающих, либо не желающих понять, либо открыто противодействующих любым попыткам уйти от дальнейшей милитаризации планеты…

Я также поздравляю членов ГСГ и интересующихся его работой граждан различных стран.

Юрий Цымбалист


Поздравляю всех с выходом нового проекта ГСГ. Прошедший год был годом интенсивной работы для создателей Науки глобального мира и осмысление этой книги еще впереди. Эта удачная попытка синтезировать

Ю.Ю. Будникова,

президент ГСГ-Россия,

редактор книги "Наука глобального мира" на русском языке



                     World Sensation: Global Peace Science (GPS) in Russia! 
- Why Putin saves the world from nuclear war and Obama is fueling global nuclear Auschwitz? Why Obama made a "legitimate" nuclear war? Why he pretends to be Hitler and nuclear terrorist №1 of new century in rank of Nobel Peace Laureate even? Etc. 

Dear GHA members, friends peacemakers,

         Why Global Peace Science (GPS), which GHA dreamed 10 years, is world sensation? Because it responds to the sharpest questions: why "Putin saves the world from nuclear war" (Paul Roberts: (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/01/16/ruin-future-paul-craig-roberts/) and Obama is pushing the world into it? How Hitler started the WWII, so Obama, as Nobel Peace Laureate, began the WWIII but NUCLEAR war, approving in December Resolution 758 ("full of lies and war propaganda") of reckless Congress about war with Russia. The war between the two nuclear powers will be necessarily nuclear. Why Obama "legitimate" nuclear war as Nobel Peace Laureate? Why the idea of this crazy war was born in the US? Why Obama and the US expect the same result as Hitler? - It is the law of history. Why Obama, who signed the nuclear war Resolution 758, earned the immediate impeachment of all nations, especially the US people? Etc. But GPS also shows how peace can win a war in general nonviolently, not the number but skill, based o­n GPS. How Gandhi won nonviolently British Empire as and Russia / Putin with GPS will win nonviolently the US military empire. The conditions of this victory briefly disclosed in the "Watchword of Humanity" and in greater detail in GPS, both see in attachment and o­n website here:



This is a great political and social meaning of GPS. Therefore, I am happy to please you with sensational news: Global Harmony Association (GHA), as a result of a decade of searching crowned his work (7 previous books and 50 projects of global harmony) the execution of a long-standing dream - to create unparalleled GPS and the publication of the relevant World Textbook. It was the first time in thousands of years of history published in St. Petersburg, Russia in Russian. This took place o­n 21 January this year. o­n the same day it had a little impromptu presentation to the International Cultural Center of the Brahma Kumaris. GPS value cannot be overestimated and fully predict. GPS, integrating the peacefulness spirit of Russia, making it the leader of the new peacemaking, which will win non-violent victory over all war and military empires! The book was sent to President of Russia and key members of the Government. Therefore, Russia is now, more than ever, can be confident in their non-violent victory.

Russia, bringing together international intellectual efforts in the GHA, became the home of the historic scientific breakthrough and the GPS humanitarian discovery! This is a great unique achievement - our best gift to humanity o­n the day of GHA decade, February 15! The GHA Board congratulates each member of the GHA and all our sincere friends peacemakers around the world with a fundamental contribution and a turning point o­n the path to global peace! This path is now becoming conscious and scientific and therefore non-violent with victory over any war for global peace!

The GPS book in Russian contains 432 pages, 12 chapters, 192 original texts, (78 English-speaking and 114 Russian-speaking authors, including 80 of L. Semashko). It was created by an international team of 89 co-authors from 30 countries for nearly two years of hard work and discussions. We are sincerely grateful to our authors for your hard work and assistance in GPS. We are happy to now present it to the court of world opinion. Its first four chapters of 12 are published in English here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585.

This year, we will translate the GPS book into English, will discuss it and publish it in January 2016. But this work will be easier, as in the Russian version is defined not o­nly the fundamental objective reasons and actors of global peace - universal harmonious classes SPHERONS but also outlines the contours as the GPS cognitive architecture and the real architecture of political and economic institutions of world peace. With all the variety of the natural disadvantages of this innovative system knowledge, it gives us a scientific breakthrough in knowledge of the social cosmos, society as a whole and the revolution of the social sciences. The GPS paradigm puts peacemaking in a whole to new level of thinking by SPHERONs integrating all private peacemaking achievements of past.

Global peace can be known and reached o­nly o­n a holistic level of knowledge, to which the social sciences have not yet reached. They fell behind in their development at 100-200 years. They have stagnation in narrow theoretical framework of the class struggle / war of private (material) antagonistic classes. In the GPS conception were open real and universal harmonious classes - SPHERONS (they were proved sociologically and statistically in the first two chapters of this book). They provide global peace from their internal social harmony, and eliminate war and class struggle. Humanity has many treatises about peace but they did not found its objective reasons and actors, although prepared GPS. o­nly the idea of harmonious SPHERONS was able to justify them in GPS. SPHERONS’ idea is at a level of the most fundamental social structures of Plato and Marx but surpasses their universality, integrity and multidimensionality. It dialectically "to pic up (aufheben)" them and they are special cases of it. This is the theoretical and practical nature of GPS, as well as the scientific core of its world sensation.

Hence, the Russian stage with GPS was fundamental but preliminary. English stage of the work will be the final, which will correct our previous results.

Our democratic process work in the new phase will begin with a preliminary discussion of the English translation of the GPS book's contents published here:

http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=596. Then, after March 1, each month, we will be publishing translation of GPS o­n o­ne chapter, starting from the fifth chapter. The articles of every will be discussed during a week. We will discuss o­nly articles of the authors and help them. The political discussions are eliminated as barren and useless for GPS.

Output from the GPS project is possible at any stage. Each co-author can now o­nce again and with great knowledge, to define their attitude to the GPS paradigm and its contributions (articles, etc.) in it. The final version of GPS is the result of its discussion in both languages. Therefore, the GPS current Russian version will be updated. We are pleased to invite the new authors with new articles in 1-2 pages, but no more, in attachment in format WORLD o­n my email before May 1.

Day of the GPS first book publication - January 21, I propose to recognize as a "Global Peace Science Day" in the GHA Harmonious Era Calendar by your votes of “YES” or “NO” for 10 days.

We invite everyone who is able to translate (or pay for translation) any chapter / article of GPS into any other language, for example, for your government, your organization, or for publication in the media and social networks. We need to enlighten people in this new science. We must demand from the governments of its knowledge and liberation from ignorance of GPS, without which there cannot be the survival of humanity, as Einstein wrote.

Therefore, GHA happy to gift our new book GPS to each peacemaker of Earth in PDF format (attachment) with o­ne goal, that peace from harmony of SPHERONS nonviolently won the war in the 21st century forever and never to have been victims of war, killed children, women, elderly, youth. That PEACE has triumphed in the world!

             Best harmony wishes for this historical victory,

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005