Frank Dorrel U.S. War Crimes against Humanity. Video Evidence for an International Tribunal Dear Friends, The films I have listed below basically spell out what I like to call: “The True Nature of U.S. Foreign Policy”. These films are proof that the United States has killed as many as 20 million or more innocent people since the end of World War II - with many millions more being injured, losing their homes and having their way of life ruined. Therefore, the true nature of US foreign policy, which has always been a militaristic and aggressive - this is genocide and war crimes against humanity within 70 years, starting with the senseless and barbaric atomic bombing peaceful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where was only the civilian population, about 200,000 of which were killed. (Ramsey Clark first expressed the idea of the International Tribunal for the United States war crimes against Iraq: WAR CRIMES. A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal by Ramsey Clark and Others, 1991: http://deoxy.org/wc/wc-index.htm ). See. Also: David Swenson: War is a Crime. It is additional evidence of US war crimes (http://warisacrime.org/) and others. This list is the best way I can think of to help educate yourself and others who might be interested in knowing about this. I believe that the Americans who have died in these wars, have died for lies coming from our government and from our mainstream media, which are both owned by the same people who profit from these wars. It is what I call: “The Big Lie”. It is Orwellian and like The Matrix. I do not know what is actually going on now in Syria or Libya or The Ukraine, but one thing I do know is that we cannot trust that the United States will ever do the right thing when it comes to foreign policy. Whatever action this country takes is to benefit the corporations, the oil companies, the bankers and the war machine: also known as: The Military Industrial Complex. The United States is ADDICTED To WAR. It is up to us to try to stop this horrible situation. There are more people in the United States now who do understand this to some degree than ever before in history. The films listed below and many books that have been written on this subject are a big reason why this is so. Not to mention the many anti-war/peace groups there are in this country. And the Internet is another big reason there is more awareness about this. In the alterative media, Democracy Now, hosted by Amy Goodman, is the most listened to/watched program in this country. Their website is: www.democracynow.org . You will hear more truth by listening to Democracy Now than anywhere else. To everyone reading this message, thank you for your involvement, whatever it has been in all of this. And a big thank you to all of the filmmakers listed below, who have taken the time and effort to make these very important films that tell us the truth about what the United States has been doing to the people of the world. In Peace, Frank Dorrel Publisher of: “ADDICTED To WAR: Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism”, updated 2015 Producer of: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foregn Policy” P.O. Box 3261 Culver City, CA 90231-3261 fdorrel@addictedtowar.com www.addictedtowar.com March 5, 2015 Dr. Leo Semashko editor in chief comment. The USA war crimes facts during 70 years presented in these and other films, as well as in many similar books and articles are convincing proof the Global Peace Science (GPS) conclusion: "The US/NATO global military axis, established US - is main threat, obstacle and enemy of world peace, and key source of global nuclear war as humanity catastrophe in the 21st century, to prevent that requires equally global Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance and isolation of this source based on GPS." Empire, which easily kills millions of innocent victims, should bear legal condemnation and punishment, which require hundreds of experts and dozens of nations. Important Anti-War Films You Can Watch on-Line as Video Evidence of the U.S. War Crimes Against Humanity WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death - Narrated by Sean Penn –By The Media Education Foundation – 2007 - www.mediaed.org- www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9DjSg6l9Vs- www.warmadeeasythemovie.org Bill Moyer’s The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis – PBS - 1987 www.youtube.com/watch?v=28K2CO-khdYwww.topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-secret-governmentwww.youtube.com/watch?v=qJldun440Sk The Panama Deception – Won Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1992 - Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery – Directed by Barbara Trent - Produced by The Empowerment Project - www.empowermentproject.org/films.html - www.documentarystorm.com/the-panama-deception
Manufacturing Consent:Noam Chomsky & The Media - Produced & Directed by Mark Achbar – Directed by Peter Wintonick 1993 -www.zeitgeistfilms.com- www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AnB8MuQ6DUwww.youtube.com/watch?v=dzufDdQ6uKg
Hearts and Minds – 1975 - Academy Award Winning Documentary about The Vietnam War - Directed by Peter Daviswww.criterion.com/films/711-hearts-and-minds - www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/hearts-and-mindswww.youtube.com/watch?v=1d2ml82lc7s- www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC-PXLS4BQ4 Paying The Price: Killing The Children of Iraq - By John Pilger – 2000www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/pay.html - www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHn3kKySuVowww.topdocumentaryfilms.com/paying-the-pricewww.youtube.com/watch?v=8OLPWlMmV7s Hijacking Catastrophe:911, Fear & The Selling of the American Empire - Narrated by Julian Bond - The Media Education Foundation – 2004 - www.mediaed.org - www.hijackingcatastrophe.org– www.vimeo.com/14429811-www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/hijackingcatastrophe Cover-Up: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair - Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery – Directed by Barbara Trent - Produced by The Empowerment Project – 1988- www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOlMo9dAATw-www.empowermentproject.org/films.html Occupation 101: Voices of The Silenced Majority – Directed By Sufyan & Abdallah Omeish -2006 - Best Film I’ve Seen about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – www.occupation101.com- www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuI5GP2LJAswww.youtube.com/watch?v=dwpvI8rX72o Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land: US Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -The Media Education Foundation – 2003 - www.mediaed.org- www.vimeo.com/14309419 -www.mediaed.org/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=117 “What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" –by Frank Dorrel – 2000 www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8POmJ46jqk -www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSmBhj8tmoU- www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html Breaking The Silence: Truth and Lies in The War on Terror - A Special Report by John Pilger – 2003 - www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/break.html- www.youtube.com/watch?v=phehfVeJ-wk-www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/breaking-the-silence- www.johnpilger.com
The War on Democracy - by John Pilger - 2007www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/wdem.html- www.johnpilger.com
www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-war-on-democracy -www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeHzc1h8k7o- www.johnpilger.com/videos/the-war-on-democracy Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth – By The Friends of the Congo - 2011 – www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLV9szEu9Ag– www.congojustice.org NO MORE VICTIMS – Videos of 4 War-Injured Iraqi Children NMV Brought to the US for Medical Treatments: www.nomorevictims.org What American Missiles Did to 9-Year Old Salee Allawi in Iraq - www.nomorevictims.org/?page_id=95 Nora, A 5-Year Old Iraqi Girl: Who Was Shot in the Head by a US Sniperwww.nomorevictims.org/children-2/noorawww.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft49-zlQ1V4 Abdul Hakeem’s Story – Narrated by Peter Coyote –www.nomorevictims.org/?page_id=107 Alaa’ Khalid Hamdan - Narrated by Peter Coyote - www.nomorevictims.org/children-2/alaa-khalid-2 Vietnam: American Holocaust- Narrated by Martin Sheen – Written, Produced & Directed by Clay Claiborne - 2008 www.topdocumentaryfilms.com/vietnam-american-holocaust- www.vietnam.linuxbeach.net KILL THEM ALL - This BBC Documentary reveals atrocities committed by the U.S. in Korea during the war. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pws_qyQnCcU Arsenal of Hypocrisy: The Space Program & The Military Industrial Complex - Bruce Gagnon & Noam Chomsky– 2004 -www.space4peace.org- www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7apNEASPk Beyond Treason – Written & Narrated by Joyce RileyDirected by William Lewis - 2005 - www.beyondtreason.com www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRG8nUDbVXUwww.youtube.com/watch?v=ViUtjA1ImQc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New 2015 Updated Edition of: ADDICTED To WAR: Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism. By Joel Andreas: http://www.addictedtowar.com/images/ATW2015front.jpg, Is Now Available at: www.addictedtowar.com ADDICTED To WAR author Joel Andreas has added America’s Drone Wars (front cover), President Obama, Bradley ‘Chelsea’ Manning, Tomas Young, ISIS, Syria and has updated the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have also added 5 new endorsements for the book: Medea Benjamin, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright, David Swanson & Glenn Greenwald. ATW is already endorsed by Martin Sheen, Ed Asner, Ron Kovic, William Blum, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, S. Brian Willson, Father Roy Bourgeois, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Kathy Kelly, Susan Sarandon, Rev. James Lawson, Kris Kristofferson, Blase Bonpane, Fernando Suarez del Solar, Woody Harrelson, Michael Parenti, Cindy Sheehan and Ramsey Clark. It is being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges as an anti-war history book. ATW is one of the most well-known & popular books in the Anti-War Movement. Since I first co-published ADDICTED To WAR with AK Press in 2002, we have distributed about 450,000 copies world-wide. About 240,000 copies have been distributed in English. It is in 14 other languages. Go to: www.addictedtowar.com/order.html to order copies of ADDICTED To WAR.
Also available is the new 2015 updated edition of: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html A 2-Hour 23-Minute Video Compilation by Frank Dorrel Featuring the Following 13 Segments: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. (02:55) 2. John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief (06:14) 3. Coverup: Behind The Iran-Contra Affair (19:34) 4. School of Assassins (13:25) 5. Genocide by Sanctions (12:58) 6. Philip Agee, Former CIA Case Officer (22:08) 7. Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now! (5:12) 8. The Panama Deception(22:10) 9. Crisis In The Congo(14:11) 10. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, Peace Activist (04:32) 11. Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (04:35) 12. Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General (07:58) 13. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran for Peace (08:45) This video has been seen by millions of people since 2000. It is an excellent & invaluable educational tool that reveals the true nature of U.S. foreign policy. It’s been screened in many high schools, colleges, churches, homes, on cable TV, in theaters and shown by many Peace & Justice Anti-WarOrganizations. Howard Zinn, S. Brian Willson, Blase Bonpane, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, Ed Asner, Father Roy Bourgeois, Ramsey Clark, William Blum, Kathy Kelly, Medea Benjamin, Susan Sarandon, Chalmers Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Col. Ann Wright and Woody Harrelson have seen this film & have found it to be very informative and empowering. The new segments are: Crisis In The Congo, Dr. Dahlia Wasfi & Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Visuals have been added to the John Stockwell segment. More than one person has called: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World": “Timeless”. To Order one DVD Copy Go To: www.addictedtowar.com/dvdorder.html. First Made in 2000. Updated with Three New Segments in 2015. Frank Dorrel ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Frank, I was glad to publish all of your video and books evidences of the USA war crimes against humanity, starting since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, on a special page of our website “Peace from Harmony” (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=616) with its banner: “U.S. War Crimes against Humanity. Video Evidence for an International Tribunal” on the main page, and with my little editing and commentary. Many thanks for your great work in peacemaking exposing the USA war crimes against humanity, which are very important empirical base for Global Peace Science (GPS) and which will be published in this book in January 2016. The best harmony wishes, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 16/03/15