Our positive contribution to the victory over fascism and war today Dear GHA members, friends!
Two significant dates for the GHA are approaching. May 1 as Love Day on the Harmonious Era Calendar, which was proposed by Harold Becker to it in 2006, and May 9 as Day of Victory over fascism and war!
GHA is happy to congratulate all of the members, friends and people of good, peace-loving will with these holidays of humanity and wish everyone peace and love from harmony, never to have been wars since the 21th century, what our "Global Peace Science" (GPS) is serving!
The GHA positive contribution in them is the creation of the first in the world and history "Global Peace Science" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585), which shows for all the nations and to every human, HOW can be built global peace on Earth and, thus, HOW can be excluded war on our small planet, starting with 21 century on a scientific basis.
Both dates are inseparable from peace and harmony. Love - it's always a life that is always peace from harmony, as opposed to war, which is always - death, murder and hatred. The Victory over fascism as the most cruel, merciless incarnation of war, death, murder, hate is victory over them Love, Life and Peace from Harmony!
We know WHO today represents the dictatorial world order of constant war, hatred and death, identical to fascism in all forms and WHO opposes it and fights for an alternative world order of global Peace, Love and Life. This scientific knowledge gives us GPS. It reveals to us the laws, ways and institutions of nonviolent victory of peace, love and life over war, hatred and death.
But GPS as the first and weak scientific sprout of global Peace, Love and Life, which arose only after more than two centuries after the birth of military science, i.e. science of wars, hatred and death, needs a strong support that it has not been trampled by the boot of war and hatred.
In this connection, the GHA invites all those who cherish peace, love and life, to support the first public participation of GPS in Russian Contest "Civil Initiatives" at the address: http://premiagi.ru/initiative/1631. We ask to circulate this address among your friends, students and children – it will be the best lesson of global peace for them! It will be your worth real contribution to the Love Day and Victory Day! Thank you very much!
The brief instructions and a list of addresses see below and in the attachment.
With love and peace from harmony,
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 29/04/15
In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=644 In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=618
"Global Peace Science": Support in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism! That there were no more wars! EVALUATE on 5 (desirable) points in the 3 categories. VOTE selected evaluation. COMMENTS, least one word! SHARE in social networks available. All this is done at the address below, Which gets every supporter of peace and an opponent of war:
That there were no more wars beginning with the 21st century!