Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko.
GGHA is an international peacemaking antifascist volunteer NGO.GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. GGHA was nominated for the creation of the Gandhian Spherons Global Peace MegaScience - spheronics to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000Board: 36 GGHA members from 14 countriesGGHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India;GGHA Mission is:Global peace/security from harmony of the Gandhian equal spherons on the ‘substantially new" (Einstein) spheral, holistic and fractal tetranet thinking base of the “Spherons Global Peace MegaScience” (SGPM) or briefly “Spheronics” through universal harmonious spherons’ education:The India President in 2002-7, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the first world leader, who recognized the Spheronics as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 ---------------------------------------------

International Day of Nonviolence. October 2, Mahatma Gandhi birthday We know him half... GGHA Message. Nonviolence/peace. October 2, 2023. From which actors' thinking, whence and how goes the Gandhian, nonviolent, true peace? Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=633 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=658 Dear, rare nonviolence/peace friends, The GGHA is happy to congratulate you, “the lasts of the Mohicans” of nonviolence/peace, “expelled and defeated everywhere” (Erasmus: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=531) with the International Day of Non-violence and birthday of Mahatma Gandhi on October 2, ten days after the International Day of Peace on September 21. It seems that none of the “golden billion” world hegemons on TV and mainstream media remembered them that proves their sad “expelling and defeat”, as well as 5 centuries ago, with the exception of their latter Mohicans from an endangered civil society. Even Gandhi's closest relatives forgot him, their voices are silent. Nevertheless, the less often the voices are heard in the defense and support of Gandhian peace, the more valuable and significant on the verge of violent, military, nuclear suicide of humanity. However, the Mohicans of nonviolence/peace are alive, who, like the “mole of history”, contrary to world indifference, continue the Mahatma Gandhi greatest deal, which he had begun by the historical discovery of the global, “Newtonian varnas/spherons” in 1927. He defined them as the only actors/carriers of the “greatest force of nonviolence, mightier than nuclear weapons” and the creators of the true, just and nonviolent peace. These ideas of Gandhi, which are still beyond traditional thinking and understanding, first understood more than 750 “moles of history”, GGHA coauthors from more 50 countries. During 18 years, they created the Gandhian MegaScience of his spherons, called spheronics, finally making a “nonviolence is science” after his prophecy (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). Today there is a new, consolidated community of the humanity majority from the global south, BRICS+, which needs a sovereign, Gandhian spheronics as the first scientific ideology of nonviolent, true and just global peace, which turned out to be inaccessible to Western hegemonism and behind the brink of its militaristic, violent, thinking. This new reality and its new, nonviolent and peacemaking energy was brilliantly expressed by the Indian poet of global scale Ashok Chakravarthy in his poem (1 p.), in attachment and published in two languages here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1158. He expresses our scientific answer to the question/challenge set above. Someone else, not from India, but from the West, for example, can give an alternative or a similar answer? The BRICS strives for the Gandhian peace with all countries, including West. In this direction, the BRICS leaders peacemaking efforts are going on, as Rosa Dalmiglio, GGHA Vice President since 2005, Italian journalist in China in his publication about the meeting of President Xi and UNESCO Chief reports: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28.

Our “celebration” of the Day of Nonviolence/peace, when there is nothing to celebrate here, can be adequate if it becomes our attempt to rise to the Gandhian “substantial” spherons highest level of nonviolent, peacemaking thinking. At any other level, our thinking will remain at the level of eternal violence and endless wars, as it is now. The best wishes for true, Gandhian peace, which brings BRICS+, Friendly, Dr. Leo Semashko, Philosopher, sociologist, scientific ideologist and peacemaker of the Gandhian spherons, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 02-10-23
Excellent, Congratulations! Best wishes, Lana Yang Representative to the UN for IAEWP https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=364 uschinaba@gmail.com USA 02-10-23 ---------------- Namaste friends thx a lot for all the lovely emails. We also celebrated here Non violence Day, Gandhi Jayanti here in Nepal. Children of HVP schools, Shanti Sewa Ashram, Children's Peace Home and Youth Society for Peace joined hands together to celebrate it. I also had a chance to speak at Radio Nepal national program about non violence... Thank you so much. love/peace/prayers CM Yogi http://www.peaceserviceusa.org mail2cmyogi@yahoo.com Nepal 03-10-23 -----------------------
GHA Message on October 2, 2015 International Day of Non-Violence Mahatma Gandhi Birthday The United Nations’ International Day of Non-Violence is a global observance that promotes non-violence through education and public awareness. It is annually held on October 2 to coincide with renowned Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. http://www.un.org/en/events/nonviolenceday/index.shtml Messenger of Peace & Non-Violence 2nd October every year: Sharing the message of non-violence through Global Peace Science & Peace from harmony for social awareness 
Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948): A Great Peace Maker & Non-Violence, Revolutionary Leader: "There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for." Mahatma Gandhi. The Story of My Experiments with Truth, 1927 International Day of Non-Violence, October 2, 2015

According to General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness".
The General Assembly of the United Nations, in its resolution A/RES/61/271, aware that non-violence, tolerance, full respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, democracy, development, mutual understanding and respect for diversity are interrelated and reinforce each other; and reaffirming the importance of non-violence and harboring the desire to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence. GHA Message on October 2, 2015 International Day of Non-Violence Creating a Nuclear Free World: Scientific Nonviolent Movement instead of Scientific Nuclear War as Freedom from Violence & wars and Ending a war threat to humanity. Global Peace Science (GPS) raises the thinking of non-violence and nonviolent movement from intuitive up to the scientific level of consciousness. GPS reinforces nonviolent thinking and movement of the global community by the deep structure and soft energy of universal harmonious classes of the population - SPHERONS. The scientific theory of SPHERONS is a revolution of nonviolent thinking and movement of the global community. Nonviolent thinking and movement are now becoming through GPS a major productive force of all social, economic, political and environmental transformations of humanity. Mahatma Gandhi is one of the GPS founders. The GPS theory of SPHERONS raises his idea and practice of nonviolence to the level of universal instrument for global peace and prosperity of all planetary nations in the 21st century.
GPS is a scientific Nonviolence movement for creating peaceful & sustainable society through Peace & harmonious education, to be free from poverty, violence and wars in the 21st century. GPS is the science of peace & sustainability from harmony.
GPS Model of Universal HUMANITY: Global Peace Science = Science of (SPHERONS)Society + Science of Nonviolence + Science of Sustainability + Science of a New, Harmonious World Order Global Peace Science as Victory of Peace over War is saving the Earth planet & Humanity: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585 2015 is the Time for Global Non-violent Actions on the GPS base! Become a Global Peace Maker through GPS Non-violence! GHA calls to inspire with revolutionary change in non-violent mindset a New paradigm for social transformation through change in attitude, values & consciousness and 3Ps - Peace from harmony, Partnerships for Peace and Planet Nonviolent practice. For more details, see here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=624
Message Publication:
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=633 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=658 Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President Russia | Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA Secretary General, India | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2nd October, 2017 International Day of Non-Violence Mahatma Gandhi Birthday GHA Message The International Day of Non-Violence, a day when we commemorate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. According to General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness". The resolution reaffirms "the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence" and the desire "to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence". UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Ban said. The UN General Assembly, through a resolution in 2007, designated 2 October as the International Day of Non-Violence to coincide with the birthday of Gandhi, who led the country’s independence movement and pioneered the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. “Every year on the International Day of Non-Violence, we re-commit ourselves to the cause of peace, as exemplified by the life of Mahatma Gandhi who was born on this day 147 years ago. https://www.askideas.com/40-international-day-of-non-violence-2016-wish-pictures-and-photos/
Creating a Nuclear Free World: Scientific Nonviolent Movement instead of Scientific Nuclear War 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' is India’s philosophy: PM Modi at UNGA Sept, 27th 2015 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened his historic United Nations General Assemblyon Sept.27th,2015with a tribute to India’s ancient civilizational traditions, telling a packed Assembly hall of delegates that India’s philosophy, which was not an ideology, was the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, or world family, and this has guided the nation since Vedic times Gloabl Paece & Nonviolence for Creating a Nuclear Free World United Nations in Harmony (UNH) By GHA Global Peace & Non-violence and Peace from Harmony on the all levels GHA Message to Peace Leaders of the World 2017 is the Time for Global Paece Non-violent Actions. Let us join the Global Peace Non-violent Movement for creating a Peaceful harmonious Society and beautiful planet GHA calls to inspire with revolutionary change in non-violent mindset a New paradigm for social transformation through change in attitude, values & consciousness and 3Ps - Peace from harmony, Partnerships for Peace and Planet Nonviolent practice.
Dear Dr. Leo, Dr. Sanjay Tewari & All GHA Members Greetings from India I am sending the GHA Message on International Day of Non-Violence on 2nd October, Birth Day of Mahatma Gandhi UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Ban said. The UN General Assembly, through a resolution in 2007, designated 2 October as the International Day of Non-Violence to coincide with the birthday of Gandhi, who led the country’s independence movement and pioneered the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. “Every year on the International Day of Non-Violence, we re-commit ourselves to the cause of peace, as exemplified by the life of Mahatma Gandhi who was born on this day 147 years ago. https://www.askideas.com/40-international-day-of-non-violence-2016-wish-pictures-and-photos/ Creating a Nuclear Free World through GPS Nonviolent Movement by the United Nations in Harmony (UNH) 2017 is the Time for Global Peace Non-violent Actions. Let us join the Global Peace Non-violent Movement for creating a Peaceful harmonious Society and beautiful planet GHA calls to inspire with revolutionary change in non-violent mindset a New paradigm for social transformation through change in attitude, values & consciousness and 3Ps - Peace from harmony, Partnerships for Peace and Planet Nonviolent practice. http://www.peacefromharmony.org/ Friendly. Greetings of Peace & (AHIMSA) Non-violence to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M +91 9910241586 , E-mail:: schandra101@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respected Subhashj, Rameshj, Tewarij, Thanks for your memorable message and preparing leaflet. Regards Prof. Dhal Magadh University, Bodhgaya -------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Sanjayji, Thanks for your letter to PM and your career as a sports leader in Indian Society. You have traveled a long miles from Kanpur to Russia and other 20 countries and achieved GHA Ambassador. God has given a fit body and peaceful mind for promoting more. Best wishes. Regards Prof. Dhal Magadh University, Bodhgaya GHA-INDIA MEMBER (EDUCATION) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To a fellow lawyer, advocate, counselor, protester, protector, Inspiration...in his own, individual, way. Love, Compassion, Peace... David Date: October 2, 2017.... Subject: What Gandhi can teach today's protesters, 1-2 Oct 2017, by Whitney Sanford Re:NONVIOLENCE; and... Examples, comments, questions...
Best regards, David M. Townsend, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr. Leo and Dr. Subhash, Greetings on International Day of Non-Violence (AHIMSA). Today on 2nd October, the Birth Day of the Mahatma, I have sent FOUR messages to Top Leaders, viz Mr Vladimir Putin (on his portal), Mr Donald Trump (on his portal - acknowledgement received), Mr Narendra Modi (email) and Mr Kim Jong-un (North Korea on email, through representative email). With good wishes Truly Dr. SanjayTewari, India ------------------------------------------------------------ Дорогие Субхаш, Рамеш, Санджай, Дхал и все члены ГСГ, Большое спасибо за ваши поздравления и Послание в связи с Международным Днем Ненасилия на день рождения Махатмы Ганди!!! Ваши поздравления и Послание (с некоторыми сокращениями повторов) были опубликованы на нашем сайте «Мир из Гармонии» здесь: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=633 Я также счастлив поздравить вас и присоединиться к вашему посланию. К сожалению, мы должны заметить, что великий эксперимент ненасилия Махатмы Ганди остается уникальным и неповторимым после него почти 70 лет. Только «Наука Глобального Мира из Гармонии» (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf) может сделать ненасилие ежедневным вместо ежедневного сейчас в мире насилия, войн, агрессии и террора, если она будет признана ООН и трансформирована из милитаристской и дисгармоничной ООН войны в ООН Гармонии. В этом отношении очень важны призывы лидеров разных государств – членов ООН инициировать эту науку в ООН, которые были посланы Санджаем и Субхашем. ГСГ выражает им сердечную благодарность за их великую работу практического продвижения и утверждения ненасилия в ООН. Эти призывы будут скоро опубликованы на нашем сайте. К сожалению, призывы ГСГ остаются без ответа милитаристских лидеров и их ООН. Но мы убеждены, что они будут вынуждены прислушаться к ним, потому что другого выхода из самоубийственного для человечества тупика бесконечных войн и гонки вооружений не существует. Это ключевое и фундаментальное требование современной истории и выживания всех народов и планеты. Поэтому мы должны продолжить наши усилия в этом стратегическом направлении ненасилия с утроенной энергией. С любовью, Лев Семашко, ГСГ Почетный Президент, 02-10-17
Dear Subhash, Ramesh, Sanjay, Dhal and all members of the GHA, greetings! Thank you very much for your congratulations and Message in connection with the International Day of Nonviolence on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi!!! Your congratulations and the Message (with some reductions of repetitions) were published on our website "Peace from Harmony" here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=633 I am also happy to congratulate you and join your Message. Unfortunately, we should note that the great experiment of non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi remains unique after his for almost 70 years. Only "Global Peace Science from Harmony" (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf) can make nonviolence daily, instead of the daily violence, wars, aggression and terror in the world now, if it will be recognized UN and transformed from the militaristic and disharmonious UN of war in the UN of Harmony. In this respect, the appeals of the leaders of different member states of the United Nations to initiate this science in the UN, which were sent by Sanjay and Subhash, are very important. The GHA expresses to them cordial gratitude for their great work of practical promotion and affirmation of non-violence in the UN. These appeals will soon be published on our website. Unfortunately, theGHA appeals remain unanswered by the militaristic leaders and their UN. But we are convinced that they will be compelled to listen to them, because there is no another way out of the dead end of endless wars and arms race that is suicidal for humankind. This is a key and fundamental requirement of the modern history and survival of all nations and the planet. Therefore, we must continue our efforts in this strategic direction of nonviolence with tripled energy. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 02-10-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------