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Leo Semashko. Recommendations to Roerich Peace Prize. Peace Solidarity Symbol

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Peace comes from harmony of SPHERONS through science and education




Recommendations to Roerich Prize for Leo Semashko.

Peace Solidarity Symbol


In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=639

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=661



The Roerich Prize 2015 for the category "Preservation of cultural values and peacemaking" (hereinafter - Peacemaking) was awarded to the abbot of the Buddhist Temple Datsan in St Petersburg Buda Badmaev for the preservation and restoration of the Temple. Unfortunately, this information has not yet been published o­n the website of the Organizing Committee:http://www.roerich-heritage.org/category/galerei/laureaty-mezhdunarodnoi-premii-imeni-nikolaya-rerikha.

Together with Mr. Badmaev for this Prize but in part of "peacemaking" was nominated Dr. Leo Semashko, President of the Global Harmony Association (GHA), who was supported by this international organization and 27 letters of recommendation of the 15 countries and he was presented by the Ladoga high school. All these recommendations are listed below.


The Letter of Support to

Nicholas Roerich Prize in nomination "Peacemaking"

Dr. Leo Semashko, President, Global Harmony Association (GHA),

St. Petersburg City, Russia.

Phone: + 812-597-65-71, email: leo.semashko@gmail.com,

Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253

From the GHA-Russia President Julia Budnikova


Dear GHA Board members,

The Organizing Committee of the Nicholas Roerich annual International Prize announced Contest for this Prize in 2015 from July 17 until September 16, 2015, information about what is published in Russian here: http://www.roerich.spb.ru/story/obyavlen-konkurs-na-prisuzhdenie-mezhdunarodnoy-premii-imeni-nikolaya-reriha-v-2015-godu

The Contest has five nominations, o­ne of which is "Peacemaking." The Laureates will receive modest award in $ 1,000, but the main thing is not in them but in the high prestige the Prize of Roerich, whose creativity is well reflected in the GHA books.

In connection with this Contest, I invite the GHA Board members to discuss and approve GHA President Dr. Leo Semashko as candidate to Roerich Prize in the category "Peacemaking" by your "YES" within 3 days to 3 August inclusively. Your silence will be recognized as the consent sign as it is usual in our discussions.

We all very well and longtime know Leo Semashko as confirmed peacemaker, who has devoted his life to selfless service to the great goals of global peace. This is dedicated all of his activities in GHA, which he created for this mission under the slogan "Peace from Harmony" in 2005 and which now comprises more than 600 individual members from 65 countries. The GHA colossal work and its leader reflected o­n the powerful information portal of nearly 1,500 pages in many languages ​​"Peace from Harmony", the number of visits which is approaching 7 million, 3-5 thousand a day. It is located at: www.peacefromharmony.org and we all know it very well, as o­n it were published a lot of our personal pages, articles, poems, etc.

GHA for more than 10 years of active international peacemaking activity under the leadership of Leo Semashko and o­n his initiative created 50 peacebuilding projects and published eight peace books the most significant of which is an unprecedented book "Global Peace Science," published in January 2015 in Russian and dedicated not o­nly to the GHA 10th anniversary but also to the 80th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich Pact and other international peacemaking dates. Currently, Leo Semashko completes editing and translation into English this unique book to be published in January 2016.

For more details about wide peacemaking of Leo you can be found o­n his personal webpage, in two languages and literally o­n every page of "Peace from Harmony", which was created by his hands. This is the most convincing evidence of his selfless and dedicated service to global peace. It is difficult to overestimate his importance.

In the Contest terms stressed that the winners will be determined by the number of recommendations. So I invite you to write and send your supporting letters for nominee Semashko to the Prize at the GHA address-list, including my email and Leo email. These letters of support then will be collected, unpacked and transferred with a package of documents to the Organizing committee of the Award.

Sincerely, Julia Budnikova,

GHA-Russia President, GHA Vice-President,



Responses with support: July 31 – August 4.


Dear Leo, Dear All

Dear Leo, Great Pacifist of this era!

It is a pleasure to send you my letter of support to the Roerich annual Prize.

This year I got the flag of Roerich, flag of Peace and I hope in this way bridges of spiritual culture are going o­n trough different countries as spiritual brothers we are. All the Success, Light, Love and Peace in the next steps of your Scientific Book and realizations.

Susana Roberts, poet, Argentina

PS. Here some photos if you can add to the website.. Thank you!

Photo of my eldest daughter and his son withFlag of Roerich, the other the Day I got the tittle of Ambassador of Roerich in the Honorable Senate of Argentine Nation, last July 13th 2015.


Dear Leo, I have had breast cancer.I have had it cut off, but find the aftermath difficult.However, it is beginning to be a bit better.I have written a o­ne page letter for you for the peacemaking prize. I pray for you and your work, I light a candle for you every Sunday, love Hilarie, Australia,


I also agree to the nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko, for his fervent researches and search of peace. Dr. Hedva Rabinson Bachrach, Israel


I agree to the recommendation of Dr. Leo Semashko as the candidate to Roerich Prize in the category of "Peacemaking". Dr. A. K. Merchant, India,


Yes I approve Dr Leo Semashko as a candidate for the Roerich prize. AYO Amale, Ghana,


I approve GHA President Dr. Leo Semashko as candidate for Roerich Prize in the category "Peacemaking." Laj Utreja, India,


My YES in recommendation of Dr. Leo to the Prize. Mr. Heli HABYARIMANA, Rwanda,


YES for LEO! Prof. DSc Erika Lazarova, Bulgaria,


YES, by Dr Apostolos J Paschos and Dr Takis Ioannides, Greece,


YES, I fully support youfor Nicholas Roerich Prize. Dr. Subhash Chandra, India,


My response is YES. María Cristina Azcona, Argentine,



ДА! - Я рекомендую Правлению ГСГ утвердить кандидатуру Президента ГСГ Льва Михайловича Семашко на присвоение ему Международной Премии имени Николая Рериха в 2015 году в номинации «Сохранение культурных ценностей и миротворчество» (так она названа в документе Организационного Комитета). Считаю, что именно в таком, всеобъемлющем соединении понятий в номинации ещё более весомой видятся и работа ГСГ, и значение НГМ, и бесспорно, заслуживающая уважения и внимания подвижническая роль Льва Михайловича Семашко.

С уважением - Ю.И. Цымбалист, член Союза писателей РФ. Russia


I say YES. E Kakan Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel,


Yes, Thanks Professor Bishnu Pathak, Nepal,


Я полагаю, что Лев Михайлович Семашко достоин присуждения премии в номинации "Миротворчество". ЧленГСГ =ПетрСергиенко= Russia


YES. Dr. Surendra Pathak, Professor & Head, Department of Value Education,

Director-Research & Dean-Social Sciences, IASE University, India


Dear friends, GHA members,

I am pleased to report that the GHA Board unanimously supported my nomination for the Nicholas Roerich Prize in category “Peacemaking”. I appreciate and deeply grateful for this support. We did not get a single vote NO (VS) o­n this issue. This, in essence, is recognition of the GHA merit as a whole, which has created Global Peace Science (GPS), supremely dignified the peace awards as an unprecedented peacemaking achievement in history. This is the first attempt to create such a science in human history! What is it? - History will determine that itself. We performed our peacemaking mission as best as we can. If others are able to execute it better - let they will show their achievement to all - we will be happy to welcome it!

In connection with my nomination for Roerich Prize, I invite you to write your brief, half-page, no more letters of support from you in person and / or by your organizations o­n the letterhead (if it is) and send them to my e-mail in attachment until September 1, 2015. Many thanks. This will be your support not o­nly of my nomination but also your support for our GPS as our joint peacemaking creation. Below I duplicate Julia Budnikova’s letter about Roerich Prize and my nomination o­n it. Julia is now o­n vacation until August 20. Best harmony wishes,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,


The procedure of collective nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko for Roerich Prize and letters of support.


Global Harmony Association (GHA), uniting today o­n 11 year of life more than 600 individual members from 65 countries, from the very beginning established the democratic order of maximum transparency for all public affairs and decisions in the organization. Therefore, in the GHA we discussed all the issues, including the recommendations of the GHA members to certain awards, including the recommendation of the "ABC of Harmony" (2012) for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=608.

A similar process of collective discussion and approval was took Leo Semashko nominee, GHA President, o­n Roerich International Prize in the category "Peacemaking." At first, it was approved by the GHA Board, its 35 members from 16 countries (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281), and then it was took a general approval of the GHA members at the beginning of August 2015.

One of the results of this decision were 27 individual letters of support for the candidacy of Leo Semashko o­n the called Award from 15 countries: Australia, Argentina, Armenia, Belgium, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel, Spain, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Russia, Rwanda and the United States . These letters were sent o­n the general mailing to all members of the GHA, including Leo Semashko, who responded to them. The copies of these recommendation letters with the authors e-mail addresses are published below.

Among the authors of these support letters are the world-famous scholars and peacemakers:

Alexander Subetto, President, Noospheric Public Academy of Sciences, Emeritus Scientist of Russia, Laureate of the Russian Government,

Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan,

Kanakmal Dugar, Chancellor, IASE Deemed University, President, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, India,

Subhash Sharma, Director, Indus Business Academy, India,

Francois Houtart, Professor of Catholic University, Belgium,

Justo Bolekia Boleka, Professor, University of Salamanca, Spain,

Rudolf Siebert, Professor of Religion, Michigan University, USA

Charles Mercieca, President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, USA,

Chinta Yogi, Founder, Society of Values ​​Education, Nepal; and others.

Julia Budnikova, September 10, 2015


Nomination of Leo Semashko,

President and Founder of Global Harmony Association (GHA)

For International Prize of Nicholas Roerich by category:

"Preservation of cultural values ​​and peacemaking."


The "Ladoga Secondary School №2" collective nominates Leo Semashko for the International Nicholas Roerich Prize in the category "Preservation of cultural values ​​and peacemaking."

Recommendation of Leo Semashko with a brief description of its activities, which is the basis for the nomination - is attached.

Director, LSS №2: Galina Kvashnina


Recommendation - Characteristic

For Leo Semashko nomination at Nicholas Roerich Prize

Leo M. Semashko

Background: Born June 20, 1941 in Grodno, Belarus, in the family of a serviceman. His father was killed in the first days of the war. He lived and studied in high school in Bezhetsk, Tver region. Then he worked o­n of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station construction and also studied at the university.

Leo Semashko is president and founder of Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005, philosopher, sociologist, and peacemaker. In 1965 he graduated the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University, and in 1970 he defended his thesis at the same faculty, after which he taught as assistant professor of philosophy, sociology, history, philosophy, political science, cultural studies and law at the universities of St. Petersburg. In 1990-1993 he was the deputy of the City Parliament (Lensovet/Petrosovet) and president-founder of the Children's Foundation of name Fyodor Dostoevsky, which developed in 1991 the first in Russia "Family Code" from the first chapter o­n the rights of children. This code was used in the preparation of the Constitution and the Family Code of the Russian Federation. He participated in many international congresses and conferences in sociology, philosophy, religion, education and peacemaking not o­nly in Russia but also in China, India, Kazakhstan, Sweden, South Africa, Malaysia, Norway, Italy and Australia. He is author of over 400 scientific publications o­n these subjects, including 17 books in several languages. In 2005, he created the GHA, an international peacemaking organization with the mission of "Peace from Harmony", the activity of which is presented in more detail below.

Leo Semashko’s peacemaking activity

We all know for a long time Leo Semashko as confirmed peacemaker, who has devoted his life to selfless service to the great goal of global peace. The source of this service began with suffering mother in 1941 under the Nazi bombing o­n the western border of Russia. The mother stories about the war horrors inspired Leo to search answer to a question about the possibility of freeing society from all wars that brought him to the Faculty of Philosophy and the way of hard innovative research in this field for over 40 years. Especially fruitful, scale and in fully aware, this activity was embodied in the establishment and active work of GHA from 2005 to the present.

Leo Semashko created GHA for mission of building world peace under the slogan "Peace from Harmony", which expresses the essence of his peacemaking: the source of peace is, and can o­nly be social harmony in all its infinite cultural manifestations, as evidenced by him in his scientific works involving great historical and cultural material of different civilizations. Social harmony in his understanding - it is a deep spiritual core of all culture that, in fact, coincides with the Roerich understanding and develops it. GHA is now unites more than 600 individual members from 65 countries and about 30 collective members with a total of up to a million people. GHA has regional offices not o­nly in Russia but also in Kazakhstan, India, Ukraine, USA, Latin America and Africa. Together with members of the GHA, he created a powerful information portal of the same name "Peace from Harmony» (http://peacefromharmony.org/), which now has more than two thousand pages and is published in 16 languages, of which the main o­nes are Russian and English. The number of visits to the site during its existence is closer to 7 million.

GHA for more than 10 years of active international peacemaking activity under the leadership of Leo Semashko and o­n his initiative created 50 peacemaking projects and has published eight books. Their list is published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=496. The most significant of these projects is an unprecedented book "Global Peace Science," first published in Russia in January 2015 and is not o­nly dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the GHA, but also the 80th anniversary of the “Nicholas Roerich Pact” and other international peace dates. Currently, Leo Semashko completes editing and translation into English of this unique book, to be published in January 2016 in India and USA.

Leo Semashko is the Board member of many international peace organizations: International Association of Educators for World Peace (USA), Vice-President of the Academy for Global Peace, India; and others. He is recognized as "Honorary Doctor of Philosophy" of Global Peace Academy, India; "Ambassador of Peace" in Cycle peacemakers, Geneva; "Messenger of Peace" of Women's International Coalition for the Culture of Peace (Israel) and other peace organizations.

Semashko’s peacemaking ideas are actively introduced in educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities) of Russia, India, Argentina, Rwanda, Ghana, Nepal and other countries. In New Ladoga High School the honored teacher of primary school Kuskovskaya Svetlana, Vice-president of GHA several years spends in the classroom the lessons and entire courses o­n peace and harmony as a source of peace. The tutorials o­n these lessons are the GHA books: "Harmonious Era Calendar" (2006), "Harmonious Civilization" (2009), "The ABC of Harmony" (2012), "Global Peace Science" (2015) and others created at the initiative and under the direction of Leo Semashko.

We express our general opinion of the individual and collective members of the GHA by our recommendation Leo Semashko at the Nicholas Roerich International Prize in this category. o­nly a small part of its listed peacemaking merits and achievements shows the deep reasonableness of our representation of Semashko to this Award. He has earned its with selfless, disinterested (he never received any payment for his long and active peacemaking) and dedicated spiritual service throughout his adult life to the great cause of achieving global peace, which, like the great service Roerich, confirms, strengthens and develops peacemaking entity of Russia.

Director, LSS №2: Galina Kvashnina



Letters of recommendation

Since August 14 to September 16, 2015




Dear Members of the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize,                                                                        
            I write in support of Dr. Leo Semashko’s
for the Roerich Prize in the category -"Peacemaking".                             
Dr. Leo Semashko is well known as a committed peacemaker, who has devoted his life to selfless service to the great goals of global peace. He is the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association Int’l and has served humanity selflessly. He is dedicated to all activities in GHA, which he created under the slogan "Peace from Harmony" in 2005 and which now comprises more than 600 individual members from 65 countries. The GHA colossal work and that of its leader is reflected o­n the powerful information portal of nearly 1,500 pages in many languages in​​"Peace from Harmony" website, the number of visits which is approaching 7 million, 2-5 thousand a day. This very important information portal published a lot of members’ personal pages, articles, poems, etc. 

GHA has more than 10 years of active international peacemaking activity under the leadership of Dr. Leo Semashko and based o­n his initiative created 50 peacebuilding projects and published eight peace books the most significant of which is an unprecedented book "Global Peace Science," published in January 2015 in Russian and dedicated not o­nly to the GHA 10th anniversary but also to the 80th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich Pact and other international peacemaking dates. Currently, Leo Semashko completes editing and translation into English this unique book to be published in January 2016.

For more details about Dr. Leo Semashko, the peacemaker and peace builder, kindly visit his personal webpage, in two languages and literally o­n every page of "Peace from Harmony", which was created by him. This is the most convincing evidence of his selfless and dedicated service to global peace. Dr. Leo Semashko’s great peace work cannot be overemphasized.
In addition to Dr. Leo Semashko’s distinguished and principled leadership in the area of peace, there are many reasons why I believe Leo merits the Nicholas Roerich Annual international prize in Peacemaking. Leo’s writings express the aspirations of a growing number of Peace makers and Peace builders. The ideas he has articulated in his writings are ideas that are commonplace in free societies around the world, are shared by a significant number of people.To stand up for Leo is to stand with a growing number of men and women like him in the world who advocate for disarmament, harmony and global peace. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to recommend Dr. Leo Semashko to you, and I look forward, as always, to your decision.


Ayo Ayoola-Amale, esqEducator /Lawyer/ Mediator/ Poet/Peace-builderWisconsin International University, Accra, Ghana.Blog: www.growintopeace.wordpress.come-mail: aayoamale@hotmail.comMobile: + 233261560545

Aug. 11, 2015 г


2.To Nicholas Roerich Annual InternationalPrize Committee

Subject: Nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko, Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) Russia & State Councillor of St. Petersburg, for Nicholas Roerich Prize in "Peacemaking" 2015

It is my great pleasure to support & nominate Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Prize in the category -"Peacemaking" as he spent his life for harmony, children's priority and peace for humanity. I recommend his name as a candidate for Nicholas Roerich Prize because of three reasons.

First, he was born in June 20, 1941, Grodno, Byelorussia & spent his 40 years at homeland in the state: in Soviet Union since 1976 and in Russia since 1990 and still is dissident. He has discovered and developed Tetrasociology (Sphere Approach since 1976) as the science of social harmony, harmonious civilization, harmonious spheral classes and global harmonious peace that is provided by these classes.

Second, Dr. Leo Semashko is well known as a GLOBAL Leader & Peace Maker, who has devoted his life to selfless service to the people & society through Peace from harmony.

He is the Architecture & creator of “Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity: Growth through Peace but not for War” o­n scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

He received support from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India who was called the "Missile Man” and was also o­ne of the Global Peace Science (GPS) Founder, World Harmony Creator http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=95 and the coauthor of The ABC of Harmony (Leo Semashko and GHA 75 coauthors from 26 countries, 2012).

Dr. Leo Semashko is a great Peace visionary leader in the area of peace & harmony who has created more than 50 peace building projects and published 8 Global peace books the most significant of which is an unprecedented book "Global Peace Science" (2015).

Global Peace Science (GPS) is the science of peace, justice and democracy from harmony. GPS is a mass movement of Global Peace, Freedom & Harmony through harmonious education, to be free from hunger &poverty, violence and wars in the 21st century.

I am also coauthor of this mega GPS project of creating a Nuclear Free world through harmonious education: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585

Third, Dr. Leo Semashko was awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) fromwell-known Academy of Universal Global Peace (AUGP),India http://www.augp.webs.com for his contribution to Global Peace & harmoniousEducation field and also service to civil society & humanity by holding prestigious positions as the Board member of several International Organizations.

I am full confident that the Global Peace Science for creating a peaceful planet is fully trustworthy work for Nicholas Roerich Prize in nomination "Peacemaking".


Sincerely Yours,

Prof. Dr. Subhash Chandra

GHA Secretary General, Global harmony Association, India

Scientist, Author & Peace maker &

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583

E-mail: schandra101@gmal.com

Aug. 14, 2015 г


3.Letter of support by Dr. François Houtart, Belgium

Dear Sir,

It is a pleasure for me to recommend Dr. Leo SEMASHKO for the International Roerich Prize in the category of Peacemaking.

Dr. SEMASHKO is the president of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) of St Petersburg City in Russia. He has been very active in peace activities, developing a theoretical approach to the peace issue and also with a great number of concrete peace initiatives.

He has constituted an important world network for peacemaking. Today, in a world of wars and injustices, such an effort is very valuable. Therefore, I think that such an award would be a just recognition of his efforts.

Many thanks and very sincerely yours,

Dr. François Houtart

Professor Emeritus of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium)

Professor of the Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (I.A.E.N.) (Ecuador)

Tel: (593) (2) 382 99 00 Ext 272

Fundación Pueblo Indio del Ecuador

Calle Ruiz de Castilla N 26-92 y Sosaya - 170520 - Quito ECUADOR

Tel. (593) (2) 32.12.100 Cel. (593)

Rue Kelle, 192/6 - B-1150 Bruxelles

Aug. 31, 2015


4.Letter of support by Kanak Mal Dugar, India

Dear Members of International Roerich Prize.

It is my pleasure to give my support for the nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Prize in “Peacemaking”, whose life from the beginning was light, love and proposal to create Peace and Harmony from his own experience after the World War II. His spiritual inclination and High Studies made of him a real Peacemaker and a founder of the Science of TetraSociology to understand Harmony of the world. Creator and searcher of many theories during all his life to reach a Harmonious Civilization he developed a honest brilliant theory about the harmony of four spheres of society, it is published in “Peace from Harmony” web site (http://peacefromharmony.org/), among important intellectuals of this time. Peace from harmony is the feature of Leo’s work. His very creative understanding of human life comes from his tetradic way of thinking – TetraSociology, which starts of the ancient philosophy.

Our Institution IASE University, Rajasthan is the partner in the publication of “The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking: Global Textbook” as GHA 34th Project by Dr. Leo Semashko as Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 77 co-authors from 26 countries which was published in English in India in the year 2012. This book was globally appreciated. In January of 2015 Dr. Semashko published a book of global importance “Global Peace Science”. This edition is in Russian, but an English version will be published in 2016.

His ideas and responsibility for the wellbeing of Humanity and the future of children is Global, the concepts are development in the website "Peace from Harmony.org". I am sure he merits this Prize as mentor of ideals of Peace based in Science of Peace for a Culture of Spiritual Concord.Dr Leo Semashko deserves this award of his constant work for the service to Humanity uniting Arts, Science and Spirit, three principles of Roerich illustrated principles, and they are with him protected from mind, spirit and action he showed to all of us - Members of Global Harmony Association - during last 10 years.

Dr. Leo Semashko is my friend, and I am very pleased to be able to add my name to all the people who nominated him for the Roerich Prize in “Peacemaking”. I pray for his many years of work into global peace science.

          Kanak Mal Dugar

Chancellor- IASE Deemed University

President-Gandhi Vidya Mandir

Sardarshahr, Rajsthan, India

Aug.26, 2015 г


5.From: Mr. Heli HABYARIMANA

To: The Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Date: August 25th, 2015

Re: Letter of Support for Dr. Leo Semashko

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write in support of Dr Leo Semashko’s nomination for the Roerich Prize in the category - "Peacemaking".

In fact, as far as I know Dr Leo Semashko, he is well known as a committed peacemaker, who has devoted his life to selfless service to the great goals of global peace. As the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA) under the slogan "Peace from Harmony" and of which I am a member, he has really served humanity tirelessly. He is dedicated to all activities in GHA which now comprises more than 600 individual members from 65 countries.

In addition, GHA has more than 10 years in peacemaking activity and at the worldwide level, this under the leadership of Dr Leo Semashko. More than 50 peacebuilding projects were developed and 8 books were published including "Global Peace Science," published in January 2015 in Russian. Today, Dr. Leo Semashko is about completing editing the English translation of the book for later publication probably next year 2016.

Moreover, Dr Leo Semashko is known for his outstanding principled leadership in the area of peace, therefore the reason why I believe he merits the Nicholas Roerich Annual international prize in Peacemaking. His writings express the aspirations of a growing number of Peace makers and Peace builders. Thus, standing up for Dr. Leo means supporting a growing number of people like him in the world who have been advocating for disarmament, harmony and global peace. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to recommend Dr Leo Semashko to the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize.

I look forward to having your favourable consideration.


Mr. Heli Habyarimana

GHA Member and Vice-president, Rwanda

Email: haheli2001@yahoo.fr, Mobile: + 250788686324


6.Letter of support to nominate Dr. Leo Semashko for

International Roerich Prize for Peacemaking

For almost half century, Dr. Leo Semashko from Russia spent most of his time to promote stability, harmony and peace o­n a global scale. To this end, he wrote several articles and quite a few books. In the process, he made six discoveries from his tetra-sociology work as to validate his six scientific theories. Here they are:

The first o­ne deals with the various classes of the population as initiators of social harmony. Their spontaneous actions lead them to comprehend social harmony. The second o­ne deals with the concept of democracy that carries distribution of power among all the various classes of people. Children's priorities are seriously considered. The third o­ne connects with the area of statistics, which deal with needed quantitative measures for the eventual projection of social harmony. The fourth o­ne covers the area of information technology. The fifth o­ne deals with peace-making, socio-cultural and religious diversity, while the sixth o­ne covers strategic management and control as to guarantee harmonious governments at all levels.

These six important items are bound to bring about the various effective elements in the creation of global peace from harmony (www.peacefromharmony.org). The Global Harmony Association (GHA), which was initiated by Dr. Semashko, approached initially 12 governments for the eventual creation of Harmony Academies. They were: China, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Argentina, Algeria, Rwanda, Russia, France, England and Tunisia, in addition later to the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) along with UNESCO.

In view of this, we may fully understand why Dr. Semashko emerged as a global leader of social harmony and global peace. This explains fully well why he emerged to become very important as to be serious considered for the International Roerich Prize for Peacemaking. For more information you may secure an article about him entitled: Global Leader of Social Harmony, from mercieca@knology.net

Charles Mercieca, Ph.D., President,

International Association of Educators for World Peace, Dedicated to United Nations goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights and Disarmament.

Prof. Emeritus, Alabama A&M University, Box 3282, Huntsville, AL 35810-0282, USA

Aug.29, 2015


7.Letter of support by Surendra Pathak, Ph.D.

Dear Members of International Roerich Prize.

It is my pleasure to give my support for the nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Prize in “Peacemaking”, whose life from the beginning was light, love and proposal to create peace and harmony in the world. As a torch-bearer of Universal Peace, Dr. Leo Semashko is a peacemaker par excellence. His spiritual inclination and high studies made of him a real peacemaker, a founder of the Tetra-Sociology Science to understand harmony of society. Creator and searcher of many theories during all his life to reach a Harmonious Civilization he developed a brilliant theory about the harmony of four social spheres published in “Peace from Harmony” web site (http://peacefromharmony.org) among important intellectuals of this time.

Peace from harmony is the center of Leo’s work. His very creative understanding of human life and the way it is lived in community comes from a tetradic way of thinking or Tetra-Sociology. He treads the path of the ancient philosophers with their four dimensional ideas.

As Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA), since 2005, Dr. Leo Semashko is aggressively promoting and devoting his life for upholding universal Peace from Harmony. His quest for imparting the concept of peace reflect in many prominent books brought out under the banner of GHA, viz., Global Civilization (2009), The ABC of Harmony (2012) and so o­n, represented in many languages. In January of 2015 Dr. Semashko published a book of world importance “Global Peace Science” with the help of the GHA coauthors from 30 countries. This edition is in Russian but an English version will be published in 2016.

His ideas and responsibility for the wellbeing of humanity and the future of children is global. I am sure he merits this Prize as mentor of ideals of peace based in Peace Science within culture of spiritual concord. Dr. Leo Semashko deserves this award of his constant work for the service to humanity uniting Arts, Science and Spirit, three Roerich illustrated principles. They are protected his mind, spirit and action he showed to all of us – GHA members during last 10 years.

Dr. Leo Semashko’s ideas and ideals like an enthusiastic and tolerant honey will be ultimately reach the nest of “Global Harmony”. The exceptional and meritorious peacemaker, with selfless and dedicated service, advocating and promoting Global Peace is a gem in the crown of ‘Peace’, he really deserves the prestigious “Nicholas Roerich Prize” in the category of “Peacemaking” for his global peace science.

Dr. Surendra Pathak, 

Professor & Head, Department of Value Education, 

Director-Research & Dean-Social Sciences in IASE Deemed University; 

Project Director: Interdisciplinary Research Projects & World Conference o­n Existential Harmony  (www.existentialharmony.org/); http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak;   
Vice President GHA, President- GHA-INDIA (
Special Consultant:IAEWP (
www.iaewp.org), Member, WCPA(www.wcpa.biz/), 
Member, Advisory Board: Ground Report India www.groun

IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya  Mandir, Sardarshahar, 331401, Dist-Churu, Rajasthan, India, Mobile: +91-9414086007

Aug. 30, 2015 г


8.To: Committee of Nicholas Roerich Prize

Dear Madam/Dear Sir:

For this year’s Nicholas Roerich Prize, category “Peacemaking”, I would like to recommend Dr. Leo Semashko, President of the Global Harmony Association (GHA).

For the first time I met L. Semashko in 2002, at the Brisbane Congress of the International Association (ISA) and later at the following Congresses in 2006 and 2010. I’ve been much impressed with his personality and his theory of Tetra-sociology: Responses to Challenges, Saint Petersburg, 2002, as well as with his numerous publications as founder of the Global Harmony Association (GHA), an Internet action group. It is beyond doubt that he is a leading and tireless activist for the promotion of world peace.

Sincerely yours.

Reimon Bachika

Professor Emeritus of the Department of Sociology, Bukkyo University,

Kyoto, JAPAN

Sept. 15, 2015 г


(My dear friend Reimon,
I am very happy your letter of support from Japan, below - thank you very much!
I well remember our meetings at the ISA Congress since Brisbane, Australia, 2002 and our long discussions about Tetrasociology, which is now transformed into our Global Peace Science .... Best wishes for your health!
Best wishes for peace from harmony based o­n science, cordially yours, Leo, 1


9.RE: Letter of Recommendation for Dr. Leo Semashko --

Roerich Prize in category of Peacemaking

It has come to my attention that Dr. Leo Semashko is being considered for the International Roerich Prize for "Peacemaking." I write to endorse his nomination for this honor.

As a psychologist and peace activist, I must say that our interactions regarding establishing a peaceful world have been candid, stimulating, and meaningful.

I am an American. He is Russian. Yet we share a firm belief that there are means available to take the world out of danger, and indeed, to replace the current geopolitical war system with a global peace system.

Dr. Semashko, president and founder of the Global Harmony Association (GHA), has published an important body of work both by himself, and from a variety of peace experts analyzing various conflicts globally, and showing how peace could be attainable.

GHA's many international contacts, and Dr. Semashko's emphasis o­n a scientific dialog for peace, is an important emphasis and focus, and deserves to be expanded -- the sooner the better.

In conclusion, I believe that Dr. Semashko has shown the qualities that would make him an excellent candidate to be awarded the Roerich Prize in Peacemaking. Public recognition of his work can o­nly serve to advance what we all so desperately desire: a chance for a world at peace.

Best regards,

Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

Senior Research Fellow, Institute o­n World Problems

USA Vice President, World Constitution & Parliament Association

Vice President, Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco, California, USA

Aug.27, 2015 г


(Dear Roger,

Many thanks for your profoundletter of peace support!

The main our common idea and mission is "to replace the current geopolitical war system with a global peace system" as you excellently expressed it. It is absolute truth for us, for the peoples of Russia and USA, for all the peoples but not for all ruling elites and governments.

We, GHA go to this mission through Global Peace Science (GPS: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585), through education in GPS and through discovery of SPHERONS - universal harmonious classes of population (instead the antagonistic partial classes of Marx) as the objective (but spontaneous) actors of global peace, which are transform in the conscious actors through peace education in GPS. You go to this mission through your peace Constitution of Earth. We must unite them: the Earth Constitution should be Constitution of Earth SPHERONS and SPHERONS should find their own Constitution in it. This way could unite us and reinforce us. It is our common future way. We are very happy to this peace intellectual union but at the same time revolutionary alliance in the spirit of non-violent resistance Gandhi.

Many thanks also for wonderful letters of support to Prof. Dr. Gopala Krishnan and Prof. Dr. Sharifah Sabrina from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and to Mr. Heli HABYARIMANA from RWANDA-AFRICA.

With love, best wishes for peace from harmony based o­n science, Leo 28/08/15)


10.Re: Letter of Support for Dr. Leo Semashko, for Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Dear Sir / Madam,

I hereby write in support of Dr. Leo Semashko’s nomination for the Roerich Prize in the category – “Peacemaking.”

My support is based o­n Dr. Leo Semashko’s distinctive contributions to development of a scientific perspective o­n global peace with roots in his Tetrasociology. In this direction he founded GHA (Global Harmony Association) that is propagating the idea of ‘Peace for Harmony’. This represents a paradigm shift in human thought from the worldviews rooted in ‘geopolitical war systems’ to ‘global peace system’. In this direction, he has published many articles (more than 400) and books (16). His book, “Global Peace Science” (2015) is a distinctive contribution to literature o­n Global Peace.  

I had the honor of offering a Workshop o­n Peace, at Indus Business Academy, Greater Noida, India in October 2013. I greatly cherish his deep insights and action orientation in putting his ideas into practice. I feel delighted in recommending Dr. Leo Semashko for Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize in peacemaking.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Subhash Sharma, PhD (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)

Director, Indus Business Academy

Lakshmipura, Thataguni Post

Kanakpura Main Road, Bangalore 560062, India

Sept. 1, 2015



11.Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, D.Litt.

International Poet, Content & Review Writer

Universal Peace Ambassador, Switzerland

Vice-Chair, Global Harmony Assn., Russia

Honorary Advisor, BIO University, Malaysia

Love Ambassador, USA

The Nicholas Roerich Prize in category “Peacemaking”

Letter in support of Dr. Leo Semashko

As a torch-bearer of Universal Peace, as a promoter of Love & Harmony; Dr. Leo Semashko is a peacemaker par excellence. His untiring and relentless efforts to bring world humanity o­n to a single platform of “Love & Harmony” are remarkable and reckonable.

As Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA), since 2005, Dr. Leo Semashko is aggressively promoting and devoting his life for upholding universal Peace and Harmony. His quest for imparting the concept of peace reflect in many prominent books brought out under the banner of GHA, viz., Global Civilization (2009), The ABC of Harmony (2012), Global Peace Science (2015) etc., represented by no less than 500 co-others from 60-odd countries and in 17 languages.

Dr. Leo Semashko’s ideas and ideals rover like an enthusiastic and tolerant honey bee to ultimately will reach the nest of “Global Harmony”. The exceptional and meritorious peacemaker, with selfless and dedicated service, advocating and promoting Global Peace is a gem in the crown of ‘Peace’, who really deserves the coveted and prestigious “Nicholas Roerich Prize” in the category of “Peacemaking”.

On behalf of “World Peace Poetry”, I take the opportunity to earnestly recommend the candidacy of Dr. Leo Semashko, the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA), who, as a torch-bearer of Peace transmits the waves of enlightenment to ultimately pave a way for “Harmony” amongst all of us.

Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy


International Poet – Review Writer

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad

HYDERABAD – 500 059

Telangana State, INDIA

Aug. 14, 2015 г

12.Letter of support by Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Spain

for Dr. Leo Semashko


Dear Members of the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize,

I acknowledge the Roerich International Prize in the “peacemaking” category, and I would like to recommend Dr. Leo Semashko as its laureate.

The reason of my recommendation is because Dr. Leo Semashko is a peace builder and peace fighter since longtime and all his activity is refer to the creation of a better world without weapons and wars.

Here are some evidences about Dr. Leo Semashko’s activities:

·Founder and President of the Global Harmony Association since 2005.

·Creation of the website www.peacefromharmony.org about the GHA.

·Publication of eight peace books and also the important book “Global Peace Science” (2015).

If you need to know more about Dr. Leo Semashko, please visit the website, where you will certainly see his selfless and dedicated service about disarmament and global peace.

I believe that Dr. Leo Semashko merits the Roerich International Prize and I look forward to hear about your positive decision.

Best regards,

Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka

Professor of French Studies at the University of Salamanca (www.usal.es)

Salamanca, west of Madrid, Spain

Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka)

Diaspora Correspondent of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org)

Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh)

Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa (www.peacefromharmony.org)

Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team)

Continental Secretary-Africa of the World Poetry Movement (http://www.poetasdelmundo.com/detalle-poetas.php?id=8158)

Correspondent Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy (http://www.rae.es/la-institucion/los-academicos/academicos-correspondientes-extranjeros).

Aug.19, 2015 г


13.Letter of support by Dr. Hilarie Roseman, Australia

I wish to support the nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko by the Global Harmony Association President for the Roerich Prize in “Peacemaking”.

I have known Leo for more than ten years, and was with him as he began to put together his web site “Peace from Harmony” (http://peacefromharmony.org/). It is amazing that from 2 to 5 thousand people visit this site now every day. I remember that I helped him conceive the website with the dove flying down to help the man and woman and their child achieve harmony. Peace from harmony is the feature of Leo’s work. His very creative understanding of human life and the way it is lived in community comes from a tetradic way of thinking, which he calls TetraSociology. He treads the path of the ancient philosophers with their four dimensional ideas. We have four cognitive abilities, sense, knowledge, opinion and sentiment. There are four elements, earth, water, air and fire and as Anaxagoras (500-428BC) says the principle of mutual inclusion (interinclusion) of the foundation of the world are explained as “all in everything” which Semashko says is the basic principle of TetraSociology.

In January of 2015 Dr. Semashko published a book “Global Peace Science”. It includes all his new thoughts, and was written with the help of his members, who now come to 600 individual members from 65 countries. This edition is in Russian, but an English version will be published in 2016.

Dr, Leo Semashko is my friend, and I am very pleased to be able to add my name to all the people who will nominate him for the Roerich Prize in “Peacemaking”. I pray that the flying dove will continue to bring the hope of peace with the many years of work that has gone into this global peace science.

Dr. Hilarie Roseman

Theologian, Painter, Poet, Australia

Aug.26, 2015 г


(Dear Leo, I have had breast cancer.I have had it cut off, but find the aftermath difficult.However, it is beginning to be a bit better.I have written a o­ne page letter for you for the peacemaking prize. I pray for you and your work, I light a candle for you every Sunday, love Hilarie, Australia, 26/08/15

Dearest Hilarie,

We are very glad to your successful surgery to remove your cancer and pray this operation had o­nly positive aftermaths! We cooperate with you for more than 11 years, admire and are proud of you! You have made a huge contribution to the GHA peacemaking activity. Your remarkable drawings for a long time are published o­n our website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=77 and http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=34. Your logo of GHA with the Holy Spirit of peace from harmony as Divine Symbol of Harmonious Civilization for a long time decorates the main page of our site "Peace from Harmony": http://peacefromharmony.org. You turned 90 years old, if I'm not mistaken, but you had doctorate in theology, in harmony of Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, paint and scientific work in the spirit of peacemaking. You are a brilliant example of the personal peace from harmony in distant Australia. Your selfless Christian service to peace is especially important today, especially important for the world and Russia, where o­n its doorstep and the western border going back the forces of war but now the US/NATO aggressive block..... God! Save us from the new, nuclear war! Our "Global Peace Science" from harmony gives us hope that humanity has the indestructible peace potential of the eternal harmonious classes of the population – humanity SPHERONS, we are discussing with you for 11 years and for which you have offered remarkable artistic images. Thank you very much for your strong support and a flattering letter for the great spiritual Roerich Prize. I pray for you. With love, Leo, 26/08/15)


14.Re: Letter of Support for Dr. Leo Semashko, for Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Dear Sir / Madam,

I hereby write in support of Dr. Leo Semashko’s nomination for the Roerich Prize in the category – “Peacemaking.”

My support is based o­n my personal opinion for Dr. Leo Semashko, as a well-known person for his - years now - real activities for the goals of Global Peace, as he has devoted his whole life for this main humanity problem, by producing and proposing solutions, like the GHA common idea and mission, which is "to replace the current geopolitical war system with a global peace system", and the already published o­n January 2015 into Russia language GHA 8th book titled, “Global Peace Science” (now is about ending its English translation with target to be published o­n January 2016).

Dr. Leo Semashko, a man with ideals and human values, is the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA) under the slogan “Peace for Harmony”, in which I have the honor to be co-founder and Vice President of GHA. All these years GHA is active under his safe and fecund leadership with 600 individuals members from 65 countries, resulting 50 peacebuilding projects and 8 books. His life work, and mainly his ideas and actions for the “Global Harmony”, the “disarmament” and the “Global Peace” express the aspirations of too many Peace Builders globally, and all of us who follow and support him all these years.

Dr. Leo Semashko raises his chest dimensionless and courageous against the fogy conditions which prison and gag the Peace worldwide. His belief is that the time has been arrived for humanity to break the spiritual and materialistic fetters, their icy grip of indifference and abandonment, to unfold freely, normally and naturally, and give the fruitful contribution to the development of the Global Tree of Peace.

I do not hesitate to say, without exaggeration that his robustness, his mental strength and moral grandeur view as the most necessary elements for the constructivists and the founders of the requirement of billions of mankind aspiring to build Global Peace.

For all above, o­n my opinion, Dr. Leo Semashko merits the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize in peacemaking.

Yours sincerely,

Panagiotis (Takis) D. Ioannides

Dr. Litt., poet, writer

Vice President of GHA

7-9Lignadi str, 171 21 New Smyrna, Athens, Greece

Aug.28, 2015 г


15.To: The Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Subject: Letter of Support for Dr. Leo Semashko, for Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Dear friends,

Namaste from Nepal.

I would like to recommend the name of Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Prize in the category of - Peacemaking.

In fact, I don't know him personally but again feel highly inspired by his vision, dreams and dedication for Peace; feel deeply motivated that he even inspires those people whom he has not met yet. Actually true messengers can inspire people beyond any boundaries.

Dr. Leo Semashko is a well-known person by his remarkable contribution for peace; especially his tireless effort through the GHA has made him an international citizen; working for peace and humanity through spirituality. He is a man with vision and mission; and a man with complete dedication for peace - inner peace and outer peace.

The world needs peace, o­nly peace and for that we need true peace servers like him who are embodiment of peace. Therefore, I strongly believe that Dr. Leo Semashko is a best candidate for the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize.

Thank you sooooo much, love+peace+service

Dr. Chinta Mani Yogi

Founding Principal - Hindu VidyaPeeth-Nepal (HVP)

Founding Chairperson - Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA)

Patron - Youth Society for Peace (YSP)

Founder - Society for Value Education (SVE)

Chairperson - Nepal Inter-faith Movement (NIM)

Co-ordinator - Global Network of Religions for Children-Nepal

Address: Po.Box: 6807, Kathmandu, Nepal; Ph. 00977-1-5527924 /5006125,

Web sites: www.cmyogi.org ; www.hvp-nepal.org ; www.peaceservicenepal.org.np ; www.childrenspeacehome.org ; www.peaceserviceusa.org

Aug.31, 2015 г.




DEAR Members of International Roerich Prize.

It is my pleasure to give my support to Dr Leo Semashko, whose life from the beginning was light, love and proposal to create Peace from his own experience after the World War II. His spiritual inclination and High Studies made of him a real Peacemaker, a founder of the Science of Tetrasociology made the world to understand Harmony by his own. Creator and searcher of many theories during all his life to reach a Harmonious Civilization he developed a honest brilliant theory about the harmony of four spheres of society, it is published in “Peace from Harmony” web site, among important intellectuals of this time.

He has made more than 100 projects and published a lot of books, and this important “Global Peace Science” during 2015 in Russia. This last book will be translated in English and edited.

I am a coauthor of a project Magna Carta of Harmony for an Information Civilization: Toward a Social Justice and Global Peace (2007) in seven languages, it was an amazing work that I was imbued a long time with great admiration for this great intelligent Human being that his kindly heart reaches every corner of the world.

Some titles of his foundational basis are in Harmonious Civilization - Universal Declaration. Global Harmony Treaty for a Nuclear Disarmament, Global Harmonious Education, Science of Global Harmony and more inside the concept of “Harmonious Civilization”.

His ideas and responsibility for the wellbeing of Humanity and the future of children is Global, the concepts are development in the website "Peace from Harmony.org". I am sure he merits this Prize as mentor of ideals of Peace based in Science of Peace for a Culture of Spiritual Concorde. Dr L.Semashko deserves this award of his constant work for the service to Humanity uniting Arts, Science and Spirit, three principles of Roerich illustrated principles, and they are with him protected from mind, spirit and action he showed to all of us - Members of Global Harmony Association- during last 10 years.


Susana Roberts

Poet-translator-Argentina peacebuilder

Dr Litt Honoris Causa-WAAC

Honorary Member Global Harmony Association.

Vice Dir. IFLAC Argentina and Latin America

Ambassador of Peace -Embassy od Peace-IFLAC Arg. Mil milenios org (Unesco-Unicef)

Member Presidium World Forum Spiritual Culture. Astana-Kazahastan.

Trelev, Argentine

Aug.12, 2015 г



For Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Dear Sir

I write in support of Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Prize. The world peace forums all over the globe has got a new science subject thru his creation of GPS (Global Peace Science), which is going to beguiding force for all future global peacemakers.

The materialistic world was running ahead sans spirituality and Yoga. Now world has realized the need for spirituality. The future will be brighter when people will realize that spirituality is a part of Yoga. Adopting Yoga leads o­ne to realize self and be more human and spiritual.

I earnestly recommend Dr. Leo Semashko, the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association (GHA), who, as a source of Peace radiates the waves of enlightenment universally for Harmony and peace amongst all of us.

Ramesh Kumar

Ex Defence Scientist

Founder, Yog Sadhan Ashram 

A 38, Rosewood City, Grand Mansion ,Sector 49 ,Gurgaon 122 018, India

Founder NGO : Consortium of Social Reforms Organization

Aug.20, 2015 г.,


18.From Dr. Dr. Apostolos John Paschos

To: The Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Re: Proposal strongly support for the candidacy of Dr. Leo Semashko for the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Date: August 28th, 2015

Dear Sir / Madam,

I know very well and truly Dr. Leo Semashko, a man with integrated personality, known for his integrity, hard-working, spiritual and scientist, President of the “GHA”, who works via life for the Global Peace of mankind, society, family and Youth. Dr. Leo Semashko as founder and leader of GHA has developed and published 8 books concerning the “Global Peace” and the last o­ne for the “Global Peace Science”. I have the honor to be co-author in the last two books, as a member of GHA.

For above reasons I do support consciously and with free will the nomination of Dr. Leo Semashko, who, o­n my opinion, merits the Roerich Prize in the category – “Peacemaking.”

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Dr. Apostolos John Paschos

Scientific partner of Medical School of University of Athens, Pathologist, Nuclear Medical, writer poet, historic, researcher, member of, International Academy Thea Athina,New York Academy of Sciences, Academia Ferdinadea, Societo Historica Catenese.

Central Square, city of Metsovon, 44200, Epirus, Greece

Telephone – Fax 26560 41273

Aug.28, 2015 г


19.Letter of support by Gopala Krishnan and Sharifah Sabrina, Malaysia

We in Malaysia wholeheartedly support the candidacy of Dr. Semashko for award of the Roerich peace prize. He has ardently soldiered o­n in the face of many obstacles in the propagation of peace. Long live Dr. Semashko and his thoughts and ideas.

Prof. Dr. Gopala Krishnan and Prof. Dr. Sharifah Sabrina

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Aug.27, 2015 г


20.Letter of support by Hedva Robinson Bachrach

I would like to express my support for Dr. Semashko’s candidacy for the Roerich International Prize. Dr. Semashko’s ideas and ideals for peace should be taught everywhere. He well deserves this prize.

Dr. Hedva Robinson Bachrach


Aug.25, 2015 г


21.To whom it may concern.

I happened to know Mr. Semashko for almost two years from now. His personal and professional figure and characteristics are very much in compliance with each other. Those two pole of him are serving for the sake and peace of the humanity that he values for the most.

Mr. Semashko while being the President of the Global Harmony Association truly holds that title of an individual who honestly cares and acts for the preservation and harmonization of human species.

Hence, I surely and firmly recommend Mr. Semashko for the nomination of the candidate of Roerich's Prize.


Marianna Poghosyan,

Yerevan, Armenia

Policy Officer to European and International Organisations

Email: Poghosyan.marianna@yahoo.com

Sept. 8, 2015 г


22.Letter of Support for the Consideration of Dr.LeoSemashkofor Nicholas Roerich Prize in the category of Peacemaking Committee for the Selection of Nicholas Roerich Peace Prize:

Each o­ne of us is a product of o­ne’s upbringing in their family and social conditions, prevailing economic and political systems, and personal experiences in life. Correspondingly, we grow up with inherent biases that may impact true assessment of reality. However all human beings have innate ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong.

The right course of action to begin to reverse the present state of the world of the Haves and the Have-nots; the Haves imbued in greed, hypocrisy, lies and self-promotion and the Have-nots comprising the poor, the sick, the illiterate, all marginalized to such an extent as to meaningfully participate in their societies, is to reform our social structures.

Dr. Leo Semashko has worked tirelessly in expounding the principles that contribute to social harmony reflected in his lifelong works in developing the theory of Tetrasociology for social structures. Since the time I’ve known Leo in Kuala Lumpur in 2008, I’ve observed him to be devoted to the cause of peace and harmony regardless of his poor health. His notable works are founding Global Harmony Association through which he connected with like-minded professionals and academicians, publishing the various books o­n Harmony, which illustrate the application of Tetrasociology, and his present undertaking to write, edit, and publish a book, “Global Peace Science.”

In view of the above background, it is my honor to endorse Dr.LeoSemashko for the RoerichPrize in the category of "Peacemaking."  

Laj Utreja, Ph.D.

Director, Institute of Global Harmony (IGH), Sardarshahr, Rajasthan 331401, India

Vice President, Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Executive Vice President, International Association of Educators for Word Peace (IAEWP) 

Sept. 15, 2015 г


23.To: The Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Subject: Letter of Support for Dr. Leo Semashko, for Nicholas Roerich Annual International Prize

Dear Sir:

I would like to recommend Dr. Leo Semashko for the Roerich Price under the category of "Peacemaking".

I have known Dr. Semashko personally for many years. I have always felt very much inspired by his philosophical and sociological vision of and dedication to world peace. He has inspired theoretically as well as practically with his vision of peace many good people in many countries. He has been a great messenger of peace. He has greatly inspired me personally as well as my many colleagues in my international course o­n the "Future of Religion" in the IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia, as well as in my international course o­n "Religion in Civil Society" in Jalta, Republic of Crimea.

Dr. Leo Semashko has become worldwide known through his TetraSociology and Theory, which aims at harmony in all parts and o­n all levels of modern systems of human condition and human action systems. He has spread his Tetra Theory through his tireless GHA efforts. In his work he has emphasized the role of spirituality, and religion, and morality. He has worked for the internal as well as the external peace of the people. Through his vision and mission he has become a true and most active citizen of the world in the sense of the greatest enlightener - Immanuel Kant.

Therefore, I most strongly recommend Dr. Semashko as a candidate for the Nicholas Roerich Annual International Price.

Best wishes, your

Rudolf J. Siebert,

Professor of Religion and Society

Western Michigan University,

Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

Please, see my website http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org and:


Sept. 4, 2015 г


(Dear Rudolf,

Thank you very much for your deep letter of support! You are the GHA oldest member, a prominent researcher of world religions, first WORLD HARMONY CREATOR in the GHA definition since 2007, leader of the workshops o­n religion in Dubrovnik about 40 years and in Yalta about 15 years, Professor of religion in Universality of Kalamazoo in USA: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51

We have met with you several times in St. Petersburg and Yalta in your workshop. I am therefore particularly pleased your letter as a sign of solidarity in our common mission of global peace, which there cannot be without of harmony of religions in which you have made an invaluable contribution.

With love, best wishes for peace from harmony based o­n science, Leo, 06/09/15)


In Russian language:



Выдвижения кандидатуры Президента ГСГ

Льва Михайловича Семашко на присуждение ему

Международной Премии имени

Николая Рериха за 2015 год

Я, президент Ноосферной общественной академии наук, вице-президент Петровской академии наук и искусств, профессор, доктор философских наук, доктор экономических наук, кандидат технических наук, Заслуженный деятель науки РФ, Лауреат премии Правительства РФ, Гранд-доктор философии и Полный профессор (по Оксфордской образовательной сети) СУБЕТТО АЛЕКСАНДР ИВАНОВИЧ


выдвижение Льва Михайловича Семашко, видного общественного деятеля и социолога, президента ГСГ – общественной глобальной организации, устремленной в своей деятельности на установление мира и гармонии на Земле, на присуждение ему Международной Премии имени Николая Рериха по номинации «Миротворчество». ГСГ создана по инициативе и при активном участии Л.М.Семашко десять лет назад и к настоящему времени объединяет более 600 индивидуальных членов из 65 стран мира. По его инициативе было разработано 50 миротворческих проектов и опубликовано 8 международных монографий, раскрывающих миротворческие идеологию и механизмы.

Знаю Льва Михайловича Семашко давно и считаю его, оценивая все, что он сделал для утверждения мира и гармонии на Земле, достойным присуждения этой знаковой и значимой Премии, носящей имя великого русского ииндийского мыслителя-космиста-художника Николая Константиновича Рериха.








24 августа 2015г.











Президент Ноосферной Общественной академии наук, вице-президент Петровской академии наук и искусств, доктор философских наук,доктор экономических наук, кандидат технических наук, профессор, Заслуженный деятель науки РФ, Лауреат премии Правительства РФ, Гранд-доктор философии и Полный профессор (Оксфордская образовательная сеть)

Субетто Александр Иванович

25.О Т З Ы В

Лев Михайлович Семашко широко известен в социологической науке более чем полвека. Его научные труды получили распространение среди ученых России и других стран. Особое внимание привлекла его активная научная и организационная деятельность в области исследования социальной Гармонии. «Азбука Гармонии» опубликована при руководстве Льва Семашко в соавторстве со многими учеными из целого ряда государств. Она занимает свое достойное место среди изданных монографий и статей.

Недавно опубликована фундаментальная книга «Наука глобального мира», в подготовку и написание которой огромный вклад внес Лев Семашко. Книга эта уникальная по составу авторов и своему содержанию.

Хорошо известен ряд его инициатив по сохранению мира на нашей земле. Могут быть разные подходы к этой животрепещущей проблеме, но актуальность и особое значение целевой направленности его деятельности нельзя не признавать. По его инициативе и активному участию был создан Глобальный Союз Гармонии.

Я выражаю уверенность, что кандидатура Льва Семашко достойна для присуждения ему высокой Премии Рериха.

С наилучшими пожеланиями Гармонии,

           Академик Национальной академии наук

Республики Казахстан Ураз Баймуратов,

Президент «ГСГ-Казахстан»,

Директор Института социальной экономики и финансов НАН,

26августа 2015 г.


26.Письмо-поддержка выдвижения кандидатуры Президента ГСГ Льва Михайлович Семашко на присуждение ему Международной Премии имени Николая Рериха за 2015 год

Я, кандидат философских наук, методолог с двадцатипятилетним стажем, член-корреспондент Академии геополитических проблем, член Научно-методического отделения и редакционного совета Российской ассоциации «Аналитика», профконсультант Новгородской аутсорсинговой компании «Служба 08» СМИРНОВ АНДРЕЙ АНАТОЛЬЕВИЧ


Выдвижение Льва Михайловича Семашко, известного социолога и общественного деятеля, президента ГСГ – общественной организации, поставившей своей благородной и гуманистической целью содействие установлению мира и гармонии на нашей планете, на присуждение ему Международной Премии имени Николая Рериха по номинации «Сохранение культурных ценностей и миротворчество».

Созданная десять лет тому назад Львом Михайловичем Семашко международная миротворческая организация (ГСГ), к настоящему времени объединяет несколько сот индивидуальных членов из шестидесяти пяти стран мира. Под его руководством было разработано пятьдесят миротворческих проектов и опубликовано восемь международных монографий, раскрывающих пути и механизмы становления гармонии и мира на Земле.

Знаю Льва Михайловича Семашко около сорока лет, считаю его выдающимся социологом, философом, мыслителем и организатором различных общественных объединений, одним из участников которых был и автор данного письма. Считаю Семашко Л.М., объективно оценивая всё то, что он сделал для утверждения мира и гармонии на нашей планете, достойным присуждения Премии, названной в честь одного из самых ярких людей ХХ столетия, великого художника, автора семи тысяч полотен, путешественника, археолога, писателя и создателя оригинальной философии, борца за мир и сохранение культурно-исторического наследия человечества, нашего великого соотечественника, Николая Константиновича Рериха.

Смирнов Андрей Анатольевич, кандидат философских наук, методолог с двадцатипятилетним стажем, член-корреспондент Академии геополитических проблем, член Научно-методического отделения и редакционного совета Российской ассоциации «Аналитика», профконсультант Новгородской аутсорсинговой компании «Служба 08».

24августа 2015 года, Великий Новгород


27.Письмо поддержки кандидатуры Льва Михайловича Семашко, Президента Глобального Союза Гармонии (ГСГ), проживающего по адресу: 194356, ул. Хошимина, 7-4-42, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, на Премию Николая Рериха в объявленной номинации «Сохранение культурных ценностей и миротворчество».

Учреждение Премии Николая Рериха - яркий пример воздания заслуженного уважения и желания сохранить в памяти землян деятельность этого Великого Гражданина Мира. Знание им истории, многочисленные археологические раскопки, "хождения по русской старине" помогли Рериху по-новому отобразить в своем творчестве образ родной природы и ступени развития тысячелетней истории русского народа. Исследуя древнерусское искусство, Н.К. Рерих всерьёз заинтересовался вопросом переселения народов и взаимовлиянием культур.

Своеобразное мировоззрение Н.К.Рериха было основано на убеждении, что повышением духовной культуры масс можно преобразить жизнь на земле, победить невежество, пошлость, войны. Как просто и в то же время проникающе сильно звучат его слова: "Там где культура, там и мир... Пока культура лишь роскошь,... она еще не перестроит жизнь. Культура должна войти в ближайший, каждодневный обиход как хижины, так и дворца". Большое значение в деле сотрудничества между народами сыграл так называемый "Пакт Рериха", предусматривающий охрану памятников культуры всего человечества. В 1954 году в Гааге на основе пакта подписан акт Международной конвенции о защите культурных ценностей в военное время.

Лев Михайлович Семашко, по моему глубокому убеждению, в своей не простой, отданной служению людям жизни, удивительным образом обобщил и объединил созданные человечеством на протяжении столетий интеллектуальные достижения в области науки и культуры, сложив их, с добавлением собственных вариантов построения гармоничного, цивилизованного мира, в Азбуку Гармонии (АГ) и Науку Глобального Мира (НГМ). При этом ему удалось сплотить представителей многих стран в структуре Глобального Союза Гармонии, а значительная часть из них осознанно стала соавторами АГ и НГМ. Но главное - Л.М. Семашко продолжил миссию Н.К. Рериха в сохранении культурных ценностей и миротворчестве.

Безусловно, полную оценку деяниям любого человека даёт История. Великий русский поэт С. Есенин в "Письме к женщине" ещё в 1924 году сказал так:

"Лицом к лицу

Лица не увидать.

Большое видится на расстоянье.

Когда кипит морская гладь,

Корабль в плачевном состоянье.

Земля - корабль!

Но кто-то вдруг

За новой жизнью, новой славой

В прямую гущу бурь и вьюг

Её направил величаво".

Уверен, что уже сегодня нельзя не заметить соответствия содержания плодотворной деятельности Л.М. Семашко объявленным требованиям Премии Н.К. Рериха. Поэтому я искренне рекомендую кандидатуру Президента ГСГ Льва Михайловича Семашко на присвоение ему Международной Премии имени Николая Рериха в 2015 году в номинации «Сохранение культурных ценностей и миротворчество». Считаю, что именно в таком, всеобъемлющем соединении понятий в номинации, ещё более весомой видятся и работа ГСГ, и значение НГМ, и бесспорно, заслуживающая уважения и внимания подвижническая роль Льва Михайловича Семашко.

Юрий Иванович Цымбалист, полковник в отставке,

член Союза писателей РФ, член Высшего творческого

совета и совета ветеранов МОО СП РФ, член ГСГ,

соавтор Азбуки Гармонии и Науки Глобального Мира

5сентября 2015 г.



I express my sincere heartfelt thanks to all members of the GHA for your strong letters of support for my candidacy.

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President

November 22, 2015


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005