GHA: 11th anniversary ГСГ: 11-я годовщина Congratulation for the 11th anniversary of GHA! I remember our beginning work to establish the Global Harmony in 2004.Our way is going to real Peace through Harmony. No Nuke, No War, No poverty, all over the world, May bring us the richness of mind, the goodness of words, and endless peace! Love & Peace, Kae Morii-Japan 23/02/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, You are part of a global surge. And for that we start by saying this: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And why should we thank you? Because you are among those fueling the international movement—and mobilizing the grassroots fight—to overthrow regressive forces in the name of democracy, the health of future generations, the common good, and the planet itself. What you do on behalf of the causes you care about inspires us day in and day out. And though the outcomes are anything but assured, we are seeing more and more evidence everyday that you—that we—can win these battles. We all have a unique role to play, but our mission and determination is shared. So what's our role? We just do our best to cover it all. We want to keep you posted. We want to keep you engaged and inspired. Eyes open. Brains working. Hearts focused. We exist to help keep informed the people like you who believe—deep in their gut—that real progressive change is possible. If you can help keep us going, we vow never to compromise as we see these fights through to victory. With profound gratitude and on behalf of the whole Common Dreams news team, Jon Queally, Managing Editor, Common Dreams, USA 20/02/16 Дорогой Джон, Большое спасибо за ваше вдохновляющее письмо и за ваши теплые благодарности солидарности. ГСГ высоко ценит вашу мужественную независимую позицию в CommonDreams. Как вы знаете (мы много раз писали вам об этом) мы включили в нашу беспрецедентную книгу «Наука Глобального Мира» (НГМ, 2016, 616 страниц) несколько статей из вашей замечательной CommonDreams, включая ваши статьи, Сары Лазар, и многих других. Мы часто делаем рассылки ваших статей в сети наших членов и публикуем их на нашем сайте «Мир из Гармонии», число посещений которого ежедневно составляет 5-10 тысяч визитов. Это отличная информационная поддержка вашей замечательной CommonDreams. Конечно, мы понимаем, что она недостаточна, что вам необходима также финансовая поддержка. Сейчас мы не имеем подобной возможности, но в будущем, в течение 6-12 месяцев такая возможность может появиться. Но для этого, мы хотели бы установить с вами более тесное сотрудничество. Для начала, могли бы вы опубликовать Резюме НГМ (2+ страницы в прикреплении) в ваших независимых CommonDreams? Официальные СМИ отказываются публиковать его. А для вас это возможно? Плиз, покажите нам вашу независимость, мы высоко оценим ее. Спасибо вам. Лев Семашко, ГСГ Президент, 22/02/16 DearJon, Many thanks for your inspiring letter and warm gratitude of solidarity. The GHA appreciates your Common Dreams courageous independent position. As you know (we many times wrote to you about it) we have included in our unprecedented book "Global Peace Science" (GPS, 2016, 616 pages) a few articles from your wonderful Common Dreams, including your articles, Sarah Lazare, Bill Quigley, Bethany Snow, Deirdre Fulton, Lauren McCauley and others (see GPS, Chapter 9 and etc). We often make the distribution of your articles within our network members and publish them on our website "Peace from Harmony" (, the number of visits which is 5-10 thousand daily. This is a great information support of your wonderful Common Dreams. Of course, we understand that it is not enough, you also need financial support. Now we do not have such a possibility but in the future, within 6-12 months such a possibility may appear. But for this, we would like to cooperate more closely with you. For a start, could you publish the GPS Resume (2+ pages in attachment) in your independent Common Dreams? The official media refuse to publish it. And for you is this possible? Please, show us your independence, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 22/02/16 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Happy birthday for GHA for its 11 years life, for its contribution to global peace, with 8 books, mostly for the powerful tool of GPS, the hope of mankind. With peace via harmony from Greece: Dr Panagiotis D Ioannides Dr Apistolos JPaschos Dionysios Georgakopoulos 16/02/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo, With harmony, Peace and Love, Congratulations to you also for your faith on me. I understand your support, appreciation and love to your own GHA members and for me. You are a great thinker, philosopher and philanthropist. I had been seen your commitment and the dedication for the work of Harmony for all. You are visionary person. I am always with you. Thanking you, With very high regards, Surendra Pathak President, GHA -INDIA 16/02/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Surendra, With harmony, Peace and Love, Many thanks for your warm congratulations for the GHA members and for me. We highly appreciate you and IASE (D) University Chancellor Kanak Dugar adherence to GHA Mission to bring peace from harmony in India and worldwide via publication of The ABC of Harmony in 2012 and now Global Peace Science in 2016 in New Delhi. It is your great and unique historical contribution to global peace from harmony to exclude war, violence, poverty, militarism and terrorism. Thank you very much from all the GHA members! Bestwishesforpeacefromharmonyvia science (GPS), education, culture and SPHERONS' democracy, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, Russia, 16/02/16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All Peace Lovers I wish all GHA members and supporters happy 11th Anniversary on 15 Feb 2016. Let us all combine efforts to start implementation of Global Peace thru education of Global Peace Science at all levels. Let us achieve Harmonization by adopting humanity. Ramesh Kumar Director, Yog Sadhanas Ashram Founder, NGO: Consortium of Social Reforms Organisation (COSRO):; CEOLambdagroup ( Address: Rosewood City, Gurgaon, India; Email:; Ph.: 124 4266169, Mob 9971001318; Webpage:!/pages/Yog-Sadhan-Gurgaon-India/129078330456827 16/02/16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th anniversary of the GHA establishment on February 15, 2005 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GHA Mission is: To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization through scientifically based ‘ ABC of Harmony’ and GPS HAPPY BIRTHDAY on February 15, 2005 One Earth ~ one Humanity~ one Harmony ~One Peace= GHAHAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY ·H- Creating Harmonious Society through ·A- ABC of Harmony’and GPS ·P- Peace from Harmony& ·P- Peace through Scienceand ·Y - Yoga for Peace of Mind. BIRTHDAY ·B - Bring peace from harmony ·I - GPS for creating New era of Inspiration & Enlightenment for Peace. ·R – Respect the Mother Earth & Creator ·T- Great transformation of Culture of war toCulture of Peace & harmony through GPS ·H – Saving the Humanity & Earth through Harmonious Education ·D - Global Peace Sciencefor Designing & Creating Peace from harmony ·A – Actions for Building peace from harmony ·Y – All Year Greetings of Peace from Harmony & Science. Dr. Subhash Chandra ·Secretary General- (GHA)Global Harmony Association India ·GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmonyin India ·Founder Trustee - Global Peace Foundation, New Delhi, India India ·15/02/16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GLOBAL HARMONY ASSOCIATION. Thank you. MAITREYEE BARDHAN ROY, India 15/02/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy birthday wishes for my dear Leo and GHA with love. I hope today will be filled with peace and love for humanity and will stay forever just as light stays with sun. Happy birthday GHA! Peace n’ love always, Ayo Ayo Ayoola-Amale ESQ. ducator|Lawyer|Poet|Peace Builder|Writer|Public Speaker Founder/President,Splendors of Dawn President GHA - Africa Vice President, GHA Vice President, Poets of the World Blog: Grow Into Peace 15/02/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very happy birthday to all GHA members! Greetings and blessings Sarah, Puerto Rico 15/02/16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAPPY BIRTHDAY GHA!!! Health, spiritual strength, recognition of your achievements and new creative successes!!! Heartfelt thanks to everyone for the congratulations and sincere wishes! Every year new achievement Ernesto Kahan, Israel 15/02/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silently, we often …. A Poem to commemorate 11th anniversary of the GHA February 15, 2005 Moment after moment The GHA untiringly aspires … To establish Peace, To impart Universal Brotherhood, To promote harmony To safeguard humanity For a harmonious Planet Earth. The invisible layers of hatred The surging layers of enmity In the name of religion, On the pretext of region, In the guise of caste, In the garb of race Try to destabilize our unity. As silently as the tide of sea Get swallowed by another tide, Small fights are turning into wars Ravaging country after country. Slashed by the sword of revenge Peace! Silently we often watch Drowning in a pool of human blood. The silence after a storm, The calmness after a sunset, With untiring efforts and firm unity We should break the stalemate, And enlighten one after the other To fight against the evils of militarism To usher a dawn that calms all storms. -Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy Hyderabad, T.S, INDIA 15/02/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Присоединяюсь к поздравлению с 11 годовщиной со дня создания ГСГ, желаю всем членам ГСГ огромных творческих успехов, вдохновения на продолжение вашего благородного дела, во имя МИРА на земле, всем здоровья, счастья, мира, благополучия. Вера Попович, Петербург 15/02/16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ СОЮЗ ГАРМОНИИ (ГСГ)!!! 11 лет - прекрасный возраст молодости и расцвета!!! Вся жизнь - впереди!!! Но и сделано уже удивительно много и исключительной ценности – 8 книг и 50 проектов на многие века! С полным основанием ты определил значение сделанного: Судьба человечества, каждой страны и ее лидеров в 21 веке определяется признанием Науки Глобального Мира (НГМ), созданной ГСГ! Высшее благо мирного существования ТЕПЕРЬ зависит не от подготовки к войнам и не от гонки вооружений, как сейчас и в прошлом, а от СОЗДАНИЯ ГАРМОНИИ НА ОСНОВЕ НГМ: СОЗДАВАЯ ГАРМОНИЮ, МЫ СТРОИМ МИР!!! НГМ впитала в себя все ценные идеи прошлого миротворчества, но открытием гармоничных классов населения - СФЕРОНОВ, она подняла его из вечной слабости и бесконечного бессилия перед войнами и милитаризмом на уровень непобедимой мягкой силы, в конечном счете побеждающей все войны, насилие, милитаризм и терроризмв 21 веке. Этим НГМ определяет судьбу человечества, каждой страны и ее лидеров в нашем веке! Этим она открывает новую эпоху истории- Эру Миролюбия человечества с 2016 года, когда она впервые появилась на свет усилиями ГСГ в двух языках - русском и английском, в полном духовном вооружении, как Афина Паллада из головы Зевса, но другой, не военной, а гармоничной цивилизации! С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ ГСГ!!! Здоровья, духовной силы, признания твоих достижений и новых творческих успехов!!! Сердечная благодарность всем за искренние поздравления и пожелания! Тем, кто не понял НГМ или не хочет ее принимать, предпочитая воевать и убивать, желаем просветлениядуши и просвещения ума, чтобы не остаться в забытьи прошлой милитаристской истории, конец которой наступил с пришествием духовной истины НГМ. Лев Семашко, Президент-основатель ГСГ 15 февраля 2005 г. 15/02/16 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Global Harmony Association (GHA)!!! 11 years is beautiful age of youth and flowering!!! Whole life is ahead!!! But already it has done a lot of amazing and exceptional value - 8 books and 50 projects for many centuries! With complete justification you qualified the value of done: The fate of humanity, each country and its leaders in the 21st century is defined by recognition of Global Peace Science (GPS), created by GHA! Higher value of peaceful co-existence NOW depends not from preparation for war and the arms race, both today and in the past, but from creating harmony BASED GPS: CREATING HARMONY WE BUILD PEACE!!! GPS has taken in itself all the valuable ideas of past peacemaking but the discovery of harmonious classes of the population – SPHERONS in it lifted out peacemaking of the eternal weakness and infinite impotence before war and militarism on the level of invincible soft power, eventually winning all the wars, violence, militarism and terrorism of 21 century. By this GPS determines the fate of humanity, each country and its leaders in our century! By this GPS opens a new era of history - the Age of Humanity Peacefulness since 2016, when GPS first appeared on the light by the GHA efforts in two languages - Russian and English, in full spiritual equipment, like Pallas Athena from Zeus's head but of other, not the military, and the harmonious civilization! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GHA!!! Health, spiritual strength, recognition of your achievements and new creative successes!!! Heartfelt thanks to everyone for the congratulations and sincere wishes! To those, who did not understood GPS or does not want to take it, preferring to be at war and kill; we wish clarification of soul and enlightenment of mind to stay not in oblivion of the past militaristic history, the end of which came with the GPS spiritual truth advent. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founding President since February 15, 2005 15/02/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-я годовщина ГСГ: СОЗДАВАЯ ГАРМОНИЮ, МЫ СОЗДАЕМ МИР Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья! Правление ГСГ счастливо поздравить вас с 11-й годовщиной создания ГСГ 15 февраля 2005 года ( За это время мы проделали с вами колоссальную работу – написали и опубликовали в 2-12 языках 8 книг и 50 проектов гармоничной цивилизации и глобального мира из социальной гармонии. Кульминацией этого долгого и трудного креативного процесса стала публикация беспрецедентной книги «Наука Глобального Мира» (НГМ), краткую характеристику которой вы найдете в ее Резюме (прикрепление) и по адресу: Создание этого шедевра миротворчества, которое поднимает его на качественно новую высоту, позволяет понять, каким образом война и насилие могут быть исключены из жизни человечества. Кратко это выражается формулой: СОЗДАВАЯ ГАРМОНИЮ, МЫ СОЗДАЕМ МИР. НГМ открывает новую эпоху в истории человечества – Эру Миролюбия с 2016 года. Наши миростроительные достижения стали возможны только в результате усилий сотен ученых и миротворцев из более 60 стран в гармоничном единстве их культурного многообразия. Мы выражаем всем членам ГСГ и коллегам из других миротворческих организаций нашу искреннюю, сердечную благодарность. Мы высшим образом оцениваем ваш коллективный, совместный вклад. Искренние пожелания вам здоровья, любви, счастья и мира из гармонии. ОтимениПравленияГСГ, ЛевСемашко, ПрезидентГСГ, 14/02/16 The GHA 11th Anniversary: CREATING HARMONY WE CREATE PEACE Dear GHA members, friends, The GHA Board happy to congratulate you on the 11th anniversary of the GHA establishment on February 15, 2005 ( During this time we with you have done a great work – we wrote and published in 2-12 languages the 8 books and 50 projects of harmonious civilization and global peace from social harmony. The culmination of this long and difficult creative process was the joint with the IASE University publication of unprecedented book "Global Peace Science" (GPS), a brief description of which you will find in its Resume (attached) and at: The creation of this masterpiece of peacebuilding, which raises it to a qualitatively new level, allows us to understand how war and violence may be excluded from the life of mankind. Briefly, this is expressed by the formula: CREATING HARMONY WE CREATE PEACE. GPS opens a new era in the human history - the Age of Peacefulness since 2016. Our peace-building achievements were possible only through the efforts of hundreds of scientists and peacemakers from over 60 countries in harmonious unity of their cultural diversity. We express to all GHA members and our colleagues from other peace organizations our sincere, cordial gratitude. We higher way appreciate your collective, joint contribution. Our best wishes for your health, love, happiness and peace from harmony. on behalf of the GHA Board, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, 14/02/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Судьба человечества, каждой страны и ее лидеров в 21 веке определяется признанием Науки Глобального Мира (НГМ) The fate of humanity, each country and its leaders in 21st century is defined by recognition of Global Peace Science (GPS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------