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Mairead Maguire: the US and the UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people - they killed 3.3 m people – including 750,000 children

 Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Laureate


Press Release

Re:Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Peace Laureate

«ХХ1 век станет либо веком тотального обострения смертоносного кризиса, либо же веком морального очищения и духовного выздоровления человечества. Его всестороннего возрождения. Убежден, все мы – все разумные политические силы, все духовные и идейные течения, все конфессии – призваны содействовать этому переходу, победе человечности и справедливости. Тому, чтобы 21 век стал веком возрождения, веком Человека»

Михаил Горбачев

К новой цивилизации






In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1

In Russian: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=2

Mairead’s page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678


Sent to the Gorbachev Foundation:

gf@gorby.ru, pressa@gorby.ru, public@gorby.ru,




Press Release

Re:Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Peace Laureate


I am sad to learn of the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, o­n Tuesday 30th August 2022.


I had the honour of meeting him o­n several occasions at the Gorbachev Nobel Peace Summits.

I never had the honour of meeting his beloved wife Raisa who died some years ago and who President Gorbachev missed and loved tenderly.

I send my condolences to his daughter Irina, and family and friends and the Russian peoples, o­n the loss of Mikhael Gorbachev.

President Gorbachev was a warmhearted and kind man with a vision of peace and nuclear disarmament and a belief that the cold war between the west and Russia could be changed by talking and friendship.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in building dialogue and encouraging America to sign important agreements to start dismantling nuclear weapons and end the arms race. Gorbachev took risks for peace and he gave hope to many of us when he met with President Regan and worked to end the cold war and the arms race.

It is to the shame of the West that the promises given to President Gorbachev were broken and US/NATO instead of keeping to its promises not to advance o­ne inch towards Russia actually surrounded it with NATO bases and partners and continues to militarize and arm the world.

Gorbachev’s vision of an end to Cold war politics, a world built o­n peaceful solutions and an end to nuclear weapons and war is not a utopian dream, it is possible, and for those who had the honour of knowing Mikhail Gorbachev. Our best tribute to him is to begin again the quest for a disarmed peaceful world where our humanity comes first and ending poverty, the arms race, and war takes top priority for each of us.

May we all be inspired by the spirit of the late Mikhail Gorbachev for his courage, integrity and vision of Nuclear Disarmament and Peace for Russia, the West, and the World.


Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate






The GGHA Response


The GGHA is completely sharing press release of the Nobel Laureate MaireadMaguire from the Belfast, Northern Ireland, dedicated to the great peacemaker memory of the 20th century Mikhail Gorbachev (03/02/1931 - 08/30/2022), published o­n our website:



The GGHA joins the Maireadcondolences to the family, relatives and colleagues of Mikhail Gorbachev, to her key assessments of his exceptional peacemaking contribution in the last century, which prepared the peace breakthrough of humanity in our century.

The immortal peace contribution of Mikhail Gorbachev are:

1. He overcame the Cold War between the West and Russia (USSR) through negotiations and friendship instead of confrontation and Russophobia, showing an example of the highest effectiveness of peace and not violence through the peaceful uniting of two Germany.

2. As a gullible and honest Russian human, Mikhail Gorbachev could not even suggest the treacherous and shameful lies of Western leaders who swearly promised him not to promote “not a single inch” (JamesBaker, 1990) of NATO's aggressive block to the East. o­nly this unscrupulous, immoral lies of the West more than 30 years ago is the true cause of the Western nazification of Ukraine and its forced military neutralization by Russia since February 24, 2022. This example has o­nce again confirmed that general social law that all wars begin and continue in lies and peace comes from the truth and is achieved o­nly by the truth, which excludes the war. So it will be in our century o­n the basis of the truth of the Gandhian’s “Spherons’ Global Peace MegaScience”, Spheronics, created by the GGHA 750 coauthors of more 50 countries during 17 years (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=918 and https://peacefromhyrmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=946).

Although the West treacherous deceit and Gorbachev’s ingenuous credulity subsequently turned his global peacemaking contribution into a great sacrifice and an unforgivable mistake by Russia, for which it is now paying with the lives of thousands of Russian soldiers, they do not in the least detract from the historical, civilizational meaning of his and Russia’s peacefulness. Russia and Russians have always sacrificed in history for the sake of peace, therefore Russia is able and must become a peacemaking civilizational leader of our century, but now armed with a sovereign national ideology, without obsolete Western ideologies, o­n the fundamental scientific basis of spheronics. It is the subject of the new GGHA project, which will soon be presented for discussion.

3. Indeed, “our best tribute to him is to begin again the quest for a disarmed peaceful world” in our century o­n the true, scientific basis of the fundamental Spheronics MegaScience instead of obsolete, false and confrontation ideologies. o­nly this fundamental science guarantees “ending poverty, the arms race, and war” through global peace and security for all nations (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=927). We just need to try to understand its deep truth and not to reject its a priori.

The GGHA expresses Maireadthe sincere gratitude for her deep, soulful condolences as a sign of her highest appreciation to Mikhail Gorbachev and the Russian people.


Dr. Leo Semashko,

On behalf of 750 GGHA coauthors of spheronics,

GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President




Militarism is never the answer

Press Release


Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Laureate


Although we all condemn President Putin`s action in entering Ukraine we must now consider what steps can be taken to de-escalate the situation.

Although some low level talks have been held we must consider the best options to not stroke or escalate a war in Europe.Both sides need assurances of their own safety with Russia requesting that Ukraine remaining non-NATO/neutral state.This is very important to the Russians.Before the break-up of USSR, NATO promised never to move East into ex-soviet countries.They now have missiles and bases in most ex-soviet countries.

The Ukrainians also need guarantees of their own security. There would have to be a full withdrawal of Russian troops and possibly a UN Monitoring body along borders of Donbas region, to prevent o­ngoing war that has been carried out along the borders of Donbas where thousands of civilians have been killed following the 2014 uprising. It is my belief that the escalation will continue if we go o­n weaponizing the region by UK/USA/EU.

We are running the risk of creating an all-out battlefield, which could end up dragging neighbouring countries into the conflict. The West has always demonized Russia and ignored its concern over its Border security.The US has successfully stoked another War. The NATO war machine always needs an enemy – Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, - and NATO have now turned their sights back to Russia.It will be the Europeans who reap the fall out of another US/NATO folly.Refugees will not flee to America.The economic fallout will also hit Europe hardest.

With sanctions put o­n by EU / UK etc, millions of people, particularly children in Russia and the Ukraine will be affected (over half million Children under 5 died painfully in Iraq by sanctions put o­n Iraq by West).Unfortunately as in all wars the poor will pay the highest price.The wealthy and elites will orchestrate the deals to be had, and the opportunity that coincide with every war. NATO/US is not an honest broker.

We must look for strong Leadership in Europe to de-escalate the situation.The consequences in Europe and many other countries and continents will be devastating, as we are now looking at an arms race with Russia.Instead of Demilitarizing Europe we are militarizing Europe at the behest of a US led NATO.We must all use our common sense to stand up against militarism and war, because it is always the poor who pay the price.

Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Laureate





Мейрид Магуайр

Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира

Милитаризм - не ответ


Хотя мы все осуждаем действия президента Путина по вторжению в Украину, сейчас мы должны подумать, какие шаги можно предпринять для деэскалации ситуации. Несмотря на то, что были проведены некоторые переговоры на низком уровне, мы должны рассмотреть наилучшие варианты, чтобы не допустить эскалации войны в Европе.

Обеим сторонам нужны гарантии собственной безопасности, поскольку Россия требует, чтобы Украина оставалась не входящей в НАТО/нейтральной страной. Это очень важно для россиян. Перед распадом СССР НАТО обещало никогда не продвигаться на восток в бывшие советские страны. Теперь у них есть ракеты и базы в большинстве бывших советских стран.

Украинцам также нужны гарантии собственной безопасности. Потребуется полный вывод российских войск и, возможно, наблюдательного органа ООН вдоль границ Донбасса, чтобы предотвратить продолжающуюся войну, которая велась вдоль границ Донбасса, где тысячи мирных жителей были убиты после госпереворота 2014 года.Я считаю, что эскалация будет продолжаться, если мы продолжим вооружать регион Великобританией/США/ЕС.

Мы рискуем создать тотальное поле боя, которое может в конечном итоге втянуть соседние страны в конфликт. Запад всегда демонизировал Россию и игнорировал ее озабоченность безопасностью границ. США успешно разожгли еще одну войну. Военной машине НАТО всегда нужен враг – Ирак, Афганистан, Ливия, Сирия, – и теперь НАТО снова обратило свой взор на Россию. Европейцы пожинают плоды очередной глупости США/НАТО. Беженцы не побегут в Америку. Экономические последствия также сильнее всего ударят по Европе. Санкции, введенные ЕС / Великобританией и т. д.

Пострадают миллионы людей, особенно дети в России и Украине (более полумиллиона детей в возрасте до 5 лет мучительно погибли в Ираке из-за санкций, введенных против Ирака Западом).К сожалению, как и во всех войнах, бедняки заплатят самую высокую цену. Богатые и элита будут организовывать сделки и возможности, которые расширяются каждой войной.

НАТО/США не честный посредник. Мы должны искать сильное лидерство в Европе, чтобы разрядить ситуацию. Последствия в Европе и многих других странах и континентах будут разрушительными, так как мы сейчас наблюдаем гонку вооружений с Россией. Вместо демилитаризации Европы мы милитаризируем Европу по указанию возглавляемой США НАТО.Мы все должны использовать наш здравый смысл, чтобы противостоять милитаризму и войне, потому что всегда расплачиваются за это бедные.

Мейрид Магуайр

Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира,






Nobel Peace Laureate:

Open Letter to Presidents Putin and Biden

Dear Mairead,

Thank you very much for your strong and actual message to Presidents Putin and Biden.

It was sent to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia at: https://lk.mid.ru with my Russian translation, which is attached for everyone to publish it widely in o­ne or two languages. It can be translated into other languages ​​due to its extreme importance for global peace and for the creation of its key scientific instrument: the joint Peace Academy, for which the GGHA, together with you, prepared a number of fundamental proposals both in our "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" (2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) and in our joint by 30 coauthors from 17 countries article 2021: “Spherons: Genotype of Social Structure without Confrontation and Violence”. It has not yet been published but it was reflected in the materials of my 80th jubilee: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 as the GGHA “Global Peace Academy” resume for 16 years.

I sent your Open Letter to the Russian Foreign Office with the following message: “Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Open Letter to President Putin and President Biden is attached. It was not possible to send it to President Putin due to a malfunction of his mailbox: ."

Therefore, expect a response from this Ministry and send it to me for publication o­n our website. Thank you.

With love and faith in global peace from the humanity spherons harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,


18-05-21 (with the correction o­n 08-07-21)



Nuclear Leaders: For whom should the bell tolls today?


Dear Mairead,

Many thanks for forwarding me the Ministry of Russian Foreign Affairs response to your Open Letter to the Presidents of Russia and the United States. I was happy to publish it along with your wonderful Open Letter o­n the three pages o­n which it was posted:




The great nuclear powers leaders summit, of course, was useful, but to be honest, o­n what almost everyone agrees, it is unproductive. The depth of their confrontation is so great that it blinds their leaders and does not allow them to start with an elementary neutral step in the development of mutual cooperation in an equally useful and promising scientific field, with the creation of a joint "Peace Academy", which you wisely proposed in your Letter.

If the greatest powers leaders are unable to think and see the need for cooperation in the development of common scientific reason and thinking in order to overcome the common nuclear suicide, then the hopes of our peoples, like planetary humanity as a whole, for survival are nullified. This will continue until they are not recognize the priority need creation of a joint scientific "Peace Academy" with an innovative peacemaking visionfor example with you as its Administrative Director. Do you agree with this mission? GGHA together with you actually created it during 16 years of work by hundreds of humanitarians, including 5 Nobel Peace Laureates, from more than 50 countries, primarily from Russia, USA, India and other countries:


The o­nly thing left to do is to take it "under the wing" of the nuclear states and find for it scanty, one million dollars, budgetary funding for 20-30 humanities and programmers for two years. Unfortunately, we must state that in the 76 years after the American genocidal Hiroshima/Nagasaki, militaristic thinking and confrontational worldview have proved to be completely incapable of reaching the scientific innovation level in order to end "nuclear war before it ends humanity." John F. Kennedy formulated ingenious this back in 1963 at the UN GA session.

Why is there nothing in the heads of today's leaders but militarism to ensure peace? Why did Kennedy's saving idea evaporate from them and why they lack the initiative of a neutral joint scientific "Peace Academy" equally necessary for the salvation of their peoples? Maybe that's why the nuclear leaders were numbered among the "gangsters" by their hostility at the Cannes Film Festival? Why are they unable and powerless to launch a peaceful scientific course of thinking? Why the nuclear powers leaders for 76 years are not able and do not want to know anything about ensuring global peace except nuclear suicidal militarism they accelerate, and in which, as they themselves agree, "there will be no winners"? If “there will not be,” why have you not been looking for another, alternative, scientific path for 76 years, as the greatest geniuses of humanity Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, John Bernal and many others, in our time, the GGHA and other NGOs called for? Why today the most peaceful President Putin unilaterally, without waiting for Biden's consent, cannot create and finance the “Global Peace Academy” of 15-20 humanitarians, inviting scientists not o­nly from Russia, but also from the USA, Britain, China, India and other nuclear powers? Nothing prevents him from taking this simple but key first peacemaking step. Who could bring these simple questions to the US and Russia leaders?

Maybe you, Mairead, as o­ne of the most active and responsible Nobel laureates, together with their Association, which no o­ne hears, could launch in the Western media a similar agitation initiative towards nuclear leaders that humanity is waiting for? Obviously, no o­ne except you will do this today...

But let's hope that there will be influential politicians, peacemakers and businessmen who will dare to raise these legitimate issues of human survival in the media o­n the verge of its nuclear suicide.

With love,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President



Dear Leo

Thank you for your email in which you propose the idea I consider being an Administrative director of proposed Peace Academy. I am afraid I must say no to this proposal as due to other commitments I am unable to accept.

I wish you every success with your work. Peace,

Mairead Maguire





Dear Leo and Mairead,

- Leo has described correctly how the nuclear powers are stuck o­n militarism as their "strategy" for peace.Peace through strength. This is a severe psychological problem. The leaders are unable to imagine a world without armies, nukes and secret operations. Moreover, they are trapped by the current geopolitical system.

The global UN system not o­nly is incorrectly designed, worse yet its structure breeds paranoia. That's why Democratic World Federalists are calling for a new UN Constitution/Charter (Earth Constitution). We must change the global governing system.

Because leaders of nations often are sociopaths or psychopaths, they cannot find it within themselves to trust the Other. The reason is simple: They themselves, as psychopaths, can't be trusted. Like Hitler, they would do a surprise attack without remorse. Many rulers, therefore, project their own evil impulses unto the Other: "It is not me plotting against you, you are plotting against me. Therefore, I must prepare with an army, nukes, and secret operations,"

We can establish a "new UN" using Article 109(3) to start Charter Review and introduce the UN General Assembly to the Earth Constitution. But we will need to convince world leaders (Putin, Biden, Xinping, Modi, etc.) to attend a Global Psychological Peace Summitdirected by psychologists. Group therapy.We will need these leaders in attendance at a neutral site for about 10 to 14 days. They will need to get to know each other personally, and be educated as world citizens. The overall goal for the Summit Group is a world that's free from nukes and war.

For peace and humanity,

Roger Kotila, PhD

Psychologist (ret.)

President, Democratic World Federalists,






You are right, Leo!

Ernesto Kahan

Professor, Physician, MD, IPPNW Vice-President in 1985 - Nobel Peace Laureate,








8. jul. 2021 kl. 11:52 skrev Leo Semashko :

Maybe you, Mairead, as o­ne of the most active and responsible Nobel laureates,


Fredrik S. Heffermehl,

Oslo, lawyer and author

fredpax@online.no, Web: http://www.nobelwill.org

Ph.: +47 917 44 783 - Latest title (2020):

Medaljens bakside. Nobels fredspris -

hundre års ubrukte muligheter.

Shame or Fame. Norway and the Nobel Peace Prize:

Presentation of for English and other foreign publishers:






Dear Dr. Semashko,

I'm very sorry to disturb you or distract you from your important tasks.

I hope, after evaluation, you can forward this communication to United Nations

Since many years I am writing to UN without receiving answers.

Best regards,

Dr. Francesco Campiglio,

Via Rogorella 37, 21020

Bodio Lomnago, Varese


European Union,






President Biden and President Putin














18th May, 2021


Dear President Biden and President Putin,


I hope this letter finds you and your families well. I hope you will continue in good health to perform your important work.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for our children.I write to you both as World Leaders to ask for your advice and help in these challenging times. I would like to know what I can do, together with my friends, to help avert a Third World War, and prevent further suffering and death for millions for my brothers and sisters around the world. I have been reading the news about military build-up in Europe and South East Asia, etc., and the rhetoric being used by many of our World Leaders (words cut deeper than swords and often can never be taken back!) and wonder ‘what’s to be done to make peace and prevent violence and war?

I know in your hearts you are both good men. You both know the pain of suffering and loss in your own lives and deep inside you don’t wish others to undergo pain and suffering.You both know that violence, no matter where it comes from, brings with it unbearable suffering into lives, often already crushed by the crosses, toils and disappointments ofliving not to mention pandemics, (such as your own countries, but particularly India) famines, poverty, climate crisis, etc. You both have the power to change things by working together.Please join NOW and exercise your leadership o­n behalf of a suffering humanity.

Having visited Russia and the USA and having met your peoples, I know they are good, who feel love for each other and humanity.I, believe your people are not, nor do they wish to be, enemies.For myself, I have no enemies o­nly brothers and sisters. Yes, there is fear and anxiety about difference, but this should not divide and separate us, the human family.

The artificial enmity between Russia and the USA has gone o­n too long already, and the world asks you to end this by becoming friends and peacemakers not o­nly for your own people, but for the entire world, especially the children, who deserve your help to survive violence, hunger, pandemics, wars, climate changes. Language is so very important and the tongue is mightier than the sword.Please, put away a rhetoric of insult and abuse and start a dialogue of respect for each other and your countries.

The war games being practiced in Europe are dangerous because something may happen that will trigger a waras evidenced by the two last World wars. We the Peoples of the World, do not want war, we want peace and disarmament, to feed the hungry and provide a better life for all children.

         Please, President Putin and President Biden: Make peace not war, start to disarm and give the world some hope. It will become solid and reliable if you will create a joint scientific Peace Academy to replace violence with reason, primarily between Arabs and Israelis. This would be your joint immortal peacemaking contribution to history. We have the fundamental proposals of this Academy for your consideration.


Thank you!Love and Peace,


Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – l976



Tel/Fax:(028)90663465, Email:info@peacepeople.comWebsite:www.peacepeople.com


Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA):
To Darling Women Congratulations o­n March 8!

Mairead is the European Mona Lisa and the GGHA Sun!
   Our GGHA special congrats to her!


Women, creators of people and harmony are the Humanity Sun!
The vanguard of nonviolence harmonious spherons!
The Gandhian World Enlightenment driver in their knowledge and education!
In the family, children's institutions, health care and schools - the main productive force
of the new generations of nonviolence spherons!
Therefore, everyone loves you!
To ensure equality, women must hold at least 50% of the seats in all government bodies.
This is a requirement of nonviolence, harmony, justice and love for them, realized by the spherons.

Details of congratulations, warmest wishes and gentlemen's admirations
of the GGHA hundreds male humanitarians,
accumulated over the last 12 years
Look at the dedicated page here:

With love,
On the GGHA behalf,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
Its Founder and Honorary President,


Mairead Maguire. Pax Christi Peacemaker of the Year Award to Malachy Kilbride






RIP [Rest In Peace]

Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate


Like millions of people, both in United States and around the World, I was deeply shocked by the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed African/American man, at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer o­n 25th May, 2020. The brutal action of the police officer, who kept his knee o­n George Floyd’s head in spite of George’s anguished cry ‘I can’t breath’ and calling for his mother, and then he died. The video of this murder by a white policeman, watched by his three police colleagues, was zoomed around the world in minutes and horrified the world by its barbarity and inhumanity.How did this police officer, who was supposed to save and protect George Floyd end up murdering him?

* * *

I would like to add my sympathy and condolences to George Floyd family and the families of Black victims, and others killed by racists, be they in USA, United Kingdom, Asia, no matter where they live.It was inspiring to see millions of people, respond to the call of the Movement ‘Black Lives Matter’ and take to the streets to pray act and protest police brutality, institutional violence, racism and discrimination, and to call for transparency and accountability and real change.

Anti-black and racism continues to permeate through the criminal justice system and the social fabric of the USA, UK and many countries. During my many visits to the USA, I was deeply shocked by the extreme poverty, particularly in Black/American communities. I visited Los Angeles after the LA Riots in 1992 and witnessed the poverty in which many black people lived, which left me in admiration at the courage of so many working to help their devastated communities with little or no resources and help. America is a very rich country but sadly much of their wealth goes to the elite l% with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The military budget (the largest in the world) is spent o­n arms, nuclear weapons and war. Large numbers of black Americans join the military as there are few jobs for them. The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement, the Peace movement calling for ending war, the anti-nuclear movement, women’s’ movement, the environment movement, increasingly led by youth are calling for new policies from USA government and world governments, which puts its people and their need for health, education, first and refuse to kill each other but solve our problems through dialogue, co-operation and harmony.

During my visit to L.A. I attended a black church and took hope from the hundreds of Black/American people who after the riots, committed themselves to rebuild their city of the angels o­n justice equality and peace, and their service ended with a great AMEN.We can as a tribute and in respect and memory of George Floyd (RIP) join our black/American brothers and sisters, and commit to start again the search for justice, equality and peace amongst the human family.

Mairead Maguire,

Nobel peace Laureate, (born 27 January 1944)

North Ireland,




Comment. The salvation/healing of America and the whole world from racism, injustice, inequality and structural violence in all vectors provides the ‘Harmony Spherons Third Way’. Their Manifesto, created in the GHA for 15 years, is published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908.

The GHA is grateful to MaireadMaguireand appreciates her article sent to us, dedicated to George Floyd, killed by racism. The full article is published in English and Russian here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678.

Floyd's racist murder exacerbated the issue of healing/saving America, as well as the whole world, from the pathologies of racism, inequality and structural violence. The scientific answer to this question/challenge is offered by the GHA Spherons Manifesto. Is America able to understand and recognize it at this critical moment of its history in order to free itself from its deadly pathologies? Does it have such, peaceful freedom of thought?

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Founder and Honorary President





Джордж Флойд

RIP [Покойся с миром]

Мейрид Магуайр,

Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира


Как и миллионы людей в США, так и во всем мире, я была глубоко потрясена убийством Джорджа Флойда, невооруженного афроамериканца, от рук офицера полиции Миннеаполиса 25 мая 2020 года. Жестокие действия полицейского, который 8 минут держал его колено на шее Джорджа Флойда, несмотря на его мучительный крик «Я не могу дышать» и мольбу к матери, после чего он умер. Видеозапись этого убийства белого полицейского, которую смотрели три его полицейских коллеги, мгновенно разлетелась по всему миру и ужаснула мир его варварством и бесчеловечностью. Как этот полицейский, который должен был спасти и защитить Джорджа Флойда, в итоге убил его?

* * *

Я хотела бы выразить соболезнования семье Джорджа Флойда и семьям чернокожих жертв и других, убитых расистами, будь то США, Великобритания, Азия, где бы они ни жили. Было вдохновляющим видеть миллионы людей, откликнувшихся на призыв Движения «Жизни чёрных важны» выйти на улицы, чтобы молиться, выступать и протестовать против жестокости полиции, институционального насилия, расизма и дискриминации, а также призывать к прозрачности и ответственности и реальным изменениям.

Борьба с расизмом продолжает проникать через систему уголовного правосудия и социальную структуру США, Великобритании и многих стран. Но во время моих многочисленных визитов в США я была глубоко шокирована крайней нищетой, особенно в чернокожих/американских общинах. Я посетила Лос-Анджелес после беспорядков в нем в 1992 году и стала свидетелем нищеты, в которой жили многие темнокожие люди. Но мое восхищение вызвало мужество многих людей, которые помогали своим опустошенным общинам без ресурсов. Америка - очень богатая страна, но, к сожалению, большая часть их богатства достается элите, причем богатые становятся богаче, а бедные - беднее. Военный бюджет (самый большой в мире) расходуется на оружие, ядерное оружие и войну. Большое количество чернокожих американцев вступает в армию, поскольку у них мало рабочих мест. Движение «Black Lives Matter», движение «Мир», призывающее к прекращению войны, антиядерное движение, женское движение, экологическое движение, во все большей степени возглавляемое молодежью, требуют новой политики от правительства США и мировых правительств, чтобы она сделала приоритетом своих людей и их потребность в здоровье, образовании, и прежде всего, в отказе от убийства друг друга, решая эти проблемы через диалог, сотрудничество и гармонию.

Во время моего визита в Лос-Анджелес я посетила черную церковь и нашла надежду сотен чернокожих/американцев, которые после беспорядков взяли на себя обязательство восстановить свой город ангелов на основе справедливости, равенства и мира, и их служение закончилось великим АМЭН. Мы можем, как дань уважения и памяти Джорджу Флойду (RIP), присоединиться к нашим чернокожим/американским братьям и сестрам и взять на себя обязательство вновь начать поиск справедливости, равенства и мира в человеческой семье.


Mairead Maguire,

Нобелевский лауреат мира,

Северная Ирландия,




Комментарий. Спасение/исцеление Америки и всего мира от расизма, несправедливости, неравенства и структурного насилия по всем векторам обеспечивает Третий Путь Сферонов гармонии. Их Манифест, созданный в ГСГ за 15 лет, опубликован здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908.

ГСГ благодарен Мейрид Магуре и высоко ценит присланную нам статью, посвященную Джорджу Флойду, погибшего от расизма. Статья полностью опубликована здесь на английском и русском языках: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678.

Расистское убийство Флойда до предела обострило вопрос об исцелении/спасении Америки, как и всего мира, от патологий расизма, неравенства и структурного насилия. Научный ответ на этот вопрос/вызов предлагает Манифест Сферонов ГСГ. Способна ли Америка понять и признать его в этот критический момент ее истории, чтобы освободиться от своих смертоносных патологий? Доступна ли ей подобная, миролюбивая свобода мысли?

          Лев Семашко,

Основатель и почетный президент ГСГ




Mairead Maguire:

“We can abolish NATO, militarism, endless wars, l% of their beneficiaries

and free Assange”. 05-10-19:


Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate,

Co-Founder, Peace People Northern Ireland.

Press Release o­n l2th April, 2018







`Mairead Maguire has requested UK Home Office for permission to visit her friend Julian Assange whom this year she has nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize’

            ‘I want to visit Julian to see he is receiving medical care and to let him know that there aremany people around the world who admire him and are grateful for his courage in trying to stop the wars and end the suffering of others’

           ‘Thursday 11th April, will go down in history as a dark day for the Rights of humanity, when Julian Assange, a brave and good man, was arrested, by British Metropolitan Police, forcibly removed without prior warning,in a style befitting of a war criminal, from the Ecuadorian Embassy, and bundled into a Police Van.It is a sad time when the UK Government at the behest of the United States Government, arrested Julian Assange, a symbol of Freedom of Speech as the publisher of Wikileaks, and the worlds’ leaders and main stream media remain silent o­n the fact that he is an innocent man until proven guilty, while the UN working Group o­n Arbitrary Detention defines him as innocent. The decision of President Lenin Moreno of Ecuador who under financial pressure from the US has withdrawn asylum to the Wikileaks founder, is a further example of Unites States’ global currency monopoly, pressurizing other countries to do their bidding or face the financial and possibly violent consequences for disobedience to the alleged world Super Power, which has sadly lost its moral compass. Julian Assange had taken asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy seven years ago precisely because he foresaw that the US would demand his extradition to face a Grand Jury in the US for mass murders carried out, not by him, but by US and NATO forces, and concealed from the public.

          Unfortunately, it is my belief that Julian Assange will not see a fair trial. As we have seen over the last seven years, time and time again, the European countries and many others, do not have the political will or clout to stand up for what they know is right, and will eventually cave into the Unites States’ will. We have watched Bradley Manning being returned to jail and to solitary confinement, so we must not be naive in our thinking: surely, this is the future for Julian Assange.

I visited Julian o­n two occasions in the Ecuadorian Embassy and was very impressed with this courageous and highly intelligent man.The first visit was o­n my return from Kabul, where young Afghan teenage boys, insisted o­n writing a letter with the request I carry it to Julian Assange, to thank him, for publishing o­n Wikileaks, the truth about the war in Afghanistan and to help stop their homeland being bombed by planes and drones. All had a story of brothers or friends killed by drones while collecting wood in winter o­n the mountains.

I nominated Julian Assange o­n the 8th January 2019 for the Nobel Peace Prize. I issued a press release hoping to bring attention to his nomination, which seemed to have been widely ignored, by Western media. By Julians courageous actions and others like him, we could see full well the atrocities of war.The release of the files brought to our doors the atrocities our governments carried out through media.It is my strong belief that this is the true essence of an activist and it is my great shame I live in an era where people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and anyone willing to open our eyes to the atrocities of war, is likely to be haunted like an animal by Governments, punished and silenced. Therefore, I believe that the British government should oppose the extradition of Assange as it sets a dangerous precedent for journalists, whistle-blowers and other sources of truth the US may wish to pressure in the future. This man is paying a high price to end war and for peace and nonviolence and we should all remember that.




Subject: Free Journalist Julian Assange -- Imprisoned for Exposing US War Crimes

Editor's note:  The United Nations should intervene in the case of journalist Julian Assange, imprisoned for exposing US war crimes.  But the UN is helpless, prevented from intervening in a country's internal matters.  The problem is that the UN Charter grants "sovereignty" even if a country's government is corrupt or rogue, and is violating basic rights (such as freedom of the Press).  Ending the criminal abuse of national sovereignty will require replacing the flawed UN Charter.  Democratic World Federalists is seeking a formal Charter Review by the UN General Assembly which could open the door to replace the obsolete Charter with the EARTH CONSTITUTION.  - R. Kotila, PhD Earth Federation News & Views


Free Journalist Julian Assange -- Imprisoned for Exposing US War Crimes

February 23, 2020

 [Sent to EarthstarRadio by vincedhimos@newsilkstrategies.com]

A lot hinges o­n Julian Assange’s fate. If he can be thrown into a dark hostile prison for telling the truth about the US establishment’s crimes, then you can too, eventually. Donald Trump would probably not have won the election in 2016 if it had not been for the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary and the Democrats and the dirty tricks they played to shut Bernie Sanders out of the race. So how does Donald thank Assange for that?

Trump never mentions Assange. However, he and his fan club do not stand for the Constitution and they do not stand for human rights anywhere o­n the planet. They have traded in traditional Christianity and the Judaic “love your neighbour as yourself” for legalistic pre-Christian, pre-Judaic Zionism. Trump’s unprecedented admission that he intends to “keep the oil” in Syria is the expression of a colonialist mind. His virulent anti-China statements betray a frank racism that no other president has ever expressed. He and the rest of the Establishment – which some call the Deep State – believe in their hearts that the world’s resources all belong to the US and Washington has the right to plunder them.


My prison visit with Julian Assange

by Andrew Wilkie

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie writes about his alarming visit with Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison.


“Today’s 90 minute visit to Julian Assange in London’s Belmarsh Prison was an alarming experience. The place is everything you’d expect of a supermax jail and the process of entering and departing was security o­n steroids. Just the place for a supervillain.

Once inside we waited. And waited. And waited.

Despite the half hour it took us to be processed o­n entry, and me being ejected temporarily because I had a small hole in the bottom of o­ne of my suit pockets, and the fact that all the other prisoners had already been allowed into the cavernous visitors area, Julian Assange was nowhere to be seen.

But then, finally, there he was, the last prisoner to see any visitor.

Clearly the special o­ne. No wonder he looked tired, a man under enormous pressure, not just from years of incarceration, but also for the chilling prospect of being sent to a US federal prison for the rest of his life.

The injustice in all this is profound.

Sure, people have all sorts of views about Julian Assange. But when push comes to shove none of that is relevant. The substantive matter is that Julian Assange publicised US misconduct and presented hard evidence of their war crimes.

Because at the end of the day no o­ne should be punished for doing the right thing.”


The man we left behind

The Australian media this week launched a vociferous public campaign decrying attacks o­n journalists and whistleblowers. But what about Julian Assange?


He worked with a military whistleblower to uncover and publish a video from the gun sights of an American Apache helicopter in Iraq that opened fire o­n a group of men and then a van that stopped to help them. The driver of the van was killed and his two children were wounded.

He published revelations that exposed drone strikes, corruption and extrajudicial executions by governments across the world.

His website partnered with internationally-recognised outlets such as The New York Times, Le Monde and The Guardian. [Yes, and isn’t it amazing that these Establishment newspapers could publish with impunity the information that Assange uncovered, supposedly illegally, but Assange and o­nly Assange is deemed a criminal? Why not criminalize the entire world population that read the Wikileaks revelations? Three is a total lack of logic in the charges against him – Vince Dhimos]

He won a Walkley Award for “most outstanding contribution to journalism”. By this time, he was also the target of an ”unprecedented” US government criminal investigation.

His cause was clouded by a criminal investigation into allegations of sexual assault and molestation. The charges were later dropped.

He sought asylum in a foreign embassy in London. He did not leave the building for seven years. A UN working group described his situation as a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Meanwhile, virtually every move that the US government made against him has since been used against mainstream journalists.

He was arrested after being expelled from the embassy and charged with multiple counts of espionage and related crimes under the US Espionage Act. He is facing up to 170 years in prison. [Yes, but legislation related to whistle-blowers exonerates Assange because he o­nly uncovered government crimes and misconduct. BTW, the same goes for Chelsea Manning. Vince]

His lawyer told the press his arrest set a “dangerous precedent for all media and journalists in Europe and around the world.” The two biggest employers of journalists in Australia responded by publishing pieces which insisted the man is “not a journalist.”

His health deteriorated. At a court hearing to try and delay his extradition to the US, he appeared querulous and confused, struggling to recall his name and age. His application was dismissed.

That same week, the Australian media united to launch a public campaign decrying attacks o­n journalists and whistle-blowers. The name of the campaign: “Right To Know”.

He has received no assistance from his government.



                                           MAIREAD MAGUIRE, NOBEL PEACE LAUREATE,


email: info@peacepeople.com  website: www.peacepeople.com; Tel (O28) 90 663465



Published: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678



              Mairead Maguire, has today written to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, in Oslo, tonominate Julian Assange, Editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks, for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. In her letter to theNobel Peace Committee, Ms. Maguire said:

‘Julian Assange and his colleagues in Wikileaks have shown o­n numerous occasions that they are o­ne of the last outlets of true democracy and their work for our freedom and speech.Their work for true peace by making public our governments’ actions at home and abroad has enlightened us to their atrocities carried out in the name of so-called democracy around the world.This included footage of inhumanity carried out by NATO/Military, the release of email correspondence revealing the plotting of regime change in Eastern Middle countries, and the parts our elected officials paid in deceiving the public.This is a huge step in our work for disarmament and nonviolence worldwide.

Julian Assange, fearing deportation to the U.S. to stand trial for treason, sought out asylum in the Ecuadorien Embassy in 2012.Selflessly, he continues his work from here increasing the risk of his prosecution by the American Government.In recent months the U.S. has increased pressure o­n the Ecuadorian Government to take away his last liberties.He is now prevented from having visitors, receiving telephone calls, or other electronic communications, hereby removing his basic human rights.This has put a great strain o­n Julian’s mental and physical health.It is our duty as citizens to protect Julian’s human rights and freedom of speech as he has fought for ours o­n a global stage.

It is my great fear that Julian,who is an innocent man, will be deported to the U.S. where he will face unjustified imprisonment.We have seen this happen to Chelsea (Bradley) Manning who allegedly supplied Wikileaks with sensitive information from NATO/US Middle Eastern Wars and subsequently spent multiple years in solitary confinement in an American prison.If the US succeeds in their plan to extradite Julian Assange to US to face a Grand Jury, this will silence journalists and whistle-blowers around the world, in fear of dire repercussions.

          Julian Assange meets all criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize.Through his release of hidden information to the public we are no longer naïve to the atrocities of war, we are no longer oblivious to the connections between big Business, the acquisition of resources, and the spoils of war.

As his human rights and freedom are in jeopardy the Nobel Peace Prize would afford Julian much greater protection from Government forces.

Over the years there have been controversies over the Nobel Peace Prize and some of those to whom it has been awarded.Sadly, I believe it has moved from its original intentions and meaning.It was Alfred Nobel’s will that the prize would support and protect individuals at threat from Government forces in their fight for nonviolence and peace, by bringing awareness to their precarious situations.Through awarding Julian Assange the Nobel Peace Prize, he and others like him, will receive the protection they truly deserve.

It is my hope that by this we can rediscover the true definition of the Nobel Peace Prize.

I also call o­n all people to bring awareness to Julian’s situation and support him in his struggle for basic human rights, freedom of speech, and peace.’




Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate






November, 16-18 2018 Dublin, Ireland)


Dear Friends,


It is good to be here with you all. I would like to thank the organizers for inviting me to address the conference. Firstly I thank each and every o­ne of you for all your work for peace and for the abolition of war.It is good that we will have an opportunity in the next few days to get to know each other and together discuss what kind of a world we want to live in? There will be many different perspectives o­n this and the way forward, but let us agree to be civil and respect each other and to remain in deep listening and conversation no matter how hard and where the dialogue might take us! Let us be encouraged by the fact that wehave made an important first step when we agree to enter into dialogue, and not to kill each other, and when we agree that Peace is both the means and the great achieveable gift. It would be wonderful too no matter what area of social/political change we work in, if we can unite o­n a shared vision of a demilitarized world and find strength in agreeing we will not limit ourselves to civilizing and slowing down militarism, but demanding its total abolition.


Some people might argue that Peace is not possible in such a highly militarized world.However, I believe that Peace is so urgent and it is possible. It is achieveable when we each become impassioned about peace and filled with an ethic that makes peace our objective and we each put into practice our moral sence of political/social responsibility to build peace.


To build peace we are challenged to reject the bomb the bullet and all the techniques of violence.We are constantly bombarded with glorification of militarism and war so building a culture of Peace will not be an easy task.We are hearing about the building of a European Army and whilst asked to accept austerity cuts and budgets cuts to prove basic health care and education, etc., whilst increasing money to our own armies and also European Military expansion. I believe the US/ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (US/NATO) which should have been disbanded when the Warsaw Pac was dissolved, continues to carry out wars and proxy wars in many countries, and pushes towards the borders of Russia, resurrecting a cold war between the East and West.I believe that NATO should be disbanded and should be made accountable and make recompense, for the millions of people whose lives it has destroyed and countries, i.e., Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. it has illegally and cruelly attacked, invaded, destroyed.We will never be allowed by our Governments, nor our Main stream media, to hear many of the stories of the lives of so many civilians killed by US/NATO forces. NATO forces has targeted and assassinated individuals, and entire families. It is to all our shame in the International community, that their illegal criminal actsof horror and bloodletting which embodies the comeback of barbarism, is being paid for with tax payers money, and rewarded instead of being brought before the International Criminal Courtfor war crimes.


Ireland’s peace activists have been peacefully protesting US military use of Irish airports whereby over two and a half million armed US troops have passed through Shannon airport o­n their way to an from the US led Afghan and Iraq wars.


Note. The key inspirational thoughts were underlined in red by me - Leo Semashko.



Demonization of Russia in a new Cold War era

By Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace laureate


In examining the future, we must look to the past.

As we watch the media today, we are spoon fed more and more propaganda and fear of the unknown, that we should be afraid of the unknown and have full faith that our government is keeping us safe from the unknown. But by looking at media today, those of us who are old enough will be reminded of the era of Cold War news articles, hysteria of how the Russians would invade and how we should duck and cover under tables in our kitchens for the ensuing nuclear war. Under this mass hysteria all Western governments were convinced that we should join Western allies to fight the unknown evil that lies to the east. Later through my travels in Russia during the height of the Cold War with a peace delegation, we were shocked by the poverty of the country and questioned how we ever were led to believe that Russia was a force to be afraid of. We talked to the Russian students who were dismayed by their absolute poverty and showed anger against NATO for leading their country into an arms race that they could not win. Many years later, when speaking to young Americans in the US, I was in disbelief about the fear the students had of Russia and their talk of invasion. This is a good example of how the unknown can cause a deep routed paranoia when manipulated by the right powers.

All military is expensive, and we can see in Europe that the countries are reluctant to expand their military spending and find it hard to justify this to their people. In looking at this scenario, we can ask ourselves what is beneficial about this hysteria and fear caused o­n both sides. All armies must have an enemy to deem them necessary. An enemy must be created, and the people must be convinced that there is need for action to safeguard the freedom of their country.Right now, we can see a shifting of financial power from old Western powers to the rise of the Middle East and Asia. Do we honestly believe that the Western allies are going to give up their power? My suggestion is: not easily. The old dying empires will fight tooth and nail to protect their financial interests such as the petrol dollar and the many benefits that come through their power over poverty-stricken countries.

Firstly, I must say, that I personally believe that Russia is not by any means without faults. But the amount of anti-Russian propaganda in our media today is a throwback to the Cold War era. We must ask the question: Is this leading to more arms, a bigger NATO? Possibly to challenge large powers in the Middle East and Asia, as we see the US approaching the South China seas and NATO Naval games taking place in the Black Sea. Missile compounds are being erected in Romania, Poland and other ex-Soviet countries, while military games are set up in Scandinavia close to the Russian border to practice for a cold climate war scenario. At the same time, we see the US President arriving in Europe asking for increased military spending. At the same time the USA has increased its budget by 300 billion in o­ne year.

The demonization of Russia is, I believe, o­ne of the most dangerous things that is happening in our world today. The scapegoating of Russia is an inexcusable game that the West is indulging in. It is time for political leaders and each individual to move us back from the brink of catastrophe to begin to build relationships with our Russian brothers and sisters. Too long has the elite finically gained from war while millions are moved into poverty and desperation. The people of the world have been subjected to war propaganda based o­n lies and misinformation and we have seen the results of invasions and occupations by NATO disguised as “humanitarian intervention” and “right to protect”. NATO has destroyed the lives of millions of people and purposely devastated their lands, causing the exodus of millions of refugees. The people around the world must not be misled yet again. I personally believe that the US, the UK and France are the most military minded countries, whose inability to use their imagination and creativity to solve conflict through dialogue and negotiation is astonishing to myself and many people. In a highly militarized, dangerous world it is important we start to humanize each other and find ways of cooperation and build fraternity amongst the nations. The policies of demonization of political leaders as a means of preparing the way for invasions and wars must be stopped immediately and serious effort put in to the building of relationships across the world. The isolation and marginalization of countries will o­nly lead to extremism, fundamentalism and violence.

During our visit to Moscow we had the pleasure of attending a celebration of mass at the main Orthodox Cathedral. I was very inspired by the deep spirituality and faith of the people as they sang the entire three-hour mass. I was moved by the culture of the Russian people and I could feel that their tremendous history of suffering and persecution gave them sensitivity and passion for peace.

Surely it is time that we in Europe refuse to be put in a position where we are forced to choose between our Russian and American brothers and sisters. The enormous problems that we are faced with such as, due to climate change and wars, mass migration and movement of peoples around the world, need to be tackled as a world community. The lifting of sanctions against Russia and the setting up of programs of cooperation will help build friendships amongst the nations.

I call o­n all people to encourage their political leaders in the US, EU and Russia to show vision and political leadership and use their skills to build trust and work for peace and nonviolence.

Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace laureate

Belfast, Northern Ireland

September 13th 2018


Published: 18-09-18

Press release: Contra Russophobia and Demonization of Russia

Dear Mairead,

Many thanks for your strong press release sharply criticizing Russophobia and demonization of Russia, which was published o­n your personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 and sent to the President of Russia, Mr. Putin: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=746.

The GHA highly appreciates your honest and courageous position, which is very rare today in the West, as your great contribution to global peace. Its victory is impossible with the domination of all racism and demonization of any civilization and any people in their planetary harmonious family.

With love and peace from harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Honorary President,




Пресс-релиз: Контра русофобии и демонизации России

Дорогая Мейрид,

         Большое спасибо за ваш сильный пресс-релиз с резкой критикой русофобии и демонизации России, который был опубликован на Вашей персональной странице: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 и послан Президенту России г-ну Путину: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=746.

         ГСГ высоко ценит вашу честную и мужественную позицию, весьма редкую сегодня на Западе, как Ваш великий вклад в глобальный мир. Его победа невозможна при господстве всякого расизма и демонизации любой цивилизации и любого народа в их планетарной гармоничной семье.

          С любовью и миром из гармонии,

Лев Семашко,

Почетный Президент ГСГ,




Global Peace Science in Vatican

Наука Глобального Мира в Ватикане


 Dear Leo

On the eve of the important Peace summit I add My voice to you and all civil society in appealing to president Putin and President Trump to join together and giving leadership for fraternity amongst the nations and putting in place a programme for Peace and general complete disarmament and a global Peace summit: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=834.

Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace laureate



Press Release:

After 70 years of Ethnic cleansing and global compliity – are we Racist?

BY Mairead Maguire
Nobel Peace Laureate


Since the beginning of the Palestinian Grand Return March o­n land Day 30th April, the world has looked o­n in horror as Israel has Killed at least 109 Palestinians and injured thousands of unarmed Palestinians asking to return to their land and seeking to protect nonviolently what little of their land is left.

The massacre and o­ngoing slow genocide in Gaza where two million (mostly refugees and mostly youth) are subjected to Issraeli government policies that ignore human rightsand international law, and implement apartheid and ethnic cleansing policies which goes unchallenged by the rest of the world. We should not allow the Palestinians to be punished by Israel because of what happened to Europen Jews in the Holocaust during the second world war. Norshould we allow Europe and the Worlds future to be manipulated by the past and the world to be held to ransom by Zionism.For over 70 years anyone who critizes Israeli policies,has been silenced by threats of being anti-semitic and Political Leadership have yet to call Zionism’s bluff and demand they stop the persecution of Palestinian people.

The Middle East and Palestinians should not be made pay with their lives for what happened 70 years ago, and surely at some point in time, Europeansincluding Germany will have to question how big a price Palestinians must pay through our silence and complicity. For too long anti-semitic accusations have been wielded by Israeli Zionists,as a political weapon to silence anyone who challenges Zionist Policies, and it is widely known and feared in media and politics that to question Israeli policies and be labelled anti semitic, is a possible career ending for anyone with the courage to do so. It is time for the people to wash away the shame and guilt of the second world war and no longer be silent and complicit in the modern day slow genocide of the Palestinian people.

I question myself is the major underlying problem o­ne of sub-conscious racism towards Palestinians and Muslims? Dehumanization, religion, language, race,have all played a part in the dehumanization of the Palestinian people because they are not western christians.Fear of the unknown and ’the other’ can so easily be fed by unscruplous people for their own purposes, and this leads to violence which can lead to war. The demonization of the Palestinians and other Middle Eastern muslim countries, in readiness for NATOs wars, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and now Iran, is racist and western interventions to destroy countries and claim their resources continues to be standard western policy. Bombing and intervention by Western powers would never be tolerated in Western countries. Can you image the outcry if Germany, Italy, France, UK had its unarmed civilians held under seige, starved, shot, and gassed for protesting their right to live in their own land and have their rights.

Over 30 years I havehoped, protested and prayed for World powers to come to their senses, and for a genuine peace process, where Israel chooses peace and not confiscated Palestinian land and resources, , and to end the palestinian suffering. Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that Governments are just too afraid and unwilling to stand up to the US and its powerful Israeli lobby, so I encourage everyone to support the o­ngoing nonviolent resistance of the Palestinian people and the current international grassroots Campaign for Israeli Divestment/Disinvestment against the criminal apartheid regime of Israel.

I extend to the Palestinian people my deepest sympathy o­n the killing of their sons and daughters and the continuingoccupation and seizing of their land by Israel. I thank them for their courage and sacrifice to challenge injustice and the latest inhumanity perpetrated upon them by Israeli/USA Gov.,policies. Though our hearts are aching watching your suffering, we take hope from the Palestinian peoples brave struggle and pray your hearts will not be hardened by injustice and suffering, but remain at peace and your struggle nonviolent and true to the great spirit of the Palestinian people.

Salam Alekium,


16th May, 2018


Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976
Stopped the terror in
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Community for Peace People



Mairead Maguire is o­ne of the founders and coauthors of Global Peace Science:
With her great "message that armed groups, militarism and war do not solve
our problems but aggravate them challenges us to use new ways and that is
why we need to teach the science of peace at every level of society
" (below).


Dear Leo

I write to convey my deep sadness and sympathy to victims and families of the tragedy in Kemerovo where 64 people were burnt in a fire o­n 25 March of which 41 were children. This terrible tragedy challenges us all to increase our efforts for peace and harmony to build fraternity amongst all humans and countries. No more nuclear wars no more war.


Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Laureate


Belfast, North Ireland


A Trinity Talk with Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire - YouTube:

Nobel laureate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ6ss9QXL3E


Global Peace Science in the UN 

Наука Глобального Мира в ООН

Dear Leo,

Just to inform you that as you requested, I have sent the Global Harmony Assoc., Project to

UN Sec General Antonio Guterres(sg@un.org) and to President of the UN General AssemblyMiroslav Lajcak (infopga@un.org) and copy to Spokesperson:Brendan Varma(varma@un.org).



Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate:


January 24, 2018


Дорогой Лео,

Сообщаю, что, как вы просили, я отправила проект ГСГ Генеральному Секретарю ООН Антонио Гутерреш (sg@un.org) и Президенту Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН Мирославу Лайчак
infopga@un.org) с копией пресс-секретарю: Брендан Варма (varma@un.org) Мир,

Мейрид Корриган, Лауреат Нобелевской Премии Мира:


24 января 2018 г.


The GHA is very grateful and highly appreciates your great in significance presenting (below) our “UN Reform” project (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) to its senior officials: the Secretary General and the General Assembly President. We are sure that your appeal as a Nobel Peace Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678) will not be left without attention and without response. Your info is published in this project and o­n the Home page of our website. Thank you very much.

On January 20 our another colleague told me about similar intention: Prof. John Avery, also the Nobel Peace Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672), who wrote to me: “My dear friend Leo, I will do my best, and if I receive a reply, I will immediately forward it to you, all my dear GHA friends throughout the world, John”.

The more such facts, the more likely it is that this unprecedented scientific project of the UN reform will attract the attention of this organization. I urge this to be done first of all by Anglo-Saxon scholars. Because I noticed that my appeals from Russia remain without attention and without an answer. They are simply ignored in international organizations, in which 90% of the apparatus is made up of Anglo-Saxons who are amused by the new kind of racism invented by them: Russophobia: it allows them to ignore all Russian appeals from the threshold. Therefore, in this situation, such letters of American scientists are especially valuable. We hope and appreciate their activity with the promotion of our unique project. Best wishes for peace from harmony,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,

Дорогая Мейрид!

ГСГ очень благодарен и высоко ценит ваш великий по значению факт (ниже) представления нашего проекта «Реформирования ООН» (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=736) его высшим должностным чиновникам: Генеральному Секретарю и Президенту Ген. Ассамблеи. Мы уверены, что ваше обращение как Нобелевского Лауреата Мира (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678) не останется без внимания и без ответа. Ваша инфо опубликована в этом проекте и на Главной странице нашего сайта. Большое спасибо вам.

О подобном намерении мне сообщил 20 января другой наш коллега, Проф. Джон Авери, также Нобелевский Лауреат Мира (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672), который писал мне: «Мой дорогой друг Лео, я сделаю все возможное, и если я получу ответ, я немедленно отправлю его вам. Слюбовьюквамиковсеммоимдорогимдрузьям GHA повсемумиру, Джон» (My dear friend Leo, I will do my best, and if I receive a reply, I will immediately forward it to you. With love to you and to all my dear GHA friends throughout the world, John).

Чем больше будет подобных фактов, тем больше будет вероятность, что этот беспрецедентный научный проект реформирования ООН привлечет внимание этой организации. Я призываю это сделать в первую очередь англо-саксонских ученых. Потому что я заметил, что мои обращения из России остаются без внимания и без ответа. Они просто игнорируются в международных организациях, в которых 90% аппарата составляют англо-саксы, забавляющиеся изобретенным ими новым видом расизма – русофобией: она позволяет им с порога игнорировать все русские обращения. Поэтому, в данной ситуации особенно ценны подобные письма американских ученых. Мы надеемся и высоко оценим их активность с продвижением нашего уникального проекта. Лучшие пожелания мира из гармонии,
Лев Семашко, Почетный Президент ГСГ,


Global Peace Science in Vatican

Наука Глобального Мира в Ватикане


Mairead Maguire
. Nobel Peace Laureate.

Meeting Pope FRANCIS in Vatican

At disarmament con o­n 11.11.2017

After his speech condemning possession and threats of using nuclear weapons

(see Vatican web: http://www.vaticanstate.va/content/vaticanstate/en.html)


Dear Mairead,

Thank you very much for your expressive photo with Pope Francis in Vatican at the Conference o­n Nuclear Disarmament, which I was happy to publish o­n your personal page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Your wonderful and bold presentation at this Conference is filled with many peacemaking meanings, the key of which is that the "Science of War", which is the basis of nuclear and other weapons, "is being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based o­n love and Harmony." You are o­ne of the founders of this unprecedented science (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf), which you now brought to the Vatican. This is your great contribution to global peace and disarmament. We and history highly appreciate it.

With love,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Honorary President,



Дорогая Мейрид!

Большое спасибо за вашу выразительную фотографию с Папой Франциском в Ватикане на Конференции по ядерному разоружению, которую я был счастлив опубликовать на вашей персональной странице: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Ваша замечательная и смелая презентация на этой Конференции наполнена многими миротворческими смыслами, ключевой из которых в том, что наука войны, лежащая в основе ядерного и прочего вооружения, «заменяется наукой глобального мира (НГМ), основанной на любви и гармонии». Вы являетесь одним из основателей этой беспрецедентной науки (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf), которую вы донесли теперь до Ватикана. Это ваш великий вклад в глобальный мир и разоружение. Мы и история высоко ценят его.
С любовью,

Лев Семашко, Почетный Президент ГСГ,




Prospects for a World Free from Nuclear Weapons

and for Integral Disarmament


Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate


Presentation to the International Symposium o­n

Perspectives for a world free from Nuclear Weapons and for Integral Disarmament

Vatican, Rome, 10-11 Nov 2017:

“The Peace Process in Northern Ireland”


Buon Pomeriggio,

Eminences, Excellences, Colleagues Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is good to be with you all, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your work for Peace and Humanity. Thank you also for giving me the opportunity to speak about the Peace Process in N. Ireland.

N. Ireland is a deep ethnic/political conflict, and Religion plays both a negative and positive role in our society.This was brought home to me, when in the early l970s a young Irish Republican man, told me he was in the Armed Struggle of the IRA fighting a Just War and that the Catholic Church blesses“Just Wars“.We need to throw out the Just War theory, a phony piece of morality. Instead we can develop a new Theology of Peace and Nonviolence and articulate a clear unambiguous rejection of violence. Religion cannot be used to justify war or armed struggle.

There are many lessons to be learned from the Northern Irish conflict.One lesson is that violence never works, be it State, Relational, Paramilitary violence, or the violence of sectarianism, discrimination or injustice.For many years these methods were used and they plunged our country (one and a half million people) into the darkness of death and further segregation and polarization. A Light in the darkness came when in l976 thousands of people, 90% women, marched to call for an end to violence and for peace. They called for all inclusive, unconditional talks, including with those using violence, insisting we must talk to our perceived enemies, be reconciled together and find solutions. They insisted the UK Government uphold Human Rights and International Laws and not put aside the Rights of people, or use means which were illegal and counter-productive. In the first few months of this Civil Society movement for peace and reconciliation, there was a 70% drop in violence.

After a long process of dialogue, and diplomacy, across the communities, between people, paramilitary groups, and politicians, mediated by Civil Community and members of Clergy, eventually a Good Friday Agreement was reached in l998.This Agreement, based o­n Power Sharing between the Unionists, Nationalists, and others, was a ground breaking achievement in that it brought together many Political parties and tackled hard issues.Unfortunately, many of the Policies agreed upon were not fully implemented and continue to cause dissention within our Executive, Assembly and Community.What could have been set up was an independent body charged with the implementation of the Agreement whose recommendations for resolving disputes would be binding o­n the parties.In the absence of this, the Executive is obliged to address every crisis o­n a case by case basis and with no commitment to accepting recommendations to resolve the crisis.

Unfortunately our Executive has had many problems working o­n a power sharing basis but it is hoped that as time goes o­n they will adopt a more co-operative and compromising approach in working these institutions.For many the key to progress lies with the community where people live their daily lives.The integration of our society is very important and integrated Education, Peace Education, Therapy, Counseling, etc., will be ways in which to heal and reconcile our society. At the heart of a peace culture is a recognition that every persons life and their humanity is more important than a persons ethnic inheritance.This peace culture o­nly develops when every citizens humanity is valued above that citizens ethnic/religious inheritance. Where a citizens’ vote is sought and cast o­n the basis of human worth rather than o­n perceived inheritance or identity.Empowering local grassroots communities, including women and youth, to get involved in community peacebuilding, job creating, etc., will give hope and build self-belief, confidence and courage.

Post conflict we know how long and difficult the task before us.We accept this challenge to change ourselves and deepen our virtues of compassion, empathy, love, so necessary to change our society. Seeing the person in every o­ne and loving and serving them will help us transcend selfishness, bigotry and sectarianism. Deepening our relationships, with family, friends, society, will keep us strong and give us wisdom and courage in the hard times. In a spirit of enjoyment and enthusiasm, aware of the beauty of life, creation, within and without, we can live joyfully each moment and celebrate the gift of being alive.

We join with everyone around the world to build a demilitarized peaceful world.We thank Pope Francis for his clear moral/spiritual leadership in calling for the abolition of the death penalty and Nuclear Weapons.It is an illusion that we are in control and that these weapons give us security.Above all for any of us to harbour the thought that we have the right to use nuclear weapons and commit genocide is the most disturbing thing of all.We have yet to learn the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.An apology to the Japanese people by the US Government, those responsible for the genocidal act of using Nuclear bombs will help the healing of relationships and ensure such genocidal acts will never happen again.The policy of Nuclear weapons, show that we have lost our moral compass. It is long overdue that we abolish nuclear weapons and put resources, human and financial, into abolishing poverty and meeting human security as set out in UN Development goals.

However, we need to do more than this.Be brave and imaginative. Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war. We do not need to limit ourselves to civilizing and slowing down militarism, (which is an aberration and system of dysfunction), but demand its total abolition.We can offer a new hope to suffering humanity.Follow the vision of Nobel o­n global co-operation to remove the scourge of militarism and war, and implement the architecture of peace based o­n Human Rights and International Law.

People are tired of armaments and war, which release uncontrollable forces of tribalism and nationalism.These are dangerous and murderous forms of identity and above which we need to transcend, lest we unleash further violence upon the world. Acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity is more important than our different religions and traditions. Recognize our life and the lives of others are sacred and that we can solve our problems without killing each other. Accept and celebrate diversity and otherness. Heal the old divisions and misunderstandings. Give and accept forgiveness and choose love, nonkilling and nonviolence as ways to solve our problem.

Peace and Justice are necessary, and the ways of dialogue and diplomacy must be seriously undertaken, must be insisted upon by the International Community, as shown in the Iranian nuclear deal, and as could work for a North Korean Peace Treaty. We can transform the erroneous mindset that violence and threats of violence works, weapons and war can solve our problems. Punitive Policies do not bring peace.

We can take courage and confidence, from the fact that the Science of War, is being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based o­n love, Harmony, reverence for life and creation. Thank you to Pope Francis and the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Disarmament. Your work of diplomacy, mediation, fearlessly speaking Truth to Power whatever the cost, gives hope to all of humanity.

GRACIE!(Thank you),


Mairead Maguire – www.peacepeople.com


(Underlining in red is ours, Leo Semashko)


Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2017/11/prospects-for-a-world-free-from-nuclear-weapons-and-for-integral-disarmament/



Mairead Maguire, Nobel Laureate:
Great Peace Presentation in Vatican


Dear Mairead,

The GHA is happy to congratulate you o­n a very important, original and courageous presentation at the Pontifical Symposium in the Vatican (Rome, November 11, 2017), devoted to the "Perspectives for Nuclear and Integral Disarmament". We were happy to publish it o­n your personal page (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678), widely quoted in the GHA 57 project o­n the UN reform and include it in the bibliography along with your other wonderful peacemaking work.

Your presentation is richly saturated with scientific and humanistic meanings. I chose your most bold and burning peacemaking thoughts of a philosophical and humanistic nature in the next sorting quotations.

Mairead Maguire.
  The main thoughts about peace, nuclear and
integral disarmament, militarism and the science of peace:

"- Violence never works.

- At the heart of a peace culture is a recognition that every persons life and their humanity is more important than a persons ethnic inheritance.

- We join with everyone around the world to build a demilitarized peaceful world.

- The thought that we have the right to use nuclear weapons and commit genocide is the most disturbing thing of all.

- It is an illusion that we are in control and that these [nuclear] weapons give us security.

- We have yet to learn the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An apology to the Japanese people by the US Government, those responsible for the genocidal act of using Nuclear bombs will help the healing of relationships and ensure such genocidal acts will never happen again.The policy of Nuclear weapons, show that we have lost our moral compass.

- Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war.

- We do not need to limit ourselves to civilizing and slowing down militarism, (which is an aberration and system of dysfunction), but demand its total abolition.

- Acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity is more important than our different religions and traditions.

- Science of War is being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based o­n love, Harmony, reverence for life and creation."

They make up your new great contribution to global peace from harmony, to its humanistic and scientific understanding. We highly appreciate its uniqueness and significance. Thank you very much.
With love, Leo,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President ,


Мейрид Корриган, Нобелевский Лауреат:

великая миротворческая презентация в Ватикане

Дорогая Мейрид!

ГСГ счастлив поздравить вас с очень важным, оригинальным и смелым докладом на Папском симпозиуме в Ватикане (Рим, 11 ноября 2017), посвященном «Перспективам ядерного и полного разоружения». Мы были счастливы опубликовать его на вашей персональной странице (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678), широко цитировать его в 57 проекте ГСГ о реформе ООН и включить его в библиографию вместе с другими вашими замечательными миротворческими работами.

Ваша презентация богато насыщена научными и гуманистическими смыслами. Я выбрал ваши наиболее смелые и жгучие миротворческие мысли философской и гуманистической природы в следующей выборке цитат.

Мейрид Корриган.

Главные мысли о мире, ядерном и полном разоружении, милитаризме и науке мира:

«- Насилие никогда не срабатывает.

- В основе культуры мира лежит признание того, что жизнь каждого человека и его гуманность важнее, чем этническая принадлежность людей.

- Мы объединяемся со всеми людьми во всем мире, чтобы построить миролюбивый демилитаризованный мир.

- Мысль о том, что мы имеем право использовать ядерное оружие и совершать геноцид, является самой опасной.

- Это иллюзия, что мы контролируем [ядерное] оружие и оно дает нам безопасность.

- Нам еще предстоит изучить уроки Хиросимы и Нагасаки. Извинение японскому народу от правительства США, ответственными за геноцидный акт использования ядерных бомб, поможет исцелить отношения и обеспечить, чтобы такие геноцидные акты никогда не повторились. Политика ядерного оружия показывает, что мы потеряли наш моральный компас.

- Надо объединяться в общем стремлении полного уничтожения милитаризма и войн.

- Нам не нужно ограничивать себя цивилизованным и медленным снижением милитаризма (это аберрация и система дисфункции), но требовать его тотального устранения.

- Признать, что наша общая гуманность и человеческое достоинство важнее наших разных религий и традиций.

- Наука войны заменяется Глобальной Наукой Мира, основанной на любви, гармонии, уважении жизни и творчества.»

Они составляют ваш новый великий вклад в глобальный мир из гармонии, в его гуманистическое и научное понимание. Мы высоко ценим его уникальность и значение. Большое вам спасибо.
С любовью, 
Лев Семашко,
Почетный Президент ГСГ,



G20 Key Meeting and its Future

The meeting meaning of the USA and Russia Presidents is the first step towards global peace from the "arms race to a peace race" (King), which will deliver humankind and the planet from military destruction.

What will be their second step? If it will be "Global Peace Science" (GPS), then this shift will become irreversible, nonrandom and not o­nly intuitive.

It will launch a roadmap of global peace paradigm for joint governance model of harmonious economic and democratic growth byinternational cooperation in the unique digital technologies.

It will overcome in perspective the global risks and challenges together with the decline of the 21st century population through its new quality, disclosed in the GPS.

It will ensure the "defences of peace must be constructed"in the minds of men, determined by the UNESCO Constitution that will be the most fundamental, neutral, beyond and above the transient political disagreements, which foment militarism.

The science of peace creates the deepest defense of peace in the minds of people and in the policy that the world expects from the leaders of the largest nuclear powers.

This science replaces the spontaneous age-old constant of militaristic growth with the new eternal conscious constant of "a peace race", which stimulates democratic and economic growth.

Only science is capable to promote the necessary systemic changes with the priority of preserving peace and nature, its ecology and climate.

Therefore, in "a peace race" the world expects from the second meeting these leaders similar a reasonable, scientific and fundamental step.

Mrs. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Prof. John S. Avery, Nobel Peace Laureate: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672

Dr. Leo Semashko, editor of the GPS first version by 174 co-authors from 34 countries:


And other peacemakers and world citizens.

Read more:

http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=762 and



Banner: G20 Main Meeting and its Prospects


Dear GHA members, friends,

I am happy to present to you our vision of the G20 summit main result and its prospects in our joint banner below, which was published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=757 and o­n the website home page: http://peacefromharmony.org

The G20 main meeting banner expresses the fundamental peacemaking, environmental and systemic ideas of its authors united by the Global Peace Science (GPS) and focused o­n the prospect of a new, more effective meeting of the leaders of the major nuclear powers holding the keys to peace and war in our time. This banner, like its science, is open for further development. Therefore, we are happy to invite thinking and responsible peacemakers and world citizens to further edit it and ask you to send us your proposals in brief formulations within a week.

This banner was inspired by Mrs. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate: (see below her letter), a genius peacemaker and a fearless woman who together with others stopped the brutal inter-confessional terror in Belfast in 1976, for what she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Active and courageous support of Mrs. Maguire and Prof. John S. Avery, another Nobel Peace Laureate and "one of the Greatest Living Intellectuals o­n Earth", is a good example for all Nobel “Peace Champions” to discuss, develop and promote peace science with its Agenda for the UN, G20 and other political summits.

The mission of the intellectual scientific "defences of peace must be constructed"in the minds of men, determined by UNESCO, is able to unite the Nobel Laureates around this common goal, to raise their peacemaking prestige very much nowadays and overcome the feeling that they do not exist, because their voices in defense of peace and new peaceful Meetings of political leaders are not audiblealmost. The Nobel Peace Summit (http://www.nobelpeacesummit.com/)could discuss and propose to the UN General Assembly Session to consider the "GPS Agenda for the UN", as well as for the future meeting of the USA and Russia leaders, o­n the effective peacemaking result of which all the nations and humans of the world are hope, tired with the 70-year-old ever-increasing threat of military destruction: see to the Doomsday Clock.

Friendly, best wishes for peace from harmony through science,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Honorary President,



Dear Leo,

Many thanks for your email. Thank to you and your colleagues for all your great work for the Global Peace science project and campaign for the G20 meeting. I am honoured that you have added my name to this campaign for Peace and like you, celebrate the fact that Putin and Trump have met and hope this will be the beginning of cooperation and steps towards peacemaking and not war!

Thank you for letting me see the banner you have written following the G20 meeting and I agree to you putting my name to this.

Peace to you and your family and with deep appreciation for all you continue to do for peace through harmony for the human family.


Mrs. Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate, 1976, stopped the terror in Belfast, North Ireland,




















25TH APRIL,2017


Dear Mairead:

The GHA admires your urgent and courageous appeal of President Trump to leadership in global peace, which was published o­n your personal page: Http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 .

It would be even stronger if you would attracted the President attention to Global Peace Science (what was made Prof. Rudolf Siebert of USA) as a common spiritual / scientific platform for peaceful cooperation between the US and Russia, as well as North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine and the like, conflicts between which have been smolder and burn for decades. You are o­ne of the founders and coauthors of this science with a great message that "armed groups, militarism and war do not solve our problems, but exacerbate them, force us to use new ways and this why should we study the science of the world at all levels of society"(ibid). "Peace is possible between the whole human family" o­nly o­n the general scientific / spiritual / value basis of this science.
       This understanding is also very important for your upcoming "Women's Ship of Peace" in Gaza. If you want and tell me your address, I will be happy to send for your Ship 4 copies of our Global Peace Science. Thank you.

I am also pleased to report o­n the publication o­n our site of an extremely important article by George O’Neill o­n US and Russian cooperation and its banner here:
With love,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,



Dear Leo,

Hope you are well.

Today we delivered Letter to USA Consulate in Belfast and also

last week sent Letter to President Putin.

(see photos below)

Every good wish

Mairead Maguire

January 30, 2017


Mairead Maguire and members of the Peace People Ireland delivered letter to USA consulate calling
on President Trump and President Putin to work together for nuclear zero and no war


PEACE PEOPLE call for Presidents Trump/Putin to work

together for nuclear zero and no war

Call to Trump/Putin to work together for nuclear zero and no war

Dear Mairead,
      We are happy to receive your good news that you sent the GHA Appeal "Russia-America:

Copernican Revolution of Relations Instead of the Insanity of Nuclear War

(http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=710) to the two nuclear powers Presidents: Trump and Putin. This Appeal is by 42 peacemakers from 21 countries, including three Nobel Peace Laureates with you as well.

      I was glad to publish your info below and your wonderful pictures of your demonstration at the American Consulate in Belfast o­n your personal page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678
      Your call to these leaders is especially important, because you are the legendary and brave winner of the Nobel Prize, who, together with colleagues put an end to terrorism in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Your vote is particularly noticeable, and it is very important today, when war and terrorism are o­n the threshold of each country, when politics is militarized and way out of which to the geopolitics of global peace is possible o­nly through Global Peace Science (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). You are the coauthor and o­ne of the founders of this science, which o­ne of the projects you sent to Trump and Putin.
      We hope that they will not leave without attention your call and the GHA Appeal.
With love and best wishes for peace from harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,

Призыв Трампа/Путина работать вместе для ядерного нуля и отказа от войн

Дорогая Мейрид!

      Мы счастливы получить вашу приятную новость о том, что вы послали Обращение ГСГ «Россия-Америка: Коперниканская революция отношений вместо безумия ядерной войны» (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=676) Президентам двух ядерных держав: Трампу и Путину. Это Обращение 42 миротворцев из 21 страны, включая трех Нобелевских Лауреатов с вами в том числе.

      Я был рад опубликовать ваше сообщение внизу и ваши замечательные фотографии вашей манифестации у Американского Консульства в Белфасте на вашей персональной странице здесь: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Ваш призыв к этим лидерам особенно важен, потому что вы – легендарный и мужественный Лауреат Нобелевской Премии, который вместе с коллегами положил конец терроризму в Белфасте, Северная Ирландия. Ваш голос особенно заметен и он очень важен сегодня, когда война и терроризм стоят на пороге каждой страны, когда политика милитаризирована и выход из которой к геополитике глобального мира возможен только через Науку Глобального Мира (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Nauka-globalnogo-mira-2015.pdf). Вы - соавтор и один из основателей этой науки, один из проектов которой – посланное вами Обращение к Трампу и Путину.
      Мы будем надеяться, что они не оставят без внимания ваш призыв и ГСГ Обращение.

С любовью, лучшие пожелания мира из гармонии,

Лев Семашко,
Почетный Президент ГСГ,


The Disturbing Expansion of the

Military-Industrial Complex



Mairead Maguire


BELFAST - How can we explain that in the 2lst century we are still training millions of men and women in our armed forces and sending them to war? 


There are more choices than war or peace, there are multi-optional choices and a civilian-based non-military diplomatic-political policy has more chance of succeeding in solving a violent conflict.


“Every day through our television and local culture, we are subjected to the glorification of militarism and bombarded with war propaganda by governments telling us we need nuclear weapons, arms manufacturers, and war to kill the killers who might kill us.”


In war, the cost in civilian lives is incalculable, not to mention the many military personnel whose lives are destroyed.  Then there is the cost to the environment and the cost to human potential as our scientists waste their lives planning and researching even more horrific weapons which increasingly, in modern war, kill more civilians than combatants.


For example, the United States and the United Kingdom committed genocide against the Iraqi people when, between 1990 and 2012, they killed 3.3 million people – including 750,000 children – through sanctions and wars.


We all also watched our television screens in horror in July and August this year as the Israeli military bombarded civilians in Gaza for 50 days.

But, why are we surprised at this cruelty of military when they are doing what they are trained to do – kill, at the behest of their politicians and some people?

It is shocking to listen to politicians and military boast of their military prowess when in lay persons’ terms what it means is killing of human beings.

Every day through our television and local culture, we are subjected to the glorification of militarism and bombarded with war propaganda by governments telling us we need nuclear weapons, arms manufacturers, and war to kill the killers who might kill us.

However, too many people do not have peace or the basics to help them achieve peace. 


They live their lives struggling with the roots of violence, some of which are poverty, war, militarism, occupation, racism and fascism. They have seen that they release uncontrollable forces of tribalism and nationalism. These are dangerous and murderous forms of identity which we need to transcend.

To do this, we need to acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity are more important than our different traditions; to recognise that our lives and the lives of others are sacred and we can solve our problems without killing each other; to accept and celebrate diversity and otherness; to work to heal the ‘old’ divisions and misunderstandings; to give and accept forgiveness, and to choose listening, dialogue and diplomacy; to disarm and demilitarise as the pathway to peace.


In my own country, in Northern Ireland, when faced with a violent and prolonged ethnic/political conflict, the civil community organised to take a stand, rejected all violence and committed itself to working for peace, justice and reconciliation.

Through unconditional, all-inclusive dialogue, we reached peace and continue to work to build up trust and friendship and change in the post-conflict era. The civil community took a leading role in this journey from violence to peace.


I hope this will give an example to other countries such as Ukraine, where it is necessary for an end to the war, and a solution of the problem o­n the basis of the Charter of the United Nations and the Helsinki Accords.

We are also challenged to continue to build structures through which we can cooperate and which reflect our relations of interconnection and interdependence.  The vision of the founders of the European Union to link countries together economically in order to lessen the likelihood of war among nations is a worthy endeavour.


Unfortunately instead of putting more energy into providing help for E.U. citizens and others, we are witnessing the growing militarisation of Europe, its role as a driving force for armament and its dangerous path, under the leadership of the United States/NATO, towards a new ‘cold’ war and military aggression.

The European Union and many of its countries, which used to take initiatives in the United Nations for peaceful settlements of conflict, are now o­ne of the most important war assets of the U.S./NATO front.  Many countries have also been drawn into complicity in breaking international law through U.S./U.K./NATO wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and so o­n.

It is for this reason that I believe NATO should be abolished and that steps be taken towards disarmament through non-violent action and civil resistance.

The means of resistance are very important. Our message that armed groups, militarism and war do not solve our problems but aggravate them challenges us to use new ways and that is why we need to teach the science of peace at every level of society.


The whole of civilisation is now facing a challenge with the growth of what President Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) warned the U.S. people against – the military/industrial complex – saying that it would destroy U.S. democracy.

We know now that a small group made up of the military/industrial/media/corporate/academic elite, whose agenda is profit, arms, war and valuable resources, now holds power worldwide and has a stronghold o­n elected governments.  We see this in the gun and Israeli lobbies, among others, which wield great power over U.S. politics.


We have witnessed this in o­ngoing wars, invasions, occupations and proxy wars, all allegedly in the name of “humanitarian intervention and democracy”. However, in reality, they are causing great suffering, especially to the poor, through their policies of arms, war, domination and control of other countries and their resources.

Unmaking this agenda of war and demanding the implementation of justice, human rights and international law is the work of the peace movement.

We can turn our current path of destruction around by spelling out a clear vision of what kind of a world we want to live in, demanding an end to the military-industrial complex, and insisting that our governments adopt policies of peace, just economics and cooperation with each other in this multi-polar world.


Mairead Corrigan Maguire won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book, The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com





Mairead Maguire: The U.S. and the UK Committed Genocide Against the Iraqi People

By Mairead Maguire

Global Research, September 22, 2014

The U.S. and the UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people between 1990-2012, killing 3.3 million, including 750,000 children through sanctions and war.

On September 11, 2014 US President Obama, o­n the anniversary of 9/11, in his speech promised the world more war, and especially the people of Iraq and Syria when he promised that together with his coalition partners, they would kill every ISIS person in Iraq, Syria, or anywhere in the world they may be. He described ISIS as cancer cells and promised they would be all killed off. His Speech was chilling and had the desired effect of reminding us all just how low morally and intellectually the American administration, and their Coalition, has sunk.

For the President to ignore the fact that the USA/UK, NATO, have committed genocide against the Iraq people between 1990/2012 killing 3.3 million including 750,000 Iraqi children through sanctions and war, not including subsequent wars by USA/NATO, against Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, and their attempted and well funded efforts through a proxy war to destroy Syria, is criminal.  The Iraqi war (as indeed is the war against Gaza by Israel) is a classic definition of Genocide. These past and current foreign policies of military aggression break all International Laws, to which the President makes no reference, and will o­nly result in more killings and more hatred of the West.

That the US Administration plans to escalate military attacks in Iraq and Syria and to increase funding and training of ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria, is a betrayal of all those people in these countries struggling through peaceful and nonviolent ways to solve their problems without guns and violence.   If the US wants to stop ISIS, it can remove its funding and arms, which are coming from US allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and others and from the US itself, through intermediaries like the Syrian ‘rebels’.   It is the USA and their allies that have created the conditions, funded and facilitated the growth of these reactionary Jihadist organizations. If USA/UK really want to stop ISIS they should work with the Syrian Government, support the people who have been the main victims of ISIS, and support the Syrian peace and reconciliation movement who are working to stop the violence and bring real change in their country.

The USA administration policy of air strikes against ISIS in Syria and increasing funding for the moderate rebels is illegal under international law, as it is illegal for the US to fund, train, weaponize and co-ordinate to overthrow the regime of a sovereign state.   Also the airspace of any country is its own and USA must get Syrian authorization to fly over Syria. (Illegally Israel continues to fly over and bomb Syria). Having visited Iraq before the second war, and Syria in 2013 and 2014 and witnessed that the people of both countries were brave and courageous and trying to solve their problems ( in Syria, a proxy war with thousands of foreign Jihadists) through peace and reconciliation. In Syria, they asked that there be no outside interference and aggression o­n their country, as this would make things worse, not better. Under International Law the US Gov. NATO and any coalition forces should respect the wishes of the people of the Middle East and Syria, and recognize it is for the people of Syria to modify or change their government and not for the US or Saudi Arabia or NATO. Ending militarism and war is possible and restoring justice, human rights and dignity for all the people, will bring peace and we must each do all in our power to Resist and Stop this latest drive to war and demand our governments withdraw from this Coalition of war with USA.





International Women’s Boat to Gaza

NOBEL LAUREATES, 31 October 2016

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service

I was a participant o­nboard the Zaytouna-Oliva boat | 29 Sep-5 Oct 2016.

26 Oct 2016 –
A few weeks ago, the US government agreed to give Israel $38 billion dollars, the largest military funding package the U.S. has given any nation.  This $38 billion in military and other type of Aid will be used to imprison the Palestinians of Gaza, and continue Israel’s military occupation, and imposition of an apartheid state, upon the Palestinian people.

This money will be used in the training fields of Israeli military, which are in Gaza, where military experiments are done, using US military weaponry, by the Israeli Occupation Forces.  The U.S. military and government is complicit in the crimes against the people of Gaza and the Palestinian occupied territory by the use of military hardware given by USA and by the training that Israelis give to Americans and USA gives to Israel.  It is also estimated that some 70% of European humanitarian aid to Palestine ends up in Israeli pockets.

Gaza continues to suffer from the continuing Israeli blockade, naval and land, and this 25-mile-long tiny strip, 5 miles wide, with l.9 million people, living in it, is a brutal blockade and Israel controls everything including electricity, food, etc.

Indeed, everything that comes into Gaza comes through Israeli hands.  Gaza’s o­nly airport was completely destroyed in 2002 by Israeli jets and ground forces.  Egypt continues to be a part of this blockade as they have blocked Gaza’s southern border; and Egypt continues to receive USA military funding.  Medical authorities have reported that the time for operations in Gaza now goes up to 2025 as so many are awaiting health care, and the increasing issues around food, water, sewage, electricity, all of these mounting problems have led the U.N. to declare in their latest Report, that by the year 2020 Gaza will be uninhabitable.  What hope is there for the Palestinians of Gaza, the vast majority of whom are young people?

In order to give hope to the people of Gaza by showing solidarity and support the Women’s Boat to Gaza sailed in September 2016. Also we sailed in order to challenge this illegal and immoral blockade and occupation of Palestine by Israel, and draw international attention to the fact that under Geneva Conventions it is illegal to punish civilians, which is what Israeli government policies continues to do.

The Women’s Boat to Gaza set sail from the Spanish Port city of Barcelona (Barcelona is twinned with Gaza) in mid- September 2016.  The three legs of the trip were 1715 miles from Barcelona to Ajaccio, Corsica, France and then down to Messina in Sicily, Italy.  It was hoped to have two boats but when o­ne developed engine trouble in Barcelona, the other 50’ sailing boat, Zaytouna-Oliva, continued alone.  At all Ports the women were greeted and hosted by mayors, officials, and supporters of the Free Palestine Movement.   Over 40 women from around the world flew to Messina in hopes of being able to sail to Gaza.

I joined the boat in Messina, and was grateful to be chosen as o­ne of the 13 women from thirteen countries, being finally chosen to sail to Gaza.   It was sad for those of us sailing to leave behind so many wonderful women due to not enough boats to sail, but it is hoped the Palestinian Coalition will be able to get more sailings to accommodate those wishing to go o­n a future occasion.   The 13 chosen participants included Ann Wright, (boat leader) the captain and two crew, two Al Jazeera journalists, and women from USA, Ireland, Russia, UK, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden/Chile, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, and Algeria.

The third leg of the journey from Messina to Gaza was almost 1000 miles and a nine-day journey.  o­n 29th September 2016, we set sail from Messina, Sicily, after a wonderful reception from the mayor, the Muslim community, and many Palestinian friends in Messina.

The first few days sailing the weather was rough and many of us were seasick, but several days into the journey we had got our sea-legs and busied ourselves helping with the tasks to be done such as cooking, reporting, night watches with the crew, etc.  We shared our stories and held nonviolence training.   It was a wonderful experience getting to know the women whose courage was inspiring. Their love for the Palestinian people and their freedom was very deep.  Unfortunately, some 400 miles from Messina, with some 600 miles to go, we had problems with the boats rigging.  An appeal to friends in Crete resulted in a boatful of people coming out to meet us, bringing many gifts of food, and four men to fix the rigging!  This was for me o­ne of the most moving experiences of the journey, and it proved yet again, the magnificence of the human spirit. Around 20 men and women answered our call for help and came to our aid, and all for the people of Gaza.  After the men fixed our boat rigging, we passed greetings to our rescuers from Crete and sailed in a happy and hope filled mood towards Gaza.

On Wednesday 5th October, we were contacted by the Israeli navy by phone.  A few hours earlier all communications via our own phones were cut off.  The Israeli navy communicator told Captain Madeleine that we were nearing the 20-mile military Israeli security zone and were breaking Israeli law.  They said if we did not turn back or agree to be escorted to Ashdod, they would confiscate our boat and take us to Israel.

However, we kept sailing towards Gaza.   We saw several Navy military ships o­n the horizon.  At 6 p.m., a Zodiac boat came alongside our boat.  There were 30 Israeli sailors including Israeli women sailors who were the first to come o­n board our boat.  They were not in combat gear.  They wore baseball caps, and long sleeved jerseys.  In 2010,   I had been o­n the Rachel Corrie Irish/Malaysian boat, which was part of the Freedom Flotilla and when we were boarded by Israeli sailors, they were in combat gear, with rifles, and sniffer dogs, and we were handcuffed and forcibly taken to Israel.  I was surprised when this different approach was used to confiscate our boat ,the Zaytouna.  In 2010, o­n the Mavi Marmara, the Israelis murdered nine people, and subsequently a 10th person died as 50 people were wounded.  Therefore, the treatment of our women’s boat to Gaza participants was very different from what happened o­n previous o­nes where I had travelled.

On the Zaytouna, when the Israeli navy sailors confiscated our boat, took us under protest against our will to Israel, arrested, held us for several days without contact with our families, and deported us for ten years, it was all completely illegal under international law. However, it is sad to report that no governments or international bodies have taken up our case for being hijacked, and again the Israeli government has been allowed to break international laws.

All the women were deeply saddened as we knew many people in Gaza were preparing for our visit, and yet again Israel was denying our entry into Gaza. So as we watched the coastline of Gaza in complete darkness and then the coastline of Israel fully lit up against the night sky, we were again witnessing the injustice and unfairness of the Israeli policies against the Palestinians.  With this experience, many of us committed in our hearts to continue our support for the Palestinian people’s o­ngoing work to break the blockade and end the occupation. We also saw just off the coast of Gaza two huge gas rigs fully lit up and whose gas is piped to Israel. Yet Gaza has o­nly a few hours of light, as Israeli bombings have destroyed most of its electricity and sewage infrastructures.

When we reached Ashdod, Israel, after six hours sailing, we were processed by Israeli security and searched, taken to Prison and released two days later.   All the women o­n board the Zaytouna, now have a ten-year deportation order. As this is my 4th time being given a 10-year deportation order, it will be 40 years before I can return to Israel or get into Palestine.  This thought reminds me that there are over 7 million Palestinian people who cannot return to their country, and this is why it is so important to campaign for the right to return for the Palestinian people.

I would like to thank the Freedom Flotilla Coalition who gave us the opportunity to participate o­n the journey to Gaza.  Their work of joining in solidarity with the people of Gaza is so important and I thank them for all they do.

To the Palestinian people of Gaza, please keep your hopes high and believe that freedom and peace will come. Thank you for your perseverance and o­ngoing inspiration to us all.


Mairead Corrigan Maguire, co-founder of Peace People, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. She won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com.




Thursday 29th September, 2016 – Wed.,5th October, 2016


A few weeks ago, the US Government agreed to give Israel $38 billion dollars, the largest military funding package the U.S. has given any Nation.This $38 billion in military and other type of Aid, will be used to imprison the Palestinians of Gaza, and continue Israel’s military occupation, and imposition of an apartheid state, upon the Palestinian people.This money will be used in the training fields of Israeli military which are in Gaza, where military experiments are done, using US military weaponry, by the Israeli Occupation Forces.The U.S. military and Government is complicit in the crimes against the people of Gaza and the Palestinian occupied territory by the use of military hardware given by USA and the training that the Israelis give USA and USA gives to them.It is also estimated that some 70% of European humanitarian aid to Palestine ends up in Israeli pockets.


Gaza continues to suffer from the continuing Israeli blockade, naval and land, and this 25-mile-long tiny strip, 5 miles wide, with l.9 million people, living in it, is a brutal blockade and Israel controls everything including, all the electricity, the food, etc., Indeed, everything which comes into Gaza comes through Israeli hands.Gaza’s o­nly airport was completely destroyed in 2002 by Israeli jets and ground forces.Egypt continues to be a part of this blockade as they have blocked Gaza’s southern border and Egypt continues to receive USA military funding.Medical authorities have reported that the time for operations in Gaza now goes up to 2025 as so many are awaiting health care, and the increasing issues around food, water, sewage, electricity, all of these mounting problems have led the U.N. to declare in their latest Report, that by the year 2020 Gaza will be uninhabitable.What hope is there for the Palestinians of Gaza, the vast majority of whom are young people.?


In order to give Hope to the people of Gaza by showing solidarity and support the Women’s Boat to Gaza sailed to Gaza in September, 2016, Also we sailed in order to challenge this illegal and immoral blockade and occupation of Palestine by Israel, and draw international attention to the fact that under Geneva conventions it is illegal to punish civilians, which is what Israeli government policies continues to do.The Women’s Boat to Gaza set sail from the Spanish Port city of Barcelona (Barcelona is twinned with Gaza) in mid- September 2016.The three legs of the trip were l,715 miles from Barcelona, to Ajaccio, Corsica, France and then down to Messina, in Sicily, Italy.It was hoped to have two boats but when o­ne developed engine trouble in Barcelona, the other 50’ sailing boat, Zaytouna-Oliva, continued alone.At all Ports, the women were greeted and hosted by Mayors, Officials, and supporters of the Free Palestine Movement.Over 40 Women from around the world flew to Messina in the hope of being able to sail to Gaza.


I joined the boat in Messina, and was grateful to be chosen as o­ne of the 13 women from thirteen countries, being finally chosen to sail to Gaza.It was sad for those of us sailing to leave behind so many wonderful women due to not enough boats to sail, but it is hoped the

Palestinian Coalition, will be able to get more sailings to accommodate those wishing to go o­n a future occasion.The 13 chosen participants included Ann Wright, (boat leader) the captain and two crew, two Al Jazeera journalists, and women from USA, Ireland, Russia, UK, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden/Chile, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, and Algeria.


The third leg of the journey from Messina to Gaza, was almost l,000 miles and a nine-day journey.On 29th September, 2016, we set sail from Messina, Sicily, after a wonderful reception from the Mayor, the Muslim community, and many Palestinian friends in Messina

The first few days sailing the weather was rough and many of us were seasick, but several days into the journey we had got our sea-legs and busied ourselves helping with the tasks to be done such as, cooking, reporting, night watches with the crew, etc.,We shared our stories and held nonviolence training.It was a wonderful experience getting to know the women whose courage was inspiring and love of the Palestinian people and their freedom very deep.Unfortunately, some 400 miles from Messina, with some 600 miles to go, we had problems with the boats rigging.An appeal to friends in Crete, resulted in a boatful of people coming out to meet us, bringing many gifts of food, and four men to fix the rigging!This was for me o­ne of the most moving experiences of the journey, and it proved yet again, the magnificent of the human spirit, as around 20 men and women, answered our call for help, and came to our aid, and all for the people of Gaza.After the men fixed our boat rigging, we passed greetings to our rescuers from Crete, we sailed in a happy and hope filled mood towards Gaza.


On Wednesday 5th October we were contacted by the Israeli Navy o­n our boat by phone.A few hours previously all our communications via our own phones were cut off.The Israeli Navy communicator told Captain Madeleine that we were nearing the 20-mile military Israeli security zone and were breaking Israeli law.They said if we did not turn back or agree to be escorted by them to Ashdod, Israeli, they would confiscate our boat and take us to Israel.

However, we kept sailing towards Gaza.We saw several Navy military ships o­n the horizon.At 6 p.m., a Zodiac boat came alongside our boat.There were 30 Israeli sailors including Israeli women sailors who were the first to come o­n board our boat.They were not in combat gear.They wore baseball caps, and long sleeved jerseys. In 2010 I had been o­n the Rachel Corrie Irish/Malaysian boat, which was part of the Freedom Flotilla and when we were boarded by Israeli sailors, they were in combat gear, with rifles, and sniffer dogs, and we were handcuffed and forcibly taken to Israel.I was surprised when this different approach was used to confiscate our boat the Zaytouna.In 2010, o­n the Mavi Marmara, the Israelis murdered nine people, and subsequently a 10th person died and 50 people were wounded.So the treatment of our women’s boat to Gaza participants was very different from what happened o­n previous boats to Gaza, o­n which I had travelled, and also what happens daily to Palestinians.


On the Zaytouna, when the Israeli Navy sailors confiscated our boat, took us under protest against our will to Israel, arrested, held us for several days without contact with our families, and deported us for ten years, it was all completely illegal under international law, but it is sad to report that no governments or International bodies have taken up our case of being hi jacked, and again Israeli Government has been allowed to break international laws.


All the women were deeply saddened as we knew many people in Gaza were preparing for our visit, and yet again Israeli was denying our entry into Gaza, so as we watched the coastline of Gaza, which was in complete darkness and then the coastline of Israel, fully lit up against the night sky ,we were again witnessing the injustice and unfairness of the Israeli policies against the Palestinian people .With this experience many of us in our hearts committed to continuing our support for the Palestinian peoples o­ngoing work to break the blockade and end the occupation of Palestine.We also saw just off the coast of Gaza, two huge Gas Rigs, fully lit up and whose gas is piped to Israel, and yet Gaza has o­nly a few hours light, as most of it electricity and sewage works have been destroyed by Israeli bombing.


When we reached Ashdod, Israel, after six hours sailing, we were processed by Israeli security and searched, taken to Prison and released two days later.All the women o­n board the Zaytouna, now have a ten-year deportation order (as this is my 4th time being given a 10-year deportation order, so it means 40 years before I can return to Israel or get into Palestine.This thought reminds me that there are over 7 million Palestinian people who cannot return to their country, and this is why it is so important to campaign for the Right to return for the Palestinian people.


I would like to thank the Freedom Flotilla Coalition who gave us the opportunity to participate o­n the journey to Gaza.Their work of joining in solidarity with the people of Gaza is so important and I thank them for all they do.To the Palestinian people of Gaza please keep your hopes high and believe that freedom and peace will come and thank you for your perseverance and o­ngoing inspiration to us all.


Mairead Maguire, (Nobel Peace Laureate) www.peacepeople.com


October, 2016



International Meeting ‘Thirst for Peace‘

26 September 2016

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service

Assisi, 18-20 Sep 2016 – Promoted by Community of Sant Egidio, Diocese of Assisi and Francisco Families


The Future of Europe: Capacity to Integrate, Dialogue, and Generate

War is illegal and immoral; it has to end and it can be ended.


Dear Friends,

I am happy to be here at this International Meeting and I would like to thank our hosts, for their invitation to attend.   I have always been inspired by the lives of St. Francis and St. Clare, whom I believe are Icons of Christian Gospel Peace and Nonviolence.  Francis the man of action steeped in empathy and love for all, and Clare a woman of prayer, whose love of God led her into the depth of mysticism and peace.

Francis and Clare lived in a time of violence and war, yet they choose to live the nonkilling/ nonviolence of Jesus.  Francis as a youth fighting in his local military, knew well how to wield a sword, yet he choose to follow the command of Jesus to Peter, when he told him to put up his sword and healed the Soldier’s ear.  He left the military to live in poverty and service, and together with Clare, and his followers refused to take up arms.  Francis and Clare, in the midst of much Feudal violence, choose to follow the Christian nonviolence manifesto ‘the Sermon o­n the Mount’.


For many people in Europe and the world, challenged by growing violence and injustice, the lives of these two great 13th century Saints gives us hope and inspiration.

Pope Francis, following in the steps of  St. Francis, gives us all hope as he challenges us to work for the abolition of the death penalty, ending poverty,  the arms race, nuclear weapons, and environmental destruction,  etc.,   However, I believe we need a clear renunciation of the ‘just war’ theory (a phony piece of morality in the words of the late Fr. John L. McKenzie) and I add my voice to those appealing  to Pope Francis for an Encyclical o­n Peace and Nonviolence, calling Christians to rejection militarism and war and to follow a  Peace theology in keeping with the teachings of the Nonviolent Jesus.   This would give great Spiritual leadership not o­nly to Europe but to Humanity.


I believe Europe today (as does the human family) faces a choice between accepting increasing militarism and war, or the total abolition of militarism and war.  We need a new vision of universal and complete disarmament, and a new ambitious start offering hope to the human family suffering under the scourge of militarism and war.  Many ills of the world come from these scourges and we all would gain as ordinary people, spiritually, financially, democratically, environmentally, culturally, from global disarmament.   It is a paradox how much we reject and detest torture of individuals, and how easily at the same time we accept the torture of whole nations in war.

People are tired of armaments and war, and the ever growing military industrial complex across the world, destroying so much of our valuable human and financial resources.    They have seen that they release uncontrollable forces of tribalism and nationalism.  These are dangerous and murderous forms of identity and above which we need to take steps to transcend, lest we unleash further dreadful violence upon the world.  To do this, we need to acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity is more important than our different traditions.   We need to recognize our life and the lives of others are sacred and that we can solve our problems without killing each other.  We need to accept and celebrate diversity and otherness, and work to heal the old divisions and misunderstandings, give and accept forgiveness, and choose nonviolence as a way to solve our problems.  So too as we choose nonkilling and nonviolence, as we disarm our hearts and minds, we can also disarm our countries and our world.


We are also challenged to build structures through which we can co operate and which reflect our interconnected and interdependent relationships.  Power sharing, consensus politics, multi optional preferendums,  there are many ways of doing politics we could use, which foster friendships, co operation,  inclusion, and win/win situations.  The vision of the European Union founders, to link countries together, economically in order to lessen the likelihood of war amongst the nations, is a worthy endeavour.  Unfortunately instead of putting more energy into providing help for EU citizens, we are witnessing the growing militarization of Europe, its role as a driving force for armaments, and its dangerous path, under the leadership of NATO(US) towards a new ‘cold ‘war and further wars of aggression.   The European Union and many of its countries, who used to take initiatives in the UN for peaceful settlements of conflicts, particularly allegedly peaceful countries, like Norway and Sweden, are now o­ne of the US/NATO most important war assets.   Instead of the EU focusing more o­n peace by peaceful means, it is focusing o­n military means and military strength and is a threat to the survival of neutrality.  Many nations have been drawn into being complicit in breaking international law through US/UK/NATO illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc., to mention but a few.


On a recent visit to Afghanistan listening to young Afghan men recall how their friends were killed by USA ‘drones’ whilst our collecting wood, o­ne asks ‘what happened to the rule of International Law standards that weapons and methods of war, which do not discriminate between combatants and civilians, should never be used?’.  The bombing of hospitals and civilian targets, torture, renditions, proxy wars, all used by Governments whilst those responsible for upholding Human Rights and International Law set them aside to act illegally in the name of national security. The most cruel and horrific weapons, i.e. nuclear armaments are now regarded by some Government leaders as normal and respectable.  Why are individuals expected to uphold moral and ethical standards of conduct, and yet many of our Government Leaders and their Policies ignore these standards?


I believe NATO should be abolished.  The United Nations should be reformed and strengthened and the UN should actively take up its mandate to save the world from the scourge of war, and uphold its ban o­n the use of force.  Some politicians, journalists, intellectuals, would have us believe we have an option to choose war!   We do not, as under International Law, war is criminal and illegal.  The Briand-Kellog treaty was a pact to abstain from war, and the Nuremberg trial convicted Nazis for going to war.  War is illegal and criminal – this is international law.


But there is hope.  There is a new consciousness, and people are mobilizing and resisting non-violently against violence in its many forms.  They are saying no to militarism and war and insisting o­n disarmament.  Those of us in the Peace Movement can take inspiration from many who have gone before and worked to prevent war insisting o­n disarmament and peace.  Such a person was Bertha Von Suttner, whose book ‘Lay Down your Arms’ moved many in Europe to work for peace.  She was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize in l905 for her activism in the women’s rights and peace movement.  She moved Alfred Nobel to set up the Nobel Peace Prize award and it was the ideas of the peace movement of the period that Alfred Nobel decided to support in his testament for the Champions of Peace, those who struggled for disarmament and replacing military power with rights and international law.  That this was the purpose of his will, is clearly confirmed by three expressions of Nobel’s will, creating the fraternity of nations, work for abolition of armies, holding Peace Congresses.  Alfred Nobel described war as ‘the horror of horrors and the greatest of crimes”.


This programme of Nobel for Disarmament challenges those of us in the Peace Movement today, to confront militarism in a fundamental way.   We must not be satisfied with improvements and reforms, but rather offer an alternative to militarism, which is an aberration and a system of dysfunction, going completely against the true spirit of men and women, which is to love and be loved.   As the military industrial complex is so strong and influential, in order to dismantle this, we in the Peace Movement in Europe, and elsewhere, will need a broad mobilization of ordinary citizens across the globe to work together towards this vision of Universal and complete Disarmament, driven o­n by the absolute belief and conviction that ‘War is illegal and immoral, it has to end, and it can be ended’. Peace and the abolition of war is not o­nly possible, it is necessary for our survival. Pace e Bene (Peace and Goodness).


Mairead Corrigan Maguire


Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2016/09/international-meeting-thirst-for-peace/



Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Appeals to European Union and President Obama to Remove Shameful Sanctions against War-torn Syria


The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service

Press Release 20 May 2016

At the end of May 2016, the European Council will discuss the renewal of European Union sanctions against Syria, sanctions that have been in existence since 2011. (In 2012, the sanctions were removed concerning the opposition-controlled areas, including the now Daesh/ISIS-controlled areas).

Maguire said,

“Having visited Syria three times and seen the devastating effect o­n the Syrian people, I call upon the European Union and President Obama, to remove immediately sanctions against War Torn Syria.  I also support the Petition and call by Religious people from Syria aimed ‘at MPs and the mayors of every country’ to ask for ‘the iniquity of sanctions o­n Syria to be made known to the citizens of the European Union and become, finally, the subject of a serious debate and consequent resolutions’.  This is the initiative launched by a number of Syrian bishops, religious and laypeople belonging to different churches to ask the European Union to put an end to sanctions still in place against Syria.

The brief text of the petition [please sign it] describes how the policy of sanctions imposed by the EU have devastating effects o­n the daily life of the Syrian people, adding to the tragic context of the conflict, which in five years has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and six million refugees.  The text that introduces the petition says ‘the European Union put into effect sanctions against Syria, presenting them as ‘sanctions against the regime’ which imposed the oil embargo o­n the country, blocking all financial transactions and the prohibition to trade many goods and products. 

“A measure that still lasts today, although in 2012 the oil embargo in the areas controlled by the armed and jihadist opposition were removed, in order to provide economic resources to the so-called ‘revolutionary forces of the opposition’.  ‘In these five years’ continues the text of the petition –‘the sanctions o­n Syria have helped destroy the Syrian society, condemning it to hunger, epidemics, poverty, encouraging activism of fundamentalist militia fighters who now also strike in Europe.’  The petitioners point out that today ‘Syrians see the possibility of a viable future for families o­nly if they run away from their land but ‘escaping cannot be the o­nly solution that the international community can propose to these poor People’ partly because it ‘encounters many difficulties, due to lively debates within the European Union. 

“The petitioners support ‘all humanitarian and peace initiatives that the international community is implementing, in particular through the difficult negotiations in Geneva’. But in the meantime with the hope that the expectations find concrete answers, they ask ‘that the sanctions that affect the daily lives of every Syrian are immediately removed”.

Maguire also called upon President Obama and US Government to lift US economic sanctions against Syria by the US Treasury Department and its enforcement arm, the Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC) as these sanctions are targeting Syria children and families by damaging Syrian economy and causing rampant inflation of consumer goods prices, while all but choking off economic development.

OFAC regulations stop banks from providing services to charities and others that do business in Syria and have an unanticipated serious impact o­n relief services.  OFAC refuses to permit humanitarian funds transfers to Syria and many banks involved are unwilling to risk a mega-fine from OFAC knowing that in 2012 HSBC bank was fined l.9 billion after being charged with violating sanctions laws and many others have been fined, or out of fear curtailed or closed their charitable activities for Syria.  The US Financial Regulations and sanctions against Syria whereby the closing of accounts of clean charitable organizations result in their being unable to do their charitable work o­n the ground in Syria, means that much needed aid for Syria’s most vulnerable will continue to be blocked and Syrian children will starve and Syrian refugee families will continue to make risky journeys to other countries, including Europe, in a desperate attempt to save their children.

Whilst millions of compassionate caring people around the world feel passionately for the children of Syria and collect funds and aid for Syria to help, the European and US Financial Regulations are blocking aid and the work of the Charities and Humanitarian agencies, and increasing the death and starvation of Syrian children.  In l999 during a visit to Iraq we witnessed the effect of Sanctions put o­n by the west, when o­ne and a half million Iraqi children under the age of five, died slowly and painfully as a result of these cruel Sanction Policies.  Surely, our governments have learned what sanctions and war do to people’s lives and we have learned something about peace and diplomacy in solving our problems together and saving the children of the world?

Mairead Corrigan Maguire, co-founder of Peace People, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. She won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com.

The Peace People began in 1976 as a protest movement against the o­ngoing violence in Northern Ireland. Its three founders were Mairead Maguire, Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown. Over 100,000 people were involved in the initial movement and two of the founders, Mairead and Betty, received the Nobel Peace Prize for that year. Since its inception, the organization has been committed to building a just, peaceful society through nonviolent means – a society based o­n respect for each individual, and that has at its core the highest standards of human and civil rights.

Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2016/05/nobel-peace-laureate-mairead-maguire-appeals-to-european-union-and-president-obama-to-remove-shameful-sanctions-against-war-torn-syria/


Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Joins the Freedom Flotilla 2016 to Break the Gaza Siege

SHORT VIDEO CLIPS, 19 September 2016

The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service

Sep 15, 2016

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize winner, will join the women’s boat to Gaza. The goal of this mission is to highlight the devastating effects of the brutal blockade of the Palestinian people living in Gaza.

Mairead Corrigan Maguire, co-founder of Peace People, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. She won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com.

 The Peace People began in 1976 as a protest movement against the o­ngoing violence in Northern Ireland. Its three founders were Mairead Maguire, Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown. Over 100,000 people were involved in the initial movement and two of the founders, Mairead and Betty, received the Nobel Peace Prize for that year. Since its inception, the organization has been committed to building a just, peaceful society through nonviolent means – a society based o­n respect for each individual, and that has at its core the highest standards of human and civil rights.


Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and Mother Agnès-Mariam of the Cross Visit Syria and Iran

IN-DEPTH VIDEOS, 28 September 2015

Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service

Insights into the Conflict and Military Catastrophe against Syria, Other Middle East Countries

Documentary Video 2015 00:00 51:23

Mairead Corrigan Maguire, co-founder of Peace People, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. She won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com.

Mother Agnès-Mariam of the Cross: President, International Support Team for Mussalaha (Reconciliation) in Syria. From Palestinian father and Lebanese mother; Lebanese and French nationalities. In 1971 she entered the Carmel Discalced Carmelite Order and was cloistered for 21 years following the mystic path of John of the Cross. She is the Abbot of the 6th century Monastery of Saint Jacques the Mutilated in Qara, Syria, restored by her but destroyed recently by invading mercenary jihadists fighting the Syrian government. Founder of the Order of the Unit of Antioch, Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

(TMS Editor’s Note: Mother Agnes was the organizer and leader, along with Mairead, of the Peace Mission to Beirut and Damascus in which I participated in May 2013 [my report here] – Antonio C. S. Rosa)

Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2015/09/nobel-peace-laureate-mairead-maguire-and-mother-agnes-mariam-of-the-cross-visit-syria-and-iran/

My Thoughts o­n Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire’s Speech o­n 6th June, 2014 in Sarajevo


Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service

Ref. — Peace Movements’ Common Vision: The Abolition of Militarism, by Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Keynote address at Sarajevo Peace Event, 6 June 2014

Dear Mairead Maguire,

First of all, I think that to say “the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo led to the start of the First World War in l9l4,” gives the impression that, had the assassination not taken place, we would have never had World War I. The big “war to end all wars” was planned for years and I can assure you, if Ferdinand had not been assassinated, even if he had never existed, we would have had World War I.

In 1906, Leo Tolstoy, o­n witnessing the mad Rat Race in the military industry, the accumulation of weapons, missiles, bombs, tanks, air-fighters, warships, etc, warned: “this is pure madness and it can o­nly lead to o­ne thing: a big international armed conflict”. He explained “if factories don’t sell their products and make sure they are used, so that clients buy again, they’ll be in great trouble”

Quite correctly, Mairead Maguire continues with “What started here in Sarajevo was a century of two global wars”. Yes, “two global wars”, to which she adds “a Cold War, a century of immense, rapid explosion of death and destruction technology”. In Mairead Maguire’s place, I would have indicated that the Cold War was o­nly the name given to the many “wars by proxy” fought between 1945 and 1990. Throughout this period of 35 years there was average of 150 armed conflicts at any given time. These wars were essential for what Ms Maguire calls “…a century of immense, rapid explosion of death and destruction technology”.

Thanks to how simple it is for politicians to organise wars and for the Military to obey orders, a bunch of Press, gold and oil barons, bankers, manufacturers in the Death Industry, Presidents and Prime Ministers are now very rich.

Thanks to obliging politicians, unable or unwilling to oppose their leaders, scientists have been paid handsome amounts of money to develop weapons of increasing sophistication and lethal power. This is what Ms Maguire calls “destruction technology”, made possible by the innocent and gullible masses, which put all their energies into anti-nuclearism campaigns.

Mairead Maguire also said “all extremely costly and extremely risky“, as if costs and risks were of politicians’ concern. Politicians will o­nly worry about costs the day we have a Law “When a politician wishes to have a war, he must finance it himself, with his personal money”. Whilst the system allows politicians to bankrupt their countries and increase their personal fortune at the same time, there will NEVER be Peace.

Same with “risks”. If the Law said “a politician who wishes to declare war o­n another country must fight it himself, (instead of sending Armies to kill and die) that will be a REAL risk. I’m sure we wouldn’t have many wars.

As it is, politicians are o­nly favoured by wars. Of course, not all of them, but those involved in decisions, in purchasing and in selling. Politicians and diplomats involved in “promoting” their country’s war products, have NO OPTION. They must recommend bomb makers, introduce them to new clients. With wars they can never lose.

Politicians, diplomats or top military I speak to, all react the same way when they hear me advocate for a Weapon free world: “Are you mad, Alberto?” are their first words. They then proceed to explain how the military “business” is too good for them to consider abandoning it.

Ms Maguire talked about “the peace movement in the last three decades before the break-out of WWl.”, telling us politicians, writers, Kings, Emperors, etc, were all for Peace. It seems to me, she believes Governments listen to what people want and….do it. In fact, the same happened before World War II and is happening now. We have hundreds of Peace organisations, every single day we hear Church and political leaders, Royalty, etc, speak about Peace.

Ms Maguire actually said “The great strength of the Movement was that it did not limit itself to civilizing and slowing down militarism, it demanded its total abolition.” Why then, didn’t Governments abolish militarism? had they abolished it, the Austro-Hungarian Empire could have never declared war against Serbia.

Furthermore, to make the world believe that “because the Austro-Hungarians decided to attack Serbia”, there was a valid reason for a World War, for so many other countries entering the game, that is something that I shall never believe.

Mairead Maguire says “people are tired of armaments and war because they have seen that they release uncontrollable forces of tribalism and nationalism.” This statement is very misleading. Armaments DO NOT “release uncontrollable forces of tribalism and nationalism”. Nationalism, tribalism, patriotism or religious bigotry are injected into our minds and hearts at school, long before we even know what a weapon is.

Maguire says “These are dangerous and murderous forms of identity”, but, in my opinion, they are not. 95% of soldiers going to war have no “murderous form of identity”. They are simply obeying orders.

Among the steps to be taken for a better world, Maguire suggests “we need to acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity is more important than our different traditions.” How come, for an Irish woman, she does not realize that sharing humanity and traditions cannot prevent conflict. Irish people share the language, all eat Irish stew and all drink Guinness. But “business”, money and power, of politicians and Church leaders, cancels all that harmony.

Look at the Spanish Civil War. All Roman Catholics, who, depending o­n who brain-washed them, went to o­ne band or the other. Thus, you ended up with members of the same family killing each other, choir members who for years were happy colleagues/friends, also ended up massacring each other.

Maguire says “We need to recognize our life and the lives of others are sacred and we can solve our problems without killing each other.” as if politicians didn’t know that. “We need to accept and celebrate diversity and otherness”. But this we do already. I never heard of a war started because o­ne group eats pork and the other doesn’t, or because o­ne group drinks wine whilst another group has a ban o­n it. I never heard the Kosovo war was the result of Muslim women covering their bodies, whilst Christian women wore mini-skirts. Countries do not attack each other because their folk music uses different rhythms.

Maguire says “we need to heal the ‘old’ divisions and misunderstandings,” without saying “how”. Is she proposing o­ne religion o­nly? Religious divisions are what politicians promote, as they make it easier for them to organise and promote wars.

Maguire says “We are also challenged to build structures through which we can co-operate and which reflect our interconnected and interdependent relationships.” But this is EXACTLY what leading politicians and diplomats do. They are extremely well “interconnected”. Wars happen precisely because of the interconnection between Presidents and/or Prime Ministers, other members of Cabinet, top military and top diplomats. Wars happen because of agreements between Governments and Banks.

Maguire says “The vision of the European Union founders to link countries together, economically in order to lessen the likelihood of war amongst the nations, is a worthy endeavour.” This is another misleading piece of information. Politicians consider the Arms Trade the best possible news for their own Bank accounts. This means the “economic link” is the mutually benefiting military contracts. In fact, the League of Nations was formed in 1920, after so many millions dead in World War I, so that people believed politicians were now working for Peace, when in reality they organised several wars outside of Europe, whilst working o­n a plan for World War II.

Having lost their reputation with World War II, the League of Nations closed shop and reappeared as United Nations, another misleading name. They are “United” yes, united in promoting wars and abuse of Human Rights, to which they added another fabulous business: the Refugees Industry.

Of course I wholeheartedly agree with Mairead Maguire o­n the abolition of NATO, but then ALL armies, ALL Armed Forces should be abolished. Then Ms Maguire will not need to utter these ominous words: “The UN should actively take up its mandate to save the world from the scourge of war.” because the UN wouldn’t exist. In fact, the UN was created, as I said before, so that we can “continue” to have wars.

OK, Alfred Nobel decided to support the Champions of Peace, those who struggled for disarmament and international relations, by establishing the Nobel Peace Prize, but this, after he invented dynamite!! at the time of his death in 1896 he had 355 patents, several of them for explosives. It was a case of “like father, like son”, as Immanuel Nobel, Alfred’s father, designed the naval mines consisting of submerged wooden casks filled with gunpowder

All of you who have read me over the years will know that the “leitmotiv” of my life has always been, is and will always be “a demilitarised world”. I have many supporters, who, like Mairead Maguire or myself, oppose weapons and militarism. However, this is far from enough. How can we educate children for them to become anti-military adults, if the Education Minister’s brief (political brief) is to create a society of young men and women attracted to violence , whose choice of career o­n leaving school will be: enlisting in the Army, Navy or Air-Force?

Why do Governments promote the outdoor game “Paint-Ball? why do so many businesses go bankrupt, but never a bomb manufacturer?

Maguire says we – the Peace lobby – must “offer an alternative to militarism” but she doesn’t offer o­ne. What does she propose we do with the many millions employed in the military industry, from scientists working in research to makers of soldiers’ uniforms and torture kits?

She says – which is absolutely true – that “the spirit of men and women is to love and be loved and solve our problems through co-operation, dialogue, non-violent conflict resolution.”. But Bush and Blair and all politicians in the world know this !!!!! the difference is that, because society accepts the existence of weapons, politicians do EXACTLY what we tell them.

I explain. “solve our problems through co-operation”. Politicians co-operate o­n solving their problems all the time. Trouble is, their problems are not the same as ours. Their problems are: how to make better weapons than our competitors, how to gain contracts over rival competitors, what commissions they get, etc. This is what politicians call “dialogue” and it is always of a non-violent nature. When Bush and Blair negotiated the war in Iraq with Saddam Hussein, there was no argument between them. They discussed the war to come very peacefully, over a period of several weeks, when to start it, who should send the first missile, etc.

I don’t like the sound of the following words uttered by Mairead Maguire’s: “we shall be inspired and energized to pursue our different projects, be it arms trade, nuclear, non-violence, culture of peace, drone warfare, etc.,” How can we be working for Peace and the Arms Trade at the same time?

In the following phrase “we can agree to work that all countries come together in an Agreement to abolish all weapons and war”, the word “war” is unnecessary, as with the abolition of weapons, war would never be possible.

To me, as much as I agree with Mairead Maguire’s emphatic call for a world without weapons and admire her for making this call, I feel that her suggestions for action are insufficient. It is not enough to shout in all directions “I don’t want a militarized world”! whilst the games we buy for our children and grandchildren, the films they watch o­n television, the teaching at schools of Nationalism, Patriotism, Religious superiority, etc, etc., are all promoting violence and a militarized world.

To transform the world, children should not o­nly be taught a list of wars, with names of battles, number of deaths, names of “heroes” (the o­nes who killed the most), etc. Teachers and parents alike should be able to explain how all those war could have been avoided, how they should have never happened.

Alberto Portugheis
is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. By profession a concert pianist and pedagogue www.apion.org.uk/tapsim, he is an active peace campaigner, whose anti-military stance  earned him a nomination  for the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. As a result, Portugheis wrote, “Dear Ahed…..The Game of War and a Path to Peace” – a book that has received critical acclaim http://www.dearahed.co.uk. He contributes regularly to Twitter and has many followers. Some of his thoughts, ideas and reflections, which express o­nly the desire “to make people think” and not take for granted what they read, “no matter where”, can be found in his blog http://portugheis.livejournal.com.

Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2014/07/my-thoughts-on-nobel-peace-laureate-mairead-maguires-speech-on-6th-june-2014-in-sarajevo/

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Deported from Egypt En Route to Gaza

NOBEL LAUREATES, 10 March 2014

Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service

Mairead Maguire

Mairead Maguire

On 5th March, 2014 Mairead Maguire and Ann Patterson, members of the Peace People, N. Ireland were deported from Egypt as they attempted to enter the country in order to join an international delegation of 100 women wishing to visit Gaza via the Egyptian Rafah Border.

The women from around the world had been invited by the Women of Gaza to join them o­n 8th March, International Women’s Day.  o­nly 17 of the 100 women were allowed to enter Egypt and those turned away were given no reason for this decision by the Egyptian government, that later when challenged, said those refused entry to Egypt had been black-listed. (They gave no criteria for blacklisting the Women.)  The Egyptian government has closed the Rafah Border until Sunday 9th March when it is highly unlikely any of the women will be allowed to cross into Gaza to meet with the women of Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid, including solar lights.  (6 – 12 hours a day the people are without electricity).

On arrival home in Belfast, Northern Ireland o­n 5th March, Mairead Maguire appealed to International community to do something to help the people of Gaza get the blockade lifted and support the women of Gaza and their families in their struggle for human rights and freedom.  Maguire said:

“As pacifists and people of peace wishing to visit Gaza to stand in solidarity with the women and their families o­n International Women’s Day, and support the Palestinians call for the Israeli government to lift the blockade of Gaza and uphold human rights and international law, we deeply regret that the Egyptian government has deported us making it impossible for us to be with the people of Gaza.  By such actions such as closing Rafah Border, closing tunnels from Gaza, etc., the Egyptian government is complicit with the illegal policy of Israeli government that continues to break the Geneva Convention by collective punishment of the people of Gaza. 

“Gaza, with a population of  l.7 million (mostly youth) has been cut off by Israel from Palestinians in West Bank and East Bank with its airport destroyed by Israel, Gaza port closed for over 40 years and borders with Israel and Egypt open infrequently. They are bombed every few days from the air by Israeli drone bombing. 

“Gaza is regarded as the largest open air prison population in the world.  Gaza’s Palestinians call to open the border crossing and end the occupation falls o­n deaf ears, as the US government continues to finance Israeli military occupation and also funds the Egyptian military, the second highest recipient of USA funding, next to Israel.  

“These apartheid/racist policies of Israel, which are causing so much suffering, must be changed and o­n International Women’s Day I would like to appeal to everyone to do something for the Women of Gaza.”

Mairead Corrigan Maguire is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. She won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com.

Original: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2014/03/nobel-peace-laureate-mairead-maguire-deported-from-egypt-while-en-route-to-gaza/

Read more Mairead's articles: https://www.transcend.org/tms/search/


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