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Tetrasociology of Spherons
by Rudolf Siebert
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=746 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=720
Publication: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=718
The proposed and developed argumentation of Spherons - eternal in the societal structure but constantly changing in their filling spontaneous harmonious classes of the population, actors of society and global peacein Tetrasociology [1] and in its Global Peace Science (GPS) [2] - is quite satisfactory from a scientific point of view. This scientific conclusion about reality of Spherons is fundamental and logically impeccable as all its premises are logical and factual flawless: 1. Four spheres of social production (Marx and others), 2. Productive employment of people from birth to death, "autopoiesis" (Maturana and others), 3. "Societal communities" of people (Parsons and others) [3]. But these premises and conclusion are requiring a comment, detailing, historical analogies and further development in terms of our critical philosophy. We look at the Tetrasociology in the perspective of a dialectical history and philosophy of science, according to which one scientific paradigm negates the previous one not abstractly, but concretely:i.e. it does not only criticize it, but it also learns from it, and preserves it, and elevates it, and completes it. Pluralistic models, like Tetrasociology concretely supersede monistic paradigms, preserving in themselves the scientific accomplishments of the latter. Marx determinately negated Kant and Hegel. Weber and Durkheim and the structural-functionalist system theorists, Parsons, Merton, Luhmann, Toffler, Bourdieu, etc., and their middle range theories,tried to concretely supersede Kant, Hegel and Marx, on the Right, Horkheimer, Adorno, Fromm, Marcuse, Habermas, Honneth, etc., on the Left. Archer’s negation of Marx, and of the structural functionalists may be a little bit premature, and too abstract, and not dialectical enough, in order to do justice to the historical process, and the real development of family, civil society, constitutional state, and culture or civilization, including art, religion, philosophy and science. The end of the Soviet Union does not necessarily mean the end of Marx’s historical, or dialectical, materialism, in spite of its monistic and sometimes even positivistic tendencies, mistakes and simplifications. Stalinism, which Western Marxists called red fascism, may have been less the result of Marx’s or Lenin’s dialectical theories, and more ofhistorical circumstances: e.g. the insufficient development of the Russian bourgeoisie in 1917; the need for industrialization; the capitalist invasions in the 1920ties and the 1940ties; and the neo-liberal counter-revolution of the 1980ties.The victory ofthe USSR over European fascism was one of the greatest achievements of history ever: Stalingrad, and particularly Kursk. The great patriotic war was precisely that, and must never be forgotten. Tetrasociology rightly criticizes the deficiencies of Marx, Parsons and Maturana, and at the same time integrates into itself their great accomplishments. Toffler produced a positivistic futurology. Ossip Flechtheim had initiated already a dialectical futurology, very much concerned with peace. Both should, and could be preserved, and elevated, and fulfilled in a Tetra Sociology, as peace science. The harmonization tendencies in all the supersessions of Marx are of course most desirable. However, there is the danger, that harmony turns into ideology, understood as false consciousness, cover up for national and class interests, shortly the untruth. The introduction of private property since 10 000 years ago has produced the domination of the Many by the one, or by the Few, - slaveholders, feudal lords, and owners ofcapital, reproducing themselves through theprivate appropriation of collective labor -, class struggles, and so calledjustwars, not only of revenge, but also, and mostly so, of thievery: such as the colonial war, Barbarossa, whichHitler conducted against the USSR,in the name of European capital, with 4 million men from all the states, which now constitute the European Union, killing 26 million Russians, and 6 million Jews. These are stubborn facts of history, which are hard to overcome, even by a pluralistic social theory, not to speak of practice: even by the transition from Partons to Spherons. The Tetrasociology must under all circumstances be realistically protected against ideology critique. We consider the Tetrasociology as an important event, and moment, in the dialectical history of philosophy and science. It can make a great contribution to peace in the present Post-Western period of political world history. Post-Western means, that Europe has moved into retirement, since quite some time (Spengler), and that the American and the Slavic World have moved to the front of the human species, and have thus become exceptional, as once the Persians and the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, theGermans, Spaniards and British, had been exceptional. It is a moment of greatest responsibility for both, the Slavic and the American World, for themselves, and for all of humanity. Fascism, which wanted to rescue Europe, only helped to bring into Thuringia, Germany, Europe, the American as well as the Slavic Worlds, by declaring war against both of them. The Tetrasociology can support and enhance the peaceful collaboration between the Slavic and the American World in this moment of history. Tetrasociology can contribute to conflict resolution between the Slavic and the American World, so that both, as they strive for greatness, maintain themselves and humanity in relative peace and harmony, and togetherovercome terror, hunger, poverty, illness, epidemics, environmental damages, nationally and internationally. Both, the American and Slavic World may peacefully compete with each other, which of them deals better and more humanelywith problems of race and class, and contributes most effectively to the arrival of Post-modern, alternative Future III: a global society, reconciling personal autonomy, and universal, anamnestic, present, and proleptic, solidarity, and prevents Post-Modern alternative Future I – the totally administered society, technocratic or fascist, and Post-Modern alternative Future II - an aggressive,militaristic society, promoting wars and civil wars, and preparing ABC wars of civilizations, based on religion, or being secular [4; 5]. References 1. Semashko, Leo (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf 2. Semashko, Leo and 173 coauthors from 34 countries (2016) Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS' Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 616 p. ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf 3. Semashko, Leo (2017) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=726 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=699 4. Siebert, Rudolf (2010) Manifesto of the Critical Theory of Society and Religion. Brill 5. Siebert, Rudolf (2013) The world religion in the global public sphere: Towards concrete Freedom and material democracy. New Delhi: Sanbun Publishers. (ISBN: 9789382393115; WMU Call #: BL80.3 .S575 2012). Rudolf Siebert, Ph.D., Professor of Religion and Society at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Golden Rule Harmony for the US Email: rsieb3@aol.com http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 24/02/17