Global Harmony Association (GHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, freedom, justice, fraternity and happiness!

GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web:
Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries
List of the GHA books and projects of global peace from harmony: GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; Ph. 124 4266169. Email:
GHA Mission is:
To bring global peace from harmony and to build a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’ general education ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 5, 2017 Delhi

Global Peace Science Agenda For the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU

TO: Leaders of the UN member states
GHA 56th project, Approved on June 5, 2017 Publication (10 languages): In English: In Russian: In Spanish: In Portuguese:
In Greek:
In Arabic: In Esperanto: In French: In Urdu:
In Hindi:
Appeals/messages to the G20-2017 leaders are here:
“The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality.”
Poincare “Harmony should become the key value of global humankind, the main subject of science and public consciousness in the 21st century in order to survive and prosper in planetary peace”. GHA Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! The UNESCO Constitution says: "That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed; … that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind." Unfortunately, the scientific theoretical defences of global peace were not constructed or founded in the minds of men until now, while military science has been developing rapidly for more than two centuries. Therefore, in reality, the opposite happens: defense of war instead of peace defence. The nations plan the architecture of various wars and aggressions; constantly increase military budgets and armaments, limiting their discussions only to issues of war and security from it, practically removing the questions of peace for the brackets of their meetings and summits. The best way "to construct peace defences" “upon the intellectual and moral solidarity” is global peace science acceptable and compulsory for all nations. For this purpose, we are pleased to propose for your consideration the unprecedented peace initiative of the development of Global Peace Science (GPS), the first version of which was created during 11 years by the GHA 174 coauthors from 34 countries, including the President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam, three Nobel Peace Laureates and dozens of outstanding scientists and peacemakers: Http:// We realise that the initial version of GPS is far from perfection and requires its further improvement at the state level of each country and within the framework of the UN, designed to provide global peace with the most effective means, the first of which is PEACE SCIENCE. only it is able to construct the defences of peace by the best way. In this connection, we invite every leader of the UN member states to show your social responsibility for peace by your unique initiation of the Global Peace Agenda at the UN that will raise your peacemaking prestige highly. We invite you to include in the Agenda and put to the vote of the UN General Assembly in autumn 2017 the following 12 initiative proposals of this Agenda, or some of them at your discretion: 1. The necessity to develop Global Peace Science (GPS) based on the idea of world harmony, which includes all human values and is intuitively shared by all civilizations in the history. 2. Holding the International Scientific Contest for the best version of GPS under the auspices of the United Nations. 3. Establishment of a Special Committee in the UN: "Global Peace Science against International Terrorism" as a tool for reconciliation of religions, antiterrorist immunity and overcoming the fundamentalist ideology of terrorism. 4. Establishment of the "Global Peace Academy " under the UN for research and education in the field of global peace and its branches in the world's largest and nuclear-armed nations. 5. Establishment of the "UN Week of Global Peace Science from Harmony" on January 24 to 31 or January 17 to 24 (following the example of the "UN Interfaith Harmony Week" on February 1 to 7, initiated by the King of Jordan at the UN General Assembly Session in 2010). 6. The reissue of the book "Global Peace Science", possibly by 2018 under the auspices of the UN and withthe participation of world political leaders, primarily from nuclear powers. 7. Conduct international statistical research into dynamics of a deep societal structure of spheral classes within the population in each country and worldwide since 1950 to 2015 by decades. 8. Establish a permanent UN Project "Monitoring of War and Peace in the World Public Consciousness and the Media". 9. Establishing a "Peace Department" in the governmental structures of the world's largest and nuclear countries. 10. Work out the UN Model of global governance by general and complete disarmament, with the priority of nuclear disarmament within 10 years based on the GPS. 11. Explore the Global Peace Thermodynamics as the UN Model of global governance for environmental, climate and other world challenges and risks of the 21st century. 12. Consider developing "Global Peace Earth Constitution" based on the GPS. All proposed initiatives are presented in a first approximation in the relevant articles in the GPSbookor in the subsequent ones developing them. The world leaders should be encouraged to plan similar initiatives at all summits of G20, G7 as well as in UNESCO and the EU, the European Parliament and its structures. These initiatives will offset the dangerous deficit of peace and harmony in all international institutions. Similar peacemaking initiatives should prompt a highest level and example of social responsibility of the world leaders and international institutions for the fate of global peace and preservation of life on the Earth from global military and man-made threats. The Global Harmony Association and its associated international peacemaking organizations will be happy to provide each of you with considerable intellectual potential that we have accumulated over many years of developing the original version of Global Peace Science.
Yours sincerely: Global Harmony Association (GHA) leaders: Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, India, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, GHA Executive Director, India, Dr. Surendra Pathak, President, GHA-India, India, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, Russia, Dr. Dr., Prof. Emeritus Matjaž Mulej, Founder and President IRDO, Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Slovenia, Dr. Anita Hrast, IRDO, Professor of Economics, Dr. Nina Ring, IRDO, Professor of Economics, Prof. Dr. Dr. h c Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia, independent Nature, Environment and Climate Change System researcher, and, Dr. Julia Budnikova, GHA-Russia President, Russia Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, GHA-Africa President, Ghana Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, GHA-Kazakhstan President, Kazakhstan Dr. Bishnu Pathak, GHA Vice-President, Nepal Ms. Delasnieve Daspet, GHA Vice-President, Brazil Dr. Takis Ioannides, GHA Vice-President, Greece Dr. Ernesto Kahan, GHA Vice-President, Israel Dr. Guy Crequie, GHA Vice-President, France Dr. Susana Roberts, GHA Vice-President, Argentina Nobel Prize Laureates support: John Scales Avery, Denmark, Nobel Peace Prize, 1995,shared Mairead Maguire, North Ireland, Nobel Peace Prize, 1976 Frank Wilczek, USA, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004, shared Other peacemakers support: Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, USA/Russia Dr. Edward Lozansky, USA/Russia Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA Dr. Laj Utrega, USA Dr. Roger Kotila, USA Dr. Sanjay Tewari, India Ms. Sanjana Tewari, India Dr. Francois Houtart, Belgium Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan Mr. Heli Habyarimana, Rwanda Dr. Noor Laric, Pakistan Dr. Waheed Ahmad, Pakistan Dr. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Poland
Mr. Light Wilson Aganwa, South Sudan And others, the list is open
Example of a cover letter. Dear Mr./Ms Could our/your country, you personally initiate at the G20 summit in July or at the UN Session in September this year the "Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN", which was proposed to the leaders of 193 UN member states by the peacemaking organizations and Nobel Prize Laureates? The text of this proposal is published in 8 languages as open letter on the website: and is in attachment. In principle, is this initiative of a new global peace dialogue acceptable for you as peacemaker? Or do you consider it untimely and ready to give away the palm of its leadership to another country? Such an initiative will raise the international prestige of our/your country as a peacemaking power, make it a leader of world peace and reduce the degree of militaristic threats of aggression and violence in the world. This dialogue is able "to shift the arms race into a peace race" as it was bequeathed by the great peacemaker Martin Luther King Jr. Yours faithfully, authors. (Any peacemaker on the spirit from any country can send this Peace Message to any leader of any country on his website or his office). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Peace Science Agenda to the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU Dear Anita, Nina, Matjaž, Timi and all, In connection with the remarkable work of your “Institute for Development of Social Responsibility” (IRDO) in Maribor, Slovenia and the corresponding publication in the "Global Peace Science" (GPS:, let me propose for your discussion and promotion several international peace initiatives of your Government and your President in our joint invitation letter in attachment. Small countries can express and propose the global initiatives often better than large countries. For example, the King of small Jordan proposed to the UN in 2010 to establish the UN Interfaith Harmony Week, which was approved by the UN General Assembly and has now become a significant tool for reconciliation of religions ( If Jordan could initiate discussion and approval at the UN Week of Interfaith Harmony in 2010, then why cannot Slovenia initiate discussion and approval at the UN of the "Agenda of Global Peace Science from Harmony" (see attachment)? This is a rhetorical question. Your little Slovenia, as a socially responsible state with your unique IRDO could also initiate a series of great peacemaking initiatives on the IRDO proposal and with the GHA support. Please, let me suggest some similar initiatives for your discussion and supplement on the GHA and IRDO form in the attachment. We discuss this letter as a joint project of the GHA and IRDD during 4 days until June 2, inclusively. To approve it and include your name in it, your "YES" is required. Thank you. I sent Timi to Slovenia the GPS 8 books that you could use to send them to the leaders of Slovenia along with our invitation letter. You could also send this letter to Mrs. Melania Trump to get her support, because she is a Slovene and socially responsible world citizen. We are reissuing GPS now in Delhi and will be ready to send by 4 books to any country if its representatives are ready to send similar invitation to the leaders of their countries. Until the opening of the UN General Assembly session there are 3 months left. During this time, we could prepare several similar initiatives from different countries, which will allow them to unite in this key strategic peacemaking initiative. We do not have the right to miss such a chance, when the world and the life of the planet hang by a thread from the catastrophe of nuclear war - just 2.5 minutes before midnight on the Doomsday Clock of American nuclear scientists. We hope that our proposal will find your support as socially responsible for global peace world citizens. Best wishes of peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 29-05-17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discussion Dear Leo! You put together very nice proposal, congratulation. Unfortunately due to your misunderstanding of Slovenians I have to ask you to take my name out of the proposal. Secondly in Slovenia our mother tong is Slovenian, which has origin since more as 5.000 years, We Slovenians we are proud of our origin, our language and territory. It is quite impossible to expect that Slovenians will accept initiative of whatsoever great content written in foreign language. I think you have to find solution to address Slovenians in Slovenian language. Myself as a humble servant of Nature sciences I have limited understanding of the social sciences. I think it is premature for Global Harmony Association – GHA and Global Peace Sciences – GPS (99% of present humankind would understand GPS as Global Positioning System) and one seventh part of the one percent of humankind as per present time of GHA supporters needs more hard work to get opportunity to handle the world of humans. As a member of the GHA of which I am prod, I am recommending the following: · GHA should work hard to increase understanding and knowledge of all humankind, · GHA should support universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning of humankind, with intention to support better tomorrow of humankind within the biosphere of the planet Earth, · GHA should establish task teams of facilitators to allow humankind to understand and have a knowledge to meet challenges of 21st Century and the sustainable future in the third millennium. I am sure GHA will increase its possibilities to influence peace life for humankind in future with such new content of the operations. I hope you are accepting my short discussion as coming from the humble servant of Nature sciences in which all are in one and one is in all. Please accept my best regards to you and all members of GHA, and I remain, Yours Friendly, Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia 30-05-17
Dear Timi, Thank you for your interested response. You propose to think over your proposals, and we suggest to think you and not hurrying up in such big and important matter. Of course, if you want, we will exclude you from our new project - there are no problems: the entrance and exit at us has always been and remains free. But your motivation is not clear to me. Of course, I do not understand until the end of the Slovenes, the Chinese, etc., as you do not understand until the end of the English, the Russian, etc. The mission of human on Earth is to seek and find understanding and cooperation with other people and nations, instead of acknowledging incompleteness of mutual understanding and refusing to cooperate. This is the first. Second. We hoped for you and we hope for other Slovenians who would be happy to translate the English language of our project into Slovenian. Could you make a similar translation? Is this possible for you or for other Slovenes? Or is it impossible for you for some reason? I do not see any fundamental obstacles here. If I do not understand something, please, let me know this - I will be grateful for your enlightenment. Please, help us in this simple matter. Is this simple solidarity possible for you? It will help us to understand you better. Third. I see the exceptionality of Slovenian mind in the persistent development of the idea of social responsibility due to the high intellectual efforts and perseverance by the outstanding system scientist from Maribor Dr. Matjaž Mulej, whom I know on the International Sociological Association since its World Congress in Durban, South Africa, in 2006, After which we exchanged many publications ( He initiated the unique article "Social Responsibility for Global Peace" in our unprecedented book "Global Peace Science" (2016:, p 201). This article inspired me to the proposed project, which, therefore, has Slovenian roots and sources. It does the great honor for Slovenia and for its outstanding scientists in the face of Dr. Matjaž Mulej and his associates. Our project raises the Slovenian idea and the Slovenian Institute of Social Responsibility (IRDO) to a fundamentally new level. What is in this unworthy for the Slovenes? We, the GHA are ready to serve and support in every possible way the Slovenian idea of social responsibility, which constitutes the necessary moment of social harmony and global peace. Therefore, I cannot understand the motivation for your removal from supporting this great Slovenian idea. Fourth. We, the GHA, completely accept and share your proposals for "upbringing, education and lifelong learning of humankind, with intention to support better tomorrow of humankind", which were developed in dozens of books, projects and ideas of the GHA: the Harmonious Enlightenment Age, universal harmonious education, the ABC of Harmony for schools and universities, Academy of Global Peace and Harmony, etc. (Http:// Education for the GHA is a key way of moving to a harmonious civilization and building a harmonious society as a better future for humanity in the 21st century and the third millennium beyond violence, revolutions and endless wars. Our credo: the scientific mind and education in it is stronger than any military weapon. Unfortunately, you are not familiar with these works of GHA. Please, read them before reproaching GHA. But we agree with you that this work is continuous and requires persistent continuation that the GHA constantly does in its broad cooperation, including the IRDO. We agree with your idea coming from the ancient Greeks that "all are in one and one is in all." But we scientifically interpret this philosophical idea after the great thinkers, especially Poincare, that "everything is harmony, which is in everything," providing to nature, society and human with life and peace from harmony. What is beyond the harmony, then doomed to death sooner or later.This is our and your scientificphilosophy expressed in our joint article together with the Danish Prof. John Avery, who initiated the idea of a new fundamental scientific theory of "Global Peace Thermodynamics" ( as an organic part of "Global Peace Science." This article has already been published in many countries and issues. The whole question is now focused in social responsibility for this science, without which global peace as the best future of humankind is impossible. Therefore, we hope that you will once again consider your final decision. In any case, again, many thanks for your interesting response. Best wishes, friendly, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 30-05-17 --------- -------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo! Thank you for brilliant response. Unfortunately, I am not competitive and it is just survival. The role of humankind in Nature is to continue. Continuum is central reason of Nature, with or without humankind. The harmony in humankind society (the global community of humankind) is not quality of individual or society, but systemic value and humankind could be in harmony with Nature only. It would be better to have Humankind Harmony with Nature (HHN) instead GHA and Humankind Peace Sciences (HPS) instead of GPS. This understanding is result of knowledge about the basics of Nature and has nothing to do with present average thinking of people. Scientist are not educationist, The scientist are not working for money but are working because of ability. The present challenges for survival and longevity of humankind in Nature is a result or summary of the past and present living of humankind. Wrong philosophy and neglecting the truth, reason, morality and wisdom. The best what the present humankind could do for survival, longevity and prosperity of Homo sapiens civilization is to establish universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning for coming generation to have understanding and knowledge needed for survival and longevity in the third millennium. All “great” people in the past and present have opened present challenges for humankind survival and longevity. We need new approach to get understanding and knowledge for better tomorrow of humankind and our descendants. I as humble servant of Nature sciences I do not compete, I am just surviving and looking for better tomorrow of humanity. It is the sustainable future of humankind in the biosphere of the planet Earth. Of course I am not translator. Dear Leo please sign your great achievement, the proposal for the Republic of Slovenia government as presented and let us see what will be result. You have address of the president of the Republic of Slovenia, see in attachment of my letter informing you of sending to him GPS book. Please do not mention any Slovenian as support to content of your great letter. Please do not continue with competition in IQ, because I am not competitor, I am just humble servant of Nature sciences, Please accept my best regards to You, your family and GHA members and I remain, Yours Friendly, Timi 30-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Timi, Thank you very much for your detailed letter. I cannot now discuss your philosophy of nature and humanity. I will limit myself to your two practical suggestions and one question of your social responsibility for global peace. 1. Your proposal to replace the title of "Global Peace Science" (GPS) so as not to confuse it with the "Global Positioning System" (GPS) by title “Humankind Peace Science” (HPS) instead of GPS - is an interesting and important subject of discussion, which we organize in soon. Maybe we'll choose a mixed name: “Humankind Global Peace Science” (HGPS). Do you like it? What do others think about it in terms of English? 2. You suggest that I, together with the GHA Indian leaders, sign and send our letter to the President of Slovenia without referring to any of the Slovenes. This is a practical idea and we will realize it if we understand the real reasons that prevent the Slovenians, first of all the IRDO leaders to sign it. But this will show the social irresponsibility of the IRDO for global peace. Do you want to show it? What does Dr. Matis Muliz think about this? If you do not want to sign a letter, could you publicly support its Peace Agenda for the UN and show your responsibility for peace? Your moral support and solidarity will be an inspiring peacemaking example for all. Is this possible for you? Thank you for your suggestions. But where is your letter to your President? Friendly, Leo 31-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir YES from my side. PL see if we can change name of GPS as World Peace Science ( WPS ) to avoid confusion with GPS System. Also see if we can revise GHA Mission to include Humanity and sustainability as humanity and sustainability are missing in our world systems GHA Mission is: To bring global peace from harmony, humanity, sustainability and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’ , with best regards RAMESH KUMAR 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Ramesh, Thanks for your YES, but please let its know for all 40 invited. About other questions please let later AFTER approval of Slovenian project. Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Leo 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo Semashko Greetings from India. Slovenia GHA IRDD Proj.2017 Many thanks for your mail, I support the Slovenia joint project of the GHA and IRDD , YES! Iapprove it . Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Anita, Nina, Zdenka and Matjaž, How are you? I hope all is well at you. Let me ask you. Now the main question is about the moral support of the Slovenian project and social responsibility of everyone for global peace. Please, could you publicly support the Slovenian project, especially its peace Agenda for the UN ( and show your social responsibility for global peace? Your moral support and solidarity will be an inspiring peacemaking example for all. Only those who will show this responsibility can expect to receive part ($ 200 000) of the Swedish prize in April 2018 as the UN peace Agenda will be a part of our Swedish project. I hope for your support. Thank you. Friendly, Leo 31-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo! Thank you for this human respond. I agree. The Social Responsibility is only economic. With Matjaz and many other researchers and scientist we published nice book on social and individual humankind social responsibility – please see it in attachment. I agree with agenda for peace to general Secretary of the UN and it is under your authority. I will work on it if you send me draft. Slovenia – let it go as will go – it is not your responsibility, it is just one small sovereign state full of corruption and “great politician” taking as much as possible - money from common people. Have a great day! Timi 31-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo! Please understand that I do not have authority to sign for IRDO, I am just a member of it. Secondly I do not care for money even more for money, which I did not work for. I do support your work whether you ask or not. To me - sending the letter to Slovenia, without sending similar letter to all 193 sovereign states is not needed. I do support you initiative to send letter to UN and too all 193 sovereign states of the world of humankind in the biosphere of the planet Earth. Have a great day! Timi 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear All! I do support initiative of Leo to send letters to the UN and all 193 sovereign states of the world of humans within the biosphere of the planet Earth. Please all of you have a nice day! Timi 31-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- So do I, Sincerely, Matjaž Mulej 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Timi, GHA members, friends, Many thanks to Timi for your great suggestion! It far exceeds mine, which is limited to only one Slovenia. But in principle, by large, you are right. The initiative of global peace cannot be limited to the subjective preferences of one country out of 193. This initiative concerns all 193 countries of the UN members. The problem is how we, a small volunteer international organization - the Global Harmony Association (GHA), could accomplish such a colossal task: send letters (maybe together with the GPS book) to the leaders of 193 countries with the invitation to initiate discussion of the Global Peace Agenda in the UN General Assembly in autumn 2018. GHA does not have the means and resources for this. Obviously, we could divide this goal into parts and start this peacemaking action in this year, for example, with the selection of 10-20 major countries, for example the G20. Next year we could invite 2-3 other peacemaking organizations to this action and send our invitation to the leaders of 80-100 countries. There can be many options. I like to invite you all to their discussion. But the main thing is the question of your support of this invitation center: Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, G20 and EU. We expect from each of you your YES or NO for it as a manifestation of your social responsibility for global peace. Together with this, we invite you to edit this agenda in the attachment during 3 days until June 3 inclusively. Your silence we will consider as your support for this project, as YES for it. Discussion and support of this project will show the measure of our social responsibility for global peace and for its science, without which it is impossible. Global Peace Science Agenda is presented in the next banner, which was published on the GHA website Home page:
Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, G20 and EU 1. About the necessary to develop Global Peace Science (GPS) from harmony. 2. on holding the International Scientific Contest for the best version of GPS under the auspices of the United Nations. 3. on the establishment of a Special Committee in the UN: "Global Peace Science against International Terrorism" as a tool for reconciliation of religions, antiterrorist immunity and overcoming the fundamentalist ideology of terrorism. 4. Establishment of the "Global Peace Academy" under the UN for research and education in the field of global peace and its branches in the largest and nuclear countries. Read more: |

| Повестка Науки Глобального Мира для ООН, G20 и ЕС 1.О необходимости развития Науки Глобального Мира (НГМ) из гармонии. 2.О проведении Международного Научного Конкурса на лучший вариант НГМ под эгидой ООН. 3.О создании в ООН специального комитета «Наука Глобального Мира против международного терроризма» как инструмента примирения религий, антитеррористического иммунитета и преодоления фундаменталистский идеологии терроризма. 4.О создании при ООН «Академии Глобального Мира» для научных исследований и образования в области глобального мира и ее отделений в наиболее крупных и ядерных странах. Читать далее: |
| | |
We will be grateful for your comments and suggestions to this banner. We thank Timi for his proposal, which raises our project to a new level. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ In Portuguese from Delmasnieve Daspet, Brazil: Caro Timi, os membros da GHA, amigos, Muito obrigado a Timi para a sua grande sugestão! Ele excede em muito a minha, que é limitada a apenas um Eslovênia. Mas, em princípio, por grandes, você está certo. A iniciativa de paz global não pode ser limitado às preferências subjetivas de um país fora do 193. Esta iniciativa diz respeito todos os 193 países dos membros da onU. O problema é como nós, uma organização internacional pequeno de voluntários - a Associação Harmonia global (GHA), poderia realizar uma tarefa tão colossal: enviar cartas (talvez junto com o livro GPS) para os líderes de 193 países com o convite para iniciar a discussão de a Agenda global da Paz na Assembleia Geral da onU no outono de 2018. GHA não tem os meios e recursos para isso. Obviamente, poderíamos dividir essa meta em partes e iniciar esta ação pacificadora neste ano, por exemplo, com a seleção de 10-20 grandes países, por exemplo, o G20. No próximo ano, poderia convidar 2-3 outras organizações de manutenção da paz para esta ação e enviar o nosso convite para os líderes de 80-100 países. Pode haver muitas opções. Eu gostaria de convidar a todos para a sua discussão. Mas o principal é a questão do seu apoio deste centro convite: Agenda para a Ciência Paz Global para a onU, G20 e da UE. Nós espera de cada um de vocês o seu SIM ou NÃO para ele como uma manifestação de sua responsabilidade social para a paz global. Junto com isso, convidamo-lo a editar esta agenda em anexo durante 3 dias até 3 de junho inclusive. Seu silêncio, vamos considerar como o seu apoio para este projeto, como SIM para ele. Discussão e apoio a este projeto mostrará a medida de nossa responsabilidade social para a paz mundial e para a sua ciência, sem a qual é impossível. Agenda Global Ciência da Paz é apresentado na próxima banner, que será publicado na página inicial do site GHA nos próximos dias: Nós seremos gratos por seus comentários e sugestões para esta bandeira. Agradecemos Timi para a sua proposta, o que aumenta o nosso projeto para um novo nível. Os melhores votos de paz da harmonia, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Presidente Honorário 31-05-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Have been to a conference 27-28. OK for your proposal. Sorry, but NO time for other things either (have a “hernia” problem). As ever, Reimon Bachika, Japan 31-05-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dearest Leo, I shall do it. Now I am in island of Crete. I shall make a lecture and presidence in an international congress of history of medicine in the university of Herakeion Crete. The theme is abour ancient medicine in ancient Greece and India. Perhaps Indian proffesores knoe our President and members of GHA. I shall return home on 7 June. By the way , the situation of living in Greece is awfull and dangerous. Our country is not free any more. I made a research and found out terrible actions against my country, historically, since 1940. The slavery of Greece is a fact. The poverty covers even the half population. The unempoyement 30 0/0. 400000 young scientist leftbabroad. one of my daughters as well. Our pension salaries are dicreased continuesly. ...... Peace is absent from the human souls. I hope to have soon good news from the university about GPS. I have you and GHA in my thoughts and heart. With peace from harmony and love Takis 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All! I also support initiative of GHA and Dr Leo to send letters to the UN and all 193 sovereign states of the world of humans within the biosphere of the planet Earth. with best regards RAMESH KUMAR 31-05-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear all, I fully support the Slovenia initiative peaceful suggestion to the United Nation General Assembly , UNESCO, G20, EU and for the Global Leaders - Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU. I would like to inform you that upon publissing of the GHA new Book GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE, I sent one book GPS to UN and one book GPS to UNESCO, directly to their Leaders, as Vice President of GHA. Present times requires, more than ever, to work continuesly for the critical matter of humanity, this of Global Peace and the GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE book of GHA is the unique powerful tool for establishing the Global Peace on Planet Earth. With Peace from Harmony and Love Dr Takis D. Ioannides, Greece Vice President of GHA 31-05-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Leo, Suggest that you stay with the original name Global Peace Science (GPS) which has already established a "brand" identification worldwide.A name change will tend to cause confusion, and become a sidetrack issue -- taking away from the real (global) problems that need attention. -- Roger Kotila, USA 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, In general, one should always avoid unnecessary changes and instead one should build on tradition. The large part of our today's confused and largely destructive world is that we are trying to constantly change something, not necessary for better. In my opinion "Global Peace Science" is a good name and does not need to be changed. The name plays on a certain ambiguity which is not present in "Humankind Peace Science". First, Global Peace Science refers to global peace or world peace, which is peacekeepers' goal. Second, Global Peace Science refers to global science, which signifies world-wide scientific involvement. As a alternative could be "World Peace Science" (WPS), but I would suggest to keep with "Global Peace Science" (GPS). It is very often the case that the abbreviations are the same for different concepts. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, D.Phil. Professor, Zayed University, Dubai 31-05-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Dr Leo, My Yes. Thank you Surendra Pathak, India, 01-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder (2005) and Honorary & President (2016) & ALL GHA Members Greetings from India. Slovenian project, GHA IRDD Proj.2017 Global Peace Science Agenda to the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU YES!I support the Slovenia joint project of the GHA and IRDD,and I approve it. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra 01-06-17 --------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo Semashko and GHA Members Warm greetings, YES! I support the Slovenia joint project and I approve it. In peace, AYO AYOOLA-AMALE, Ghana 02-06-17 --------------------------------------------------- YES, Very interesting project Ernesto Kahan, Israel 02-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo, I support the Slovenian project. Another thing is that there is no need of changing GSP. With best wish s and regards, Noor M. Larik, Member GHA, Pakistan 02-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------------- Dear GHA members, friends, When discussing the Slovenian project, Prof. Timi Ecimovic proposed to turn it from Slovenian to international as its key content "Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU" concerns all the UN member states and has global significance. Everyone agreed with this proposal and no one objected. In accordance with this, I transformed the text of this project and propose its new version in the attachment for your discussion and approval by your YES or NO during 3 days until June 5 inclusively. It is also published here: This is a project of social responsibility of world leaders and citizens for the development and use of Global Peace Science as the most effective tool for achieving and ensuring a global peace that is impossible without science. We will be grateful to you for your editing and suggestions for this project. We will implement it in parts. At the first stage, we will send it to the G20 leaders, who will gather for a summit in Hamburg on July 7. In the second stage, before October 1, we will send its leaders 80-100 more members. We invite friendly organizations and GHA members who want to participate in this action, to inform us of your desire to help the GHA in it. Best wishes of peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 02-06-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, YES! Dr Takis D. Ioannides, Greece, Vice President of GHA 02-06-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr Leo Semashko, YES, I agree with the presentation made and I believe that what is proposed is very important. I believed so much in this work that I had no doubt in having 20 volumes of the book Global Peace Science printed with your authorization - so that I could deliver the Brazilian authorities. And I've been working on it. So much so that the President of the National Human Rights Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, of which I am a Member, asked me for a project - to work at the national level - for a peace proposal. I'm working out. Thanks, Delmasnieve Daspet, Brazil Mr Leo Semashko, SIM, concordo com a exposição feita e creio que é muito importante o que se propõe. Eu acreditei tanto neste trabalho que não tive duvidas em mandar imprimir, com sua autorização, 20 volumes do livro Global Peace Science – para poder entregar as autoridades brasileiras. E tenho trabalhado com isso. Tanto que o Presidente da Comissão Nacional de Direitos Humanos da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil , da qual sou Membro, pediu-me um projeto – para trabalharmos em nível nacional – uma proposta de paz. Estou elaborando. Obrigada, Delasnieve Daspet 03-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks and OK. François Houtart Profesor en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (I.A.E.N.) Tel: (593) (2) 382 99 00 Ext 272 Fundación Pueblo Indio del Ecuador Calle Ruiz de Castilla N 26-92 y Sosaya - 170520 - Quito ECUADOR Tel. (593) (2) 32.12.100 Cel. (593) Rue Kelle, 192/6 - B-1150 Bruxelles Tel. (32) (0) 2 772 47 69 03-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------------- Mr Leo, I apologize for the delay. I've been traveling on duty. But I read all the emails over the phone. Waiting for my return to respond correctly. I inform that the National Human Rights Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association - which I am part of, as a Consultant Member, asked me for a project to be applied at the national level, via the Brazilian Bar Association, on Peace and Culture of Peace. I'm working on this project. It has to be a broad thing and as far as possible complete. Leaving open the things that must be complemented in the course of actions. Brazil is a continental country. And, regrettably, on account of their corrupt rulers, and because of the population that elected them, we are experiencing unequal difficulties of world shame, wounded in our dignity, our pride as citizens. This culture of corruption is rooted in our politics - from the simplest to the highest public office. And, this is an approach that I will necessarily have to make in my proposal for action and project. Where do I take the book with me and talk about it and the actions promoted by the GHA. I'm not stopping. I'm trying to get out of the maze with a good project. No more - the readings I have made - with all of them I agree. As for the edition of the book, I edited here, in Brazil, with your authorization, 20 copies, totally my expense, to be able to do the work that I proposed within the GHA. I would not be able to work without supporting material. I believe - that everyone who wants to work with the excellent work of the GHA has to have print - their work material. Fraterno and friend hug, Delmasnieve Daspet Brazil Mr Leo , Peço desculpas pela demora. Estive viajando a serviço. Mas li todos os e-mails pelo telefone. Esperando meu retorno para responder de forma correta. Informo que a Comissão Nacional de Direitos Humanos da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - que eu faço parte, como Membro Consultora, pediu-me um projeto para ser aplicado em nível nacional, via Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, sobre a Paz e a Cultura da Paz. Estou elaborando esse projeto. Tem que ser uma coisa ampla e na medida do possível completa. Deixando em aberto as coisas que devam ser complementadas no curso das ações. O Brasil é um país continental. E, lamentavelmente, por conta de seus governantes corruptos, e por conta da população que os elegeu, estamos passando por dificuldades ímpares de vergonha mundial, feridos em nossa dignidade, em nosso orgulho, enquanto cidadãos. Essa cultura de corrupção está arraigada na nossa politica - seja do mais simples ao mais alto cargo publico. E, essa é uma abordagem que, necessariamente, terei de fazer em minha proposta de ação e de projeto. Onde vou levo o livro comigo e falo dele e das ações promovidas pela GHA. Não estou parada. Estou tentando sair do labirinto com um bom projeto. No mais - as leituras que tenho feito - com todas elas estou de acordo. Quanto a edição do livro, editei aqui, no Brasil, com vossa autorização, 20 exemplares, totalmente a minha expensa, para poder fazer o trabalho que me propus dentro da GHA. Não teria como trabalhar sem material de apoio. Eu acredito - que todos que tenham vontade de trabalhar com a excelente obra da GHA tem que mandar imprimir - o seu material de trabalho. Fraterno e amigo abraço, Delasnieve Daspet Brasil 03-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Leo, You have my full support to send correspondence to the 193 countries associated with the UN, and others that may not be. The action has and must be global. Delasnieve Daspet Mr.Leo, Tem meu total apoio para enviar correspondência aos 193 países associados a onU, e outros, que porventura não estejam. A ação tem e precisa serglobal. Delasnieve Daspet 03-06-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear ladies and gentlemen, I think we should keep the name "Global Peace Science" (GPS). It's already known. It already helps open doors. You should not mess with what is working well. Thanks, Delasnieve Daspet Prezados senhores e senhoras, Penso que devenos manter o nome como "Global Peace Science" (GPS). Já é conhecido. Já ajuda a abrir portas. Não se deve mexer com o que esta funcionando bem. Obrigada, Delasnieve Daspet 03-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo! Thank you for sent proposal. Generally I agree with your initiative. I have corrected few small issues marking them in red. The level of proposal does not open possibility to include mentioning Melania Trump within text. I took it out. (!!!). Whether you accept my corrections or not it is your call. Have a great day! Timi 03-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Timi, Many thanks for your corrections, with many of which I agree. But we cannot correct the UNESCO Constitution quites: "the defences of peace must be constructed.... mankind" and etc. Yes for excluding Melania Trump but your, Matjaz, Anita and Nina (maybe also Zdenka Zenko, who was a coauthor of "The ABC of Harmony", 2012, - what is with her, could she write to us?), as the Slovenians, could send this invitation latter after June 5 to her. It will be a great! FYI: GHA organized a similar action for the G20 leaders in 2013: You could mention it and evaluate it. Please, send your corrected text to public discussion. OK? Friendly, Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Leo 03-06-17 --------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Lorsque possible je suis intéressé par une version en langue française, ceci, pour faire connaître ce document aux médias français, et à des réseaux et sites motivés par ce type de problématique. Cordialement. Guy CREQUIE
Hello, When possible, I am interested by a version in French language, this, to make known this document with the French media, and networks and sites moved by this kind of problems. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE 03-06-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Guy, OK. We will be translate the GPS Agenda for the UN in French, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages as we do usually with all major GHA projects after the completion of its discussions on June 5, which (all replies) is published here: See for example our similar project "Peace Science for G20 Leaders" in August 2013, including your letters to the President of France, Mr. Holland and other (every) G20 leaders: Friendly, Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Leo 03-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ayo Amale, Ghana 04-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------
Yes. Ramesh Kumar, India 05-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------
YES PROF DR S.SABRINA AND PROF DR GOPALA KRISHNAN MALAYSIA 05-06-17 -------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo: I support and approve the “Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU" project for the welfare of humankind. We had a wonderful meeting in Dubrovnik. We missed you. We had two Russian scholars, who gave excellent presentations.. We also had a scholar from Slovenia., who gave an excellent paper. He had also been a visiting scholar at Western Michigan University for a year. We shall establish an exchange program between the University of Lublijana and Western Michigan University, We have such an exchange program already between the University of Sebastopol, in the Republic of Crimea, and Western Michigan University. I hope we shall be allowed to have our international course " Religion in Civil Society" again in Yalta,in November 2017. You are already very much invited. Greetings of Peace and Harmony to all.. Best wishes, your Rudi from the House of Mir. Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA 06-06-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPS Agenda: final to use Dear GHA members, friends, I am happy to inform you that the GHA project/message "Global Peace Science Agenda for the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU" has been approved. It received many support responses and not a single objection or refusal. I received three its edited versions: Dr. Roger Kotila, USA, Dr. Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia and Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, USA/Russia, which I integrated. In the final version, together with all the responses, it was published here: In English: Russian: The GHA expresses sincere gratitude to all its editors and all who sent the words of support for this extremely important global peacemaking project in our very bad military and terrorist time. It is a ray of light, reason and hope of all people in the impasse of militarism and terrorism, in which we are all turned into innocent and helpless hostages capable only condole on the new victims killed of almost daily. Now every true and courageous peacemaker received a powerful scientific tool that he/she can translate (2 pages) into the native language, send it to the national leaders in the government, distribute it in social networks and publish it in the media and on the websites. In the GHA, the dispatch of this Message to the leaders of the G20, which will be held a month later in Hamburg, Germany, will be carried out by a special team, the composition of which I will report in the coming days. Who wants to participate in it, please tell me personally. Only by joint and persistent, demanding messages we can induce and inspire some of the world leaders to initiate this "Global Peace Science Agenda" in the G20, in the UN or at any other international summit in order to counter to the dominant militaristic consciousness the scientific peacemaking consciousness in the minds of people, from where the peace movement begins. Only together with science it will become strong, invincible and overcome all wars, militarism and terrorism. Friendly, with love and best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 07-06-17