Sanjana Tewari – Kathak Artist

Ms. Sanjana Tewari,
Master's graduate student, Sociological Faculty, St-Petersburg University, Alumnus, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University, “Kathak” Dancer. Member of the International Dance Council, UNESCO, Paris GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Interfaith Harmony Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=759 Email: sanjanathedancer@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Meeting with the "International Federation of Peace and Love" in St. Petersburg, Nikolaevsky Palace, September 27, 2017

Dear Leo, Greetings. I have dispatched the GHA Peace message to the Hon'ble Prime Minsiter of India today. With good wishes Ms Sanjana Tewari GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament in India 24-06-17 Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi Ji, Pranam! Could India, our great Nation, and you personally initiate at the G20 summit in July or at the UN Session in September the "Global Peace Science Agenda for the United Nations", which was proposed to the leaders of 193 UN member states by the peacemaking organizations and Nobel Prize Laureates? The text of this proposal is in attachment and/or published in 8 languages on the website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=757 In principle, Sir, this is a great initiative towards Peace and Harmony. Trust this initiative is acceptable to you. With regards, Truly Yours, Ms Sanjana Tewari Sangeet Prabhakar, Sangeet Visharad, Sangeet Bhaskar – Kathak Member, International Dance Council, UNESCO, Paris Doordarshan Artist Student, BA – III, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India 125-B, Shyam Nagar, KANPUR – 208013 Uttar Pradesh, India Cell +91 7607530655 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=759 24-06-17 Global Harmony Association (GHA) leaders:
Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, Indiaschandra101@gmail.com, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, GHA Executive Director, Indiangocosro@gmail.com, Dr. Surendra Pathak, President, GHA-India, Indiapathak06@gmail.com, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, Russialeo.semashko@gmail.com, Dr. Dr., Prof. Emeritus Matjaž Mulej, Founder and President IRDO, Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Slovenia matjaz.mulej@um.si, Dr. AnitaHrast, IRDO, Professor of Economicsanita@nabium.si, Dr. Nina Ring, IRDO, Professor of Economics nina.ring@um.si, Prof. Dr. Dr. h c Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia, independent Nature, Environment and Climate Change System researcher, timi.ecimovic@bocosoft.com and www.institut-climatechange.si, Dr. Julia Budnikova, GHA-Russia President, Russia Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, GHA-Africa President, Ghana Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, GHA-KazakhstanPresident, Kazakhstan Dr. Bishnu Pathak, GHA Vice-President, Nepal Ms. Delasnieve Daspet, GHA Vice-President, Brazil Dr. Takis Ioannides, GHA Vice-President, Greece Dr. Ernesto Kahan, GHA Vice-President, Israel Dr. Guy Crequie, GHA Vice-President, France Dr. Susana Roberts,GHA Vice-President, Argentina
Nobel Prize Laureates support:
John Scales Avery, Denmark, Nobel Peace Prize, 1995,shared Mairead Maguire, North Ireland, Nobel Peace Prize, 1976 Frank Wilczek, USA, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004, shared
Other peacemakers support:
Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, USA/Russia Dr. Edward Lozansky, USA/Russia Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA Dr. Laj Utrega, USA Dr. Roger Kotila, USA Dr. Sanjay Tewari, India Ms. Sanjana Tewari, India Dr. Francois Houtart, Belgium Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan Mr. Heli Habyarimana, Rwanda Dr. Noor Larik, Pakistan Dr. Waheed Ahmad, Pakistan Dr. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Poland ----------------------------------------------------------------
Spherons’ argumentation http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 Review by Ms. Sanjana Tewari Spherons are the largest classes of the population in a whole, which are employed in four spheres of social production; therefore they are titled as "Spherons". How can these classes unite all people in harmony for love, peace, justice, freedom, brotherhood and happiness? What can be the possible source, which causes of peace and tranquility in our beautiful planet and its human community? What measures should be taken collectively so that they lead to harmony between the belligerent countries and / or harmonize the conflicting interests? Only because the Spherons are productive classes, constantly creating the necessary resources for people that is why these classes are harmonic, peaceful, just, free and fraternal in nature. Spherons acquire these qualities genetically from the corresponding innate qualities of social production, which is impossible in disharmony of war and extreme violence. Therefore, Spherons exclude wars and violence and ensure happiness of people. But in full measure, this becomes possible only when these classes are transformed from the spontaneous into conscious ones through education and a conscious culture of harmony. Its instrumental factor is the cultural exchanges, through which we get a knowhow of each other’s traditions and customs. One of the forms of this culture is dance, to which I have been wedded since the age of 10 years. Dance, a great form of culture, is purported not only to bring peace to one’s individual mind and soul, but also to the society. Being an Indian Classical exponent of the great dance form, the “Kathak”, I have live with it, allows me experience the inner feeling of love and peace from its internal harmony. For a life peace agenda, I am of the firm resolve that Dance can create deep psychological harmony and act as a strong harmonious bond between Nations and Communities. Ms. Sanjana Tewari, Student, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University, “Kathak” Dancer. Member of the International Dance Council, UNESCO, Paris GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=759 Email: sanjanathedancer@gmail.com 19-06-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Санджана Тевари Отзыв на Аргументацию Сферонов http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 Сфероны - крупнейшие классы населения в целом, которые заняты в четырех сферах общественного производства, поэтому они называются «Сфероны». Как эти классы могут объединить всех людей в гармонии для любви, мира, справедливости, свободы, братства и счастья? Каким может быть возможный источник, который составляет причину мира и спокойствия на нашей прекрасной планете и в ее человеческом сообществе? Какие меры следует принимать коллективно, чтобы они приводили к гармонии воюющих стран и/или гармонизировали конфликтующие интересы? Только потому, что Сфероны – это производительные классы, постоянно создающие необходимые для людей ресурсы, только поэтому эти классы по своей природе гармоничны, миролюбивы, справедливы, свободны и братские. Сфероны приобретают эти качества генетически от соответствующих врожденных качеств общественного производства, которое невозможно в дисгармонии войны и крайнего насилия. Поэтому Сфероны исключают войны и насилие и обеспечивают счастье людей. Но в полной мере это становится возможным только тогда, когда эти классы превращаются из стихийных в сознательные через образование и сознательную культуру гармонии. Ее инструментальный фактор – культурные обмены, через которые мы узнаем о традициях и обычаях друг друга. Одна из форм этой культуры – танец, к которому я приобщена с 10 лет.Танец - великая форма культуры, призван не только принести мир в индивидуальный ум и душу, но и в общество. Будучи индийским классическим показателем великой танцевальной формы, «Катхак», с которым я живу, позволяет мне испытывать внутреннее чувство любви и мира из гармонии. Для мирной повестки жизни, я твердо решила, что танец может творить глубокую психологическую гармонию и быть прочной гармоничной связью между народами и странами. Санджана Тевари, Студентка Делийского Колледжа Искусств и Коммерции, Делийский Университет, “Kathak” танцовщица, член международного общества танца, ЮНЕСКО, Париж, ГСГ Посол Мира и Разоружения из Гармонии в Индии, Персональная страница: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=759 Email: sanjanathedancer@gmail.com 19-06-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resume
"In thy dance, Divine Dancer, freedom finds its image and dreams their forms. Its cadence weaves the threads of things and unwinds them for ages" - Rabindranath Tagore KATHAK, one of the eight classical dance forms of India, traces back to the history of the great Ramayana and Mahabharata.I have been wedded to KATHAK.and started learning this unique art after attaining ten years of age from the Prayag Sangeet Samiti under the able training of my revered Guru Pt. Ram Babu Bhatt of Lucknow Gharana. I am a Sangeet Prabhakar from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad, Sangeet Visharad and Sangeet Bhaskar from the Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh, India. I happen to be a privileged student of Padma Vibhushan Pt. Birju Maharaj Ji and Nritya Chooramani Saswati Sen at Kalashram, having completed TWO full years under Maharaj Ji’s able guidance. Date of Birth:16th August 1996 Education:UG 3rd Year from Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University. I am the elected Cultural Secretary (Ex) of my College and Member of the Dance Society. Address:125 – B, Shyam Nagar, Kanpur City, Pin Code 208013, India Cell No. +91 9415078389 / 7607530655 Email: sanjay.tewari@yahoo.co.in/sanjanathedancer@gmail.com Websitewww.sanjanakathak.in Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sanjana-Tewari/146699952189416?ref=hl Youtube Links: (Some) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWCsPUrby_c (Kathak at UP Athletics Day, IIT Kanpur in April 2013) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNuyGw-uqVI (Kathak in Japan) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVOZVcxoyZE (Kathak in Japan with Japanese) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpA87ERn_Qs (Kathak- Bollywood ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4MsqB_89-M (Kathak – CSJM University convocation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtY2u4t5_8Y (Kathak – Doordarshan ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2srEagsS64 (Kathak fusion – Bollywood) Lucknow Doordarshan Artist : Television Artist Membership: vEmpanelled as a Life Time Artist with the India Cultural World Forum Membership (INTERNATIONAL): vInternational Dance Council CID at UNESCO (Official worldwide organization of dance)

Performances (International): vYokohama World Festa 2013, October 2013 vTokyo – Cultural Society of Japan and Indian Embassy, October 2013 vInternational Dance Council UNESCO Paris December 2015 v3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria, July 2016 Performances (National): (some) vTaj Mahotsav, Agra, India March 2017 v42nd All India Sociological Conference, Tezpur University, Assam December 2016 vAntaragni IITK 2016, performed at the Opening Ceremony in Classical Nights on 20th Oct’16 v41st All India Sociological Conference, Kalinga University, Bhubaneswar Dec’15 vSaifai Mahotsav January 2016 vPerformed at the Inaugural ceremony of the International Conference on Innovating Educating in Asia at the Hansraj College, Delhi University on 31 Oct’15. vRamnavmi Utsav Shivala Kanpur March’15 vConvocation Ceremony, Chandrashekhar Azad Agriculture University, Feb’ 2015 vTaj Mahotsav, Agra Feb’2015 vBrand Kanpur (Mahotsav) Inaugural Vandana and Kathak, 19 December 2014 vAll India Sociological Conference Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, November 2014 v25th All India LIC Development Officers Convention in Oct’14 vAntaragni’14 IIT Kanpur, India Haat in Oct’14 vIskcon Temple, Bithoor in Oct’14 vDoordarshan in Sep’14. v54th All India InterState Athletics Championships 2014 at CMS Lucknow in June’14. vAntaragni’13 at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur… – India Haat in Oct 2013 vDoordarshan in September 2013 vSharda Sangeet Mahavidyalaya, Pratapgarh, India in April 2013 vAthletics Federation of India, Program at IIT Kanpur in April 2013 vUttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Academy, Lucknow, March 2013 vPrayag Sangeet Samiti, March 2013 vConvocation Ceremony, CSJM University, January 2013 vLalit Kala Academy, January 2013 vUttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Academy, Kanpur, December 2012 vNational Junior Athletics Championships, November 2012 vCultural Program of JCI Club, October 2012 vCultural Program of LIC of India, September 2012 vRaj Laxmi Academy, Ek Sham Desh Ke Naam, May 2012 vKanpur Mahotsav, November 2011 vIscon Temple, Janmashthami, August 2011 vKanpur Mahotsav, December 2010 vGeetanjali Sangeet Organization, September 2009 vCultural Program of LIC of India, Republic Day, January 2008 vInner Wheel Rotary Club, Mayur Kathak Dance September 2007. Performances in the School: vMeerabai, Annual Concert, November 2012 vRas Manthan, Annual Concert, November 2010 vVasundhara, Annual Concert, November 2008

Special: (Awards etc.) v“Best Paper Award” at the International Conference on Innovating Education in Asia, Hansraj College, Delhi University in November 2015. vSmriti Late Dr APJ Abul Kalam Pratibha Samman 2015, Kannauj in October’15 vYamunayan Mahila Pratibha Samman 2015 in August 2015. vHonoring by the Hon’ble Minister of State Transport, Govt. of UP for the cause of Kathak and Indian Culture vKANPUR GAURAV Sammaan by Manas Sangam, Uttar Pradesh vHonored by the Amma Saheb Trust for contribution to promotion of Indian Culture in the form of a life time monthly pension. vHonored by the Life Insurance Corporation of India in September 2013 and 2014. vMs. Fresher 2014, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, DU vMs. Fresher Grand Finale 2014, All Colleges, DU Workshops: vFive Day Workshop at Kalashram of Pt. Birju Maharaj ji at New Delhi in Oct’14 vThree Day workshop in May’13 of Pt. Birju Maharaj, Kalashram vDharmendra Sir (DID) Workshop in 2013 vWorkshop of Kathak on 21 – 25 May 2014 at United Public School. vMany workshops of Kathak at Klashram, New Delhi in the Year 2016. Newspapers Coverage: vWide coverage with the Print Media for the past eight years. Grants: ICCR Grant for UNESCO, International Dance Council, Paris University of Delhi for Vienna Delhi University Grant for attending the 2nd ISA Forum, Vienna, July 2016 Summary: vI have already traversed into this journey for more than ten years. It is unstoppable. I intend to carve a niche, with special emphasis on fusion of contemporary Kathak with other popular dance forms of the Globe, to make it even more acceptable and laudable. Miscellaneous: vMy article titled “Kathak-beyond the seas-a living experience in Japan” has been published in the Japan Saraswati Puja Magazine Feb’15 Tokyo. vPresented my paper titled “Role of Human Emotions in Indian Classical Dance: An effect on our educational Institutions” at the International International Conference on Innovating Educating in Asia at the Hansraj College, Delhi University on 31 Oct’15. vPaper presented at the 41st All India Sociological Conference held at Bhubaneswar in Dec’15 titled “Similarities between Dance and Sport: Understanding the Societal Implications”. v“The role of Kathak: Managing our bodies in social life” a paper accepted along with my Kathak presentation in the ISA Research Committee Conference, University of Rome, Italy on 27-28 Nov’15. v“The role of Kathak: Managing our bodies in social life” a paper presented along with my Kathak presentation in the ISA Forum of Sociology at Vienna, Austria, on 10-14 July 2016. vPaper presented at the 42nd All India Sociological Conference, Texpur University, Assam, 27-30 December 2016, on Dance and Sports. …………………………………………
