St. Petersburg bard Svetlana Vetrova Songs about Peace and Harmony http://www.vetrova.com/ Svetlana Vetrova: Muse of Harmony, Global Harmony Association (GHA), Ambassador of Harmony
The ABC of Harmony coauthor http://www.peacefromharmony.org/file/6079/ABC_of_Harmony_eng.pdf
 About The ABC of Harmony I realize the fundamental nature, theoretical novelty and value of our collective work – the ABC of Harmony for people. I believe that only the practical exercises will allow people without having a theoretical basis, to absorb all its large-scale structures: elements, clusters, socionomies – and their vital relationship. In the same manner in which 35 years ago in "Demiurge" through the practice we were able to achieve philosophical understanding of those structures, realization of the development of our personal, inner spheres: character, consciousness, will and body. That is how we were gradually growing as personalities. It is very important that the new categorical apparatus has been created, over time with our help it will be filled with life. As for me, being a bard, I am ready to fill these dry circuits with music and songs.
Svetlana Vetrova , Songwriter, teacher and musician. St. Petersburg, Russia November 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A composer, poet and performer of folk songs, Svetlana Vetrova was born and lives in St.Petersburg, Russia. In 1981 she first came to the Petersburg club [KSP] "Meridian" and, since then, has not put down her guitar. She travels far and wide, performing in concerts and at festivals in a wide variety of cities and countries. one might envy (in the best of ways!) those folk music enthusiasts who have been fortunate enough to hear her "live." It is a wonderful feeling to experience the energy and sincerity, warmth and love that radiate from her at her concerts. Svetlana Vetrova sings songs based on her own verse as well as that of David Samoilov, Lesia Ukrainka, Marina Tsvetaeva, such Moscow poets as Iurii Samokhin, Andrei Usachev and Tim Sobakin, Petersburg poets including Oleg Grigorev, Aleksandr Kushner, Mikhail Iasnov, and others. Masterfully handling the guitar, she performs the music of other composers as well, who have found an answer in her soul. She reared every song for a long time, sometimes for months, the way you nurse a child. Her connection to children is another of Sveta's specialties; indeed, we may have lost a grain of her creativity, of her "adult" songs, to them. This is, however, certainly for the best. Here is a quote from "The biography of a bard" (1998): "… Since 1992, a response to the Foundation for the assistance of underprivileged children in St. Petersburg has come from the direction of folk song. [Vetrova] has put on over 130 concerts in schools, hospitals, hostels, shelters, and orphanages. Since 1992 she has drawn, fantasized, and sung with pre-school children in the group 'Umnitsa' [Smarty] (Kindergarten N. 66), and has taught classes in guitar accompaniment for children." Svetlana became well known in Russia in 1992, with the release of her first album - the vinyl record "Stozhary." She had already performed the title song at a concert featuring the Grushinsky festival laureates back in 1986. The audiocassettes "Pesni solnechnykh zaichikov" (1995) and "Slozhno zhit' setuchei koshke" (1997), followed, and were later released as Cds; and in the spring of 2001 the CD "Ia risuiu more" was released (Svetlana vacations every summer on the banks of the Black Sea, in Barzovke, at the famed KSP camp). Songs from all of these disks can be found, as well, on most recent album "Serebrenyi svet," recorded in Fall 2001 and released in February 2002. Besides the songs themselves, you will find Sveta's poetry on our site (http://www.vetrova.com/ ), an interview with her, and a selection of her photographs and landscape photography. We do our best to constantly update the site, keeping you abreast of Svetlana's upcoming concerts and artistic plans, and uploading new songs. We would be grateful for your comments in the guest book; feel free to send us ideas or interesting bits of information by email. Translated with gusto, from the Russian, by Amelia Glaser. Songs about Peace and Harmony Silence (poetry by L. Ukrainka) [832 KB] Music (poetry by D. Samoylov) [836 KB]