Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know The citizen's starter kit to understanding the new global information cartel Susan Schmidt, Andrew Lowenthal, Tom Wyatt, Techno Fog, Matt Orfalea, Matt Taibbi, And The Hunt For Tom Clancy 10 мая 2023 г. Доклад о цензурно-промышленном комплексе: 50 высших организаций, которые нужно знать Стартовый набор гражданина для понимания нового глобального информационного картеля https://www.racket.news/p/report-on-the-censorship-industrial-74b?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email ------------------------------------------------
News Updates From CLG (Citizens for Legitimate Government) 26 September 2022 All links are here: https://www.legitgov.org Global Censorship System New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System By Jonathan Turley | 25 Sept 2022 | New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader to call for an international alliance to censor speech. Unsatisfied with the unprecedented corporate censorship of social media companies, leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to good old-fashioned state censorship. Speech regulation has become an article of faith on the left. Ardern used her speech this week to the United Nations General Assembly to call for censorship on a global scale. Ardern lashed out at "disinformation" and called for a global coalition to control speech... She defended the need for such global censorship on having to combat those who question climate change and the need to stop "hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology.” [This is the Great Reset.] Комментарий. Агонизирующий Запад предлагает вместо науки и понимания глобального мира в диалоге цивилизаций «систему глобальной цензуры», пресекающей всякие зародыши подобного диалога и любые ростки свободы научного поиска мира. Лев Семашко, Основатель (2005) ГГСГ, которая запустила развитие сфероники – Гандианской «Меганауки глобального мира сферонов»: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=927 27-09-22 Comment. The agonizing West proposes instead of science and understanding of the global world in the dialogue of civilizations, a "system of global censorship", which suppresses all germs of such a dialogue and any sprouts of freedom of scientific search for peace. Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder (2005) of the GGHA, which launched the development of spheronics - the Gandhian "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019 27-09-22 ---------------------------------------
Censorship. Global Research Newsletter newsletter@globalresearch.ca For over 21 years of operation as an independent media organization, we’ve never felt the effects of censorship as detrimental as in the last three years. Apart from the ban on social media, our website has also been excluded in external search engine results — all equally affecting our readership and worldwide reach. Amid all the struggles we’ve encountered, it remains our objective to maintain our independence, accepting neither corporate nor government funding. Yet the clock is ticking. Is Global Research helpful in your understanding of world events and politics? Do you believe that we are a valuable source of information? Do we connect you to other useful independent media outlets and journalists? If so, we need your help to keep us afloat. In this referral campaign, our ask is for you to do any of the following: If you have blog sites, crosspost Global Research articles; Forward Global Research articles through email and other communication apps; Share Global Research articles on social media and discussion groups; Stay updated with important world events, subscribe to our newsletter and encourage family, friends and colleagues to do the same. It is our hope to continue our mission until genuine peace is on the horizon. Until then, let us work together. If you have the means, you can also help us stay afloat through donation and membership. 22-09-22 ----------------------------- Цензура. Бюллетень глобальных исследований newsletter@globalresearch.ca За более чем 21 год работы в качестве независимой медиа-организации мы никогда не чувствовали последствий цензуры так пагубно, как в последние три года. Помимо запрета на социальные сети, наш веб-сайт также был исключен из результатов внешних поисковых систем, что в равной степени повлияло на нашу читательскую аудиторию и охват по всему миру. Несмотря на все трудности, с которыми мы столкнулись, нашей целью остается сохранение независимости, не принимая ни корпоративного, ни государственного финансирования. Тем не менее часы тикают. Помогают ли вам глобальные исследования в понимании мировых событий и политики? Считаете ли вы, что мы являемся ценным источником информации? Соединяем ли мы вас с другими полезными независимыми СМИ и журналистами? Если это так, нам нужна ваша помощь, чтобы держать нас на плаву. В рамках этой реферальной кампании мы просим вас выполнить одно из следующих действий: - Если у вас есть сайты блогов, публикуйте статьи GlobalResearch; - Рассылать статьи ForwardGlobalResearch по электронной почте и другим коммуникационным приложениям; - Делитесь статьями GlobalResearch в социальных сетях и дискуссионных группах; - Будьте в курсе важных событий в мире, подпишитесь на нашу рассылку и предложите семье, друзьям и коллегам сделать то же самое. Мы надеемся продолжать нашу миссию до тех пор, пока на горизонте не появится подлинный мир. А пока давайте работать вместе. Если у вас есть средства, вы также можете помочь нам остаться на плаву посредством пожертвований и членства. 22-09-22 --------------------------------- The Official Governmental Institutes and Media:
 Global Research Newsletter:
June 15, 2021, https://www.globalresearch.ca/news Beyond Censorship: Killing the Truth Dear readers, Over the past few months, independent media –including Global Research– has felt the sting of increased online censorship, in the form of a crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives. While our core readership has remained (thank you!), an increasing lack of visibility means reaching out to new readers Worldwide has now become problematic. At this juncture, we must ensure that truth in media prevails. Global Research’s Facebook and Twitter pages have been deleted, our Youtube account has been closed down and Google is increasingly highlighting defamatory articles directed against Global Research and its authors. In order to push back against measures such as these, we seek the support of our core readership. Our objective is to recruit as many committed “volunteers” as possible among our 50,000+ Newsletter subscribers and our near 1 million monthly readers. If you are in a position to donate 5-10 minutes of your day, we would be forever grateful. Here are some ways you could help: °Establish an email list of some fifty friends and family and forward the daily Global Research Newsletter and/or your favourite Global Research articles to this list on a daily basis. °Use the various instruments of online posting and social media creatively to “spread the word”. Click the “like” and “share” buttons on our articles’ pages for starters. Help keep our articles circulating. °Post one or more Global Research articles on internet discussion groups and blogs to build a dialogue around our coverage. °Do you have friends who would benefit from our articles? Consider encouraging them to sign up for our newsletter (click here for sign-up form). °Are you part of a community group or organized discussion group? Submit a topic we have covered or a specific article from our website for discussion at your next meeting. Five to ten minutes a day. Let us know how you are proceeding. Feel free to send feedback tocrg.online@yahoo.com. If you are pressed for time but would like to support Global Research as part of our June donation campaign, please consider making a donation, becoming a member, or purchasing a book from our online store. CLICK TO DONATE: [] Click to make a one-time or a recurring donation [] Click to become a member (receive free books!): [] Click to view our membership plans [] Visit our online bookstore: [] Thank you for supporting independent media. The Global Research Team [] Global Research PO Box 55019 11 Notre-Dame Ouest Montreal, Qc H2Y 4A7, Canada Email Us: newsletter@globalresearch.ca 15-06-21 ---------------------------------
Dear Global Research, Please, see our republishing (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=783) your Newsletter about your censorship, which we regret. But why you censor/reject our Website "Peace from Spherons Harmony", our publications and our authors articles sending to you? Best wishes of global peace from Gandhian spherons harmony/equality, Warm regards, Leo 16-06-21 -------------------------------- Бюллетень глобальных исследований: 15 июня 2021 г., За пределами цензуры: убийство правды Уважаемые читатели! За последние несколько месяцев независимые СМИ, в том числе Global Research, ощутили на себе укус усилившейся онлайн-цензуры в виде репрессий в отношении новостей, которые бросают вызов официальным утверждениям правительства. Хотя наша основная аудитория осталась (спасибо!), растущая нехватка видимости означает, что выход на новых читателей по всему миру стал проблематичным. На данном этапе мы должны гарантировать, что правда в СМИ преобладает. Страницы Global Research в Facebook и Twitter были удалены, наша учетная запись Youtube была закрыта, а Google все чаще выделяет клеветнические статьи, направленные против Global Research и ее авторов. Чтобы противостоять таким мерам, мы ищем поддержки у наших основных читателей. Наша цель - привлечь как можно больше преданных делу «добровольцев» из числа наших более чем 50 000 подписчиков на новостную рассылку и почти 1 миллиона читателей в месяц. Если у вас есть возможность пожертвовать 5-10 минут своего дня, мы будем бесконечно благодарны. Вот несколько способов, которыми вы могли бы помочь: ° Составьте список адресов электронной почты примерно из пятидесяти друзей и родственников и ежедневно отправляйте в этот список ежедневный бюллетень Global Research Newsletter и / или ваши любимые статьи о глобальных исследованиях. ° Используйте различные инструменты онлайн-публикации и социальных сетей, чтобы «распространять информацию». Для начала нажмите кнопки «Мне нравится» и «Поделиться» на страницах наших статей. Помогите нашим статьям циркулировать. ° Разместите одну или несколько статей Global Research в дискуссионных группах и блогах в Интернете, чтобы наладить диалог вокруг нашего освещения. ° Есть ли у вас друзья, которым были бы полезны наши статьи? Предложите им подписаться на нашу новостную рассылку (нажмите здесь, чтобы перейти к форме подписки). ° Вы являетесь участником общественной или организованной дискуссионной группы? Отправьте рассмотренную нами тему или конкретную статью с нашего веб-сайта для обсуждения на следующей встрече. От пяти до десяти минут в день. Сообщите нам, как вы продвигаетесь. Не стесняйтесь присылать отзывы на crg.online@yahoo.com. Если у вас мало времени, но вы хотели бы поддержать глобальные исследования в рамках нашей июньской кампании пожертвований, рассмотрите возможность сделать пожертвование, стать участником или приобрести книгу в нашем интернет-магазине. НАЖМИТЕ, ЧТОБЫ ПОЖЕРТВОВАТЬ: [] Нажмите, чтобы сделать разовое или повторяющееся пожертвование [] Нажмите, чтобы стать участником (получите бесплатные книги!): [] Нажмите, чтобы просмотреть наши планы членства [] Посетите наш книжный онлайн-магазин: [] Спасибо за поддержку независимых СМИ. Глобальная исследовательская группа [] Глобальные исследования А / я 55019 11 Notre-Dame Ouest Монреаль, Qc H2Y 4A7, Канада Напишите нам: newsletter@globalresearch.ca 15-06-21 -----------------------------
---------------------------------------------- Censorship facts below and here: Факты цензуры ниже и здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=784 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=786 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=817 ------------------------------------ THANKS A LOT! But Facebook said to my try to post it in my Group page RAGA for Peace <> Disagree With Decision>>. I do not have time to accuse Facebook of the obvious censorship. However, I posted it as a person. Vladislav Krasnov RAGA.org and myself support Team Unity2020 initiative to save the Republic/ Vladislav Krasnov. The realm of what’s possible has been blown wide open, and there’s a growing movement of Americans who see it. These past few weeks, volunteer patriots from all 50 states plus Puerto Rico have been gathering under the #Unity2020 banner. Americans of all political stripes are coming to the realization that we have more in common with our fellow citizens than we have with our own poli... Sincerely, W George Krasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA www.raga.org 01-08-20 ------------------------- ...We should not be surprised that Facebook is taking the lie-spreading route. The problem is not that Zuckerberg is acting like a normal businessperson, the problem is that we made the lie-spreading route profitable.... Facebook has complete control over content. It allows people to pay to have their posts sent to as many people as they choose. It allows them to target the recipients, based on location, age, education, gender, and any number of other characteristics. It is very hard to see how an outlet like CNN or the NYT can be held responsible for spreading libelous material, but Facebook should be exempt. This article originally appeared on Dean Baker’s Patreon page. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/02/18/we-shouldnt-have-to-beg-mark-zuckerberg-to-respect-democracy/ 18-02-20 --------------------------------------------------------------
| Media & Academic Censorship Betrays the World Public Interest December 11, 2018
WORLD PUBLIC INTEREST JOURNALISM requires serious journalists to expose those who would try to shut down media and academic freedom. I have chosen 4 articles that illustrate how the world public is being deprived of important information necessary for democracy to function properly.
I think of journalist Julian Assange whose "crime" is that he exposed the truth about criminal behaviors by American VIP's. I think of the panic from Israeli Zionists whenever the facts about Israeli crimes against the Palestinians are revealed to the public. And I think of the ongoing propaganda machine operated by elements of the U.S. government which is euphemistically called "perception management." -R. Kotila,PhD Editor -Earth Federation News & Views
"What do these stories have in common? They all give the U.K. and Ecuador political cover to arrest Assange and for the U.S. to extradite him. Any journalists worth their salt should be investigating who is involved in these plots." ...See the article at the site listed above.
"One way that the Israeli right wing gets away with these atrocities is to use techniques of blackballing, smearing, and propaganda to marginalize any voices they don’t like. Jewish American mainstream organizations like the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco secretly have created web sites and techniques for getting people fired or blocking their career advancement if they aren’t on board with Israeli colonization of the Palestinian West Bank. Canary Mission is even now targeting our undergraduate students, hoping to blight their lives for taking a stand for justice. I do not believe it is too much to say that Canary Mission is evil. " ...See the article shown below. The Bottomless Dishonesty of CNN on Palestine and Marc Lamont Hill Firing By Juan Cole, Informed Comment 03 December 18
NN has fired contributor Marc Lamont Hill for a speech he gave on Palestinian rights at the UN. The speech can be found here.
You can protest this outrageous firing at this petition site. And here is a link to his book, Nobody: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond, which everyone should buy and read. CNN would have been under special pressure to fire Hill because he is a prominent African-American intellectual with a following in his own community, and the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs (the propaganda arm of the Likud government) is worried about the boycott and sanctions movement spreading among American minorities who might sympathize with the oppressed Palestinians. In his speech, Hill carefully explained all the ways in which Israeli Apartheid practices (my word, not his) devastate the basic human rights of the 5 million Palestinians living under Occupation. Not only are the 20 percent of Israeli citizens who are of Palestinian heritage second class citizens (and, increasingly, third class citizens), but those kept under the jackboot of the Israeli military in the Palestinian West Bank and in Gaza are kept stateless and without even the right to have rights. These crimes, epochal and unparalleled in our own time, are being committed by Binyamin Netanyahu and his henchmen in plain sight, violating every principle of agreed-upon international law in the post-1945 period. (I say unparalleled because I know of no other government on earth in the 21st century deliberately keeping millions of persons stateless and depriving them of citizenship. Some countries give minorities a citizenship many of the latter do not want, but they still do have a passport and property rights). Israel occupied the Palestinian West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967 and refuses to relinquish them or grant citizenship to the inhabitants, ensuring they remain in the twilight zone of statelessness. They are by far the largest stateless population in the world, (Undocumented migrants are not stateless since they have citizenship in their home country). The Nazis made Jews stateless as a prelude to the Holocaust. One way that the Israeli right wing gets away with these atrocities is to use techniques of blackballing, smearing, and propaganda to marginalize any voices they don’t like. Jewish American mainstream organizations like the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco secretly have created web sites and techniques for getting people fired or blocking their career advancement if they aren’t on board with Israeli colonization of the Palestinian West Bank. Canary Mission is even now targeting our undergraduate students, hoping to blight their lives for taking a stand for justice. I do not believe it is too much to say that Canary Mission is evil. (To read full article click on site listed below.) https://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/53705-the-bottomless-dishonesty-of-cnn-on-palestine-and-marc-lamont-hill-firing Global Research, December 08, 2018 |
(To read article click on the following site https://www.globalresearch.ca/university-of-sydney-professor-tim-anderson-suspended-for-criticism-of-war-propaganda-against-syria-iraq-and-palestine/5662229Mainstream Media Assaults on Freedom of Speech. “The Truth” is No Longer “Important” Global Research, December 07, 2018 Excerpts: "Friel and Falk focused on the New York Times due to the newspaper’s importance. The authors point out that in 70 Times editorials on Iraq – from September 11, 2001 to March 20, 2003 – the words “international law” and “UN Charter” were never mentioned. The “truth” did not seem terribly “important” as the Times stood idly by in the destruction of Iraq. Such was the barrage of propaganda directed at the American public that 69% believed Saddam Hussein was “personally involved” in the September 11 attacks. That is a significant achievement in manipulation. The poll results must have been news to the Iraqi dictator himself, a forgotten one-time American ally. Why Hussein would take it upon himself to orchestrate a surprise attack on the United States, of all nations, is anyone’s guess. Perhaps if he had a death wish but as later events proved he was not the suicidal type. The Times was not alone in its position of selling the Iraq war to the American people, as television networks from Fox News to CBS and CNN were overwhelmingly pro-war. Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch – who strongly backed the illegal conflict – placed a permanent US flag in the corner of the screen. Fox employees were compelled to describe the invasion as “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis later being killed. The pattern continues into other illegitimate interventions as the liberal Guardian newspaper championed the demolition of Libya in 2011, with editorials imploring, “The quicker Muammar Gaddafi falls, the better.” The Guardian encouraged NATO “to tip the military balance further against Gaddafi”, while later that year summarising that “it has turned out, so far, reasonably well” – by that point thousands had been killed." (To read full article click on site listed below.) https://www.globalresearch.ca/mainstream-media-assaults-on-freedom-of-speech-the-truth-is-no-longer-important/5662140
Biased Algorithms and online Censorship: Protect the Independent Media | By The Global Research Team Global Research, July 07, 2018 | Url of this article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/biased-algorithms-and-online-censorship-protect-the-independent-media/5646599 | Dear Readers,
“For much of this year, independent media –including Global Research– has felt the sting of increased online censorship”, in the form of a “crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives.” With mounting time and resources being dedicated to finding our way through the maze of biased algorithms and online censorship, we’re asking for your help in meeting our monthly costs. Our last drive for donations was sent out via e-mail on June 28th to just under 50,000 people. It was also visible on the Global Research site to our 1 million monthly visitors. Despite this only a few donations were made. |
Newsletter 35: Holland Releases Dubious Report on Eve of Russia World Cup
Dear Readers, For this issue of my newsletter I want to share something I wrote in July, 2014, shortly after a Malaysian airliner en route from Amsterdam to Malaysia was shot down over Ukraine. The piece is especially timely in light of the May 27 release of an investigative report in Holland alleging to have definite proof that the MH-17 airliner was shot down by a Russian BUK missile. That May, 2018 report presents no definitive new forensic evidence. Rather it relies on assertions and speculations by sources, including the UK-based Bellingcat, an intelligence operation receiving funds from among others, the NATO-linked Atlantic Council, where he is listed as Nonresident Senior Fellow. In 2014 Bellingcat first engaged in assertions of Russian shooting of the MH-17 that were fraudulent and today would accurately be called fake news. Bellingcats Eliot Higgins posted a photo on July 14, 2014 under the headline, "Found: The Buk Missile Launcher That Downed Flight MH17." Higgins wrote that the photo had been taken in the town of Snizhne. It was actually proven to have been taken in the town of Torez and under weather conditions significantly different to those on the day of the MH-17 crash. Higgins claimed it was unimportant when the photograph was taken or where… Further, in the initial attempt to blame Moscow, on July 19 2014, Kievs Security Service (SBU) published photos online that it claimed showed Russia secretly withdrawing a BUK-M surface-to-air missile system from the Ukraine civil war zone. At the time SBU Chief Vitaly Naida declared to press The SBU … is gettig lear eidee of Russiaitizes involvement in the terrorist attack (on the Malaysian Airlines Boeing). However, bloggers immediately spotted the photos were of a Kiev air-defense system no. 312, previously pictured in March that year. With this background in mind, the latest attempt to reuse the badly discredited Bellingcat blog as investigative source for the latest attempt to again cast blame on Moscow, is highly revealing. With this in mind, I thought it worthwhile to reprint for you my initial investigation of the MH-17 affair written in July, 2014. *** Censorship? One important note to all of you readers to underscore how the internet is being increasingly censored and critical websites or authors such as yours truly are coming under increasing attack. In March this year, 2018 I self-published via a subsidiary of Amazon, my newest book, Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance. For the first two months, sales were building strongly. Then in early May just two hours after a major interview on the book on a very popular critical media in the US, I received an email, unsigned, from the Amazon publishing company announcing that my book had been delisted. Reason given was a vague claim the book contained information available for free on the internet and that their customers do not like to pay when they can get it free. They gave no prior notice or chance for me to defend against their charges. I replied, Please explain what you refer to. Reply was the same vague nonsense, again unsigned. I wrote again asking how we could clear this as soon as possible. Finally, after the book had been delisted for a week, they wrote congratulations, that I could reproof and upload it again. Since then sales have dropped dramatically despite favorable reviews. It is impossible to prove that Amazon’s company censored my book just when a burst of sales would be expected, but the case shows how vulnerable free speech has become and how real internet censorship is becoming. I mention this incident to underscore how important it is to support independent critical voices especially now, and to ask you to consider buying the book if you have not done so, or making a support donation on my website, www.williamengdahl.com. I want to continue providing my work free of charge and not behind a paywall. To do that I need your support. Thank you, William Engdahl 21-06-18

Noam Chomsky: Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US Media http://russia-insider.com/en/26-years-us-led-wars-ussr-ended-we-could-have-had-peace/ri21721 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Censorship, lies and suppression of freedom of speech by America
Publications on this topic:
1.Chossudovsky Michel (2017) Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images: https://globalresearch.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2cc48fb30f331d97157a65aa2&id=0f3da60d37&e=7634b2334b 2.Andre Damon and David North (2017) Google’s New Search Protocol Is Restricting Access to 13 Leading Socialist, Progressive and Anti-War Web Sites: wsws.org fell by 67 percent alternet.org fell by 63 percent globalresearch.ca fell by 62 percent consortiumnews.com fell by 47 percent socialistworker.org fell by 47 percent mediamatters.org fell by 42 percent commondreams.org fell by 37 percent internationalviewpoint.org fell by 36 percent democracynow.org fell by 36 percent wikileaks.org fell by 30 percent truth-out.org fell by 25 percent counterpunch.org fell by 21 percent theintercept.com fell by 19 percent https://www.transcend.org/tms/2017/08/googles-new-search-protocol-is-restricting-access-to-13-leading-socialist-progressive-and-anti-war-web-sites/ + http://peacefromharmony.org fell by about 50 percent 3.Regis Tremblay. MeWe – Better Than Facebook. Against American Censorship: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=784 4. Niles Niemuth. Google’s Eric Schmidt admits political censorship: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=786
5. Jan Oberg. What makes Google’s Eric Schmidt so afraid? And what should he be afraid of? http://blog.transnational.org/2017/11/what-makes-googles-eric-schmidt-so-afraid-and-what-should-he-be-afraid-of/
6. Michel Chossudovsky. The US-NATO led war destroys humanity: the criminal nature of US foreign policy: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=789 7. Regis Tremblay. The Powerful American Myths And Why Americans Cannot See Through Them: http://registremblay.com/powerful-american-myths-americans-cannot-see/ 8. David Stockman. -26 Years of US-Led Wars Since the USSR Ended - We Could Have Had Peace " ... during the past 26 years Imperial Washington has lost all memory that peace was ever possible at the end of the cold war. Today it is as feckless, misguided and bloodthirsty as were Berlin, Paris, St. Petersburg, Vienna and London in August 1914." -Degenerate Grandpa John McCain Can't Stop Fantasizing About Russian Hackers -The Dreadful Kagan Clan -- Hillary’s Warmongers In Waiting http://russia-insider.com/en/26-years-us-led-wars-ussr-ended-we-could-have-had-peace/ri21721 http://russia-insider.com/en/david_stockman
Your favorite websites CENSORED Friends, When will the European Union start to think for itself? Lesson #1: The US/Great Britain/Israel/Saudi Arabia is not your friend. We already have a problem with Google starting to reduce the visibility of progressive/Leftist websites -- where some of the real news is actually reported as opposed to the highly controlled mainstream media here in the US and Europe which practices "perception management" to make sure the public doesn't interrupt the military/industrial/covert operations/research gravy train -- profits and budgets sky high by convincing the public that we have "enemies" (ha ha). That's why you haven't heard much about the F-35 or the Pentagon's Life Extinction Program (nuclear "modernization" scheme for billions and billions of dollars over many years). -- R. Kotila Earth Federation activist
07-06-18 |
From: contact@openmedia.org To: earthstarradio@aol.com Sent: 6/6/2018 3:34:07 PM Pacific Standard Time Subject: Your favorite websites CENSORED OpenMedia is launching a global day of action on June 12 to stop the link tax and save the free and open Internet. Dr. Roger, URGENT: The European Union is just weeks from passing a law that would destroy the best things about the Internet as we know it. As a result of lobbying by big corporate publishers, the European Commission is proposing to force websites to pay a tax to link to news content and use censorship machines to block uploaded content.1,2 The link tax would affect not just Europe, but every website based in or used in Europe -- which means potentially every website in the world. Websites like Reddit could be shut down virtually overnight. OpenMedia is launching a global day of action on June 12 to stop the link tax and save the free and open Internet. Will you chip in to Save the Link? The European Commission would require websites to utilize automated content-filtering technology that costs millions of dollars and thousands of manpower hours, likely decimating small online businesses and startups. The proposal also makes it impossible to opt out of charging for content, meaning that sites can’t share their information for free even if they want to.3 This law is an attack on the free press and the open Internet. Even the author of the law admitted it is "maybe not the best idea."4 But the European Commission is bowing to pressure from corporate publishing companies that are simply trying to protect their bottom lines and outdated business models. Remember: If this law passes, it’s not just Europe that will be affected. Just as the recent EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) caused privacy terms to be updated for users around the world, the websites we use every day in America, Canada, Japan, and beyond will be irreparably harmed by this ludicrous law. The link tax is a fatal threat to the free and open Internet worldwide, and we won’t stand for it. OpenMedia is driving calls to MEPs across Europe and lobbying the EU Parliament directly to vote down the link tax. Will you chip in to Save the Link and stop the European Commission’s terrible link tax? Thank you for standing with us, Dave, and the whole team at OpenMedia Footnotes: [1] To Axel Voss, the European Commission’s plan for a link tax is not extreme enough: Julia Reda [2] Mandatory upload filters in the EU?: Janos Pasztor [3] Head of copyright committee wants to deny EU creators the right to share: Creative Commons [4] To Axel Voss, the European Commission’s plan for a link tax is not extreme enough: Julia Reda |
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