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Regis Tremblay. MeWe – Better Than Facebook. Against American Censorship, Lies, Aggression and Endless Wars

Regis Tremblay

I am an independent filmmaker living in Woolwich, Maine, USA.



 Russian confession of the American

Русская исповедь американца (ниже)


I have been doing a great deal of reflection lately. Maybe that comes with having completed 78 revolutions around the sun, or maybe it is because having come to Russia has changed me profoundly. Nevertheless, I have been re-watching this short film which I made after my first trip to Russia in 2016. I've also been re-watching The Ghosts of Jeju. Thirty Seconds to Midnight, and Who Are These Russians and Why do We Hate Them. 


The Ghosts of Jeju changed my life and set it o­n a new trajectory over which I had no control. It led me to Russia to complete Thirty Seconds to Midnight, and then to Who Are These Russians. They are all interconnected and depict my new discoveries about my country, the world, Russia and myself. Reviewing these films, I realized how important they still are today because of the dire situation we find our selves in, which I predicted in Thirty Seconds to Midnight.


I've lost many friends along the way and even feel alienated from my own family. Searching and finding Truth is often painful. I still feel anger, almost every day, as my country continues to escalate the threats and provocations against Russia, China, Iran and around the world. My o­nly relief and solace has been the healing power of living in Russia.


As I have discovered this amazing country's history and culture, and been taken in by so many amazing Russian friends, I have felt compelled to share my discoveries and the rebirth I have experienced living here. I present it all as a counter narrative to the lies and evil propaganda of the USA.


When I went to Jeju I said I had found my Voice, and I have learned that this demands responsibility, a responsibility to keep searching for the Truth no matter how painful it might be. For me, it has not been painful but liberating and has provided me with hope that we can all recognize we are just o­ne race, the human race and we are capable of friendship and harmony.


In Peace and Solidarity,


Regis Tremblay

Independent Filmmaker

Forwarding address:

14 Maine St. Suite 210 FG

Brunswick, Maine 04011

+7 978 519 43 79


Telegram https://t.me/GlobalConversations

Whatsapp  +7 978 519 43 79

Twitter @Regis Tremblay

Signal tremregi +7  978 519 43 79

Viber Regis Tremblay   +7  978 519 43 79

Regis Tremblay tremregi@gmail.com

https://rumble.com/v1xolry-je-suis-russia.html - mistake


"How does it become a man to behave towards the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it." Henry David Thoreau


“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
— Thomas Aquinas


A wise man foreseeth danger and gets prepared. o­nly the foolish continue blindly o­n and are punished.

Proverbs 22:3




Русская исповедь американца


В последнее время я много размышляю. Может быть, это связано с тем, что я совершил 78 оборотов вокруг солнца, а может быть, это связано с тем, что приезд в Россию сильно изменил меня. Тем не менее, я пересматривал эту короткометражку, которую снял после моей первой поездки в Россию в 2016 году. Я также пересматривал «Призраков Чеджу». Тридцать секунд до полуночи, и кто эти русские и почему мы их ненавидим.


«Призраки Чеджу» изменили мою жизнь и направили ее по новой траектории, которую я не мог контролировать. Это привело меня в Россию, чтобы закончить «Тридцать секунд до полуночи», а затем — «Кто эти русские». Все они взаимосвязаны и изображают мои новые открытия о своей стране, мире, России и себе самом. Просматривая эти фильмы, я понял, насколько они важны сегодня из-за ужасной ситуации, в которой мы находимся, которую я предсказал в «Тридцати секундах до полуночи».


На этом пути я потерял много друзей и даже чувствую себя отчужденным от собственной семьи. Поиск и нахождение Истины часто бывает болезненными. Я до сих пор злюсь почти каждый день, поскольку моя страна продолжает нагнетать угрозы и провокации против России, Китая, Ирана и всего мира. Моим единственным облегчением и утешением была целительная сила жизни в России.


Когда я открыл для себя историю и культуру этой удивительной страны и был принят столькими замечательными русскими друзьями, я почувствовал необходимость поделиться своими открытиями и перерождением, которое я пережил, живя здесь. Я представляю все это как противовес лжи и злобной пропаганде США.


Когда я приехал на Чеджу, я сказал, что нашел свой Голос, и я понял, что это требует ответственности, ответственности продолжать искать Истину, какой бы болезненной она ни была. Для меня это не было болезненным, но освободило меня и дало мне надежду, что мы все можем признать, что мы всего лишь одна раса, человеческая раса, и мы способны к дружбе и гармонии.


В мире и солидарности,





Important New Film by Regis Tremblay

"Who Are These Russians And
Why Do We Hate Them"

56 Minutes

You Can Watch It for Free at:




Three Minutes to Midnight
March 22, 2018
Systemic Violence: Poverty, Racism, Injustice, Corporate Greed,
Permanent War, Environmental Destruction


Regis Tremblay


My latest blog


I don't know that Russia was behind the use of nerve gas o­n a former double agent in England, and I don't know that Russia has been meddling in US elections, affairs, and vital infrastructure.

But I am sure about o­ne thing. The United States of America has been meddling in the affairs of sovereign states more than 500 times since 1798, using every means available: political assassinations, the overthrow of elected governments, bribery, and when all else fails, America bombs them back to the Stone Age.

Gunboat Diplomacy has been the constant policy of the United States of America throughout most of its history.

The United States of America has lied the world into countless wars, creating evil enemies where there are none. America's children have no idea of any of this, but we older folks remember Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Chile, Argentina, Iran Contra, Haiti, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq and those non-existent WMDs, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and a host of other small, defenseless "threats" to America’s interests (money and hegemony)....NOT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY INTERESTS.

9/11 is another enormous lie, perhaps the biggest lie ever, when those in control of this government brought down the Twin Towers and Building Six that dragged the world into the never-ending war o­n terror.

And this very day, those same evil psychopaths that control everything in the U.S. have humanity o­n the very brink of extinction. I predicted and spelled this out in my 2017 film, Thirty Seconds to Midnight. I moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock to Thirty Seconds to Midnight, a moment in time the Bureau of Atomic Scientists dared not go.

Were I to release the film today I would have titled it: The Final Countdown - 10, 9, 8, .......

Dr. Helen Caldicott stressed in the film that nothing else matters except a nuclear Armageddon, nuclear power, and climate change. She said, "we are like lemmings, walking blindly towards the cliff of nuclear annihilation, worrying about things that don't matter."  Extinction of the human race might be avoided by destructive force of the "atom," but there is no stopping Mother Nature who is expressing her displeasure in countless, catastrophic ways all over the globe.

If you have read this far, and still have not seen this film, perhaps you should. 


Regis Tremblay

Independent Filmmaker

14 Maine St. Suite 210 FG
Brunswick, Maine 04011


"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."


Thomas Aquinas  (1225-1274)

 "How does it become a man to behave towards the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it." Henry David Thoreau


Dear Regis,

We are very grateful to you for your honest and courageous opinion with an ironic and sarcastic title, because the name of Nobel and America is "two things incompatible, like genius and villainy" (Pushkin).

It was posted o­n your personal page here:
Best wishes for peace from harmony through the science of Spherons,
Leo Semashko


MeWe – Better Than Facebook. Against Censorship


Social Media, November 16, 2017


So many friends have been expressing their opposition to everything Facebook: the ads, the censorship, the selling and/or giving our private information to sellers and the government (NSA, CIA, FBI, etc). In fact, FB is blocking many posts that criticize the government narrative. So far, I don’t think I have been blocked, but many of my friends here in the U.S. and in other countries have been censored/blocked and given a 30 day “time out.”


MeWe is an alternative social media platform that millions have been waiting for. It is ad free, guarantees privacy of personal information, there’s no censorship! It has many/most of the FB features including private Chats, private video calls (Beta for now. They will charge a modest fee at some point), all kinds of Emoji, sharing, replying, uploading photos and video and more.


I joined yesterday at the recommendation of my friend and colleague, Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. I encourage you to check it out if you use Facebook, and especially if you left FB because of whatever you didn’t like. You can also select from a wide variety of“groups” to join. Bruce and I are joining several “activist” groups inviting members to add us to their friends list. This is how we can grow this new, free, independent, private, and open platform.


Go here to sign up: www.mewe.comand search for me and invite me to be your “friend.”


This is what millions of us world-wide have been waiting for. Do yourself a favor and check it out.


Original: http://registremblay.com/mewe-better-facebook/



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005