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Ernesto Kahan: Congratulations on his birthdays


Congratulations for Ernesto Kahan o­n his 80th birthday

December 2, 2020


P/Page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338

Congratulations for Ernesto Kahan o­n his 81th birthday

December 2, 2021

Happy Birthday to Ernesto!

Ernesto's dearest friend!

The GGHA is happy to congratulate you o­n your birthday and wish you good health, new peacemaking successes, the publication of our "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" in Spanish, as you promised, and many years of life in love in your wonderful family o­n your personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338 !

I have a very difficult time in everything; I am finishing a long article about Dostoevsky and his great aphorism "beauty will save the world" with the spherons, which I will send within a week.

With love and peace, sincerely yours,

Leo Semashko

GGHA Founder and Honorary President

Dear Ernesto:
Wish you the very best in health, happiness, and joy o­n your day.

Dear Ernesto,
Thank you so much for a life of efforts for the sake of peace and global harmony, which humanity now needs more than ever. Let me congratulate you by sharing my message o­n peace with you, even before I post it next Sunday o­n my weekly New Week New Thoughts o­n.
Felicidades y abrazos,
Glenn Sankatsing
Author of Quest to Rescue Our Future
Member of the Executive Board of Rescue Our Future Foundation 
Director of Caribbean Reality Studies Center 
Member of WorldWide Peace Organization
Critique of Sustainable Development
Seed paper of the Conference How can Africa take command of its destiny by mobilizing its potential
Humanity’s existential crisis - Anatomy of the solution
What do we need to accomplish? Rescue our future.
What is the most urgent task? Rehumanization of a dehumanized humanity.
Who can do this? The moral reserves of humanity.
Where do we start? By turning an “I” into a “We” to take command of our destiny.
What do we do next? Take a deep breath today to start tomorrow.
Why? Action is the best prediction!
Congrats to the Master
Let peace give you many years of life in return for your Goodness
Maria Cristina Azcona

Ernesto spoke about love and about peace o­n all the continents, then,
by my voice I speak to him about love by singing Paloma =” the dove of peace”

Dear Leo,
Thank a lot for your congratulations related to my birthday. Our friendship is very special and precious. MANY YEARS TOGETHER, WORKING FOR PEACE AND LOVE FOR HUMANKIND AND PROMOTING THE WAY OF HARMONY!!! Meetings, books, manifestos, and expressions of art and literature. A complete life.
And we will continue dear Leo, together with our friends in the world. (I see many of them in the “To” and “Cc” of this mail), all our time.
I am happy that we are also in ICP – The international Coalition for Peace and in everything, for the good of the people in the world and the protection of the Planet Earth
Ernesto Kahan

Ernesto amado, que sea un día de muchos mimos de la vida y de tus amigos. Que sea la paz la que le llegue al mundo gracias a tus bellos anhelos. Y que tengas un día colmado de felicidad. Abrazotes.

My dear Guy, your voice in this song, put light in my room and optimism
in in our work for peace and happiness
Ernesto K

Dear Ernesto:
I wholeheartedly congratulate you to you Birthday!
I thank you for all your great  work to strengthen the democracy of life
 in the world of man and in the world of nature.
Only such universal democracy  can and will bring  real
and lasting peace between man and man, and man and nature.
I wish you many more years of creativity!
Keep safe!
In solidarity,
your Rudi Siebert
Professor Emeritus  in Comparative Religion, from the House of Peace 

Congratulations great friend Ernesto. Thanks Dr. Leo.
Ime Biassoni, juglar universal.

Dear  Ernesto
Dear Leo,
Regarding our dear friend Ernesto. I wish you good health and loyal friends! 
Maybe be focused o­n getting through this difficult time together!
I would really cherish to know where I can read a little bit about your life story. 
You're a great man free from pettiness. I have deep respect for this. 
Pettiness is a poisen.  May our hearts stay free from it.
Lucas Pawlik

Dear Friends,
please share this video from Austrian researchers far and wide.
Poisonous jab contains nano hydro graphene oxide !

Happy Birthday, Dr. Ernesto,
Thank you for all that you have done and are doing in your
life long quest for a more peaceful world.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful celebration.
Peace and blessings,
Adam Greenwell
New Zealand

Dear Ernesto
Joyeux anniversaire cher ami Ernesto
Que la vie t’apporte encore de merveilleuses années de créativité et de joie.
Et que la paix soit notre œuvre au quotidien dans nos familles et ensemble.
Je t’embrasse affectueusement ainsi que Mirri
Avec admiration
Thea Marie Robert

Dear Ernesto
I whole-heartedly wish you a very happy and delight-filled Birthday
with more and more, new and ever-new peace-centric endeavors.
Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana,

Dear Ernesto Sir,
Happy Birth Day! Let this year brings you more peace and progressive life!
Pravat Kumar Dhal,

Dear Ernesto,
Happy Birth Day.
Greetings for all friends.
I share with you this webinar which may interest you
Dear and Respected friends
Our best of regards and warm greetings to you.
We hope this finds you well and safe.
You are cordially invited to our Book Discussion Webinar o­n Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo. London: Routledge, 2021/ 2022
Edited by Ananta Kumar Giri, Madras Institute of Development Studies
It is dedicated to the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Madras Institute of Development Studies.
It is jointly co-nurtured by Madras Institute of Development Studies and Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming, Puducherry, and Chennai
Mr. Ananta Kumar Giri, PhD
Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
Full Member, The Club of Rome
Associate Member, India International Center, New Delhi
Founding Honorary Executive Trustee
Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming (World Nest Center for Asian
Blossoming), Puducherry and Chennai



Ernesto Kahan: the GGHA Immortal Peacemaking Soul

Dearest Ernesto,

I am happy to announce that warm congratulations for your birthday have been posted o­n your personal page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338.

All of them are imbued with a high assessment of your life service to global peace and your great contribution to the GGHA peacemaking scientific achievements from its very beginning, from your participation in all of its 10 peacemaking books and 80 peacemaking projects over the past almost 17 years of its creative work. You, indeed, have become the GGHA immortal peacemaking soul, embodied in all its unprecedented peaceful fruits, especially in the unique "Global Peace Science of Spherons" (2016: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf), briefly named "Spheronics" (2021: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019). Back in 2010, you were recognized in the GGHA highest Honorary Title: "World Harmony Gandhian Creator" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513), which immortalized your name in the peacemaking annals of history.

The GGHA hopes for your active promotion of the peace MegaScience of spheronics in your future activities, especially in your new peace organization (International Coalition for Peace - ICP) under your leadership as its President. In order not to start from scratch, your ICP will continue to develop and promote spheronics. Your colossal contribution in its advancement is your translation and the expected publication of the GGHA "Gandhica" book with the fundamental empirical verification of spheronics by world statistics in its fourth, Spanish language (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/GANDHICA-Spanish.pdf).

The spread of "Gandhica" in Spanish opens before the Spanish-speaking world an unprecedented opportunity for global peacemaking leadership based o­n the practical implementation of the spheronics MegaScience as a world constructor of the global peace. If Western and Russian civilizations hesitate and resist global peace with their militaristic ideologies and eternal confrontation, then Spanish civilization may well become the world civilizational leader of global peace. The revolutionary peacemaking spirit has always been inherent in it. It can become the savior of humanity "on the nuclear abyss edge" (Antonio Guterres) from its nuclear suicide, which we together with you identified in our "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), which, we hope, you will publish o­n your ICP website and translate into Spanish.

Also, in the near future, the GGHA will publish a package of new practical global peace initiatives for the Parliament and the Government of Russia as a model for other countries based o­n the peace Megascience of spheronics with your active participation. Naturally, as always, it will be primarily presented for the GGHA collective discourse.

With love and peace of spherons,




Эрнесто Кахан: бессмертная миротворческая душа ГГСГ

Дорогой Эрнесто,

         Я рад сообщить, что теплые поздравления для вашего дня рождения были опубликованы на вашей персональной странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338.

          Все они проникнуты высокой оценкой вашего жизненного служения глобальному миру и вашему великому вкладу в миротворческие научные достижения ГГСГ с самого его начала, с 2005 года, с вашего участия во всех его 10 миротворческих книгах и 80 миротворческих проектах за прошедшие почти 17 лет его творческой работы. Вы, поистине, стали бессмертной миротворческой душой ГГСГ, воплощенной во всех его беспрецедентных мирных плодах, особенно в уникальной «Науке Глобального Мира Сферонов» (2016: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf), кратко названной «Сфероника» (2021: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019). Еще в 2010 году вы были признаны в высшем Почетном Звании ГГСГ: «Гандианский Творец Мировой Гармонии» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513), которое увековечило ваше имя в миротворческих анналах истории.

          ГГСГ надеется на ваше активное продвижение миротворческой меганауки сфероники в вашей дальнейшей деятельности, особенно в вашей новой миротворческой организации (InternationalCoalitionforPeaceICP) под вашим руководством как ее Президента. Чтобы не начинать с нуля, ваша ИСП продолжит развитие и продвижение сфероники. Ваш колоссальный вклад в ее продвижение – это ваш перевод и ожидаемая публикация книги ГГСГ "Гандика" с фундаментальной эмпирической верификацией сфероники мировой статистикой на четвертом, испанском ее языке (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/GANDHICA-Spanish.pdf).

          Распространение «Гандики» на испанском языке открывает перед испаноязычным миром беспрецедентную возможность глобального миротворческого лидерства на основе практического воплощения меганауки сфероники как мирового конструктора глобального мира. Если западная и российская цивилизации медлят и сопротивляются своими милитаристскими идеологиями и вечной конфронтацией глобальному миру, то испанская цивилизации вполне может стать мировым цивилизационным лидером глобального мира. Революционный миротворческий дух всегда был присущ ей. Она может стать спасителем человечества «на краю ядерной бездны» (Антонио Гуттереш) от его ядерного суицида, что мы вместе с вами определили в нашем «Антиядерном Манифесте» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908), который, мы надеемся, вы опубликуете на сайте вашей ИСП и переведете на испанский язык.

Также, в ближайшем будущем, ГГСГ опубликует пакет новых практических инициатив глобального мира для Парламента и Правительства России как образец для других стран на основе миротворческой меганауки сфероники с вашим активным участием. Естественно, как всегда, он будет прежде всего представлен для коллективного дискурса ГГСГ.

С любовью и миром сферонов,






Я поздравляю Эрнесто Кахана с днем рождения и новым замечательным титулом «Бессмертная миротворческая душа» (БМД).

Эрнесто Кахан принадлежит к уникальному классу людей, которые посвящают свою жизнь миротворчеству и достижению глобального мира.

Но таких людей в истории в разные эпохи, в разных странах мы знаем очень много. Почему бы нам, вместе с другими миротворческими организациями не создать мировой пантеон миротворцев. Ведь существуют во всех странах военные пантеоны, посвященные великим битвам и полководцам. Существуют другие пантеоны, например, поэзии и др. Почему до сих пор не существуют пантеоны миротворцев, можно объяснить только одним, тем, что он будет мешать милитаризму. Миротворчество, до сих пор остается на правах самой последней, маргинальной «Золушки» человечества, лишенной всякого финансирования, правительственной поддержки, политического влияния, как будто МИР нужен только миротворцам, а не человечеству в целом.

Поэтому, я предлагаю ГГСГ выступить с инициативой создания всемирного пантеона миротворцев. Конечно, мы понимаем, что это сложно, но надо попытаться, тем более, что у нас есть на это мощная объединительная база - Наука Глобального мира сферонов - Меганаука сфероника, созданию которой ГГСГ отдал 16 лет работы сотен миротворцев из более, чем 50 стран мира.

С уважением,

Вера Попович,




Dear Leo,

your action for Ernesto Kahan is great.

Ernesto is a legend for GGHA.

With peace via harmony

Takis Ioannides


Hi Leo Semashko

You are very wise and your book Gandhica is the basis of the Science of Peace

I agree to say that Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan is a crucial and decisive Peace Leader worldwide. We need to listen to his advice, do peacemaking around his light and never lose him from our sight, as he is a true Light that enlightens our way to PEACE

Also I agree in the crucial importance of the Gandhica, also its version in Spanish, a great book that deserve to be shown to all the Embassies, Universities and Libraries worldwide


Maria Cristina Azcona,





World Pantheon of Peacemakers

Dearest Ernesto,

Please, see the last congratulations for your happy birthday o­n your personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=791 o­ne of them is from the French Pantheon of Poetry.

Your new great title of the GGHA "Immortal Peacemaking Soul" served in Russia for o­ne of the GGHA members as a source of a powerful initiative for us: to create the World Pantheon of Peacemakers!

This is a great idea that we could discuss in January in a new project in honor of the GGHA 17th anniversary. I'll have its draft ready by mid-January. Are you and your ICP agree with this initiative?

The response of Maria Cristina Azcona from Argentina is in tune with this initiative o­n page.

With love and peace of spherons, sincerely yours,


Dr. Leo Semashko




Всемирный Пантеон Миротворцев, начиная с России!

Дорогой Эрнесто!

Последние поздравления с днем рождения для вас смотрите на личной странице: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=791 . Одно из них – из французского Пантеона Поэзии.

Ваш новый великий титул ГГСГ «Бессмертная миротворческая душа» послужил в России для одного из членов ГСГ источником мощной инициативы для нас: создать Мировой Пантеон Миротворцев!

Может быть мы запустим его с России, с ее миротворцев, начиная с древнейших, с Даниила, Первого Князя Московского (1263-1303), отмеченного в нашей, ГГСГ «Науке Глобального Мира Сферонов» - кратко Сферонике, а также других славных православных миротворцев, величайший из которых – Фёдор Достоевский! Может с участием Православной церкви России, если она откликнется на нашу инициативу. Это великий бессмертный миротворческий Русский Дух тысячелетней России, тут истинной Русью пахнет!
          Это отличная идея, которую мы могли бы обсудить в январе в новом проекте в честь 17-летия ГГСГ. К середине января у меня будет готов его черновик. Согласны ли вы и ваш ICP с этой инициативой?

Также отклик Марии Кристины Асконы из Аргентины созвучен этой инициативе.

С любовью и миром сферонов, искренне Ваш,


Лев Семашко



Пусть пламя нашей дружбы горит вечно ...
Братские объятия,

Эрнесто Кахан




Ernesto Kahan.

Physician. IPPNW and GHA Leader. Great Peacemaker.

80 Years! GHA Congratulations!


Dear friend, beloved human and great peacemaker Ernesto!

The GHA is happy to congratulate you o­n your significant date - 80 years, which you all have devoted to improving the health of people and saving humanity from wars and nuclear weapons! We wish you many years of life in your exemplary spiritual service to the global peace of humanity from harmony and tolerance!

Your peacemaking achievements are incalculable and difficult to measure. Here are just some of the milestones in your enlightened spiritual peacemaking ministry as a physician, poet, artist, and peacemaker.

1985 year. You, as the Vice President, together with the Co-Presidents of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), world renowned cardiology surgeons, professors and academicians Bernard Lown from the USA and Evgeny Chazov from the USSR receive the Nobel Peace Prize that is captured in the photo of that time.

1986. You, together with your fellow physicians, supplemented the Hippocratic Oath with the urgent requirement: “Dedicate self life to the fight against nuclear war and for its prevention”. It is reflected in your article “The Hippocratic Oath And The Threat Of Nuclear War”, which was published, like many of your other peacemaking articles o­n your personal page of the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338.

2010 year. You, as the GHA First Vice-President, organize the GHA delegation to the "First Forum of Spiritual Culture of Harmonious Civilization" (Astana, 2010: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=446).

2010 year. You are awarded the GHA highest Honorary Title: "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513.

2020 year. This year is marked by your unique peacemaking contribution to the GHA tenth book, to the Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto", which, in your opinion, inherits, develops and raises the outstanding historical work of IPPNW to the highest scientific level of the Gandhian societal spherons: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848.

All the years of active cooperation in the GHA, you took part in all its 10 books and 78 peacemaking projects. Your contribution to the GHA unique peacemaking is invaluable and immortal.

The most fundamental contribution is the translation under your direction of the English “Gandhica” into Spanish, and the preparation of this book (332 pp.) For publication in Israel Publishing, which is delayed by the pandemic. But it is available for Spanish-speaking readers in PDF format o­n the GHA website here: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/GANDHICA-Spanish.pdf.

Your great peacemaking contribution as a humanistic thinker, inspired peacemaking poet and artist, a firm follower of Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence and global peace from harmony does not fit into any lists. They are reflected to some extent in your 30 books and hundreds of poems.

You expressed the general spiritual and humanistic meaning of your great Gandhian peacemaking in your brilliant review (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=952) about the GHA fundamental book "Gandhica". It was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi birth and the first in the history of science verification of the Gandhian societal spherons by world statistics with your wonderful article and poem about Gandhi (2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). In your review, you wrote:

Peace will not be utopia if we manage to educate those who are against it or who do not believe in it. However, if we do not achieve universal peace or at least disarmament of genocidal weapons, life in the world, as we understand it today, will disappear...

The question is, do we, who know the dangers of modern weapons, have ethical right to stay silent? I at least, cannot and must not stay silent.

This book (Gandhica: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) is necessary in order to offer the o­nly path that will lead to the achievement of harmony and peace; it is as prophetic a book as were the greatest philosophical treatises...

To achieve survival of Earth we must achieve comprehensive peace in the world.

To achieve comprehensive peace in the world we must attain a global agreement based o­n harmony.

For a global agreement (A New Social Contract) based o­n harmony, we must have tolerance. Ernesto Kahan 2011


Without peace, there will be no life

Without harmony, there will be no peace

Without tolerance, there will be no harmony

Without a culture of peace, there will be no tolerance

Without a humanistic culture, there will be no culture of peace

Without education, there will be no humanistic culture of peace

Without democracy, there will be no education

Without education, there will be dependence, war and pain

The end of life!”


Your path and accomplishments are summarized in your 80th birthday banner posted along with congratulations o­n your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=791

Dearest Ernesto, o­n behalf of the GHA, accept with our love our best wishes for good health and new peacemaking achievements,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Founder and Honorary President,



Congratulation with my brother of solid friendship Ernesto for this birthday which testifies as Léo recalled commitment D: a life to the service of peace!

That it remains in good health with his wife to continue to irrigate our thoughts of its experiment and its invaluable and luminous creativity






Dear Ernesto

I wish you dear peacemaking friend a very happy birthday!

May you, your wife and family have a beautiful day of celebrating a

Great peacemaking life.

Peace and love

Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate,

North Ireland,


Dear Dr. Ernesto Kahan,

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

Please accept heartiest congratulations and wishes of great success in all your causes

from the entire team of World Growth Forums.

Warm Regards,

Hasina Parvin,

Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief

World Growth Forums



Dear Ernesto,

Indeed! Heartfelt congratulations from Philadelphia, City of Brotherly Love.

Good health and longevity!

I have been interested in meeting you at your poetry gatherings, especially in GuiYang, South of China, where I’ve not been to, but unfortunately missed the opportunity.

Now China has fended off Covid19 according to data published by John’s Hopkins University.


Warm wishes,


Lana Yang 楊幗蘭, USA

Peace Ambassador and

Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP


Dearest Ernesto,

It is with great emotion and a lot of warm friendship that I address to you my congratulations and my wishes of perfect health for your 80 years.

May the wonderful LIFE that animates you grant you many more years of creative expression to enlighten our humanity, and accompany us o­n our paths as creators of thought, reflection, peace and poetry, of action.

With a lot of love

My thoughts for Mirri too and all family

Dr Théa Marie ROBERT – France

Sharing with you two photographs I took this year 2020,

One in spring, the other in autumn



Wish a happy birthday to you Dear Ernesto Kahan.

May God bless you with many more

With best wishes

Noor M. Larik



Dear Sir Ernesto Kahan,

Happy Birth Day!

Thanks and Regards

Pravat Kumar Dhal,





Dear Dr. Ernesto Kahan,

Happy Birth Day!

Thank you for your great lifework for peace.

May you continue to be creative for a long time.

Best wishes,

your Rudi Siebert

Professor Emeritus in Comparative Religion



Dear Dr. Ernesto Kahan,

A Happy Birth Day to you!

Thank you for your Great lifework forglobal peace.

Good health for a long time!

Best wishes,

your Lucas Pawlik,



Dear Ernesto:

Wish you a very happy Birthday filled with health, joy , and peace.

Your friend,

Laj Utrja,



Dear Dr. Ernesto Kahan,

May the peace that you have spread in the past come back to you o­n

this day with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss.

Wishing you a very happy birthday!

Warm regards,

Ayo Ayoola-Amale,





Maitreyee Bardhan Roy





Dearest Ernesto,

Soul brother, Happy Birthday with health to you and your family.

Takis D Ioannides





 Dear Takis, Leo and all friends of GHA,
          You are my brothers and partners for peace and harmony in the world.
Thanks a lot for your love concerning mi birthday 80th.
        Excited by this tribute, I promise to continue fighting tirelessly for universal peace and harmony among peoples,
in progress and fair distribution of resources and with the protection of nature.
        Ernesto Kahan

Oh, if people could understand that with the use of love they will achieve more than with the use of hate!
Ernesto Kahan, 2013

Bravooooo, Ernesto, your purpose in life is just great and so contagious.
All my love to all of you peacemakers!!!
Bella Ventura


Dear Ayo,
Thanks a lot for your lovely message for mi birthday.
Our friendship is precious
Ernesto Kahan

Dears Ernesto and all GHA members,
          We were happy to publish about 20 congratulations from 11 countries o­n the Ernesto personal page here:
          Happy 80th Birthday and strong health to Ernesto other 80 years for global peace!
 Best wishes of global peace from Gandhian spherons harmony/equality,
Warm regards,



Congratulations for Ernesto Kahan o­n his 79th birthday

December 2, 2019


P/Page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338

I love you my friends and partners for sharing our common social responsibility towards tolerance, harmony, peace and protection of our planet Earth.

Thanks Leo for our friendship


In a separate mail I will write about Gandhica in Spanish





Our dearest friend, brother, great peacemaker,
World Harmony Gandhian Creator!

The GHA is happy to congratulate you o­n behalf of all members o­n your 79th birthday and wish you good health and an unbending peacemaking spirit in tolerance and your high creative inspiration for the sake of global peace from harmony, as well as in the translation and publication of the Spanish Gandhica, which will make your name immortal! We hope for your active participation in the new GHA peacemaking projects next year.

We are happy to publish all received congratulations o­n the special page of your congratulations (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=791) and below.

With love,

Leo and all the GHA members,

December 2, 2019


Дорогой наш друг, брат, великий миротворец, Гандианский Творец Мировой Гармонии!

ГСГ счастлив поздравить вас от имени всех членов с 79 днем рождения и пожелать вам крепкого здоровья и несгибаемого миротворческого духа в толерантности и вашем высоком творческом вдохновении ради глобального мира из гармонии, а также в переводе и публикации испанской Гандики, которая сделает ваше имя бессмертным! Мы надеемся на ваше активное участие в новых миротворческих проектах ГСГ в следующем году.

Мы счастливы опубликовать все полученные поздравления на специальной странице ваших поздравлений () и ниже.

С любовью, Лев и все члены ГСГ,

2 декабря 2019


Dear Ernesto,
Happy Birthday and a very good health to you and your family!
Love, Lana
Lana Yang 楊幗蘭
Main Representative to the UN for IAEWP

Happy Birthday Dear Dr Ernesto Kahan
You are a Teacher and a Leader of Peace...
We need to listen  to your words and also  follow your steps  if we want to create a better future for Humankind.
María Cristina Azcona <mcrisazcona@gmail.com>

Здравствуйте Коллеги и в первую очередь Ernesto Kahan!
Присоединяюсь к общему Поздравлению!
Желаю здоровья, успехов и счастья!
Не знаю известны ли Ernesto слова песенки из нашего популярного мультфильма: "К сожаленью, День рожденья только раз в году."
С уважением, ДВА. Россия
Виктор Данилов <va53_dva@inbox.ru>

Dear Ernesto,

Ok, I can o­nly subscribe to your precision! Good birthday in family, my friendships with Miri and my support for the family!

Thank you for your efforts for a long time for an alleviated humanity, equipped with a mink as the GANDHICA proposes it!


Guy CREQUIE guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr


Dr Ernesto Kahan Happy Birthday

Ι wish you very Happy Birthday, with Peace , Harmony & Prosperity .

Your life is a great inspiration for all.

Dr. Subhash Chandra

Associate Professor.(Hon.) Intercultural Open University (IOU), Nl

President & Chairman, GHA, Global Harmony Association, India

Vice Chair GHA Gandhi Committee Project 2019

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony



Dear Ernesto:

I ditto Susana Roberts' words about you.

Wish you a very Happy Birthday dear brother and friend.

Laj Utreja lutreja7@gmail.com


Happy Birthday Dr Ernesto Kahan

Your life is a hope of peace for every human being.

María Cristina Azcona mcrisazcona@gmail.com


Dearest Dr Ernesto Κahan Ι wish you Happy Birthday, with health, thanking mercy God, for the great gift offered to global human society , YOU!

With love and peace

Takis Ioannides takis.ioannides@googlemail.com


Mi Su,

Te adelantaste un día pero podemos festejarle a diario el ser que es nuestro amado Ernesto. Las felicitaciones las dejo para mañana con entrañable amor y admiración. Bella

Bella Ventura bella.ventura@gmail.com



HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grand Master of Peace, friend, Brother



Today I TOAST FOR YOU! o­n this long path for Peace, life, compromise to the peoples of the world, your human example of "Professor", in all circumstances and far places, teaching"Tolerance" all the time between people and human groups, in that full wised communication.


Great friend of soul, ¡BIG Happiness! From the other side of the globe, from your Argentina, Gonzales Catán, tango, Patagonia and all your waystraveled, from that understanding of what life is like ?, ¿What are we doing with our life while life go by ? Your soul set in altruism, so many shared existential and philosophical themes! so much teaching that I treasure in my soul!, so many sceneries of the world leaving your light and universal love in truths about the history of world civilizations, your books with deep contents "Genocide", "Ante Requiem" and so many others that speak of existence and destruction, thus helping to reflect important persons, readers always from your inner kindness and faithful friendship to many writers, poets, students from your brave and combative being of all evil o­n earth. That is why when I listened each of your conferences, a deep silently courage came to my being when you say: "I have won the Nobel Prize yes, but we have not achieved real Peace yet."


May This Toast from my place, far from you arrive to your home and family, I embrace you all full of love, for your continuation dear Professor in this loyal work for the good wellbeing of humanity because your life is full of experience, perseverance, effort and will to give others an example to continue and for future generations to see themselves beginning a more peaceful era.


¡Be Praise your existence

From existence itself!

What is the meaning of each day

going by through years?

Those days arriving in December

Like a soft breeze going and leaving

with a different sun,

Heating the inner districts

In resonance with life, for more life

For more universal love

from a light coming since eternal steps

Over old wars without forgetting

no more wars, your everydayclaim

a wide request towards life

from existence, Yours!,so blessed!

Susana Roberts roberts_susana@hotmail.com




Congratulations for Ernesto Kahan o­n his 77th birthday
December 2, 2017

Поздравления для Эрнесто Кахана на его 77-й день рождения

2 декабря 2017

Personal page:





Dear friend Ernesto,

On behalf of GHA, I am happy to congratulate you o­n the 77th birthday, wish you the strongest health, long years of living in harmony, family happiness and tolerance, new poetic and peacemaking achievements in our GHA family, which admires you for more than 10 years and recognized you in the highest honorary title "Global Harmony Creator": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513!!!!

I will be happy to collect and publish tomorrow all your congratulations o­n your personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338

On behalf of the GHA, please, accept a humble bouquet of flowers and our new model of the UN Harmony, Global Peace and Tolerance!!

With love, friendly, hug,

Your Leo Semashko



Дорогой друг Эрнесто,

От имени ГСГ я счастлив поздравить вас с 77 днем рождения, пожелать вам крепкого здоровья, долгих лет жизни в гармонии, семейном счастье и толерантности, пожелать вам новых поэтических и миротворческих достижений в нашей семье ГСГ, которая восхищается вами более 10 лет и признала вас в высшем почетном звании «Творец Мировой Гармонии»: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513!!!!

Я буду счастлив собрать и опубликовать завтра все ваши поздравления на вашей персональной странице: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=338

От имени ГСГ примите скромный букет цветов и нашу новую модель ООН Гармонии, Глобального Мира и Толерантности!!

С любовью, дружески, обнимаю,

Ваш Лео




Dr Ernesto Kahan has formed thousands of peacemakers around the globe, knowing that peace is born in the soul.



Dedicated to ERNESTO KAHAN o­n his birthday


A doctor who is an angel of kindness in the freedom

He carries the recipe of peace in his wings

He is the master in the art of nonviolence

He is the doctor who heals a world lack of patience

My spiritual friend, eternal friend of truth

Teach those who listen to your message

That it is possible for all of us to undertake the journey

Towards the mental revolution

The destiny of this world will change in its path

But he needs us to help him

And it is our duty to be part of this astral train

What is the chance of a path towards universal peace





Dedicado a ERNESTO KAHANen su cumpleaños

Un doctor que es ángel de bondad en libertad

Llevaentre sus alas la receta de la paz

Es el maestro en el arte de la no violencia

Es el doctor que cura un mundo sin paciencia

Mi amigo espiritual, eterno amigo de verdad

Enseña a los que escuchan su mensaje

Que es posible entre todos, emprender el viaje

Hacia la revolución mental

El destino de este mundo cambiará a su paso

Pero el precisa que nosotros le ayudemos

Y es nuestro deberser parte de este tren astral

Que es chance de un camino haciala paz universal






J’ai actuellement une bronchite, et mon épouse sort des urgences de l’hôpital. Cependant, je ne veux pas manquer de souhaiter à Ernesto KAHAN un joyeux anniversaire puisque selon de nombreux messages c’est ce jour.

Meilleures pensées pour Miri.






I currently have bronchitis, and my wife leaves the urgencies of the hospital. However, I do not want to miss wishing in Ernesto KAHAN a happy birthday since according to many messages it is this day.

Better thought for Miri.


























Happy birthday dr Ernesto Kahan

Lic. María Cristina Azcona

María Cristina Azcona



Happy Birthday Dr Kahan

I created a book written by many of your followers in South America

God bless our peace leader. Purchase a Spanish book o­n Dr Kahanhere


Lic. María Cristina Azcona



Happy Birthday Dr Ernesto Kahan

december 2!

María Cristina Azcona





Dear Maria Cristina Azcona,

A birthday is a good opportunity to think existentially, since that date is always located between the borders of personal time.

We are living a historical period in which engagement and education for tolerance is needed to save the positive aspects of civilization and work for social progress in freedom, peace and harmony.

Thanks for your wishes.

Receive a big huge,

Peace and healt



Wishing you Happy Birth day!

With Blessings & Happiness Always!

Dr. Subhash Chandra GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583

M +91 9910241586 ,E-mail::



Dear Ernasto,

On earth, I think there are people who create happiness for this planet to remain happy ... I find that Ernesto is o­ne of those rare people who works for that ... So , I think we should wish him a happy birthday, good health ... so that humanity will always be happy!!!

Love and Peace

Ammar Banni


My good wishes also to Ernesto

Dr Ravi Bhatia

(from New Delhi)


Happy Birthday Dr Ernesto Kahan December 2!

I wish for good health and long life to serve mankind.

Latif Kirmani,

New Delhi India


Dear prof Ernesto

Happy birthday

Mairead Maguire


Happy birthday Ernesto!

God bless you



Happy Birth day! Let God bless you!


Prof. Dhal


Happy birthday respected Ernesto Kahan. Stay blessed.


Ravishankar N S


Dear and Respected Ernesto

May you live long. Goooooood wishes..

Dr Sanjay Tewari



Great M.Crisitina!..Congratulation for your work!

Love,..Happy Birthday Dr Ernesto Kahan.

Susana Roberts


Dear Ernesto:

It is a good opportunity to remember my friend, who I'd the pleasure to spend a

few days in Astana. I wish you a very happy Birthday, full of health, peace and joy.

Love and regards,




Dear Leo,

please convey my congratulations and good wishes to Dr. Ernesto Kahan. I think it is important that we have a peace-maker from Israel o­n our board. I noticed Ernesto did research at the University of Washington in Seattle, and it is my US alma mater.

Sorry for not writing to you. I am still o­n the road. Sincerely,

W George Krasnow


President, RAGA



Dear friends

With love and emotion I am receiving so many greetings for my birthday.

Today is also the international day of physicians.

Using my scientific, humanistic and ethical-philosophical conceptions, I decided to make a decalogue with my advice for the modern doctor, which covers the main obligations to achieve an optimal development in his profession:

1- Update knowledge

2- Assume professional and social responsibility

3- Prepare to have appropriate skills and tools

4- Dedicate to the patient

5- Communicate with skill and respect

6- Plan and organize your medical practice

7- Have a positive attitude and dedication to teaching and medical research

8- Treat patients with respect and compassion and considering their time, privacy and resources

9- Treat colleagues with respect

10- Be honest, recognizing their own advantages and limitations

Ernesto Kahan


Dear Laj, my friend

Thanks for our precious friendship




Thank you.
Maitreyee Bardhan Roy



Dearest Dr Ernesto Kahan,

Happy birthday with health.

May mercy God save you to contribute to global community affairs, with your precious soul and actions.

With live and respect

Takis D Ioannides


Dear Dr. Sanjay Tewary,

Many thanks for your greetings and friendship

Ernesto Kahan

Dear Leo,

Thanks a lot for remember my birthday with so great attitude. I love your contribution towards peace an harmony o­n humankind

Ernesto Kahan


Thanks my dear Bruce.

Love...  love



I am very excited for so many messages of congratulations for my birthday.
Susana, Maria Cristina, Ammar, Vladislav, Leo, Takis, Latif, Mairead, Ravi, all ...

Without peace there will be no life
Without harmony there will be no peace
Without tolerance there will be no harmony
Without a culture of peace there will be no tolerance
Without a humanistic culture there will be no culture of peace
Without education there will be no humanistic culture of peace
Without democracy there will be no education
Without education there will be dependence, war and pain
The end of life!

Ernesto Kahan


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005