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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Markandey Rai. GHA Chief Statistician on Spherons in India

Markandey Rai, Ph.D.


GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony

GHA Chief Statistician o­n Spherons in India

Senior Advisor, UN-Habitat: www.unhabitat.org

Member, Global Leadership Council, Global Peace Foundation (GPF): http://www.globalpeace.org

President, Global Peace and Development Service Alliance (GPDSA in GPF)

Deputy Director, IESEI, International Ecological Safety Evaluation Institute: www.iesco-iesco.org


Residence: New Delhi



GHA Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807


 VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM. The Way Forward for Global Peace. 568 p.
Dr. Markandey Rai, Dr. Prabhas Chandra Sinha, Dr. Surendra Kumar Pathak


in association with Confederation of Indian Universities

Indian Institute of Peace and Global Security

New Delhi

First Edition: 2024

Price: Rs. 3500



Publication in PDF o­n the GGHA website
https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/vasudhaiva-kutumbakam.pdf  and
with responses here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216


Markandey Rai, India. Global Peace Foundation India President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807

Happy birthday and joining the GHA family

Dear Dr. Markandey,

We, the GHA are happy to congratulate you o­n your birthday today and wish you good health and fruitful cooperation in the GHA in its main now direction - in statistical research of the Spherons, above all such a great country like India!

This will be the first scientific research in its history equivalent to an epoch-making breakthrough discovery and a turning point in its historical development. Your rich past experience as a peacemaker and professional statistics in the UN has allowed us to appoint you to two primary but important posts: “GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony” and “GHA Chief Statistician o­n Spherons in India”.

Our gift for your birthday is the opening of your personal page o­n the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" under the title: "Markandey Rai. GHA Chief Statistician o­n Spherons in India:" http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807.

We also congratulate you with the recognition you by the GHA member and the inclusion in its great international family of scientists and peacemakers who are promoting global peace from structural (genetic)harmony of the Spherons through their science, primarily through statistics, sociology and socio-cybernetics in indissoluble unity.

We hope that you will meet our expectations.

With love,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,


Счастливого дня рождения и вступления в семью ГСГ


Дорогой Д-р Маркандей!

Мы, ГСГ счастливы поздравить вас с днем рождения и пожелать вам крепкого здоровья и плодотворного сотрудничества в ГСГ в его главном теперь направлении – в статистическом исследовании Сферонов, прежде всего такой великой страны как Индия! Это будет первое в ее истории научное исследование, равносильное эпохальному прорывному открытию и поворотному пункту в ее историческом развитии. Ваш богатый прошлый опыт миротворца и профессионального статистика в ООН позволил нам назначить вас на две начальные, но важные должности ГС: «GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony и GHA Chief Statistician on Spherons in India». Наш подарок на ваш день рождения – это открытие вашей персональной страницы на сайте ГСГ «Мир из Гармонии» под названием "Markandey Rai. GHA Chief Statistician o­n Spherons in India": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807. Мы поздравляем вас также с признанием членом ГСГ и включением в его великую международную семью ученых и миротворцев, продвигающих глобальный мир из структурной (генетической) гармонии Сферонов через их науку, прежде всего через статистику, социологию и социокибернетику в неразрывном единстве. Мы надеемся, что вы оправдаете наши надежды. С любовью, Лев Семашко, Почетный Президент ГСГ,




About the GHA Global Peace Science,

Harmony Spherons and their LABs


I like the GHA message as we are o­ne irrespective of different race, color, religion or different ethnicity. Humanity is o­ne tribe. Our nature is harmony, love, peace and this can be attained in the atmosphere of freedom, justice and happiness.

The ABC of Harmony and  Global Peace Science are the tools to use to attain a harmonious society and promote the ancient Indian philosophy of Vasudhav Kutumbakam means the world is a affably.

Secondly. I shall refer Indian philosophy of God is o­ne and we call by different names create an atmosphere to unite the humanity in o­ne family.

Finally, UN reform is must and inevitable. We should give our input to the process of reform to expedite and lead into the right direction. GHA should take an active part in the UN reform process where there should be a separate house for the interfaith/religious gurus’ to promote peace and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) by 2030. GHA …. Should be the guidelines to bring global peace a consensus way for harmonious civilization as scientifically based “ABC of Harmony” and through Global peace science.

People have wishes for Global peace but GHA has developed it in a form of a scientific theory which discusses it in the 4 SPHERONS of harmony. These 4 Spherons are classified and given nomenclatures as SOCIOSPHERON-SOCIOCLASS, INFOSPHERON-INFOCLASS, ORGSPHERON-ORGCLASS AND TECHNOSPHERON-TECHNOCLASS. It is a science of social harmony. Many social and spiritual leaders have given the similar views and messages for global harmony in the past several millenniums. SOCIONOME is the term used to measure the various levels. The Spherons National Research Labs (SNRLs) is an excellent idea to establishing LABs. Being Statistician by training and also practicing in the United Nations for collecting , compiling , analysis and reporting in the form of various report  and publications, it suits for me to guide  and also work globally and India in particular in the Laboratory.

Spherons are the key to solving all social problems and challenges. The science will document systematically t findings for the current generation and also for the coming generation. This can be carried through developing an Institute of World Harmony.

I hope it is enough for now and you may consider it as my o­ne page report as beginner. 

I am looking forward to working closely with you and the GHA members for achieving Global Peace, development and harmony in the universe. 




At my residence with the Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat Dr. Aisa Kirabo




(Recipient of Ambassador of Peace Award 2009 and “Hind Rattan Award” in 2006)

Date of Birth: 1st February 1952

Nationality: Indian

Marital status: Married


Education:1983 - Ph.D. in Statistics (Econometrics), Patna University, Patna (India).

1976 - M.Sc. /M.A. (Statistics (Sociometry)), Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur (India).

1974 - B.Sc./B.A. Special Hons. (Statistics) Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur (India).

1992 - B.Sc. /B.A. Statistics, Sociology, Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India).


Experience: Currently

Senior Advisor, UN-Habitat;

President, Global Peace and Development Service Alliance (GPDSA) and Member Global Leadership of Global Peace Foundation (GPF);

Deputy Director IESEI,

Advisor, Yuvsatta (Youth For Peace)

Executive Director, Youth Vocational and Leadership Programme(YouthVal), Raipur, Chhattisgarh;

Chairman, Accreditation Committee of BMO, NABET of Quality Council of India (QCI)

Chief, Inter-Agency Coordination and Parliamentarians Programme, Partner & Youths Branch till February 2014

Special Assignments and Coordinator, Inter-Agency Affairs, Office of the Executive Director, 2004 -2006

Elected President, UN Nairobi Staff Union, Nairobi, Kenya, 2002-2003

Elected Vice President, UN Nairobi Staff Union, Nairobi, Kenya, 2000-2003

Statistician in the Research and Development Division, UN-HABITAT,January 1992-.2000

Lecturer in Statistics (Assistant Professor of Statistics), Department of Mathematics, University of Nairobi (Kenya), from November 4, 1987 to January 1992.

Reader in Statistics (Associate Professor of Statistics), Department of Statistics, Patna University, Patna ‑ 800005 (India) from April 28, 1987 to November 3, 1987.

Lecturer in Statistics (Assistant Professor of Statistics), Dept. of Statistics, Patna University, from April 1986 to April 1987.

Lecturer in Statistics (Assistant Professor of Statistics), Dept. of Statistics, University of Dar‑es‑Salaam, Tanzania, from September 1985 to March 1986.

Lecturer in Statistics (Assistant Professor of Statistics), Dept. of Statistics, Patna University, from 28 April 1979 to September 1985.


Research University Grant Commission of India, Junior Research

Fellowship:Fellowship from March 1977 to March 1979.


(ii) Research:Supervising students for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Patna University, India.

Supervised students successfully for their masters’ degrees dissertation

Adjudicated a number of thesis submitted for the award of Ph. D. degree.

Undertook sample surveys for data collection, graphical presentation, analysis and report writing with the students as part of their training.

Conducted field study, sample survey and data analysis in A.N.S.I.S. Studies, Patna, India o­n Urban Growth and Political Socialization in Bihar (India) as statistician.

Published several research papers, and books.


Professional(a)President, the Standing Committee o­n Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS), Section of ISI

(b)The International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS)

(c)Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability,

Membership: International Statistical Institute, The Netherlands.

(d)Indian Science Congress (Life Member).

(e)India Society for Theory of Probability and its Applications, India.

(f)The Biometrics Society, U.S.A.

(g)Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)

(h)Elected President of the Global organization of People of Indian Origin, Kenya Chapter

(i)Member of the India International Centre, New Delhi

International (a)XIII International Conference o­n "Stochastic Processes and Their

Conferences and Applications", December 17-21, 1983, India.

Courses Attended:(b)International courses of statistics in Agriculture, Planning, Management and Analysis, Colombo, Sri Lanka from 3rd December 1984 to 11 January 1985.

(c)Statistics, Earth and Space Sciences, Leuven, Belgium from August 22-26, 1989.

(d)The Biometric Society Meeting, Nairobi (Kenya) from April 2-6, 1990.

(e)20th SCORUS Conference in Madrid, Spain, 12-19 October 1996.

(f)Delivered lectures o­n Statistics for Environment at Carl Dusberg Gesellschaft, Germany, 12-16 May 1997.

(g)Delivered lectures at the Berlin School of Economics, Berlin, Germany, 20-22 May 1997.

(h)51stISI Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 18-26 August 1997.

(i)21st SCORUS Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 8-12 June 1998.

(j)52nd ISI Confrence in Helsinki, Finland, 10-18 August, 1999.

(k)22nd SCORUS Conference in Shenzhen, China, 7-10 November 2000

(l)53rd ISI Conference in Seoul, Korea, 22-29 August 2001.

(m)54th ISI conference in Berlin, Germany, 13-22 August 2003

(n)24th SCORUS Conference in Minneapolis, USA, 19-21 May, 2004

(o)First African Ministerial Conference of Housing and Urban Development (AMCHUD), Durban, south Africa

(p)25th SCORUS Conference o­n Regional and Urban Statistics and Research in Wroclaw, Poland, 30 August-1st September2006

(q)World Urban Forum III in Vancouver, Canada.

(r)Focal Point and Coordinator for the First Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference in New Delhi, 13-16 December 2006

(s)14th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, CMASM 2007, 6-8 January 2007

(t)94th Session of the Indian Science Congress Association, Chidambaram, India, 3-7 January 2007

(u)Ramkrishna-Vivekananda International Foundation’s Congress in New Delhi, 12-13 January 2007

(v)4th Indian Diaspora in , New Delhi, 7-9 January 2007

(w)World Summit in Patna, India, 19-21 January 2007

(x)56th Session of ISI, 22-29 August 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

(y)57th session of ISI in Durban South Africa,

(z)Global Peace Convention 2009, 10-14 December, Manila, Philippines

(aa)Global Peace Convention 2017, February-March , Manila, Philippines

(bb)Asia Urban Youth Assembly, 25-28 March 2017, Melaka, Malaysia


Countries Visited:Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Kenya, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, U.K., USA, Finland, China, S. Korea, Portugal, South Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, Poland, Malaysia, Sweden, Romania, Mexico, Egypt, Spain, Libya, Italy, Philippines, Croatia, Vietnam, Paraguay, Brazil, Chili, Ecuador,


Mailing Address: Dr. Markandey Rai


United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Flat No. 3101, Joy Apartment, Sector 2, Plot 2

Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

Telephone: +91-11-45390912

Mobile:(91) 9899479265/7042553666

E-Mail: Markandey.Rai@gmail.com




Giving a painting to Mr Kofi, Secretary General of UN o­n his 1st visit to Nairobi, Kenya in 1998

Brief C.V. of Dr. Markandey Rai


Dr. Markandey Rai is currently the Senior Advisor of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) after his retirement as the Chief of the U.N. Inter-Agency Coordination, Global Parliamentarians and Trade Unions programme of UN-HABITAT based in Nairobi, Kenya. He has served UN-HABITAT o­n various positions in the last twenty-two years of his service to the United Nations. He was recruited in 1992 to develop Urban and city Statistics. He was pioneer for establishing Global Urban Observatories and publications of the Compendium of Human Settlement Statistics and Atlas periodically. He is Ph.D. in Statistics and has taught in many universities before joining UN-HABITAT in January 1992. He has represented UN staff at Nairobi (UNON) in various capacities for many years and he was elected President of the Nairobi Staff Union 2000-2003. He was also the Chairperson of the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) at Nairobi to advise the Heads of the UN offices at Nairobi (UNON) o­n the matters of the staff administration and welfare. He has written and published several academic and scientific papers as well as publications of UN books related to urban issues. He has widely travelled and attended several conferences of scientific as well as of political nature. He is life member and elected office bearer of several academic, cultural and social bodies in the world.As focal point for the Asia-Pacific region and also for India in UN-HABITAT, he achieved to organize a ministers forum for Asia-Pacific countries in December 2006 in New Delhi successfully and India became the Chairperson and permanent secretariat was established in New Delhi. Dr. Rai was the President of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) in Nairobi of Kenya chapter. His biography was published in the 14th edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World in 1997.


He has been honored with “Hind Rattan Award in January 2006 in New Delhi. He is an “Ambassador for Peace” conferred in March 2009. He has also been recognized for meritorious achievements by several prestigious forums and organizations internationally including by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England; Global Peace Foundation as a member of the Global Leadership Council and elected Board member of the Global Peace Youth Corps (GPYC), Africa. He has been awarded Humanity Achievers Award 2014 and he has been appointed Senior Advisor to International Ecological Safety Collaboration Organization and Deputy Director of the international Ecological Safety Evaluation Institution in Beijing, China. Recently in March 2017 in Global Peace Convention of GPF in Manila Dr. is elected President of Global Peace and Development Service Alliance (GPDSA).


He has honors to address a number of Parliaments and Global Parliamentarian’s forums. He is holding many prestigious and honorary positions in India and abroad and focusing mainly o­n Sustainable Urbanization, Youth and Women empowerment through Youth Vocational and Leadership programmes.


Markandey Rai, Ph. D




My wife Mrs Gaytri Rai with Siddharth

We are o­ne Family from the Prospective of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism)



Markandey Rai

New Delhi


  • The Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is not a religion. It is the Philosophy of life. It is universal and based o­n humanity and human values. It has no boundary or limitations


  • Vedas, Upnishads, Purnans, Ramayan, Gita and Mahabharat are universal books
  • Every soul is divine and can attain the Godhood—Not a sinners as described by others.
  • Hinduism is described as:


Ghriti Kshama Damo Steyam

Saucham Indriya Nigrasha

Dhi Vidya Satyamo Crodho

Daskam Dharma Lakshnam

(Patience, forgiveness, restraint, stealing, defecation, keeping the senses under control, do not be wise, teach, truth and anger; these are the signs of ten religion.)

Yagnavalkya has numberednine(9) symptomsof religion:

Nonviolence Truth.

Dana Damo Karo Shanti: Sarvashas Dharmasamakam ..

(Non-violence, truth, stealing (Asta), defecation (sanitation), sense-nirjha (keeping the senses under control), charity, restraint (kindness), kindness and peace)

  • Akah Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti

(God is o­ne and wise men call by different names) and


  • Udar Charitanam Too Vashudhaiva Kutumbakam

(For broader minded people the whole world is a family)


  • Vivekananda in his speech in the Parliament of Religion had proclaimed that


Akashyat Patitam Toyam, Yatha Gchhati Sagaram;

Sarva Dev Namskaram, Keshwam Prati Gachchyati


(As water goes to ocean ultimately which drops from the sky; prayer to all the gods ultimately goes to Krishna)


·Vivekanad said: No need to be converted to Hindu religion, Be a good Muslim, Be a good Christian.

·RR Diwakar had commented: Do not Blame Hinduism, Blame people.

·A Universal prayer in Hinduism is as for all and not o­nly for the Hindu’s:


Sarve Bhawantu Sukhinah

Sarve Santu Niramayah

Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu

Ma Kaschit Dukh Bhagbhawet


(May all live in happiness; may all keep away from illusions and delusions and may they look at beautiful things and may no o­ne suffer from any kind of pain)


Om Purnamadah, Purnamidam Purnat Punya Mudachyate

Purnasya Purnamaday Purnmewa Vashishyate


Om Sah Na Wawatu Sah Noo Bhunaktu,

Sah Viryam Karwawhai.

Tejaswi Na Wadheetmastu

Ma Widwisha Wahe

OM Shanti; Shanti; Shanti

(Om,May the divine protect us; May he nourish us both. May our study be vigorous and fruitful. May we not hate other?Om peace, peace, peace)


·Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is not an organized or barricaded Institution. o­ne can go to Rama temple/ Krishna Temple or Shiva temple wherever o­ne wishes to go. The highest realization is to be a good human being.


Siya Ram Maya Sab Jag Jani, Kasrahu Pranam Jori Jug Pani


Hinduism is for the proper arrangement in the society, which is structured in four classes, which are supposed to be very flexible. God Krishna says in Gita that:


Chatur Varanyam Maya Shristham, Guna Karma Vibhagshah.


For Example: Vashisth married with Arundhati. (scheduled cast)

Viswamitra became Guru though he was Kshtriya; Drona Charya also became Guru)


All Gurus in Shikhism are from the family of Ramachandras from Lava and kusha: Sodhi and Vedi. (Guru Nanak, Angad and Ramadas from Vedi and rest up to tenth Guru from Sodhi).


Nandnar –Tamilnadu Sivait met god in Chidambaram.


·Be Good and Do Good

·No Hate to Different Religion


Ramakrishna experienced all the religion.

Hinduism is not an organized religion as others.

Main message of Hinduism from Ved Vyas is:


  • Astadas Puraneshu Vayshashay Vachanam Dwayam

Propkaraya Punyay Papay Parpidanam


Pothi Parh Parh Jag Mua Pandit Bhaya Na Koy

Dhai Akshar Prem Ka Padhe So Pandit Hoya


·Annie Besant: Freedom of opinion, but orthodoxy in life, these have been characteristic of Hinduism throughout its evolution; hence the vast range and diversity of philosophies, and stability of its social fabric and its family life.


Harmony with surroundings and personification of every being. Rivers respected as mothers. Mountains as god and all plan and trees as form of God.


Yoga Science to realize spiritual knowledge through a GURU.

Gyan Marg – Gyam Yoga, Karm Marg – Karma Yoga , Bhakti Marg- Bhakti yoga


Kalidas has described about ruling the kingdom by Aja Maharaja in his Raghuvansam that each of his subjects were thinking that he alone was very dear or close to the king.


Gandhi Ji when a farmer approached him to advise his son to stop eating Gud (Raw Sugar or Jagari) and Gandhi Ji ask him to bring his son after a week because first Gandhi Ji wanted to stop eating Gur and then to preach this to the Boy.


“Jo Kaho So Karo”


There should be no difference in “Kathani” and “Kartani”


nOne should go by the preaching of Gita o­n Karmayoga where Lord Krishna states that:

nKarmanyewa Dhikarste; Ma Faleshu Kadachana

(You have right to Works but not o­n the fruits of it)


Eke Sadhe Sab Sadhe

Sab Sadhe Sab Jahi


Be a good human being. Govern yourself as global citizen. The Religious institutions will be automatically governed well. You are the unit of an institution. You are the nut and bolt of any institution.


Kastuti kundali Base, MrigDhudhe Ban Mahi

Rahiman Aise Prabhuhi Taji, Khojat Firiye Kahi.


It has been s concluded by many scholars after studying different religions and philosophy that there is no difference in accepting the concept of o­ne God; o­ne calls Him by various names. The difference is in the approach to know, method of worshipping and attaining Him. The Goal is o­ne but the path and mode of journey may be different. All paths, which lead to the same goal, are secret and great. None is superior or inferior. Religion is the universal love and which brings us closure and based o­n humanity. This is the reason that Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) does not believe in conversion. Hinduism is for wisdom and universal principle of love.


Guru Nanak Deva explained it very eloquently as:

Ek Noor Te Sab Jag Badia

(There is o­nly o­ne Divine light, which created the whole universe)


The creator of this universe is o­ne and we can see His form are as per our imaginations of believers and o­ne can adopt any method of worshipping either in a temple or in a mosque or in a church or in a synagogues or in the mountains or at plain. Some may not believe in any power but believes in nature for the creation of universe.


But the sole purpose is to acquire good behavior and to become a good human being.

Mahatma Gandhi was believer and studied Gita and Rama Charit Manas regularly.

His popular prayer was:

Ishwar Allah Tero Namm; Sabko Sammati De Bhagawan

Gandhi ji also likes the Bhajan by Narsingh Mehta:

Baishnav Jan ko Nere Kahiyat Peer Parayi Jane Re

Take the responsibility to make this world a better place to live in for us and also for the coming generations.



 Secretary General of World Assembly of Youth Ms. Ediola in Melaka, March 2017

In IIC for Conference o­n Management







On Nov 23, 2017, at 13:15, Leo Semashko <leo.semashko@gmail.com> wrote:


Dear Dr. Rai,         (I write large because of my poor eyesight)

Thank you very much for your offer of cooperation with the GHA and for your desire to associate with it. I also like that you work together with Dr. Subhash, the GHA President (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583), at the Global Peace Foundation and have our joint book “Global Peace Science” (GPS). Therefore, we have much in common to advance peace from harmony and we will be happy to cooperate with you. Please, let us correspond with the three of us.

If you will send us three documents: your short (1 page) biography with a photo, your short (no more than 1 page) review of the GHA peace project (UN Harmony - 54 pages) in attachment and your article about peace or any of your articles archive, then we will be happy to recognize you as the GHA member, open your personal page o­n the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" (www.peacefromharmony.org) to publish your documents and recommend you to the GHA Board. Could you send these documents within 2-3 days? Is this possible for you?
Other questions, please, let us discuss after this, later. Yours sincerely,
Best wishes for peace from harmony through the science of Spherons,

Dr  Leo  Semashko:  -State  Councillor of St. Petersburg, Russia; RANH
Professor;  -Philosopher,  Sociologist  and  Peacemaker  from Harmony;
-Global   Harmony   Association  (GHA)  Founder  (2005)  and  Honorary
President   (2016);  -Director,  GHA  Website  "Peace  from  Harmony":

----- Original Message -----
 From: Markandey Rai,
 Sent: 22
ноября 2017 г., 10:38:24
 Subject: GHA

Dear Dr. Leo,

Referring to your invitation to join GHA in August 2014 which I found in my  Archive mail, i wish to convey that now the right time has come to associate with you and GHA for promoting peace and harmony in the world.

I am retired from UN-Habitat  and based in New Delhi India. I am still Senior Advisor  of UN and working with some GHA active members including Dr. Subhash Chandra ji and unknowingly I received a copy of your recent book which was launched in the India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi last week.

I look forward to hearing from you and for closure cooperation in making this world better to live. Yours sincerely
Markandey Rai, Ph.D.

(On this book inner cover :)

Ph.D. Markandey Rai,


Board of Trustee - Global Peace Foundation (GPF), India

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India

(Please, edit this)

Global Peace Science Maecenas

GPF-India Donation to this Book is $2.000

(You could replace this photo if you want)

Dr. Markandey Rai’s brief letter about the efforts towards world peace in the GPF India
and key moment of peace culture from harmony of religious diversity as a way
to world peace in the 21st century etc.

Your signature


(This unique international peace book will be presented to the UN, UNESCO,
Governments of the world countries, largest Universities and Libraries o­n five continents,
Nobel Peace Committee and etc.)

The coauthors of this historical book are Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India
in 2002-2007, Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Ernesto Kahan,
peace research pioneer Prof. Galtung and many others famous people.



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005