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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
GHA and WGHA WELCOME ADDRESS to African Feminist Peace Forum

Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization

Citizens of Earth!

Unite in harmony for love, peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!

Global Harmony Association (GHA)




GHA Mission is

To bring global peace from social harmony paving a conscious way for harmonious civilization via harmonious education in Global Peace Science within a genetic social structure of four harmonious classes - SPHERONS employed in the four productive spheres:

Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere and Technosphere


GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA




August 17, 2018

Harmony will save peace




To African Feminist Peace Forum



In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=839

In Russian:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=784




         The international peacemaking organizations “Global Harmony Association” (GHA) and its women's branch WGHA are happy to welcome the African Forum of the Feminist Peace Movement, which gathered more than 100 women peacemakers from 16 African countries. We wish you success in advancing and scientific strengthening your "determination to study the causes of war and work to abolish the legitimisation and practices of war" as recorded in the Charterof WILPF, which organized your African Forum(www.wilpf.org).

        WILPF is the oldest women's peace organization since 1915, which, together with other peacemakers, tried to stop the two world wars, but could not. We peacemakers, especially women, who give life to humankind, cannot wait now another 100 years to stop the third world nuclear war, prepared for 100%, which will be a catastrophe of all humanity and the end of his life. We must seek boldly and persistently new, nonviolent radical ways to achieve and ensure global peace. Feminist peaceful movement of the 21st century requires a fundamental worldview and scientific renewal.

         We see that the traditional global centers of wealth and democracy in North America and Europe are mired in wars, militarism, greed and violence. They created for them 100% freedom, leaving for peace, peaceful science and peaceful democracy full slavery and neglect. They created a militaristic patriarchy, enslaving peace and women. Wars make the greedy rich even richer therefore their military budgets are the fattest. Wars hold the poor in the slavery of poverty, hunger and ignorance. Therefore, the liberation trend of peace and freedom in the 21st century comes from the periphery, from Africa, Asia and Latin America. It comes from the women's movement. Therefore, the women's movement needs a new peace understanding, a new awareness of the key peaceful role of women through harmonious feminism, which Helena Roerich began about a century ago. From it grows the movement "New Women" with a new harmonious and scientific thinking (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=815). We encourage you to join, support and promote it. It opens up substantially new perspectives for you in peacemaking, politics, business and gender harmonious equality.

         The new, fundamental nonviolent path of global peace from the structural harmony genetics of social production was first realized in the GHA during 11 years beginning since 2005 and expressed in the unprecedented book "Global Peace Science" by 174 coauthors from 34 countries, including three Laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize and the President of India Abdul Kalama. This book is presented o­n the GHA website "peacefromharmony.org" and in the GHA-Africa office in Ghana, Accra.

         We urge you to learn the peace genetics from harmony, the research of which is now being conducted in a number of countries, including Ghana. Its results are published o­n the GHA website in the section "Global Peace Genetics of Spherons" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=836) and will be presented at the IPRA “Innovation for Sustainable Global Peace” scientific Conference in November, in India in the Gandhi Memorial. Only new scientific thinking of women can provide a global peace and overcome the monstrous gender inequality in the economic and political spheres that the patriarchate retains.

         We encourage you to research and develop the intellectual heritage of the most prominent intellectual activists of the feminist movement: Abigail Adams, USA; Helena Roerich, Russia; Mother Teresa, India and many others. WGHA creates the “World Women's Pantheon” of outstanding intellectual thinkers and practitioners of peacemaking and invites you to offer suitable female candidates for it (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=827). This Pantheon is the basis for the formation of an updated women's peace movement in the 21st century: "New Women."

         We encourage you to support and promote through your networks and sites the "Great Peace Charter" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=834), which we created for the US-Russia summit in July this year.

        We are confident that o­nly similar scientific and practical innovations can raise peacemaking feminism to a new level and "put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind," as John Kennedy bequeathed.

JD. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, WGHA Co-Chair, Ghana



Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, Russia



Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, India




© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005