 150th birth anniversary, October 2, 2019
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global Harmony Association (GHA) http://peacefromharmony.org/ Harmonious Nonviolent Civilization Spiritual Culture Citizens of the Earth: unite in harmony for nonviolence, peace, love, justice, brotherhood and happiness! International Jubilee Gandhi Committee Abbreviated: "GHA Gandhi Committee" or "GHA GC" or "GC"
GHA GC Goal:
Organization of a world complex of international and national events in the different vectors of culture, science, education, religion and politics within governmental and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in honor of the 150th anniversary of Gandhi’s birth on October 2, 2019 under the common title "Gandhi World Year" with the termless goal of deeper understanding, strengthening, mastering, spreading and worldwide use of the Gandhi nonviolence heritage by all nations according to his fundamental definition.
“Nonviolence [harmony, peace] is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. Nonviolence is not the inheritance of cowardice, it is always heroism. Nonviolence is the law of our life.” Gandhi Committee: The GHA 68th Project Started: December 15, 2018 Approved: January 15, 2019 Publication: In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=789 Working frame modules/vectors of the Gandhi Committee Module 1. Education: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=854 Module 2. Interfaith harmony: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=856 Module 3. Science: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=857 Module 4. Women's equality and nonviolence: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=858 Module 5. Democracy of Nonviolence: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=859 Democracy of nonviolence is practically the most important, scientifically least studied and politically most pressing issue and module/vector of our “Gandhi project”. Therefore, its discussion is postponed for a year, until January 2020. Coauthors: Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi Mairead Maguire and John Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Shri Kanak Dugar, IASE Deemed University Chancellor Leo Semashko, initiator and project editor in chief, Subhash Chandra, Ravi Bhatia, Pravat Dhal, Subhash Sharma, Maitreyee B. Roy, A.K. Merchant, Amrita B. Chouwdhury, Surendra Pathak, Noor Larik, Rashida Bukhari, Zia-ul-Islam, Mazhar Hashmi, Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Steve Amoah, Heli Habirimana, Stephen K. Tabi, Bernard Scott, Rosa Dalmiglio, Takis D. Ioannides, Dionyssios Georgakopoulos, Marie Robert, Guy Crequie, Ernesto Kahan, Sabrina Gopala, Gopala Maripan, Maria Cristina Azkona, Susana Roberts, Celia Altshuler, Delasnieve Daspet, Rudolf Siebert, Vladislav Krasnov, Roger Kotila, Reimon Bachika, Michael Ellis, P. Giri, Andre Sheldon (46) Natalia Chigrina, Olga Kashina, Roksana Sadykova, Vera Popovich, Yulia Budnikova, Nina Novikova, Irina Kuris, Vera Afanasyeva, Alexander Semashko, Stephan Semashko, Andrei Semashko, Polina Semashko, Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Uraz Baimuratov, Edward Soroko, Tatyana Liadova, Alla Voronova, Victor Danilov, Ivan Ivanov, Alexayder Trubachev, 58 GHA co-authors from 25 countries: Australia, Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Britain, Ghana, Greece, Denmark, Israel, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Russia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, Slovenia, USA , France, South Africa, Japan I. GHA Gandhi Committee (GC) Tasks: 1. Scientific discovery, innovative research, theoretical mastery and statistical equipment of the Gandhi "greatest force of non-violence of mankind" with the goal of making it available for use by every nation on the planet for peace and prosperity. 2. Mass popularization and comprehensive development of the culture and movement of Gandhi non-violence through the institutions of education, science, culture and media in all countries in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gandhi on October 2, 2019. 3. Training highly professional, comprehensively learned experts and volunteers in the field of non-violence. 4. Practical implementation of the ideas, norms and culture of the "greatest force of non-violence" in all spheres of life of mankind and every nation through the creation of new and renewal of traditional mechanisms and institutions of democratic governance both within the governmental power and within the civil society and its organizations. In 2019, two tasks/goals are prioritized: 1 and 2. II. Committee main activities: 1. Prepare and approve the text of the GHA project “Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC)”. 2. Prepare and approve the personal composition of the International Gandhi Committee. 3. Prepare the “GHA Proposals for the Government of India” with a proposal for the establishment of the Governmental “Gandhi Jubilee Commission” and its funding. 4. Prepare the text: “Appeal of the Government of India to the Governments of the UN member states” on the creation of national “Gandhi Jubilee Commissions” as tools for the development of non-violence, vital for each country. 5. Prepare and approve Work Programs for each of the 4 working modules of the GC. 6. Operational management of the project implementation in all its modules and in all GHA Departments. III. GHA Gandhi Committee (GC), its structure and main functions

1. The International Gandhi Committee is formed by the GHA with its center in India as the homeland of Gandhi based on the GHA-India Department, in Delhi from representatives of different Indian states and different GHA national Departments.
2. The GHA GC includes two levels: Honorary Co-Chairs, designed to inspire and support GC actions to the best of their abilities and Executive GC, designed to guide the operational programs of the implementation of basic programs (models). 3. GHA Gandhi Committee recommends, approves and consolidates the national GCs whose Chairs are included in the Executive GC as its permanent members. 4. The Chairs of the national GCs select and approve the personal composition of the Executive GC for each country. 5. National GHA GCs are created primarily in countries where Spheron's statistical studies have been conducted, the authors of which are recommended to the national GCs, to ensure the innovative scientific development of Gandhi's non-violence in these countries. 6. GHA GC carries out the development of work programs/modules and the complete management of their execution. 7. The proposed list of the GHA GC on Ferruary 5, 2019 is: GHA Gandhi Committee (GC) Honorary Co-Chairs: - Ela Gandhi, South Africa, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=852) - Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678) - John Avery, Denmark, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672) - Shri Kanak Dugar, India, Gandhi Vidya Mandir Chairman, IASE Deemed University Chancellor (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481) - Shri Alagan Annamalai, Director, National Gandhi Museum, Delhi (www.gandhimuseum.org) (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=872) Executive GC:
- Chair of the GHA GC, - Position is vacant - Vice-Chair of the GHA GC, - Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, Gurgaon, Haryana, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583
- Vice-Chair of the GHA GC, - Dr. Ravi Bhatia, Gandhian Scholar, R/Prof. University, Delhi, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=737 - Vice-Chair of the GHA GC, CEO - Position is vacant - General Director of “GHA-Trust-EduB” (GTEB) (EduB: Education/Books) - Vice-Chair of the GHA GC, - Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, scientist, Calcutta, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317 - Vice-Chair of the GHA GC, - Dr. A.K. Merchant, National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha’i community of India; General Secretary, Temple of Understanding India Foundation; Delhi, Mobile: 9810441360http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=841 - GHA GC member, - Kartar Singh, Indian Ex-Services League (IESL) President, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=871 - GHA GC member, - Prof. Pravat Dhal, Magadh University, Bodhgaya, Bihar, - GHA GC member, advisor, - Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, philosopher and sociologist, Russia, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 - GHA GC member, - Natalia Chigrina, public figure, Russia, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Noor Larik, scientist, statistician, Pakistan, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, scientist, Ghana, - GHA GC member, - Ms. Rosa Dalmiglio, WGHA Vice-Chair, Italy, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Takis D. Ioannides, scientist, Greece, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Marie Robert, artist, France, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Rene Wadlow, diplomat, France, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Guy Crequie, philosopher, poet, singer, France, - GHA GC member, - Delasnieve Daspet, Lawyer, Poet, Writer, Brazil, - GHA GC member, - Adm. André M. Maltez, Business Administrator (MBA), Brazil, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Sabrina Gopala, Professor, Malaysia, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, Kazakhstan, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Eduard Soroko, Professor, Belarus, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, president, World Peace Organisation, Argentina, - GHA GC member, - Ms. Celia Altschuler, painter and poet, Puerto Rico, - GHA GC member, - Andre Sheldon, Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence, USA - GHA GC member, - Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor, USA, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Vladislav Krasnov, historian, USA, - GHA GC member, - Dr. Roger Kotila, psychologist, USA, Total: GC 32 members from 18 countries. They are presented on the personal pages of the GHA website “Peace from Harmony”: http://peacefromharmony.org
IV. GHA Gandhi Committee Informational Support 1. Information support is carried out through the existing GHA website “Peace from Harmony”: http://peacefromharmony.org 2. The Gandhi Committee Board additionally creates a special website in India, “Gandhi Nonviolence,” with the sections: Education in Non-Violence; Science and statistics of Non-violence; Culture of Non-violence; Non-violence policy; Non-violence for women, family and children; Leaders and Non-violence organizations; Contests and Non-violence awards; etc. V. GHA GC Proposals to the Government of India
as an addition to its Jubilee program 1. To declare 2019 as the “World Year of Gandhi Nonviolence” or "World Gandhi Year" and approve this initiative at the UN General Assembly and UNESCO in February. 2. To create in Feebruary/March in the Government of India a “Jubilee Gandhi Commission” (JGC) from the representatives of humanitarian ministries (50%) and Indian NGOs (50%) with a leading role in them the GHA GC to prepare anniversary programs and organize culminating Jubilee Congresses in Delhi in the Lotus Temple with a capacity of 2500 people. 3. The working time of the JGC in 2019 should be divided into two main parts: 1. Preparatory stage: January – June and 2. Culmination stage: July – December. 4. Culminating World Jubilee Congresses in Delhi, in the Lotus Temple in six vectors: 4.1. Educational: "Universal School of Gandhi Nonviolence/Peace" - July. 4.2. Humanitarian science: “Gandhi's Nonviolence and its Science Development” - August. 4.3. Religious: "Interfaith Harmony of Gandhi Nonviolence" - September. 4.4. Women's: "Women's equality and Gandhi Nonviolence" - October. 4.5. Peacemaking: “Gandhi Nonviolence as Global Peace” - November. 4.6. Political: “India, BRICS and the UN as the Centers for Gandhi Nonviolence Initiation” – December. Under the Mr. Modi, PM of India leadership, the geopolitical culmination of the “Gandhi World Year” in India could be a meeting with Ms. Ela Gandhi, the granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and the government reception of the heads of states and the “National Gandhi Commissions” with the participation of the GC Nobel Prize Laureates in Delhi on October 2, 2019 on the Gandhi birthday 150th anniversary in the Lotus Temple or in the newly built "Global Gandhi Temple/Center/Congress-Hall" (see below). 5. Key preparatory actions of the “Jubilee Gandhi Commission” (JGC): 5.1. Establishment in Delhi of the “International Jubilee Gandhi Foundation” (IJGF) from the governmental, corporate and individual donations for the preparation, organization and holding of the Jubilee Congresses - February. 5.2. Establish the “IJGF Golden Book” in order to record and morally encourage all investors to this Foundation with the award of the corresponding government medal: “Outstanding Contribution to the Gandhi Anniversary”. 5.3. In order to ensure the widest possible participation of the world civil society in the JGC, create in it (50% of its composition) a Sector of “Non-Governmental Organizations” (international and national NGOs) - NGOs/JGC Sector to coordinate the NGOs activities, approving its organizing center the GHA Gandhi Committee, which has a wide network of national offices, providing it with the necessary budget and IJGF funding. The scale of this financing will determine the scale of participation/coverage of the world civil society in the Government JGC. 5.4. Prepare the Congresses Programs in six vectors, providing within them to hold broad international competitions for the best innovative projects, including the creation and publication of relevant books, textbooks, teaching aids, etc. anniversary editions. 5.5. Create a Design Bureau within JGC for preparation of frame school projects of the “Gandhi Museums” within the world museum network of Gandhi, urban “Nonviolence Gandhi Centers”, and prepare an International Architectural and Design Competition for the building International Cultural Nonviolence Center and the Gandhi Museum in Delhi like the "Lotus Temple" in Delhi. - For example, the “Gandhi Temple/Center or Congress-Hall” of spherical architecture, symbolizing the global nature of nonviolence and harmony. Its financing, design and construction can be international at the call of the government of India. The main goals of this Center/Temple are the development of science, education and nonviolence culture on an international scale under the auspices of the UN and UNESCO. 5.6. Establish in Delhi the International Laboratory of Innovative Science of Nonviolence (ILISN) Gandhi, providing its funding. VI. Government of India: key link in the preservation and use of the world Gandhi nonviolence heritage The life and use of Gandhi's non-violence depends on the people and government of India. In the 20th century, non-violence became the necessary culture of the Indian people, developing and raising to an unprecedented height the traditional culture of non-violence in India since ancient times. Nonviolence Gandhi lives in the historical memory and traditions of the people of India. But over time, every good memory and tradition is corroded. They are always threatened with oblivion in disuse and neglect. Only targeted systemic and long-term (indefinite) government efforts are able to resist such a destructive trend if it recognizes the decisive value of Gandhi's non-violence as the highest intellectual and moral wealth not only of the nation and culture of India, but of all humanity. From the government of India, in the first place, depends on the preservation of this world heritage, its deep knowledge, understanding, mastery and widespread international and global use in all spheres of social life of humankind. The GHA innovative Project is designed primarily to inspire, initiate and convince the government of India of the need for a long-term systemic strategy for the preservation and development of the world heritage of non-violence at the new historical, cultural, scientific, educational level that is proposed by our project. If this project does not find the support of the Government of India, then it will remain the marginal fate of stagnation on the outskirts of public consciousness and attention. Its preservation and life can be ensured in this case only by rare and dedicated individual enthusiasts, as it has been until now. The GHA GC hopes that its project “Gandhi Committee” with its proposals to the government of India will find in it both understanding, support, development, and practical implementation. Our innovative project is a call of the government of India, which we hope will be heard in it. VII. The historical value of non-violence Gandhi. The danger of forgetting and not using it in the 21st century Gandhi's non-violence is the infinite sociocultural cosmos of humanity, its global achievement and wealth. This is an intellectual universe of ideas, knowledge and intuition, relating to all spheres and aspects of human life. Gandhi owns a unique, incomparable historical example of a colossal non-violent political change without a single shot, without a single drop of blood and without a single victim, unlike tens of millions of victims of empires and tyrants of past centuries. Gandhi's non-violence has nothing to compare with. This is a one of a kind peak. Gandhi's nonviolence is an unattainable intellectual and moral top, inaccessible energy and an unrecognized saving genome of humanity, before which it stands in amazement for over 70 years, not understanding it and not knowing what to do with it, how to use it and not lose it. The legacy of Gandhi's non-violence is multidimensional, polyphonic, harmonious, multi-colored and pluralistic, excluding any one-dimensionality, one-sidedness, narrowness and monism typical to violence, war and militarism. Gandhi's nonviolence is universal, whole and integral. It connects all people and constitutes their eternal problem at all levels and in all spheres, starting with family and municipal government. Nonviolence is inherent in the social nature, in its spheral structure, in its genome and genetics, which Gandhi well felt with his brilliant intuition and about which he wrote a lot, but did not reach its theoretical, scientific understanding and explanation. But most importantly, he used it with great success in the long-term non-violent liberation of India from British rule. The scale and depth of non-violence remain still unknown in its deep essence, in its genetic code and social origins. Therefore, the “law of non-violence as the law of our life,” which hides the “greatest force / energy of humanity” (Gandhi), remains inaccessible in its defining virtue of non-violence and therefore remains unused. Nonviolence is not available to traditional, narrow and fragmented knowledge and thinking. It requires their fundamentally different qualities - integrity and wholeness, which are provided by spheral, sociocybernetic thinking by spheres and spherons of social being and the social genome of human life. Nonviolence of human nature became available only to spheral science and its paradigm of harmonious holistic tetranet thinking. Without it and similar intellectual tools adequate to the deep holistic nature of non-violence, it loses its meaning for traditional cognition, thinking and science, which put it on the verge of oblivion and the danger of renouncing it. We are already confronted with fierce slander and the "fashionable" now sweeping criticism of Gandhism. In the militaristic world, they are built on exaggerating some of his private mistakes and personal flaws (as if they were somehow devoid of them), while completely ignoring his unique historical non-violence. Gandhi's non-violence is a bone in the throat of modern militarism, which tries to ignore it, but non-violence will strangle it in the end as Gandhi strangled British rule in India. VIII. Sense of Gandhi Committee and Gandhi Project In the present situation of the great heritage of non-violence, the meaning of our Gandhi Committee and project is to focus on the intrinsic historical significance of the Gandhi non-violence heritage in different spheres and areas and find ways to master and use it to neutralize the dangers of forgetting it. Our GC is an innovative attempt to understand the pinnacle of non-violence and find ways to master the "greatest force/energy of non-violence" for all peoples in the name of their global peace, survival and prosperity. GC puts and tries to find scientific answers to relevant questions: Why is Gandhi's nonviolence the pinnacle of world achievements and wealth? Why is nonviolence not understood, unattainable and unused? Why is nonviolence the salvation and survival of humanity? How can it be understood and used by humanity? These and similar questions constitute the intellectual tasks of the new generations of our century. The anniversary of Gandhi is a wonderful, beautiful occasion to start in a new way to pose such fundamental questions and to offer innovative fundamental answers for them, formulated as a first approximation in our project for discussion during the week. IX. GHA Project “Gandhi Committee” Contents 1.Gandhi Committee: Call > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 2.Gandhi’s Nonviolence School > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=854 3.Gandhi’s Interfaith Harmony > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=856 4.Nonviolence Science > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=857 5.Women’s Nonviolence > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=858 6.Nonviolence Democracy > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=859 7.Nonviolence Moral > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=860 8.Rap. Nonviolence Art > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=855 9.GHA “Gandhi Book” > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 10.Best Articles. Gandhi’s Journalism > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=861 11.Discussions about Gandhi > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=862 12.Gandhi’s Year Culminations > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=863 13.Gandhi’s World Petition > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=865 14.Putin. Modi. Gandhi Commissions > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=868 15.Gandhi and M. L. King Jr. > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=303 16.Aparna Basu. Gandhi’s Vision > http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=870 17.+ Gandhi and the XXth Century Nonviolence Titans: Leo Tolstoy, Albert Schweitzer, Nikolas Roerich, Helena Roerich, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others > ? 18.+ Gandhi Global Web Fraternity >? X. Epilogue. Future of the GHA project "Gandhi Committee" Under the conditions of the unconditional domination of militarism - a modern form of total violence, to a greater or lesser extent in all countries, it is difficult to hope for the GHA “Gandhi Committee” project recognition in 2019, although, as they say, “give God that we make a mistake”. At the same time, by name, spirit, and multinational and interfaith culture of Gandhi's non-violence, there are two countries in the world: India and Russia, more interested in the preservation, development and use of the Gandhi's non-violence heritage. If, however, their modern governments, according to the above-mentioned atmosphere of global militarism, will be unable to accept and recognize this project, then other governments, moreover, are unlikely to do so. Then, the world civil society can only hope and wait for, in 5-10-20 years, new governments will come, capable of accepting and implementing our “Gandhi project”. There is no doubt that the need and necessity of global social non-violence (peace, harmony) for humanity will not go anywhere and will only intensify in the conditions of the unrestrainedly growing total threat of militaristic violence. The decisive factor in the universal acceptance of the “Gandhi project” as an alternative to militarism will be the fundamental scientific evidence of the statistical researches of spherons (spheral harmonious classes of the population) as social sources of non-violence - “the greatest force of humanity” by definition of Gandhi, which has not yet been studied by science and is not used by society. The beginning of the system statistical researches of spherons was laid in the GHA, which is reflected in the third module, “Nonviolence Science” of the GHA project “Gandhi Committee”: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=857. only the “International Laboratory of Innovative Science of Non-Violence” (ILISN) in Delhi or St. Petersburg with budget financing will be able to continue this research at the professional scientific level. It will certainly be created, sooner or later, because it will be a response to the global challenge of the need for a scientific understanding of the “greatest force” of social non-violence (peace, harmony), from the solution of which humanity will never go and anywhere. Here lies the source of unshakable optimism and heroic enthusiasm for Gandhi's non-violence in the GHA project proposed today in its future perspective. This is our optimistic epilogue for the future under the worst circumstances of today.