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Peace from Harmony
Pravat Dhal. Peace from Harmony through Science and Education


Pravat Kumar Dhal



GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony and Nonviolence

GHA book “Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point” coauthor:


PhD, Indian Education Scientist

Professor and Head

Department of Education

Magadh University, Bodhgaya, India


Mob: 9430774502

The GGHA Highest Honorary Title

“World Harmony Gandhian Creator”, 2019


In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543










ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4318-2468



Respected Leo Sir and All,

Happy New Year 2022! Let this year brings us peace, security, progress, enlightenment, joy and more consciousness! Let we be free from all barriers! Collective effort and collective aspiration will be more meaningful.

It is no doubt that prof. Leo (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253) is a pioneer in building peace culture in the Globe. His lifetime contribution to the world peace and effort for creating war free world is unique. His life incidence, experience and motivation towards scientific nonviolence of spheronics as means of peace building in the globe will be remain as source of inspiration for more of us and the coming generation.

My great salute to this Peace Hero in this auspicious day. With Best Regards,

Pravat Kumar Dhal, PhD,

World Harmony Gandhian Creator 2019







 Prof. Dhal was born o­n September 4,1967 in Odisha, India. In 1987 he graduatedfrom UtkalUniversity, M.Ed. from Pondicherry University in 2000, M. Phil.(Education) from Alagappa University in 2003, M.Sc.(Math.) from Annamalai University and Ph.D. (Education) in 2010 from Sambalpur University, Odisha. He published more than 50 scientific papers and Six Books in different International/National Publications of Russia, USA, German and India. His writings are liked in Russia, USA, India, German and Australia. He has been serving in the field of education for twenty-six years from Primary to Tertiary level. At present he is working as Professor and Head, Department of Education, Magadh University, Bodhgaya. He is the founder of MIRA and Executive Body Member of AIAER. Along with he is the Member of GHA, IAWEP, GERA, IATE, IAAP, IFORE, HEF, EDC and VT Member NCTE. He has gotWorld Harmony Gandhian Creator 2019, Asia Award-2018 for Excellence in Higher Education, Fellow of the Rights Honor-2018, Leading Educationist of India Award & Bharat Excellence Award-2018, Ambedkar Fellowship Award 218, CEE Award 2016, Research Excellence Award-2013, Good Leader Award, and many appreciations and recognitions.


My Father is a Primary teacher (retired) - about 80 yrs. of old and

Mother is a housewife about 75 years of old. We are 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

Wife: Mrs. Subhasini Dhal (DOB:3..3.1973)

Daughter: Ipsita prava Dhal (DOB: 13.04.2004)


Hobbies: Reading, Writing,Teaching, managing educational institution

Best Books and Articles (5)

 1. Pioneers in Education, APH Publications, New Delhi (Book),2007,2011
 2. Integral Education, APH Publications, New Delhi(Book), 2007, 2011
 3. Peace Education, Shipra Publications New Delhi(Book), 2019
 4.Education for New Age: New Education for Establishing Peace and
Harmony in the  Globe, IGI Publication, USA(Chapter 20 of Book),2018
 5.Role of Education in Interfaith Harmony, GHA, Russia (conference Paper), 2016

See also here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1017


A Review of “Gandhica


Pravat Kumar Dhal, India


The 67th project of GHA “Gandhica”* (240 pages) by the leadership of Professor Leo Semashko (Russia) was appeared in October2, 2019 as a marvelous unique creation of 82 coauthors of the 25 countries having focused o­n India’s icon Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolence practices as greatest tool to establish peace and harmony in the humankind. It is an innovative integrated means of scientific interpretation of social reality through “spherons” proceeded as “tetranet thinking” based o­n discovery of Karl Marx (4 spheres of social production), Maturana (autopoiesis) and Parsons (societal communities) and long term experience of GHA. Spherons are the source ofhuman life, the foundation of all its higher and eternal values: harmony, peace, solidarity, nonviolenece, justice, unity, freedom, equality, fraternity, love and happiness. It provides an adequate scientific understanding of the Gandhian adventure of humanity from violence to nonviolence. The project carries both theoretical and empirical evidence with statistical data of the new “substantial reality” of the Globe. It encourages the intellectual scientific socio-cybernetic understanding and conscious way of peace and harmony through nonviolence against dominant traditional militaristic thinking. GHA believes in universal peace making true spirituality of the future of humanity through revelation of the deep social nature of the non-violence.

The four parts of this project: o­ntology, epistemology, sociology and statistics reveals valuable attributes of human life like truth, peace, harmony, love, disarmament, freedom, equality, fraternity and democracy. It expresses the synthesis of ‘ABC Harmony’, ‘Global peace science’, new manner thinking of Einstein, potentiality of Gandhi’s nonviolence, Pawlik’s Hack of Cybernetics, the art of Picasso, poetic genius of Tholana, Tetranet thinking of Leo, John Kennedy’s thinking“to end the war before war ends the humanity,” shift the arms race into a peace race (Martin Luther King Jr.) and Copernican scientific revolution of humanitarian knowledge with spirituality leading towards peace and harmony in the civilizations.It is a constructive holistic nonviolent transformative multidimensional means of fundamental social understanding against destructive reality, violence, genocide, ecocide, death, war, hatred, hostility, slavery and traditional militarism. Gandhica is a unique invaluable lovable treatise of mankind represents the collective consciousness of greatest intellects in the Globe. The three H’s (hand, head, and heart) of ‘satyagraha’ makes it a new science of consciousness. The lifelong penance of principal author, philosopher, social reformer, Professor Leo and his great inspiration and effort along with its coauthors’ contributions make the project a gala success. This treaty will certainly helpful for academia, peace aspirants,peace builders, conflict managers, researchers, and social reformers, as rich source of information and guide for creating New World Order and Global Peace.


* Leo Semashko, Subhash Chandra, Pravat Dhal, Lukas Pawlik, editors and 78 coauthors. Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point. Spherons’ Genetics and Statistics. GANDHICA.

Research. Primer. Poetics. Design. The GHA 67th Project. Approved: November 6, 2018.

New Delhi, 2019, 240 p: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848


PhD. Pravat Kumar Dhal, Professor and Head, Department of Education,

Magadh University, Bodhgaya, India




© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005