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Leo Semashko, Lucas Pawlik. Spherons: New Reality and Mega-Thinking of Youth in the 21st Century

Gandhica’s Mega-Thinking for Youth

Leo Semashko, Russia



Lucas Pawlik, Austria



Conference: Youth of the 21st century: Image of the Future.

St-Petersburg University, Sociological Faculty. November 14-16, 2019



Spherons: New Reality and Mega-Thinking of Youth in the 21st Century.

Survival, Nonviolent Hacking of Violence and Breakthrough into New Era.



A. Einstein formulated 70 years ago the law of the survival of humanity, therefore, of youth:

We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind [including youth] is to survive,” because “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." [1]

This requirement was put forward by Mikhail Kovalevsky (1851-1916) - the first Russian sociologist who proclaimed the need for pluralism in sociology and criticized monism in general, Marxist materialistic/economic monism in particular. He wisely characterized it as a "fatal mistake" and "naive simplification" [2]. Its “fatal mistake” was fully proved by the 20th century and the USSR collapse, which was created at the level of Marxist thinking.

Unfortunately, the centuries-old stagnation of social science, traditionally limited by economic materialism and its political violence as the dominant way to resolve conflicts so far, 70 years after Einstein, not allowed to scientifically recognize the “substance of a new manner of thinking”. Its o­nly example in the teaching and practice of Gandhi’s non-violence [3], which ensured India’s non-violent liberation from Britain in the last century, was buried with the stigma “utopia” by traditional militaristic / violent thinking. It was able to create a super destructive nuclear weapon of complete ecocide and genocide but was powerless in understanding and explain non-violence. Therefore, young people will not be able to live or survive in the 21st century with any of the traditional, stagnant methods of this thinking and any of its ideologies.

The traditional social sciences and their torn partial micro/meso-thinking were unable to find and see a new social reality, providing an epochal breakthrough of the tradition by an asymmetric “substantially new manner of thinking."

It was implemented in the "Global Harmony Association" (GHA), in the collective book of 82 coauthors (including the president of India and the four Nobel laureates) from 25 countries, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Gandhi, which was briefly titled "Gandhica" [5]. Into it was statistically, empirically irrefutable, proved [5, 45–96] that the “varnas” of the Indian tradition, in which Gandhi saw the social pillar and the source of the “greatest force of non-violence”, are identical to discovered in tetrasociology [4] more than 40 years ago - to spherons, spheral classes of the population employed in the four eternal spheres of social production. Spherons are modern global varnas/classes employed in these spheres of autopoiesis as their necessary actors and their substance.

Of the many definitions of the Gandhian spheral tetranet mega-thinking, the following may be most adequate: This is a systemic, creative, cybernetic, nonviolent, asymmetric global mega-thinking by the mega-structures of the spheres and spherons of society in the statistical mega-laws framework of their genetic harmony with the planetary spheres mega-ecology. Its holistic expression is the system design of structural modeling of the spheral mega-structures of society and the planet in the sociocybernetic GENOME o­n p. 27 of Gandhica. It was open and prepared in Russia for more than 40 years. It is comparable to the discoveries of genetics, cybernetics and computer science, but it has been ignored all this time “as always”. The traditional partial micro/meso-thinking is very afraid of it, it is powerless in front of it, avoids dialogue with it for more than 40 years, constantly pressing it, thereby condemning Russia to a new stagnation in the new century.

Youth was put in the post-industrial society and its militaristic thinking before the alternative of either their surviving with a new mega-mindset, or self-destruction in a total nuclear war, the international brakes of which are completely destroyed. Youth must make a conscious choice between these global options. For survival, youth needs non-violently “to hack” the traditional way of thinking and its dying militaristic order [6; 7] by a “substantially new” tetranet mega-thinking by spherons. There is no other way of survival and future without and beyond spherons.

This “substantially new” mega-thinking by spherons requires the creation of a national and international Academies of Humanitarian/Social Sciences (AHSS) of “substantially new” content that still does not exist anywhere. This thinking requires the creation of a “substantially new” humanitarian education and humanitarian universities with the basic textbook/primer of Gandhica in different versions. This thinking opens up before youth the “substantially new” peaks of the humanities, education, politics, business and the high humanistic meaning of life to young people, in contrast to the narrow, mercantile and (self) murderous fate in the outgoing militaristic civilization of traditional partial thinking. o­nly a humanitarian education in the saving thinking of survival and prosperity of Gandhica will make it for the youth of the 21st century “the most powerful weapon to change this world” [Mandela, 8] and to survive in it with dignity.


1.Ковалевский М.М. Социология. – М. 1910. Т.2. – с. 19; Он же. Современные социологи. –СПб. 1905. – С. 8, 14 и др.

2.Einstein, A. Quotes, 1955. – https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins104567.html.

3.Gandhi, M. My Religion, 1955. – http://gandhisevagramashram.org/my-religion/index.php

4.Semashko, L. Spheral Approach. – St-Petersburg, Notabene, 1992. – https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/leo-semashko-spheral-approach-1993.pdf

5.Leo Semashko, Subhash Chandra, Pravat Dhal, Lukas Pawlik, editors and 78 coauthors.

Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point. Spherons’ Genome and Statistics. Gandhica. Research. Primer. Poetics. Design. New Delhi, 2019: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848

6.Lucas Pawlik. Gandhica’s Conclusion. Humanity's Choice: A Gandhian Nonviolent Hack or Dying in an Escalation of Violence by (p. 151-154)

7.Pawlik, Lucas. Hack or Die: How Humanity Steers Into Its Post-Digital Future. World Futures, 2019. –p. 58–68. –: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02604027.2019.1568802?journalCode=gwof20

8.Mandela N. Quotes: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/nelson_mandela_157855






Dr. Lucas Pawlik, Austria (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=887)

Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253)

“Gandhica” Editors (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848)


Spherons: New Reality and Mega-Thinking of Youth in the 21st Century.

Survival, Nonviolent Hacking of Violence and Breakthrough into New Era.

Theses to

Conference: Youth of the 21st century: Image of the Future.

St-Petersburg University, Sociological Faculty. November 14-16, 2019


1. A key existential requirement. A. Einstein formulated the law of survival 70 years ago: “We shall require a fundamentally new manner of thinking if humanity [including young people] is to survive,” because “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level thinking we were at when we created it” [1]. This demand was put forward by M. Kovalevsky (1851-1916), great Russian sociologist proclaiming the need for pluralism in sociology and criticizing Marxist economic monism, wisely qualifying it as a “fatal mistake” and “naive simplification” [2] that was proved by the 20th century.

2. The centuries-old stagnation of the traditional social/human sciences of economic materialism with its political violence. This is the stagnation of the dominant partial and torn micro/meso-thinking under the baseless ideological motto: "it is omnipotent, because it is true." The past century has proved its falsity and powerlessness in solving global problems. It stopped the progress of social cognition/sciences, depriving them ability to find and discover the “substance of a new manner of thinking” according to Einstein. It buried for 75 years with the stigma “utopia” the o­nly example of the latter in the teaching/practice of Gandhi’s non-violence [3]. During this time, it created a “super destructive” nuclear weapon of complete ecocide and genocide, but it was powerless to scientifically understand and explain non-violence. Therefore, young people in the 21st century cannot neither live nor survive with any of the depressive ways of this thinking/ideology.

3. The epochal breakthrough of the tradition by an asymmetric “substantially new manner of [mega-] thinking” of Gandhica by the 82 GHA co-authors from 25 countries [5]. It statistically irrefutably proved [5, 45–96] that the “varnas” of the Indian tradition, in which Gandhi saw a social pillar/source of “the greatest force of non-violence”, are identical to those discovered in tetrasociology [4] more than 40 years ago - spherons, spheral classes of the population employed in the four eternal spheres of production/autopoiesis as their necessary actors and substance.

4. The definition of "substantially new" Gandhian spheral tetranet thinking. This is a systemic, creative, cybernetic, nonviolent, asymmetric global mega-thinking by the mega-structures of the spheres and spherons of society in the statistical mega-laws framework of their genetic harmony with the planetary spheres mega-ecology. Its holistic visual expression is the sociocybernetic GENOME of spheral mega-structures of society and planet o­n p. 27 of Gandhica. It has been open in Russia for more than 40 years. It is comparable to the discoveries of genetics, cybernetics and computer science, but all this time it has been ignored “as always”, dooming Russia to a new stagnation.

5. An alternative of survival. Young people in outgoing postindustrial society/mindset were put before the alternative of either their surviving with a new mega-mindset, or self-destruction in a total nuclear war, the international brakes of which are completely destroyed. To survive, youth must “hack” the dominance of micro/meso-thinking and its “crumbling” world order [6; 7] by a “substantially new” tetranet mega-thinking by spherons. There is no other way of survival and future without and beyond spherons.Fulltext: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=900




To Humanitarian Student

If you are brave (not afraid of the new), ambitious (with big goals), smart (with intelligence) and stubborn (not a slob/weakling but of a strong will), then you have mastered the 21st century Copernican Gandhian revolution of social spheral mega-thinking systematically deployed in the Gandhica, you will be able to reach “substantially new” heights of science (become president of the new Academy of Social Sciences), education (rector of the new Global Noospheral University), business (become the first spheral billionaire in 5 years), politics (win the presidential election-24 ) and the higher humanistic meaning of life. The road to the heights will be overpowered o­nly by those who approach them with adequate thinking.

None of the stagnant ideologies and discredited thinking paradigms of the past will open up similar peaks for you, but will o­nly zombify you in the narrow, mercantile and (self) murderous fate of traditional thinking and stagnant education. In humanitarian universities, their faceless plane and depressive grayness produce o­nly analogous mediocrity. For example, sociology, as it has been since the time of Pitirim Sorokin, has remained an empirical servant of business and marketing. They do not think about the peaks, a breakthrough into a new era and a new substance of new humanitarian knowledge - about spherons, anathematized more than 40 years ago. Their reality determines the asymmetric to violent and immoral tradition a breakthrough manner of non-violent "substantially new [mega-] thinking" (A. Einstein), saving for humanity and every person.

Only humanitarian education and self-education in this saving innovative ethical mega-thinking of Gandhica in the 21st century will be your “the most powerful weapon to change this world” (N. Mandela) and worthy to survive in it.

At your suggestion, I’m ready to speak anywhere and help you with this not easy, but great intellectual path, if you contact me. I wish you success in understanding and applying new thinking,

Dr. Leo Semashko (+7 812 597 6571; leo.semashko@gmail.com)

Dr. Lucas Pawlik ( ) 21-10-19



Подавление этих идей в России «как всегда» при вечном: «хотели, как лучше», см. здесь:

The suppression of these ideas in Russia “as always” with the eternal: “wanted the best,” see here:


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005