





About Us


Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Gianluigi Segalerba. Peacemaker from Harmony of History, Philosophy and Religion


Gianluigi Segalerba



GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony/Nonviolence in Europe,

Institutional Affiliation:

Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse Universität Wien

(Working group cultural analysis University of Vienna),

Address: Vienna, Austria,

Address in Italy: Via Dassori 29/5B, 16131 Genoa,

Email: gianluigi.segalerba@univie.ac.at, gianluigisegalerba@gmail.com,

Skype: gianluigi.segalerba

Personal page:




I was born in Genoa in 1967. I graduated in Philosophy at the University of Pisa in 1991 and obtained my PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pisa in 1998. I was visiting scholar at the Universities of Tübingen, of Berne, of Vienna. My first publication was “Note su Ousia” (Pisa 2001). I was then co-editor of the volume “Substantia – Sic et Non” (Frankfurt o­n the Main 2008), and I am the author of the book “Semantik und o­ntologie: Drei Studien zu Aristoteles” (Berne 2013). I currently live and work in Vienna.



Biographical references:

Date and place of birth: 24 June 1967, Genoa, Italy.


Citizenship: Italy



June 1991: attainment of the MA in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Pisa.

June 1998: attainment of the Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Pisa.


Parents: Father: Giovanni Segalerba, Jurisprudence, Notary, deceased o­n 16 May 1983

Mother: Jurisprudence (University of Genoa), Employee


Marital Status: married


Children: three, 1 male, two twins females


Hobbies:- Hobbies: Trekking, Cinema, Literature, Arts, Art Exhibitions, swimming.





Books and articles:

Segalerba, G., Note su Ousia, ETS, Pisa 2001, 307 pages.

Segalerba, G., Numerische Einheit als o­ntologisches Kriterium. Zur Unterscheidung der Entitäten bei Aristoteles, in: «Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie», volume XXXV, 2003, pp. 59-96.

Segalerba, G., Eins neben den vielen Dingen und Eins bei den vielen Dingen: Anzeichen einer alternativen o­ntologie bei Aristoteles, in: «Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie», 2/2005, pp. 44-73.

Segalerba, G., Aristoteles’ Entdeckung des wahrhaft Allgemeinen, in: «Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie», Volume XXXVIII, 2006, pp. 203-246.

Segalerba, G., Aspekte der Substanz bei Aristoteles, in: «Substantia – Sic et Non», edited by H. Gutschmidt, A. Lang-Balestra, and G. Segalerba, o­ntos Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 35-84.

Segalerba, G., Nachwort zur Substanz (together with A. Balestra und H. Gutschmidt) in: «Substantia – Sic et Non», edited by H. Gutschmidt, A. Lang-Balestra und G. Segalerba, o­ntos Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 542-560.

Segalerba, G., Die aristotelische Substanz als Wendepunkt in der o­ntologie der Antike, in: «Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte», Sonderheft 8, 2010, pp. 161-172.

Segalerba, G., Ohne Satz vom Widerspruch keine Entität. Der Satz vom Widerspruch als Strukturformel der Realität, in: «The Journal of Ancient Philosophy», Volume 5, 2, 2011, pp. 1-57.

Segalerba, G., Die Offenheit des Individuums für das Neue als Basis für jegliche Form von Lernprozess, in: «University Meets Public – Nachlese. Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Thema „lernende Gesellschaft“», edited by E. Brugger, E. Gornik, B. Neichl, N. Tomaschek, Edition Volkshochschule, Vienna 2011, pp. 50-58.

Segalerba, G., Semantik und o­ntologie. Drei Studien zu Aristoteles, Peter Lang Verlag, Berne 2013, XVII+547 pages.

Segalerba, G., Das Monster in uns, in: «Philosophical Inquiry», Volume 40, Issue 1/3, Winter/Spring 2016, pp. 38-57.

Segalerba, G., Das Manifest für eine Neue o­ntologie: Metaphysik My 10, in: «Revue Romaine de Philosophie», Vol. 52, Issue 2, July-December 2015, pp. 209-237.

Segalerba, G., Dividuum, in: „Sehen und Sagen. Für Walter Seitter“, edited by Ivo Gurschler, Sophia Panteliadou, Chistopher Schlembach, Vienna 2017, pp. 54-57.

Segalerba, G., Lasst uns den Weg einer neuen o­ntologie einschlagen! (1. Teil), in: „Analele Universitǎţii din Craiova, Seria: Filosofie, Nr. 40 (2/2017), Seiten 91-183


Segalerba, G., Anmerkungen über Tierethik, in: „Analele Universitǎţii din Craiova, Seria: Filosofie, Nr. 41 (1/2018), Seiten114-122


Segalerba, G., Lasst uns den Weg einer neuen o­ntologie einschlagen! (2. Teil), in: „Analele Universitǎţii din Craiova, Seria: Filosofie, Nr. 42 (2/2018), Seiten 5-48


Segalerba, G., The Drama of the Human Condition. Notes o­n the causes and origins of Evil in Plato’s Republic, in: „Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Vol 63, Issue 1, January-June 2019, Seiten 19-35.


Presentation of the Italian book

Segalerba, G., Selbstanzeige „Note su Ousia“ in: «Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte», Volume 45, 2003, pp. 265-267.



Substantia - Sic et Non, together with Antonella Balestra and Holger Gutschmidt, o­ntos Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2008.

Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Vol 52, Issue 2, July-December 2015 (Guest Editor).

Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Vol 63, Issue 1, January-June 2019 (Guest Editor with Professor Cornel-Florin Moraru, National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania).


My article in this newest book 2020

Mahmoud Masaeli, Nikolaos Asproulis, Rico Sneller
& Timo Slootweg (eds.)
Faith in Democracy.
Justice, Politics and Transcendence

This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and
transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and
the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law. It
searches for a curative for the pathological transformation of these
institutions into – so called – political religions. Along this line, it
explores the importance of spirituality and transcendence for political
legitimacy, democratic participation and international cooperation, law
and politics.
There being no general agreed-upon definition of ‘spirituality’, the
authors examine what may be seen as ‘spiritual' dimensions of the
political. These dimensions have in common a focus o­n transcendence
as a vanishing point of rationality and rational justification. This
vanishing point may become manifest, for example, in a primordial
requisite of becoming an individual person; in responding – in freedom
– to the call of theocracy; in the phenomenon of prophecy or political
wisdom; in the remaining shards of formerly all-pervasive religious
institutions; in tenacious hope for a democracy-to-come; in the
courageous resilience and resistance of citizens of ‘non-’ or ‘undemocratic'
states; etc.
The authors of this book, philosophers, theologians, psychologists,
jurists and others, are more or less suspicious of the Modern theories
of the social contract allegedly justifying democracy. It may turn out,
however, that the inexhaustive and unfathomable dimension of ‘faith’
which comes up as an alternative is not so easy to handle as a ‘rational
argument’. This ‘impracticality' of faith and transcendence might be the
irreducible yet indispensable predicament of democracy.
Gompel&Svacina Uitgevers
Reebokweg 1, B-2360 Oud-Turnhout | Rietveldenweg 60, NL-5222 AS 's-Hertogenbosch




Step 2

The GHA book “Mahatma Gandhi…Gandhica” Review





Step 3
Statistical Research during 4 hours:

Spherons of Italy (or Austria? What is better?)

in 2017 or in 2018, what is better?

Up to February 1. Is it possible?

(Method see in Gandhica, Chapter 1, 2, pp 32-36 and 41-88)




Step 4
Historical and Philosophical Research during 3 months (deadline April 1, 2020):

Gandhi's interpretation of Rigveda's Varnas in his

"My Religion" in Chapter 36: "Varna and Caste"

(To publish your research in the GHA new book "Gandhicracy",

See Gandhica, pp 94-97, 157-167)




Gianluigi Segalerba
Create Sattva in ourselves

Remarks o­n Gandhi’s interpretation of Gita

Read extended version in PDF

In process

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005