Послание ГСГ на Православную Пасху. Смертный приговор КОВИД-19 милитаризму. Воскресение равенства и мира! Публикация: На русском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=833 На английском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=936 Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья! ГСГ счастлив поздравить всех Православных в мире с Пасхой 19 апреля. На катарсис Католической Пасхи было послание Мейрид Магуры, Нобелевского лауреата (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=901). Мы желаем всем и каждому уберечься от пандемии своим крепким здоровьем, а человечеству выжить в ней своим иммунитетом генетической солидарности сферонов и начать на новом уровне возрождение Золотого доисторического века, о чем писали гении – Махатма Ганди и Риана Айслер. КОВИД-19 подписал, как видно, или как на Западе теперь говорят «хайли лайкли» «highly likely», смертный приговор милитаристскому мировому порядку и его милитаристской демократии, прежде всего в США, правительство которых на пике пандемии отвергло карантин, чтобы спасти не людей/население, а свой 60% милитаристский бюджет (Майкл Бреннер: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=922). Другой гений современности, Джохан Галтунг предсказывал крах США в этом году еще 20 лет назад (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=599). Вместе с Пасхальным приговором/катарсисом идет Пасхальное Возрождение на новом уровне доисторического мирового порядка равенства, ненасилия, мира и гармонии – «Золотого Века». Махатма Ганди так писал о нем: Деление общества на четыре равные варны/сфероны по их занятости в соответствующих сферах общества (потому были названы позже сферонами), обеспечившее мир и процветание древней Индии на многие тысячелетия – это «не изобретение человеческого ума, а естественный закон жизни, подобной ньютоновскому закону всемирного тяготения, который управляет всем человечеством и которому чужда сама идея превосходства [неравенства]. Выполнение этого закона обеспечивает жизнь, распространяет мир и согласие, кладет конец всем столкновениям и конфликтам. Все варны равны между собой, ибо община в равной мере зависима от всех варн. Сегодня народы пребывают в невежестве, постоянно нарушают этот закон [равенства] и оттого страдают. Сегодня мир может [по невежеству] игнорировать его, однако, рано или поздно он должен признатьего справедливость. Варна – лучшая гарантия счастливой [мирной, без насилия] жизни». [Gandhi, M. MyReligion, 1955.: http://gandhisevagramashram.org/pdf-books/my-religion.pdf, p. 162-176]. Нынешний год – год заката милитаристского мирового порядка и катарсиса человечества – это то время, когда оно будет вынуждено «признать справедливость» закона равных варн/сферонов Ганди. Они детально развернуты и фундаментально обоснованы мировой статистикой 76 стран в уникальной книге ГСГ «Гандика», которая теперь опубликована на ФБ с оценками Президента Индии и Нобелевского лауреата мира, которая номинировала ее на Нобелевскую Премию Мира 2020: (https://www.facebook.com/OmniScriptum/photos/a.1423771784537324/2580597025521455/?type=3&theater). Приглашаем всех друзей мира, любви, ненасилия и Ганди отметить ее вашими лайками и поделиться ею в ваших сетях, чтобы приблизить Христианское воскресение в новом мировом порядке. Нобелевскую номинацию Гандики смотреть здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=934. Риана Айслер так пишет о нем в своем беспрецедентном труде «Чаша и Клинок» (“The Chalice and The Blade”) в том же Гандианском духе: «В нашем иудейско-христианском наследии [живет] все еще постоянная надежда на то, что духовная эволюция человечества однажды может освободиться от системы, которая нас погубила в варварстве и угнетении. Это та сторона, которая две тысячи лет назад могла вызвать вторую, или гиланскую, трансформацию западных норм», но которая, без соответствующей науки и плюралистической ненасильственной идеологии, оказалась безуспешной [https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=932p. 119]. Сегодня, в третий раз, воскресает надежда и реальность возрождения на новом уровне доисторического равенства человечества как социетального в варнах/сферонах Ганди, так и гендерного в модели партнерства Рианы Айслер. Ее «ОДНАЖДЫ» случилось сегодня, в апреле 2020, как и Гандианское «должен признать». Чтобы не впасть в хаос, уныние, безнадежность и новое варварское насилие, нам необходимо встать на плечи гигантов: Ганди, Айслер, Галтунг, Магуры и продвигать их новый мировой порядок равенства, гармонии и глобального мира сферонов, философия и социология которого научно обоснована в Гандике. Это - духовное освобождение и воскрешение сегодня! Это есть то, «Кто нас вдохновляет и кого мы вдохновляем?» по вопросу Рика Вэймана, генерального директора Фонда мира ядерной эпохи, который он прислал нам (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=913). Гандика – лучший научный и холистический источник для «Грамотности мира» или «Гандианского образования» во всех учебных учреждениях, чтобы излечить мир от коренной причины милитаристской патологии. Христос Воскресе в варнах/сферонах Ганди и партнерстве Айслер! От имени ГСГ, с миром и любовью из их гармонии, Лев Семашко, ГСГ Основатель и Почетный Президент, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286 19-04-20
Я присоединяюсь к поздравлениям со светлым праздником Пасхи. Христос Воскресе! Поддерживаю тезисы этого поздравления. Ковид 19 обнажил смертельные противоречия капиталистического мира и ускорит его гибель с последующим перерождением в нечто более светлое, и чистое, где равенство и братство будут оснополагающими качествами человечества. И в этом поможет теория сферонов которую мы все поддерживаем. Да здравствует новый мир. А.В.Трубачев Россия 20-04-20
Пасхальное Послание
Dear Dr. Leo, Thank you for all your great work for peace during the year.Also to your family and son and his family. I hope you have a happy Easter in spite of the visitation of Coronavirus on many people whose families are grieving in their sad losses. Peace, Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate, Woman, who stopped Belfast terror, Global Peace Gandhian Creator GHA, North Ireland https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 12-04-20
DO NOT BE AFRAID…. ALL WILL BE WELL…. CORONAVIRUS COVID19 – local and international co-operation and solidarity By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, (12th April, 2020) (Underline is Leo Semashko) Dear Friends, We, as a human family, are living in extraordinary times, but we must not be afraid. Many people are traumatized as they face the shock and pain of a new virus called Corona Covid 19 which is spreading, rapidly, around the world, snatching the lives of loved ones. The virus has forced scientists and health care experts in laboratories around the world to work for a life-saving vaccine. In the meantime, medical experts and political leaders are co-operating to face the challenges, both personally and collectively, to deal with this pandemic. The new virus has changed the world we live in literally overnight and even though it will pass in time, things will never be the same. We have been told by health officials, scientists, and government leaders, to stop shaking hands, self-isolate, stay at home, and in some cases whole cities are in lock-down in order to stop the spreading of this disease. To all those who have lost loved ones, I express my deepest sympathy and to those suffering sickness my prayers go out to you. We are all inspired and give thanks to health workers putting their own lives at risk on the front lines, doing their duty with love, and taking care of the sick and dying in societies all over the world. We can NEVER thank enough the carers in the British National Health Service for their sacrifice (many have died) in the service of others.I am sure the best way to thank the carers and the NHS is for us all to demand that governments throughout the world put their citizens’ health care on top of government policies in ‘Health Budgets’. If this virus has done anything, it has reminded us that we are only human and very vulnerable; we need each other to survive and thrive.If anything, this virus hopefully will cement a greater sense of community and solidarity within the human race in addition to respect for each other, for nature and the universe. We will become more aware that we are interconnected, and interdependent, cooperation and solidarity being key to human and environmental survival.We have seen countries, which have shown great compassion towards others and a willingness to help other nations.This may be our greatest hope and foundation to build upon for more co-operation but it is with great sadness that we watch the build-up of military forces and increased isolation and destruction by some of International Treaties such as Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, Climate Change agreements, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc., However, we can take inspiration and get hope from countries such as China, Russia, and United States, co-operating to fight Coved 19. This hopefully is a foundation where Superpowers can work closer together.It is only with co-operation and solidarity that the human race will defeat the virus as we have many challenges ahead such as food shortages, global warming, pandemics, ethnic conflicts, but leaders, people, settling up structures to share information, resources, across the globe can work will achieve great things for humanity. There should be no enmity between nations but rather a spirit of generosity and magnanimity across the globe as not only is this the right thing to do, but it is in all our interests that this virus is eradicated as soon as possible.Government policies of sanctions, militarism, nuclear weapons and war must be radically replaced by government policies which put their citizen’s health – both physical and mental – top of the policy agenda.Government policies, which are hampering their own and other countries ability to cope with Corona virus should be changed immediately. The USA could lift sanctions placed on Iran, North Korea, Cuba, etc., and all 54 countries where these sanctions bring death and destruction to citizens, leaving their governments with no money for medicine and food or to help them cope now with the corona virus. For too long governments have squandered tax payer’s money building military complexes and enforcing the West’s Colonial system onto the developing/underdeveloped world.The USA spends over 600 billion on the military every year, and have 700 military bases around the world.The U.K. recently ordered three new Nuclear submarines which are expected to cost around 60 billion pounds and yet we see the National Health service facing a 15% reduction in money over the last ten years.For too long the taxpayers footed the bill for too many wars that have only served to enrich the elite at the top l% of our societies.We are told these wars are for our benefit but the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.Large corporations share the business, the assets and wealth seized in war and paid for by taxpayers who increasingly don’t see a share of the world’s wealth.Increasingly the wealthy hold more and the poor get poorer. Through violence, sanctions and war, we export a version of colonialism on poorer countries forcing mass migration and poverty (including famine and starvation in some countries) in the developing/underdeveloped world.It is time we hold governments to account and put to bed our colonial past.Our civil societies need to question where is our tax money going?People of all countries need to unite to demand better governance, transparency and accountability from our Political leaders and International organizations.Too long have we the people, been divided but we need to unite and create a better stronger human society that sees its neighbour not as a threat but a brother and sister. Another policy to be changed is to cancel third world debts, such as on Bangladesh, to help them protect their country as flooding, would cause millions to flee to safety.The Secretary General has called for a Global Ceasefire (meaning Governments and non-state fighters) to be observed in order to help governments to implement the UN developments goals to be reached.He has offered his Ambassadors, Diplomatic core to help mediate peace agreements, etc. This Pandemic, and other causes, mean the world now faces recession.Government policies of putting the peoples’ tax money into bankers and the military industrial complexes, in many countries, has reached a tipping point and rightly people are demanding social equality and justice.It does not go unnoticed by the public everywhere that the bankers, corporations, and rich get the tax breaks and bail-outs while the majority of people are left with no or low paid jobs, (often two in a household working round the clock trying to survive increasingly without the basics of life).Capitalism does not work, the system is broken, and we are all challenged to build a system of real democracy, which works for everyone. Many will not survive the Virus.There will be many families grieving for their loved ones, and it will take a long time to recover but a new consciousness has been borne out of this tragedy.We cannot go back to the old ways.We need a revolution of values from selfishness and greed, to values of kindness, economic justice, empathy, compassion, equality and taking care of each other.We need to construct non-killing, nonviolent societies built on forgiveness (which is the key to peace).Only by dedicating our lives to building such a world, can we build a monument of love to all those who have died and to all those on the front line of saving other people’s lives. We are at a turning point in history of the human race.We can grasp this opportunity for change and build a civilization with a heart and give hope to millions.Let’s join together, with the youth and make this quantum leap of faith and love for the future.Such a world is possible, there is hope for humanity, and in the words of the great English mystic, Julian of Norwich, let us believe ‘All will be well, all manner of things will be well’ Mairead Maguire, Нобелевский Лауреат: Пасхальное Послание о катарсисе пандемии Дорогая Мейрид, дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья! Большое вам спасибо, Мейрид, за вашу высокую оценку миротворчества и антимилитаризма ГСГ в течение 15 лет, за ваше теплое поздравление меня, моей семьи и моей/нашей большой интернациональной семьи ГСГ из более 60 стран с праздником Светлой Пасхи и ваше Пасхальное Послание! В наше переломное и трудное время Христос возрождается как символ возрождения Золотого Века человечества, в котором вместо господства царило равенство, вместо войны процветал мир, вместо дикого андроидного насилия управляло Гандианское ненасилие гармоничных варн/сферонов и гендерное партнерство Рианы Айслер, раскрытые в Гандике ГСГ с вашим активным участием. ГСГ счастлив поздравить вас, мудрую и смелую женщину, остановившую террор Белфаста и посвятившую всю жизнь антимилитаризму и вместе с вами всех членов ГСГ, для которых вы такой же великий символ, как Ганди и Айслер (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=932), с праздником Светлой Пасхи, с возрождением Христа, возвещающем сегодня зарю нового Золотого Века в нашем веке. Мы были счастливы опубликовать ваше вдохновенное Пасхальное Послание о катарсисе человечества и возрождении глобальной Гандианской солидарности в пандемии коронавируса, который требует заменить приоритет военного бюджета на приоритет бюджета здравоохранения, под которым мы все подписываемся, на трех страницах: 1. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=936 2. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=833 (in Russian) 3. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=901 Ковид-19 – это трагический, но необходимый катарсис современного милитаристского человечества, которое преодолевает, под знаком Христа в Пасху, свою внутреннюю разорванность и враждебность в национальном милитаризме возрождением равенства Гандианских варн/сферонов и гендерным партнёрством Айслер. Фундаментальный вывод Мейрид, который блестяще интегрировал все ключевые выводы ГСГ, представленные в Гандике: Пандемия показала, что человечеству не надо ждать «100 секунд» ядерного геноцида/экоцида (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), чтобы понять, что оно дальше жить вместе с милитаризмом не может, что оно должно освободиться от него везде – в управлении, в социальных отношениях, в политике, экономике, в бюджете, чтобы направить средства военного бюджета на здравоохранение, образование и благополучие населения, а не на бесконечные войны ради обогащения топ 1% ВПК. «Капитализм не работает, его система сломана, перед нами стоит задача построить систему реальной демократии, которая работает для всех.» Эта реальная 100% демократия представлена в ГСГ «Гандикратии-2020» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=818). К такому же выводу приходят и многие ученые: Майкл Бреннер, Рудольф Зиберт, все авторы Гандики и подавляющее большинство, 99% здравомыслящего населения, кроме 1% топ милитаристской правящей элиты. ГСГ желает вам, вашей семье, всем членам и друзьям ГСГ мужества и высокой христианской духовности пережить катарсис COVID-19, чтобы выйти из него очищенными, с твердым намерением и ясным научным сознанием Гандики, от скверны милитаризма, ставящего под вопрос выживание единого человечества в подобных трагических ситуациях. У православных Пасха через неделю, 19 апреля, но это наш общий и единый праздник возрождения и катарсиса человеческой семьи с которым мы счастливы поздравить друг друга по-братски и сестрински. С любовью, с пожеланиями крепкого здоровья и истинного, Гандианского сознания глобального мира из гармонии варн/сферонов и гендерного партнерства, Лев Семашко, Основатель и Почетный Президент ГСГ, 12-04-20 Dear Mairead, Leo, and GHA follow peacemakers, I send you my heart wishes and hopes, that this Easter will bring to our souls peace love and harmony. Happy Ester to all of you! With love, Takis Ioannides Greece
Dear Leo and GHA peacemakers, Good day, peaceful and blessed. Greek women once again demonstrate solidarity with their free offer of 40,000 masks they made in 138 villages and towns, and offer them for free to hospitals and the Red Cross, to protect citizens from the COVID-19. This is one more paradigm for women solidarity and contribution of women who contribute globally in the case of COVID-19, and how clever to include the chapter of women in the Gandhicracy. With love and peace Takis D Ioannides Dear Mairead, Dear Leo and Friends,
My best of regards and warm greetings to you. I wish you and your family and friends a Happy Easter. Thank you for your inspiring work. I share with you my following Easter letter. With loving regards Sincerely Yours Ananta. My dear and respected friends, Good morning. I wish you blessed Easter Sunday with our Risen Lord and the living co-presence of our Loving, Caring and Eternal Divine. This morning I woke up at 4 AM and listened to Easter vigil mass from a church in Ireland around sunrise. It was a moving experience. The priest told us to realize the living presence of the Risen Lord, which knows no social distancing. Whether we are Christians by birth or belief, the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ has a deep meaning for all of us beyond our birth and religions. Let us realize this as the resurrection of Love and Life. Sincerely Yours Ananta Giri India Dear Leo, Mairead and GHA Family, Thank you, Mairead, for your insightful and encouraging writing. May we all, as you have written, "grasp this opportunity for change and build a civilization with a heart and give hope to millions. Let’s join together, with the youth and make this quantum leap of faith and love for the future." Thank you, Leo, for providing such a wonderful forum and mechanism for uniting beautiful minds and souls from all over the world. Wishing all of you a Happy Easter and a future of great promise and fulfilment. Peace and blessings, Adam Greenwell New Zealand 12-04-20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dearest Leo
I'm not fine yet after my skin cancer operation. I tried to write a poem because this dangerous time we are all living. I hope you be fine and all this wonderful group be at home! in quarantine.. Love to all. Be safe. Susana Roberts Argentina POEM DEDICATED TO HEALTH PERSONNEL: DRS, NURSES, etc.. WHO RISK THEIR LIVES IN THIS DANGEROUS GLOBAL TIME OF COVID-19 TO SAVE OTHERS. Quarantine Today is not a brilliant day, it's neither gray nor a silver cloudy sky it's an unforeseen image a fatal time It is the film that is postponed to the end by thoroughly touching the silences impregnated by the wise source of nature Today the light goes out a little in social distance substantiated by the inaudible complicit voice of the wind with the rolling of the stones in the storm surge and the valley canals waiting for autumn, Who knows what will become of life! I know that life is the other human being, is my being on their rompers and medical chinstraps mission in healing, in perpetual spirit and shelter we haveto wait the time for the truth with hugs and kindness it will come to swirl our souls with traces on the nouns and LOVE as a flag. Copyright-Susana Roberts. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275 21/3/2020 ----------------------------------------------------
Солидарность ГСГ Гандианских сферонов: Глобальная альтернатива COVID-19 Ганди: «Ненасилие (варн/сферонов - ) величайшая сила человечества, которая мощнее самого мощного оружия разрушения», мощнее КОВИД-19. Вот спасительная истина с флагом ЛЮБВИ, высказанная великим Ганди почти век назад и раскрытая впервые в «Гандике» ГСГ: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=788 . Ее НЕ НАДО ЖДАТЬ, НАДО ТОЛЬКО ОБРАТИТЬ НА НЕЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, ИЗУЧИТЬ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ! Эгоистичное в своих нациях и их милитаристской демократии постиндустриальное человечество, вместе с дисгармоничной ООН и американским безумным силовым диктатом СТАРАТЕЛЬНО ИГНОРИРУЮТ ЭТУ ИСТИНУ ВЕСЬ ВЕК, вместе с благодушными пацифистами, подпевающими им. Они предпочитают тратить триллионы на милитаризм и ни одного цента на изучение и использование спасительной Гандианской истины сферонов, обеспечивающей выживание через солидарность в глобальном мире из гармонии. Пацифисты не способны найти хотя бы 200 долларов, чтобы купить «Гандику» три копии… Для борьбы с КОВИД-19, пожертвования в «Гандику», в ее публикацию, изучение, образование и использование не менее важны, может быть даже первостепенны! Потому что, как подчеркнул директор ВОЗ, КОВИД-19 – «это больше чем кризис здравоохранения, это гуманитарный кризис» (ниже). Мы бы добавили – это интеллектуальный кризис мышления и демократии. Это подчеркивает также и Проф. Кристофер Блэк из Канады (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=930). Даже из ГСГ только два человека, Др. Патхак из Непала и Др. Дхал из Индии, смогли написать отзыв на Гандику и сделать попытку понять «величайшую силу ненасилия» в солидарности сферонов, преодолевающих не только войну, но и глобальную пандемию КОВИД-19, не менее опасную угрозу для выживания человечества. Чего не хватает другим, чтобы попытаться осмыслить эту Гандианскую истину в нашей книге? Может быть мы все вместе находимся в вековом интеллектуальном милитаристском/пацифистском карантине? Кто много шумит о пандемии, сея панику вместо спокойного разума Гандианской Истины, тот помогает КОВИД-19, а не тем медикам, которые реально противостоят пандемии. Медики, вместе с Китаем и Россией, которые единственные посылают сильную помощь зараженным Италии и Испании – вот кто сегодня реально проявляет мощную спасительную солидарность сферонов. Им надо петь песни и слагать поэмы, как Сусана Робертс, а не разносить пандемию страха и паники! Может быть у нас найдется интеллект, чтобы поддерживать не врага человечества – пандемию КОВИД-19, а «величайшую силу человечества» против него – Гандианским сферонам? Или мы впустую писали книги об этом 15 лет? Может быть Бог карает нас, лишая нас своего разума и открытий, чтобы погубить нас? Почему мы пиршествуем безумием во время чумы? Почему нам не достает спокойного Гандианского ума «Гандики», чтобы понять наше истинное выживание и спасение под флагом ЛЮБВИ, а не национального эгоизма? Почему мы молчим об истине, но разводим панику пандемии? Эти вопросы ставит мудрая поэма Сусаны Робертс. Большое ей спасибо и пожелания скорейшего выздоровления. Оно опубликовано здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=833, и будет напечатано в новой книге ГСГ. Лучшие пожелания спасительного истинного разума солидарности, Лев Семашко, 26-03-30 --------------------------------------------------------------
Глубокий анализ. Интеллектуальное эссе. Дорогой Майкл,
Большое спасибо за ваш глубокий анализ в вашей высоко интеллектуальной статье, раскрывающей причины тупика американского правительства в ситуации с Ковид-19, которую мы были счастливы опубликовать в двух местах: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=936 и https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=922 . Я читал ее с наслаждением, восхищаясь вашим интеллектом и смелостью суждений! Вы справедливы, подчеркивая, что милитаристская демократия, которая тратит 60% бюджета на милитаризм, практически оказалась беспомощной перед пандемией. Это выражает ваша ключевая цитата: «В нынешнюю эпоху американцы проявляют определенную шизофрению в своем отношении к «большому правительству». Их поддержка щедрого финансирования вооруженных сил безоговорочно. На более чем 1 триллион долларов в год (включая расходы на разведку и долгосрочные выгоды) это составляет примерно 60% всех дискреционных расходов, предусмотренных Вашингтоном. Это ставит под угрозу здоровье, образование, защиту окружающей среды и все другие социальные потребности. Тем не менее, ни один из кандидатов на выборные должности не осмеливается сказать ни слова, что выражает не только непоколебимую приверженность сохранить эти ассигнования.» Дружески, крепкого вам здоровья и новых творческих успехов, Лев Семашко 05-04-20 Friends & Colleagues This commentary appeared earlier this week as an 'AP Insight' that is published by the Ambassadorial Partnership LLP in Great Britain (www.ambassadorllp.com) cheers Michael Brenner mbren@pitt.edu COVID-19 A crisis such as the COVID-19 epidemic serves as a stress test for the system – a dye inserted and circulated to highlight its functioning in terms of efficiency and capacity. The relevant system is the national polity for that is where the locus for meaningful action resides. Of particular interest are the Western democracies. Serious questions already had been looming as to the degree to which the state retained the authority, as well as competence, to address effectively collective need and collective challenges. They are especially salient in the United States where the movement to reduce government, to privatize public institutions, and to free markets from regulation have reshaped the relationship between the institutionalized commonweal and its component parts. The response to the COVID-29 crisis brings into sharp relief some of the practical consequences of this trend – as deepened under the rule of the Trump presidency and his obedient Republican allies in the Congress. First, a fair judgment as to overall performance comes from Dr. Anthony S Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who pronounced: “The system does not, is not really geared to what we need right now … It is a failing.” He explained that the nation’s public health system would have proven inadequate, and lagged in response, even if a responsible person who recognized the danger had been in the White House. That assessment refers to two shortcomings: 1) the availability of medical supplies and facilities which has been hurt by budgetary cuts going back to the 2008-2009 financial crisis (albeit not as extreme as those imposed in the United Kingdom); and 2) structural weaknesses.As to the latter, the fundamental truth is that the United States has no integrated, national public health system. That is due in part to the federal features of the American government. Public health responsibilities are spread among states, counties and municipalities with Washington playing a role as a financial underwriter and coordinator in times of emergency (in theory). That condition has been aggravated by the abolishment of some of those coordinating mechanisms and the appointment of unqualified, inept officials as political patronage. It is essential that we bear in mind the larger context. Health care in the United States is organized as a private for-profit system supplemented by poorly funded public facilities. The same holds for health insurance with the twin exceptions of MEDICARE (for the aged) and MEDICAID (for the indigent). The Obama innovations did not change this reality – a hodge-podge of organizations and programs. It only put in place some new rules and some money to extend minimal coverages provided by private corporations. These arrangements mean that the system is designed so as to respond to the needs of individuals rather than the needs of the public as a whole. In America, the word “public” – as in public health, public education or public welfare – means a sum total of individual needs, not the common good.* From this perspective, the operative norms of the American government have an affinity to the country’s underlying political philosophy. Both dimensions of the country’s polity did shift significantly toward the ‘collective/public interest’ end of the continuum with the New Deal. It can be reasonably argued that a consensus prevailed, indeed, took deeper root, over the next forty years. A right to a decent standard of living was declared to be inherent in one’s citizenship – not determined by social status, or the vagaries of capitalist markets. Its reversal represents an abandonment of that principle. The turning-point was punctuated by the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, an historic phenomenon which has received relatively little attention – much less explanation. Its neglect in academic as well as political circles reveals the near totality of its success. With the United States serving as model, mentor and increasingly as agitator, the movement has spread across the Atlantic with Britain being the leading emulator thanks in good part to Margaret Thatcher. It is no coincidence that the response of the government in Westminster to the COVID-19 epidemic so closely resembles that in the United States – this despite marked differences in political constitution and structure of public health institutions. Do these features of public life in the United States preclude, or at least strongly militate against, a more incisive, concerted strategy for managing natural crises? Obviously, the character of political leadership figures prominently in the equation. In the immediate aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, President Teddy Roosevelt managed to get 100,000 blankets along with other supplies to the city within 4 days. An approximate performance might be beyond the capacity of today’s Washington government, but it surely can do better than what we’ve seen over Katrina, Puerto Rico and now COVID-19. That said, current American conceptions of the federal government will have to change for there to be a marked shift in preparation for, and management of national crises. Unless the state is generally viewed as the custodian of the collective welfare, and the instrument for exercising the collective will, capabilities will continue to lag behind the needs of prudent contingence planning. In the present era, Americans exhibit a certain schizophrenia in their attitude toward ‘big government.’ Their support for lavish funding of the military is unqualified. At more than $1 trillion annually (including Intelligence expenditures and long-term benefits), it represents roughly 60% of all discretionary spending budgeted by Washington. It puts the squeeze on health, education, environment protection and all other social needs. Yet, no candidate for elected office dares to say a word that conveys other than unwavering dedication to keeping these allocations in place. As to the federal government’s role in bolstering big business, in particular the financial sector, there is similar equanimity toward the deployment of governmental powers and dollars to aid those in distress. Moreover, the Federal Reserve concerns itself with the well-being of the entire financial sector. Earlier this month, it poured $1.5 billion into financial markets to keep them on a steady keel while reverting to a drastic Quantitative Easing strategy that gave banks near unlimited access to funds at 0% interest. That has now risen to $4 billion as enabled by the just passed Stimulus package. These steps have evoked no protest from the characteristically reticent Democratic opposition or the mainstream media. Will the COVID-19 crisis have lasting effects on the body politic of the United States – or elsewhere in the West? Most likely, the net effect will be a strengthening of the status quo and those interests who are its principal beneficiaries. The calls for national unity, for solidarity, for working together, all carry the subliminal message that any conflict or contestation threatens the ‘war’ against the virus. Democrats and neutrals have absorbed the message - they are obeying a self-imposed injunction against laying blame for the feckless reaction, and consequent casualties, at the door of the deranged sociopath in the White House. Nor do they challenge frontally the reactionary ideology that has brought the United States into the cul-de-sac in which we are stuck. Already, the American presidential campaign is losing its edge as it gets overlaid by the avalanche of COVID coverage. Trump’s attempt to arouse xenophobic emotions, by labelling it the “Chinese virus” is a foretaste of what is to come as he seeks to obliterate his own gross failings with a new narrative. Meanwhile, he and Congressional allies are redoubling their campaign to press their reactionary agenda. Signs of a similar logic unfolding are evident in Great Britain, Italy, and – less blatantly – in France. They most likely will succeed in the short run. The ‘X’ factor in the equation is the seemingly inescapable prolonged recession that is in the offing. That can only aggravate the conditions that sparked the so-called “populist’ political rebellions of recent vintage. Some expressions of ‘populist’ sentiment were progressive, others reactionary. The former were stifled by the Democratic Party leadership in concert with the Establishment press. The latter were adopted by the Republicans. The pattern most probably would repeat itself; the fragile artifice of communalism produced by the Corona epidemic looks too thin to contain another assault by the turbo-charged Right. *https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fema-coronavirus-response/story?id=69683301
Michael Brenner mbren@pitt.edu 04-04-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Leo, Dear Takis, Dear all GHA members,
With a great hope for humanity in this time of great change of paradigms, where the consciousness of each one and collective so, is questioned by COVID 19, I propose to you for my participation at collective edition GANDHICRACY the poem LA FORCE DE L’AMOUR, THE FORCE OF LOVE, in French with translation in English. WITH 3 PHOTOGRAPHS Please tell me if well received and the FOLLOWING DECISION FOR EDITION. I’ll send another text FOR GANDHICRACY, my philosophic and intellectual reflection as a woman about gender: «Hello, I am a woman! I speak to you from France, I speak to you from the Universe» Our book is very important for new vision of our lives TOGETHER with and on the earth planet. With respect for everyone, and love for Humanity and you, my dear brothers and sisters Take care of you and your families and all people around You are in my thoughts Théa Marie ROBERT Dr Théa Marie ROBERT: Artist, Dance teacher and choreographer, cosmopoetic pedagogy, poet, and photograph Alpinist and trekker: 3 summits for peace ( Mont-Blanc Europe1994 - Qornet el Saouda Liban 1998 - Mont Fuji Japon 2010 ) Foundator of Art and Philosophy « Cosmopoétjque »: 1989 Ambassadress for water life and peace: 1999 Creator of Poets at the summits: Festival Chamonix Mont Blanc 2008 Messenger for the culture of peace nominated in 2000 at UNESCO GHA Muse of Harmony Dr WAAC World Academy for Arts and Culture - Golden Medal 2012 Golden Medal Arts Sciences Lettres Academy Paris 2017 GHA Highest Honorary Title "Gandhian Creator of World Harmony" on 12th March 2020
© Photographie: Théa Marie ROBERT, autoportrait au sommet du MONT FUJI - JAPON Action: Un SOMMET POUR LA PAIX le 22 Juillet 2010 Coordonnées: 1 rue du Champ Orain 35430 Saint Suliac - FRANCE theamarierobert@sfr.fr POEM and PICTURE FOR THE BOOK “GANDHICRACY”, Edition 2020: © Dr Thea Marie ROBERT - all rights reserved La force de l’amour Devenir un guerrier, serait-ce une extraordinaire destinée ? Frères, pourquoi penser que vos valeurs s'affirment dans la compétition, la rivalité, la confrontation, la provocation, par la division et la séparation, avec dominations et soumissions ? Pourquoi penser que, par la loi des plus forts, vous pouvez dresser des frontières et accaparer les richesses ? Pourquoi cultiver la blessure, la rupture, et vous battre sans fin en duel avec leurs déchirures pour vous couper de la nature ? Pourquoi mépriser la réalité, le lien de votre dépendance à la matrice, notre mère, la terre ? Pourquoi semer désespérance ? Car la terre est une espérance, la mère est gardienne de la paix, la matrice, la révélation de la création ! Guerriers, vous devrez renoncer à posséder le ventre, à posséder la terre pour apprendre à l'aimer ! Car vous n'avez pas encore franchi les montagnes ! Vous avez gravi les pentes de vos ambitions personnelles et vous êtes arrêtés aux sommets. Vous y avez dressé des drapeaux nationalistes. Car vous n’avez pas encore remercié la montagne ! Vous vous êtes surnommés « conquérants » et avez monnayé votre image. Mais chaque être est la nature pour la vivre, et les sommets ne sont que commencements de vision sans frontière ! Vous vous détacherez de vos exploits et de vos performances pour humblement comprendre le grain de sable du Sahara, l'arbre des forêts de l'Amazonie, le cristal de neige de l'Everest, la goutte d'eau insaisissable des Chutes du Niagara, le champ de blé des plaines de Russie comme étant la magnificence du Tout... Car au bout du chemin, les pas de l'aventurier et de l'explorateur n'ont qu'un seul et même but, découvrir la Force de l'Amour qui Crée la Beauté de la Nature et la Perfection des Mouvements ! © Translation in English by the author Théa Marie ROBERT The force of love Would it be an extraordinary destiny to become a warrior ? Brothers, why think your values are affirmed in competition, rivalry, confrontation, provocation, by division and separation, with dominations and submissions? Why think that, by the law of the strongest, you can draw boundaries and grab wealth ? Why cultivate the wounds, ruptures, and fight through endless duels with their tearing ? And so, cut yourself from your nature ? Why despise reality, the link of your addiction to the womb, our mother, the earth ? Why sow despair ? Because the earth is a whole and hope, the mother is a peacekeeper, the matrix, the revelation of creation ! Warriors, you will have to give up owning the belly, to own the land for learning to love it ! Because you have not yet crossed the mountains ! You have climbed the slopes of your personal ambitions and you stopped at the summits to plant nationalist flags there. Because you haven't thanked the mountain yet ! You call yourself "conquerors" and cash in on your image. But each being is nature for experimenting it, and the summits are places where begins the vision without border ! You will come off of your exploits and your performances, And you humbly will understand the grain of sand of the Sahara, the tree of the Amazon forests, the Everest snow crystal, the elusive drop of Niagara Falls, the wheat field of the plains of Russia as the magnificence of the Whole ... Because at the end of the road, the footsteps of the adventurer and the explorer have only one goal, the discovering of the Force of Love that Creates nature's beauty and the Perfection of Movements!
Сила любви сферонов Гандикратии Дорогая Мария,
Большое спасибо за вашу вдохновенную поэму, посвященную «Силе любви, создающей красоту природы» и жизнь общества. Она предложена вами для новой книги ГСГ «Гандикратия» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=818), в которой вы уловили фундаментальную силу социальной любви – взаимную любовь сферонов, без продукта каждого из которых невозможна жизнь общества и каждого человека, как и без солнца, воздуха, воды и земли. Поэтому мы, люди и общества, может жить только в этой взаимной социальной любви сферонов, что гениально выразил в своем учении и практике ненасилия варн/сферонов Махатма Ганди. Но этой любви противостоит эгоизм и милитаризм национальных государств, их вражда и взаимные санкции, их оружие и взаимная подозрительность, которая подрывает их, разрушает их союзы в периоды испытаний, как новая пандемия разрушила Европейский Союз, вместо того, чтобы сплотить его в солидарности. Но она недоступна традиционной милитаристской демократии эгоистичных национальных государств, которая может быть преодолена и замещена только солидарной силой любви сферонов в Гандикратии. Вы, вслед за Ганди, почувствовали глубокой женской интуицией эту «величайшую силу сферонов человечества», которой овладевает Гандикратия. Только она способна преодолеть все угрозы жизни человечества, включая ковид-19. Конечно, ваша поэма будет опубликована в новой книге, но мы ждем также вашу обещанную статью о положении женщин Европы и гендерном балансе, как первом атрибуте Гандикратии. Мы также ждем все другие обещанные статьи на эту тему, чтобы перейти к новой, детской теме в следующем месяце. Я также был рад включить ваше письмо, фотографии и поэму в подборку самых разных обнадёживающих мыслей и поэм членов ГСГ в период пандемии ковид-19: Сусаны Робертс, Эрнесто Кахана, Такиса Иоанидиса, Субхаш Чандры, Ашока Чакраварти, Юлиана Карповича, Аммара Банни и Генерального Директора ВОЗ. Все они опубликованы на специальной странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=936. Мы благодарим всех и ждем от вас и других соавторов «Гандикратии» новых вкладов в нее как духовный, философский, интеллектуальный и политический инструмент не только против пандемии, но и против любой угрозы глобального геноцида и экоцида. Желаю вам и всем крепкого здоровья, берегите себя от пандемии, с любовью, Лев, 31-03-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends, First, I wish you, all the best in these difficult days. As I wrote as medical epidemiologist, at the beginning of the present pandemia, everything what I predicted, happened. However, we have not yet reached the maximum level, from which the incidence curve, will begin to descend. Obviously, the world will suffer serious health and economic consequences. To add some hope in poetry, I attach the following photo and a short poem, which I did today:
This morning A drop of spring Painted my garden A drop of love A drop of hope In the middle Of uncertainty Of quarantine... | Esta mañana una gota de primavera pintó en mi jardín una gota de amor, y de esperanza, en medio de la incertidumbre, de la cuarentena... |
Ernesto Kahan 27/03/ 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends, peacemakers, the virus crisis has swept the global financial system down to the cliff. The major survival theme appeared globally. Swissair fired 300 in Greece. All companies globally meet serious problems of survival. Our world is changing vastly. I wish health to all of you. With love Takis D Ioannides 26-03-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to treat Coronavirus? by Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz The best protection against coronavirus is to improve our immune system (in addition to washing hands, avoiding unnecessary contacts and so on). In different countries there are different traditional ways to improve immunity of our bodies. Few examples: Garlic -- one should now eat three pieces of Garlic per day (a Garlic bulb contains about six pieces). Garlic has been used for thousand years as a traditional medicine. Also, Ginger can be used. Also, we can use vitamin C (1000mg per day, if possible as a natural extract) plus Zinc (daily doses). If one gets ill, Activated Carbon (preferably powder) should be used first, before any aggressive treatment -- a large spoon every five hours added to a glass of water. The drugs that have been proven effective in South Korea are: Chloroquine (500mg 7-10 days) and Hydroxychloroquine (400mg first four days and then 200mg four days).
On why coronavirus has become a global psychosis, please read below. | About Coronavirus by Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Whoever reads this, the want to share with you information that Coronavirus is a global psychosis. It dangers have been largely exagerated. It is possible to cure it. Please read the explanation below. Viruses are nothing new. There are over two hundred species of viruses that can infect humans. Epidemics occur every year. According to data from the World Health Organization around 330-390 million people suffer from influenza every year in the world, of which 290-650,000 die. Thus, mortality per group is around 0.1-0.2%. In comparison, the statistical mortality from COVID-19, i.e. the disease caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is much higher, i.e. about 1-2.5%. This can be seen as a threat. However, there are many viruses that are much more dangerous. The Ebola virus, which attacks people mainly in West Africa, leads to over 50% mortality.
Compared to other viruses, coronavirus, which acts on our immune system, is quite mild. The victims are mainly weak and elderly people who have suffered from illnesses or other health complications. Unfortunately, statistics transmitted to us by the media do not tell us this. For example, the vast majority of people who have died of COVID-19 in Italy were elderly people. In the case of children and young and resistant people, and interestingly, pregnant women, the disease caused by coronavirus can be almost asymptomatic. Therefore, suppositions that it will contribute to the extinction of the human species or of a specific race are completely groundless.
The appearance of coronavirus and the development of associated psychosis can be explained as follows. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the same large family of coronaviruses as SARS-CoV, which appeared in Guangdong Province in southern China in 2002, spreaded to 26 countries and resulted in a total of 770 deaths and then stopped be active. The Wuhan region is one of the most economically, technologically and scientifically developed areas of China. It is home to many global corporations and good universities. It was in a medical laboratory in Wuhan that a new virus was identified in December 2019, which was then named SARS-CoV-2. Chinese authorities as well as research centers abroad were quickly informed about this discovery and about the potential threats related to the virus. This is where psychosis starts. Based on incomplete information, a political decision was made in China to employ radical protective measures. People’s movement was restricted. People were locked up at homes. While this radicalism can be explained by the authoritarian character of the Chinese political regime, it has become contagious. Following China, in many countries, also in Europe, similar radical measures have been used. The whole world now looks like a global prison.
However, using publicly available information, we can obtain a correct picture of what is going on. Let us summarize this. First of all, coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is no more dangerous than other viruses that infect humans, so there is no justification for using such radical measures, as have already been employed. Their use can in a short time lead us to a real global tragedy, which is the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized companies and economic collapse at a world scale. Secondly, we already know which groups in society are at risk. These are those who are less resistant to illnesses and elderly. So special precautions should be taken primarily for these people. In the face of a pandemic, older teachers may be on leave, but schools should still remain open, similarly universities and other institutions. Thirdly, we already know that COVID-19 is a treatable disease. The drugs identified and proven on a limited number of patients are Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine. They have been successfully used to treat patients in South Korea, which has the most successful record of dealing with coronavirus. Therefore, we need a rational attitude to coronavirus. By using some traditional medicines we can make our bodies more immune. And if some of us get ill, they can be cured. This is important to know. |
30-03-20 ------------------------------------------------ Everything is in the hands of Man Vision by: Ammar Banni -Algeria Retired Professor of Education: Author and Researcher
-Member of the International Diplomatic Commission International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) - Africa
We are living more than a global health crisis. The countries are at a standstill and the anguished populations are confined. Oil markets and prices are collapsing. Political governance, the WHO and the medical profession are in difficulty. It is imperative to support them, to act quickly, to ensure respect for good citizenship, measures for social distancing and strict confinement. Basically, there is reason to think about this historic moment, to reduce uncertainty. Yesterday The plague of the coronavirus marks the exhaustion of an unjust system born about three centuries ago. It is added to the catastrophes, which accumulated: market dictatorship, wild liberalism, containment of the world, law of the strongest, decline in law and multilateralism, climate change, extremism and loss of ethical meaning. It is a destruction of civilization. We are living in an earthquake: the dominant system is collapsing. He did not know how to forge an egalitarian and protective civilization. It is not only a risk for the environment, employment, population growth, economic development. A context where the highest price will be paid by the most fragile and the poorest. On the immediate level what is in question concerns the balance of power, national security, because of the dependence linked to technology and supplies, a strategic problem. On the level of the project of society, the question of the place of the human, the purposes of existence, the dignity of humanity, its future and its survival arises. It is the end of a world, which wanted to impose its conception on all peoples. Its hegemony cannot function, even if its ups and downs make us believe that it is perennial and irresistible. The ambition to become master and owner of the infinite world and to do without a higher standard is falling apart. Societies traumatized by religious dogmatism, theocracy and religious wars are the first in history to want to live without relation to spiritual transcendence. This option out of the spirituality of life, disenchantment, of «unconscious civilization» as that has not filled the need for meaning. It resulted in disorientation.
Today Neither the world market , nor commercial interests, nor the proliferation of sects have succeeded in meeting ethical needs, social and emotional ties , because they have marginalized the legitimate and vital passion for the arts and sciences . In addition, modernity remains imbued with theological conceptions. Material progress, reason, merchandise, history, the self-centered individual are his idols. This situation has weakened the human being. He became so poorly immune. Unable to control his destiny. Despite prodigious advances, by dint of excess, marginalization of the sacred and the designation of an enemy as a diversion, imbalances and excesses have arisen. Rare are those who know that the situation is not brilliant, but by common sense, know that they are heirs of a civilization, which aims at the totality of life. The problem is that the promises of freedom have not been kept. What is lacking is the building of a knowledge society, which takes care of the common good, health and soul. Globalization imposes a mode of being incompatible with human values. Despite so much effort to promote the dialogue of civilizations, cultures, reform international institutions and forge a common destiny, to correct injustices and aberrations, the world order does not want to change the model of society. However, the shock of the exponential mortality caused by the virus and the scale of the economic crisis which will follow impose an awareness. It will be impossible to continue living as before. Unlimited financial profit, the instrumentalization of techno - science, enjoyment at all costs, cannot constitute a reason for being. The essential is missing: justice and a sense of the world. It is the result of forgetting ethics and limits. The containment of the world, neo- liberalism , acts against nature and the materialist dogma ruin humanity. The world is addicted to consumerism and the flattery of low instincts, instead of learning to live the essentials, to control one's impulses and to realize oneself in order to flourish. With determination and courage, it is a question of going from an infernal circle to a virtuous circle. The message of the virus, those who created in the true sense of humanity : follow the laws of existence, otherwise the disorders will intensify. There is no freedom without law, no science without conscience. Tomorrow Now that everything is frozen, change is not impossible. The technical answers to the questions are insufficient. The right way to meet challenges is to come to your senses . Let us remain ourselves and give priority to the education of the golden mean, which combines tradition and modernity. In terms of political thought, it is confirmed that there is a need to guarantee the rule of law, the sovereignty of citizens and individual freedoms , ramparts against dangers. The citizens of the world must contribute by ending the reaction s extremists , blind and productive against fundamentalism, practicing vigilance and by resourcing culture of moderation, justice and dignity . The future e of the civilization requires to create a new set. Wild capitalism, materialist collectivism and religious fundamentalism are disqualified. It is possible to combine market economy and ethics, science and ethics. An enlightened society knows that the problems, risks and difficulties are inherent in life, but it remains to anticipate them, to share the consequences fairly, to work, to fight to solve them. There is not us and them, there is humanity put to the test. The citizens of the world must know each other and impose themselves to build a new, just and meaningful order. This break is beneficial if we discuss the substance. The elites must not be helpless spectators. Collective intelligence will eventually find solutions. We must beware of extremes, those who blindly imitate the bankrupt modernist, merchant and libertarian model and those who betray spirituality and impose obscurantist conduct. The middle road is sorely lacking in humanity. Articulating modernity and authenticity, globality and specificity, freedom and ethics, is the future. The virus is the dramatic expression of the common in danger. As stated in 1945 in the preamble to the Constitution of Unesco "wars begin in the minds of Men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be raised". Rethinking living together, the development model and international relations through dialogue and solidarity are the civilized means for facing challenges. Each nation must preserve its sovereignty, its security and its heritage by opening other communities. " We are sisters and brothers in humanity. " We can find a balanced society, committed to national and universal solidarity . The questions of political thought and the law are at stake. The powerful in this world will not realize the obvious, but a just cause always triumphs, unity is strength. The place of the values of the mind is gaping. It is possible to avoid vacuum or overflow. The spark of thoughtful humanism and reasonable reason must not die out. Hope is allowed. Humanity must become responsible again, without losing the sense of transcendence, as guidance. Giving meaning to life and death remains a high mission. Neither superhuman, transhuman , nor subhuman, man must know himself and get involved. Humanism is revealed to help confront what is not given in advance: a balanced man and a just city. Without confusion, scientific spirit and spiritual spirit must combine : This is not the end of the world . 27-03-30 ------------------------------------------------- The Covid-19 – Challenges & Crisis: Social Distancing India’s Prime Minister Orders lockdown of country of 1.3 billion people for 21 days to save India and every Indian- How to face the Global Crisis? With the advent of year 2020 we have entered into new decade, we are involved in the most crucial and most difficult threats of humanity poverty & economic , conflicts, violence crisis , threat of nuclear warand now emergingnew COVID-19 Outbreak in the world. At present we are living in culture of materialism,violence & hatred, whichhas created division of humanity, tremendous injustices and inequities thrive in our society, Negative thoughts & emotionsproducing the virus which is lowering our vibrationsand increasing thevirusdue to increasing Culture of greed,materialism & corruption. As our vibrations lower, more and more of the virus is entering into our reality, and spreading across the country and in the world.
COVID-19, which was first detected in China in late 2019 and has since been declared a pandemic, poses both a serious threat to vulnerable populations and a daunting challenge to the global economy, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As confirmed cases of COVID-19 spread, it has the potential to take lives, overwhelm health systems, deplete the value of assets, and trigger geopolitical change. Around the world, desperate efforts are underway to contain what has become a profoundly disruptive outbreak ·What is COVID-19 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus. ·The virus is also causing great fear, anxiety, worry and panic in the mind due to decreasing human values and increasing greed, selfishness and corruption. The South Asian nation, which has so far reported 126 infections and three deaths, is trying to contain the virus by closing its borders, testing incoming travellers and contact tracing from those who tested positive society is reacting with panic to Coronavirus. India’s Prime Minister Orders lockdown of country of 1.3 billion people for 21 days to save India and every Indian. Key Points: The 21-day lockdown was set to begin at midnight on Mar 24 2020 ·To save India and every Indian. ·Indian health officials have reported 469 actives cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and 10 deaths. ·“To save India and every Indian, there will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,” Modi said, adding that if the county failed to manage the next 21 days, it would be set back by 21 years. Five steps to kicking out Coronavirus: WHO, FIFA launch joint campaign to equip football community to tackle COVID-19 23rd March 2020News release FIFA, the international governing body of football, and the World Health Organization (WHO) have teamed up to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) by launching a new awareness campaign led by world-renowned footballers, who are calling on all people around the world to follow five key steps to stop the spread of the disease. The “Pass the message to kick out Coronavirus” campaign promotes five key steps for people to follow to protect their health in line with WHO guidance, focused on following five steps; 1) Hand washing, 2) Coughing etiquette, 3) Not touching your face, 4) Social distancing i.e. Physical distance minimum one Meter and 5) Staying home if feeling unwell for saving all the human being all over the world. https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/23-03-2020-pass-the-message-five-steps-to-kicking-out-coronavirus Our lesson from the viral infectionhas always been and will always remain the same — to move from Fear to Love, from Violence to Peace , From Greedto Giving , From Corruption to Cooperation and movingtowards Global Peace & Harmony for Unity ofhumanity andcreating a Peaceful& HarmoniousWorld in 21st century. With Peace, Love & Unity of Harmony for all.
Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President & Chairman Board, India GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 Gandhica Book (2019) https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC) https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail schandra101@gmail.com Wednesday, March 25, 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Гендиректор ВОЗ: Карантин сам по себе не погасит эпидемию Ограничительные меры, введенные по всему миру, не прекратят полностью распространение коронавируса, но снизят нагрузку на систему здравоохранения, подчеркнул генеральный директор ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус. Карантин не является единственной мерой, которая поможет победить коронавирус, заявил на брифинге 25 марта генеральный директор Всемирной организации здравоохранения Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус. Текст его выступления разместил сайт ВОЗ. Чтобы замедлить распространение коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19, многие страны ввели беспрецедентные карантинные меры, что повлияло на состояние экономики, поэтому сейчас в мире задумываются о смягчении ограничений, отметил Гебрейесус. "Попросить людей остаться дома и остановить передвижение населения – означает выиграть время и снизить нагрузку на систему здравоохранения. Но сами по себе такие меры не погасят эпидемию. Смысл этих действий заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить более точные и целенаправленные меры, необходимые для прекращения передачи вируса и спасения жизней. Мы призываем все страны, которые ввели так называемый локдаун, использовать это время для атаки на вирус", – сказал руководитель ВОЗ. По его мнению, "последнее, что нужно любой стране, – это открыть школы и предприятия", поскольку новая вспышка в этом случае неизбежна и учреждения опять придется закрывать. Он призвал правительства внедрять систему массового доступного тестирования, оборудовать помещения для лечения и изоляции пациентов и разработать четкий план карантинных мер. Вспышка коронавирусной инфекции началась в декабре 2019 года в Китае. 11 марта Всемирная организация здравоохранения объявила распространение коронавируса пандемией. По данным американского Университета Джонса Хопкинса на 26 марта, общее количество инфицированных в мире превысило 470 тыс., из них 21 313 умерли, около 114 тыс. выздоровели. Больше читайте тут: https://gordonua.com/news/society/gendirektor-voz-karantin-sam-po-sebe-ne-pogasit-epidemiyu-1492718.html
На английском: https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---25-march-2020
Greetings to GHA on it’s 15th anniversary Our institute is providing health department of the government, 125 beds in it’s hospital for quarantine of suspected Coronavirus cases. Our doctors and medical staff will take full care of the patients. Within three days, we will be prepared to extend this service in the hostels to increase the bed to 500 at a notice of 24 hours. In view of his area being desert and economically backward these service are free and all expenses will be borne by Gandhi Vidya Mandir. Best wishes to all GHA members in this hour of International crises. Kanak Mal Dugar Gandhi Vidya Mandir President and IASE University Chancellor India https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 23-03-20 Thanks my dear friend Dr Leo, New activitiesstarted by Gandhi Vidya Mandir in last two weeks . ●From last week GVM has started fumigation of deprived people'shomes and community centers in nearby villages. Eight villages are fully covered, More is going on. ●Some people cannot affordfeeding their cows, for them one lorry of fodder is distributed in the town daily . ●As stated before Our hospital is converted in to a 125 bed Quentin for suspected Corona cases. All arrangements are from GVM including care and treatment. ●These days , because of bad weather , cough and cold is spreadingso one Ayurvedic decoction is cooked in our pharmacy and distributed free amongst needy. Up till today more then190000 (one hundredninety thousand ) persons have got it . It is still going on. ● For daily wages runners who cannot earn because of Lockdown , 200 packets of one month'sration is distributed free . More of this is planed. With goodwill of all my friends in GHA, GVM will prove itself very helpful in this hour of international crises. We are constrained because of our very limited financial resources so curtailing other activities only to this much is possible. Your friend, Kanak 26-03-20 -------------------------------------------------------- Continuation, In France, it misses masks = they are only these last days that the government wants to massively diffuse it for the medical staff and the pensioners of the old people's homes but not for everyone! The official services indicate that it can be dangerous to put it if it is put it badly, or if one touches it while being infected! Those which defend the mask for all = indicate that in the Asian countries the people carries it with results. Also, they indicate that without mask, an individual carrying the virus but not patient, can diffuse it with other individuals if it does not put a mask! G20 and the European Council met this day to inject hundred billion to help the economy, but to date, since the end of January the absence of European common policy weighed! Certain disgruntled doctors to be badly protected carry felt sorry for against the government! What I regret personally, has been that for 20 years the public hospital lack of means.It was removed beds, of staff, it missed investment for material of high technology, the Chiefs of medical institution were supposed to direct their hospital like a profitable company. For one year, the emergency department has been in strike for lack of means and day before yesterday, the French President indicated that it would be necessary to invest massively in health after this crisis, and it asked to pour with medical staff = a bonus! But how it is late! Still a few months ago, the medical staff of the urgencies which expressed in the streets of Paris for more means was bludgeoned by the police on order of the prefect of police! Léo is right, it is urgent that our scientific and humanistic approach of the GANDHICA irrigates the world! I get busy there with my modest means for the edition in France of the GANDHICA! The French editor and the diffuser HATCHET will have a treasure between their hands. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE France 26-03-20 --------------------------------------- EQUILIBRIUM IN THE QUARANTINE MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA Sometimes there are events in our life That affect our solid inner countryside. Tempests start to destroy the stillness of our internal world Rationality is momentarily faint, In circling twisters of emotion and complaint. An unexpected violence arises into the soul like an earthquake, converting our usual peace of mind, into bloody rage. How can we find self control, again, When it is gone somewhere, very far away? How can we possibly get leadership of that internal horse Which is in a rush, and finally may guide us to strike our head Against dangerous sandstone that lies ahead? If each one dedicates a bit of will to overpass the situation and take control over ournew emotions , worldwide we will certainlyfindthe way out of Coronavirus crisis The condition that will allow us to reach serenity and calm down we will be able to communicate with others through Internet in a good mood, in a positive way we will be able to continue our work for International Peace and finally understand that Covid 19 is apity but also a good chance to change Humanityroute and find a newway to change our mind Covid-19 will change Humanity route, which was wrong, to a new one, in the better care, full of more rationality and good values. María Cristina Azcona Argentina 01-04-20 ----------------------------------------------- Coronavirus -- Some useful hints for a rational mind Viruses are nothing new. There are over two hundred species of viruses that can infect humans. Epidemics occur every year. According to data from the World Health Organization around 330-390 million people suffer from influenza every year in the world, of which 290-650,000 die. Thus, mortality is around 0.1-0.2%. In comparison, the statistical mortality for COVID-19, i.e. the disease caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is much higher, i.e. about 1-2.5%. This can be seen as a threat. However, there are many viruses that are much more dangerous. The Ebola virus, which attacks people mainly in West Africa, leads to over 50% mortality. Compared to other viruses, coronavirus, which acts on our immune system, is quite mild. The victims are mainly weak and elderly people who have suffered from illnesses or other health complications. In the case of children and young and resistant people, and interestingly, pregnant women, the disease caused by coronavirus can be almost asymptomatic. Therefore, suppositions that it will contribute to the extinction of the human species or of a specific race are completely groundless. How to treat Coronavirus? The best protection against coronavirus is to improve our immune system (in addition to washing hands, avoiding unnecessary contacts and so on). In different countries there are different traditional ways to improve our immunity.Few examples: Garlic -- one should now eat three pieces of garlic per day (a garlic bulb contains about six pieces). Garlic has been used for thousand years as a traditional medicine. Ginger can also be used. Also, we can use Vitamin C (1000mg per day, if possible as a natural extract) plus Zinc (daily doses). But if one gets ill, Activated Carbon (preferably powder) should be used first, before any aggressive treatment -- a large spoon every five hours added to a glass of water. The drugs that have been proven to be effective in South Korea are: Chloroquine (500mg 7-10 days) and Hydroxychloroquine (400mg first four days and then 200mg four days). "Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz" Poland 01-04-20 ----------------------------------------------------- Dear GHA Fellows, In these difficult times with the coronavirus pandemic growing worldwide, you will surely take extreme protective measures. Global harmony is now needed more than ever! Unfortunately, we are not there yet. While the news kept us busy, Rescue Our Future Foundation has discussed the enormous challenges that will come in the next phase in the form of global food shortages and how to respond to it. This is why we have just launched the global project Plant for Life. Enhancing Food Sovereignty. The enormous impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the food supply chain demands creative global solutions, particularly in countries that are structurally dependent on imported food. These are testing times that require a response to extraordinary challenges of feeding humanity, coping with food shortages and preventing malnutrition and famine. Increased food sovereignty is the answer, as you will see elaborated in the link. Global awareness of the difficult problems that await us is indispensable if we are to avoid another impending catastrophe caused by the coronavirus pandemic. I am sure you will spread the word on Planting for Life, because food sovereignty in these difficult times is so much in line with our efforts to achieve global harmony. In the meantime, you will take extraordinary security measures. Warm regards, Glenn
Plant for Life
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glenn Sankatsing Member of the Executive Board of Rescue Our Future Foundation - Member of WorldWide Peace Organization Member of Global Harmony Association - Director of Caribbean Reality Studies Center https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=909 Humanity’s existential crisis - Anatomy of the solution What do we need to accomplish? Rescue our future. What is the most urgent task? Rehumanization of a dehumanized humanity. Who can do this? The moral reserves of humanity. Where do we start? By turning an “I” into a “We” to take command of our destiny. What do we do next? Take a deep breath today to start tomorrow. Why? Action is the best prediction! Quest to Rescue Our Future, 2016, 555 p. - www.rescueourfuture.org - Al rescate de nuestro futuro, 2019, 564 p. 01-04-20 ------------------------------------------
Dear Leo and GHA friends peacemakers. In Greece we are all closed in our homes. We use an SMS or a paper form to complete with the reason we want to get out. There are 6 codes. 1 pharmacy and Doctor. 2 Super market et.c. 3 bank, 4 Assistance to people with problems, 5 ceremonies, cemeteries et.c. 6 athletics & dogs walking. We write, code, full name, home address. if you use SMS, the system returns you back the acknowledgement. As of yesterday, in Greece we had 1415 pensioners (90 intubated in hospitals), 51 deaths. The problems started from a group of Greek tourists who travelled to Israel - Palestine, Italy, Germany, England. Our Government took immediately the proper actions to prevent and stop the problem. The message I sent via Facebook was. The COVID-19 have us the opportunity , after being locked in our homes, to intercept them. We found a lot of junk and years of used items. We donated some of them to friends. We also dumped the rest in the recycling bin. COVID19 gave us also the opportunity to intercept ourselves. To evaluate our souls - thoughts – actions, to dialogue with our families. To come closer. This is too important on my opinion. I have so many things to do every day for the family, even if I cannot visit my children and parents houses. For the moment, my family, relatives, friends, known people are all healthy. I would like to Thank Ernesto, Lana, and all who inform us about the COVID-19. With love, health and respect to all of you. Takis D Ioannides GHA VP Greece Dear Leo and GHA peacemakers, Please accept my below maxim for COVID19 global crisis. Dignity is the answer to COVID19 Dignity leads man to personal freedom safely, to the ideal state of loneliness, benevolent to his fellow man, excludes betrayal, establishes a metaphysical vision of his soul, and strengthens his thirst for GOD. With love health and respect Takis D Ioannides GHA VP 02-04-20 -------------------------------------------------