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Peace from Harmony
Renaissance of the perpetual peace culture instead of the West nuclear civilization genocide

Banner of 11 international peacemaking organizations, which supported the PPRU plan


Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine (PPRU):

Peace Culture Renaissance in the Macrosociology Spheral Logic


Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Noam Chomsky, Markandey Rai, Li Ruohong, Roger Kotila, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, René Wadlow, Igor I. Kondrashin, Rodney Atkinson, Matt Meyer, Kurt Johnston, Julia Budnikova, Natalina Litvinova, Surendra Pathak, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Théa Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio, Vera Popovich:

22 peacemakers of public diplomacy from 10 countries:

Britain, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Nepal, Russia, USA.


The PPRU plan (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219)

Integrates the BRICS members’ key peace initiatives.

Intended for discussion at the BRICS summit in Kazan, October 22-24, 2024.

Approved in an update by the coauthors and GGHA o­n October 6, 2024.



In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1090



         Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine (PPRU) is historically necessary not o­nly for the survival of the peoples of these countries, in order to prevent the global nuclear war but also for the humanity survival in the West’s genocidal nuclear civilization through macrosociological scientific awareness of global, perpetual peace. It will practically start since the military victory of Russia and the recognition of PPRU plan, which will launch a worldwide Renaissance of the eternal peace culture in the holistic spheral logic within macrosociology or spheronics.

         Keywords: perpetual peace, conflict between Ukraine and Russia, nuclear civilization, WWIII, peace culture Renaissance, peace science, macrosociology, spheral logic, spheronics


1. The BRICS leaders strategy of world, perpetual peace


         President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping during an informal meeting o­n May 16 this year with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing, declared China's intention "to work with Russia and other countries... to promote world peace and universal development" [1]. In this context, the key issue of accelerating economic, investment and business growth was also discussed, which was formulated at the BRICS summit in Johannesburg in September 2023 and reflected in its Declaration [2; 3].

         The deep meaning of this intention of China and Russia leaders is that "world peace" or global, perpetual peace is in a dialectical relationship with economic development, acting both as the best prerequisite for its accelerated growth and its natural result. But this deep connection is revealed not in the traditional, fragmentary logic of branches or sectoral logic of social development and thinking but o­nly in their innovative, holistic logic of spheres or spheral logic.

         It can be said with confidence that the beginning of political awareness of the holistic, spheral logic of social development and thinking was laid by the leaders of China and Russia during their recent negotiations in Beijing o­n May 16 this year. This was reflected in their joint recognition of “a new approach, a new period, a new model, a new architecture” in the “sustainable development of Chinese-Russian relations not o­nly in the interests of the two countries, but also for the sake of peace and prosperity throughout the world.” [4: 5; 6] Obviously, all BRICS leaders share this strategy of perpetual peace throughout the world and it has a new, spheral-holistic logic. The analysis, structure and main conclusions of the spheral logic of perpetual, global peace, the social nature of categorical imperative of which was first formulated by I. Kant more than two centuries ago [7], are disclosed in detail in our many latest articles [8; 9: 10; 11].


2. The spheral logic structure in the perpetual peace science, in spheronics


         In the listed and other works, the spheral logic of perpetual peace is integrated with the fundamental cognitive idea of ​​A. Einstein about the solvability of traditional problems created by partial, sectoral thinking not at their level, but o­nly at the level of “a substantially new manner of thinking, if humanity wants to survive” [12]. But it obviously does not want to survive, since for almost 80 years of nuclear civilization it has done nothing either to search for it or to create it in the global, perpetual peace science. Moreover, it has suppressed in every possible way all its weak shoots proposed by Sharden, Vernadsky, Gandhi, Einstein, Galtung, Avery, Sloterdijk, GGHA and others. Now the moment of the nuclear genocidal civilization has come, when humanity NECESSARY to survive in eternal, global peace o­n the very edge of nuclear Armageddon in Ukraine [13; 14; 15; 16; 17]. For this, it needs to radically change the sectoral, partial thinking to spheral, holistic in order to understand the eternal peace deep societal logic for the survival of both humanity and Ukraine with Russia.

         The awareness of the spheral logic structure for the eternal peace is summarized in Fig. 1 by the peace science structural engram within spheronics as spheral macrosociology and its holistic, spheral, “a substantially new thinking” of humanity, which in historical practice begins since the comprehension of the perpetual peace between Russia and Ukraine.


Fig. 1. Engram: Perpetual Peace Science and its spheral logic structure


3. "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) Plan


         The "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) plan, coauthored by 21 peacemakers and civil diplomats, scientists and public figures from 10 countries and 11 international peace organizations (see banner with their logos above) united in this project of the GGHA, was presented to the BRICS leaders for discussion at their summit o­n October 22 in Kazan as a catalyst and integrator for other peace proposals [18]. In our plan, the question of Russia's military victory is not o­n the agenda, since it is predetermined and inevitable since the very beginning. The whole question is, when? We assume - at the end of this year, and most importantly, WHAT after it? Our plan answers this, the meaning of which is generally revealed below in macrosociological perspective.

         The PPRU plan explicit, obvious structure and logic proposed by the peacemakers of the world civil society and public diplomacy is embodied in three blocks of this political project 12 points.

         1. The spiritual basis of Orthodoxy of two historically fraternal peoples with its eternal truths and values ​​of faith, love for o­ne's neighbor, peace and cooperation within the Golden Rule framework (the plan first two points.)

         2. Innovative political, scientific and information institutions and instruments for implementing the PPRU plan o­n this common spiritual platform in accordance with the truth, goodness and justice of two fraternal peoples in history (the plan third point.)

         3. A set of nine blocks of heterogeneous consequences in all social spheres of the two countries (the plan nine other points.)


4. Spheral, macrosociological logic structure of the PPRU Plan


         The PPRU plan spheral logic plan is implicit, penetrating its external blocks from within, ensuring their spheral integration and the holistic unity of many partial, sectoral aspects in the peaceful settlement of conflict around Ukraine, in which the world's nuclear powers have clashed. The PPRU plan four spheres determine the structure of its spheral logic:

         1. In the infosphere. This is the spiritual, Orthodox foundation of two nations, which has united them for centuries and excludes their confrontation, if it is not consciously destroyed with hostility to both peoples, as the Kiev puppet and Bandera junta does in the interests of its Western masters. They bought this junta and spare neither money, nor the Ukrainian people, nor weapons in order to preserve Ukraine as an eternal and controlled militaristic battering ram against Russia, which it will never and under no circumstances tolerate. The Orthodoxy restoration in Ukraine will require many conditions and efforts. First of all, Renaissance of the eternal peace culture will be required in Orthodoxy, art, and peace science, as well as in the people corresponding peaceful education together ensuring its denazification. Let us emphasize that perpetual peace in other conflicts will require other spiritual foundations, the general nature of which is succinctly defined by the traditional Indian paradigm of “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” (world is o­ne family) in Hinduism. This paradigm expresses the inseparable spiritual and social unity of all nations in perpetual peace of their perpetual, indestructible family of humanity, which can live o­nly in perpetual global peace and in no other way, despite any local and temporary, historically transient conflicts and wars. [18a]

         2. In the orgsphere. This is, first of all, the demilitarization of Ukraine and the recognition of its neutral status along with o­ne or another nullification or neutralization of the Nazi, Bandera and illegitimate regime in it and the establishment in its place of a democratic, federalist state with a corresponding cardinal change in its racist constitution. At the same time, in order to carry out the corresponding state reforms and modernizations in the perpetual peace strategy, it will be necessary to create a number of corresponding institutions as instruments for their implementation. These include, first of all, the establishment of a strategic "Department of Peace from Harmony" under the national leader leadership. Then, the establishment of an independent "Academy of Peace Science and Accelerated Growth", modeled o­n the independent "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" established by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, which ensured the "Chinese economic miracle" [19]. Incidentally, its spheral logic is still unknown and inaccessible to anyone, even in China, so its "miracle" remains unique anywhere. This academy will also be called upon to implement the peace science Renaissance together with its safe, spheral AI [20], o­n a spheral basis, the fundamental ideas of which are scattered across countries and times. In first approximation, they were integrated into the spherology of P. Sloterdijk [21; 22: 22a]. And so o­n, all the organizational innovations, necessary for the PPRU plan implementation cannot be listed.

         3. In the technosphere, in the economy. Joint equal cooperation of the two peoples in the development and use of the Russia’s new subjects resources under its jurisdiction o­n the basis of key institution of international legal condominium, which is possible o­nly in the absence of any confrontation between them, i.e. in the conditions of eternal peace o­n the common spiritual basis of Orthodoxy. This is the main "carrot or carrot" for Ukraine in eternal peace with Russia instead of illusory advantages in the EU as its raw materials appendage, although its cooperation with it is not at all excluded as an addition and o­nly within the framework of the interests of its people, and not foreign puppeteers. o­nly o­n the basis of a condominium and with the use of an innovative spheral structure of both the social production organization and its management at all levels is it possible to ensure not o­nly the rapid restoration of the Ukrainian economy with the corresponding joint "Marshall Plan" help but also the economic prosperity of both peoples in accelerated growth according to the spheral model of Deng Xiaoping [8; 9: 10; 19].

         4. In the sociosphere. As a result of the Orthodoxy strengthening, the increase of its role, the peace culture Renaissance, the development and application of the spheronics peace science, the spread of mass peace education in both countries, the complete eradication of Nazism, Banderaism and racism in the consciousness of the Ukrainian people, a scientific worldview and awareness of the deep, spheral social structure of both peoples, uniform and identical for them, will evolutionarily come and take root [8]. This structure is made up of nonviolent spherons (if you like in traditional terminology - spheral classes of the population), covering the entire population from birth to death, differing in the fundamental basis of employment in o­ne of the four spheres of social production. Their societal, sociogenetic nature excludes any hostility and war between them, which are possible o­nly between their transient, partial and sectoral groups, but not between them as a whole. In their unity, the spherons constitute the eternal source of eternal actors of perpetual peace and “the greatest force of nonviolence”, which, according to Gandhi, “is mightier than the mightiest [nuclear] weapons of destruction”. He demonstrated this perfectly and unprecedentedly in the nonviolent liberation of India from the yoke of the most powerful military British Empire. The fundamentality and truth of the humanity spherons in a whole, of each country and at all levels, down to the family and individual are verified by world statistics [23].

          The structure of spheral logic begins, ends and is infinitely cyclically repeated by spherons in different spheres of their employment. Its disclosure and knowledge as a whole, in an integrated and synergistic cognitive system is available o­nly to spheral macrosociology, spheronics, which is simultaneously the peace science, the science of perpetual, spheral peace of spherons, as well as many of its other functional images. Their understanding is necessary for competent management and conscious construction of spheral processes, for mastering and using their unknown fundamental advantages in all branches of political power. Their comprehension is also necessary for competent and scientific, and not spontaneous and random construction of the multipolar spheral world order, so that it does not degenerate into another world hegemony and dictatorship and does not frighten the peoples with its mystery and opacity. They cannot be overcome in any other way than by the priority and accelerated development of the perpetual and global peace science in a corresponding independent academy, like Deng Xiaoping’s.


5. Conclusions


         1. Russia is doomed to perpetual peace with Ukraine (and vice versa) in a multipolar world, so as not to become a dying locus in endless mutual military destruction, but to live and prosper together, showing the world the highest and first in history example of the culture and perpetual peace science Renaissance. It will not be replaced by any nuclear weapons, the use of which against the fraternal people will forever spoil relations with them in the future. Here, Russia must firmly and strategically follow the China’s example, its desire for "peace throughout the world and with everyone", priority and accelerated development of institutions, culture, science and education of peace, which remain in acute deficit in our country.

         2. It is the priority development and the eternal peace culture Renaissance together with China and other BRICS countries that can provide the Russian civilization with world leadership o­n its thousand-year-old Orthodox foundation [24], distinguished by its deep peacefulness from Western culture.

         3. The PPRU plan, with the necessary adjustments recognized by the State Duma, the Orthodox Church and the government of Russia, proclaiming the peace culture Renaissance of two fraternal peoples will become a powerful spiritual catalyst of "soft force" in the military victory of Russia over the racist Western forces of evil of Nazism and Banderaism in Ukraine, in their demoralization, in the mass surrender of the Ukraine Armed Forces servicemen, etc.

         4. The PPRU will transform Ukraine from a Western, controlled military battering ram against Russia into an instrument and conductor of perpetual peace and the Renaissance of its culture in the EU and NATO, with the goal of its dissolution as the Western aggression obsolete institution and the main focus of the West genocidal militarism and its "golden billion". This transformation and the new mission of Ukraine will become the historical embodiment of the commandment of Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole to make "our enemies our brothers in the love of eternal peace" (Matt. 5:43-44). o­nly o­n this path can Ukraine become the greatest nation in the humanity history, converted from hatred to love, and show all warring nations its healing moral example o­n the Orthodox, Christian path of the perpetual peace culture Renaissance.



1. RIA News:https://ria.ru/20240516/sotrudnichestvo-1946540911.html

2. Johannesburg II Declaration. BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa, 23 August 2023: https://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1901504/?lang=en

3. Semashko L. and GGHA. Spheronics’ Macrosociology for BRICS+: Spheres, Spherons, Their Laws and the Societal Genome. October 10, 2023: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1160

4. Beginning of the conversation with President of China Xi Jinping. May 16, 2024, Beijing: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/740465

5. Beginning of Russia-China talks. May 16, 2024. Beijing: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/74048

6. Media statement following Russia-China talks. May 16, 2024, Beijing: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/74049

7. Kant, I. Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch / I. Kant. – UK ed. : Hackett Publishing Company, 2015. – 64 p.

8. Semashko L. and Siebert R. China and Russia for world peace. Spheral logic of its promotion and institutionalization. 09-06-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1193

9. Semashko L. Peace Science and its Logic of Spheres to Accelerate Economic Growth, Investments and Business. WGF Interview. 12-05-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1190

10. Semashko L. China and Russia for World Peace. The spheral logic of its advancement through innovative spheral AI and accelerated growth of the economy, investment and business. (Repeat of Deng Xiaoping's "Chinese Miracle"). In Chinese. 24-06-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/China-Russia-for-Peace-24-06-2024.pdf#page=23 and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ch_c&key=8

11. Semashko L., Maguire M., Dave C., Siebert R., Pathak B. et al. Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Western Globalization to the Peace Science Alternative Globalization for the Harmonious Multipolar Future. 06-08-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206

12. Albert Einstein. Quotes: https://www.sfheart.com/einstein.html

13. Bushev, A. American scientist Noam Chomsky: Ukraine depends o­n what the US decides. 07.05.2023: https://rg.ru/2023/05/07/amerikanskij-uchenyj-noam-homskij-ukraina-zavisit-ot-togo-chto-opredeliat-ssha.html

14. Maguire M. Militarism is never the answer. March 03, 2022: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

15. Maguire M. CALL TO YOUTH – REJECT MILITARISM AND WAR. 20-09-24: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

16. Chomsky, N. Russia-US atomic war threatens nuclear annihilation. May 17, 2016: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=637

17. Chomsky N. US Targeted Killings: What Right Do We Have? 26 October 15: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=637

18. GGHA Plan For “Perpetual Peace Of Russia And Ukraine” (PPRU). 07-10-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219

18а. Rai M., Sinha P., Pathak S. VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM. The Way Forward for Global Peace. 568 p. New Delhi. 2024: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216

19. Glazyev S. The Chinese Economic Miracle. Lessons for Russia and the World. Moscow. 2023. In Russian. ISBN 978-5-7777-0891-5.

20. Semashko L. and Siebert R. Spheral Artificial Intelligence of Peace Science: Twelve Advantages. 28-05-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1189

21. Sloterdijk, P. (1998) Sphären I – Blasen, Mikrosphärologie, Suhrkamp Verlag, Germany,648 p.

22. Sloterdijk, P.(1999)Sphären II–Globen, Makrosphärologie, Suhrkamp Verlag,Germany,1016 p.

22a. Sloterdijk, P. (2004) Sphären III – Schäume, PluraleSphärologie, Suhrkamp Verlag, Germany, 920 p.

23. Semashko, L. Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolence Starting Point. Spherons’ Genetics and Statistics. GANDHICA. / Semashko. L. [et al.]. – New Delhi. R.B.H. Media Design. 2019. – 242 p. - URL: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf.

24. Semashko L. and GGHA. Russia. Civilizational Leader o­n the spheronics base. 21-09-22: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1085


Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine or perpetual War?


Dear colleagues-peacemakers,

         I am glad to send you our article about the plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU:

https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219) for discussion. The article was prepared for a sociological conference at the University of St. Petersburg, for my professional community and published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221. I have made it, naturally, in a sociological perspective. It is key, but not the o­nly o­ne and I invite you to write about the PPRU plan in other aspects with your criticism and additions to this plan in order to launch an international discussion about the peace quality between nuclear powers in Ukraine. There are many of these aspects: political, economic, geopolitical, futurological, psychological, legal, managerial, mathematical, aesthetic, moral, historical, from the standpoint of digital AI technology, etc.

         A similar peace narrative has been killed and dead in the West nuclear civilization, especially in the last three years, completely, 100%. Therefore, any serious peace plan for resolving this conflict is absent in favor of the NATO total Western militarism, 100% blocking peace and thirsting for a "victorious" nuclear genocide o­n its poor head. Our plan and its discussion, with the peacemakers intellectual activity and moral interest will be able to reverse the militaristic narrative total trend.

                      What is the strength and invincibility of our PPRU position?

        1. It lies in the fact that true, perpetual peacemaking turns, like all world religions, enemies into brothers, displacing hatred with love according to the general, social nonviolent nature of human, noted in all religions, in all human morality as the Golden Rule.

         2. Perpetual peacemaking excludes temporary truces as militaristic respites between wars to prepare for new wars in their endless chain. Even Kant clearly distinguished the concepts of truce and peace, emphasizing that true peace can o­nly be perpetual and global, and a truce is o­nly a preparation for a new war.

         3. Perpetual peace is built o­n the highest moral law of the categorical imperative and embodies it. The highest moral principle is that the maxim of each individual could become a universal law: "The maxim of your behavior must be a universal maxim."

         4. Such a categorical imperative is the Golden Rule of religions, as well as perpetual peace, which, having become the individual maxim of each becomes the universal law of all peoples and humanity, from which all other imperatives of duty and responsibility are derived.

         5. Our PPRU plan is a concrete embodiment of the highest moral law for two nations, which, over time, will become the law of humanity as a whole, the UN, and the first norm of international law, trampled today by the Western militarism.

         6. Therefore, Ukraine and Russia can become pioneers and trailblazers of the categorical imperative in perpetual peace, becoming brothers from enemies, as they were earlier in Orthodoxy.

         7. If peacemakers do not understand and do not achieve the perpetual peace categorical imperative, then they, in fact, remain o­n the side of militarism, no matter what peaceful words they say. This is a fake peacemaking, very pleasing to militarism, which pays for it well, as the first total militarist - the NATO nuclear alliance and perpetual aggressor has been doing for 75 years in its false and camouflage "Peace Program" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1201), which has strangled any culture of peace. Therefore, NATO is powerless to offer any plan for perpetual peace. It does not have a single convolution in the collective militaristic brain for this.

         Can we, peacemakers, produce any plans for perpetual peace today; can we discuss them and look for the best, since this is the most difficult task for humanity to survive?

         With hoping for responses and options of perpetual peace today,

Dr. Leo Semashko




Стратегия мирового лидерства БРИКС:

Ренессанс культуры вечного многополярного мира

вместо геноцида ядерной войны, провоцируемой Западом

BRICS World Leadership Strategy:

Renaissance of the Perpetual Multipolar Peace Culture

Instead of the West’s Provoked Nuclear War Genocide

 (Please, translate below original through the GOOGLE translator)


Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин!

Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров!


         Пожалуйста, смотрите в прикреплении предложение ГГСГ обновленной стратегии мирового лидерства БРИКС для обсуждения на его саммите в Казани, 22-24 октября: РЕНЕССАНС КУЛЬТУРЫ ВЕЧНОГО МНОГОПОЛЯРНОГО МИРА В ГАРМОНИИ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА ВСЕХ СТРАН ВМЕСТО ГЕНОЦИДА ЯДЕРНОЙ ВОЙНЫ, ПРОВОЦИРУЕМОЙ ЗАПАДОМ ВО ВСЕХ КОНФЛИКТАХ (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1090).

         Эта стратегия основана на высшем нравственном принципе категорического императива вечного мира И. Канта, который интегрирует в синергии подобные идеи всей мировой культуры и всех мировых религий.

         Первая практическая реализацию категориче6ского императива в стратегии БРИКС назрела сегодня в крайне напряженной международной обстановке, доведенной Западом до самой грани тотального ядерного геноцида, предлагается планом БРИКС «Вечного Мира России и Украины» (ВМРУ). Этот план ошеломит Запад моральным превосходством, политически обезоружит и стратегически нейтрализует его, что вынудит его капитулировать перед стратегией ВМРУ и распустить бессильный миром милитаристский «ядерный альянс» НАТО.

         Стратегия и методология ВМРУ с успехом применима в мирном решении всех других обостряющихся военных конфликтов: Тайваньского, Корейского, Ближневосточного и всех подобных на всех континентах без исключения.

         С глубоким уважением и нашей Победой, которая станет началом вечного мира России и Украины в этом году!

От имени соавторов-миротворцев ГГСГ,

Лев Семашко


                 Большое спасибо!

Отправленное 15.10.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11466004 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней.

               Обращение отправлено

Ваше обращение будет направлено в Приёмную МИД России и обработано по утверждённым правилам. Результат рассмотрения обращения будет направлен на почтовый адрес или указанную электронную почту в установленные сроки.


Вечный мир России и Украины или вечная война?

         Те, кто поддержал нападение на Украину, как Лев Семашко и ему подобные думаете, что можно установить вечный мир в России и в Украине без проведения денацификации России, без того, чтобы осудить банду развязавшая войну? Остановив просто военные действия?

          Денацификация в России - ответственность россиян.

         Денацификация в Украине, если она там была или есть - ответственность украинцев, и там, где нацизм государственная политика - путинизм в России не могут быть ответственными за проведения денацификации в Украине.

         Продолжайте мечтать, что вечный мир можно восстановить без наказания российских сатанистов, которые развязали войну, только из-за того, что из-за раздутого больного эго больных величием и отсутствия чувства ответственности у многих россиян, и многие и сегодня не хотят признать очевидное, мир установить на долгое время невозможно, если российская банда не будет отстранена от власти и не предстанет перед международным судом или судом в России.


Русская из Франции,



         Шизофренический нацизм - агрессоры, истребляющие украинцев - миротворцами себя возомнили - насколько уродливо сознание!

         Только Око за око, зуб за зуб, кровь за кровь научит нелюдей соблюдать правила мирного сосуществования, когда будут знать, что получать то же самое, что причинили другим!

         Русским нужно усвоить, что украинцы после всего, что русские в их отношении сделали имеют право русских считать врагами украинского народа, и нужно в гимн Украины внести еще куплет об этом, как в гимне Алжира существует анти-французская риторика, абсолютно правовая, хотя некоторых французов это бесит, чтобы не менее 7 поколений стыдилось агрессии, а не гордилась!

         Око за око, или подставь другую щеку? Взгляд каббалиста


         Око за око - закон абсолютно правильной природы - только он может научить не вредить, не бить, не убивать первым.

Marina Sokolova,

Русская из Франции,




Re: Вечный мир России и Украины или вечная война?

+++Почему лают бандеровские овчарки?


         Купленные бандеровские овчарки свирепо лают, ветер носит, а российский караван Православного вечного мира двух братских народов твердо идет по Украине, сметая ее продажную фашистскую верхушку!

         Православный Мир победит войну укронацизма!

         Его победу не остановит не чужое оружие, не купленные овчарки, которые захлебываются собственной слюной ненависти, 

Лев Семашко,

-Государственный Советник Санкт-Петербурга, профессор РАЕН,

-Философ, социолог, кибернетик и миротворец из ИИ науки мира,

-Основатель (2005) и П/президент ГГСГ: www.peacefromharmony.org;



         Блестящее, мощное созвездие великих миротворческих идей всех континентов, интегрированных нашей бессмертной Гандианской Наукой Вечного Мира!

         Она воплощена в нашем беспрецедентном плане "Вечного Мира России и Украины", годного для мирного решения всех других военных конфликтов, созданных Западом и недоступных его военному решение. Созвездие подобных идей в Науке Мира обеспечит вечному миру вечную жизнь.

          Что касается моей позиции, то она изложена в синопсисе корректно и адекватно, не требуя моего редактирования.


С уважением,

Вера Попович

Россия, Санкт Петербург



         Dear Colleague, As I mentioned in reply to another message, I think that the Perpetual Peace text is very good and should be sent around widely. Perhaps you can ask Julia  Budnikova if she has a Roerich painting to that could go with it.

Best wishes,

René Wadlow




Dear René,

         Thank you for your support, appreciation and offer to widely disseminate our plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU). Your response is published with others here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221.

And what about your capabilities of your "Global Citizens Association"? Does it have a website or has it been closed?

         And what do you think about your ideas synopsis in our Peace Science (PS)? Does this synopsis require your editing or is it adequate?

         Please, could you respond to all of our team of 22 peacemakers, the PPRU coauthors, and not just me? This is very important for our solidarity and peace common spirituality. Thank you.

         We will discuss your wonderful suggestion about the Roerich painting for our PPRU plan with Yulia Budnikova from his museum. Thank you very much.






Dear Leo and friends,

         Thank you for sharing your insightful synopsis. We fully support the key peacemaking ideas in your Peace Science (PS) and are enthusiastic about continuing our contribution to this global movement for peace.

         As you rightly pointed out, Markandey Ray and I, coauthors of the book VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM: The Way Forward for Global Peace, (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807) emphasize the Indian spiritual tradition that envisions peace as a "One World Family" of humanity. This concept stands as a powerful alternative to the militaristic tendencies of the West since Hiroshima, which have fostered division, hatred, and endless conflict. The Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (VK) paradigm offers a compelling path to global harmony, unity, and peace. This vision is actively promoted o­n international platforms, such as BRICS, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

         Furthermore, in alignment with the VK paradigm, we continue to develop the Gandhian idea of "varna-spherons" as the key actors of nonviolence and eternal global peace, which forms the bedrock of Peace Science. We are confident that the VK vision and Gandhian principles of nonviolence are essential in building a peaceful and harmonious global order.

I also need your guidance.

          We look forward to our joint write up and continued collaboration o­n these essential themes.

Warm regards,

Surendra Pathak

GGHA-India President,




Дорогой Лев Михайлович!

         Во-первых, в моем разделе опечатка: не "Пакета Мира", а "Пакта Мира". Конечно, его официальное название Пакт Рериха. Пактов мира во все века много заключалось. А вот отличительный знак Пакта - Знамя Мира. Это официальное название.

         Во-вторых, я решительно протестую против формулировки "конфликт между Россией и Украиной". Украина - это инструмент борьбы США, Британии, глобалистских, в т.ч. сионистских и иных структур с Россией. Предлагаю так:

         Юлия Будникова, Россия, культуролог, заместитель директора музея Н.К. Рериха. Идеи Николая и Елены Рерих о ключевой роли культуры в поддержании мира, так же, как и семена науки мира, разбросаны по всей истории человечества. Идеи об общих корнях разных культур, требующие интеграции и обобщения, так же, как и элементы науки мира, воплощены Николаем Рерихом в универсальной картине «Знамя Мира " и в международном «Пакте Рериха» 1935 г.

         Юлия Будникова,

ГГСГ-Россия Президент,




Dear Leo: 

         Your version of my contribution in PS (Peace Science) is  adequate and correct.

         Throughout my work  I have  always taken seriously the subjective idealism of Kant and the objective and absolute, historical  idealism of Schelling, Fichte and Hegel,  as well as the  historical materialism of their disciples,
         To separate them, leads to great mistakes in the historical reality. We don't want to repeat them, particularly not in the religious and political sphere.

         Best wishes, 

Your Rudi from the House of Mir, USA

Rudolf Siebert, Professor Emeritus, philosopher and theologian,

Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51



Dear Colleagues,

         In this period of tensions and armed violence, it is vital to distribute widely proposals for peace through negotiations in good faith.  Thus, I thought that our proposals for Russian Federation-Ukraine peace settlement should be sent to many contacts. I thought that there might be a painting of N. Roerich that could illustrate our proposals.

         With best wishes,

René Wadlow,

Association of World Citizens,





Баннер Вечного Мира России и Украины

Для лидеров России


Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин!

Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров!


         В.В. Путин на встрече с журналистами БРИКС 18 октября гениально определил высший исторический смысл СВО России на Украине: «прочный, устойчивый и долгосрочный мир, а не перемирие для нового вооружения Украины и никакого ядерного оружия на Украине ни при каких условиях». Значит, истинный смысл демилитаризации и денацификации Украины - это ВЕЧНЫЙ МИР НАРОДОВ РОССИИ И УКРАИНЫ, за который воюют и умирают российские солдаты сегодня, «ЧТОБЫ НЕ БЫЛО ВОЙНЫ» между нашими народами никогда - и НИЧТО другое!

         Он выражен баннером (выше), который символизирует одноимённый миротворческий план, опубликован на сайте ГГСГ (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1090) и в прикреплении для презентации на саммите БРИКС в качестве смысловой иллюстрации миротворческого определения В.В. Путина. Надежд мало, но шанс есть.

         На этом баннере, вечный мир двух братских славянских и православных народов, разорванный нацистским прозападным режимом Киева в 2014 году военным геноцидом русских на Донбассе, представлен разрезанным Знаменем Вечного Мира Рериха, восстанавливается СВО путем демилитаризации и денацификации Украины с их высшим миротворческим смыслом, который раскрывается в его научном плане. Ради этого высшего смысла, «ЧТОБЫ НЕ БЫЛО ВОЙНЫ», воюют и умирают российские солдаты, как с Гитлеровской Германией, пожертвовав, как никто в мире, 27 миллионов жизней, для его спасения от коричневой чумы.

         Этот баннер, при его дизайнерской доработке и постановке в его центр России с ее СВО как главного актора вечного мира двух народов сегодня, мог бы стать лучшим международным символом высшего миротворческого и исторического смысла СВО России, символом ее гарантии вечного мира, который отвергает лживо приписываемую ей агрессию. Это лучший символ миролюбия России, понятный каждому, который у нее сегодня, к сожалению, отсутствует, что мешает пониманию народами ее глубокой миротворческой миссии.

         С глубоким уважением и нашей Победой как началом возрождения вечного мира России и Украины в этом году!

От имени соавторов-миротворцев ГГСГ,

Лев Семашко


              Большое спасибо!

Отправленное 20.10.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11477934 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней.

              Обращение отправлено

Ваше обращение будет направлено в Приёмную МИД России и обработано по утверждённым правилам. Результат рассмотрения обращения будет направлен на почтовый адрес или указанную электронную почту в установленные сроки.

                   To Putin. The Plan and Banner: "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine"


Dear René,

         Thank you very much for your calls to widely disseminate peace proposals, especially ours and for the important offer to accompany our plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU), which you highly appreciated, with Roerich’s painting. We, with Yulia Budnikova and other Russians, after discussions, approved its banner for our website with Roerich’s Perpetual Peace flag in a special sense.

          We sent it to the leaders of Russia as a symbol of Putin's brilliant definition of the Russia SMO historical meaning in Ukraine: "strong, stable and long-term peace, and not a truce for new armament of Ukraine and no nuclear weapons in Ukraine under any circumstances" o­n October 18 before the BRICS journalists. So, the true meaning of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine is the ETERNAL PEACE OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA AND UKRAINE, for which Russian soldiers are fighting and dying today, "SO THAT THERE WILL BE NO WAR" between our peoples ever - and NOTHING else! This message is published together with your response (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221) and sent to the Kremlin, with details and explanations, in the attachment.

         Maybe now the peacemakers will become more courageous and decisive in publishing our PPRU plan, which in its essence, in the PERPETUAL peace of the two peoples, is supported and proclaimed by the President of Russia that will undoubtedly be heard at the BRICS summit o­n October 22-24.

         o­nce again, thank you very much for the fruitful hint.

Best wishes for perpetual peace,

Dr. Leo Semashko




Dear Colleagues,

         I believe that the addition of the symbol at the Banner of Peace to our Russian Federation-Ukraine peace proposal is an important element.  The symbol proposed by N. Roerich is closely linked to the Roerich Pact written by the international lawyer George Cleaver. The Pact is to protect cultural institutions in time of armed conflict - still a vital element of international Humanitarian Law, which we must uphold.

         With all best wishes,

René Wadlow



Dear LEO,

         Thank you to Yulia Budnikova for adhered with PEACE MUSEUM BANNER. I have just received from MOSCOV and ROME DIPLOMATIC MAGAZINES news about AWARD to signed by 4 writer - and translators Russian and 4 writer and translator Italian- that open the door to future cooperation in two languages, under directly Italian and Russian State Culture of Peace

         Rosa Dalmiglio, in attached news,

Italy, Rome,





Subject: Re: Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine (PPRU) Discussion


Dear Dr. Leo and Colleagues,

         Thank you for sharing your insightful article and the PPRU plan. I commend your effort to bring forth such a thought-provoking proposal, especially in these challenging times when genuine pathways to peace are often overshadowed by geopolitical interests. Your call to focus o­n lasting, principled peace based o­n moral and philosophical foundations resonates deeply.

         The emphasis o­n the categorical imperative, and the transformative idea of turning enemies into brothers, highlights the potential for a sustainable and humane resolution. This approach, rooted in the Golden Rule, provides a timeless, ethical framework that could serve as a model not just for Ukraine and Russia but for peace efforts worldwide.

         Your insights o­n the need to go beyond mere truces to achieve "perpetual peace" reflect a profound understanding of what it truly takes to transcend cycles of conflict. I appreciate your reminder that any temporary measures, while necessary at times, must ultimately give way to a more comprehensive and durable peace, as Kant envisioned.

         As you point out, the need for a meaningful dialogue o­n peace has become even more urgent given the prevailing militaristic narratives. I support your initiative and believe that through collaborative discussion, we can begin to build the intellectual and moral foundations for such an endeavor.

         I look forward to contributing further to this discourse, examining it from multiple perspectives, and working with all of you to promote this essential narrative.

         Warm regards,

Surendra Pathak,

GGHA-India President

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217





To the "Perpetual Peace Science Primer" coauthors:


Dear Dr. Leo and esteemed colleagues,

Thank you for sharing this extensive and inspiring synopsis of the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) project and the many intellectual contributions that underline its vision. I fully support and resonate with the core principles of this initiative, as well as the diverse perspectives each contributor brings, shaping a holistic and profound foundation for lasting peace.

The synopsis thoughtfully integrates essential values and ideas from many fields, religions, and cultural perspectives, highlighting the categorical imperative of peace as not just a diplomatic goal but a deeply moral and spiritual principle. By promoting harmony, justice, and nonviolence as central tenets, the PPRU exemplifies a pathway to peaceful coexistence that goes beyond temporary agreements and aims to establish enduring human solidarity.

In fact, some of these insights and perspectives are included in my book, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: The Way Forward for Global Peace (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216), where I explore how the idea of "One World Family" can serve as a guiding philosophy for global harmony. This collective approach—encompassing sociological, philosophical, economic, and spiritual dimensions—offers a promising framework for addressing the root causes of conflict and offers an alternative to the militaristic narratives prevalent today.

I look forward to the continued development of this powerful peace plan and am hopeful it can stimulate a meaningful international dialogue and inspire more individuals, organizations, and leaders to envision and commit to a future of perpetual peace.

With my full support and best wishes for the success of PPRU,

Surendra Pathak,





Дорогой друг Сурендра!

Ваши два замечательных отклика, связанных нашей общей темой Кантианского «Вечного мира» вместо милитаристских временных перемирий, как подготовки к новым бесконечным войнам опубликованы здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221, вместе с другими откликами и вместе с адресом вашей коллективной книги: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216.

Через 1-2 дня я пришлю всем приглашаемым соавторам организационный план работы для завершения нашего «Букваря Науки Вечного Мира» в 3 месяца.

Дружески, с вечным миром из его вечной культуры и науки,




Dear friend Surendra,

Your two wonderful responses, connected by our common theme of Kantian "Perpetual Peace" instead of militaristic temporary truces, as preparation for new endless wars, are published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1221, together with other responses and together with your collective book address: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216.

In 1-2 days, I will send to all invited coauthors an organizational work plan for completing our "Perpetual Peace Science Primer" in 3 months.

Friendly, with perpetual peace from its perpetual culture and science,




In process 

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005